Heyy all. I am trying to do an if/else statement for my fileupload function on my Edit Profile page in my ASP.net webpage.
Here is my code:
protected void btnContinue_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
//Declaration of variable to update Profile Image
string imageName, newContact;
imageName = FileUpload1.FileName.ToString();
newContact = tbMobile.Text.ToString();
username = (String)Session["NonAdmin"];
MySqlConnection mcon = new MySqlConnection("server=;user id=Jonathan;password=jon123;persistsecurityinfo=True;database=ajactrac_;allowuservariables=True");
MySqlDataAdapter sda = new MySqlDataAdapter("select * from pointofcontact where Username = '" + username.ToString() + "'", mcon);
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
if (dt.Rows.Count.ToString() == "1")
MySqlCommand command = mcon.CreateCommand();
MySqlCommand command1 = mcon.CreateCommand();
MySqlCommand command2 = mcon.CreateCommand();
MySqlCommand command3 = mcon.CreateCommand();
MySqlCommand command4 = mcon.CreateCommand();
MySqlCommand command5 = mcon.CreateCommand();
MySqlCommand command6 = mcon.CreateCommand();
MySqlCommand command7 = mcon.CreateCommand();
command.CommandText = "update pointofcontact set Password = ?pwd where Username = '" + username.ToString() + "'";
command1.CommandText = "update pointofcontact set FirstName = ?firstname where Username = '" + username.ToString() + "'";
command2.CommandText = "update pointofcontact set LastName = ?lastname where Username = '" + username.ToString() + "'";
command3.CommandText = "update pointofcontact set ContactNumber = ?contact where Username = '" + username.ToString() + "'";
command4.CommandText = "update pointofcontact set EmailAddress = ?email where Username = '" + username.ToString() + "'";
command5.CommandText = "update pointofcontact set Address = ?address where Username = '" + username.ToString() + "'";
command6.CommandText = "update pointofcontact set BackupContactNumber = ?backupnumber where Username = '" + username.ToString() + "'";
command7.CommandText = "update pointofcontact set ProfilePic = ?newimage where Username = '" + username.ToString() + "'";
if (tbNewPassword.Text == "")
command.Parameters.AddWithValue("?pwd", tbOldPassword.Text.Trim());
command.Parameters.AddWithValue("?pwd", tbNewPassword.Text.Trim());
if(tbNewFirstName.Text == "")
command1.Parameters.AddWithValue("?firstname", tbFirstName.Text.Trim());
command1.Parameters.AddWithValue("?firstname", tbNewFirstName.Text.Trim());
if(tbNewLastName.Text == "")
command2.Parameters.AddWithValue("?lastname", tbLastName.Text.Trim());
command2.Parameters.AddWithValue("?lastname", tbNewLastName.Text.Trim());
if(tbNewContact.Text == "")
command3.Parameters.AddWithValue("?contact", tbMobile.Text.Trim());
command3.Parameters.AddWithValue("?contact", tbNewContact.Text.Trim());
if(tbNewEmail.Text == "")
command4.Parameters.AddWithValue("?email", tbEmail.Text.Trim());
command4.Parameters.AddWithValue("?email", tbNewEmail.Text.Trim());
if(tbNewAddress.Text == "")
command5.Parameters.AddWithValue("?address", tbAddress.Text.Trim());
command5.Parameters.AddWithValue("?address", tbNewAddress.Text.Trim());
if(tbNewBackupContact.Text == "")
command6.Parameters.AddWithValue("?backupnumber", tbBackupContact.Text.Trim());
command6.Parameters.AddWithValue("?backupnumber", tbNewBackupContact.Text.Trim());
FileUpload1.PostedFile.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("~/Images/") + imageName);
command7.Parameters.AddWithValue("?newimage", imageName);
string javaScript = "<script language=JavaScript>\n" + "alert('Profile Updated!');\n" + "</script>";
RegisterStartupScript("xyz", javaScript);
string javaScript = "<script language=JavaScript>\n" + "alert('Some Error Occured! Profile Not Updated!');\n" + "</script>";
RegisterStartupScript("xyz", javaScript);
tbNewPassword.Text = "";
I had planned to use the if else statement for my fileupload function such that if the user has not uploaded a new picture, he/she would be still able to update their profile.
