Attaching a debugger to code running in another app domain programmatically - c#

I am working on a Visual Studio extension and one of it's functions creates a new app domain and load an assembly into that app domain. Then it runs some functions in the app domain. What I'd like to do, and am not sure if it's possible, is have my extension attach a debugger to the code running in the new app domain so when that code fails, I can actually see what's going on. Right now I'm flying blind and debugging the dynamical loaded assembly is a pain.
So I have a class that creates my app domain something like this:
domain = AppDomain.CreateDomain("Test_AppDomain",
And then creates an object like this:
myCollection = domain.CreateInstanceAndUnwrap(
new object[] { assemblyPath }, null, null);
MyCollection does something like this in it's constructor:
_assembly = Assembly.LoadFrom(assemblyPath);
So now that assembly has been loaded into Test_AppDomain since the MyCollection object was created in that domain. And it's that loaded assembly that I need to be able to attach the debugger to.
At some point myCollection creates an instance of an object and hooks up some events:
currentObject = Activator.CreateInstance(objectType) as IObjectBase;
proxy.RunRequested += (o, e) => { currentObject?.Run(); };
And basically where I have the handler for RunRequested and it runs currentObject?.Run(), I want to have a debugger attached, although it probably wouldn't be a problem (and may actually work better) if the debugger was attached earlier.
So is there a way to achieve this? Is it possible to programmatically attach a debugger when the user triggers the event that will lead to the Run function of the object created in the new AppDomain being called? How do I get the debugger attached to that (and not the extension itself)?
I tried something like this:
var processes = dte.Debugger.LocalProcesses.Cast<EnvDTE.Process>();
var currentProcess = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id;
var process = processes.FirstOrDefault(p => p.ProcessID == currentProcess);
But it seems the id from System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id doesn't exist within LocalProcesses?

Even though you likely have already moved on, I found the problem very fascinating (and related to what I've been researching to blog about). So I gave it a shot as an experiment - I wasn't sure how you intended to trigger the Run() method with events (and even if it was material for your use case) so I opted for a simple method call.
Injecting Debugger.Launch()
as a PoC I ended up IL-emitting a derived class and injecting a debugger launch call before passing it onto dynamically loaded method:
public static object CreateWrapper(Type ServiceType, MethodInfo baseMethod)
var asmBuilder = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.DefineDynamicAssembly(new AssemblyName($"newAssembly_{Guid.NewGuid()}"), AssemblyBuilderAccess.Run);
var module = asmBuilder.DefineDynamicModule($"DynamicAssembly_{Guid.NewGuid()}");
var typeBuilder = module.DefineType($"DynamicType_{Guid.NewGuid()}", TypeAttributes.Public, ServiceType);
var methodBuilder = typeBuilder.DefineMethod("Run", MethodAttributes.Public | MethodAttributes.NewSlot);
var ilGenerator = methodBuilder.GetILGenerator();
ilGenerator.EmitCall(OpCodes.Call, typeof(Debugger).GetMethod("Launch", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public), null);
ilGenerator.EmitCall(OpCodes.Call, baseMethod, null);
* the generated method would be roughly equivalent to:
* new void Run()
* {
* Debugger.Launch();
* base.Run();
* }
var wrapperType = typeBuilder.CreateType();
return Activator.CreateInstance(wrapperType);
Triggering the method
Creating a wrapper for loaded method seems to be as easy as defining a dynamic type and picking a correct method from target class:
var wrappedInstance = DebuggerWrapperGenerator.CreateWrapper(ServiceType, ServiceType.GetMethod("Run"));
wrappedInstance.GetType().GetMethod("Run")?.Invoke(wrappedInstance, null);
Moving on to AppDomain
The above bits of code don't seem to care much for where the code will run, but when experimenting I discovered that I'm able to ensure the code is in correct AppDomain by either leveraging .DoCallBack() or making sure that my Launcher helper is created with .CreateInstanceAndUnwrap():
public class Program
const string PathToDll = #"..\..\..\ClassLibrary1\bin\Debug\ClassLibrary1.dll";
static void Main(string[] args)
var appDomain = AppDomain.CreateDomain("AppDomainInMain", AppDomain.CurrentDomain.Evidence, AppDomain.CurrentDomain.SetupInformation);
appDomain.DoCallBack(() =>
var launcher = new Launcher(PathToDll);
public class Program
const string PathToDll = #"..\..\..\ClassLibrary1\bin\Debug\ClassLibrary1.dll";
static void Main(string[] args)
public class Launcher : MarshalByRefObject
private Type ServiceType { get; }
public Launcher(string pathToDll)
var assembly = Assembly.LoadFrom(pathToDll);
ServiceType = assembly.GetTypes().SingleOrDefault(t => t.Name == "Class1");
public void Run()
var wrappedInstance = DebuggerWrapperGenerator.CreateWrapper(ServiceType, ServiceType.GetMethod("Run"));
wrappedInstance.GetType().GetMethod("Run")?.Invoke(wrappedInstance, null);
public static void RunInNewAppDomain(string pathToDll)
var appDomain = AppDomain.CreateDomain("AppDomainInLauncher", AppDomain.CurrentDomain.Evidence, AppDomain.CurrentDomain.SetupInformation);
var launcher = appDomain.CreateInstanceAndUnwrap(typeof(Launcher).Assembly.FullName, typeof(Launcher).FullName, false, BindingFlags.Public|BindingFlags.Instance,
null, new object[] { pathToDll }, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, null);
(launcher as Launcher)?.Run();

