I am using COM4 Serial Port to both send and receive data. I have a demand request that comes in - I verify that the request is of mydatastring = myrequeststring - this works fine. I am trying to reply data through the com port during this event handler but of course Access is denied. How can I accomplish sending of data after receiving my request..??
void scScale_OnReceiving(object sender, DataStreamEventArgs e)
if( e.Response == myrequeststring )
relevant parts of scScale - it is a SerialPort Client class - basically encapsulates the SerialPort details.
Relevant code:
public bool OpenConn()
if (_serialPort == null)
_serialPort = new SerialPort(_port, _baudRate, Parity.None);
if (!_serialPort.IsOpen)
_serialPort.ReadTimeout = -1;
_serialPort.WriteTimeout = -1;
if (_serialPort.IsOpen)
serThread.Start(); /*Start The Communication Thread*/
IsOpen = true;
IsOpen = false;
catch (Exception ex)
return false;
return true;
public void Transmit(string packet)
_serialPort.Write(packet); // 0, packet.Length);
public void Transmit(byte[] packet)
_serialPort.Write(packet, 0, packet.Length);
public int Receive(byte[] bytes, int offset, int count)
int readBytes = 0;
if (count > 0)
readBytes = _serialPort.Read(bytes, offset, count);
return readBytes;
private void OnSerialReceiving(byte[] res)
if (OnReceiving != null)
OnReceiving(this, new DataStreamEventArgs(res));
SCSCALE is this code at link..
I do not know why this works but it does; when the Serial Port was instantiated - I created the event handler and that did fire the event, but I was unable to send a reply through the port during handling of that event.
However if I subscribe to the event after the port is open, the event will fire and I will have access to the port to send a reply.
While I did not post my complete code - I do verify that the port is open before transmitting, and if not I open the port.
Now instead of immediately subscribing to the receive event - I open the port and then subscribe to the OnReceive event.
The reason I changed the code to subscribe after the Port was open is because I was reading on SO and some other sites about strange behaviours caused by subscribing before the port was open.
So in short Subscribe to the receive event after the port is open.
I want to display a string when I receive data from a server. For that I was thinking on using delegates and events. I'm new to this topic (Delegates and Events) so I'm have not been able to set this up.
Here is what I've done:
public delegate void ClientHandleData(byte[] data, int bytesRead);
public event ClientHandleData OnDataReceived;
public void ConnectToServer(string ipAddress, int port)
this.port = port;
tcpClient = new TcpClient(ipAddress, port);
clientStream = tcpClient.GetStream();
Thread t = new Thread(new ThreadStart(ListenForData));
started = true;
private void ListenForData()
int bytesRead;
while (started)
bytesRead = 0;
bytesRead = clientStream.Read(buffer.ReadBuffer, 0, readBufferSize);
//A socket error has occurred
MessageBox.Show("A socket error has occurred);
if (OnDataReceived != null)
// display string to a textbox on the UI
started = false;
You can just write
OnDataReceived?.Invoke(buffer.ReadBuffer, bytesRead);
If you want to be sure that your event will not be set to null after the if statement you can do this:
var handler = OnDataReceived;
handler?.Invoke(buffer.ReadBuffer, bytesRead);
Be careful when updating UI, because you can only update UI from UI thread. If you are using WPF you can do this:
Dispatcher.Invoke(() => {
// Update your UI.
And also make sure that someone actually subscribed to the event:
public void Foo()
objectWithTheEvent.OnDataReceived += OnOnDataReceived;
private void OnOnDataReceived(byte[] data, int count)
Let us have a look at your TcpClient listening code. When you call stream.Read() you can not be sure how much data will be read from your socket so you have to read until the end of the stream or you have to know how much date you are supposed to read from socket. Let us assume that you know how much data you are supposed to read
var readSofar = 0;
var iNeedToRead = 500;//500Bytes
var readFromSocket = clientStream.Read(buffer.ReadBuffer, readSofar, readBufferSize-readSofar);
//Remote server ended your connection or timed out etc
//Do your error handling may be stop reading
readSofar += readFromSocket;
catch {
//A socket error has occurred
MessageBox.Show("A socket error has occurred);
if (OnDataReceived != null){
// display string to a textbox on the UI
You can use null propogation operator like this.
OnDataReceived?.Invoke(buffer.ReadBuffer, bytesRead);
If you are using WindowsForm each controller has to be updated from UI thread therefore you have to call from the subscriber method
private void IReceivedData(byte[] data, int count){
this.Invoke(()=>{...Your code});
I am developing a desktop application which interacts with Arduino via SerialPort.
