I have some RX code to test for inactivity on an event stream, activity on the stream resets an interval which is the inactivity trigger.
public interface IReportActivity
event EventHandler Activity;
public interface IInactivityMonitor
IObservable<Unit> ObserveInactivity(TimeSpan inactivityTimeout);
public class InactivityMonitor : IInactivityMonitor
private readonly ISchedulerProvider _schedulerProvider;
private readonly IReportActivity _activitySource;
private IObservable<Unit> _inactivityObservable;
public InactivityMonitor(IRaiseActivity activitySource, ISchedulerProvider schedulerProvider)
_activitySource = activitySource;
_schedulerProvider = schedulerProvider;
public IObservable<Unit> ObserveInactivity(TimeSpan inactivityTimeout)
return GetInactivityObservable()
.Select(_ => Observable.Interval(inactivityTimeout, _schedulerProvider.NewThread)
.Select(__ => Unit.Default))
public IObservable<Unit> GetInactivityObservable()
return _inactivityObservable = _inactivityObservable ??
Observable.FromEventPattern<EventHandler<EventArgs>, EventArgs>(
h => _activitySource.Activity += h,
h => _activitySource.Activity -= h)
.Sample(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), _schedulerProvider.NewThread)
.Select(_ => Unit.Default)
The code works as required (although I think recreating the Interval every second is over kill - ObserveInactivity should Sample just before the timeout and reset based on the timestamp of the last activity)
The real issue I have is trying to test this code.
public class InactivityMonitorTests
private TestSchedulers _testSchedulers;
private InactivityMonitor _sut;
private AutoMock _moqqer;
protected override void Setup()
_moqqer = new AutoMock()
_testSchedulers = new TestSchedulers();
_sut = Moqqer.CreateInstance<InactivityMonitor>();
// this test passes
public void GetInactivityObservable_ActivityDetected_ReportsActivity()
var activityObserved = false;
.Subscribe(x => activityObserved = true);
private void RaiseActivityEvent()
.Raise(m => m.Activity += null, EventArgs.Empty);
// this test fails, The interval never appears to get set up via the tests.
public void ObserveActivity_InactivtyTimeoutExceeded_NotificationReceived()
var inactivityObserved = false;
.Subscribe(x => inactivityObserved = true);
public interface ISchedulerProvider
IScheduler CurrentThread { get; }
IScheduler Dispatcher { get; }
IScheduler Immediate { get; }
IScheduler NewThread { get; }
IScheduler ThreadPool { get; }
IScheduler TaskPool { get; }
public sealed class TestSchedulers : ISchedulerProvider
private readonly TestScheduler _currentThread = new TestScheduler();
private readonly TestScheduler _dispatcher = new TestScheduler();
private readonly TestScheduler _immediate = new TestScheduler();
private readonly TestScheduler _newThread = new TestScheduler();
private readonly TestScheduler _threadPool = new TestScheduler();
private readonly TestScheduler _taskPool = new TestScheduler();
#region Explicit implementation of ISchedulerService
IScheduler ISchedulerProvider.CurrentThread { get { return _currentThread; } }
IScheduler ISchedulerProvider.Dispatcher { get { return _dispatcher; } }
IScheduler ISchedulerProvider.Immediate { get { return _immediate; } }
IScheduler ISchedulerProvider.NewThread { get { return _newThread; } }
IScheduler ISchedulerProvider.ThreadPool { get { return _threadPool; } }
IScheduler ISchedulerProvider.TaskPool { get { return _taskPool; } }
public TestScheduler CurrentThread { get { return _currentThread; } }
public TestScheduler Dispatcher { get { return _dispatcher; } }
public TestScheduler Immediate { get { return _immediate; } }
public TestScheduler NewThread { get { return _newThread; } }
public TestScheduler ThreadPool { get { return _threadPool; } }
public TestScheduler TaskPool { get { return _taskPool; } }
I've tried various ways to start the scheduler, before subscribing and after, trying to subscribe on another scheduler and starting that before subscribe but no success.
EDIT: Debugging shows that the interval is never getting created in ObserveInactivity method.
Hoping someone can point me in the right direction.
I would re-organise your inactivity query to so that instead of being triggered from _activitySource.Activity and then adding time to that, you instead expect failure/silence in XXX period and raise a notifcation for that. You then upgrade that query to cancel/restart if there was any activity.
i.e. instead of
public IObservable<Unit> GetInactivityObservable()
return _inactivityObservable = _inactivityObservable ??
Observable.FromEventPattern<EventHandler<EventArgs>, EventArgs>(
h => _activitySource.Activity += h,
h => _activitySource.Activity -= h)
.Sample(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), _schedulerProvider.NewThread)
.Select(_ => Unit.Default)
change that around to
public IObservable<Unit> GetInactivityObservable()
return _inactivityObservable = _inactivityObservable ??
