Peso Symbol in C# - c#

if (num1 == 5)
Console.WriteLine("\nThe " + num2 + " kilo/s of {0} " + 28 + " per kilo ", "GRAPES");
Console.WriteLine("The total amount is {0}{1}", num2.ToString("en-PHI"),num2*28);
I try this one but it doesn't work at all .. it just copy the en-PHI..

Sounds like you want to provide the culture en-PHI... although that isn't a valid culture name apparently. Perhaps you just want phi as the language?
var culture = CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("phi");
var text = string.Format(culture, "The total amount is {0:c}", num2 * 28);
The c format specifier is "currency".
That's the way of printing the currency symbol known for a specific culture... now that might not do exactly what you want, but it's probably a matter of finding the right culture.
If you really just want to hard-code the peso character (U+20B1) you can do that directly:
Console.WriteLine("The total amount is \u20b1{0}", num2);
Now if that prints a "?" it means the current console encoding or font doesn't support the peso symbol. Running this from the command line will set it to UTF-8:
> chcp 65001
Make sure the font you're using supports the character as well.


Show double as percentage without decimals with ToString method

Looking for:
95,4545454545455 -> 95 %
I tried using:
String resultAsPercentage = result.ToString("##0 %");
But, it shows
9545 %
Then, I solved my problem using regex:
Question: Why my ToString method hasn't worked? And how to fix it to avoid using regex?
Thanks in advance.
As documented on Custom Numeric Format Strings, the % modifier multiplies the value by 100 before inserting the %. It's intended to be used with fractions. To disable this special meaning of %, escape it by preceding it with #"\".
Alternatively, you could take the % out of the format string, and append it manually: result.ToString("##0") + " %".
If you don't care about rounding, you can use the following:
double result = 95.4545454545;
String resultAsPercentage = (int)result + " %";
Output is: 95 %
Casting to an int drops the decimal places without rounding
You can use thew P(ercentage) format specifier, you need to divide through 100 because the specifier multiplies it by 100:
decimal value = 95.4545454545455m;
String resultAsPercentage = (value / 100).ToString("P0"); // 95%
If you need the space between the value and the percentage symbol you could use this approach:
NumberFormatInfo nfi = (NumberFormatInfo)NumberFormatInfo.CurrentInfo.Clone();
nfi.PercentSymbol = " %";
String resultAsPercentage = (value / 100).ToString("P0", nfi); // 95 %
One way can be Clone a culture (like InvariantCulture), set it's PercentPositivePattern to 0, divide your value by 100 and get it's string representation using The percent ("P") format specifier with 0 precision and that cloned culture as;
var clone = (CultureInfo)CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.Clone();
clone.NumberFormat.PercentNegativePattern = 0;
Console.WriteLine(((int)95.4545454545455 / 100.0).ToString("P0", clone)); // 95 %
You can see all associated patterns on Remarks section on that page.
You can guaranteed to set PercentNegativePattern property as well for negative values.

How to format output to two decimal places and '$' symbol in C#?

Newbie to the C# language and
I just finished creating a loan mortgage calculator and I am having trouble formatting my code below. What I am trying to do is format the monthly payment value to 2 decimal places and add the '$' symbol. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
Example input for my principle amount:
//User input for Principle amount in dollars
Console.Write("Enter the loan amount, in dollars(0000.00): ");
principleInput = Console.ReadLine();
principle = double.Parse(principleInput);
//Prompt the user to reenter any illegal input
if (principle < 0)
Console.WriteLine("The value for the mortgage cannot be a negative value");
principle = 0;
//Calculate the monthly payment
double loanM = (interest / 1200.0);
double numberMonths = years * 12;
double negNumberMonths = 0 - numberMonths;
double monthlyPayment = principle * loanM / (1 - System.Math.Pow((1 + loanM), negNumberMonths));
//Output the result of the monthly payment
Console.WriteLine("The amount of the monthly payment is: " + monthlyPayment);
Console.WriteLine("Press the Enter key to end. . .");
What I am trying to do is format the monthly payment value to 2 decimal places and add the '$' symbol.
It sounds like you want to use the currency format specifier.
Console.WriteLine("The amount of the monthly payment is: {0:c}", monthlyPayment);
That won't always use the dollar symbol of course - it will use the currency symbol for the thread's current culture. You can always specify CultureInfo.InvariantCulture explicitly.
However, I'd strongly advise you not to use double for currency values. Use decimal instead.
From MSDN: Standard Numeric Format Strings
(look for 'The Currency ("C") Format Specifier')
Console.WriteLine("The amount of the monthly payment is: {0:C2} ", monthlyPayment);
You can use the Math.Round() function:
double inputNumber = 90.0001;
string outputNumber = "$" + Math.Round(inputNumber, 2).ToString();
To use 2 decimal places you can use:
Console.WriteLine("The amount of the monthly payment is: "$ " + Math.Round(monthlyPayment,2));

Math.Floor Behaviour

double c, d, e;
double a = (c - d) / e;
double b = Math.Floor(a);
Debug.WriteLine(a.ToString() + " " + b.ToString());
Code above outputs "3 2" at one configuration where all numbers are double. How is this possible? Is it because of fractional error resulting from double operations? However I think a.ToString() should give the whole number with its fractional part.
It's just a matter of what double.ToString() does. Here's a short but complete program demonstrating the same thing:
using System;
public class Test
static void Main(string[] args)
// Find the largest double less than 3
long bits = BitConverter.DoubleToInt64Bits(3);
double a = BitConverter.Int64BitsToDouble(bits - 1);
double b = Math.Floor(a);
// Print them using the default conversion to string...
Console.WriteLine(a.ToString() + " " + b.ToString());
// Now use round-trip formatting...
Console.WriteLine(a.ToString("r") + " " + b.ToString("r"));
3 2
2.9999999999999996 2
Now double.ToString() is documented with:
This version of the ToString method implicitly uses the general numeric format specifier ("G") and the NumberFormatInfo for the current culture.
... and the general numeric format specifier docs state:
The precision specifier defines the maximum number of significant digits that can appear in the result string. If the precision specifier is omitted or zero, the type of the number determines the default precision, as indicated in the following table.
... where the table shows that the default precision for double is 15. If you consider 2.9999999999999996 rounded to 15 significant digits, you end up with 3.
In fact, the exact value of a here is:
... which again, is 3 when regarded with 15 significant digits.