Currently when I try to edit a user's profile, this error message comes out.
Before uploading files to any directory, it is good to have this statement before saving file.
if (!Directory.Exists(Server.MapPath("~/Images")))
add above statement before this line
FileUpload1.PostedFile.SaveAs(Server.MapPath(Path.Combine("~/Images", imageName)));
I'm not a strong coder and quite new to C#. I am having problems with the edit account page of the website that I am trying to create. I am trying to update and insert data into the database and they don't seem to work.
Here's my code:
public partial class EditAccount : System.Web.UI.Page
SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection("Data Source=(LocalDB)\\MSSQLLocalDB;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|\\Database.mdf;Integrated Security=True");
private readonly object MessageBox;
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!IsPostBack)
SqlCommand com;
string str;
str = "SELECT Address.HouseNumber, Address.AddressLine1, Address.AddressLine2, Address.City, Address.PostCode, CardDetails.CardDetailsID, CardDetails.NameOnCard, CardDetails.NameOfCard, CardDetails.CardNumber, CardDetails.CardExpiryDate, CardDetails.CVV, AddressType.AddressTypeDescription, Member.MemberID, Member.MemberName, Member.Phone, Member.Email, Member.Username FROM Address FULL JOIN AddressType ON Address.AddressTypeID = AddressType.AddressTypeID FULL JOIN Member ON AddressType.MemberID = Member.MemberID FULL JOIN CardDetails ON Member.MemberID = CardDetails.MemberID WHERE Member.Email = '" + Session["Email"] + "'";
com = new SqlCommand(str, conn);
SqlDataReader reader = com.ExecuteReader();
if (reader.Read())
TxtEName.Text = reader["MemberName"].ToString();
LblEUser.Text = reader["Username"].ToString();
TxtEEmail.Text = reader["Email"].ToString();
TxtEPhone.Text = reader["Phone"].ToString();
TxtEType.Text = reader["AddressTypeDescription"].ToString();
TxtEHouse.Text = reader["HouseNumber"].ToString();
TxtEA1.Text = reader["AddressLine1"].ToString();
TxtEA2.Text = reader["AddressLine2"].ToString();
TxtECity.Text = reader["City"].ToString();
TxtEPostcode.Text = reader["PostCode"].ToString();
TxtENameOf.Text = reader["NameOfCard"].ToString();
TxtENameOn.Text = reader["NameOnCard"].ToString();
TxtECardNo.Text = reader["CardNumber"].ToString();
TxtEExpDate.Text = reader["CardExpiryDate"].ToString();
TxtECVV.Text = reader["CVV"].ToString();
protected void BtnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
SqlDataAdapter str = new SqlDataAdapter ("SELECT Address.HouseNumber, Address.AddressLine1, Address.AddressLine2, Address.City, Address.PostCode, CardDetails.NameOnCard, CardDetails.NameOfCard, CardDetails.CardNumber, CardDetails.CardExpiryDate, CardDetails.CVV, AddressType.AddressTypeDescription, Member.MemberName, Member.Phone, Member.Email, Member.Username FROM Address FULL JOIN AddressType ON Address.AddressTypeID = AddressType.AddressTypeID FULL JOIN Member ON AddressType.MemberID = Member.MemberID FULL JOIN CardDetails ON Member.MemberID = CardDetails.MemberID WHERE Member.Email = '" + Session["Email"] + "'",conn);
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
SqlCommand updateCommand = new SqlCommand("UPDATE Member SET MemberName = '" + TxtEName.Text + "', Email = '" + TxtEEmail.Text + "', Phone = '" + TxtEPhone.Text + "'", conn);
