How to get Service Token from Kerberos using SSPI - c#

I am trying to build Proof Of Concept client app to implement Single Sign On by using SSPI. I am new to C# and I am getting confused.
What I know and have done so far:
All users are part of Active Directory domain, so I know Kerberos is being used for authentication during login. All I need to do at this point is to get service token from Kerberos so I can pass it to the service resource instead of username and password (correct me if I am wrong). I have been provided Service Principle Name (SPN) and password that has been registered with Kerberos for the service.
I was hoping not to use Platform Invocation Services to call SSPI functions, but I will if I have to. I read through ".NET Remoting Authentication and Authorization Sample - Part I" and used Microsoft.Samples.Security.SSPI for testing. I also tried using C#/.Net Interface To The Win32 SSPI Authentication API.
So far, I can get user/client credentials, build client security context. But how do I request a Service Ticket for a given SPN?
I would appreciate your help and guidance. Please be specific if you can and let me know if you have any questions.

You can use below to get the token by giving the SPN
public String getToken(string userName)
using (var domainContext = new PrincipalContext(ContextType.Domain, "domain"))
using (var foundUser = UserPrincipal.FindByIdentity(domainContext, IdentityType.SamAccountName, userName))
Console.WriteLine("User Principale name" + UserPrincipal.FindByIdentity(domainContext, IdentityType.SamAccountName, userName).UserPrincipalName);
string spn = UserPrincipal.FindByIdentity(domainContext, IdentityType.SamAccountName, userName).UserPrincipalName;
KerberosSecurityTokenProvider k1 = new KerberosSecurityTokenProvider(spn, System.Security.Principal.TokenImpersonationLevel.Impersonation, new System.Net.NetworkCredential(userName, "password", "domain"));
KerberosRequestorSecurityToken T1 = k1.GetToken(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1)) as KerberosRequestorSecurityToken;
string sret = Convert.ToBase64String(T1.GetRequest());
Console.WriteLine("=====sret========" + sret);
return sret;

Code provided by Hasanthi worked perfectly for my need and I didn't have to use SSPI. I was asking wrong questions but I learned a lot about Kerberos and SSPI. Here is my code in a nutshell:
var domain = Domain.GetCurrentDomain().ToString();
using (var domainContext = new PrincipalContext(ContextType.Domain, domain))
string spn = UserPrincipal.FindByIdentity(domainContext, IdentityType.SamAccountName, serviceName).UserPrincipalName;
KerberosSecurityTokenProvider tokenProvider = new KerberosSecurityTokenProvider(spn, System.Security.Principal.TokenImpersonationLevel.Impersonation, CredentialCache.DefaultNetworkCredentials);
KerberosRequestorSecurityToken securityToken = tokenProvider.GetToken(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1)) as KerberosRequestorSecurityToken;
string serviceToken = Convert.ToBase64String(securityToken.GetRequest());


Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.IdcrlException: 'The sign-in name or password---' Even WITH Pnp Authentication Manager

I have signed up for the Office 365 Developer Edition with Microsoft 365 E5 Developer (without Windows and Audio Conferencing). I am writing codes to connect to the Sharepoint of developer domain. Following are my codes:
public static String GetList( ICredentials credentials)
var authManager = new OfficeDevPnP.Core.AuthenticationManager();
using (ClientContext clientContext =
clientContext.Credentials = credentials;
Web web = clientContext.Web;
webSite => webSite.Title);
return web.Title;
public string callSharepoint()
const string userName = "";
const string password = "xxxx";
var securePassword = new SecureString();
foreach (var c in password)
var credentials = new SharePointOnlineCredentials(userName, securePassword);
var list = GetList(credentials);
return list.ToString();
While running, it first asks to enter Microsoft Office credentials, and then it does verification by sending code to contact number and then after verification is completed it throws an Exception on Line
clientContext.ExecuteQuery(). The Exception is as follow:
Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.IdcrlException: 'The sign-in name or password does not match one in the Microsoft account system.'
The credentials I am using is of Admin Account with role Global Administrator. I also tried to add new user account in that Active Directory and tried that credentials but still got the same exception on the same place.
I even try to remove Pnp Authorization, Enable and disable Multi factor Authorization, but no success. However, I can successfully log in into the Sharepoint site on browser by using exactly same credentials.
What I think is, there is most likely a problem in the setup which I did while setting office account developer subscription. And maybe nothing is wrong with the code because I used the same codes to log in to my organization's Sharepoint and it works perfectly fine. Maybe I need something else to be configured in my developer's Office Account.
Please let me know if anyone already has some knowledge about this problem.
You have init the credential so you could use it directly, if issue exists, should be related to your user account or license.
public static String GetList(ICredentials credentials)
//var authManager = new OfficeDevPnP.Core.AuthenticationManager();
//using (ClientContext clientContext =
using (ClientContext clientContext = new ClientContext(""))
clientContext.Credentials = credentials;
Web web = clientContext.Web;
webSite => webSite.Title);
return web.Title;
public string callSharepoint()
const string userName = "";
const string password = "password";
var securePassword = new SecureString();
foreach (var c in password)
var credentials = new SharePointOnlineCredentials(userName, securePassword);
var list = GetList(credentials);
return list.ToString();
Ok I found the solution.
That is I don't need this line of code:
clientContext.Credentials = credentials;
Since MFA is enabled, so when I logged in via Pnp Authenticator, it should use that user account. Instead of the one which is passed via SharePointOnlineCredentials.