Format decimal value to string with leading spaces

How do I format a decimal value to a string with a single digit after the comma/dot and leading spaces for values less than 100?
For example, a decimal value of 12.3456 should be output as " 12.3" with single leading space. 10.011 would be " 10.0". 123.123 is "123.1"
I'm looking for a solution, that works with standard/custom string formatting, i.e.
decimal value = 12.345456;
Console.Write("{0:magic}", value); // 'magic' would be a fancy pattern.
This pattern {0,5:###.0} should work:
string.Format("{0,5:###.0}", 12.3456) //Output " 12.3"
string.Format("{0,5:###.0}", 10.011) //Output " 10.0"
string.Format("{0,5:###.0}", 123.123) //Output "123.1"
string.Format("{0,5:###.0}", 1.123) //Output " 1.1"
string.Format("{0,5:###.0}", 1234.123)//Output "1234.1"
Another one with string interpolation (C# 6+):
double x = 123.456;
$"{x,15:N4}"// left pad with spaces to 15 total, numeric with fixed 4 decimals
Expression returns: " 123.4560"
Change the number for more decimal places.
EDIT: Missed the padding bit
Many good answers, but this is what I use the most (c# 6+):
//if height is 1.23 => " 1.23"
//if height is 0.23 => " 0.23"
//if height is 123.23 => "123.23"
All above solution will do rounding of decimal, just in case somebody is searching for solution without rounding
decimal dValue = Math.Truncate(1.199999 * 100) / 100;
dValue .ToString("0.00");//output 1.99
Note the "." could be a "," depending on Region settings, when using string.Format.
string.Format("{0,5:###.0}", 0.9) // Output " .9"
string.Format("{0,5:##0.0}", 0.9) // Output " 0.9"
I ended up using this:
string String_SetRPM = $"{Values_SetRPM,5:##0}";
// Prints for example " 0", " 3000", and "24000"
string String_Amps = $"{(Values_Amps * 0.1),5:##0.0}";
// Print for example " 2.3"
Thanks a lot!

Remove 0s from the end of a decimal value [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Remove trailing zeros
(23 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
I have a decimal value that has a variable number of digits after the ., for example:
How can I write a dynamic function that removes 0 in the end of the decimal?
You can also modify the decimal itself so that any ToString() will give you what you want
(more details in my answer here) :
public static decimal Normalize(decimal value)
return value/1.000000000000000000000000000000000m;
string.Format("{0:0.#####}", 0.0030)
var money=1.3000m;
For future reference I recommend the .NET Format String Quick Reference by John Sheehan.
decimal value = 0.0030m;
Edit: The G formatter does work, the only problem is that it jumps to scientific notation if there are too many significant figures in the original decimal. Not so ideal.
See the "The General ("G") Format Specifier" documentation here:
I'm on lunch, so I did a little test:
decimal d1 = 0.000100m;
decimal d2 = 0.001000000000000000000000m;
decimal d3 = 0.000000000000001000000000m;
Console.WriteLine(Environment.NewLine + "input decimal: 0.000100m");
Console.WriteLine("G " + d1.ToString("G"));
Console.WriteLine("G29 " + d1.ToString("G29"));
Console.WriteLine("0.####### " + d1.ToString("0.#######"));
Console.WriteLine(Environment.NewLine + "input decimal: 0.001000000000000000000000m");
Console.WriteLine("G " + d2.ToString("G"));
Console.WriteLine("G29 " + d2.ToString("G29"));
Console.WriteLine("0.####### " + d2.ToString("0.#######"));
Console.WriteLine(Environment.NewLine + "input decimal: 0.000000000000001000000000m");
Console.WriteLine("G " + d3.ToString("G"));
Console.WriteLine("G29 " + d3.ToString("G29"));
Console.WriteLine("0.####### " + d3.ToString("0.#######"));
input decimal: 0.000100m
G 0.000100
G29 0.0001
0.####### 0.0001
input decimal: 0.001000000000000000000000m
G 0.001000000000000000000000
G29 0.001
0.####### 0.001
input decimal: 0.000000000000001000000000m
G 0.000000000000001000000000
G29 1E-15
0.####### 0
Hmm, this is a display formatting issue (the zeros are added when you convert the decimal to a string).
You need to see where in code you are seeing the trailing zeros. Is it after a call to .ToString()? Try playing around with the different formatting strings:
And so on. The best way to do this is just to experiment with the different possible values.
decimal m = 0.030000m;
Just make sure you have enough #s for the number of decimal places you want to display
I use the following. It ensures that any decimal (for which the max precision is 29 decimal places) will show all available digits of precision without trailing zeros, and without your code needing to have a long ugly string of hash marks.
if (value is Decimal)
value = ((Decimal)value).ToString("0.".PadRight(29, '#'), culture);
public static string GentlyRemoveEndZeros(string input)
// if (input == null) return null;
// if (input == "") return "";
if (input.Contains(".")) return input.TrimEnd('0').TrimEnd('.');
return input;

