I have written my own ResourceHandler. ProcessRequest() works asynchrone. After updating CefSharp from 43 (WPF) to 49 (WinForms) I have some problems with IRequest.IsDisposed.
It seems that the request is disposed before my Task is started. And if the request is disposed I have no more access to the post data.
public class MySchemeHandler : IResourceHandler {
// ...
public bool ProcessRequest(IRequest request, ICallback callback) {
// copy request???
Task.Run(() => {
try {
if (request.IsDisposed == true) // Copy post data before Task.Run()???
throw new ExpressDisposedException();
// ...
// Process(request, callback);
} catch(Exception ex) {
} finally {
return true;
So is there a way to avoid the disposing of IRequest. Is anywhere a complete example how to make it better.
I've created a simple webapi .net core 3.1 app.
I want to catch all unhandled exceptions.So I put this code according to the docs :
app.UseExceptionHandler(c => c.Run(async context =>
var exception = context.Features
var response = new { error = exception.Message };
This is my action:
public IActionResult Get()
throw new Exception("this is a test");
When this code runs, I do see that UseExceptionHandler is working.
But when my code in the action is :
public IActionResult Get()
Task.Run(async () =>
await Task.Delay(4000);
throw new Exception("this is a test");
return Ok();
Then UseExceptionHandler is NOT working.
However - the following code does catch the task's exception :
AppDomain.CurrentDomain.FirstChanceException += (sender, eventArgs) =>
Why does the task exception isn't recognized by UseExceptionHandler?
How can I catch ALL types of exceptions? Should I rely only on AppDomain.CurrentDomain.FirstChanceException?
nb , I did disabled app.UseDeveloperExceptionPage();
To answer your questions.
Why does the task exception isn't recognized by UseExceptionHandler?
As already suggested in the comments, you cannot use UseExceptionHandler to catch exceptions initiated inside non-awaited tasks. UseExceptionHandler wraps your request in ASP.NET Core middleware. Once the action returns OK to the client, the middleware is no longer able to catch any exceptions happening in tasks started from within the action.
How can I catch ALL types of exceptions? Should I rely only on AppDomain.CurrentDomain.FirstChanceException?
You can catch exceptions globally and log them this way if you'd like. But I wouldn't recommend you to do it this way. The only reason you need to implement this event, is that you are starting tasks/threads inside your web requests. You have no way of knowing if these tasks are kept running (application restart, recycle, etc.). If you are looking to launch background tasks with ASP.NET Core, you should use Worker Services which is the intended way of doing this:
.ConfigureServices((hostContext, services) =>
public class MyWorker : BackgroundService
protected override async Task ExecuteAsync(CancellationToken stoppingToken)
while (!stoppingToken.IsCancellationRequested)
// Do work
catch (Exception e)
// Log it?
await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5), stoppingToken);
The cause of this particular symptom is that Get is starting a fire-and-forget task that the server knows nothing about. The request will complete before the task even has a chance to execute, so the UseExceptionHandler middleware will never see any exceptions. This is no longer a fire-and-forget task.
The real problem though, is executing a long running task in the background. The built-in way to do this is using a Background Service. The docs show how to create timed and queued background service, that act as job queues.
It's equally easy, if not easier, to publish messages with the desired data from, eg a controller to the background service using, eg Channels. No need to create our own queue, when the BCL already has an asynchronous one.
The service could look like this :
public class MyService: BackgroundService
private readonly ChannelReader<T> _reader;
public QueuedBspService(MessageQueue<T> queue)
_reader = queue.Reader;
protected internal async Task ExecuteAsync(CancellationToken stoppingToken)
await foreach (var msg in _reader.ReadAllAsync(stoppingToken))
//Process the message here
catch (Exception exc)
//Handle message-specific errors
catch (Exception exc)
//Handle cancellations and other critical errors
The MessageQueue<T> wraps the Channel, making it easier to inject it to both the BackgroundService and any publishers like eg, a Controller action:
public class MessageQueue<T>
private readonly Channel<T> _channel;
public ChannelReader<T> Reader => _channel;
public ChannelWriter<T> Writer => _channel;
public MessageChannel()
_channel = Channel.CreateBounded<T>(1);
I adjusted this code from a service that only allows a single operation at a time. That's a quick&dirty way of preventing controllers from making requests that can't be handled.
