I have a list with a column value like "0000000385242160714132019116002239344.ACK" i need to take last 6 digits from this value like "239344" without extension(.ack) when binding to the list.
And i need to find the sum of Salary field also.
My query looks like below.
var result = from p in Context.A
join e in B on p.Id equals e.Id
join j in Context.C on e.CId equals j.CId
where (e.Date >= periodFrom && e.Date <= periodTo)
group new
} by new
} into g
orderby g.Key.CId, g.Key.Es_Id, g.Key.Date, g.Key.FileName
select new
CorporateId = g.Key.CId,
ProcessedDate = g.Key.Date,
EstID = g.Key.Es_Id,
FileName = g.Key.FileName,
Name = g.Key.Name,
ack = g.Key.ACK_FileName,
EmpSalaryId = g.Key.EmpSalaryId,
var Abc=result.ToList();
var result = (from p in Context.A
join e in B on p.Id equals e.Id
join j in Context.C on e.CId equals j.CId
where (e.Date >= periodFrom && e.Date <= periodTo)
group new { e, j } by new
ACK_FileName = e.ACK_FileName.Substring(e.ACK_FileName.IndexOf(".ACK") - 7, 11),
} into g
orderby g.Key.CId, g.Key.Es_Id, g.Key.Date, g.Key.FileName
select new
CorporateId = g.Key.CId,
ProcessedDate = g.Key.Date,
EstID = g.Key.Es_Id,
FileName = g.Key.FileName,
Name = g.Key.Name,
ack = g.Key.ACK_FileName,
EmpSalaryId = g.Key.EmpSalaryId,
Salary = g.Sum(item => item.Salary)
How can I do this in LINQ?
select MAX(d.DepartureDateRange),MAX(d.ReturnDateRange)
from Tour t join
TourCategory tc on t.ID = tc.TourID
join TourDates td on t.ID = td.TourID
join Dates d on d.ID = td.DatesID
where tc.CategoryID = 3 and t.ID = 12
Database diagram is here ->
For example joins is like this but i cannot get Max of DepartureDateRange & ReturnDateRange
var query2 = from t in db.Tour
join tc in db.TourCategory on t.ID equals tc.TourID
join td in db.TourDates on t.ID equals td.TourID
join d in db.Dates on td.DatesID equals d.ID
where tc.CategoryID == 3
select new IndexTour
ID = t.ID,
TourName = t.TourName,
//DepartureDateRange =
//ReturnDateRange =
Description = t.SmallDesc,
Price = t.Price,
CoverPhotoUrl = t.CoverPhotoUrl,
TourProgram = t.TourDesc
Thanks in advance.
Here it is (dates are grouped by Tour):
var query2 =
from t in db.Tour
join tc in db.TourCategory on t.ID equals tc.TourID
where tc.CategoryID == 3
// join dates aggregates grouped by tour id
join tdates in
from td in db.TourDates
join d in db.Dates on td.DatesID equals d.ID
group d by td.TourID into grp
select new
tourID = grp.Key,
departure = grp.Max(g => g.DepartureDateRange),
rtrn = grp.Max(g => g.ReturnDateRange)
on t.ID equals tdates.tourID
select new IndexTour
ID = t.ID,
TourName = t.TourName,
DepartureDateRange = tdates.departure,
ReturnDateRange = tdates.rtrn,
Description = t.SmallDesc,
Price = t.Price,
CoverPhotoUrl = t.CoverPhotoUrl,
TourProgram = t.TourDesc
I think this is what you want?