One way to get around this is to generate another assembly with a function that will take in a MethodInfo object and simply call System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Launch() and then the given MethodInfo, and then all you have to do is unwrap that assembly's function call it with whatever Method's Info you want to start the actual domain in, and your good it will enable the debugger and then call the method you want it to start in.


Effective way to invoke generic interface method in runtime

I'm working on the some kind of EventSourcing architecture and have 2 main concepts in my app - events and handlers.
Events example:
class NewRecordCreated: EventMessage {...}
And there some handlers looks like:
class WriteDBHandler: IEventHandler<NewRecordCreated>, IEventHandler<RecordUpdated> {
public void Handle(NewRecordCreated eventMessage) {...}
public void Handle(RecordUpdated eventMessage) {...}
And also I have custom implementation of queue protocol which dispatch events to proper handlers. So basically on app startup I parse assembly and create mapping between event and handlers based on types.
So when I actually dispatching events to handlers I based on event type getting chain of handler's types - something like var handlerChain = [typeof(WriteDbHandler), typeof(LogHandler), typeof(ReadModelUpdateHandler)] and for each of those handlers I need to invoke it's instance, then cast it to proper interface (IEventHandler<>) and than invoke Handle method.
But I can't cast to generic interface, since it's not possible. I think about options of implementing non generic version of interface, but it's seems quite unpleasant for me to add extra method implementation each time, especially if there no any real reasons for it.
I think about dynamic invocation or reflection, but both of this variants seems have performance issues. Maybe you could advice me some suitable alternatives?
Using reflection
Rather than trying to cast to IEventHandler<>, you can instead use reflection to get a reference to the method you need to invoke. The code below is a good example. It simplifies the "queue protocol" for sake of brevity, but it should sufficiently illustrate the reflection that you need to do.
class MainClass
public static void Main(string [] args)
var a = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
Dictionary<Type, List<Type>> handlerTypesByMessageType = new Dictionary<Type, List<Type>>();
// find all types in the assembly that implement IEventHandler<T>
// for some value(s) of T
foreach (var t in a.GetTypes())
foreach (var iface in t.GetInterfaces())
if (iface.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(IEventHandler<>))
var messageType = iface.GetGenericArguments()[0];
if (!handlerTypesByMessageType.ContainsKey(messageType))
handlerTypesByMessageType[messageType] = new List<Type>();
// get list of events
var messages = new List<EventMessage> {
new NewRecordCreated("one"),
new RecordUpdated("two"),
new RecordUpdated("three"),
new NewRecordCreated("four"),
new RecordUpdated("five"),
// process all events
foreach (var msg in messages)
var messageType = msg.GetType();
if (!handlerTypesByMessageType.ContainsKey(messageType))
throw new NotImplementedException("No handlers for that type");
if (handlerTypesByMessageType[messageType].Count < 1)
throw new NotImplementedException("No handlers for that type");
// look up the handlers for the message type
foreach (var handlerType in handlerTypesByMessageType[messageType])
var handler = Activator.CreateInstance(handlerType);
// look up desired method by name and parameter type
var handlerMethod = handlerType.GetMethod("Handle", new Type[] { messageType });
handlerMethod.Invoke(handler, new object[]{msg});
I compiled this and ran it on my machine and got what I believe are the correct results.
Using run-time code generation
If reflection is not fast enough for your purposes, you can compile code on-the-fly for each input message type and execute that.
The System.Reflection.Emit namespace has facilities for doing just that.
You can define a dynamic method (not to be confused with the dynamic keyword, which is something else), and emit a sequence if IL opcodes that will run each handler in the list in sequence.
public static Dictionary<Type, Action<EventMessage>> GenerateHandlerDelegatesFromTypeLists(Dictionary<Type, List<Type>> handlerTypesByMessageType)
var handlersByMessageType = new Dictionary<Type, Action<EventMessage>>();
foreach (var messageType in handlerTypesByMessageType.Keys)
var handlerTypeList = handlerTypesByMessageType[messageType];
if (handlerTypeList.Count < 1)
throw new NotImplementedException("No handlers for that type");
var method =
new DynamicMethod(
"handler_" + messageType.Name,
new [] { typeof(EventMessage) });
var gen = method.GetILGenerator();
foreach (var handlerType in handlerTypeList)
var handlerCtor = handlerType.GetConstructor(new Type[0]);
var handlerMethod =
handlerType.GetMethod("Handle", new Type[] { messageType });
// create an object of the handler type
gen.Emit(OpCodes.Newobj, handlerCtor);
// load the EventMessage passed as an argument
// call the handler object's Handle method
gen.Emit(OpCodes.Callvirt, handlerMethod);
var del = (Action<EventMessage>)method.CreateDelegate(
handlersByMessageType[messageType] = del;
Then, instead of invoking the handlers with handlerMethod.Invoke(handler, new object[]{msg}), you just call the delegate like any other, with handlersByMessageType[messageType](msg).
Full code listing here.
The actual code generation is done in the GenerateHandlerDelegatesFromTypeLists method.
It instantiates a new DynamicMethod, gets its associated ILGenerator, and then emits opcodes for each handler in turn.
For each handler type, it will instantiate a new object of that handler type, load the event message onto the stack, and then execute the Handle method for that message type on the handler object.
This is of course assuming that the handler types all have zero-parameter constructors.
If you need to pass arguments to the constructors, though, you'll have to modify it considerably.
There are other ways to speed this up even more.
If you relax the requirement to create a new handler object with every message, then you could just create the objects while generating the code, and load them.
In that case, replace gen.Emit(OpCodes.Newobj, handlerCtor) with gen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldobj, handlerObjectsByType[handlerType]).
That gives you two benefits:
1. you're avoiding an allocation on every message
2. you can instantiate the objects any way you want when you populate the handlerObjectsByType dictionary. You can even use constructors with parameters or factory methods.

