SlimDx Events on button pressed - c#

I am using slimdx to interpret xbox controller button presses. I poll every 200ms to read the xbox button states and all works for me. I use
JoystickState state = Joystick.GetCurrentState();
// get buttons states
bool[] buttonsPressed = state.GetButtons();
Is there anyway to generate events on the button press instead of polling? To explain imagine if my poll time was 5 seconds. And the user presses a button in the 2nd second and releases it. In the next poll time my application will never know that the button was pressed

No - in DirectX you must poll. To do this efficiently you want to create a polling thread, and have a class which raises cross thread events to your consuming thread.

I know this is 4 years old but the answer is incorrect. The most efficient way may be to poll, but you can raise an event when you poll.
This is a work in progress but it should get someone started. Save this as a new class, it derives from a Timer, so once you add this to your project, build it, and drag it onto the Form you want to use it, you can then subscribe to the buttonPressed event.
public class GamePadController : Timer
public delegate void ButtonPressedDelegate(object sender, int ButtonNumber);
public event ButtonPressedDelegate ButtonPressed;
List<DeviceInstance> directInputList = new List<DeviceInstance>();
DirectInput directInput = new DirectInput();
List<SlimDX.DirectInput.Joystick> gamepads = new List<Joystick>();
SlimDX.DirectInput.JoystickState state;
public GamePadController()
this.Interval = 10;
this.Enabled = true;
this.Tick += GamePadController_Tick;
private void RefreshGamePads()
directInputList.AddRange(directInput.GetDevices(DeviceClass.GameController, DeviceEnumerationFlags.AttachedOnly));
foreach (var device in directInputList)
gamepads.Add(new SlimDX.DirectInput.Joystick(directInput, directInputList[0].InstanceGuid));
private void GamePadController_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
foreach (var gamepad in gamepads)
if (gamepad.Acquire().IsFailure)
if (gamepad.Poll().IsFailure)
if (SlimDX.Result.Last.IsFailure)
state = gamepad.GetCurrentState();
bool[] buttons = state.GetButtons();
for (int i = 0; i < buttons.Length; i++)
if (buttons[i])
if (ButtonPressed != null)
ButtonPressed(gamepad, i);


