Tapped Slideshow Image From JSON - c#

I have a picture slideshow that when the picture was tapped by the user and if the url in json no "#", it will go to the url address.
<Image x:Name="topBanner" Source="images/new (3.0)/banner/MI-W10-banner-1366-01.png" Tapped="topBanner_Tapped" />
DispatcherTimer playlistTimer1a = null;
List<string> Images1a = new List<string>();
protected override void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e)
private async void ImageSource1a()
var httpClientHandler = new HttpClientHandler();
httpClientHandler.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential("username", "password");
var httpClient = new HttpClient(httpClientHandler);
string urlPath = "http://";
var values = new List<KeyValuePair<string, string>>
new KeyValuePair<string, string>("platform","win"),
HttpResponseMessage response = await httpClient.PostAsync(urlPath, new FormUrlEncodedContent(values));
string jsonText = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
JsonObject jsonObject = JsonObject.Parse(jsonText);
//JsonObject jsonData1 = jsonObject["data"].GetObject();
JsonArray jsonData1 = jsonObject["data"].GetArray();
foreach (JsonValue groupValue1 in jsonData1)
JsonObject groupObject1 = groupValue1.GetObject();
string image = groupObject1["image"].GetString();
string url = groupObject1["url"].GetString();
playlistTimer1a = new DispatcherTimer();
playlistTimer1a.Interval = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 6);
playlistTimer1a.Tick += playlistTimer_Tick1a;
topBanner.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri(Images1a[0]));
catch (HttpRequestException ex)
int count1a = 0;
void playlistTimer_Tick1a(object sender, object e)
if (Images1a != null)
if (count1a < Images1a.Count)
if (count1a >= Images1a.Count)
count1a = 0;
private async void ImageRotation1a()
private void topBanner_Tapped(object sender, TappedRoutedEventArgs e)
//I have to confused to add this code
//Can anyone help me to add this code
How, when the slideshow image tapped by the user, it will go to url address on JSON (when the address url not '#')?

There are a lot of improvements to be made to the code. I recommend you read a bit more about DataBinding and MVVM.
However, I will try to help you with the code, as-is:
First, you need to ensure you maintain all the data from JSON so you can use it later. Instead of having a List for the image URLs you need to have a structure to hold both urls:
public struct DataItem
public string ImageUrl {get;set;}
public string Url {get;set;}
Then declare your list as:
List<DataItem> Images1a = new List<DataItem>();
When you build you list, create DataItem instances and add them to the list
foreach (JsonValue groupValue1 in jsonData1)
JsonObject groupObject1 = groupValue1.GetObject();
var dataItem = new DataItem();
dataItem.ImageUrl = groupObject1["image"].GetString();
dataItem.Url = groupObject1["url"].GetString();
Finally, when you tap an image, find the url based on the index:
private async void topBanner_Tapped(object sender, TappedRoutedEventArgs e)
var tappedItem = Images1a[count1a];
if (tappedItem.Url != "#")
await Windows.System.Launcher.LaunchUriAsync(new Uri(tappedItem.Url));
You can read more about how to launch URIs from the documentation


HttpResponseMessage PostAsync doesn't response

I dont get any response using client.PostAsync.
I created button in xamarin forms. It should send to server some sentences(json) and return info about them(again in json).
Button code:
private async void button_Analyze_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
Request req = new Request()
UserId = this.UserId,
Language = Convert.ToString(picker_Language.SelectedItem) + ".",
Text = Convert.ToString(editor1.Text)
string jsonStr = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(req);
Dictionary<string, string> dict = new Dictionary<string, string>();
dict.Add("s", jsonStr);
FormUrlEncodedContent form = new FormUrlEncodedContent(dict);
HttpResponseMessage response = await client.PostAsync(markTextUrl, form).ConfigureAwait(false);
string result = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
Answer answ = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Answer>(result);
await DisplayAlert("", " ", "Ok");
Controller code:
public string MarkText(string s) //работа с запросом из приложения
Request req = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Request>(s);
if (req != null)
Models.Request request = new Models.Request()
Text = req.Text,
Lang = req.Language,
UserId = int.Parse(req.UserId)
Answer answ = new Answer()
Language = req.Language,
Text = req.Text,
Sentences = db.Histories.Last().Text,
Labels = db.Histories.Last().Label
return JsonConvert.SerializeObject(answ);
return null;
Problem is this code
HttpResponseMessage response = await client.PostAsync(markTextUrl, form).ConfigureAwait(false);
never return response and it doesnt reach controller function. If I wait for this code to complete Ill get System.OperationCanceledExeption:"The operation was canceled"