Getting Kerberos Token for SSO

I am trying to get a Kerberos token for the current user logged into Windows to make a request to a REST service that accepts Kerberos authentication.
I am using the following C code based on the solution to this question:
How to get Service Token from Kerberos using SSPI
The variables domain and foundUser seem to be getting set correctly.
But the Network Credentials are empty.
This causes the call k1.GetToken() to throw the error System.IdentityModel.Tokens.SecurityTokenValidationException.
How can I get the Kerberos token for the user?
public String getToken(string userName)
var domain = System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectory.Domain.GetCurrentDomain().ToString();
using (var domainContext = new PrincipalContext(ContextType.Domain, domain))
using (var foundUser = UserPrincipal.FindByIdentity(domainContext, IdentityType.SamAccountName, userName))
NetworkCredential networkCred = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultNetworkCredentials;
string spn = UserPrincipal.FindByIdentity(domainContext, IdentityType.SamAccountName, userName).UserPrincipalName;
KerberosSecurityTokenProvider k1 = new KerberosSecurityTokenProvider(spn, System.Security.Principal.TokenImpersonationLevel.Impersonation, networkCred);
KerberosRequestorSecurityToken T1 = k1.GetToken(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1)) as KerberosRequestorSecurityToken;
string sret = Convert.ToBase64String(T1.GetRequest());
return sret;
The following line is incorrect:
KerberosSecurityTokenProvider k1 = new KerberosSecurityTokenProvider(spn, System.Security.Principal.TokenImpersonationLevel.Impersonation, networkCred);
You're telling it to get a Kerberos ticket for the current user targeted to a service with the name of SPN, which happens to be the name of the current user.
The point of the SPN parameter is to specify the name of the service you want a ticket to. Kerberos does not let you just get a ticket that can be used anywhere. You must request a ticket for a particular service.
An SPN takes the form of service/ Since it's a REST service it's most likely going to be HTTP/
Keep in mind that SPN must be registered to the service principal in Active Directory, otherwise the client will have no way to look up the service.

How to authenticate user name and password against Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS)?

I want to provide a user name and password to a .Net Console app or Web Page, to authenticate against Active Directory Federation Services.
At this point all I have is, and I have valid user name and password to test.
I followed some articles, viz.,
I reviewed and found that, we have to add "Rely Party" in ADFS, to use ADFS as auth store.
In 2nd Link, it is using Federated IdP. Instead I want to use some console appto provide username and password and get authenticated.
But it is not clear for me that, where to provide user name and password, in console app.
Any help is appreciated! Thanks in advance.
Following code works for me
using System.IdentityModel.Tokens;
using Microsoft.IdentityModel.Protocols.WSTrust;
using System.ServiceModel;
using System.ServiceModel.Security;
using WSTrustChannel = Microsoft.IdentityModel.Protocols.WSTrust.WSTrustChannel;
using WSTrustChannelFactory = Microsoft.IdentityModel.Protocols.WSTrust.WSTrustChannelFactory;
namespace SOS.Tools.AdfsConnectionChecker
internal class Token
public static SecurityToken GetToken(string username, string password, string tokenIssuer, string appliesTo, out RequestSecurityTokenResponse rsts)
WS2007HttpBinding binding = new WS2007HttpBinding();
binding.Security.Message.EstablishSecurityContext = false;
binding.Security.Transport.ClientCredentialType = HttpClientCredentialType.None;
binding.Security.Message.ClientCredentialType = MessageCredentialType.UserName;
binding.Security.Mode = SecurityMode.TransportWithMessageCredential;
var tokenIssuerUrlFormat = "https://{0}/adfs/services/trust/13/usernamemixed";
var tokenIssuerUrl = string.Format(tokenIssuerUrlFormat, tokenIssuer);
WSTrustChannelFactory trustChannelFactory =
new WSTrustChannelFactory(binding, new EndpointAddress(tokenIssuerUrl));
trustChannelFactory.TrustVersion = TrustVersion.WSTrust13;
trustChannelFactory.Credentials.UserName.UserName = username;
trustChannelFactory.Credentials.UserName.Password = password;
// Create issuance issuance and get security token
RequestSecurityToken requestToken = new RequestSecurityToken(WSTrust13Constants.RequestTypes.Issue);
requestToken.AppliesTo = new EndpointAddress(appliesTo);
WSTrustChannel tokenClient = (WSTrustChannel) trustChannelFactory.CreateChannel();
SecurityToken token = tokenClient.Issue(requestToken, out rsts);
return token;
username - Domain user name (e.g Name.FamalyName#DomainName.local)
password - Domain user password
tokenIssuer - ADFS URL ( That ADFS should be connected to Active Directory where username is created
appliesTo - Applicattion you want token for (e.g. It has to be configured on the tokenIssuer as Rellying Party.

