I have a problem with printing a pdf.
So my Document is being created by writing some values in a pdf document and saving it
public void CreateDocument(string name)
string oldreport = #"..\Resources\FehlerReport.pdf";
string newreportpath = #"..\Resources\" + name;
using (var newFileStream = new FileStream(newreportpath, FileMode.Create))
var pdfReader = new PdfReader(oldreport);
var stamper = new PdfStamper(pdfReader, newFileStream);
var form = stamper.AcroFields;
var fieldKeys = form.Fields.Keys;
form.SetField("Auftragsnummer", Kundeninformation.Auftragsnummer.ToString());
form.SetField("Kundensachnummer", Kundeninformation.Kundensachnummer.ToString());
form.SetField("Kundenname", Kundeninformation.Kundenname.ToString());
form.SetField("Kundenbestellnummer", Kundeninformation.Kundenbestellnummer.ToString());
form.SetField("Kundenrezepturnummer", Kundeninformation.Kundenrezepturnummer.ToString());
form.SetField("Spulennummer", Kundeninformation.Spulennummer.ToString());
form.SetField("Fertigungsdatum1", System.DateTime.Today.ToString("dd.MM.yy"));
int i = 1;
foreach (var item in _MeasurementReport.MeasurementReportItems)
form.SetField(("UhrzeitRow" + i).ToString(), item.Uhrzeit.ToString("HH:mm:ss"));
form.SetField(("FehlerindexRow" + i).ToString(), i.ToString());
form.SetField(("Position mmRow" + i).ToString(), (item.Laufmeter * pixelSize).ToString("0.00", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
form.SetField(("HoeheRow" + i).ToString(), (item.DefectCountours.H * pixelSize).ToString("0.00", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
form.SetField(("Breite mmRow" + i).ToString(), (item.DefectCountours.W * pixelSize).ToString("0.00", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
form.SetField(("Flaeche Row" + i).ToString(), (item.DefectCountours.W * pixelSize * pixelSize).ToString("0.00", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
form.SetField("Datum", System.DateTime.Today.ToString("dd.MM.yy"));
form.SetField("Uhrzeit", System.DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm"));
stamper.FormFlattening = true;
So now i want to print the document with this function, which also calls the CreateDocument function. It prints, but the paper is white. I checked if the created pdf is being created, and it is being created but apparently not printed.
public void Print()
string name = Kundeninformation.Auftragsnummer + "_" + Kundeninformation.Spulennummer+".pdf";
List<string> PrinterFound = new List<string>();
PrinterSettings printer = new PrinterSettings();
foreach (var item in PrinterSettings.InstalledPrinters)
printer.PrinterName = PrinterFound[7];
printer.PrintFileName = name;
PrintDocument PrintDoc = new PrintDocument();
PrintDoc.DocumentName = #"..\Resources\"+name;
PrintDoc.PrinterSettings.PrinterName = PrinterFound[7];
make sure your file is created completely.. otherwise you will this issue. to test quickly put some delay between file creation and printing
I am working on a WinForms application. I use the pdf file to reset the password and the values on pdf are stored as key-value pairs(email: xxxx#mail.com, pass: 11111).
What I want to do:
Read the PDF file line by line and fill the appropriate textboxes.
What I Have done:
public bool CreatePDF(string location, string email, string key)
if(location != "" && email != "" && key != "")
PdfWriter pdfwriter = new PdfWriter(location);
PdfDocument pdf = new PdfDocument(pdfwriter);
Document document = new Document(pdf);
Paragraph fields = new Paragraph("Email: "+email + "\n" + "Secret Key: "+key);
return true;
return false;
public string ReadPDF(string location)
var pdfDocument = new PdfDocument(new PdfReader(location));
StringBuilder processed = new StringBuilder();
var strategy = new LocationTextExtractionStrategy();
string text = "";
for (int i = 1; i <= pdfDocument.GetNumberOfPages(); ++i)
var page = pdfDocument.GetPage(i);
text += PdfTextExtractor.GetTextFromPage(page, strategy);
return text;
Thank you in advance Guys!. Any suggestions on CreatePDF are also welcome.
