I have list as follows
static List<MessageDetail> CurrentMessage = new List<MessageDetail>();
Dynamically, values assigned to this list for example:
CurrentMessage.Add(new MessageDetail { UserName = 123,GroupName = somegrp, Message = somemsg });
Here, I want to take last 5 or so records.
// this returns first 5 result, dont want to user orderby clause either
CurrentMessagesForGroup = CurrentMessage
.Where(c => c.GroupName == groupName)
Is there a way to implement TakeLast() attribute? Or any kind of help will be appreciated. Thanks for your time.
Use skip:
CurrentMessagesForGroup = CurrentMessage
.Where(c => c.GroupName == groupName).Skip(Math.Max(0, CurrentMessage.Count() - 5)).ToList();
EDIT: I also find this that I think it is more easier to use (MoreLinq):
using MoreLinq;
var CurrentMessagesForGroup2 = CurrentMessage.TakeLast(5);
Use an OrderBy (ASC or DESC) to get the records lined up correctly for your Take operation.
CurrentMessagesForGroup = CurrentMessage
.Where(c => c.GroupName == groupName)
.OrderBy(c => c.GroupName)
or Descending:
CurrentMessagesForGroup = CurrentMessage
.Where(c => c.GroupName == groupName)
.OrderByDescending(c => c.GroupName)
If anyone using DotNet Core 2 or above or DotNet Standard 2.1 or above then you can use Linq's built in .TakeLast()
Reference: Microsoft Documentation here
You could use Reverse(), which is slightly perverse.
CurrentMessagesForGroup = CurrentMessage
.Where(c => c.GroupName == groupName)
I use an extension method for this.
public static IEnumerable<T> TakeLast<T>(this IEnumerable<T> source, int numElements)
return source.Skip(Math.Max(0, source.Count() - numElements));
And to use it:
CurrentMessagesForGroup = CurrentMessage.Where(c => c.GroupName == groupName).TakeLast(5).ToList();
Edit: Credit to Using Linq to get the last N elements of a collection?
I like this implementation, it uses a circular buffer.
public static IEnumerable<T> TakeLast<T>(this IEnumerable<T> input, int n)
if (n == 0)
yield break;
int tail = 0;
int head = 0;
int count = 0;
T[] buffer = new T[n];
foreach (T item in input)
buffer[tail] = item;
tail = (tail + 1) % n;
if (count < n)
head = (head + 1) % n;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
yield return buffer[(head + i) % n];
If the MessageDetails class has numeric Id or Created date time we can use
var lastRecords= CurrentMessage.OrderByDescending(i=>i.Id).Where(p=>p.GroupName==groupName).Take(5).ToList();
I want to verify that a string does not contain any duplicate characters (from a set of bad characters) in adjacent positions. Previous stack overflow answers on this subject seem to mostly be of the general form:
for(int i = 0; i < testString.Length-1; i++){
if(testString[i] == testString[i+1] && testString[i] == badChar){
//Handle rejection here
Is it possible to do this kind of verification/validation in LINQ? More generically: is it possible within LINQ to compare the value of each character in a string to the next character in a
testString.Any(c => /*test goes here*/) call?
Anytime you have a class that has Count (or equivalent) property and indexer, you can use Enumerable.Range as base for the LINQ query and perform inside an indexed access similar to the non LINQ code:
bool test = Enumerable.Range(0, testString.Length - 1).Any(i = >
testString[i] == testString[i + 1] && testString[i] == badChar)
You could use Pairwise from moreLINQ library:
if(testString.Pairwise((n, m) => new {n, m}).Any(x => x.n == x.m && x.n == badChar))
// do something
If you want to use pure LINQ you could hack it with Skip/Zip combination:
if(testString.Zip(testString.Skip(1), (n, m) => new {n, m})).Any(x => x.n == x.m && x.n == badChar))
// do something
But both these solutions will be much slower then for loop-based solution, so I'd advice against doing that.
How about the egregious misuse of the aggregate function? I like to think this answer is more of an example of what not to do, even if it is possible. A while and string.indexOf are probably the most appropriate to this problem.
var items = "ab^cdeef##gg";
var badChars = new[] {'^', '#', '~'};
var doesAdjacentDupeExist = false;
var meaninglessAggregate = items.Aggregate((last, current) =>
if (last == current && badChars.Contains(last))
doesAdjacentDupeExist = true;
return current;
This is not as clever, but it does work. It trades the setting of an outside variable inside the query (bad), for relying on index and elementAt (not great).
