Ways to detect 2D collision other than OnCollisionEnter2D - c#

This might come off as a stupid question, but in an if statement, is it possible to check if the object is currently colliding with another object?
Here is what I had thought of initially (in the code snipit bellow) but for some odd reason that I can't figure out, the variable onFloor is sometimes false when the object is being pushed upwards by the Platform.
void OnCollisionEnter2D(Collision2D c)
case "Platform":
onFloor = true;
void OnCollisionExit2D(Collision2D c)
case "Platform":
onFloor = false;
And for that reason, I am asking if there are any ways to detect if the circle collider of said object is colliding with box collider of intersecting object while in code.
something like
if(CircleCollider2D.CollidingObject != null && CircleCollider2D.CollidingObject.tag == "Platform")
{ /*Code I'd like to do here*/ }
Now that's only my imagination trying to think of some way of it that could work but you get the point.
So, I ask, are there any solutions for my imagination?
After discussing with Programmer, IsTouching is underlined and giving the error: 'Collider2D' does not contain a definition for 'IsTouching' and no extension method 'IsTouching' accepting a first argument of type 'Collider2D' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?).
Here is the slimmed down code:
using UnityEngine;
public class Ball : MonoBehaviour
Vector2 jumpVelocity;
public Collision2D platform;
// Use this for initialization
void Start()
jumpVelocity = new Vector2(0, rigidbody2D.gravityScale * 100);
void FixedUpdate()
if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Space) && collider2D.IsTouching(platform))
rigidbody2D.AddForce(jumpVelocity, ForceMode2D.Force);
note that even changing collider2D to a Collision2D variable and taking that variable.collider.IsTouching results the same error.

Are there different solutions than OnCollisionEnter2D
Yes. Many of them!
CircleCollider2D, other 2D colliders and its base class Collision2D, have built in functions to do this.
public bool IsTouching(Collider2D collider); //Check collision by the provided collider
public bool IsTouchingLayers(); //Check collision by any collision
public bool IsTouchingLayers(int layerMask); //Check collision by layer
public bool OverlapPoint(Vector2 point); //Check collision by position
The first function is more appropriate for this.
Simple Example:
Collision2D collider1;
Collision2D collider2;
void Update()
//Checks if collider1 is touching with collider2
if (collider1.collider.IsTouching(collider2.collider))
Example with the OnCollisionEnter2D function:
public CircleCollider2D myCircleCollider;
void OnCollisionEnter2D(Collision2D c)
if (c.collider.IsTouching(myCircleCollider))

Maybe what you are looking for is the OnCollisionStay method, this one will fire as long as they are touching each other.
There is some more info in the link here: https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/Collider2D.OnCollisionStay2D.html


Setting Up Skill in Unity

These past month+ I learned many things by making a game in Unity.I have a lot of fun doing so. But some thing are still confusing me. I'm trying to setup a skill to the character and it goes almost well. When the character is casting the skill, the skill goes behind the character and not in front. So i thought to play with positions and rotations to make it work but still nothing. Worth to mention that the prefab has it's own motion. So my code so far is this. So help would be great and some teaching about the logic behind the skills system would be much appreciated. So take a look:
using UnityEngine;
public class MagicSkill : MonoBehaviour
public GameObject hand; // Players right hand
public GameObject fireballPrefab; // Fireball particle
Vector3 fireballPos; // Adding the transform.position from the players hand
Quaternion fireballRot; // Adding the rotation of the players hand
private bool isPressed = false; //Skill button (mobile)
public Animator animator; // Casting spell animation
void Update()
fireballPos = hand.transform.position; // Getting the position of the hand for Instatiating
fireballRot.x = hand.transform.rotation.x; // Getting the rotation of the hand for x Axis
fireballRot.y = hand.transform.rotation.y; // Getting the rotation of the hand for y Axis (Here i try to modify the values but still nothing)
fireballRot.z = hand.transform.rotation.z; // Getting the rotation of the hand for z Axis
if (isPressed == true)
animator.SetBool("Magic", true);
if (hand.transform.position.y >= 20) // Here I got the exact position of the hand for when to
Instatiate the skill
for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) // For some reason it instatiates too many prefabs (I think it's because it's in Update method)
Instantiate(fireballPrefab, fireballPos, Quaternion.Euler(fireballRot.x, fireballRot.y, fireballRot.z));
Invoke("Update", 2.0f); // I'm trying to slow down the pressed button so that it want spawn every frame
animator.SetBool("Magic", false);
public void MagicSkills()
if (isPressed == false)
isPressed = true;
isPressed = false;
After some playing around with the code I managed to find a solution.Here I post the working code for me at least.Maybe it will help someone else too.For this to work properly you must remove the Event Trigger OnPointerUp from your button.Many thanks for the help Guilherme Schaidhauer Castro
using UnityEngine;
public class MagicSkill : MonoBehaviour
public GameObject hand; // Players right hand
public GameObject fireballPrefab; // Fireball particle
public Animator animator; // Casting spell animation
Vector3 fireballPos; // Adding the transform.position from the players hand
private bool isPressed = false; //Skill button (mobile)
void Update()
fireballPos = hand.transform.position; // Getting the position of the hand for Instatiating
if (isPressed == true)
animator.SetBool("Magic", true);
if (hand.transform.position.y >= 20) // Here I got the exact position of the hand for when to Instatiate the skill
Instantiate(fireballPrefab, fireballPos, Quaternion.identity);
isPressed = false;
animator.SetBool("Magic", false);
public void MagicSkills()
if (isPressed == false)
isPressed = true;
isPressed = false;
Keep a reference to the character's transform and use that transform to instantiate the fireball instead of using the rotation from the hand. The rotation of the hand is not changing in relation to the body, so that's why the ball is always going in the same direction.