FakeItEasy Action parameter in UnitTest, but still execute inner Action code

I'm currently making some UnitTests for some new features I've added to our ASP.NET project (no it's not test-driving design). We use the NHibernate framework and use the UnitTest Mock-ing library FakeItEasy.
I have the following class & method which I want to test:
public class Round
public static Round Create(List<Company> activeCompanies, Period period,
BusinessUser user, BusinessUser systemUser,
ISession session, IEntityQuery entityQuery,
RoundProcessBuilder processBuilder)
var round = new Round
Processes = new List<Process>();
Period = period,
CreationDate = DateTime.Now,
CreatedBy = user
// Save the Round in the DB so we can use it's Id in the Processes:
foreach (var company in activeCompanies)
var companyData = session.Get<CompanyData>(company.Id);
var processResult =
new CreateRoundProcessData(company, round, companyData),
processResult.HandleProcess(process =>
// serviceBus can stay null
process.Create(systemUser, DateTime.Now, session, null);
// No need to save the session here. If something went
// wrong we don't want halve of the processes being saved
// It's all or nothing
return round;
What I mainly want to test: When I use this Round#Create method with let's say 100 active companies, it should create 100 processes, and each of those processes should contain the RoundId.
This is my UnitTest so far:
public class RoundTest
private BusinessUser _systemUser;
private DateTime _creationDateRound1;
private List<Company> _activeCompanies;
private RoundProcessBuilder _roundProcessBuilder;
private ISession _session;
public void Setup()
_creationDateRound1 = new DateTime(2015, 10, 5);
_systemUser = TestHelper.CreateBusinessUser(Role.Create("systemuser", "test",
_activeCompanies = new List<Company>
_roundProcessBuilder = A.Fake<RoundProcessBuilder>();
_session = A.Fake<ISession>();
public void TestCreateRoundWithoutPreviousRound()
var fakeExpectedRound = Round.Create(_activeCompanies, DateTime.Now.ToPeriod(),
_systemUser, _systemUser, _session, null, _roundProcessBuilder);
var fakeExpectedRoundData = RoundProcessData.Create(TestHelper.CreateCompany(),
fakeExpectedRound, new CompanyData());
var fakeExpectedProcess = new Process(_systemUser, null, "processName", null,
fakeExpectedRoundData, "controllerName", null);
var processSuccessResult = new ProcessSuccessResult(fakeExpectedProcess);
A.CallTo(() => _roundProcessBuilder.Build(null, null, null, null))
A.CallTo(() => processSuccessResult.HandleProcess(A<Action<Process>>.Ignored))
.Invokes((Action<Process> action) => action(fakeExpectedProcess));
var round = Round.Create(_activeCompanies, _ceationDateRound1.ToPeriod(),
_systemUser, _systemUser, _session, null, _roundProcessBuilder);
Assert.AreEqual(_activeCompanies.Count, round.Processes.Count, "Number of processes");
Assert.AreEqual(round.Period.Quarter, Math.Ceiling(_creationDateRound1.Month / 3.0m), "Quarter");
Assert.AreEqual(round.Period.Year, round.Year, "Year");
// Test if each of the processes knows the RoundId, have the proper state,
// and are assigned to the systemuser
//foreach (var process in round.Processes)
// var roundProcessData = process.ProcessData as RoundProcessData;
// Assert.IsNotNull(roundProcessData, "All processes should have RoundProcessData-objects as their data-object");
// Assert.AreEqual(roundProcessData.Round.Id, round.Id, "RoundId");
// Assert.AreEqual(process.Phase.State, PhaseState.Start, "Process state should be Start");
// Assert.AreEqual(process.AssignedTo, _systemUser, "AssignedTo should be systemuser");
... // More tests
My problem lies in the following code:
A.CallTo(() => processSuccessResult.HandleProcess(A<Action<Process>>.Ignored))
.Invokes((Action<Process> action) => action(fakeExpectedProcess));
It gives an "The specified object is not recognized as a fake object." error.
The reason I have this part of the code is because the process in the following part was null without it:
processResult.HandleProcess(process => // <- this was null
process.Create(systemUser, DateTime.Now, session, null);
PS: I uncommented the foreach with additional checks in my UnitTest because it most likely is pretty useless anyway when I mock the process itself.. My main test is if processes are created and added to the list based on the active companies given.
