I am trying to create script that checks is the current time passed, but getting some errors.
DateTime currentTime = DateTime.Now;
TimeSpan pauseMin = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1);
TimeSpan compare = currentTime + pauseMin;
if (currentTime >= compare)
return null;
I would write this as
DateTime currentTime = DateTime.Now;
TimeSpan pauseMin = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1);
DateTime compare = currentTime.Add(pauseMin);
if (currentTime >= compare) {
return null;
This uses the type of object that you are trying to represent with everything. DateTime's can have Timespan's added to them: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.datetime.add%28v=vs.110%29.aspx?f=255&MSPPError=-2147217396
Or Istern's answer if you are always just adding an integer of minutes to the time.
You can't compare DateTime and TimeSpan.
var compare = currentTime.AddMinutes(1)
If you need to somehow use TimeSpan, use Jamie F's answer.
DateTime and TimeSpan is different. You can use currentTime like this:
TimeSpan currentTime = TimeSpan.FromTicks(DateTime.Now.Ticks);
And you can get passed minutes like this:
double minutes = (compare - currentTime).TotalMinutes;
If you just want to pause for 1 minute, you can use
System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000 * 60); // 1 minute = 60000 milliseconds
If you want your function to run for 1 minute, you can use something like
var returnAt = DateTime.Now().AddMinutes(1);
while ( true )
// your code here ?
if ( DateTime.Now() >= returnAt ) return null;
This is may be silly question. But I am missing logic here. I have to compare dates with date time with hours and minutes (not with seconds).
IF first field time is older then second field execute condition
right now I am doing if (Convert.ToDateTime(newItem["Modified"]) < Convert.ToDateTime(properties.ListItem["Modified"]))
example if("02/12/2015 11:58" < "02/12/2015 12:01") then execute condition.
You could create new DateTime objects with mostly the same values, but with seconds set to 0. Example:
DateTime date1WithoutSeconds = new DateTime(dt1.Year, dt1.Month, dt1.Day, dt1.Hour, dt1.Minute, 0);
DateTime date2WithoutSeconds = new DateTime(dt2.Year, dt2.Month, dt2.Day, dt2.Hour, dt2.Minute, 0);
bool b = date1WithoutSeconds < date2WithoutSeconds;
You could subtract the two dates, and if the TotalSeconds of the difference is less than 60 AND the minues are the same, then they are equal:
var first = Convert.ToDateTime(newItem["Modified"]);
var second = Convert.ToDateTime(properties.ListItem["Modified"]);
if (first.Subtract(second).TotalSeconds < 60 && first.Minute == second.Minute)
Console.WriteLine("They are equal");
You should use the DateTime.CompareTo method.
Grab and assign both dates as DateTime objects:
DateTime date = Convert.ToDateTime(newItem["Modified"]);
DateTime compareDate = Convert.ToDateTime(properties.ListItem["Modified"]);
You can now use the CompareTo method of the DateTime object to see if the instance is earlier, the same, or later than the other, returning -1, 0, and 1 respectively.
So, following your example: if("02/12/2015 11:58" < "02/12/2015 12:01"), first date being date and second being compareDate, the code:
will return -1, telling you the instance invoking the method is earlier than the object you are comparing it to.
Here is the MSDN.
One more way that should work.
DateTime date1 = Convert.ToDateTime(newItem["Modified"]);
DateTime date2 = Convert.ToDateTime(properties.ListItem["Modified"]));
if( date1.AddSeconds(-date1.Second) < date2.AddSeconds(-date2.Second) ) {
But, I would wonder...is it really that you need to ignore the seconds and "floor" the result so that 12:59:00 is the same as 12:59:59 but different than 12:58:59 even though there's only a second of difference...or do you need to know that it's greater than a minute of difference? If you really just want to make sure that it is a minute apart, use TimeSpan (date1 - date2).TotalSeconds > 60
I doubt this is likely, but if your DateTime is a string WITH milliseconds, then do:
if( date1.AddSeconds(-date1.Second).AddMilliseconds(-date1.Millisecond) <
date2.AddSeconds(-date2.Second).AddMilliseconds(-date2.Millisecond) )
First of all, the sample data you've mentioned in your question doesn't include seconds, so by default Convert.ToDateTime will assign '00' as seconds, so it would compare without the seconds.
