I am trying to write some c# script to write some data to celery queue that has been already created by my celery app (which I developed in Python). Whenever I try to send data to the celery queue the messages stuck under "Unacked" status, which doesn't happens whenever I write those same messages to another queue.
Here is my c# code that tries to write the messages to the celery queue under rabbitmq:
public static void SendMessages(List < CeleryMessage > celeryMessages, string taskName) {
ConnectionFactory factory = new ConnectionFactory {
HostName = CeleryHostName,
UserName = "guest",
Password = "guest",
VirtualHost = "/"
using(IConnection connection = factory.CreateConnection())
using(IModel channel = connection.CreateModel()) {
foreach(CeleryMessage celeryMessage in celeryMessages) {
SendMessageSecondVersion(channel, celeryMessage, taskName);
Console.WriteLine(" [X] Sent {0}", celeryMessage);
private static void SendMessageSecondVersion(IModel channel, CeleryMessage celeryMessage, string taskName) {
var myDict = new Dictionary < string,
string > ();
myDict["id"] = "4cc7438e-afd4-4f8f-a2f3-f46567e7ca77";
myDict["task"] = "celery.task.PingTask";
myDict["args"] = "[]";
myDict["kwargs"] = "{}";
myDict["retries"] = "0";
myDict["eta"] = "2009-11-17T12:30:56.527191";
var result = string.Join(", ", myDict.Select(m => m.Key + ":" + m.Value).ToArray());
var body = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(result);
channel.BasicPublish(exchange: "testcelery", routingKey: "testcelery", basicProperties: null, body: body);
I am using RabbitMQ.Client for messaging and using dead letter pattern to implement retry mechanism, everything works fine with RabbitMQ.Client with version :5.1.1 .
The pseudo-code is below:
public async Task Handle(BasicDeliverEventArgs basicDeliverEventArgs)
var bodyBytes = basicDeliverEventArgs.Body.ToArray();
var bodyString = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bodyBytes);
// extension method with newtonsoft.json behind
bodyString.TryDeserializeObject<T>(out var message);
// do somesting
catch (Exception ex)
var properties = basicDeliverEventArgs.BasicProperties;
if (properties.Headers == null)
properties.Headers = new Dictionary<string, object>();
var bodyBytes = basicDeliverEventArgs.Body.ToArray();
var bodyString = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bodyBytes);
// retrive the x-death-count by header
var retryTimes = GetRetryTimes(properties.Headers);
if (retryTimes <= _retryConfiguration.MaxCount)
using var channel = _conn.CreateModel();
var delay = _retryConfiguration.GetNextDelay(retryTimes);
properties.Expiration = delay.TotalMilliseconds.ToString();
string deadLetterExchangeName = $"ErrorExchange_{_rabbitSubscriptionConfiguration.Queue}";
string deadLetterQueueName = $"{_rabbitSubscriptionConfiguration.Queue}.Deadletter";
string deadLetterRoutingKey = $"{_rabbitSubscriptionConfiguration.RoutingKey}.Deadletter";
channel.ExchangeDeclare(deadLetterExchangeName, "direct", true, true);
channel.QueueDeclare(deadLetterQueueName, true, false, false, new Dictionary<string, object>()
{ "x-dead-letter-exchange", deadLetterExchangeName },
{ "x-dead-letter-routing-key",_rabbitSubscriptionConfiguration.RoutingKey}
channel.QueueBind(_rabbitSubscriptionConfiguration.Queue, deadLetterExchangeName, _rabbitSubscriptionConfiguration.RoutingKey);
channel.QueueBind(deadLetterQueueName, deadLetterExchangeName, deadLetterRoutingKey);
channel.BasicPublish(deadLetterExchangeName, deadLetterRoutingKey, false, properties, bodyBytes);
var messageStorage = _serviceProvider.GetService<IMessageStorage>();
await messageStorage.StoreDeadLetter(bodyString, ex);
However, when I upgrade the RabbitMQ.Client to 6.2.4,there is some probability that the body bytes of message unable deserialize to origin object when I receiving the message again from dead letter queue.
When the retry ended,I inspect the dead letter in the database,some of them failed to convert to a normal string
By the way,the RabbitMQ Server is 3.8.5
I have one queue-publisher and one hundred queue-subscribers. Subscribers bind to one queue. The Rabbit`s guide said that to each queue Rabbit creates single thread.