I want my application to respond every time arduino writes something on the serial port.
But DataReceivedHandler does not get triggered for all the events.
Here is the connection code -
public static bool connectToArduino()
foreach (string name in SerialPort.GetPortNames())
SerialPort serialPort = new SerialPort(name);
if (serialPort.IsOpen == false)
serialPort.PortName = name;
Console.WriteLine("Openning serial port.");
serialPort.WriteTimeout = 5000;
serialPort.ReadTimeout = 5000;
serialPort.BaudRate = 115200;
Console.WriteLine("Written to serial port.");
string reply = serialPort.ReadLine();
//string reply = serialPort.ReadTo("\n");
Console.WriteLine("Reply is: " + reply);
Console.WriteLine("Read from serial port.");
if (reply == Constants.CONNECT_ACK)
Console.WriteLine("Connected with arduino controller");
//serialPort.DataReceived += DataReceivedHandler;
serialController = serialPort;
return true;
else if (reply+"\n" == Constants.CONNECT_ARDUINO_STRING) {
serialController = serialPort;
MessageBox.Show("Connected with arduino controller");
return true;
catch (TimeoutException)
Console.WriteLine("Timeout occured.");
catch (Exception ex)
MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "ERROR");
MessageBox.Show("Connection with Arduino failed!");
return false;
After this I set the data received handler -
SerialComm.serialController.DataReceived += DataReceivedHandler;
Now, the problem is that sometimes DataReceivedHandler is not being triggered.
I am not able to find a pattern in this. It randomly just skips some events.
Any idea what is going wrong?
Looking at the documentation you can find in the remarks:
The DataReceived event is not guaranteed to be raised for every byte received. Use the BytesToRead property to determine how much data is left to be read in the buffer.
If the event is in your case too unreliable to be trusted catch every incoming information from your device, then you could use an extra thread which would run in the background constantly checking the BytesToRead property and/or constantly reading with ReadExisting which is non-blocking.
I have managed to create a Server/Client chat system, where the client sends a message to the server and the the server sends the message to all the clients.
I want to extend this so that the Server compares the messages and then sends a message to the client.
For Example: If client 1 sends 10 and client 2 sends 20 the server will compare these and the server will send a message saying 20 is more than 10.
Is this possible to do? And if so how?
Server Code:
namespace Server
public partial class Form1 : Form
private const int m_iMaxConnections = 2;
struct Connection_Struct // Define a structure to hold details about a single connection
public Socket ClientSpecific_Socket;
public bool bInUse;
Socket m_ListenSocket;
Socket m_SendSocket;
Connection_Struct[] m_Connection_Array = new Connection_Struct[m_iMaxConnections]; // Define an array to hold a number of connections
System.Net.IPEndPoint m_LocalIPEndPoint;
static int m_iNumberOfConnectedClients;
private static System.Windows.Forms.Timer m_CommunicationActivity_Timer;
public Form1()
m_CommunicationActivity_Timer = new System.Windows.Forms.Timer(); // Check for communication activity on Non-Blocking sockets every 200ms
m_CommunicationActivity_Timer.Tick += new EventHandler(OnTimedEvent_PeriodicCommunicationActivityCheck); // Set event handler method for timer
m_CommunicationActivity_Timer.Interval = 100; // Timer interval is 1/10 second
m_CommunicationActivity_Timer.Enabled = false;
string szLocalIPAddress = GetLocalIPAddress_AsString(); // Get local IP address as a default value
txtIPAddress.Text = szLocalIPAddress; // Place local IP address in IP address field
txtPort.Text = "8000"; // Default port number
m_iNumberOfConnectedClients = 0;
txtClientNo.Text = System.Convert.ToString(m_iNumberOfConnectedClients);
{ // Create the Listen socket, for TCP use
m_ListenSocket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);
m_ListenSocket.Blocking = false;
m_SendSocket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Dgram, ProtocolType.Tcp);
catch (SocketException se)
{ // If an exception occurs, display an error message
private void Initialise_ConnectionArray()
int iIndex;
for (iIndex = 0; iIndex < m_iMaxConnections; iIndex++)
m_Connection_Array[iIndex].bInUse = false;
private void btnEnableServer_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Bind to the selected port and start listening / receiving
// Get the Port number from the appropriate text box
String szPort = txtPort.Text;
int iPort = System.Convert.ToInt16(szPort, 10);
// Create an Endpoint that will cause the listening activity to apply to all the local node's interfaces
