C# How to comparing two string? - c#

I want to comparison two string. First is from the dateTimePicker, and second is from file.
string firtsdate = dateTimePicker1.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
string seconddate = dateTimePicker2.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
string FilePath = path;
string fileContent = File.ReadAllText(FilePath);
string[] integerStrings = fileContent.Split(new char[] { '\n' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
int count = 0;
for (int n = 0; n < integerStrings.Length;)
count = integerStrings[n].Length;
//Console.Write(count + "\n");
if (count > 2)
string datastart;
string dataend;
if (integerStrings[n] == firtsdate)
datastart = integerStrings[n];
dataend = (DateTime.Parse(datastart).AddDays(1)).ToShortDateString();
Console.Write(dataend + "\n");
n = n + 7;
File looks like this:
Problem is that they do not want to compare two of the same value, like 2016-07-02 == 2016-07-02 (from file).

I suspect this is the problem:
string fileContent = File.ReadAllText(FilePath);
string[] integerStrings = fileContent.Split(new char[] { '\n' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
A line break on Windows is "\r\n" - so each line in your split will end in a \r. The simplest way to fix this is to just replace those two lines with:
string[] integerStrings = File.ReadAllLines(FilePath);

If you are sure about your date time format, and strings are correct, you can compare 2 strings by Equals, or Compare.
The end of line character in linux is \n (line feed) and windows is \r (carriage return), and \r\n for both, so you should split line by these characters or read file line by line.


Remove characters before character “|”

I have a software which needs to remove all of the characters before "|".
For example input
" text needs to removed | Text needs to stay "
An example output will be
"Text needs to stay"
I have the code down below. It works for single-line text but doesn't work on multiple lines. (only removes the text on the first line rest of them stays the same)
I need to make it work with multiple lines. Any ideas?
string input = richTextBox.Text;
string output = input.Substring(input.IndexOf('|') + 1);
richTextBox1.Text = output;
You could do it easily using the Lines property and a temporary List<string> to store the result of substring
List<string> newLines = new List<string>();
foreach (string s in richTextBox1.Lines)
// If you want only the lines with the | remove the else block
int x = s.IndexOf('|');
if(x > -1)
newLines.Add(s.Substring(x + 1).Trim());
richTextBox1.Lines = newLines.ToArray();
string output = "";
var myArray = input.Split("\r\n");
foreach(var ar in myArray)
if(ar.Length > 0)
output+= ar.Substring(0, ar.IndexOf('|')) + "\r\n";
Oups! i returned the first part, but i suppose you got the point
What about using LINQ for this.
List<string> lines = yourString.Split("\n"); //Add \r if needed
List<string> smallerLines = lines.Select(x => x.Skip(x.IndexOf('|')+1));
If needed you can always create one new string of the output:
string finalString = String.Join(String.Empty, smallerLines);
string input = richTextBox1.Text;
int len = richTextBox1.Lines.Length;
string output = "";
for (int i = 0; i <len; i++)
output += richTextBox1.Lines[i].Substring(input.IndexOf('|') + 1) +
output += richTextBox1.Lines[i].Substring(input.IndexOf('|') + 1);
richTextBox1.Text = output;