Pause the while loop until the button is pressed w/o using event handler C#

I am struggling to workout how to create something that essentially pauses my while loop until my button1 is pressed, I know about the event handler button1_Click but I don't think that will work in this situation as I have lots of loops nested in each other on my form_load.
Any help would be highly appreciated!
This is a snipped of my code where I want the loop to be 'paused' with the notes:
while (reader2.Read())
QuestionSpace = Convert.ToString(reader2["Question Space"]);
label1.Text = QuestionSpace;
if (button1.Click = true) // if the button is clicked)
// continue with the while loop (I am going to add an INSERT SQL query in here later)
// pause until the button is pressed
My whole code for the form:
public partial class CurrentlySetTestForm : Form
private int QuestionID { get; set; }
private string QuestionSpace { get; set; }
public CurrentlySetTestForm()
private void CurrentlySetTestForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
string y = GlobalVariableClass.Signedinteacher;
string connectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["myconnectionstring"].ConnectionString;
SqlConnection connect = new SqlConnection(connectionString);
SqlCommand command18 = new SqlCommand("SELECT [QuestionID] FROM QuestionStudentAssociation WHERE ( [StudentID]=#Signedinstudent)", connect);
command18.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Signedinstudent", y);
var reader = command18.ExecuteReader();
while (reader.Read())
QuestionID = Convert.ToInt32(reader["QuestionID"]);
SqlCommand command19 = new SqlCommand(#"SELECT [Question Space] FROM Questions WHERE ( [QuestionID] = #currentQID )", connect);
command19.Parameters.AddWithValue("#currentQID", QuestionID);
var reader2 = command19.ExecuteReader();
while (reader2.Read())
QuestionSpace = Convert.ToString(reader2["Question Space"]);
label1.Text = QuestionSpace;
if (button1.Click = true) // if the button is clicked)
// continue with the while loop (I am going to add an INSERT SQL query in here later)
// pause until the button is pressed
catch (SyntaxErrorException ex)
MessageBox.Show("Done one loop");
Sounds like your not ready to learn TPL
So maybe a BackgroundWorker , you can paint it on the form
To make the click cancel the background worker have a look at Cancel backgroundworker
I would some time to learn TPL as its going to create a simpler and more elegant solution.
As for pausing I would refactor the code, you should not keep the reader open waiting on the user.
You do want event-driven response to UI events, always. However, I guess that you don't want to split your logic into a state machine by hand (where each event triggers progress to the next state). Well, you're in luck, the C# compiler has some keywords to build state machines automagically so you don't have to manage the details.
There are actually two different mechanisms for continuation-passing style implemented in C#. The old one, yield return, works great if your UI events are pretty much interchangeable (or you're only interested in one). Works like this:
IEnumerator<int> Coroutine;
// this could be a Form_Load, but don't you need to get the user information before making the database connection?
void BeginQuiz_Click( object sender, EventArgs unused )
Coroutine = RunQA();
IEnumerator<int> RunQA()
// connect to DB
// show first question on UI
return ContinueQA();
IEnumerator<int> ContinueQA()
// you can use a while loop instead if you really want
for( int question = 0; question < questionCount; ++question )
// check answer
if (/* too many wrong answers*/) {
// report failure in DB
yield break;
// get next question from DB
// show new question on the UI
// wait for UI action
yield return question;
// report score in DB
// update UI with completion certificate
void AnswerButton_Click( object sender, EventArgs unused )
answer = sender;
Coroutine.MoveNext(); // MAGIC HAPPENS HERE
void TimeoutTimer_Tick( object sender, EventArgs unused )
answer = TimeoutTimer;
The magic comes from yield return. Every time the function reaches yield return, the compiler saves what you were doing. When the button click event comes and calls MoveNext, the compiler generates code that starts where yield return paused everything, and keeps going from there until the next yield return.
Important note, the code inside ContinueQA doesn't start when RunQA() does return ContinueQA(); It actually starts on the first MoveNext(). So split your code between RunQA() and ContinueQA accordingly.
If you need different pause reasons at different places in your code, then async/await will be more helpful.
A better way to handle this would be the use of a timer. This would allow the form to draw it's controls and handle all input, such as clicking the button.
Adjust the timer interval (ms) to your needs.
Another way of doing this would be, as Mehrzad Chehraz said, to use multi-threading.
On a side note, I would strongly recommend condition checks over the try/catch checks if possible.
Enable/Disable the timer using the button and call the loop when the timer ticks.
Timer loopTimer = new Timer();
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
loopTimer.Interval = 100;
loopTimer.Tick += loopTimer_Tick;
loopTimer.Enabled = true;
void loopTimer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
//perform the loop here at the set interval
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
//pause/play the loop
loopTimer.Enabled = !loopTimer.Enabled;