m_LocalIPEndPoint = new System.Net.IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, iPort);
// Bind to the local IP Address and selected port
txtLog.Text = "Bind succeded";
// Prevent any further changes to the port number
txtPort.ReadOnly = true;
catch // Catch any errors
{ // If an exception occurs, display an error message
txtLog.Text = "Bind failed";
txtLog.Text = "Listening";
m_ListenSocket.Listen(2); // Listen for connections, with a backlog / queue maximum of 2
catch (SocketException se)
// If an exception occurs, display an error message
catch // Silently handle any other exception
m_CommunicationActivity_Timer.Start(); // Start the timer to perform periodic checking for connection requests
txtLog.Text = "Accepting (waiting for connection attempt)";
btnEnableServer.Enabled = false;
private void OnTimedEvent_PeriodicCommunicationActivityCheck(Object myObject, EventArgs myEventArgs)
{ // Periodic check whether a connection request is pending or a message has been received on a connected socket
// First, check for pending connection requests
int iIndex;
iIndex = GetnextAvailable_ConnectionArray_Entry(); // Find an available array entry for next connection request
if (-1 != iIndex)
{ // Only continue with Accept if there is an array entry available to hold the details
m_Connection_Array[iIndex].ClientSpecific_Socket = m_ListenSocket.Accept(); // Accept a connection (if pending) and assign a new socket to it (AcceptSocket)
// Will 'catch' if NO connection was pending, so statements below only occur when a connection WAS pending
m_Connection_Array[iIndex].bInUse = true;
m_Connection_Array[iIndex].ClientSpecific_Socket.Blocking = false; // Make the new socket operate in non-blocking mode
txtClientNo.Text = System.Convert.ToString(m_iNumberOfConnectedClients);
txtLog.Text = "A new client connected";
catch (SocketException se) // Handle socket-related exception
{ // If an exception occurs, display an error message
if (10053 == se.ErrorCode || 10054 == se.ErrorCode) // Remote end closed the connection
else if (10035 != se.ErrorCode)
{ // Ignore error messages relating to normal behaviour of non-blocking sockets
catch // Silently handle any other exception
// Second, check for received messages on each connected socket
for (iIndex = 0; iIndex < m_iMaxConnections; iIndex++)
if (true == m_Connection_Array[iIndex].bInUse)
EndPoint localEndPoint = (EndPoint)m_LocalIPEndPoint;
byte[] ReceiveBuffer = new byte[1024];
int iReceiveByteCount;
iReceiveByteCount = m_Connection_Array[iIndex].ClientSpecific_Socket.ReceiveFrom(ReceiveBuffer, ref localEndPoint);
string szReceivedMessage;
if (0 < iReceiveByteCount)
{ // Copy the number of bytes received, from the message buffer to the text control
szReceivedMessage = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(ReceiveBuffer, 0, iReceiveByteCount);
if ("QuitConnection" == szReceivedMessage)
txtLog.AppendText(szReceivedMessage + Environment.NewLine);
// Send message to each connected client.
// int iIndex2;
for (iIndex = 0; iIndex < m_iMaxConnections; iIndex++)
if (true == m_Connection_Array[iIndex].bInUse)
string szMessage;
szMessage = szReceivedMessage;
txtLog.Text = m_Connection_Array[m_iMaxConnections].ToString();
byte[] SendMessage = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(szMessage);
m_Connection_Array[iIndex].ClientSpecific_Socket.Send(SendMessage, SocketFlags.None);
catch (SocketException se) // Handle socket-related exception
{ // If an exception occurs, display an error message
if (10053 == se.ErrorCode || 10054 == se.ErrorCode) // Remote end closed the connection
else if (10035 != se.ErrorCode)
{ // Ignore error messages relating to normal behaviour of non-blocking sockets
catch // Silently handle any other exception
private void SendUpdateMesageToAllConnectedclients()
{ // Send message to each connected client informing of the total number of connected clients
int iIndex;
for (iIndex = 0; iIndex < m_iMaxConnections; iIndex++)
if (true == m_Connection_Array[iIndex].bInUse)
string szMessage;
if (1 == m_iNumberOfConnectedClients)
szMessage = string.Format("There is now {0} client connected", m_iNumberOfConnectedClients);
szMessage = string.Format("There are now {0} clients connected", m_iNumberOfConnectedClients);
byte[] SendMessage = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(szMessage);
m_Connection_Array[iIndex].ClientSpecific_Socket.Send(SendMessage, SocketFlags.None);
private void CloseConnection(int iIndex)
m_Connection_Array[iIndex].bInUse = false;
txtClientNo.Text = System.Convert.ToString(m_iNumberOfConnectedClients);
txtLog.Text = "A Connection was closed";
catch // Silently handle any exceptions
private void Close_And_Quit()