SqlCommand updateCommand1 = new SqlCommand("UPDATE Address SET HouseNumber ='" + TxtEHouse.Text + "', AddressLine1 = '" + TxtEA1.Text + "', AddressLine2 = '" + TxtEA2.Text + "', City = '" + TxtECity.Text + "',PostCode = '" + TxtEPostcode.Text + "'", conn);
SqlCommand updateCommand2 = new SqlCommand("UPDATE AddressType SET AddressTypeDescription = '" + TxtEType.Text + "'", conn);
SqlCommand updateCommand3 = new SqlCommand("UPDATE CardDetails SET NameOnCard = '" + TxtENameOn.Text + "', NameOfCard = '" + TxtENameOf.Text + "', CardNumber = '" + TxtECardNo.Text + "', CardExpiryDate = '" + TxtEExpDate.Text + "', CVV = '" + TxtECVV.Text + "'", conn);
Response.Write("<script>alert('Changes saved')</script>");
SqlCommand insertCommand = new SqlCommand("INSERT INTO AddressType (AddressTypeDescription) VALUES (#AddressTypeDescription)", conn);
insertCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("#AddressTypeDescription", TxtEType.Text);
SqlCommand insertCommand1 = new SqlCommand("INSERT INTO Address (HouseNumber, AddressLine1, AddressLine2, City, PostCode) VALUES (#HouseNumber, #AddressLine1, #AddressLine2, #City, #PostCode)", conn);
insertCommand1.Parameters.AddWithValue("#HouseNumber", TxtEHouse.Text);
insertCommand1.Parameters.AddWithValue("#AddressLine1", TxtEA1.Text);
insertCommand1.Parameters.AddWithValue("#AddressLine2", TxtEA2.Text);
insertCommand1.Parameters.AddWithValue("#City", TxtECity.Text);
insertCommand1.Parameters.AddWithValue("#PostCode", TxtEPostcode.Text);
SqlCommand insertCommand2 = new SqlCommand("INSERT INTO CardDetails (NameOnCard, NameOfCard, CardNumber, CardExpiryDate, CVV) VALUES (#NameOnCard, #NameOfCard, #CardNumber, #CardExpiryDate, #CVV)", conn);
insertCommand2.Parameters.AddWithValue("#NameOnCard", TxtENameOn.Text);
insertCommand2.Parameters.AddWithValue("#NameOfCard", TxtENameOf.Text);
insertCommand2.Parameters.AddWithValue("#CardNumber", TxtECardNo.Text);
insertCommand2.Parameters.AddWithValue("#CardExpiryDate", TxtEExpDate.Text);
insertCommand2.Parameters.AddWithValue("#CVV", TxtECVV.Text);
Response.Write("<script>alert('Changes saved')</script>");
can anyone help me? i am getting null output. though data exists in database.
string retrivenp = "select emp_email from E_details where emp_ID ='" + c_c +
"'AND emp_name = '" + s_s + "'AND emp_address = '" + n_n +
"'AND Date_joining = '" + Calendar1.SelectedDate + "'";
using (OdbcCommand comm1 = new OdbcCommand(retrivenp,con))
using (OdbcDataReader read = comm1.ExecuteReader())
url_path = read.ToString();
Label1.Text = url_path.ToString();
i think the string with many quotes is the problem when it will be executed it may give the wrong query
use command parameters it's better
string retrivenp = "select emp_email from E_details where emp_ID = ? AND emp_name = ? AND emp_address = ? AND Date_joining = ?";
using (OdbcCommand comm1 = new OdbcCommand(retrivenp,con))
comm1.Parameters.Add("#p1", OleDbType.Int).Value = c_c;
comm1.Parameters.Add("#p2", OleDbType.Text).Value = s_s;
comm1.Parameters.Add("#p3", OleDbType.Text).Value = n_n;
comm1.Parameters.Add("#p4", OleDbType.Date).Value = Calendar1.SelectedDate;
using (OdbcDataReader read = comm1.ExecuteReader())
url_path = read.GetString(0);
Label1.Text = url_path.ToString();
Here is my button command for save.
need help in getting this to work, will be getting this to defend for tomorrow school project.
Its for Datagridview, access, c#.