MouseMove performance slow using GetPosition

I have a Canvas control with various elements on, in this particular function I am allowing a user to drag the end point of a line around the canvas. In the MouseMove function I call e.GetPosition().
The function is, according to the VS performance analyzer, close to 30% of total CPU for the app when constantly moving around. Its pretty slow. What can I do to increase this performance?
CurrentPoint = e.GetPosition(PointsCanvas);
I've faced the same problem while using MouseMove on windows phone 8. It seems that while dragging , events (containing the coordinates you need ) are raised at regular time interval ( depending on what you do in the implementation in your listeners, every 20 ms for example). So what I did was to populate a Queue with my coordinates and create a Thread that consume that Queue by enqueue the first element and do the logic I want. Like that the logic is not done serially because it's another thread who does the job.
I don't know if I'm enough clear so please take a look to the code below :
//Class used to store e.getPosition(UIElement).X/Y
public class mouseInformation
public int x { get; set; }
public int y { get; set; }
public mouseInformation(int x, int y, String functionName)
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
private readonly Queue<mouseInformation> queueOfEvent = new Queue<mouseInformation>();
//MouseMove listener
private void wpCanvas_MouseDragged(object sender, System.Windows.Input.MouseEventArgs e)
//Instead of "wpCanvas" put the name of your UIElement (here your canvas name)
mouseInformation mouseDragged = new mouseInformation((int)e.GetPosition(wpCanvas).X, (int)e.GetPosition(wpCanvas).Y);
//Allow you to add a MouseInformation object in your Queue
public void EnqueueMouseEvent(mouseInformation mi)
lock (queueOfEvent)
//Logic that your consumer thread will do
void Consume()
while (true)
mouseInformation MI;
lock (queueOfEvent)
while (queueOfEvent.Count == 0) Monitor.Wait(queueOfEvent);
MI = queueOfEvent.Dequeue();
// i.e DoSomething(MI.x, MI.y)
And don't forget to create the thread in your Main() or in MainPage_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) method if you are Windows phone user.
System.Threading.ThreadStart WatchQueue = new System.Threading.ThreadStart(Consume);
System.Threading.Thread RunWatchQueue = new System.Threading.Thread(WatchQueue);
RunWatchQueue.Name = "Events thread";
To be simple less you do in your MouseMove listener, more speed it will be.
You can aswell do the logic asynchronously or even use Bresenham algorithm to simulate more events.
Hope it helps.
Are you using any effects such as dropshaddow etc?
I recently had the situation where e.GetPosition() was also using 30% of the app's cpu resources, which doesn't make any sense right?
I turns out that up the visual tree there was a control applying a dropshaddow effect and that was what was slowing everything down so much...

How to wait for a click in c#

I am currently taking a beginner's class in c#. We missed 2 consecutive classes because the teacher couldn't be there. So we didn't really see what we needed to do this. He said to just go see on MSDN, but that is usually way too complicated for me. So here is my problem:
I have to create a "Simon Says" program. Here is my current code (sorry for the French variables):
public partial class Form1 : Form
const byte LIMITE = 255;
const byte LIMITEBOUTON = 5;
byte[] _abyBouton = new byte[LIMITE];
Random _rand = new Random();
public Form1()
//Blinks the Button. Works correctly.
void AnimerBouton(Button btnBouton, Color Cocoleur)
btnBouton.BackColor = Color.Black;
btnBouton.ForeColor = Color.White;
System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(500); // C'est inscrit en miliseconde
btnBouton.BackColor = Cocoleur;
btnBouton.ForeColor = Color.Black;
System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(500); // C'est inscrit en miliseconde
private void btnDémarrer_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
//Creates an array with the 255 eventual moves.
for (byte byIndex = 0; byIndex <= LIMITE - 1; byIndex++)
_abyBouton[byIndex] = (byte)_rand.Next(1, LIMITEBOUTON);
for (byte byIndex = 0; byIndex <= LIMITE - 1; byIndex++)
//Takes care of the current progress in the game.
for (byte byIndex2 = 0; byIndex2 <= byIndex; byIndex2++)
switch (_abyBouton[byIndex2])
case 1:
AnimerBouton(btn1, Color.Green);
case 2:
AnimerBouton(btn2, Color.Red);
case 3:
AnimerBouton(btn3, Color.Yellow);
case 4:
AnimerBouton(btn4, Color.Cyan);
//Wait to see if the click is correct. No idea how to do this.
So I have to wait for the user to click a button and see if it is the correct one. I looked around and it was talking about events, but I couldn't grasp what I needed to do. I would appreciate some help on how to do this.
In the designer, on the properties window, click the lightning bolt icon. You will get a list of events for the selected control. Make sure the btnBouton control is selected, and find the Click event in the list. You should see btnDemarrer_Click in the drop down list. Select it. Now when the button is clicked, it should call your btnDemarrer_Click handler.
When you have not already written a handler, you can double-click the event in the list, and it will generate the method skeleton for you automatically. You can also double-click the control itself to generate the default event handler for that control. (In the case of buttons, I think the default event is the click event.)
If you want a particular method to wait until some work is done, you could look into AutoResetEvent. An extremely simplified example might help you get on the right track:
using System.Threading;
public static AutoResetEvent arEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false);
static void Main()
arEvent.WaitOne(); //WaitOne() "pauses" Main and waits for some work to be done.
static void DoWork();
//Some work is done here.
arEvent.Set(); //This lets Main() continue where it left off.
Using this, you could have btnDémarrer_Click wait for the user input then continue on after the user has done his clicking.