Observable.FromEventPattern<EventHandler<EventArgs>, EventArgs>(
h => _activitySource.Activity += h,
h => _activitySource.Activity -= h)
.Sample(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), _schedulerProvider.NewThread)
.Select(a=>Observable.Timer(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), _schedulerProvider.NewThread).Select(_=>Unit.Default))
And then, as Rx is already lazily evaluated, I would make this method static and non side-effecting and call it in your constructor, or just inline it.
public class InactivityMonitor : IInactivityMonitor
private readonly ISchedulerProvider _schedulerProvider;
private readonly IObservable<Unit> _inactivityObservable;
private static readonly TimeSpan SilencePeriod = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1);
public InactivityMonitor(IRaiseActivity activitySource, ISchedulerProvider schedulerProvider)
_schedulerProvider = schedulerProvider;
_inactivityObservable = Observable.FromEventPattern<EventHandler<EventArgs>, EventArgs>(
h => _activitySource.Activity += h,
h => _activitySource.Activity -= h)
.Select(a=>Observable.Timer(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), _schedulerProvider.NewThread))
So, having a chance to get back to this problem I saw the error in my ways.
The Observable.Interval is never being started as no activity has been reported (by the misnamed inactivity observable). Running the app there is most likely at least 1 event raised. To fix this I added .StartWith(Unit.Default) as below, this allows the timeout to be started immediately for each observer which was obviously a potential bug in the original implementation.
public IObservable<Unit> ObserveInactivity(TimeSpan inactivityTimeout)
return GetInactivityObservable()
.StartWith(Unit.Default) // <--
.Select(_ => Observable.Interval(inactivityTimeout, _schedulerProvider.NewThread)
.Select(__ => Unit.Default))
This is a request-response model (like HTTP) but over sockets/websockets. We know which response corresponds to which request by comparing the request IDs.
The workflow is as following:
Subscribe to the observables Error, ContractDetails (_itemObservable) and ContractDetailsEnd (_itemEndObservable)
Match request id to response id and push the corresponding messages via .OnNext(...) to ContractDetails. When there is nothing else left to push, push a final message to ContractDetailsEnd which essentially does .OnCompleted.
Cleanup – unsubscribe, i.e. dispose the observables
In the first snippet below I use a List<TItemArgs>, CancellationTokenSource and a TaskCompletionSource<TItemArgs>. That's completely unnecessary if everything was Rx style. It would have definitely been less lines of code too.
The second snippet is my personal attempt to make it look more Rx like. It has some issues that I want to resolve:
I don't think the try/catch block is necessary since .Subscribe could handle errors
.Timeout didn't work out for me – if the request is not matched within a few seconds, it should return a Result<IEnumerable<TItemArgs>>.FromError(new TimeoutError(...))
In addition to the errors, a message pushed to _errorSubject should also return an error such as Result<IEnumerable<TItemArgs>>.FromError(new RemoteError(...)) but .Merge(errorMessages.Any(_ => false)) is not working.
In my attempt I use ReplaySubject in opposed to AsyncSubject because I believe AsyncSubject is only useful when I'm only interested in the last value of the sequence and want to avoid getting all previous values, which is not in my case. In my case I want to return all values, so ReplaySubject would be more suitable as it keeps track of all the previous values and wants all subscribers to receive the same values, regardless of when they subscribed.
public async ValueTask<Result<IEnumerable<TItemArgs>>> ExecuteAsync(Action<int> action)
var requestId = _client.GetNextRequestId();
var data = new List<TItemArgs>();
var cts = new CancellationTokenSource(_timeout);
var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<IEnumerable<TItemArgs>>();
cts.Token.Register(() =>
}, false);
void OnError(ErrorData msg)
tcs.SetException(new IBClientException(msg.RequestId, msg.Code, msg.Message, msg.AdvancedOrderRejectJson));
void OnDetails(TItemArgs item)
void OnDetailsEnd(TItemListEndArgs item)
var disposable = new CompositeDisposable();
.Where(e => HasRequestId && e.RequestId == requestId)
.Where(item => MatchRequest(item, _itemRequestIdExtractor, requestId))
.Where(item => MatchRequest(item, _itemListEndRequestIdExtractor, requestId))
await tcs.Task.ContinueWith(x =>
}, TaskContinuationOptions.RunContinuationsAsynchronously);
return Result<IEnumerable<TItemArgs>>.FromSuccess(tcs.Task.Result);
catch (Exception e)
return Result<IEnumerable<TItemArgs>>.FromError(new RemoteError(e.Message, null));
My attempt
using System.Reactive.Concurrency;
using System.Reactive.Linq;
using System.Reactive.Subjects;
var client = new IBClient();
var result = await client.GetContractDetailsAsync();
if (result.Success)
foreach (var item in result.Data!)