{ // Close the sockets and exit the application
int iIndex;
for (iIndex = 0; iIndex < m_iMaxConnections; iIndex++)
public string GetLocalIPAddress_AsString()
string szHost = Dns.GetHostName();
string szLocalIPaddress = ""; // Default is local loopback address
IPHostEntry IPHost = Dns.GetHostEntry(Dns.GetHostName());
foreach (IPAddress IP in IPHost.AddressList)
if (IP.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetwork) // Match only the IPv4 address
szLocalIPaddress = IP.ToString();
return szLocalIPaddress;
private int GetnextAvailable_ConnectionArray_Entry()
int iIndex;
for (iIndex = 0; iIndex < m_iMaxConnections; iIndex++)
if (false == m_Connection_Array[iIndex].bInUse)
return iIndex; // Return the index value of the first not-in-use entry found
return -1; // Signal that there were no available entries
Client Code:
namespace Client
public partial class Form1 : Form
Socket m_ClientSocket;
System.Net.IPEndPoint m_remoteEndPoint;
IPEndPoint m_localIPEndPoint;
Socket m_ReceiveSocket;
private static System.Windows.Forms.Timer m_CommunicationActivity_Timer;
public Form1()
m_CommunicationActivity_Timer = new System.Windows.Forms.Timer(); // Check for communication activity on Non-Blocking sockets every 200ms
m_CommunicationActivity_Timer.Tick += new EventHandler(OnTimedEvent_PeriodicCommunicationActivityCheck); // Set event handler method for timer
m_CommunicationActivity_Timer.Interval = 100; // Timer interval is 1/10 second
m_CommunicationActivity_Timer.Enabled = false;
string szLocalIPAddress = GetLocalIPAddress_AsString(); // Get local IP address as a default value
txtIPAddress.Text = szLocalIPAddress; // Place local IP address in IP address field
txtPort.Text = "8000"; // Default port number
private void btnConnect_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Connect the Socket with a remote endpoint
// Create the socket, for TCP use
m_ClientSocket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);
m_ClientSocket.Blocking = true; // Socket operates in Blocking mode initially
catch // Handle any exceptions
// Get the IP address from the appropriate text box
String szIPAddress = txtIPAddress.Text;
System.Net.IPAddress DestinationIPAddress = System.Net.IPAddress.Parse(szIPAddress);
// Get the Port number from the appropriate text box
String szPort = txtPort.Text;
int iPort = System.Convert.ToInt16(szPort, 10);
// Combine Address and Port to create an Endpoint
m_remoteEndPoint = new System.Net.IPEndPoint(DestinationIPAddress, iPort);
m_ClientSocket.Blocking = false; // Socket is now switched to Non-Blocking mode for send/ receive activities
txtLog.Text = "Connected";
m_CommunicationActivity_Timer.Start(); // Start the timer to perform periodic checking for received messages
catch // Catch all exceptions
{ // If an exception occurs, display an error message
txtLog.Text = "(Connect attempt failed)\nRetry Connect";
private void OnTimedEvent_PeriodicCommunicationActivityCheck(Object myObject, EventArgs myEventArgs)
{ // Periodic check whether a message has been received
EndPoint RemoteEndPoint = (EndPoint)m_remoteEndPoint;
byte[] ReceiveBuffer = new byte[1024];
int iReceiveByteCount;
iReceiveByteCount = m_ClientSocket.ReceiveFrom(ReceiveBuffer, ref RemoteEndPoint);
string szReceivedMessage;
if (0 < iReceiveByteCount)
{ // Copy the number of bytes received, from the message buffer to the text control
szReceivedMessage = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(ReceiveBuffer, 0, iReceiveByteCount);
txtResult.Text = szReceivedMessage;
catch // Silently handle any exceptions
private void Close_Socket_and_Exit()
catch // Silently handle any exceptions
catch // Silently handle any exceptions
private void btnDisconnect_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
String szData = "QuitConnection"; // Special code to signal 'close connection' to the server
// This ensures that the server is aware the Client wants to close the connection
// (TCP should otherwise automatically detect disconnection, but this approach ensures a clean disconnect)
byte[] byData = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(szData);
m_ClientSocket.Send(byData, SocketFlags.None);
btnConnect.Text = "Connect";
txtResult.Text = "";
catch // Silently handle any exceptions
private string GetLocalIPAddress_AsString()
string szHost = Dns.GetHostName();
string szLocalIPaddress = ""; // Default is local loopback address
IPHostEntry IPHost = Dns.GetHostEntry(Dns.GetHostName());
foreach (IPAddress IP in IPHost.AddressList)
if (IP.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetwork) // Match only the IPv4 address
szLocalIPaddress = IP.ToString();
} return szLocalIPaddress;
I have tcpclient object and i want to determine if it's connected or not.