var items = "abcdefffghhijjk";
var badChars = new[] { 'f', 'h' };
var indexCieling = items.Count() - 1;
var badCharIndexes = items.Select((item, index) =>
if (index >= indexCieling)
return null as int?;
if (item == items.ElementAt(index + 1) && badChars.Contains(item))
return index as int?;
return null as int?;
var doesAdjacentDupeExist = badCharIndexes.Any(x => x.HasValue);
I'm trying to fetch recent contents of each type, currently I'm using something similar to the following code to fetch n records for each type
int n = 10;
var contents = Entities.OrderByDescending(i => i.Date);
IQueryable<Content> query = null;
for (int i = 1; i<=5; i++)
if (query == null)
query = contents.Where(c => c.ContentTypeIndex == i).Take(n);
query = query.Concat(contents.Where(c => c.ContentTypeIndex == i).Take(n));
One other solution can be creating an SP, but is it possible to do it by grouping in EF? If not, any cleaner solution?
contents.Where(c => c.ContentTypeIndex >= 1 && c.ContentTypeIndex <= 5)
.GroupBy(c => c.ContentTypeIndex)
.SelectMany(g => g.Take(n));
Note: if you want to select all types of indexes, then you don't need where filter here.
Currently, this is just something I am curious about, I don't have any code I am working on but I am wondering how this could be achieved...
Lets say for example that I have an application that tracks the results of all the football teams in the world. What I want to be able to do is to identify the longest "win" streak for any given team.
I imagine I would most likely have some sort of data table like so:
MatchDate datetime
TeamA string
TeamB string
TeamAGoals int
TeamBGoals int
So what I would want to do for example is find the longest win streak where TeamA = "My Team" and obviously this would mean TeamAGoals must be greater than TeamBGoals.
As I have said, this is all just for example. It may be better for a different DB design for something like this. But the root question is how to calculate the longest streak/run of matching results.
This is an old question now, but I just had to solve the same problem myself, and thought people might be interested in a fully LINQ implementation of Rawling's LongestStreak extension method. This uses Aggregate with a seed and result selector to run through the list.
public static int LongestStreak<TSource>(
this IEnumerable<TSource> source,
Func<TSource, bool> predicate)
return source.Aggregate(
new {Longest = 0, Current = 0},
(agg, element) => predicate(element) ?
new {Longest = Math.Max(agg.Longest, agg.Current + 1), Current = agg.Current + 1} :
new {agg.Longest, Current = 0},
agg => agg.Longest);
There's no out-of-the-box LINQ method to count streaks, so you'll need a custom LINQy method such as
public static int LongestStreak<TSource>(
this IEnumerable<TSource> source,
Func<TSource, bool> predicate)
int longestStreak = 0;
int currentStreak = 0;
foreach (TSource s in source)
if (predicate(s))
if (currentStreak > longestStreak) longestStreak = currentStreak;
currentStreak = 0;
if (currentStreak > longestStreak) longestStreak = currentStreak;
return longestStreak;
Then, to use this, first turn each "match result" into a pair of "team results".
var teamResults = matches.SelectMany(m => new[] {
new {
MatchDate = m.MatchDate,
Team = m.TeamA,
Won = m.TeamAGoals > m.TeamBGoals },
new {
MatchDate = m.MatchDate,
Team = m.TeamB,
Won = m.TeamBGoals > m.TeamAGoals }
Group these by team.
var groupedResults = teamResults.GroupBy(r => r.Team);
Then calculate the streaks.
var streaks = groupedResults.Select(g => new
Team = g.Key,
StreakLength = g
// unnecessary if the matches were ordered originally
.OrderBy(r => r.MatchDate)
.LongestStreak(r => r.Won)
If you want the longest streak only, use MoreLinq's MaxBy; if you want them all ordered, you can use OrderByDescending(s => s.StreakLength).
Alternatively, if you want to do this in one pass, and assuming matches is already ordered, using the following class
class StreakAggregator<TKey>
public Dictionary<TKey, int> Best = new Dictionary<TKey, int>();
public Dictionary<TKey, int> Current = new Dictionary<TKey, int>();
public StreakAggregator<TKey> UpdateWith(TKey key, bool success)
int c = 0;
Current.TryGetValue(key, out c);
if (success)
Current[key] = c + 1;
int b = 0;
Best.TryGetValue(key, out b);
if (c > b)
Best[key] = c;
Current[key] = 0;
return this;
public StreakAggregator<TKey> Finalise()
foreach (TKey k in Current.Keys.ToArray())
UpdateWith(k, false);
return this;
you can then do
var streaks = teamResults.Aggregate(
new StreakAggregator<string>(),
(a, r) => a.UpdateWith(r.Team, r.Won),
(a) => a.Finalise().Best.Select(kvp =>
new { Team = kvp.Key, StreakLength = kvp.Value }));
and OrderBy or whatever as before.