Console.WriteLine($"RequestId: {item.RequestId} | Data: {item.ContractDetails}");
public sealed class IBClient
private int _nextValidId;
private readonly Subject<ErrorData> _errorSubject = new();
public IObservable<ErrorData> Error => _errorSubject.AsObservable();
private readonly Subject<ContractDetailsData> _contractDetailsSubject = new();
public IObservable<ContractDetailsData> ContractDetails => _contractDetailsSubject.AsObservable();
private readonly Subject<RequestEndData> _contractDetailsEndSubject = new();
public IObservable<RequestEndData> ContractDetailsEnd => _contractDetailsEndSubject.AsObservable();
public ValueTask<Result<IEnumerable<ContractDetailsData>>> GetContractDetailsAsync()
return new PendingRequest<ContractDetailsData, RequestEndData>(
e => e.RequestId,
e => e.RequestId)
.ExecuteAsync(reqId => TestCall(reqId));
private void TestCall(int requestId)
_contractDetailsSubject.OnNext(new ContractDetailsData(requestId, "hey from test call"));
_contractDetailsSubject.OnNext(new ContractDetailsData(requestId, "hey two"));
// TODO: Errors doesn't seem to work
// _errorSubject.OnNext(new ErrorData(requestId, 123, "Error happened", ""));
_contractDetailsEndSubject.OnNext(new RequestEndData(requestId));
// There shouldn't be matched.
_contractDetailsSubject.OnNext(new ContractDetailsData(123, "fake ones, so we know it works"));
_contractDetailsEndSubject.OnNext(new RequestEndData(123));
public int GetNextRequestId()
return Interlocked.Increment(ref _nextValidId);
public sealed class PendingRequest<TItemArgs, TItemListEndArgs>
private readonly TimeSpan _timeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2);
private readonly IBClient _client;
private readonly IObservable<TItemArgs> _itemObservable;
private readonly IObservable<TItemListEndArgs> _itemEndObservable;
private readonly Func<TItemArgs, int>? _itemRequestIdExtractor;
private readonly Func<TItemListEndArgs, int>? _itemListEndRequestIdExtractor;
public PendingRequest(
IBClient client,
IObservable<TItemArgs> itemObservable,
IObservable<TItemListEndArgs> itemEndObservable,
Func<TItemArgs, int>? itemRequestIdExtractor = null,
Func<TItemListEndArgs, int>? itemListEndRequestIdExtractor = null)
_client = client;
_itemObservable = itemObservable;
_itemEndObservable = itemEndObservable;
_itemRequestIdExtractor = itemRequestIdExtractor;
_itemListEndRequestIdExtractor = itemListEndRequestIdExtractor;
private bool HasRequestId => _itemRequestIdExtractor != null && _itemListEndRequestIdExtractor != null;
public async ValueTask<Result<IEnumerable<TItemArgs>>> ExecuteAsync(Action<int> action, IScheduler? scheduler = null)
scheduler ??= ImmediateScheduler.Instance;
var requestId = _client.GetNextRequestId();
var results = new ReplaySubject<TItemArgs>();
var errorMessages = _client.Error
.Where(e => HasRequestId && e.RequestId == requestId);
using (_itemObservable
.Where(item => MatchRequest(item, _itemRequestIdExtractor, requestId))
using (_itemEndObservable
.Any(item => MatchRequest(item, _itemListEndRequestIdExtractor, requestId))
.Merge(errorMessages.Any(_ => false)) // TODO: ???
.Subscribe(_ => results.OnCompleted()))
// Don't want an Exception thrown if there result list is empty
await results.DefaultIfEmpty();
return Result<IEnumerable<TItemArgs>>.FromSuccess(results.ToEnumerable());
catch (Exception ex)
return Result<IEnumerable<TItemArgs>>.FromError(new RemoteError(ex.Message, null));
private bool MatchRequest<T>(T item, Func<T, int>? idExtractor, int id)
return !HasRequestId || (idExtractor != null && idExtractor(item) == id);
public sealed class ContractDetailsData
public ContractDetailsData(int requestId, string contractDetails)
RequestId = requestId;
ContractDetails = contractDetails;
public int RequestId { get; }
public string ContractDetails { get; }
public sealed class ErrorData
public ErrorData(int requestId, int code, string message, string advancedOrderRejectJson)
RequestId = requestId;
Code = code;
Message = message;
AdvancedOrderRejectJson = advancedOrderRejectJson;
public int RequestId { get; }
public int Code { get; }
public string Message { get; }
public string AdvancedOrderRejectJson { get; }
public sealed class RequestEndData
public RequestEndData(int requestId)
RequestId = requestId;
public int RequestId { get; }
public class IBClientException : Exception
public IBClientException(int requestId, int errorCode, string message, string advancedOrderRejectJson)
: base(message)
RequestId = requestId;
ErrorCode = errorCode;
AdvancedOrderRejectJson = advancedOrderRejectJson;
public IBClientException(string err)
: base(err)
public IBClientException(Exception e)
Exception = e;
public int RequestId { get; }
public int ErrorCode { get; }
public string? AdvancedOrderRejectJson { get; }
public Exception? Exception { get; }
public abstract record Error(int? Code, string Message, object? Data);
public record RemoteError : Error
public RemoteError(string message, object? data) : base(null, message, data)
public RemoteError(int? code, string message, object? data) : base(code, message, data)
public record Result<T>(bool Success, T? Data, Error? Error)
public Result(T data) : this(true, data, default)
public Result(Error error) : this(false, default, error)
public static Result<T> FromSuccess(T data)
return new Result<T>(data);
public static Result<T> FromError<TError>(TError error) where TError : Error
return new Result<T>(error);
public static class DisposableExtensions
public static T DisposeWith<T>(this T disposable, ICollection<IDisposable> collection)
where T : IDisposable
return disposable;
Here's a good start:
IObservable<TItemArgs> observable =
.Where(item => MatchRequest(item, _itemRequestIdExtractor, requestId))
.Select(item => Notification.CreateOnNext(item))
.Any(item => MatchRequest(item, _itemListEndRequestIdExtractor, requestId))
.Select(item => Notification.CreateOnCompleted<TItemArgs>()))
And here's a final observable without the ReplaySubject.