Trying to program a 2D Unity code that shows if my character is grounded or not and it's not working

How can I make the ground so that the character recognize that it is ground? I'm trying to do a 2D jump movement. It's either the Collisions2D couldn't find GetComponent or the game works but the character doesn't jump at all.
error CS1061: 'Collision2D' does not contain a definition for
'GetComponent' and no accessible extension method 'GetComponent'
accepting a first argument of type 'Collision2D' could be found
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class Grounded : MonoBehaviour
GameObject Player;
void Start()
Player = GetComponentInParent<GameObject>();
void Update(){
void OnCollisionEnter2D(Collision2D col) {
if (col.GetComponent<Collider2D>().tag == "Ground") {
Player.GetComponent<Move2D>().isGrounded = true;
void OnCollisionExit2D(Collision2D col) {
if (col.GetComponent<Collider2D>().tag == "Ground") {
Player.GetComponent<Move2D>().isGrounded = false;
Try using col.collider.tag == "Ground" instead.
col.collider refers to the incomming collider, in your case ground. Because that's the collider that you're colliding with (only when you touch the ground of course).
col.otherCollider can be used to call the other collider, in your case the player itself. This can be useful when have a lot of collisions.
Feel free to ask for more help is this wasn't enough.

Unity 5 - Physics.OverlapSphere not working

I'm working on my first Unity game and I'm having a problem with this script.
void FixedUpdate ()
Debug.Log ("dead is " + dead);
dead = Physics.OverlapSphere (frontCheck.position, radius, whatIsWall);
if (dead == true)
Debug.Log ("Player died!");
Invoke ("Reset", 1);
void Reset()
SceneManager.LoadScene ("Game");
I'm trying to make the bool dead true when the player runs into a wall, using a transform in front of the player. I was using Physics2D.OverLapPoint and it worked fine, but I had to change player's physics to 3D. I'm trying to use OverLapSphere now, but Im getting an error message "Cannot implicitly convert type UnityEngine.Collider[] to bool. What should I do to make this work? Im very much a beginner to Unity and coding in general, so it's probably a simple fix. Maybe I just need to try something else? thanks.
Better Approach
I believe a better approach to detect collisions is using OnColissionEnter.
That way you can have a simple check such as:
void OnCollisionEnter(Collision col) {
if (col.gameObject.tag == "Wall"){
dead = true;
Here is a short tutorial on that: https://unity3d.com/learn/tutorials/topics/physics/detecting-collisions-oncollisionenter
Using OverlapSphere
If for some reason you prefer OverlapSphere, then you need to know that it doesn't return a bool as you are expecting. Instead, it returns all colliders that overlap with the sphere.
I believe what you are looking for is:
void FixedUpdate ()
Debug.Log ("dead is " + dead);
Collider[] hitColliders = = Physics.OverlapSphere (frontCheck.position, radius, whatIsWall);
if (hitColliders.length != 0) {
Debug.Log ("Player died!");
Invoke ("Reset", 1);
What should I do to make this work?
I personally would use different approach then overlap. One of the easiest solutions is to use colliders and object tags.
To answer why is your code not working. It is mainly because variable "dead" is not bool and 'UnityEngine.Collider[]' cant be value "true".
This is example of Unity prefab 1st person controller which have assigned following script. After that all object which have any collider and tag set ro "red" will so to speak react to scrip.In this case it will write "I have collided with trigger"+something.
using UnityEngine;
public class collisionTest : MonoBehaviour {
void OnTriggerEnter(Collider trigg)
if (trigg.gameObject.tag == "Red")
Debug.Log("I have collided with trigger" + trigg.gameObject.name);
//do your stuff