This is what I came up with,
var pdfDocument = new PdfDocument(new PdfReader("G:\\Encryption_File.pdf"));
StringBuilder processed = new StringBuilder();
var strategy = new LocationTextExtractionStrategy();
string text = "";
for (int i = 1; i <= pdfDocument.GetNumberOfPages(); ++i)
var page = pdfDocument.GetPage(i);
text += PdfTextExtractor.GetTextFromPage(page, strategy);
string line = "";
line = text + "&";
string[] newLines = line.Split('&');
textBox1.Text = newLines[0].Split(':')[1].ToString();
textBox2.Text = newLines[0].Split(':')[2].ToString();
Good Afternoon everyone. I have a question involving taking data in a tablelayoutpanel and placing it into a .pdf using iTextSharp (Unless someone knows a better technology). The tableLayout panel consists of 1 column with 1 row by default and has rows dynamically added given what the data returns.
Here is what I have for printing:
private void btnPrint_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
SaveFileDialog dialog = new SaveFileDialog();
dialog.Title = "Save file as...";
dialog.Filter = "Pdf File |*.pdf";
if (dialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
Document doc = new Document(PageSize.LETTER);
PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.GetInstance(doc, new FileStream(dialog.FileName, FileMode.Create));
Paragraph entry1 = new Paragraph("Hello World!");
//Page 1 Printing
PdfPTable LegendsForTable = new PdfPTable(this.tblPnlLayLFT.ColumnCount);
MessageBox.Show("File saved");
catch (Exception exception)
MessageBox.Show(#"ERROR: Issue encountered while trying to print. " + Environment.NewLine
+ #"Contact ITSupport with the following the following error" + Environment.NewLine
+ exception);
Does anyone know a method to copy tablelayoutpanel to .pdf?
I was able to figure this out myself.
Step 1 was to create a loop that iterates through the table layout panels and place the order that I want into a list.
int reIterator = 1;
int replicateIterator = 1;
List<string> table1List = new List<string>();
for (int counter = 0; counter < 6; counter++)
while (reIterator < 7)
string currentLabel = "LblRE" + reIterator + "R" + replicateIterator;
Label reLabel = this.Controls.Find(currentLabel, true).FirstOrDefault() as Label;
if (reLabel.Text != null)
reIterator = reIterator + 1;
table1List.Add(reLabel.Text = "");
reIterator = reIterator + 1;
//Builds next row
if (reIterator == 7)
replicateIterator = replicateIterator + 1;
reIterator = 1;
Then using iTextSharp I am able to loop through using the list and add the data to a PDF.
I have finally, successfully, figured out how to fill a PDF with an XFA Form with my custom data using iTextSharp.
The problem is that I've lost the code that I had that let me make the XFA read-only. I have made the horrible mistake of changing my code before committing a working version to my source control. And now, after searching Google for like an hour I still can't find it :( If someone could remind me of the code that would be much appreciated.
PdfReader.unethicalreading = true;
PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(pdfFileName);
PdfStamper stamper = new PdfStamper(reader, ms);
XfaForm xfa = new XfaForm(reader);
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
xfa.DomDocument = doc;
xfa.Changed = true;
XfaForm.SetXfa(xfa, stamper.Reader, stamper.Writer);
PdfAction action = new PdfAction(PdfAction.PRINTDIALOG);
// Somewhere here I had the code that made my XFA form read only...