But let's say that you do provide seconds in the actual data. You can use the following:
var date1 = Convert.ToDateTime(newItem["Modified"]);
var date2 = Convert.ToDateTime(properties.ListItem["Modified"]);
if (date1.AddSeconds(-date1.Second) < date2.AddSeconds(-date2.Second))
These are the variables I'm using:
var start = new DateTime();
var End = new DateTime();
Help me out by validating with if condition.
If I am understanding correctly you will have to try something like
if (start.AddDays(5) == End)
DateTime.AddDays Method
You can calculate a TimeSpan between the two dates and use properties of TimeSpan to determine how far apart they are, e.g.
TimeSpan diff = new TimeSpan(End.Ticks - start.Ticks);
double daysApart = diff.TotalDays;
if (daysApart >= 5.0) // Do stuff (assumes you want at least 5 days)
if(end.Subtract(start).Days > 5)
You should familiarize yourself with the DateTime structure. For this in particular the AddDays method or depending on how you end up doing things the Subtract method.
// Setting end date to start date plus 5 days
var start = new DateTime();
var end = start.AddDays(5)
// Testing if end date is the same as start date plus 5 days
if (start.AddDays(5) == end)
// It true!
/// or like so...
if (end.subtract(start).Days >= 5)
// It true!
Try this:
TimeSpan elapsed;
elapsed = end.Subtract(start);
if (elapsed.Days > 5)
//Do stuff
I was just wondering if there is a way to get the current time and set it into a value.
If its 12:06 AM.. I want to get that time and set it into currentTime.
float currentTime = 0;
currentTime = 12.06;
As others have mentioned, the DateTime class would be ideal for this, and to work out the difference between 2 date/times:
DateTime end = DateTime.Now;
DateTime start = new DateTime(2011, 12, 5, 12, 6,0);
double hours = (end - start).TotalHours;
The subtraction of DateTime objects results in a TimeSpan object that you can use to see the hours/minutes etc.
try DateTime class
DateTime dt = DateTime.Now;
Is this what you're looking for?
DateTime currentTime;
currentTime = DateTime.Now;
Don't use floats or strings. You can do all kinds of cool things using DateTime.
Here's how you'd get the hours that someone worked:
var clockIn = new DateTime(2011,12,4,9,0,0); // December 4th, 9 AM
var clockOut = new DateTime(2011,12,4,17,0,0); // December 4th, 5 PM
var duration = clockOut - clockIn; // TimeSpan
Console.Write(duration.TotalHours); // 8
A few people have mentioned how, but as a 'better' recommendation you should use
DateTime currentTime = DateTime.UtcNow
Otherwise you have issues when the clocks go back, if your timing code is run on those days. (plus it is far easier to alter the UTC time to local time than it is to convert a '1am' to UTC (as there will be two of them when the clocks go back)
Well if you really what it as a float then try:
var currentDate = DateTime.Now;
float currentTime = float.Parse((currentDate.Hour > 12 ? currentDate.Hour -12 :
currentDate.Hour) + "." + currentDate.Minute);
I wouldn't recommend comparing dates or time with floats. A better options would be to use timespans.
You should be using a Timespan instance for time related values, you can use the flexibility to get the required values like
TimeSpan ts = DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay;
ts.ToString("hh:mm") // this could be what you are looking for
You could then use ts.TotalHours which would give you fractional hours (as a double) else you could construct a string specifically using ts.Hours ..ts.Minutes play around and it could be prove useful.
Try the following:
DateTime StartTime=StartTime value;
DateTime CurrentTime=DateTime.Now;
TimeSpan dt = CurrentTime.Subtract(StartTime);
In dt you will get a working time period.
If you want to have the difference between two times, then do this:
DateTime dateOne = DateTime.Parse(enteredTime);
DateTime dateTwo = DateTime.Now;
TimeSpan difference = dateOne - dateTwo;
How to check if 20 minutes have passed from current date?
For example:
var start = DateTime.Now;
var oldDate = "08/10/2011 23:50:31";
if(start ??) {
//20 minutes were passed from start
what's the best way to do this?
Thanks :)
You should convert your start time to a UTC time, say 'start'.
You can now compare your start time to the current UTC time using:
DateTime.UtcNow > start.AddMinutes(20)
This approach means that you will get the correct answer around daylight savings time changes.