unity OnTriggerStay2D() for two triggers

I am using unity 5 c# and I have a gameobject with 2 trigger colliders one of them is in a different location.
I need to be able to use OnTriggerStay2D and OnTriggerEnter2D for them but I need to find what trigger is being entered. Right now if I enter the 1st(polygon) trigger the OnTriggerEnter activates for the 2nd(box).
How can I Tell the two colliders apart???
public void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D other) //2nd collider trigger
if (other.tag == "Player") {
Found = true; //if the player is in shooting range
Idle = false;
public void OnTriggerStay2D(Collider2D other) //1st collider trigger
if (Found != true) {
if (other.tag == "Player") {
Shield = true;
Idle = false;
public void OnTriggerExit2D(Collider2D other) //2nd collider trigger
if (other.tag == "Player") {
Found = false;
Shield = false;
Shooting = false;
Idle = true;
I have tried making the 1st trigger public void OnTriggerStay2D(PolygonCollider2D other) but it says "This message parameter has to be of type: Collider2D
The message will be ignored."
What I am trying to do is have a polygon trigger in front of the gameobject and a different box trigger closer to the gameobject so when you go near the gameobject you enter the 1st trigger and it puts its shield up but when you get close to it (within shooting range of it) it will put its shield down and start shooting you.
Well collider2d detects all types of 2d colliders. It doesn't matter if it's polygon or just a box. As the documentation suggestions it doesn't need to be public or private. It only takes a collider2d as it's argument however.
For debugging purposes why not use print?
Print("you've entered the trigger function");
Also I wouldn't use 2 different trigger colliders on the same GameObject. Why not just make 2 separate gameobjects so you can have more thorough detection. Each GameObject with its own trigger collider can have different tags.
If you have to use 2 trigger colliders on one object. Which isn't the best idea. You could use shapeCount to determine which one it's hitting. Although like I said I would warrant against doing 2 trigger colliders on the same object when whatever you're trying to do can be easier on two separate objects.
However links aren't usually prohibited I think. I would watch and study these videos. They're very useful for explaining the engine and they really aren't even that long.
They even have a video explaining 2d colliders.
This is my fix. In one of my games I have a boulder, I have a trigger which will delete a block below it so it falls, I then have another trigger which tells the boulder to start moving left or right I then also have another trigger which will delete the boulder once the boulder comes in contact.
So what you can do is create 2 new game objects, create a new CS file and name them appropriately, then with those two new classes allow them to take in the gameobject you are referring to in your question.
Then when they are triggered you can use code from their class.
So your first class would become something like this
public void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D other)
if (other.tag == "Player") {
Enemy.Found = true; //if the player is in shooting range
Enemy.Idle = false;
public void OnTriggerExit2D(Collider2D other)
if (other.tag == "Player") {
Then the other class would be something like this
public void OnTriggerStay2D(Collider2D other)
if (Enemy.Found != true) {
if (other.tag == "Player") {
Enemy.Shield = true;
IEnemy.dle = false;
public void OnTriggerExit2D(Collider2D other)
if (other.tag == "Player") {
Then in your Enemy class you would have
public void Exit2DTrigger()
Found = false;
Shield = false;
Shooting = false;
Idle = true;
P.S. also don't you need to use other.gameObject.tag == "Player" ?

Collision with enemy to inflict damage

I'm having some problems with Unity. I'm trying to make it so that if an enemy collides with the player, the player loses a health point. My C# code is below.
before you look at the code, I wanted to say that the enemies are rigid bodies so that the object bullets can affect them. I made an extra capsule to be a part of the player body that can be a rigid body so that the code can detect the collision. Do you think that would work? I'm unsure if it's easier for a rigid body to detect another rigid-body collision or if it doesn't care.
public class playerhealth : MonoBehaviour {
private int curHealth;
private int playerLives;
public GUIText winText;
public GUIText healthText;
public GUIText livesText;
void Start() {
curHealth = 3;
playerLives = 3;
winText.text = "";
void FixedUpdate()
// where physics codes go
void OnCollisionEnter(Collider rigidbody) {
if (rigidbody.gameObject.tag == "Enemy") {
curHealth = curHealth - 1;
if (rigidbody.gameObject.tag == "reloader") {
playerLives = playerLives - 1;
// setting GUI TEXT and reloading level
void SetHealthText() {
healthText.text = "Health Points: " + curHealth.ToString();
if (curHealth <= 0) {
playerLives = playerLives - 1;
if(curHealth >= 10) {
playerLives+= 1;
void SetLivesText() {
livesText.text = "Lives: " + playerLives.ToString();
if (playerLives <= 0) {
winText.text = "GAME OVER";
You're making a number of assumptions here, some of which are wrong. I'll try to point them out.
Adding a RigidBody to a gameobject is the right idea, but it's the Collider component that determines the shape and size of the object's collision. Consider adding a BoxCollider, SphereCollider or CapsuleCollider to both.
I assume you're having trouble getting the objects to actually collide, this may be the solution.
void OnCollisionEnter(Collider rigidbody){
The parameter you've named 'rigidbody' is not guaranteed to be a RigidBody component. According to documentation
The Collision class contains information about contact points, impact velocity etc.
The proper syntax for OnCollisionEnter has a Collision parameter, not a Collider.
To access the rigidbody on the Collider, you'd have to use getcomponent on the object found by the Collider and check if the RigidBody component exists. I'm not sure this is what you're after, but the misleading parameter name should be checked.
Anyway you've got the right idea regarding comparing a Collider's gameobject by tag. All you need to do is enforce the tag on the object, either in the editor or through code.
You are using this:
void OnCollisionEnter(Collider collision) {
Collider is used for Ontrigger...
Try this:
void OnCollisionEnter(Collision collision) {
Hope this help ! :)
You try to this may help full also
void OnCollisionEnter(Collision collision)
Documentation is :