private static async Task<Result<IEnumerable<Details>>> Test(IScheduler scheduler) =>
.Defer(() =>
var client = new IBClient();
var requestId = 1;
return Observable.Create<Result<IEnumerable<Details>>>(o =>
IDisposable subscription =
client.Details.Where(x => x.RequestId == requestId).Select(x => Notification.CreateOnNext(x)),
client.DetailsEnd.Any(x => x.RequestId == requestId).Select(x => Notification.CreateOnCompleted<Details>()),
client.Error.Where(x => x.RequestId == requestId).Select(x => Notification.CreateOnError<Details>(new Exception($"Code: {x.Code}, Message: {x.Message}"))))
.Select(items => Result<IEnumerable<Details>>.FromSuccess(items))
.Catch<Result<IEnumerable<Details>>, Exception>(ex => Observable.Return(Result<IEnumerable<Details>>.FromError(new Error(null, ex.Message, null))))
client.Emit(2, 4);
client.Emit(requestId, 42);
client.Emit(requestId, 62);
client.Emit(requestId, 123);
//client.EmitError(requestId, 123, "Something bad happened");
client.Emit(requestId, 1);
return subscription;
I created a state machine saga that will receive multiple messages and only after a given time period elapses, I want it to continue its work. I figured the only way to do it with mass transit is to go with the scheduling capabilities of the framework.
The saga code (shortened for brevity) is given below:
public class CheckFeedSubmissionStateMachine : MassTransitStateMachine<CheckFeedSubmissionState>
public State? WaitingForTimeoutExpiration { get; private set; }
public State? FetchingSubmissionData { get; private set; }
public Event<CheckFeedSubmissionCommand> CheckFeedSubmissionCommandReceived { get; private set; }
public Event<FeedSubmissionListReceivedEvent> FeedSubmissionListReceived { get; private set; }
public Event<FeedSubmissionListErrorReceivedEvent> FeedSubmissionListErrorReceived { get; private set; }
public Event<FeedSubmissionResultReceivedEvent> FeedSubmissionResultReceived { get; private set; }
public Event<FeedSubmissionResultErrorReceivedEvent> FeedSubmissionResultErrorReceived { get; private set; }
public Schedule<CheckFeedSubmissionState, SchedulingCompletionTimeoutExpired> ScheduleCompletionTimeout { get; private set; }
private readonly int _scheduleDelay;
public CheckFeedSubmissionStateMachine(IOptions<SagasOptions> options)
_scheduleDelay = int.Parse(options.Value.CheckFeedSubmissionStateMachine["ScheduleDelay"]);
private void Configure()
() => CheckFeedSubmissionCommandReceived,
e => e.CorrelateById(x => x.Message.PartnerGuid));
Schedule(() => ScheduleCompletionTimeout, instance => instance.SchedulingCompletionTimeoutTokenId, s =>
s.Delay = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(_scheduleDelay);
s.Received = r => r.CorrelateById(context => context.Message.CorrelationId);
InstanceState(state => state.CurrentState);
private void BuildProcess()
.Schedule(ScheduleCompletionTimeout, ScheduleEvent)
// the rest ommited for brevity
private void InitializeState(BehaviorContext<CheckFeedSubmissionState, CheckFeedSubmissionCommand> ctx) =>
ctx.Instance.PartnerId = ctx.Data.PartnerId;
private void StoreSubmissionIds(BehaviorContext<CheckFeedSubmissionState, CheckFeedSubmissionCommand> ctx)
ctx.Instance.SubmissionIdToStatusMap[ctx.Data.FeedSubmissionId] = FeedProcessingStatus.Submitted;
ctx.Instance.SubmissionIdsToCorrelationIdsMap[ctx.Data.FeedSubmissionId] = ctx.Data.CorrelationId;
private Task<SchedulingCompletionTimeoutExpired> ScheduleEvent<TEvent>(
ConsumeEventContext<CheckFeedSubmissionState, TEvent> ctx) where TEvent : class =>
ctx.Init<SchedulingCompletionTimeoutExpired>(new { ctx.Instance.CorrelationId });
private EventActivityBinder<CheckFeedSubmissionState, SchedulingCompletionTimeoutExpired> QueueGetFeedSubmissionListRequest(
IStateMachineActivitySelector<CheckFeedSubmissionState, SchedulingCompletionTimeoutExpired> sel) =>
The one test that I created for it aims at checking if both published messages have been preserved in the saga, the code below:
public async Task GivenCheckFeedSubmissionCommand_WhenAnotherCheckFeedSubmissionCommandIsReceived_ThenTheSagaStoresBothSubmissionIds()
var (harness, sagaHarness) = GetTestComponents();