C# Event fires a lot of times

I have a problem. I am using a CollectionView that receives data in a custom ViewModel from my webpage as long as it returns a JSON with the data. Once the Offset in the call >= num_of_rows the webpage prints "Nothing". If that happens I set a boolean HitBottomOfList = true;. Now everytime when it wants to do a webcall it checks if the HitBottomOfList == false.
Full Code
public class TemplateListViewModel
public double WidthHeight { get; set; }
public ICommand LoadTemplates => new Command(LoadTemplateList);
public int CurrentTemplateCountReceived;
public bool HitBottomOfList = false;
public ObservableCollection<TemplateSource> sourceList { get; set; }
public TemplateListViewModel()
CurrentTemplateCountReceived = 0;
sourceList = new ObservableCollection<TemplateSource>();
var mainDisplayInfo = DeviceDisplay.MainDisplayInfo;
var width = mainDisplayInfo.Width;
var density = mainDisplayInfo.Density;
var ScaledWidth = width / density;
WidthHeight = (ScaledWidth / 2);
loadingTemplates += onLoadingTemplates;
private event EventHandler loadingTemplates = delegate { };
private void LoadTemplateList()
loadingTemplates(this, EventArgs.Empty);
private async void onLoadingTemplates(object sender, EventArgs args)
if (HitBottomOfList == false)
List<Template> templateList = await App.RestService.GetTemplates(App.User, CurrentTemplateCountReceived);
if (templateList != null)
foreach (var template in templateList)
ImageSource source = ImageSource.FromUri(new Uri("mysite.org/myapp/" + template.FileName));
TemplateSource templateSource = new TemplateSource { Id = template.Id, Source = source, WidthHeight = WidthHeight, FileName = template.FileName };
CurrentTemplateCountReceived = sourceList.Count;
HitBottomOfList = true;
<CollectionView ItemsSource="{Binding sourceList}" RemainingItemsThreshold="6"
RemainingItemsThresholdReachedCommand="{Binding LoadTemplates}">
<GridItemsLayout Orientation="Vertical"
Span="2" />
Source="{Binding Source}"
WidthRequest="{Binding WidthHeight}"
HeightRequest="{Binding WidthHeight}">
<TapGestureRecognizer Tapped="imgTemplate_Clicked" />
And finally the WebCall that I do:
public async Task<List<Template>> GetTemplates(User user, int offset)
var postData = new List<KeyValuePair<string, string>>();
postData.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, string>("un", user.Username));
postData.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, string>("pw", user.Password));
postData.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, string>("offset", offset.ToString()));
var content = new FormUrlEncodedContent(postData);
var weburl = "mysite.org/myapp/get_templates.php";
List<Template> response = await PostResponseTemplates(weburl, content);
return response;
public async Task<List<Template>> PostResponseTemplates(string weburl, FormUrlEncodedContent content)
var response = await client.PostAsync(weburl, content);
var json = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
if (json != "Nothing")
var jObject = JObject.Parse(json);
var templatePropery = jObject["Templates"] as JArray;
List<Template> templateList = new List<Template>();
foreach (var property in templatePropery)
List<Template> propertyList = new List<Template>();
propertyList = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<Template>>(property.ToString());
var sourcePropery = (JObject)jObject["Source"];
foreach (var property in sourcePropery)
string tempplateSource = property.Value.Value<string>();
App.TemplateSource = tempplateSource;
return templateList;
ErrorMessage = json;
return default(List<Template>);
Now the problem is that when it does trigger the RemainingItemsThresholdReachedCommand="{Binding LoadTemplates}"
it executes the command a lot of times after each other, thinking it needs more data, while there is already a command to get new data. This causes the app to get new data with the same offset a few times, so the app will the same data in the CollectionView a lot of times.
I want the app to call the webpage 1 time to receive more images and just let it load, without asking again for new data, so the duplicates in the list will disappear.
So how can I make sure it only asks the data once, when almost hit the bottom?
Using #Jason his code the following is going wrong:
When the code goes through the MyHandler, it fires the LoadTemplateList(); But jumps to the handling = false; before it finished, so the next command is allowed to start, without finishing the other. Any idea how to wait for the method to finish?
use a bool to track if you are already handling the event and ignore any new ones
bool handling = false;
public void MyHandler()
// already handling an event, ignore the new one
if (handling) return;
handling = true;
// process event here
handling = false;