i use connected property of tcpclient but it returns the state of last operation. so its not useful.
then i use this code :
bool flag;
flag = (tcp.Client.Poll(10000, SelectMode.SelectWrite));
if( tcp.Client.Poll( 0, SelectMode.SelectRead ) )
byte[] buff = new byte[1];
if( tcp.Client.Receive( buff, SocketFlags.Peek ) == 0 )
flag = false;
but it does not work properly.
Any idea?
this is my code in server side :
private ArrayList _ClientList = new ArrayList();
public ClsServer(int port)
_TCPListener = new TcpListener(IPAddress.Any, port);
Thread ListenThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(ListenForClients));
ListenThread.IsBackground = true;
private void ListenForClients()
while (true)
//blocks until a client has connected to the server
TcpClient client = this._TCPListener.AcceptTcpClient();
client.ReceiveTimeout = 0;
//create a thread to handle communication with connected client
Thread clientThread = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(HandleClientComm));
clientThread.IsBackground = true;
private void HandleClientComm(object client)
TcpClient tcpClient = (TcpClient)client;
int bytesRead;
string message = "";
byte[] RecievedPack = new byte[1024 * 1000];
NetworkStream clientStream = tcpClient.GetStream();
while (true)
bytesRead = 0;
////blocks until a client sends a message
bytesRead = clientStream.Read(RecievedPack, 0, RecievedPack.Length);
int Len = BitConverter.ToInt32(RecievedPack, 0);
message = UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetString(RecievedPack, 0, Len);
catch (Exception er)
//When Client is disconnected
if (er.GetType() == typeof(IOException))
//message has successfully been received
// do something
catch(Exception e)
// RemoveObject(client);
private void AddObject(object obj)
int totalcount, index;
totalcount = _ClientList.Count;
index = 0;
while (index < totalcount)
TcpClient alcobj = (TcpClient)_ClientList[index];
if (IPAddress.Equals(((IPEndPoint)alcobj.Client.RemoteEndPoint).Address,
catch (Exception er)
if (er.GetType() == typeof(ObjectDisposedException))
totalcount = _ClientList.Count;
private void RemoveObject(object obj)
if (_ClientList.IndexOf(obj) > -1)
SendClientState(IP, false);
and this is the client side :
public bool IsConnected
if (_TcpClient != null && _TcpClient.Client != null && _TcpClient.Client.Connected)
// Detect if client disconnected
if (_TcpClient.Client.Poll(0, SelectMode.SelectRead))
byte[] buff = new byte[1];
if (_TcpClient.Client.Receive(buff, SocketFlags.Peek) == 0)
// Client disconnected
return false;
return true;
return true;
return false;
return false;
private void clsClient()
private void ConnectToServer()
NetworkStream _NetworkStream = _TcpClient.GetStream();
byte[] _RecievedPack = new byte[1024 * 1000];
string _Message = string.Empty;
int _BytesRead;
int _Length;
while (true)
_BytesRead = _NetworkStream.Read(_RecievedPack, 0, _RecievedPack.Length);
_Length = BitConverter.ToInt32(_RecievedPack, 0);
_Message = UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetString(_RecievedPack, 4, _Length);
if (_BytesRead != 0)
if (OnReceive != null)
// do something
catch (Exception exp)
// do something
in client side, IsConnected() always return false and try to connecttoserver, so the server listener always try to add the client in a list
Use this code instead, I have tested it and using it in real production software:
public bool IsConnected
if (_tcpClient != null && _tcpClient.Client != null && _tcpClient.Client.Connected)
/* pear to the documentation on Poll:
* When passing SelectMode.SelectRead as a parameter to the Poll method it will return
* -either- true if Socket.Listen(Int32) has been called and a connection is pending;
* -or- true if data is available for reading;
* -or- true if the connection has been closed, reset, or terminated;
* otherwise, returns false
// Detect if client disconnected
if (_tcpClient.Client.Poll(0, SelectMode.SelectRead))
byte[] buff = new byte[1];
if (_tcpClient.Client.Receive(buff, SocketFlags.Peek) == 0)
// Client disconnected
return false;
return true;
return true;
return false;
return false;
Edit: However you can't rely on just checking the connection and if true proceed, because it returning the status of connection at time this property executed, for instance after you check IsConnected and it returns true, and while you are in the middle of communication, the connection maybe lost there! we just use it in the first place to reduce the probability of failure, So you have to wrap the whole communication in a try/catch and expect the connection to be lost at any time!