var dateRanges = tours
t => t.Id,
tc => tc.TourId,
(t, tc) => (t, tc))
ttc => ttc.t.Id,
td => td.TourId,
(ttc, td) => (ttc, td))
ttctd => ttctd.td.DateId,
d => d.Id,
(ttctd, d) =>
new {
TourId = ttctd.ttc.t.Id,
CategoryId = ttctd.ttc.tc.CategoryId,
DepartureDateRange = d.DepartureDateRange,
ReturnDateRange = d.ReturnDateRange
var filtered = dateRanges
.Where(r => r.CategoryId == 3 && r.TourId == 12);
var maxDepartureDateRange = filtered.Max(d => d.DepartureDateRange);
var maxReturnDateRange = filtered.Max(d => d.ReturnDateRange);
So I have this line:
var transrevmax = db.TRANSACTs
.Where(x => x.SITE == "1" &&
x.DATE_IN >= dateinchoice &&
x.DATE_OUT <= dateoutchoice)
.GroupBy(x => x.TICKET_NO)
.Select(x => x.OrderByDescending(y => y.REV_NO).FirstOrDefault())
and it returns the exact list of transactions I want the join below to go through to obtain values from...
var exportrecovery = (from trans in transrevmax
join detail in db.DETAILs on new { TICKET_NO = trans.TICKET_NO, REV_NO = trans.REV_NO } equals new { TICKET_NO = detail.TICKET_NO, REV_NO = detail.REV_NO }
join job in db.JOBs on new { JOB_CODE = trans.JOB_CODE, CUST_CODE = trans.CUST_CODE } equals new { JOB_CODE = job.CODE, CUST_CODE = job.CUST_CODE }
join customer in db.CUSTOMERs on trans.CUST_CODE equals customer.CODE
join invoiced in db.INVOICEDs on trans.TICKET_NO equals invoiced.TICKET_NO
where trans.DATE_IN >= dateinchoice && trans.DATE_OUT <= dateoutchoice && trans.STATUS.ToString().Trim() != "V" && trans.STATUS.ToString().Trim() != "E"
select new { ADDRESS = customer.ADDRESS, CITY = customer.CITY, STATE = customer.STATE, ZIP = customer.ZIP, FREIGHT = detail.HAUL_CHGE + detail.FUEL_CHGE, JOB_NAME = job.NAME, HAUL_TAX = detail.HAUL_TAX, INVOICE_NO = invoiced.INVOICE_NO, CUST_NAME = customer.NAME, TAX_CODE = customer.TAX_CODE, MAT_CHGE = detail.MAT_CHGE, MAT_TAX = detail.MAT_TAX, MAT_CODE = detail.MAT_CODE, QTY = detail.QTY, PRICE = detail.PRICE, DATE_MOD = trans.DATE_OUT, REV_NO = trans.REV_NO, SITE = trans.SITE, TICKET_NO = trans.TICKET_NO, CUST_CODE = trans.CUST_CODE, JOB_CODE = trans.JOB_CODE }
... if I run the first line I get the transactions limited to only those with the max revision (what I want), and if I run the join (replacing the "transrevmax" with the table "db.TRANSACTs") I get the right range of ticket numbers, but it includes all revisions. I am stumped as to how I can use the joined tables and get only unique rows according to their (maximum) revision number. When these two are used in conjunction I receive zero rows. Please advise.
Remove the ToList on the transrevmax creation.
below I have listed a linq query that works properly in my asp.net.mvc web app.
In addition I would like to group over 'allowance.ParameterId' in order to get the group sum for 'allowance.Freight (instead of multiple records for the given key).
var query = from ara in aras
join company in companies on ara.Id equals company.ARAId
join wasteWater in wasteWaters on company.Id equals wasteWater.CompanyId
join allowance in allowances on wasteWater.Id equals allowance.WasteWaterID
join parameter in parameters on allowance.ParameterId equals parameter.Id into JoinedParameterAllowance
from parameter in JoinedParameterAllowance.DefaultIfEmpty()
where company.Activ == true && company.End == null && company.Template == false
&& wasteWater.End == null
select new FreightSummaryViewModel
AraName = ara.Name,
AraId = ara.Id,
AllowedParameter = parameter.Name,
AllowedFreight = allowance.Freight
I have tried to insert 'group ...' but failed to get it right.