string.PadRight() doesn't seem to work in my code

I have a Powershell output to re-format, because formatting gets lost in my StandardOutput.ReadToEnd().There are several blanks to be removed in a line and I want to get the output formatted readable.
Current output in my messageBox looks like
Microsoft.MicrosoftJigsaw All
Microsoft.MicrosoftMahjong All
What I want is
Microsoft.MicrosoftJigsaw All
Microsoft.MicrosoftMahjong All
What am I doing wrong?
My C# knowledge still is basic level only
I found this question here, but maybe I don't understand the answer correctly. The solution doesn't work for me.
Padding a string using PadRight method
This is my current code:
string first = "";
string last = "";
int idx = line.LastIndexOf(" ");
if (idx != -1)
first = line.Substring(0, idx).Replace(" ","").PadRight(10, '~');
last = line.Substring(idx + 1);
MessageBox.Show(first + last);
String.PadLeft() first parameter defines the length of the padded string, not padding symbol count.
Firstly, you can iterate through all you string, split and save.
Secondly, you should get the longest string length.
Finally, you can format strings to needed format.
var strings = new []
"Microsoft.MicrosoftJigsaw All",
"Microsoft.MicrosoftMahjong All"
var keyValuePairs = new List<KeyValuePair<string, string>>();
foreach(var item in strings)
var parts = item.Split(new [] {" "}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
keyValuePairs.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, string>(parts[0], parts[1]));
var longestStringCharCount = keyValuePairs.Select(kv => kv.Key).Max(k => k.Length);
var minSpaceCount = 5; // min space count between parts of the string
var formattedStrings = keyValuePairs.Select(kv => string.Concat(kv.Key.PadRight(longestStringCharCount + minSpaceCount, ' '), kv.Value));
foreach(var item in formattedStrings)
Microsoft.MicrosoftJigsaw All
Microsoft.MicrosoftMahjong All
The PadRight(10 is not enough, it is the size of the complete string.
I would probably go for something like:
string[] lines = new[]
"Microsoft.MicrosoftJigsaw All",
"Microsoft.MicrosoftMahjong All"
// iterate all (example) lines
foreach (var line in lines)
// split the string on spaces and remove empty ones
// (so multiple spaces are ignored)
// ofcourse, you must check if the splitted array has atleast 2 elements.
string[] splitted = line.Split(new Char[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
// reformat the string, with padding the first string to a total of 40 chars.
var formatted = splitted[0].PadRight(40, ' ') + splitted[1];
// write to anything as output.
Will show:
Microsoft.MicrosoftJigsaw All
Microsoft.MicrosoftMahjong All
So you need to determine the maximum length of the first string.
Assuming the length of second part of your string is 10 but you can change it. Try below piece of code:
private string PrepareStringAfterPadding(string line, int totalLength)
int secondPartLength = 10;
int lastIndexOfSpace = line.LastIndexOf(" ");
string firstPart = line.Substring(0, lastIndexOfSpace + 1).Trim().PadRight(totalLength - secondPartLength);
string secondPart = line.Substring(lastIndexOfSpace + 1).Trim().PadLeft(secondPartLength);
return firstPart + secondPart;
string line1String = PrepareStringAfterPadding("Microsoft.MicrosoftJigsaw All", 40);
string line2String = PrepareStringAfterPadding("Microsoft.MicrosoftMahjong All", 40);
Microsoft.MicrosoftJigsaw All
Microsoft.MicrosoftMahjong All
Code is given for demo purpose please customize the totalLength and secondPartLength and calling of the function as per your requirement.

How to split text into paragraphs?

I need to split a string into paragraphs and count those paragraphs (paragraphs separated by 2 or more empty lines).
In addition I need to read each word from the text and need the ability to mention the paragraph which this word belong to.
For example (Each paragraph is more then one line and two empty lines separates between paragraphs):
This is
the first
This is
the second
This is
the third
Something like this should work for you:
var paragraphMarker = Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine;
var paragraphs = fileText.Split(new[] {paragraphMarker},
foreach (var paragraph in paragraphs)
var words = paragraph.Split(new[] {' '},
.Select(w => w.Trim());
//do something
You may need to change line delimiter, file can have different variants like "\n", "\r", "\r\n".
Also you can pass specific characters inside Trim function to remove symbols like '.',',','!','"' and others.
Edit: To add more flexibility you can use regexp for splitting paragraphs:
var paragraphs = Regex.Split(fileText, #"(\r\n?|\n){2}")
.Where(p => p.Any(char.IsLetterOrDigit));
foreach (var paragraph in paragraphs)
var words = paragraph.Split(new[] {' '},
.Select(w => w.Trim());
//do something
I think that you want to split the text in paragraphs, but do you have a delimiter to tell you to know you need to split the string?, for example if you want to identify the paragraph with "." this should do the trick
string paragraphs="My first paragraph. Once upon a time";
string[] words = paragraphs.Split('.');
foreach (string word in words)
The result for this will be:
My first paragraph
Once upon a time
Just remember that the "." character was removed!.
public static List<string> SplitLine(string isstr, int size = 100)
var words = isstr.Split(new[] { ' ' },
List<string> lo = new List<string>();
string tmp = "";
int i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < words.Length; i++)
if ((tmp.Length + words[i].Length) > size)
tmp = "";
tmp += " " + words[i];
if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tmp))
return lo;