var partnerGuid = Guid.NewGuid();
await harness.Start();
await harness.Bus.Publish(GetInitiatingEvent("1", partnerGuid));
await Consumption<CheckFeedSubmissionCommand>(harness, sagaHarness, 1);
await harness.Bus.Publish(GetInitiatingEvent("2", partnerGuid));
await Consumption<CheckFeedSubmissionCommand>(harness, sagaHarness, 2);
var state = sagaHarness.Sagas.Contains(partnerGuid);
state.SubmissionIdsToCorrelationIdsMap.Should().ContainKeys("1", "2");
await harness.Stop();
private static (InMemoryTestHarness, IStateMachineSagaTestHarness<CheckFeedSubmissionState, CheckFeedSubmissionStateMachine>) GetTestComponents() =>
TestHarnessFactory.Create<CheckFeedSubmissionState, CheckFeedSubmissionStateMachine>(
sp => sp
.AddSingleton(Options.Create(new SagasOptions
CheckFeedSubmissionStateMachine = new Dictionary<string, string>
["ScheduleDelay"] = "0"
private static CheckFeedSubmissionCommand GetInitiatingEvent(string feedSubmissionId, Guid partnerGuid) =>
new(Guid.NewGuid(), "1", partnerGuid, feedSubmissionId);
private static async Task Consumption<TEvent>(
InMemoryTestHarness harness,
IStateMachineSagaTestHarness<CheckFeedSubmissionState, CheckFeedSubmissionStateMachine> sagaHarness,
int expectedCount)
where TEvent : class
if (expectedCount == 1)
var harnessConsumed = harness.Consumed.SelectAsync<TEvent>().Any();
var sagaConsumed = sagaHarness.Consumed.SelectAsync<TEvent>().Any();
await Task.WhenAll(harnessConsumed, sagaConsumed);
int harnessConsumedCount;
int sagaConsumedCount;
var harnessConsumedTask = harness.Consumed.SelectAsync<TEvent>().Count();
var sagaConsumedTask = sagaHarness.Consumed.SelectAsync<TEvent>().Count();
harnessConsumedCount = await harnessConsumedTask;
sagaConsumedCount = await sagaConsumedTask;
await Task.Delay(1000);
} while (harnessConsumedCount < expectedCount && sagaConsumedCount < expectedCount);
The problem is that when I invoke this line .Schedule(ScheduleCompletionTimeout, ScheduleEvent) in the Initially/When phase, it somehow interferes with state switching and the saga does not switch to the next state - it stays in the Initial state indefinitely. I confirmed it both by inspecting the state variable in the test and by setting a breakpoint in the InitializeState method - it gets hit twice. When I remove that line doing the scheduling, the test passes, though I can't do that, because I need it. Any help?
It's likely you don't have a scheduler configured for the bus with the test harness. If you had logging enabled for the test, you'd see the error in the logs.
The bus configuration for the test harness should let you add the scheduler:
There is a configuration event on the test harness, OnConfigureInMemoryBus or something like that, which you can use to configure the bus.
!!warning: Rx newbie!!
We have multiple price feeds. The requirement is to subscribe to all these feeds and only output the latest tick every 1 sec(throttle)
public static class FeedHandler
private static IObservable<PriceTick> _combinedPriceFeed = null;
private static double _throttleFrequency = 1000;
public static void AddToCombinedFeed(IObservable<PriceTick> feed)
_combinedPriceFeed = _combinedPriceFeed != null ? _combinedPriceFeed.Merge(feed) : feed;
private static IDisposable _subscriber;
private static void AddFeed(IObservable<PriceTick> feed)
_subscriber = feed.Buffer(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(_throttleFrequency)).Subscribe(buffer => buffer.GroupBy(x => x.InstrumentId, (key, result) => result.First()).ToObservable().Subscribe(NotifyClient));
public static void NotifyClient(PriceTick tick)
//Do some action
The code have multiple issues. If I call AddToCombinedFeed with the same feed multiple times, the streams will get duplicated to start with. Eg. below
IObservable<PriceTick> feed1;
FeedHandler.AddToCombinedFeed(feed1);//1 stream
FeedHandler.AddToCombinedFeed(feed1);//2 streams(even though the groupby and first() functions will prevent this effect to propagate further
This brings me to the question. If I want to remove one price stream from the merged stream, how can I do that?
Update - New Solution
With Dynamic-Data (MIT-License) from RolandPheasant with Nuget.