Async and await tasks are getting missed

I'm getting a "Because this call is not awaited..." on
SendPostAsync(CustomerName, email, Phone, maxImages, MainEventName, MainEventCode, CLemail, package_type, PlayerInfo, template_ID, favoritesArray);
Here's the button click:
private void btnCopyAllInvoices_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
//sets up a list to store the incoming invoice numbers from the DB
List<string> InvoiceNums = new List<string>();
InvoiceNums = mySqlInterface.GetNewInvoices();
//prep the visuals
lblStatus.Text = "";
InvoicePanel.Visible = true;
progressBarInvoice.Value = 0;
progressBarInvoice.Maximum = InvoiceNums.Count;
//for each invoice collected let's copy it
InvoiceNums.ForEach(delegate(string inv)
if (OrderDAL.CheckOrderExist(inv))
// the order already exist
Order myorder = new Order();
myorder = OrderDAL.GetOrder(inv);
CopyImages(myorder, true);
OrderDAL.UpdateFulfillment(string.Format("Images Copied"), inv);
//let the user know how we did
MessageBoxButtons buttons = MessageBoxButtons.OK;
string strError = string.Format("{0} Invoices copied.", InvoiceNums.Count);
MessageBox.Show(this, strError, "Copy New Invoices", buttons, MessageBoxIcon.Information, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1);
InvoicePanel.Visible = false;
Here, CopyImages is called as part of the foreach loop above.
public void CopyImages(Order order, bool CopyAllInv)
string baseTarget = WorkSpace.Text;
string CLhotfolderTarget = string.Empty;
//check to see if the order has been photo released. If it has add "pr" to the end of the invoice number
string prInvoice = "";
if (order.Header.SignatureLine != "null" && order.Header.SignatureChecks != "null")
prInvoice = "pr";
string PackageName = null;
string CustomerName = null;
string Phone = null;
string email = null;
string PlayerInfo = null;
string PlayerName = null;
string PlayerNumber = null;
string MainEventName = null;
string MainEventCode = null;
string CLemail = null;
//go to the DB and get the info
bool videoPackage = mySqlInterface.VideoInfo(order.Header.InvoiceNumber, out PackageName, out CustomerName, out Phone, out email, out PlayerName, out PlayerNumber, out MainEventName, out MainEventCode);
if (videoPackage)
if (PackageName.Contains("Video") || PackageName.Contains("Ultimate Ripken"))
CLemail = MainEventCode + "_" + email.Replace("#", "_").Replace(".", "_").Replace("+", "_");
PlayerInfo = PlayerName + " " + PlayerNumber;
int template_ID = 0;
if (txtCLtemplateID.Text != "")
template_ID = Convert.ToInt32(txtCLtemplateID.Text);
//we will always need a hotfolder. So let's set and create it now
CLhotfolderTarget = txtCLhotfolder.Text + "\\toUpload\\" + CLemail;
if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(CLhotfolderTarget))
// create the directory
int maxImages = 7;
int package_type = 2;
string[] favoritesArray = new string[maxImages];
//populate the array of images for the video
int count = 0;
foreach (Order.InvoiceImages image in order.ImageList)
favoritesArray[count] = image.ImageName;
//let's call the API and send info to CL
SendPostAsync(CustomerName, email, Phone, maxImages, MainEventName, MainEventCode, CLemail, package_type, PlayerInfo, template_ID, favoritesArray);
public async Task SendPostAsync(string name, string email, string phone, int photo_count, string event_name, string event_id, string dir_name, int package_type, string video_text, int template_id, string[] favoritesArray)
string postURL = null;
string token = null;
int delivery_method = 2;
postURL = "https://search.apicall.com/photographer/customer";
token = "token xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
client.BaseAddress = new Uri(postURL);
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Authorization", token);
string POSTcall = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { name, email, phone, photo_count, event_id, event_name, dir_name, package_type, video_text, delivery_method, template_id, favorites = favoritesArray });