Your problem seems to be that you are trying to add "fake" logic to an object that is not in fact, a fake:
// You create this as an instance of ProcessSuccessResult:
var processSuccessResult = new ProcessSuccessResult(fakeExpectedProcess);
...then proceed to attempt to add a condition to it here:
A.CallTo(() =>
.Invokes((Action<Process> action) => action(fakeExpectedProcess));
In order to do this last bit, the variable processSuccessResult will need to be a fake instance of an interface, so that FakeItEasy can work with it, and apply the logic you want.
I'm assuming ProcessSuccessResult is a class you have access to, and are able to edit? If so, you should be able to add an interface to it, that will contain the methods you need, so you can work against that later.
Once you've defined that, you should be able to create your fake object as follows, where IProcessSuccessResult will be a fake implementation of your interface, provided by FakeItEasy:
var processSuccessResult = A.Fake<IProcessSuccessResult>();
Now you should be able to add logic to that fake object using A.CallTo(...).
Of course, this will imply that the real implementation of your class ProcessSuccessResult is not included or called via the variable processSuccessResult. If part of it needs to be, then you might try to either:
Add logic similar to it, or calls to it from the fake object using FakeItEasy's set up code (although this might get overly complicated), OR:
Add a separate variable to contain an instance of the real class (i.e. two variables fakeProcessSuccessResult and processSuccessResult, respectively), and use separate tests for testing separate aspects of your both this class, and it's usages.
I would recommend the latter, if possible.
I hope this is clear enough, and that this will be useful to you. I know it can be quite complicated sometimes, to find the optimal strategy for testing things like this.

get assembly of method

Imagine the following situation:
Assembly A is starting the program. (it has a main method)
it loads Assembly B via reflection and instantiates a class of Assembly B.
in this instance a method is called where i would like to get to the Assembly B.
i have already tried
but they always give me Assembly A instead of B.
Try getting type of class contain the method you are going for and get its assembly.
string assemblyName = this.GetType().Assembly.FullName;
The Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly() is the proper method to use.
You leave preciously few breadcrumbs to diagnose the cause of having trouble with it. There are however strings attached to this. An important job performed by the jitter is to make methods disappear. This is an optimization called "inlining". In effect, the call to the method is replaced by the code of the method. It is a very important optimization, it for example makes properties as cheap as using public fields. But a consequence it that you'll get the assembly of the calling method. In your case Main(). So you'll see assembly A and not B.
This is not something you ought to tinker with, avoid having a need for this. A method shouldn't be puzzled about what assembly it lives in, you could for example use the typeof(T).Assembly property where T is the class in which the method lives.
You can disable the inlining optimization, you do so with an attribute:
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
public void Foo() { }
try this sample ,
public static object ExecuteAssemblyMethod(string methodName,Type assemblyObj, object[] arguments)
object result = null;
object ibaseObject = Activator.CreateInstance(assemblyObj);
result = assemblyObj.InvokeMember(methodName, BindingFlags.Default | BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, ibaseObject, arguments);
catch (ReflectionTypeLoadException emx)
result = null;
return result;
catch (Exception ex)
result = null;
return result;
return result;
Assembly assemb = Assembly.LoadFile(#"D:\TEMP\TestClassLibrary_new.dll");
Type testType = assemb.GetType("TestClassLibrary.Class1");
object[] param = new object[] {"akshay" };
object result = LoadAssembly.ExecuteAssemblyMethod("GetName", testType, param);