Use a SourceList instead of a List
Use the MergeMany operator
public class FeedHandler
private readonly IDisposable _subscriber;
private readonly SourceList<IObservable<PriceTick>> _feeds = new SourceList<IObservable<PriceTick>>();
private readonly double _throttleFrequency = 1000;
public FeedHandler()
var combinedPriceFeed = _feeds.Connect().MergeMany(x => x).Buffer(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(_throttleFrequency)).SelectMany(buffer => buffer.GroupBy(x => x.InstrumentId, (key, result) => result.First()));
_subscriber = combinedPriceFeed.Subscribe(NotifyClient);
public void AddFeed(IObservable<PriceTick> feed) => _feeds.Add(feed);
public void NotifyClient(PriceTick tick)
//Do some action
Old Solution
Eradicate the need to resubscribe by applying Switch() technique.
Your _combinedPriceFeed just switches to the next observable that
will be supplied by _combinePriceFeedChange.
Keep a list to manage your multiple feeds. Create the new observable whenever the list changes and provide it via _combinePriceFeedChange.
You should get the logic of an corresponding remove method.
public class FeedHandler
private readonly IDisposable _subscriber;
private readonly IObservable<PriceTick> _combinedPriceFeed;
private readonly List<IObservable<PriceTick>> _feeds = new List<IObservable<PriceTick>>();
private readonly BehaviorSubject<IObservable<PriceTick>> _combinedPriceFeedChange = new BehaviorSubject<IObservable<PriceTick>>(Observable.Never<PriceTick>());
private readonly double _throttleFrequency = 1000;
public FeedHandler()
_combinedPriceFeed = _combinedPriceFeedChange.Switch().Buffer(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(_throttleFrequency)).SelectMany(buffer => buffer.GroupBy(x => x.InstrumentId, (key, result) => result.First()));
_subscriber = _combinedPriceFeed.Subscribe(NotifyClient);
public void AddFeed(IObservable<PriceTick> feed)
public void NotifyClient(PriceTick tick)
//Do some action
Here's the code you need:
private static SerialDisposable _subscriber = new SerialDisposable();
private static void AddFeed(IObservable<PriceTick> feed)
_subscriber.Disposable =
.SelectMany(buffer =>
.GroupBy(x => x.InstrumentId, (key, result) => result.First()))
I am trying to implement a simple example/demo for a state machine using Automatonymous with RabbitMQ. Unfortunately I could not find one to rebuild / learn from (I found the ShoppingWeb, but in my eyes it's anything but simple). Also in my opinion the documentation is lacking information.
This is the state machine example I thought of (sorry, it's pretty ugly):
Please note that this example is completely made up and it's not important if it makes sense or not. This project's purpose is to get "warm" with Automatonymous.
What I want to do / to have is:
Four applications running:
The state machine itself
The "requester" sending requests to be interpreted
The "validator" or "parser" checking if the provided request is valid
The "interpreter" interpreting the given request
An example of this could be:
Requester sends "x=5"
Validator checks if a "=" is contained
Intepreter says "5"
My implementation of the state machine looks like this:
public class InterpreterStateMachine : MassTransitStateMachine<InterpreterInstance>
public InterpreterStateMachine()
InstanceState(x => x.CurrentState);
Event(() => Requesting, x => x.CorrelateBy(request => request.Request.RequestString, context => context.Message.Request.RequestString)
.SelectId(context => Guid.NewGuid()));
Event(() => Validating, x => x.CorrelateBy(request => request.Request.RequestString, context => context.Message.Request.RequestString));
Event(() => Interpreting, x => x.CorrelateBy(request => request.Request.RequestString, context => context.Message.Request.RequestString));
.Then(context =>
context.Instance.Request = new Request(context.Data.Request.RequestString);
.ThenAsync(context => Console.Out.WriteLineAsync($"Request received: {context.Data.Request.RequestString}"))
.Publish(context => new ValidationNeededEvent(context.Instance))
.Then(context =>
context.Instance.Request.IsValid = context.Data.Request.IsValid;
if (!context.Data.Request.IsValid)
this.TransitionToState(context.Instance, Error);
this.TransitionToState(context.Instance, RequestValid);
.ThenAsync(context => Console.Out.WriteLineAsync($"Request '{context.Data.Request.RequestString}' validated with {context.Instance.Request.IsValid}"))
.Publish(context => new InterpretationNeededEvent(context.Instance))
.Then((context) =>
//do something
.ThenAsync(context => Console.Out.WriteLineAsync($"Request '{context.Data.Request.RequestString}' interpreted with {context.Data.Answer}"))
.Publish(context => new AnswerReadyEvent(context.Instance))
public State Requested { get; private set; }
public State RequestValid { get; private set; }
public State AnswerReady { get; private set; }
public State Error { get; private set; }
//Someone is sending a request to interprete
public Event<IRequesting> Requesting { get; private set; }
//Request is validated
public Event<IValidating> Validating { get; private set; }
//Request is interpreted
public Event<IInterpreting> Interpreting { get; private set; }
class ValidationNeededEvent : IValidationNeeded
readonly InterpreterInstance _instance;
public ValidationNeededEvent(InterpreterInstance instance)
_instance = instance;
public Guid RequestId => _instance.CorrelationId;
public Request Request => _instance.Request;
class InterpretationNeededEvent : IInterpretationNeeded
readonly InterpreterInstance _instance;
public InterpretationNeededEvent(InterpreterInstance instance)
_instance = instance;
public Guid RequestId => _instance.CorrelationId;
class AnswerReadyEvent : IAnswerReady
readonly InterpreterInstance _instance;
public AnswerReadyEvent(InterpreterInstance instance)
_instance = instance;
public Guid RequestId => _instance.CorrelationId;
Then I have services like this:
public class RequestService : ServiceControl
readonly IScheduler scheduler;
IBusControl busControl;
BusHandle busHandle;
InterpreterStateMachine machine;
InMemorySagaRepository<InterpreterInstance> repository;
public RequestService()
scheduler = CreateScheduler();
public bool Start(HostControl hostControl)
Console.WriteLine("Creating bus...");
machine = new InterpreterStateMachine();
repository = new InMemorySagaRepository<InterpreterInstance>();
busControl = Bus.Factory.CreateUsingRabbitMq(x =>
IRabbitMqHost host = x.Host(new Uri(/*rabbitMQ server*/), h =>
x.ReceiveEndpoint(host, "interpreting_answer", e =>
e.PrefetchCount = 5; //?