Could someone help me please to set up the proper syntax?
Thank you in advance, Manu
I have little idea about relations in your database, so I improvised...
// Some dummy data to play with
var aras = Enumerable.Range(0, 5).Select(i => new { Id = i, Name = "Ara" + i });
var companies = Enumerable.Range(0, 15).Select(i => new { Id = i, ARAId = i % 5, Activ = true, End = (DateTime?)null, Template = false });
var wasteWaters = Enumerable.Range(0, 35).Select(i => new { Id = i, CompanyId = i / 15, End = (DateTime?)null });
var allowances = Enumerable.Range(0, 70).Select(i => new { Id = i, WasteWaterID = i, ParameterId = i % 4, Freight = i * 1000 });
var parameters = Enumerable.Range(0, 4).Select(i => new { Id = i, Name = "Parameter" + i });
And this is what I believe you looked for:
var query =
from ara in aras
join company in companies on ara.Id equals company.ARAId
join wasteWater in wasteWaters on company.Id equals wasteWater.CompanyId
join allowance in allowances on wasteWater.Id equals allowance.WasteWaterID
join parameter in parameters on allowance.ParameterId equals parameter.Id
into JoinedParameterAllowance
// from parameter in JoinedParameterAllowance.DefaultIfEmpty()
where true
&& company.Activ == true
&& company.End == null
&& company.Template == false
&& wasteWater.End == null
group allowance by new
AraName = ara.Name,
AraId = ara.Id,
ParameterId = allowance.ParameterId
} into myGroup
select new //FreightSummaryViewModel
AraName = myGroup.Key.AraName,
AraId = myGroup.Key.AraId,
AllowedParameter = myGroup.Key.ParameterId,
AllowedFreight = myGroup.Sum(g => g.Freight)
Trying to figure out why this method isn't returning the items within the timespan I specified with some DateTime variables. I do get a result but it makes no sense and provide incorrect values.
The method is supposed to return all bestsellers from yesterday (the past 24 hours). However it seems that the method returns all bestsellers that have been sold since the beginning. In the Database there's a column called "CreatedOnUtc" wich provide a date, guess this could be used as a date to test but i don't know how to access it as it's in another class.
public IList<BestsellersReportLine> DailyBestsellersReport()
int recordsToReturn = 5; int orderBy = 1; int groupBy = 1;
var yesterDay = DateTime.Now.Subtract(new TimeSpan(1, 0, 0, 0));
var earliest = new DateTime(yesterDay.Year, yesterDay.Month, yesterDay.Day, 0, 0, 0);
var latest = earliest.Add(new TimeSpan(1, 0, 0, 0, -1));
var currentDay = DateTime.Now;
var dayBefore = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1);
var query1 = from opv in _opvRepository.Table
where earliest <= currentDay && latest >= dayBefore
join o in _orderRepository.Table on opv.OrderId equals o.Id
join pv in _productVariantRepository.Table on opv.ProductVariantId equals pv.Id
join p in _productRepository.Table on pv.ProductId equals p.Id
select opv;
var query2 = groupBy == 1 ?
//group by product variants
from opv in query1
where earliest <= currentDay && latest >= dayBefore
group opv by opv.ProductVariantId into g
select new
EntityId = g.Key,
TotalAmount = g.Sum(x => x.PriceExclTax),
TotalQuantity = g.Sum(x => x.Quantity),
//group by products
from opv in query1
where earliest <= currentDay && latest >= dayBefore
group opv by opv.ProductVariant.ProductId into g
select new
EntityId = g.Key,
TotalAmount = g.Sum(x => x.PriceExclTax),
TotalQuantity = g.Sum(x => x.Quantity),
switch (orderBy)
case 1:
query2 = query2.OrderByDescending(x => x.TotalQuantity);
case 2:
query2 = query2.OrderByDescending(x => x.TotalAmount);
throw new ArgumentException("Wrong orderBy parameter", "orderBy");
if (recordsToReturn != 0 && recordsToReturn != int.MaxValue)
query2 = query2.Take(recordsToReturn);
var result = query2.ToList().Select(x =>
var reportLine = new BestsellersReportLine()
EntityId = x.EntityId,
TotalAmount = x.TotalAmount,
TotalQuantity = x.TotalQuantity
return reportLine;
return result;
There is a similar method wich has specified startTime and endTime, i believe it searches the database within a time record. Allthough this method is displayed in a view with choosable startDate/endDate in textboxes. However i need the time record for DailyBestsellersReport to be specified in the code as this will be a process running in the background.