How to detect the ctrl key is pressed twice if the program is minimized or in system tray

How to detect the ctrl key is pressed twice if the program is minimized or in system tray
I am trying to develop a c# program where the main form will be shown to the user when the control key is pressed twice. I found samples for hotkey combinations but this is not hotkey with combination, like control+ some other key. This is like google desktop app where the search box is displayed when control key is pressed twice.
Keyboard hooking as suggested. It's been nicely wrapped for you at CodePlex, where you get a .NET API simply raising Key and Mouse events, regardless of the state your app is in.
This seems like a case of keyboard hooking (WH_KEYBOARD).
What you could do is capture each time the key is pressed, and perhaps in a background worker compare the difference in time.
Set yourself a threshold and if it is less than that, you would consider it a double press and do what you need to.
Untested the components could look something like:
private readonly DateTime _originDateTime = new DateTime(0);
private DateTime _lastKeyPress;
Hook up worker:
_backgroundWorker = new BackgroundWorker { WorkerSupportsCancellation = false };
_backgroundWorker.DoWork += DoBackgroundWork;
Implement DoBackgroundWork method:
private void DoBackgroundWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs doWorkEventArgs)
if (_lastKeyPress != _originDateTime)
DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
TimeSpan delta = now - _lastKeyPress;
if (delta < new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, DelayInMilliseconds))
//do stuff
} while (true);
And don't forget to capture the key:
private void SomeEvent_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
_lastKeyPress = DateTime.Now;
This is based on XPath Visualizer
Use keyboard hooks like foxx1337 suggested, then do something like this:
int triggerThreshold = 500; //This would be equivalent to .5 seconds
int lastCtrlTick = 0;
private void OnCtrlPress()
int thisCtrlTick = Environment.TickCount;
int elapsed = thisCtrlTick - lastCtrlTick;
if (elapsed <= triggerThreshold)
lastCtrlTick = thisCtrlTick;
The managed wrapper .NET library library mentioned in an accepted answer has moved here. Now there is also a nuget package MouseKeyHook available.
Recently support for detecting shortcuts, key combinations and sequences was added. Here is a usage example:
void DoSomething()
Console.WriteLine("You pressed UNDO");
Hook.GlobalEvents().OnCombination(new Dictionary<Combination, Action>
{Combination.FromString("Control+Z"), DoSomething},
{Combination.FromString("Shift+Alt+Enter"), () => { Console.WriteLine("You Pressed FULL SCREEN"); }}
For more information see: Detecting Key Combinations and Seuqnces

C#: Get which button was pressed in an array of gtk#-buttons?