How do I connect a server service to Dynamics Online

I am modifying an internal management application to connect to our online hosted Dynamics 2016 instance.
Following some online tutorials, I have been using an OrganizationServiceProxy out of Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Client from the SDK.
This seems to need a username and password to connect, which works fine, but I would like to connect in some way that doesn't require a particular user's account details. I don't think the OAuth examples I've seen are suitable, as there is no UI, and no actual person to show an OAuth request to.
public class DynamicsHelper
private OrganizationServiceProxy service;
public void Connect(string serviceUri, string username, string password)
var credentials = new ClientCredentials();
credentials.UserName.UserName = username;
credentials.UserName.Password = password;
var organizationUri = new Uri(serviceUri);
this.service = new OrganizationServiceProxy(organizationUri, null, credentials, null);
Is there a way to connect with an application token or API key?
I've found that to do this successfully, you'll need to setup all of the following:
Create an application registration in Azure AD:
grant it API permissions for Dynamics, specifically "Access Dynamics 365 as organization users"
give it a dummy web redirect URI such as http://localhost/auth
generate a client secret and save it for later
Create a user account in Azure AD and give it permissions to Dynamics.
Create an application user record in Dynamics with the same email as the non-interactive user account above.
Authenticate your application using the user account you've created.
For step 4, you'll want to open an new incognito window, construct a url using the following pattern and login using your user account credentials in step 2:<your aad tenant id>/oauth2/authorize?client_id=<client id>&response_type=code&redirect_uri=<redirect uri from step 1>&response_mode=query&resource=https://<organization name>.<region><random value>
When this is done, you should see that your Dynamics application user has an Application ID and Application ID URI.
Now with your ClientId and ClientSecret, along with a few other organization specific variables, you can authenticate with Azure Active Directory (AAD) to acquire an oauth token and construct an OrganizationWebProxyClient. I've never found a complete code example of doing this, but I have developed the following for my own purposes. Note that the token you acquire has an expiry of 1 hr.
internal class ExampleClientProvider
// Relevant nuget packages:
// <package id="Microsoft.CrmSdk.CoreAssemblies" version="" targetFramework="net472" />
// <package id="Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory" version="4.5.1" targetFramework="net461" />
// Relevant imports:
// using Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory;
// using Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Messages;
// using Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk;
// using Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Client;
// using Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.WebServiceClient;
private const string TenantId = "<your aad tenant id>"; // from your app registration overview "Directory (tenant) ID"
private const string ClientId = "<your client id>"; // from your app registration overview "Application (client) ID"
private const string ClientSecret = "<your client secret>"; // secret generated in step 1
private const string LoginUrl = ""; // aad login url
private const string OrganizationName = "<your organization name>"; // check your dynamics login url, e.g. https://<organization>.<region>
private const string OrganizationRegion = "<your organization region>"; // might be crm for north america, check your dynamics login url
private string GetServiceUrl()
return $"{GetResourceUrl()}/XRMServices/2011/Organization.svc/web";
private string GetResourceUrl()
return $"https://{OrganizationName}.api.{OrganizationRegion}";
private string GetAuthorityUrl()
return $"{LoginUrl}/{TenantId}";
public async Task<OrganizationWebProxyClient> CreateClient()
var context = new AuthenticationContext(GetAuthorityUrl(), false);
var token = await context.AcquireTokenAsync(GetResourceUrl(), new ClientCredential(ClientId, ClientSecret));
return new OrganizationWebProxyClient(new Uri(GetServiceUrl()), true)
HeaderToken = token.AccessToken,
SdkClientVersion = "9.1"
public async Task<OrganizationServiceContext> CreateContext()
var client = await CreateClient();
return new OrganizationServiceContext(client);
public async Task TestApiCall()
var context = await CreateContext();
// send a test request to verify authentication is working
var response = (WhoAmIResponse) context.Execute(new WhoAmIRequest());
With Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online or internet facing deployments
When you use the Web API for CRM Online or an on-premises Internet-facing deployment (IFD)
you must use OAuth as described in Connect to Microsoft Dynamics CRM web services using OAuth.
Before you can use OAuth authentication to connect with the CRM web services,
your application must first be registered with Microsoft Azure Active Directory.
Azure Active Directory is used to verify that your application is permitted access to the business data stored in a CRM tenant.
// TODO Substitute your correct CRM root service address,
string resource = "";
// TODO Substitute your app registration values that can be obtained after you
// register the app in Active Directory on the Microsoft Azure portal.
string clientId = "e5cf0024-a66a-4f16-85ce-99ba97a24bb2";
string redirectUrl = "http://localhost/SdkSample";
// Authenticate the registered application with Azure Active Directory.
AuthenticationContext authContext =
new AuthenticationContext("", false);
AuthenticationResult result =
authContext.AcquireToken(resource, clientId, new Uri(redirectUrl));
P.S: Concerning your method, it is a best practice to not to store the password as clear text, crypt it, or encrypt the configuration sections for maximum security.
See walkhrough here
Hope this helps :)
If I understand your question correctly, you want to connect to Dynamics 2016 (Dynamics 365) through a Registerd Azure Application with ClientId and Secret, instead of Username and Password. If this is correct, yes this is possible with the OrganizationWebProxyClient . You can even use strongly types assemblies.
var organizationWebProxyClient = new OrganizationWebProxyClient(GetServiceUrl(), true);
organizationWebProxyClient.HeaderToken = authToken.AccessToken;
OrganizationRequest request = new OrganizationRequest()
RequestName = "WhoAmI"
WhoAmIResponse response = organizationWebProxyClient.Execute(new WhoAmIRequest()) as WhoAmIResponse;
Contact contact = new Contact();
contact.EMailAddress1 = "";
contact.FirstName = "Jennie";
contact.LastName = "White";
contact.Id = Guid.NewGuid();
To get the AccessToken, please refer to the following post Connect to Dynamics CRM WebApi from Console Application.
Replace line 66 (full source code)
authToken = await authContext.AcquireTokenAsync(resourceUrl, clientId, new Uri(redirectUrl), new PlatformParameters(PromptBehavior.Never));
authToken = await authContext.AcquireTokenAsync( resourceUrl, new ClientCredential(clientId, secret));
You can also check the following Link Authenticate Azure Function App to connect to Dynamics 365 CRM online that describes how to secure your credentials using the Azure Key Vault.