//Send string to log file for debug
StringContent stringContent = new StringContent(POSTcall, UnicodeEncoding.UTF8, "application/json");
HttpResponseMessage response = await client.PostAsync(new Uri(postURL), stringContent);
string POSTresponse = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
//simplified output for debug
if (POSTresponse.Contains("error") && POSTresponse.Contains("false"))
lblStatus.Text = "Error Sending to CL";
lblStatus.Text = "Successfully added to CL";
I have an await on the HttpResponseMessage response = await client.PostAsync
If I run this one at a time, it works. But when I run this through a loop and there are a bunch back to back, I think the PostAsyncs are getting stepped on. I'm missing entires in the WriteLog.
It seems I need to do the async/awaits further upstream, right? This way I can run the whole method.
Referencing Async/Await - Best Practices in Asynchronous Programming, event handlers allow async void so refactor the code to be async all the way through.
refactor CopyImages to await the posting of the data
public async Task CopyImages(Order order, bool CopyAllInv) {
//...omitted for brevity
if (videoPackage) {
if (PackageName.Contains("Video") || PackageName.Contains("Ultimate Ripken")) {
//...omitted for brevity
await SendPostAsync(CustomerName, email, Phone, maxImages, MainEventName, MainEventCode, CLemail, package_type, PlayerInfo, template_ID, favoritesArray);
And update the event handler
private async void btnCopyAllInvoices_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
//sets up a list to store the incoming invoice numbers from the DB
List<string> InvoiceNums = new List<string>();
InvoiceNums = mySqlInterface.GetNewInvoices();
//prep the visuals
lblStatus.Text = "";
InvoicePanel.Visible = true;
progressBarInvoice.Value = 0;
progressBarInvoice.Maximum = InvoiceNums.Count;
//for each invoice collected let's copy it
foreach(string inv in InvoiceNums) {
if (OrderDAL.CheckOrderExist(inv)) {
// the order already exist
Order myorder = OrderDAL.GetOrder(inv);
await CopyImages(myorder, true);
OrderDAL.UpdateFulfillment(string.Format("Images Copied"), inv);
//let the user know how we did
MessageBoxButtons buttons = MessageBoxButtons.OK;
string strError = string.Format("{0} Invoices copied.", InvoiceNums.Count);
MessageBox.Show(this, strError, "Copy New Invoices", buttons, MessageBoxIcon.Information, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1);
InvoicePanel.Visible = false;
I would also advise against creating a HttpClient for each post request. Extract that out and use a single client.
static Lazy<HttpClient> httpClient = new Lazy<HttpClient>(() => {
var postURL = "https://search.apicall.com/photographer/customer";
var token = "token xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
client.BaseAddress = new Uri(postURL);
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Authorization", token);
return client
public async Task SendPostAsync(string name, string email, string phone, int photo_count, string event_name, string event_id, string dir_name, int package_type, string video_text, int template_id, string[] favoritesArray)
var postURL = "https://search.apicall.com/photographer/customer";
int delivery_method = 2;
string POSTcall = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { name, email, phone, photo_count, event_id, event_name, dir_name, package_type, video_text, delivery_method, template_id, favorites = favoritesArray });
//Send string to log file for debug
StringContent stringContent = new StringContent(POSTcall, UnicodeEncoding.UTF8, "application/json");
HttpResponseMessage response = await httpClient.Value.PostAsync(new Uri(postURL), stringContent);
string POSTresponse = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
//simplified output for debug
if (POSTresponse.Contains("error") && POSTresponse.Contains("false")) {
lblStatus.Text = "Error Sending to CL";
} else {
lblStatus.Text = "Successfully added to CL";