Parsing a string with, seemingly, no delimiter

I have the following string that I need to parse out so I can insert them into a DB. The delimiter is "`":
`020 Some Description `060 A Different Description `100 And Yet Another `
I split the string into an array using this
var responseArray = response.Split('`');
So then each item in the responseArrray[] looks like this: 020 Some Description
How would I get the two different parts out of that array? The 1st part will be either 3 or 4 characters long. 2nd part will be no more then 35 characters long.
Due to some ridiculous strangeness beyond my control there is random amounts of space between the 1st and 2nd part.
Or put the other two answers together, and get something that's more complete:
string[] response = input.Split(`);
foreach (String str in response) {
int splitIndex = str.IndexOf(' ');
string num = str.Substring(0, splitIndex);
string desc = str.Substring(splitIndex);
so, basically you use the first space as a delimiter to create 2 strings. Then you trim the second one, since trim only applies to leading and trailing spaces, not everything in between.
Edit: this a straight implementation of Brad M's comment.
You can try this solution:
var inputString = "`020 Some Description `060 A Different Description `100 And Yet Another `";
int firstWordLength = 3;
int secondWordMaxLength = 35;
var result =inputString.Split('`')
.SelectMany(x => new[]
new String(x.Take(firstWordLength).ToArray()).Trim(),
new String(x.Skip(firstWordLength).Take(secondWordMaxLength).ToArray()).Trim()
Here is the result in LINQPad:
Update: My first solution has some problems because the use of Trim after Take.Here is another approach with an extension method:
public static class Extensions
public static IEnumerable<string> GetWords(this string source,int firstWordLengt,int secondWordLenght)
List<string> words = new List<string>();
foreach (var word in source.Split(new[] {'`'}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries))
var parts = word.Split(new[] {' '}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
words.Add(new string(parts[0].Take(firstWordLengt).ToArray()));
words.Add(new string(string.Join(" ",parts.Skip(1)).Take(secondWordLenght).ToArray()));
return words;
And here is the test result:
Try this
string response = "020 Some Description060 A Different Description 100 And Yet Another";
var responseArray = response.Split('`');
string[] splitArray = {};
string result = "";
foreach (string it in responseArray)
splitArray = it.Split(' ');
foreach (string ot in splitArray)
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ot))
result += "-" + ot.Trim();
splitArray = result.Substring(1).Split('-');
string[] entries = input.Split('`');
foreach (string s in entries)
IEnumerable<String> GetStringParts(String input)
foreach (string s in input.Split(' ')
yield return s.Trim();
Trim only removes leading/trailing whitespace per MSDN, so spaces in the description won't hurt you.
If the first part is an integer
And you need to account for some empty
For me the first pass was empty
public void parse()
string s = #"`020 Some Description `060 A Different Description `100 And Yet Another `";
Int32 first;
String second;
if (s.Contains('`'))
foreach (string firstSecond in s.Split('`'))
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(firstSecond))
Int32 firstSpace = firstSecond.IndexOf(' ');
if (firstSpace > 0)
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("'" + firstSecond.Substring(0, firstSpace) + "'");
if (Int32.TryParse(firstSecond.Substring(0, firstSpace), out first))
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("'" + firstSecond.Substring(firstSpace-1) + "'");
second = firstSecond.Substring(firstSpace).Trim();
You can get the first part by finding the first space and make a substring. The second is also a Substring. Try something like this.
foreach(string st in response)
int index = response.IndexOf(' ');
string firstPart = response.Substring(0, index);
//string secondPart = response.Substring(response.Lenght-35);
//better use this
string secondPart = response.Substring(index);

How to split string by string with multiple inverted commas in string in c#

How to split a string by "," where " is part of string to split by.
string[] stringSeparator = new string[] {","};
while (!sr.EndOfStream) {
string strline = sr.ReadLine();
string[] _values = strline.Split(stringSeparator, StringSplitOptions.None);
for (int entry = 0; entry < _values.Length; entry++) {
Tried to use "","" but it seems to return whole line instead of just part of it.
String to split (example):
First line:
2nd line:
Client (E)KLIENT
If you want to represent literal quotation marks in a string, you need to escape it (or double it in a verbatim string literal).
new string[] { "\",\"" };
new string[] { #""",""" };
As for why you're getting the values you were getting, consider the ways you were typing it:
string[] stringSeparator = new string[] { "," };
Is a string array containing a single string, just a comma ,. It will split but you probably didn't get the values you were expecting.
string[] stringSeparator = new string[] { "","" };
Is a string array containing a two strings, both empty (blank) strings. Perhaps it would be clearer if it was typed as: new string[] { "", "" };. The Split() function ignores empty string delimiters so it doesn't split anything.
string[] stringSeparator = new string[] { "\",\"" };
Is a string array containing a single string, double-quote comma double-quote ",". It should get you everything between the "," in your strings.
char[] delimiters = new char[] { ',', '"' };
string[] parts = value.Split(delimiters,
Trim first and then split to get rid of all quotes.
string[] stringSeparator = new string[] {"\",\""};
while (!sr.EndOfStream)
//trim removes first and last quote since they are not removed by the split
string line = sr.ReadLine().Trim('"');
string[] values = line.Split(stringSeparator, StringSplitOptions.None);
for (int index = 0; index < values.Length; index++)
string strline = sr.ReadLine();
string[] abc = strline.Split('"');
abc = Array.FindAll(abc, val => val != ",").ToArray();
string result[] = Array.FindAll(abc, val => val != "").ToArray();