stamper.Writer.CloseStream = false;
byte[] buffer = new byte[ms.Position];
ms.Position = 0;
ms.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
return buffer;
Not sure if I was dreaming that I had the read-only working or what, and I doubt that this is the best way, but here is how I was finally able to do it:
PdfAction readOnlyAction = PdfAction
.JavaScript(MakeReadOnly(xfa.DomDocument.InnerXml), stamper.Writer);
xfa.DomDocument = doc;
private string MakeReadOnly(string xml)
string formName = string.Empty;
int subFormStart = xml.IndexOf("<subform", 0);
if (subFormStart > -1)
int nameTagStart = xml.IndexOf("name", subFormStart);
int nameStart = xml.IndexOf("\"", nameTagStart);
int nameEnd = xml.IndexOf("\"", nameStart + 1);
formName = xml.Substring(nameStart + 1, (nameEnd - nameStart) - 1);
string readOnlyFunction = "ProcessAllFields(xfa.form." + formName + ");";
readOnlyFunction += "function ProcessAllFields(oNode) {";
readOnlyFunction += " if (oNode.className == \"exclGroup\" || oNode.className == \"subform\" || oNode.className == \"subformSet\" || oNode.className == \"area\") { ";
readOnlyFunction += " for (var i = 0; i < oNode.nodes.length; i++) {";
readOnlyFunction += " var oChildNode = oNode.nodes.item(i); ProcessAllFields(oChildNode);";
readOnlyFunction += " }";
readOnlyFunction += " } else if (oNode.className == \"field\") {";
readOnlyFunction += " oNode.access = \"readOnly\"";
readOnlyFunction += " }";
readOnlyFunction += "}";
return readOnlyFunction;
This worked for me
String script = "for (var nPageCount = 0; nPageCount < xfa.host.numPages; nPageCount++) { var oFields = xfa.layout.pageContent(nPageCount, \"subform\"); var nNodesLength = oFields.length;";
script += "for (var nNodeCount = 0; nNodeCount < nNodesLength; nNodeCount++) { oFields.item(nNodeCount).access = \"readOnly\"; } } ";
I have a class that build the content for my table of contents and that works, fine and dandy.
Here's the code:
public void Build(string center,IDictionary<string,iTextSharp.text.Image> images)
iTextSharp.text.Image image = null;
XPathDocument rapportTekst = new XPathDocument(Application.StartupPath + #"..\..\..\RapportTemplates\RapportTekst.xml");
XPathNavigator nav = rapportTekst.CreateNavigator();
XPathNodeIterator iter;
iter = nav.Select("//dokument/brevhoved");
var logo = iTextSharp.text.Image.GetInstance(iter.Current.GetAttribute("url", ""));
iter = nav.Select("//dokument/gem_som");
string outputPath = iter.Current.GetAttribute("url", "")+center+".pdf";
iter = nav.Select("//dokument/titel");
this.titel = center;
Document document = new Document(PageSize.A4, 30, 30, 100, 30);
var outputStream = new FileStream(outputPath, FileMode.Create);
var pdfWriter = PdfWriter.GetInstance(document, outputStream);
var pageEventHandler = new PageEventHandler();
pageEventHandler.ImageHeader = logo;
pdfWriter.PageEvent = pageEventHandler;
DateTime timeOfReport = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-1);
pageWidth = document.PageSize.Width - (document.LeftMargin + document.RightMargin);
pageHight = document.PageSize.Height - (document.TopMargin + document.BottomMargin);
var title = new Paragraph(titel, titleFont);
title.Alignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER;
List<TableOfContentsEntry> _contentsTable = new List<TableOfContentsEntry>();
iter = nav.Select("//dokument/indhold/*");
Chapter chapter = null;
int chapterCount = 1;
while (iter.MoveNext())
_contentsTable.Add(new TableOfContentsEntry("Test", pdfWriter.CurrentPageNumber.ToString()));
XPathNodeIterator innerIter = iter.Current.SelectChildren(XPathNodeType.All);
chapter = new Chapter("test", chapterCount);
if (innerIter.Current.Name.ToString().ToLower().Equals("billede"))
image = images[innerIter.Current.GetAttribute("navn", "")];
image.Alignment = Image.ALIGN_CENTER;
image.ScaleToFit(pageWidth, pageHight);
if (innerIter.Current.Name.ToString().ToLower().Equals("sektion"))
string line = "";
var afsnit = new Paragraph();
line += (innerIter.Current.GetAttribute("id", "") + " ");
line += innerIter.Current.Value;
document = CreateTableOfContents(document, pdfWriter, _contentsTable);