I want to send all messages to subscribers through one queue and save all unsended messages in the same queue if destination subscriber is offline.
I have two solutions:
I can send all messages through one queue to all subscribers by declaring exchange type "Direct" and bind to one QueueName. But if routingKey in publishing message not equals queue name, it doesnt save in queue, if direct consumer is offline.
suscriber`s code
static void Main(string[] args)
List<string> serevities1 = new List<string>() { "qwerty.red" };
List<string> serevities2 = new List<string>() { "asdfgh.green" };
string exchange = "topic_logs";
//string direction = ExchangeType.Topic;
string direction = ExchangeType.Direct;
var consumer1 = new MqDll.MqConsumer(exchange, direction, serevities1);
MqDll.MqConsumer consumer2;
Task.Run(() => {
consumer2 = new MqDll.MqConsumer(exchange, direction, serevities2);
public class MqConsumer
private IConnection connection;
private IModel channel;
public MqConsumer(string exchange, string direction, List<string> severities = null)
var factory = new ConnectionFactory() { HostName = "localhost" };
connection = factory.CreateConnection();
channel = connection.CreateModel();
channel.ExchangeDeclare(exchange, direction);
string queueName = "task_queue";
// queueName= channel.QueueDeclare().QueueName;
channel.QueueDeclare(queue: queueName,
durable: true,
exclusive: false,
autoDelete: false,
arguments: null);
Bind(queueName, exchange, severities);
var consumer = new EventingBasicConsumer(channel);
consumer.Received += MsgReceived;
channel.BasicConsume(queue: queueName, autoAck: true, consumer: consumer);
Console.WriteLine("Consumer created");
private void Bind(string queuename, string exchange, List<string> severities)
if (severities != null)
severities.ForEach(x =>
channel.QueueBind(queue: queuename,
exchange: exchange,
routingKey: x);
channel.QueueBind(queue: queuename,
exchange: exchange,
routingKey: "");
private void MsgReceived(object model, BasicDeliverEventArgs ea)
var body = ea.Body.ToArray();
var message = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(body);
var rkey = ea.RoutingKey;
Console.WriteLine($" [x] Received {message} {rkey}");
Console.WriteLine($" [x] Done {DateTime.Now} | {this.GetHashCode()}");
publisher`s code
static void Main(string[] args)
List<string> serevities = new List<string>() { "qwerty.red", "asdfgh.green" };
string exchange = "topic_logs";
//string direction = ExchangeType.Topic;
string direction = ExchangeType.Direct;
var publisher = new MqDll.MqPublisher(exchange, direction);
Console.WriteLine("Publisher created");
var msg = Console.ReadLine();
while (msg != "q")
serevities.ForEach(x =>
publisher.Publish("SomeMsg..", "topic_logs", x);
msg = Console.ReadLine();
public class MqPublisher
private IConnection connection;
private IModel channel;
public MqPublisher(string exchange, string type)
var factory = new ConnectionFactory() { HostName = "localhost" };
connection = factory.CreateConnection();
channel = connection.CreateModel();
channel.QueueDeclare(queue: "task_queue",
durable: true,
exclusive: false,
autoDelete: false,
arguments: null);
channel.ExchangeDeclare(exchange, type);
public void Publish(string msg, string exchange = "logs", string severity = "", bool isPersistent = true)
var properties = channel.CreateBasicProperties();
properties.Persistent = isPersistent;
channel.BasicPublish(exchange: exchange,
routingKey: severity,
basicProperties: properties,
body: Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(msg));
Console.WriteLine(" [x] Sent {0}", msg);
Or I can create queues to each subscriber and remove binding. Source code is simple and equals code in giude.
Is there a way to combine these two solutions and make one queue to all subscribers, bind subscribers to unique routing key and save messages if direct subscriber (bound to direct routing key) is offline?
Have you considered maybe a DB for users that are not online..
Queue => consumer is offline => send to DB
Consumer is online => Publisher checks db for any messages that might have been missed => then directs them to Consumber
I have different message types on the queue and I'm trying to create multiple C# consumers that each just take a certain type off the queue.
Apparently, I'm supposed to be able to specify the routing key, like shown here, to get just those messages:
channel.QueueBind(queue: queueName, exchange: "SandboxEventBus", routingKey: "MessageEvent");
No matter why I try, I get all of the messages from the queue and not just the ones with that routing key. What am I missing?