Here is a similar period with DateTime parameteers:
public virtual IList<BestsellersReportLine> BestSellersReport(DateTime? startTime,
DateTime? endTime,int recordsToReturn = 5, int orderBy = 1, int groupBy = 1)
some code...
Any thoughts?
where earliest <= currentDay && latest >= dayBefore
It's useless condition, it's allways true.
You need test for some 'time' fields from DB, if u want to filter your db records.
I suposed, that you have OrderDate column in _orderRepository.Table
than you snippet can be transformed into something like bellow:
var currentTime = DateTime.Now;
var today = new DateTime(currentTime.Year, currentTime.Month, currentTime.Day, 0, 0, 0);
var yesterDay = today.Subtract(new TimeSpan(1, 0, 0, 0));
//suppose, that we gather all data for yesterday
var query1 = from opv in _opvRepository.Table
join o in _orderRepository.Table on opv.OrderId equals o.Id
join pv in _productVariantRepository.Table on opv.ProductVariantId equals pv.Id
join p in _productRepository.Table on pv.ProductId equals p.Id
where yesterDay <= o.OrderDate && today >= o.OrderDate
select opv;
var query2 = groupBy == 1 ?
//group by product variants
from opv in query1
group opv by opv.ProductVariantId into g
select new
EntityId = g.Key,
TotalAmount = g.Sum(x => x.PriceExclTax),
TotalQuantity = g.Sum(x => x.Quantity),
//group by products
from opv in query1
group opv by opv.ProductVariant.ProductId into g
select new
EntityId = g.Key,
TotalAmount = g.Sum(x => x.PriceExclTax),
TotalQuantity = g.Sum(x => x.Quantity),
I really thought I was getting on with linq until now, Ive got a one to many relationship and I need to return the SUM for the Jobitems (jobitems.Cost)
List<Models.Inventory.JobItem> jobItems = BLL.Inventory.JobItem.GetAllActive(forceReload);
List<.Models.Inventory.Job> jobs = BLL.Inventory.Job.GetAllActive(forceReload);
var getInvoicedItems2 = from j in jobs
join ji in jobItems on j.JobId equals ji.JobId
select new { JobCost = ji.Cost, JobId = ji.JobId};
ive got this far but im not sure how to group all by ji.JobId
You can use a group join to group all job items into a set, then take the sum of all costs in that set.
var jobItems = BLL.Inventory.JobItem.GetAllActive(forceReload);
var jobs = BLL.Inventory.Job.GetAllActive(forceReload);
var query = from j in jobs
join ji in JobItems on j.JobId equals ji.JobId into items
select new
JobId = j.JobId,
JobCost = items.Sum(ji => ji.Cost),
var getInvoicedItems2 = from ji in jobItems
group ji by ji.JobId
into g
select new {JobId = g.Key, Cost = g.Sum(p => p.Cost)};
var getInvoicedItems = from j in jobs
from s in schedules
from i in invoices
from jj in getInvoicedItems2
where i.JobId == j.JobId && j.ScheduleId == s.ScheduleId && jj.JobId == j.JobId
select new { JobCost = jj.Cost, InvoiceDate = i.CreatedDate, Status = i.Status, };
Seems to work