I use 2010VS and MS Access 2007.
private void save_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (adminyes.Checked == true || adminno.Checked == true && textBox1.Text != null && textBox2.Text != null && textBox3.Text != null)
admin = "Yes";
if (mode == "a")
x = 0;
connect.ConnectionString = inventorydb;
sqlcommand.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Username ='" +textBox2.Text+ "' Or User_ID ='" +textBox1.Text+ "' ";
sqlcommand.Connection = connect;
OleDbDataReader reader = sqlcommand.ExecuteReader();
while (reader.Read())
if (x != 0)
MessageBox.Show("", "",MessageBoxButtons.OK);
DialogResult res = MessageBox.Show("Are you sure?", "Save User", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
if (DialogResult.Yes == res)
connect.ConnectionString = inventorydb;
sqlcommand.CommandText = "INSERT INTO Users (User_ID, Username, Password, Admin) VALUES ('" + textBox1.Text + "','" + textBox2.Text + "', '" + textBox3.Text + "', '" + admin + "') ";
sqlcommand.Connection = connect;
reader = sqlcommand.ExecuteReader();
MessageBox.Show("Record(s) Saved", "Sample");
else if (mode == "e")
DialogResult res = MessageBox.Show("Are you sure?", "Update User", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
if (DialogResult.Yes == res)
connect.ConnectionString = inventorydb;
sqlcommand.CommandText = "UPDATE Users SET User_ID = '" + textBox1.Text + "', Username = '" + textBox2.Text + "', Password = '" + textBox3.Text + "',Admin = '" + admin + "' WHERE SerialID = '" + idholder + "' ";
sqlcommand.Connection = connect;
OleDbDataReader reader = sqlcommand.ExecuteReader();
MessageBox.Show("Record(s) Updated", "Sample");
MessageBox.Show("", "", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
Password is a reserved word in Access. Change it to [Password] in your SQL queries. You should wrap all columns and tables like this.
Although this is just a school project I'll mention a few things:
Your code is vulnerable to SQL injection. Here's how to fix this for your insert method as an example:
sqlcommand.CommandText = "INSERT INTO [Users] ([User_ID], [Username], [Password], [Admin]) VALUES (#user_id, #username, #password, #admin)";
sqlcommand.Connection = connect;
sqlcommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("#user_id", textBox1.Text);
sqlcommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("#username", textBox2.Text);
sqlcommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("#password", textBox3.Text);
sqlcommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("#admin", admin);
reader = sqlcommand.ExecuteReader();
Also passwords shouldn't be stored in plain text. Look into password hashing and salting and how to approach it properly for more information.
I need to get data from label which i had got back from previous page using Sessions from that label i need to use it to find ID for that data for example if Label contain word 'IT' it need to find its ID in database D_ID=5 code is given below
public partial class FinalFeedback1 : System.Web.UI.Page
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
public void GetDID()
var connectionString = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["DefaultConnection"].ConnectionString;
using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
SqlDataReader myReader1 = null;
string depart = "select D_ID from Department where D_Name= " + Label8.Text + "";
SqlCommand cmd1 = new SqlCommand(depart, connection);
myReader1 = cmd1.ExecuteReader(); // i am getting error here "Invalid column name 'IT'"
while (myReader1.Read())
Label9.Text = myReader1["D_ID"].ToString();
public void AddDynamicLabels()
var connectionString = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["DefaultConnection"].ConnectionString;
using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
SqlDataReader myReader2 = null;
string CmdString = "Select Q_ID,Question_Data FROM QuestionTable where D_ID=" + Label9.Text + "";
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(CmdString, connection);
myReader2 = cmd.ExecuteReader();
while (myReader2.Read())
QID1.Text = myReader2["Q_ID"].ToString();
if (QID1.Text == ("1"))
Question1.Text = myReader2["Question_Data"].ToString();
else if (QID1.Text ==("2"))
Question2.Text = myReader2["Question_Data"].ToString();
else if (QID1.Text == ("3"))
Question3.Text = myReader2["Question_Data"].ToString();
else if (QID1.Text == ("4"))
Question4.Text = myReader2["Question_Data"].ToString();
else if (QID1.Text == ("5"))
Question5.Text = myReader2["Question_Data"].ToString();
private void GetDataFromSession()
Label2.Text = Session["SNL"].ToString();
Label4.Text = Session["SNB"].ToString();
Label6.Text = Session["EMPID"].ToString();
Label8.Text = Session["DNAME"].ToString();
Change this line.
string depart = "select D_ID from Department where D_Name= " + Label8.Text + "";
to this line
string depart = "select D_ID from Department where D_Name= '" + Label8.Text + "'";
See the single quotes in the second line. Your string value is not in single quotes and this is the reason.
