How should I configure paths to other exe files in my project? - c#

I am working on a project that requires a .exe file to be executed by the application. The problem here is that I cannot guarantee that the file will always be in the same location on the user's machine, my app has no way of knowing where this .exe file is located.
So for example, my application needs to execute mongod.exe which is located (by default) in the following location: C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.2\bin\mongod.exe.
The problem here is that this is not always the case, the user might have installed this application to a different place, so I can't assume that the path to the .exe file is always the same on every client.
Currently I am using the Settings.settings file to store a default file path to the file:
The user can then either edit the app.config file or I could provide a UI to allow the user to change the file path.
So my question is, is there a better way?

Searching the path of the Mongodb.exe file in Registry can be useful. Try to find the exe path from the Registry entry.
RegistryKey key = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey("Software\MongoDB\MongoDB Connector");
if (key != null)
Object o = key.GetValue("InstallPath");
Object o will give the path of MongoDB.exe file.
P.S.: If your application does not have rights to access the local machine's registry, then this approach won't work


C# Move AppSettings from .exe.config in Program Folder to Custom Location

C# MVVM project targeting .NET Framework 4.6.2 with underlying SQL Server database.
We have a handful of user-writable settings in appSettings. These are stored in the PROGRAMNAME.exe.config in C:\Program Files\PROGRAMNAME
The problem is that our users typically do not have write permissions to the C:\Program Files\PROGRAMNAME directory and so cannot write changes to this file. The program either needs to be run as an administrator or we need to give write permissions to that directory. Neither is ideal.
I was under the impression that it should create a copy of the .exe.config in C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files\PROGRAMNAME but this does not seem to happen, especially in our Citrix environments.
Is there a way to relocate these specific appSettings to a file in a user-writable location?
You can do it. Read the config file like this:
Configuration App_Config =
By this, it will look for the config file PROGRAMNAME.exe.config in the specified path C:\Temp
Please notice the path is not specified as C:\Temp\PROGRAMNAME.exe.config
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How to attach file to windows service?

Is it possible to attach a flat file to windows-service?
My windows-service uses few flat file (for data purposes). Usually, if it's a normal executable I would place those files in the same directory as exe. How can I achieve that with windows-service?
I've done some research on this, but all I found was:
1. Pass a path to those files as a parameter to windows-service.
2. Make a fixed path and just require those files there
But I don't like those solutions. I was wondering if it's possible to attach those files to the windows service while installing it?
How about adding these files inside the project as Embedded Resources? They won't show up on the disk, but you could still properly read them from inside the assembly itself.
Here's some reference:
You can look up the directory that your application is installed in at runtime, using the Application.StartupPath property from System.Windows.Forms. This works for both applications and services. You should avoid hard-coding the path that you think your application is installed in, because the end user may have installed it somewhere else. You should also avoid using the current directory (i.e., opening the file by name only, without a specific path) because the user may be running your application with a different current directory.
Note that installutil does not make a copy of your service executable. So the service runs from the same directory that it was in when you installed it, and any files you place in that directory should still be there when the service is running.

After using InstallShield to install my app my sqlite .db file is being saved in the AppData directory. Why is that?

After using the free version of InstallShield and installing my app on my machine I noticed that my data file (a sqlite .db file) is being saved in a different location than when I run it under Visual Studio. Basically instead of being saved in the directory with the .exe file it is being saved here:
C:\Users\blaaah\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)\MyAppA\MyAppA
My .exe file with its .dll files is being saved here:
C:\Program Files (x86)\MyAppA\MyAppA
I am curious as to why that is happening?
I am also curious on how to get that directory that contains my data file with code.
The VirtualStore folder is caused by file system redirection done by UAC. By doing this, Microsoft was able to lock down the Program Files directory without sacrificing too much backward compatibility. Any time an application tries to write to the program files location, the write will be redirected to the Virtual Store.
A decent writeup on this on MSDN can be found in the User Account Control For Game Developers article.
To quote that article:
Virtualization affects the file system and registry by redirecting system-sensitive writes (and subsequent file or registry operations) to a per-user location within the current user's profile. For example, if an application attempts to write to the following file:
C:\Program Files\Company Name\Title\config.ini
the write is automatically redirected to:
C:\Users\user name\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files\Company Name\Title\config.ini
Likewise, if an application attempts to write a registry value like the following:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Company Name\Title
it will be redirected instead to:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\VirtualStore\MACHINE\Software\Company Name\Title

How to give a folder path in app.config file in C#

I am creating an application in WPF.
In that I am using XML file to store some settings.
My app will run for every 10 sec. So it will use that XML file settings.
My issue is in My local system i am calling the XML file as D://Foldername/projectname/test.xml .
But after deployment it is storing in C://Programfiles/Projectname/test.xml .
So how to give a generic path so that it runs in all the client systems.
I am creating setup file to install in clients systems.
Please help me.
Open the project properties page.
Click on Settings tab.
Add a new item called "MyPath". Make it an Application Setting of type String and give it a sensible default path name as value.
Reference the value in code with Properties.Settings.Default.MyPath.
If you open the applications config there will be a setting called MyPath where you can override the path at runtime.
I suggest you to put the XML file in the same folder as your EXE file and then use Assembly to get its current path.
var cfgPath = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location + ".config"
it's better to name your config file the same with your exe file but with ".config" extension.
If you are really using ClickOnce, I hardly recommend you to create your own directory for data and configuration files:
private static string GetDataDir()
var dataDir = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData),
if (!Directory.Exists(dataDir))
return dataDir;
The problem with storing the data in the directory of the executable is, that it will be at a different location. While debugging, it will be in you \bin directory. When the application is deployed by ClickOnce, you gonna have a bad time. The installation directory for a ClickOnce application is created for every version. So if you EVER update your application at "customers", all their settings will be lost.

Read from output file in installed WCF service

I included a text file as output in a WCF set up project.
The text file is correctly located in the same folder with the dll, exe, and config file after the project is installed (C:\Program Files\KLTesting\KLTestApp).
However when the program tries to read it, it looks under "C:\Windows\system32", what's the correct way to find & read it?
I have
string a = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();
a += "/R0303.txt";
string content = File.ReadAllText(a);
You should use AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory or AppDomain.CurrentDomain.SetupInformation.ApplicationBase instead, to get the Directory of your .exe file.
First you should not call Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() and concatenate with the file name. The service is running within a web server like IIS or some other type of container, so GetCurrentDirectory will not give you what you are thinking as you found out. (On a quick tangent, as a recommendation in the future if you want to do path combining you should use Path.Combine method as it will handle all the corner cases and be cross platform.)
There are a few ways to do this:
Assembly myAssembly = Assembly.GetAssembly(SomeTypeInAssm.GetType());
string fullFileName = Path.Combine(myAssembly.Location, "MyFile.txt");
The fullFileName should be what you are looking for. Make sure you use a type that is actually in an assembly located and referenced from the directory in question. However be aware because this file in your question in the Program Files area this is a secure area on Vista and higher OS's and you may not have access to do anything but read the file.
Also you could have the installer of the application place in the registry the install path. Then your service if on the same box can pull this information.
Also you could make sure the file you want to load is within the web server environment that is accessable to the WCF service in question.