This is the class:
public static class RabbitReceiver
public static void PullFromQueue(string caller, int sleepTimeInMilliseconds)
string hostName = "localhost";
string queueName = "Sandbox.v1";
var factory = new ConnectionFactory { HostName = hostName, UserName = "guest", Password = "guest", Port = 6003 };
var connection = factory.CreateConnection();
var channel = connection.CreateModel();
var arguments = new Dictionary<string, object>();
arguments.Add("x-message-ttl", 864000000); // Not sure why I have to specify this. Got an exception if I didn't.
//arguments.Add("topic", "MessageEvent");
channel.BasicQos(0, 1, false);
// Enabling these lines doesn't change anything. It was part of my effort of trying different things.
//channel.ExchangeDeclare("SandboxEventBus", "topic", durable: true); // topic is case-sensitive
//channel.QueueDeclare(queue: queueName, durable: true, exclusive: false, autoDelete: false, arguments: arguments);
channel.QueueBind(queue: queueName, exchange: "SandboxEventBus", routingKey: "MessageEvent");
var consumer = new EventingBasicConsumer(channel);
consumer.Received += (model, eventArgs) =>
var body = eventArgs.Body.ToArray();
var message = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(body);
Console.WriteLine($"Message: {message}");
Console.WriteLine($"{caller} - Pausing {sleepTimeInMilliseconds} ms before getting next message (so we can watch the Rabbit dashboard update).");
// This should probably go in a finally block.
channel.BasicAck(eventArgs.DeliveryTag, false);
channel.BasicConsume(queue: queueName, autoAck: false, consumer: consumer);
Here is the publishing code. I'm simply publishing two different message types.
public class MessagePublisherService : BackgroundService
private readonly ICapPublisher _capBus;
public MessagePublisherService(ICapPublisher capPublisher)
_capBus = capPublisher;
protected override async Task ExecuteAsync(CancellationToken stoppingToken)
// This publishes messages. To get the messages off the queue, run the RabbitMQ project in this solution.
// To have a different event, add this.
await _capBus.PublishAsync(nameof(SnuhEvent), new SnuhEvent());
Console.WriteLine($"Published message {nameof(SnuhEvent)}.");
for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++)
//_capBus.Publish(nameof(MessageEvent), new MessageEvent(i));
await _capBus.PublishAsync(nameof(MessageEvent), new MessageEvent(i));
Console.WriteLine($"Published message {i}.");
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine("In catch block of publisher.");
And here is the queue. Notice each message type shows as a different routing key.
Here is the RMQ code in Startup.cs:
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
services.AddCap(x =>
x.UseSqlServer("Server=localhost; Database=Sandbox; Integrated Security=true;");
x.DefaultGroup = "Sandbox";
x.FailedRetryCount = 3;
x.FailedRetryInterval = 2; // CAP will invoke the subscriber again if not finished in N seconds.
x.UseRabbitMQ(conf =>
conf.ExchangeName = "SandboxEventBus";
conf.ConnectionFactoryOptions = x =>
x.Uri = BuildRabbitUri();
public static Uri BuildRabbitUri()
string protocol = "amqp";
string userName = "guest";
string password = "guest";
string host = "localhost";
string port = "6003";
return new Uri(protocol + "://" + userName + ":" + password + "#" + host + ":" + port);
I'm trying to convert my RabbitMQ micro-service to a windows service. I have used TopShelf for the conversion. My RabbitMQ micro-service works perfectly fine on its own but when I run it as a service it no longer receives messages. In my public static void Main(string[] args) I have:
HostFactory.Run(host =>
host.Service<PersonService>(s =>
s.ConstructUsing(name => new PersonService());
s.WhenStarted(tc => tc.Start());
s.WhenStopped(tc => tc.Stop());
host.SetDescription("Windows service that provides database access totables.");
Then in my PersonService class I have
public void Start() {
And finally my ConsumeMessage function:
private static void ConsumeMessage() {
MessagingConfig.SetInstance(new MessagingConstants());
IMessageFactory pmfInst = MessageFactory.Instance;
//message worker
var factory = new ConnectionFactory() {
HostName = MessagingConfig.Instance.GetBrokerHostName(),
UserName = MessagingConfig.Instance.GetBrokerUserName(),
Password = MessagingConfig.Instance.GetBrokerPassword()
var connection = factory.CreateConnection();
using (var channel = connection.CreateModel()) {
channel.QueueDeclare(queue: MessagingConfig.Instance.GetServiceQueueName(),
durable: true,
exclusive: false,
autoDelete: false,
arguments: null);
channel.BasicQos(0, 1, false);
var consumer = new EventingBasicConsumer(channel);
channel.BasicConsume(queue: MessagingConfig.Instance.GetServiceQueueName(),
noAck: false,
consumer: consumer);
Console.WriteLine(" [x] Awaiting RPC requests");
// Code Below Is Not Executed In Service
consumer.Received += (model, ea) => {
string response = null;
var body = ea.Body;
var props = ea.BasicProperties;
var replyProps = channel.CreateBasicProperties();
replyProps.CorrelationId = props.CorrelationId;
string receivedMessage = null;
try {
receivedMessage = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(body);
response = ProcessMessage(receivedMessage);
catch (Exception e) {
// Received message is not valid.