e.StateMachineSaga(machine, repository);
x.ReceiveEndpoint(host, "2", e =>
e.PrefetchCount = 1;
//Scheduling !?
e.Consumer(() => new ScheduleMessageConsumer(scheduler));
e.Consumer(() => new CancelScheduledMessageConsumer(scheduler));
Console.WriteLine("Starting bus...");
busHandle = MassTransit.Util.TaskUtil.Await<BusHandle>(() => busControl.StartAsync());
scheduler.JobFactory = new MassTransitJobFactory(busControl);
catch (Exception)
return true;
public bool Stop(HostControl hostControl)
Console.WriteLine("Stopping bus...");
if (busHandle != null) busHandle.Stop();
return true;
static IScheduler CreateScheduler()
ISchedulerFactory schedulerFactory = new StdSchedulerFactory();
IScheduler scheduler = MassTransit.Util.TaskUtil.Await<IScheduler>(() => schedulerFactory.GetScheduler()); ;
return scheduler;
My questions are:
How do I send the "intial" request, so that the state machine will transition to my initial state
How do I "react" within the consumers to check the data that were sent and then send new data like in 1?
Okay I figured it out. I probably had problems because I'm not only new to Masstransit/Automatonymous and RabbitMQ, but also don't have much experience with C# yet.
So if anyone ever will have the same problem, here is what you need:
Given the above example there are three different types plus some small interfaces needed:
A sender (in this case the "requester") including a specific consumer
A service that consumes specific message types (the "validator" and "interpreter")
A service that holds the state machine without a specific consumer
Some "contracts", which are interfaces defining the type of message that's sent/consumed
1) This is the sender:
using InterpreterStateMachine.Contracts;
using MassTransit;
using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace InterpreterStateMachine.Requester
class Program
private static IBusControl _busControl;
static void Main(string[] args)
var busControl = ConfigureBus();
Console.WriteLine("Enter request or quit to exit: ");
while (true)
Console.Write("> ");
String value = Console.ReadLine();
if ("quit".Equals(value,StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
if (value != null)
String[] values = value.Split(';');
foreach (String v in values)
Request = new Request(v),
TimeStamp = DateTime.UtcNow
static IBusControl ConfigureBus()
if (null == _busControl)
_busControl = Bus.Factory.CreateUsingRabbitMq(cfg =>
var host = cfg.Host(new Uri(/*rabbitMQ server*/), h =>
cfg.ReceiveEndpoint(host, "answer_ready", e =>
e.Durable = true;
//here the consumer is registered
return _busControl;
//here comes the actual logic of the consumer, which consumes a "contract"
class AnswerConsumer : IConsumer<IAnswerReady>
public async Task Consume(ConsumeContext<IAnswerReady> context)
await Console.Out.WriteLineAsync($"\nReceived Answer for \"{context.Message.Request.RequestString}\": {context.Message.Answer}.");
await Console.Out.WriteAsync(">");
2) This is the service (here it is the validation sercive)
using InterpreterStateMachine.Contracts;
using MassTransit;
using MassTransit.QuartzIntegration;
using MassTransit.RabbitMqTransport;
using Quartz;
using Quartz.Impl;
using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Topshelf;
namespace InterpreterStateMachine.Validator
public class ValidationService : ServiceControl
readonly IScheduler _scheduler;
static IBusControl _busControl;
BusHandle _busHandle;
public static IBus Bus => _busControl;
public ValidationService()
_scheduler = CreateScheduler();
public bool Start(HostControl hostControl)
Console.WriteLine("Creating bus...");
_busControl = MassTransit.Bus.Factory.CreateUsingRabbitMq(x =>
IRabbitMqHost host = x.Host(new Uri(/*rabbitMQ server*/), h =>
x.UseMessageScheduler(new Uri(RabbitMqServerAddress));
x.ReceiveEndpoint(host, "validation_needed", e =>
e.PrefetchCount = 1;
e.Durable = true;
//again this is how the consumer is registered
Console.WriteLine("Starting bus...");
_busHandle = MassTransit.Util.TaskUtil.Await<BusHandle>(() => _busControl.StartAsync());
_scheduler.JobFactory = new MassTransitJobFactory(_busControl);
catch (Exception)
return true;
public bool Stop(HostControl hostControl)
Console.WriteLine("Stopping bus...");
return true;
static IScheduler CreateScheduler()
ISchedulerFactory schedulerFactory = new StdSchedulerFactory();
IScheduler scheduler = MassTransit.Util.TaskUtil.Await<IScheduler>(() => schedulerFactory.GetScheduler());