acumatica import items with image API

Now I have successfully working code (with multiple threads) for items bulk import in IN202500 screen in Acumatica.
The problem is that I am struggling to import an image of an item and actually I don't have an image by itself but only URL link to this image.
So, my question is has anyone done this in c#?
This is my piece of code.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace ItemImportMultiThreaded
public class ItemImporter
private IN202500.Screen _itemsScreen;
private static object _itemsSchemaLock = new object();
private static IN202500.Content _itemsSchema;
public void Login(string url, string username, string password, string company)
Console.WriteLine("[{0}] Logging in to {1}...", System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId, url);
_itemsScreen = new IN202500.Screen();
_itemsScreen.Url = url + "/PMSDB/(W(2))/Soap/IN202500.asmx";
_itemsScreen.EnableDecompression = true;
_itemsScreen.CookieContainer = new System.Net.CookieContainer();
_itemsScreen.Timeout = 36000;
_itemsScreen.Login(username, password);
Console.WriteLine("[{0}] Logged in to {1}.", System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId, url);
lock (_itemsSchemaLock)
// Threads can share the same schema.
if (_itemsSchema == null)
Console.WriteLine("[{0}] Retrieving IN202500 schema...", System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId);
_itemsSchema = _itemsScreen.GetSchema();
if (_itemsSchema == null) throw new Exception("IN202500 GetSchema returned null. See AC-73433.");
public void Logout()
public void Import(List<Item> items)
Console.WriteLine("[{0}] Submitting {1} items to Acumatica...", System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId, items.Count);
var commands = new IN202500.Command[]
string[][] data = new string[items.Count][];
int count = 0;
foreach(Item item in items)
data[count] = new string[11];
data[count][0] = item.InventoryID;
data[count][1] = item.Description.Trim();
data[count][2] = item.ItemClassID;
data[count][3] = item.DigiKey;
data[count][4] = item.DKPN;
data[count][5] = item.Mouser;
data[count][6] = item.MouserID;
data[count][7] = item.Element14;
data[count][8] = item.Element14ID;
data[count][9] = item.AlternateID;
data[count][10] = item.Descr;
_itemsScreen.Import(commands, null, data, false, true, true);
Console.WriteLine("[{0}] Submitted {1} items to Acumatica.", System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId, items.Count);
I tried to use FileStream but that didn't work.
If by URL link you mean an external http resource, you can download the image and upload it.
The StockItems image field cycle through all the images contained in the Files popup in the order they are displayed:
I uploaded the images from a static external Url using the following code:
const string imageUrl = "https://cdn.acumatica.com/media/2016/03/software-technology-industries-small.jpg";
string path = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), Path.ChangeExtension(Path.GetTempFileName(), ".jpg"));
// Download Image
using (WebClient client = new WebClient())
client.DownloadFile(new Uri(imageUrl), path);
// ReadUploadFile function below
byte[] data = ReadUploadFile(path);
_itemsScreen.Import(new IN202500.Command[]
// Get Inventory Item
new Value
Value = "D1",
LinkedCommand = _itemsSchema.StockItemSummary.InventoryID,
// Upload Inventory Item Image
new Value
FieldName = Path.GetFileName(path),
LinkedCommand = _itemsSchema.StockItemSummary.ServiceCommands.Attachment
new string[][]
new string[]
// Image data
public byte[] ReadUploadFile(string filePath)
byte[] filedata;
using (FileStream file = File.Open(filePath,
filedata = new byte[file.Length];
file.Read(filedata, 0, filedata.Length);
if (filedata == null || filedata.Length == 0)
throw new Exception(string.Concat("Invalid or empty file: ", filePath));
return filedata;
You can try using the below, Tested Code.
var content = _context.CR306000GetSchema(); _context.CR306000Clear();
var commands = new List();
ReqParameter(content, ref commands);
var orderResults = _context.CR306000Submit(commands.ToArray());
private static void ReqParameter(CR306000Content content, ref List cmds) { if (cmds == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("cmds");
private static void ReqParameter(CR306000Content content, ref List<Command> cmds)
if (cmds == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("cmds");
byte[] filedata= null;
Uri uri = new Uri("https://cdn.acumatica.com/media/2016/03/software-technology-industries-small.jpg"); // change the required url of the data that has to be fetched
if (uri.IsFile)
string filename = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(uri.LocalPath);
filedata = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(uri.LocalPath);
if (filedata == null)
WebClient wc = new WebClient();
filedata = wc.DownloadData(uri);
cmds = new List<Command>
//Case Header Details
new Value { Value="<NEW>",LinkedCommand = content.CaseSummary.CaseID},
new Value { Value="L41",LinkedCommand = content.CaseSummary.ClassID},
new Value { Value="ABCSTUDIOS",LinkedCommand = content.CaseSummary.BusinessAccount, Commit = true},
new Value { Value="Test subject created from envelop call 11C",LinkedCommand = content.CaseSummary.Subject},
// body of the case
new Value{Value= "Body of the content for created through envelop call 11B", LinkedCommand = content.Details.Description},
//Attaching a file
new Value
Value = Convert.ToBase64String(filedata), // byte data that is passed to through envelop
FieldName = "Test.jpg",
LinkedCommand =
Let me know if this works for you.