"Errror Processing Message: " + receivedMessage + " :" + e.Message);
response = "";
finally {
var responseBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(response);
channel.BasicPublish(exchange: "", routingKey: props.ReplyTo,
basicProperties: replyProps, body: responseBytes);
channel.BasicAck(deliveryTag: ea.DeliveryTag,
multiple: false);
Looking at A similar SO question it looks like it has something to do with the return the Windows Service is wanting, but I'm not sure of how to call ConsumeMessage so consumer.Received += (model, ea) => {...}; is executed.
EDIT: It looks like my blocking mechanism Console.ReadLine(); is ignored by the service so it just continues on and disposes of the message consumer. So how do I block there for messages to be received?
You code uses using construct, which means when your OnStart method returns, your channel will actually be disposed. The docs suggest to do your initialization on OnStart, so create your channel and consumer there, but don't use using:
this.connection = factory.CreateConnection();
this.channel = connection.CreateModel();
this.consumer = new EventingBasicConsumer(this.channel);
Then those objects will continue to exist after OnStart method is finished. You should dispose of them in the OnStop method.
This is my publisher. There are two consumers. MailConsumer and SmsConsumer.
using(var bus = RabbitHutch.CreateBus("host=localhost").Advanced) {
var queueName = "my.queue";
var queueName2 = "my.queue2";
var queue = bus.QueueDeclare(queueName);
var queue2 = bus.QueueDeclare(queueName2);
var channel = bus.ExchangeDeclare("MyFanout", ExchangeType.Fanout);
bus.Bind(channel, queue, "sms");
bus.Bind(channel, queue2, "mail");
var input = "";
Console.WriteLine("Enter a message. 'q' to quit.");
while((input = Console.ReadLine()) != "q") {
for(int i = 1; i < 2; i++) {
var message = new Message<TextMessage>(new TextMessage {
Text = input + i
bus.Publish(channel, "", false, false, message);
I can subscribe with this code:
using(var bus = RabbitHutch.CreateBus("host=localhost").Advanced) {
var queueName = "my.queue2";
var queue = bus.QueueDeclare(queueName);
bus.Consume(queue, x => x.Add<TextMessage>((message, info) => {
Console.WriteLine("SMS: {0}", message.Body.Text);
Console.WriteLine("Listening for messages. Hit <return> to quit.");
How can I achieve it via AutoSubscriber? There is no option for Queue Name in AutoSubscriber, there is "Subscription Id"
There's a property on the AutoSubscriber called 'GenerateSubscriptionId', which you can set to generate the subscription id for a consumer:
subscriber.GenerateSubscriptionId = subscriptionInfo =>
return "MyApplication:" + subscriptionInfo.ConcreteType.Name);
Then the subscription id will be used by the default conventions to generate a queue name.
I think you can achieve what you want just with normal pub-sub without declaring any queue.
In your publisher you can do this:
var bus = RabbitHutch.CreateBus("host=localhost")
while((input = Console.ReadLine()) != "q") {
for(int i = 1; i < 2; i++) {
var message = new Message<TextMessage>(new TextMessage {
Text = input + i
Then just create 2 consumers to subscribe to your message, and your message will be handled by both:
class SmsConsumer : IConsume<TextMessage>{
class LogConsumer : IConsume<TextMessage>{
and in your startup:
var bus = RabbitHutch.CreateBus("host=localhost")
var subscriber = new AutoSubscriber(bus,"my_applications_subscriptionId_prefix");
EasyNetQ will declare the exchange, queues and bindings for you. Just make sure your TextMessage class is in an assembly shared by both projects.