return scheduler;
//again here comes the actual consumer logic, look how the message is re-published after it was checked
class RequestConsumer : IConsumer<IValidationNeeded>
public async Task Consume(ConsumeContext<IValidationNeeded> context)
await Console.Out.WriteLineAsync($"(c) Received {context.Message.Request.RequestString} for validation (Id: {context.Message.RequestId}).");
context.Message.Request.IsValid = context.Message.Request.RequestString.Contains("=");
//send the new message on the "old" context
await context.Publish<IValidating>(new
Request = context.Message.Request,
IsValid = context.Message.Request.IsValid,
TimeStamp = DateTime.UtcNow,
RequestId = context.Message.RequestId
The validator consumes the contract "IValidationNeeded" and then publishes the contract "IValidating", which then will be consumed by the state machine itself (the "Validating" event).
3) The difference between a consumer service and the sate machine service lies withing the "ReceiveEndpoint". Here is no consumer registered, but the state machine is set:
InterpreterStateMachine _machine = new InterpreterStateMachine();
InMemorySagaRepository<InterpreterInstance> _repository = new InMemorySagaRepository<InterpreterInstance>();
x.ReceiveEndpoint(host, "state_machine", e =>
e.PrefetchCount = 1;
//here the state machine is set
e.StateMachineSaga(_machine, _repository);
e.Durable = false;
4) Last but not least, the contracts are pretty small and look like this:
using System;
namespace InterpreterStateMachine.Contracts
public interface IValidationNeeded
Guid RequestId { get; }
Request Request { get; }
So overall it's pretty straightforward, I just had to use my brain :D
I hope this will help someone.
I have a List and this SomeAttachmentClass has an UploadCompleted event that is, upon calling a .Save() method, raised exactly once. That .Save() method does not block until the save and therefore upload is actually completed, but returns right away and signals its completion via said event.
Now what I want and need to do is basically wait for all the instances in the List<> to raise that event (exactly) once and only then continue.. & the question is - how would I do that most simply/elegantly?
I was thinking of using RX's FromEvent(..) in combination with .Take(1) on every instance, perform a .SelectMany() over all these per-instance streams and await that.. but I am not sure whether there's a better way out there.
This works to solve the problem - thanks to Shlomo for the starting point.
void Main()
Func<SomeAttachment, IObservable<object>> save = sa =>
Observable.Create<object>(o =>
var ob =
eh => sa.UploadCompleted += eh,
eh => sa.UploadCompleted -= eh)
.Select(x => x.EventArgs);
var subscription = ob.Subscribe(o);
return subscription;
var list = Enumerable.Range(0, 10).Select(i => new SomeAttachment(i)).ToList();
.SelectMany(o => save(o))
.Subscribe(_ => Console.WriteLine("All Complete. Handling logic goes here."));
public class SomeAttachment
private static Random random = new Random();
private readonly int _id;
public SomeAttachment(int id)
_id = id;
public int Id
get { return _id; }
public async Task Save()
//await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(random.Next(1000, 3000)));
UploadCompleted?.Invoke(this, new object());
public event EventHandler<object> UploadCompleted;
Here's an Rx implementation. You don't need to await, Rx will do that for you. Commented out lines are for debugging/running in LinqPad:
void Main()
var list = Enumerable.Range(0, 10).Select(i => new SomeAttachment(i)).ToList();
.Do(sa => sa.Save())
//.Do(sa => Console.WriteLine($"{sa.Id}: Save called"))
.Select(sa => Observable.FromEventPattern<object>(eh => sa.UploadCompleted += eh, eh => sa.UploadCompleted -= eh))
.SelectMany(o => o.Take(1))
//.Do(o => Console.WriteLine($"{(o.Sender as SomeAttachment).Id}: Upload completed."))
.All(_ => true)
.Subscribe(_ => Console.WriteLine("All Complete. Handling logic goes here."));
// Define other methods and classes here
public class SomeAttachment
private static Random random = new Random();
private readonly int _id;
public SomeAttachment(int id)
_id = id;
public int Id
get { return _id; }
public async Task Save()
await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(random.Next(1000, 3000)));
UploadCompleted?.Invoke(this, new object());
public event EventHandler<object> UploadCompleted;