You can get all results of team with single query:
var results = from m in Matches
let homeMatch = m.TeamA == teamName
let awayMatch = m.TeamB == teamName
let hasWon = (homeMatch && m.TeamAGoals > m.TeamBGoals) ||
(awayMatch && m.TeamBGoals > m.TeamAGoals)
where homeMatch || awayMatch
orderby m.MatchDate
select hasWon;
Then just do simple calculation of longest streak:
int longestStreak = 0;
int currentStreak = 0;
foreach (var hasWon in results)
if (hasWon)
if (currentStreak > longestStreak)
longestStreak = currentStreak;
currentStreak = 0;
You can use it as is, extract to method, or create IEnumerable extension for calculating longest sequence in results.
You could make use of string.Split. Something like this:
int longestStreak =
string.Concat(results.Select(r => (r.ours > r.theirs) ? "1" : "0"))
.Split(new[] { '0' })
.Max(s => s.Length);
Or, better, create a Split extension method for IEnumerable<T> to avoid the need to go via a string, like this:
public static IEnumerable<IEnumerable<T>> Split<T>(this IEnumerable<T> items, Predicate<T> p)
while (true)
items = items.SkipWhile(i => !p(i));
var trueItems = items.TakeWhile (i => p(i)).ToList();
if (trueItems.Count > 0)
yield return trueItems;
items = items.Skip(trueItems.Count);
You can then simply do this:
int longestStreak = results.Split(r => r.ours > r.theirs).Max(g => g.Count());
I have class like:
class SortNode
public Int32 m_valRating = 0;
public SortNode(Int32 valRating)
this.m_valRating = valRating;
and some list refSortNodeList:
List<SortNode> refSortNodeList = new List<SortNode>();
Random refRandom = new Random();
for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
refSortNodeList.Add(new SortNode(refRandom.Next(-10, 30)));
foreach (var varSortNode in refSortNodeList)
Console.WriteLine("SortNode rating is {0}", varSortNode.m_valRating);
How to sort easily my refSortNodeList by m_valRating field? Or maybe I need to use some another List class?
list.Sort((x,y) =>
(x, y) =>
x == null ? (y == null ? 0 : -1)
: (y == null ? 1 : x.m_valRating.CompareTo(y.m_valRating))
Creating a new enumeration:
var newEnum = refSortNodeList.OrderBy(x => x.m_valRating);
Creating a new list:
var newList = refSortNodeList.OrderBy(x => x.m_valRating).ToList();
In-place is fastest and most memory efficient, but no good if you want to also retain the old list.
The next is faster than the last and gives results as they go, but you have to re-do the sort to use it again, in which case the third is the one to go for.
Use Linq order by.
var mySortedList = refSortNodeList.OrderBy(x => x.m_valRating);
Here is a real live example where I am pulling a list from a database but it is exactly the same concept.
vendorProducts = (from vp in db.COMPANIES_VND_PRODUCTS
join p in db.CT_CT_INV_CLASSES on vp.CLASS_ID equals p.CLASS_ID
where vp.COMPANY_ID == companyId
select new ProductTypeModality
Active = p.ACTIVE.Equals("Y") ? true : false,
BioMedImaging = p.BIOMED_IMAGING,
Code = p.CLASS_CODE,
Description = p.DESCRIPTION,
Id = p.CLASS_ID,
PricingMargin = p.PRICING_MARGIN,
ModalityCode = m.MODALITY_CODE,
ModalityId = m.MODALITY_ID,
VendorId = companyId
}).OrderBy(x => x.Code).ToList<ProductTypeModality>();
Implement IComparable<T>
You can use Linq for basic sorts:
refSortNodeList.OrderBy(n => n.m_valRating);
If you need more complex sorting your will need to implement IComparable to use the built in sorting.
Try this:
refSortNodeList.Sort(new delgate(SortNode x, SortNode y)
return x.CompareTo(y);
It's easy using linq:
var newlist = refSortNodeList.sort( n => n.m_valRating );
List<SortNode> refSortNodeList = new List<SortNode> ();
Random refRandom = new Random ();
for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
refSortNodeList.Add (new SortNode (refRandom.Next (-10, 30)));
// Use this (Linq) if you're using .NET 3.5 or above.
var sortedList = refSortNodeList.OrderBy (node => node.m_valRating);
foreach (var varSortNode in sortedList) {
Console.WriteLine ("SortNode rating is {0}", varSortNode.m_valRating);
// Use this otherwise (e.g. .NET 2.0)
refSortNodeList.Sort (
delegate (SortNode n1, SortNode n2) {
return n1.m_valRating.CompareTo (n2.m_valRating);
foreach (var varSortNode in refSortNodeList) {
Console.WriteLine ("SortNode rating is {0}", varSortNode.m_valRating);
Is there a way to move an item of say id=10 as the first item in a list using LINQ?