I suggest not relaying on such methods.
For my opinion, the best way is to implement some kind of keep-alive mechanism.
Every X seconds, send a small message and wait for an answer.
You're probably disconnected when:
1. You catch an exception when trying to send a keep-alive message (if you're the client side).
2. You don't get a keep-alive message/response for some period of time.
I also suggest not to count on the built-in TCP keep-alive, I found it very not-reliable.
Updated: Found a nice post for this matter: Post
The only way to know whether or not the other end of a socket connection is still connected is by catching the result of a read or write operation or possibly catching an exception.
For more information please refer to this StackOverflow question:
Instantly detect client disconnection from server socket
Here is a small snippet of code that is simply using a Socket in non-blocking mode and connected to a server.
bytesRead = nambSok.Receive(message, 4096, SocketFlags.None);
catch (SocketException e)
//a socket error has occured
switch (e.SocketErrorCode)
case System.Net.Sockets.SocketError.TimedOut:
case System.Net.Sockets.SocketError.WouldBlock:
if (doDisconnect == false)
case System.Net.Sockets.SocketError.ConnectionReset:
case System.Net.Sockets.SocketError.ConnectionAborted:
isConnected = false;
if (bytesRead > 0)
/* do something with data */
The "keep-alive" method Lior Ohana proposed is also a great idea. Force each client to "check in" every X seconds. The client can detect the server is gone if an exception occurs on the write, and the server knows the client has gone away if a "keep-alive" message hasn't been received in X seconds.
I agree with Lior Ohana because I had this problem with remote devices that were used GPRS Tcp connection. when device is turn off or disconnected, it did not alert to the sever. There for I used this code: I send Specific time to the clients
void AnalyzeForHandShaking(Socket socketin, string Message)
Socket handler = socketin;
Message = Message.Trim();
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Message.Trim()))
// if (Message.Equals("~"))
// string Serial = getSerialFromSocket(socketin).Trim();
DateTime dt = DateTime.Now;
if (handler!=null)
//if there is serial in hastable
if (!arrIPTimeHandShaking.ContainsKey(handler))
arrIPTimeHandShaking.Add(handler, dt);
arrIPTimeHandShaking[handler] = dt;
i have a problem
i am writing a code in C#
i wanna receive a byte from serial port
but when i wanna receive data from port that sounds my program is hang
and doesnt work any more
SerialPort port = new SerialPort("COM3");
byte[] b = new byte[10];
port.Read(b, 0, 1);
please help me
This is because SerialPort reads data synchronously and blocks current thread until the data would be available.
You can use separate thread for this:
public class SerialPort : IDisposable
public SerialPort(byte comNum, int baudRate)
this.comNum = comNum;
serialPort = new System.IO.Ports.SerialPort("COM" + comNum.ToString(), baudRate);
thread = new System.Threading.Thread(ThreadFn);
public void Dispose()
if (thread != null)
if (serialPort != null)
private void OnReceiveByte(byte b)
//handle received byte
private void ThreadFn(object obj)
Byte[] inputBuffer = new Byte[inputBufferSize];
while (true)
int availibleBytes = serialPort.BytesToRead;
if (availibleBytes > 0)
int bytesToRead = availibleBytes < inputBufferSize ? availibleBytes : inputBufferSize;
int readedBytes = serialPort.Read(inputBuffer, 0, bytesToRead);
for (int i = 0; i < readedBytes; i++)
catch (System.Threading.ThreadAbortException)
catch (Exception e)
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(false, e.Message);
private Byte comNum;
private System.IO.Ports.SerialPort serialPort;
private System.Threading.Thread thread;
private const int inputBufferSize = 1024;
Is there actually any data being sent over the serial port? The call to Read might just be waiting to receive some data before returning. Make sure that you have set a value for the ReadTimeout property. This will make the call to Read throw a TimeoutException if no data was read from the port.
Also make sure you set the serial speed right (if you're reading too fast you'll miss some data, etc)