Twitter with 1 hashtag in wp7 (read only integration)

Found myself a solution: Found an own solution. If you want 2 know, contact me.
Don't know to integrate twitter in windows phone app.
What do I have or need:
A Hashtag ("zesdaagsegent"), so who tweets to this hashtags, this will be shown in de windows phone app.
Only for read, you will not reply in de windows phone app, etc. just read.
I need user name of the tweeter, image avatar of the tweeter and his message of course.
This is my try code:
WebClient twitter = new WebClient();
twitter.DownloadStringCompleted += new DownloadStringCompletedEventHandler(twitter_DownloadStringCompleted);
twitter.DownloadStringAsync(new Uri("http://search.twitter.com/search.xml?q=23zesdaagsegent"));
public void twitter_DownloadStringCompleted(object sender, DownloadStringCompletedEventArgs e)
if (e.Error != null)
XElement xmlTweets = XElement.Parse(e.Result);
lstTwitter.ItemsSource = from tweet in xmlTweets.Descendants("status")
select new Tweet
ImageSource = tweet.Element("user").Element("profile_image_url").Value,
Message = tweet.Element("text").Value,
UserName = tweet.Element("user").Element("screen_name").Value
EDIT: I don't get any errors.
public void FireHashSearch()
//string searchQuery = string.Format(TWITTER_URL, "%23zesdaagsegent", _MaxSearchResultsCount);
Uri searchQueryUri = new Uri(URI, UriKind.Absolute);
searchTwitter = new WebClient();
searchTwitter.DownloadStringCompleted += new DownloadStringCompletedEventHandler(searchTwitter_DownloadStringCompleted);
public void searchTwitter_DownloadStringCompleted(object sender, DownloadStringCompletedEventArgs e)
// Grab response.
string results = e.Result;
JObject o = JObject.Parse(results);
// String naam = o.GetValue("text").ToString();
JToken token = o["results"];
JArray array =(JArray)(o["results"]);
for (int i = 0; i < array.Count; i++)
lstTwitter.ItemsSource = ItemsTwitter;
JToken test = JObject.Parse(array[i].ToString());
// for(int i = 0; i<token.
// DataBind.
this.ItemsTwitter.Add(new Tweet()
Avatar = "",
Msg = (string)test.SelectToken("text"),
User = (string)test.SelectToken("from_user")