UserPrincipal from Active Directory

I have problem with getting UserPrincipal from Active Directory. First of all I have used on my local environment (using not IIS but ASP.NET development Server):
User usr = new User();
usr.SoeId = Request.ServerVariables["LOGON_USER"];
usr.IP = Request.ServerVariables["REMOTE_ADDR"];
usr.FirstName = UserPrincipal.Current.GivenName;
usr.LastName = UserPrincipal.Current.Surname;
And it works fine. I got what I want. But when I install application on testing environment I got error "Object reference not set to an instance of an object". I have tried solution from here.
using (PrincipalContext pc = new PrincipalContext(ContextType.Domain))
UserPrincipal up = UserPrincipal.FindByIdentity(pc, usr.SoeId);
return up.DisplayName;
// or return up.GivenName + " " + up.Surname;
But it does not work.
I use windows authentication. Impersonation is set to true. Please help me.
change the identity of your ApplicationPool to run using domain user.
in iis 6 right-click your application pool, go to Identity tab and set a domain user under which the pool will run.
in iis 7 right-click your application pool, select advance settings, under process model you'll find Identity, change it to use domain user.
you can also pass a domain user and pass to PrincipalContest Constructor
using (PrincipalContext context = new PrincipalContext(
"name of your domain",
"container of your domain",
"user#domain", //create a user in domain for context creation purpose.. this username will be constant.. you can keep it in app config
UserPrincipal up = UserPrincipal.FindByIdentity(pc, usr.SoeId);
return up.DisplayName;
if your domain name is then your container would be something like DC=dom,DC=com and the user name should be given as or dom\user
Use this:
// find currently logged in user
UserPrincipal adUser = null;
using (HostingEnvironment.Impersonate())
var userContext = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.User.Identity;
PrincipalContext ctx = new PrincipalContext(ContextType.Domain, ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AllowedDomain"], null,
ContextOptions.Negotiate | ContextOptions.SecureSocketLayer);
adUser = UserPrincipal.FindByIdentity(ctx, userContext.Name);
You must wrap any 'context' calls in HostingEnvironment.Impersonate

