Could not find Microsoft.DiaSymReader.Native.x86.dll - c#

I'm trying to build a project in Rider using Mono and I can keep on getting this error:
Error CS0041: Unexpected error writing debug information -- 'Windows
PDB writer is not available -- could not find
Does anybody have any idea why I'm getting this error? I've tried searching for it online and all I could find was a previous SO question that never got answered: Monodevelop fails to build, can't find Microsoft.DiaSymReader.Native.x86.dll'
I have no idea where to start. Any help would be appreciated.

Right, the library exists. but on Visual Studio, using NuGet link to nuget package it will add the reference and add the Microsoft.DiaSymReader.Native.(arch).dll into //debug, once you build it. So, you must find the way to get such .dll.
Once you have the .dll with the arch you need. Proceed to add as a external reference on Monodevelop see this the dll.
Begin to build.


How do I get Quick Books SDK to work with my Visual Application?

I have an old C#/ project that I need to edit. It interfaces with Quick Books to create reports. The project has a reference to Interop.QBFC11 pointing to a .dll in the GAC, but I have no such .dll in my GAC. I did find Interop.QBFC11Lib.dll in the obj/Release folder. I changed the reference to point to this file, but my "using Interop.QBFC11" reference threw a "could not be found" error. I looked at the .dll in JustDecompile and saw that the referenced namespace was QBFC11Lib so I added "using QBFC11Lib" to my program. Now I have code that I need to change from "Interop.QBFC11.QBSessionManager()" to "QBFC11Lib.QBSessionManager". I also download the latest SDK from here and ran it. It says it installed to C:\Program Files (x86)\Intuit, but I can't find the .dll there. So my questions are:
Where can I get the version of Interop.QBFC11Lib.dll that the original programmer used?
If I use the Interop.QBFC11Lib.dll that I find in the obj/Release directory and rename references from Interop.QBFC11 to QBFC11Lib, will it work the same?
How do I get the latest Interop.QBFC11Lib.dll (or whatever the name of the most recent dll is)?
We've identified the following errors in compiling the code. It looks like these were once part of the SDK, but aren't now. We need help finding what new objects/methods to use:
ENOpenMode.omDontCare not included in Interop.qbposfc3.dll or Interop.QBFC11Lib.dll
ORInventoryAdjustmentQuery has no suitable replacements. (subclass of InventoryQtyAdjustmentQuery qry)
ENMatchCriterion.mcContains has no suitable replacement
ORTxnQuery has no suitable replacement (subclass of ISalesReceiptQuery qry)
Implicit type conversion not allowed (ISalesReceiptItemRet to ISalesReceiptRet)
No Definitions for Desc1, Desc2, Qty, ExtendedPrice, ItemNumber (subclass of ISalesReceiptRet itemsRet)
** UPDATE **
Contacted Intuit support. They suggested downloading files for QBFC11 and QBPOSFC3. Tried adding references to both individually and at the same time and still getting the same errors. Below is a screenshot. Any ideas on how to get this to compile?

EasyNetQ debug issue

We have RabbitMQ working for us for some time now but recently we starting getting below error
EasyNetQ.EasyNetQException: No handler found for message type
To look what happening, i download EasyNetQ from Git and now when i try to debug, i get below error in file AdvancedBusEventHandlers.cs of EasyNetQ shared project. Checking RabbitMQ page, the most stable version is get is 3.6.4 so dont know whats happening here.
Have anyone come across this error? or anything anyone can recommend for this fix?
Try "Restore NuGet Packages if the library is from NuGet or Try removing the reference to assembly and add reference again. I have seen this when you load your project from github or some repositories, you have to add reference to some libraries manually.

Visual Studio 2015 Community Edition: Error „lc.exe exited with code -1“

I try to use an old VS project with an external assembly.
I read that lc.exe is for licensing of external assemblies and most likely the license is no longer valid. I tried to install a trial of the external assembly, but the problem is still the same.
This error is quite common:
How to fix build error in Visual Studio: '"LC.exe" exited with code -1'
and many other google results tell to delete the licenses.licx file which will be regenerated during the next build – it is not regenerated during build in my project.
Is there any more detailed report of LC.exe then "error code -1"?
I have no idea how to handle this error.
The more detailed error is:
"licenses.licx(1): error LC0003: Unable to resolve type '', ''
where '', '' are the names of the components which I installed as a trial.
The solution I found is to throw the old 'licenses.licx' file out. I do this by manually deleting the file in the "Properties" folder of my project and removing the line referencing it in the *.csproj-file.
Look at this blog-post here.

CS0012 Error when building the getting started Xamarin Android app

I am following along with the getting started tutorial:
I can successfully work the steps up through "Publish your server project to Azure". However, when I download, open and build the Xamarin.Android app I have issues. Specifically, the output window says the build was successful, but the error window indicates that there are 14 errors, all of which are CS0012.
I understand that the "System.Runtime" assembly isn't being referenced, but no solutions I have been able to identify on MSDN or on StackExchange seem to correct the issue.
Any help would be appreciated!
I was able to solve this issue, plus a number of others (related to missing references) by adding the references using the "server" portion of the getting started demo. I also had to update all of the nugget packages as the references I added were in conflict with some of the existing references in the project.

Can't compile WebKit .NET 0.5 in VS 2010

I'm trying to compile WebKit .NET 0.5 in VS 2010 Professional but I'm getting the error:
"Could not load file or assembly
or one of its dependencies. The system
cannot find the file specified."
I tried removing the WebKitBrowserTest project from the solution but now I'm getting
"The type or namespace name 'WebView'
could not be found"
errors everywhere. Any idea what am I doing wrong?
replace the .dll in the projects debug folder with the original .dll's. When VS make a copy of the .dll's, it does something wrong, replacing them should fix the problem.
Try to copy '\WebKit.NET-0.5-src\bin' to your 'bin' folder.
With me, I can't build whole solution, but it runs when I select WebKitBrowserTest as StartUp project, then Ctrl + F5 (Visual Studio would ask me for rebuild JSCore, just click Yes).
If you see an error like "Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID...",this link can help