By adding time to the start time instead of subtracting and comparing the total time on a TimeSpan you have a more readable syntax AND you can handle more date difference cases, e.g. 1 month from the start, 2 weeks from the start, ...
var start = DateTime.Now;
var oldDate = DateTime.Parse("08/10/2011 23:50:31");
if ((start - oldDate).TotalMinutes >= 20)
//20 minutes were passed from start
var start = DateTime.Now;
var oldDate = DateTime.Parse("08/10/2011 23:50:31");
if(start.Subtract(oldDate) >= TimeSpan.FromMinutes(20))
//20 minutes were passed from start
Parse oldDate into a DateTime object (DateTime.Parse).
Subtract the parsed date from start. This will return a TimeSpan.
Inspect TotalMinutes.
I was able to accomplish this by using a JodaTime Library in my project. I came out with this code.
String datetime1 = "2012/08/24 05:22:34";
String datetime2 = "2012/08/24 05:23:28";
DateTimeFormatter format = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss");
DateTime time1 = format.parseDateTime(datetime1);
DateTime time2 = format.parseDateTime(datetime2);
Minutes Interval = Minutes.minutesBetween(time1, time2);
Minutes minInterval = Minutes.minutes(20);
return true;
return false;
This will check if the Time Interval between datetime1 and datetime2 is GreaterThan 20 Minutes. Change the property to Seconds. It will be easier for you know. This will return false.
var end = DateTime.Parse(oldDate);
if (start.Hour == end.Hour && start.AddMinutes(20).Minute >= end.Minute)
It is 8:30 and I am trying to find out how many seconds there are between now and the next whole hour (9:00). I think I just want to DateTime.Now.AddHours(1) but after I do that I think I need the "floor". How to get that value?
Just round the time of day in hours up to the next integral value:
var timeOfDay = DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay;
var nextFullHour = TimeSpan.FromHours(Math.Ceiling(timeOfDay.TotalHours));
var delta = (nextFullHour - timeOfDay).TotalSeconds;
//Completely misread. Completely re-writing
I woudl just do something Like this
int minutesToNextHour = 60 - DateTime.Now.Minutes;
int secondsToNextHour = minutesToNextHour * 60;
You don't have to mess around with ceilings and floors. The DateTime.Hour property represents whole hours (it is an integer beteen 0 and 23) of the time of the day represented by the DateTime. You can use this and the DateTime.Date property to strip the components of the DateTime you don't want (sub-hour data) and then just subtract as necessary to produce a TimeSpan.
var now = DateTime.Now;
var timeToNextHour = now.Date.AddHours(now.Hour + 1) - now;
You can of course extract the TotalSeconds component of the resulting TimeSpan if you want the result in seconds.
This seems to be the most simple:
3600 - DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay.TotalSeconds % 3600
(if you want it in whole numbers - integer - then prefix DateTime.Now... with (int).
So you'd need to subtract the 'remainder' minutes, find the difference, and multiply that by 60, right?
How about this:
var currentTime = DateTime.Now;
var hour = currentTime.AddHours(1).Hour;
var newTime = Convert.ToDateTime(hour + ":00");
var timespan = newTime.Subtract(currentTime);
var secondsDiff = timespan.TotalSeconds;
TimeSpan sec = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 3600 - (DateTime.Now.Minute * 60));
How about:
var now = DateTime.Now;
int secondsTillNextHour = (60 - now.Minute)*60+(60-now.Second);
Or (maybe clearer):
int SecondsTillNextHour = 3600 - 60*now.Minute - now.Second;
A more readable version:
public double SecondsToNextHour()
return SecondsToNextHour( DateTime.Now );
public double SecondsToNextHour( DateTime moment )
DateTime currentHour = new DateTime( moment.Year, moment.Month, moment.Day, moment.Hour, 0, 0 );
DateTime nextHour = currentHour.AddHours( 1 );
TimeSpan duration = nextHour - moment;
return duration.TotalSeconds;
TimeSpan result = (new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month,
DateTime.Now.Day, DateTime.Now.Hour + 1, 0, 0)).Subtract(DateTime.Now);
Basically here you are building a new DateTime that is one hour on from Now, with no minutes or seconds, then you subtract Now from this and have your result.
I would Timespan.Parse 08:30, add 1 hr to the object, then retrieve the hour part and build a new string with :00 as the minutes and reparse the new string. There may be a more efficient way to do this, but I find this technique clear to read.