Creating second-level AppDomain hangs

I have two assemblies with Main methods.
The first one executes the other.
The second assembly creates an object in a new AppDomain.
That object is about to create a file or print something on the screen.
The first assembly (simplified example):
class MainClass
public static void Main(string[] args)
var domain = AppDomain.CreateDomain("server");
new Task(() => domain.ExecuteAssembly(PathToSecondAssembly)).Start();
new ManualResetEvent(false).WaitOne(); //wait forever
The second one:
class MainClass
public static void Main(string[] args)
var domain = AppDomain.CreateDomain("name");
Console.WriteLine ("A");
typeof(Run).FullName, false, 0, null,
new object[0], null, new object[0]);
Console.WriteLine ("B");
new ManualResetEvent(false).WaitOne();
class Run
public Run()
Console.WriteLine ("C");
The result varies depending on the program I execute.
If I run the second Main, I get:
and the file is created. I treat it as a proof, that the second application works.
When I run the first Main, I get only:
and the file does not appear. The application does not crash, but it hangs.
I have verified it both on .NET 4 and Mono 2.10.9 and 3.0.3 (~git head).
Why is that? How could I override this problem?
==EDIT== (tested on .NET)
I'm getting more and more confused.
I have a problem with PathToSecondAssembly. When the binaries are in the save folder everything seems to be perfectly fine (tested on .NET 4.0, but I assume mono as well).
When I use a relative path or a path to a different directory the results are as follows:
in Debug in Visual Studio 2010 I get FileNotFoundException, but A is shown.
Could not load file or assembly 'test2, Version=,
Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies.
The exception comes up on the line in first assembly:
new Task(() => domain.ExecuteAssembly(PathToSecondAssembly)).Start();
when ran without debug, only A is printed, but then nothing happens.
So the assembly is found (A is printed), but somehow the exception comes up.
I have truly no idea why. Some kind of permissions issue? How to overcome this situation?
I had a similar problem once (I was not doing the same things, but the failure in creating a 3rd domain from the 2nd domain sprung the memories in my head and then the FileNotFoundException kind of confirmed "my fears").
It's nothing a good'ol Evidence can't fix.
As MSDN states:
Defines the set of information that constitutes input to security policy decisions. This class cannot be inherited.
So just do this:
class MainClass
public static void Main(string[] args)
var currentEvidence = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.Evidence;
var domain = AppDomain.CreateDomain("server", securityInfo: currentEvidence);
new Task(() => domain.ExecuteAssembly(PathToSecondAssembly)).Start();
new ManualResetEvent(false).WaitOne(); //wait forever
And if you plan on starting up a 4th domain (and so on), keep on passing the evidence from one "truster" to another "trustee":
class MainClass
public static void Main(string[] args)
var evAgain = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.Evidence;
var domain = AppDomain.CreateDomain("name", securityInfo: evAgain);
Console.WriteLine ("A");
typeof(Run).FullName, false, 0, null,
new object[0], null, new object[0]);
Console.WriteLine ("B");
new ManualResetEvent(false).WaitOne();
Hope that was the issue.

how to call a method of a class from another appDomain

my application want to call a method of a class that is from another AppDomain.
AppDomain env = AppDomain.CreateDomain(
new AppDomainSetup() { ApplicationName = "test" }
Assembly a = Assembly.LoadFrom("d:\\testenv1\\test2.dll");
//env.AssemblyResolve += new ResolveEventHandler(env_AssemblyResolve);
ObjectHandle o = env.CreateInstance(a.FullName, "Test2.Class1");
now i have the object handle of the Test2.Class1, but i have no idea how to invode the "action" method of the Class1 class.
the "action" method likes this:
public void action()
Console.WriteLine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.FriendlyName + " ok");
i tried to use o.unwrap() method to get the reference of the object, but it seems the object has been transferred into the current domain, so the output of the "action" method prints the current domain name.
Mark the object that you want to use for cross appdomain communication as MarshalByRefObject.