EDIT: Your code is open for SQL Injection Attack. You should use the SqlParameter instead of concatenating the query.
For More reading you can use this link:
As simple as missing the quotations of your sql.
sql-> "where D_Name = 'somevalue'
... So the fix for your code would be
string depart = "select D_ID from Department where D_Name= '" + Label8.Text + "'";
Change this line.
string depart = "select D_ID from Department where D_Name= " + Label8.Text + "";
string depart = "select D_ID from Department where D_Name like '" + Label8.Text + "'";
or faster search
string depart = "select D_ID from Department where D_Name= '" + Label8.Text + "'";
or for search similar string change to
string depart = "select D_ID from Department where D_Name like '%" + Label8.Text + "%'";
My Visual Studio program doesn't know my column names.
Here is a picture of my table "tblAccount":
Here is a picture of my error message:
Here is my code:
public partial class frmInloggen : Form
SqlConnection loonberekening;
frmStartmenu startmenu;
string usernaam, wachtwoord, bevoegdheid;
int userID, wachtwoordID;
public frmInloggen()
startmenu = new frmStartmenu();
private void initialiseerDB()
loonberekening = new SqlConnection();
loonberekening.ConnectionString = #"Data Source=(LocalDB)\v11.0;AttachDbFilename=E:\gip_stap_2\loonberekening.mdf;Integrated Security=True;Connect Timeout=30";
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
usernaam = txtGebruikersnaam.Text;
wachtwoord = txtPaswoord.Text;
SqlCommand scmdUsername, scmdWachtwoord, scmdBevoegdheid;
scmdUsername = new SqlCommand();
scmdWachtwoord = new SqlCommand();
scmdBevoegdheid = new SqlCommand();
scmdUsername.Connection = loonberekening;
scmdWachtwoord.Connection = loonberekening;
scmdBevoegdheid.Connection = loonberekening;
scmdUsername.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
scmdWachtwoord.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
scmdBevoegdheid.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
scmdUsername.CommandText = "SELECT id FROM tblAccount WHERE usernaam = \'" + usernaam + "\'";
scmdWachtwoord.CommandText = "SELECT id FROM tblAccount WHERE wachtwoord = \'" + wachtwoord + "\'";
bevoegdheid = Convert.ToString(scmdBevoegdheid);
scmdBevoegdheid.CommandText = "SELECT rechten FROM tblAccount WHERE bevoegdheid = \'" + userID + "\'";
userID = Convert.ToInt32(scmdUsername.ExecuteScalar());
wachtwoordID = Convert.ToInt32(scmdWachtwoord.ExecuteScalar());
if (userID == wachtwoordID && userID > 0 && wachtwoordID > 0)
MessageBox.Show("Password & username is wrong");
Try adding the Initial Catalog to your connection string:
loonberekening.ConnectionString = #"Data Source=(LocalDB)\v11.0;Initial Catalog=<YOUR DATABASE NAME>;AttachDbFilename=E:\gip_stap_2\loonberekening.mdf;Integrated Security=True;Connect Timeout=30";
You shouldn't be escaping your single quotes...
scmdUsername.CommandText = "SELECT id FROM tblAccount WHERE usernaam = '" + usernaam + "'";
scmdWachtwoord.CommandText = "SELECT id FROM tblAccount WHERE wachtwoord = '" + wachtwoord + "'";
bevoegdheid = Convert.ToString(scmdBevoegdheid);
scmdBevoegdheid.CommandText = "SELECT rechten FROM tblAccount WHERE bevoegdheid = '" + userID + "'";
instead of
scmdUsername.CommandText = "SELECT id FROM tblAccount WHERE usernaam = \'" + usernaam + "\'";
scmdWachtwoord.CommandText = "SELECT id FROM tblAccount WHERE wachtwoord = \'" + wachtwoord + "\'";
bevoegdheid = Convert.ToString(scmdBevoegdheid);
scmdBevoegdheid.CommandText = "SELECT rechten FROM tblAccount WHERE bevoegdheid = \'" + userID + "\'";