Item A - id =5
Item B - id = 10
Item C - id =12
Item D - id =1
In this case how can I elegantly move Item C to the top of my List<T> collection?
This is the best I have right now:
var allCountries = repository.GetCountries();
var topitem = allCountries.Single(x => x.id == 592);
var finalList = new List<Country>();
finalList = finalList.Concat(allCountries.Where(x=> x.id != 592)).ToList();
What do you want to order by, other than the known top item? If you don't care, you can do this:
var query = allCountries.OrderBy(x => x.id != 592).ToList();
Basically, "false" comes before "true"...
Admittedly I don't know what this does in LINQ to SQL etc. You may need to stop it from doing the ordering in the database:
var query = allCountries.AsEnumerable()
.OrderBy(x => x.id != 592)
LINQ is strong in querying collections, creating projections over existing queries or generating new queries based on existing collections. It is not meant as a tool to re-order existing collections inline. For that type of operation it's best to use the type at hande.
Assuming you have a type with a similar definition as below
class Item {
public int Id { get; set; }
Then try the following
List<Item> list = GetTheList();
var index = list.FindIndex(x => x.Id == 12);
var item = list[index];
list[index] = list[0];
list[0] = item;
Linq generallyworks on Enumerables, so it doesn't now that the underlying type is a collection. So for moving the item on top of the list I would suggest using something like (if you need to preserve the order)
var idx = myList.FindIndex(x => x.id == 592);
var item = myList[idx];
myList.Insert(0, item);
If your function returns only an IEnumerable, you can use the ToList() method to convert it to a List first
If you don't preserve the order you can simply swap the values at position 0 and position idx
var allCountries = repository.GetCountries();
allCountries.OrderByDescending(o => o.id == 12).ThenBy(o => o.id)
This will insert the object with id=12 at the top of the list and rotate the rest down, preserving the order.
Here is an extension method you might want to use. It moves the element(s) that match the given predicate to the top, preserving order.
public static IEnumerable<T> MoveToTop(IEnumerable<T> list, Func<T, bool> func) {
return list.Where(func)
.Concat(list.Where(item => !func(item)));
In terms of complexity, I think it would make two passes on the collection, making it O(n), like the Insert/Remove version, but better than Jon Skeet's OrderBy suggestion.
You can "group by" in two groups with Boolean key, and then sort them
var finalList= allCountries
.GroupBy(x => x.id != 592)
.OrderBy(g => g.Key)
.SelectMany(g => g.OrderBy(x=> x.id ));
I know this a old question but I did it like this
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var numbers = new int[] { 5, 10, 12, 1 };
var ordered = numbers.OrderBy(num => num != 10 ? num : -1);
foreach (var num in ordered)
Console.WriteLine("number is {0}", num);
this prints:
number is 10
number is 1
number is 5
number is 12
public static IEnumerable<T> ServeFirst<T>(this IEnumerable<T> source,
Predicate<T> p)
var list = new List<T>();
foreach (var s in source)
if (p(s))
yield return s;
foreach (var s in list)
yield return s;
Its interesting the number of approaches you find when trying to solve a problem.
var service = AutogateProcessorService.GetInstance();
var allConfigs = service.GetAll();
allConfigs = allConfigs.OrderBy(c => c.ThreadDescription).ToList();
var systemQueue = allConfigs.First(c => c.AcquirerId == 0);
allConfigs.Insert(0, systemQueue);
To also check if the item was found without Exception, something like:
var allCountries = repository.GetCountries();
var lookup = allCountries.ToLookup(x => x.id == 592);
var finalList = lookup[true].Concat(lookup[false]).ToList();
if ( lookup[true].Count() != 1 ) YouAreInTrouble();
Even easier if you have the object:
listOfObjects.Insert(0, object);
I wrote a static extension method to do this. Note this doesn't preserve the order, it simply swaps the item out. If you needed to preserve the order you should do a rotate not a simple swap.
/// <summary>
/// Moves the item to the front of the list if it exists, if it does not it returns false
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
/// <param name="collection"></param>
/// <param name="predicate"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static bool MoveToFrontOfListWhere<T>(this List<T> collection, Func<T, bool> predicate)
if (collection == null || collection.Count <= 0) return false;
int index = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < collection.Count; i++)
T element = collection.ElementAt(i);
if (!predicate(element)) continue;
index = i;
if (index == -1) return false;
T item = collection[index];
collection[index] = collection[0];
collection[0] = item;
return true;