I'm then calling the method CreateTableOfContents(), and as such it is doing what it is supposed to do. Here's the code for the method:
public Document CreateTableOfContents(Document _doc, PdfWriter _pdfWriter, List<TableOfContentsEntry> _contentsTable)
_doc.Add(new Paragraph("Table of Contents", FontFactory.GetFont("Arial", 18, Font.BOLD)));
_doc.Add(new Chunk(Environment.NewLine));
PdfPTable _pdfContentsTable = new PdfPTable(2);
foreach (TableOfContentsEntry content in _contentsTable)
PdfPCell nameCell = new PdfPCell(_pdfContentsTable);
nameCell.Border = Rectangle.NO_BORDER;
nameCell.Padding = 6f;
nameCell.Phrase = new Phrase(content.Title);
PdfPCell pageCell = new PdfPCell(_pdfContentsTable);
pageCell.Border = Rectangle.NO_BORDER;
pageCell.Padding = 6f;
pageCell.Phrase = new Phrase(content.Page);
_doc.Add(new Chunk(Environment.NewLine));
/** Reorder pages so that TOC will will be the second page in the doc
* right after the title page**/
int toc = _pdfWriter.PageNumber - 1;
int total = _pdfWriter.ReorderPages(null);
int[] order = new int[total];
for (int i = 0; i < total; i++)
if (i == 0)
order[i] = 1;
else if (i == 1)
order[i] = toc;
order[i] = i;
return _doc;
The problem is however. I want to insert a page break before the table of contents, for the sake of reordering the pages, so that the table of contents is the first page, naturally. But the output of the pdf-file is not right.
Here's a picture of what it looks like:
It seems like the _doc.NewPage() in the CreateTableOfContents() method does not execute correctly. Meaning that the image and the table of contents is still on the same page when the method starts the reordering of pages.
EDIT: To clarify the above, the _doc.NewPage() gets executed, but the blank page is added after the picture and the table of contents.
I've read a couple of places that this could be because one is trying to insert a new page after an already blank page. But this is not the case.
I'll just link to the pdf files aswell, to better illustrate the problem.
The pdf with table of contents: with table of contents
The pdf without table of contents: without table of contents
Thank you in advance for your help :)
I have a pdf template I created using LiveCycle Designer. Inside it, I have 3 Image Fields that I created, ImageField1, ImageField2, ImageField3. The images are located on a url, let's call it "http://images.com/img/IMAGENAME.jpg", and the user selects the images prior to generating the pdf in which case I store the image names in a string array.
Is it possible to add these images programmatically into the Image Fields? The methods I've tried so far have only lead to a corrupted pdf that won't open at all.
public string Foo(int id)
var file = string.Empty;
var property = ((IRepositoryBase)PropertyRepository).GetById<Property>(id);
var purchase = ((IRepositoryBase)PropertyRepository).GetByPropertyId<PropertyPurchase>(id);
var inspection = ((IRepositoryBase)PropertyRepository).GetByPropertyId<PropertyInspection>(id);
file = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("\\Assets\\documents\\originals\\Brochure.pdf");
var tmp = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("\\Assets\\documents\\temps\\");
tmp += string.Format("{0}-Brochure.pdf", property.Id);
var pdfReader = new PdfReader(file);
var pdfStamper = new PdfStamper(pdfReader, new FileStream(tmp, FileMode.Create));
var pdfFormFields = pdfStamper.AcroFields;
var pht = property.BrochurePhoto;
string[] photos = pht.Split(' ');
PdfContentByte cB = new PdfContentByte(pdfStamper.Writer);
if (photos[0] != null)
iTextSharp.text.Image photoToPdf1 = iTextSharp.text.Image.GetInstance(new Uri("http://images.com/img/" + photos[0].ToString() + ".jpg"));
if (photos[1] != null)
iTextSharp.text.Image photoToPdf2 = iTextSharp.text.Image.GetInstance(new Uri("http://images.com/img/" + photos[1].ToString() + ".jpg"));
if (photos[2] != null)
iTextSharp.text.Image photoToPdf3 = iTextSharp.text.Image.GetInstance(new Uri("http://images.com/img/" + photos[2].ToString() + ".jpg"));
pdfStamper.FormFlattening = false;
return string.Format("{0}-Brochure.pdf", property.Id);
catch (Exception ex)
return string.Empty;