I have an array of buttons which shall all call the same method but with the index of the button as an argument.
using System;
using Gtk;
public class Input : Gtk.Window {
private Gtk.Button[] plus;
public Input() : base(Gtk.WindowType.Toplevel) {
plus = new Button[10];
for (uint i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
plus[i] = new Button();
plus[i].Name = i.ToString();
plus[i].ButtonPressEvent += AddButtonPressed;
I tried it using this method, but it seems it gets not even called as there is no output:
protected virtual void AddButtonPressed(object sender, System.EventArgs e) {
Console.WriteLine("Button pressed");
for (uint i = 0; i < plus.Length; i++) {
if (sender.Equals(plus[i])) {
uint index = i;
i = (uint)plus.Length;
Maybe someone can point me in the right direction?
Quick answer:
protected virtual void AddButtonPressed(object sender, EventArgs e) {
Console.WriteLine("Button pressed");
for (uint i = 0; i < plus.Length; i++) {
if (sender.Equals(plus[i])) {
uint index = i;
i = (uint)plus.Length;
Rambling explanation:
This is actually an interesting question. It took a bit of searching to find, but GTK#'s FAQ (but I guess not frequently linked to) says,
"As of release 0.15, Gtk# started
using the CONNECT_AFTER flag when
connecting event handlers to signals.
This means that the event handlers are
not run until after the default signal
handlers, which means that the widget
will be updated when the event
handlers run. A side effect of this
change is that in the case where
default handlers return true to stop
signal propogation, Gtk# events will
not be emitted. This is the case for
example in Gtk.Button, where the
button-press-event default signal
handler is overridden to emit Pressed
While potentially confusing, this is
not really a bug. When you use a
Gtk.Button, you are getting a widget
that emits Pressed events in response
to Button1 presses. If you also want
your Button to change colors, or popup
a context menu on Button3 presses,
that's not a Gtk.Button. The correct
way to implement such a widget is to
subclass Gtk.Button and override the
OnButtonPressEvent virtual method to
implement the new behaviors you
If it weren't for, "public outcry" (rarely a sign of a good interface), there would be no way to avoid this, except subclassing which is sometimes annoying in C# due to the lack of anonymous classes. But luckily, you're not the first person to have this issue. So that's where the GLib.ConnectBefore attribute comes in. It basically says, call this event handler first so the event isn't devoured by Gtk+.
The annoyance doesn't end there though. I originally was going to suggest applying a good proven solution to passing "extra" parameters to event handlers. In this case, this would allow you to find the index without using equals or the Name string It basically involves creating a wrapper delegate that "pretends" to be a ButtonPressEventHandler but internally passes an int to your backing method:
Func<uint, ButtonPressEventHandler> indexWrapper = ((index) => ((s, e) => { AddButtonPressed_wrapped(s, e, index); }));
plus[i].ButtonPressEvent += indexWrapper(i);
protected virtual void AddButtonPressed_wrapped(object sender, EventArgs e, uint index)
Console.WriteLine("Button pressed");
Console.WriteLine("Index = {0}", index);
It compiles and runs without errors, but it has the same problem, the event never fires. I realized that you can't put an attribute directly on a delegate/lambda. So even though the backing method has [GLib.ConnectBefore] the delegate doesn't, so it fails.
As a final note, you could use the Clicked event as in this API example. I verified that it works as expected. One would think that it would only fire on mouse-clicks, but it actually does fire on spacebar as well.
for (uint i = 0; i < 10; i++)
plus[i] = new Button();
plus[i].ButtonPressEvent += AddButtonPressed;
protected virtual void AddButtonPressed(object sender, System.EventArgs e) {
Console.WriteLine("Button pressed");
Gtk.Button button = sender as Gtk.Button;
Console.WriteLine("Index: {0}", button.Data["Index"]);
I'm fairly certain you need to actually add the buttons to the GTK window hierarchy, something like:
for (uint i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
plus[i] = new Button();
plus[i].Name = i.ToString();
plus[i].ButtonPressEvent += AddButtonPressed;
Should be similar to that, never actually used GTK <.<
Use Tag property, if Gtk button has one.
for (uint i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
plus[i] = new Button();
plus[i].Name = i.ToString();
plus[i].ButtonPressEvent += AddButtonPressed;
plus[i].Tag = i;
protected virtual void AddButtonPressed(object sender, System.EventArgs e) {
Console.WriteLine("Button pressed");
Gtk.Button button = sender as Gtk.Button;
Console.WriteLine("Index: {0}", button.Tag);