On the contolle side, this action will post a request to the queue if possible, and return a Busy response otherwise :
public class MyController
private readonly ChannelWriter<T> _writer;
public MyController(MessaggeQueue<T> queue)
_writer = queue.Writer;
public async Task<ActionResult> Post(....)
var jobName="SomeJob";
var id=Guid.NewGuid();
var jobMsg=CreateMessage(id,...);
if (_writer.TryWrite(msg))
return CreatedAtAction("GetItem","Jobs",new {id});
return Problem(statusCode:(int) HttpStatusCode.ServiceUnavailable,detail:"Jobs in progress",title:"Busy");
catch (Exception exc)
_logger.LogError(exc,"Queueing {job} failed",jobName);
The Post action first checks if it can even post a job message. If it succeeds, it returns a 201 - Created response with a URL that could be checked eg to check the status of the jobs. return Created() could be used instead, but once you create a long running job, you also want to check its status.
If the channel is at capacity, the core returns 503 with an explanation
I am trying to see Loading progress as follows, but it does not show up.
public ICommand SelectedCommand
return new MvxAsyncCommand(async () =>
// the following does not show loading
using (UserDialogs.Instance.Loading("Loading..."))
var task = await _classroomService.GetClassRoomAsync(SelectedClassroom.Id);
ObservableCollection<ClassroomViewModel> class = new ObservableCollection<ClassroomViewModel>(task.ConvertAll(x => new ClassViewModel(x)));
Another example
public ICommand ReloadCommand
return new MvxAsyncCommand(async () =>
await RefreshList();
// the following also does not show loading
private async Task RefreshList()
using (UserDialogs.Instance.Loading("Loading..."))
var task = await _classService.GetClasses();
If you are using Acr.MvvmCross.Plugins.UserDialogs see that it's depreated and you should use directly Acr.UserDialogs.
Check if you have correctly initialized it as follows:
You have to register it in App.cs of your PCL project:
Mvx.RegisterSingleton<IUserDialogs>(() => UserDialogs.Instance);
And init from the android platform project in your main activity:
UserDialogs.Init(() => Mvx.Resolve<IMvxAndroidCurrentTopActivity>().Activity)
Another thing to take into account is that you should inject it in your constructor as an IUserDialogs (you can use the static Instance way but it adds more flexibility and it is more testable by injecting it):
private readonly IUserDialogs _dialogs;
public ProgressViewModel(IUserDialogs dialogs)
this._dialogs = dialogs;
and use it like
private async Task RefreshList()
using (this._dialogs.Loading("Loading..."))
var task = await this._classService.GetClasses();
catch(Exception exc)
// This is done only for debugging to check if here lies the problem
throw exc;
You can check if it is properly working by calling something like
public ICommand MyTestCommand
return new MvxAsyncCommand(async () =>
// the following should should Loading for 3 seconds
using (this._dialogs.Loading("Loading..."))
await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3));
I dont like this approuch but it works
Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(async () =>
using (UserDialogs.Instance.Loading(("Loading...")))
await Task.Delay(300);
await _syncController.SyncData();
//Your Service code
catch (Exception ex)
var val = ex.Message;
UserDialogs.Instance.Alert("Test", val.ToString(), "Ok");
Retry action Image
I am building a Xamarin iOS & android App, and I want to implement a retry function to all the failed webcall or in case of disconnection, I already use Polly in the BLL side, and I want to give the user the possibility to retry manually as shown on the above image.
protected List<Task> _taskList;
_taskList.Add(Task.Run(async () =>
**// Webservice Call**
Task<UtilisateurDTO> utilisateurTask = UserFactory.Login(username, pwd,
UtilisateurDTO utilisateur = await utilisateurTask;
if (utilisateur != null)
InvokeOnMainThread(() =>
**// Set result to ui component**
catch (Exception ex)
InvokeOnMainThread(() =>
// Add action button "Retry" to snackBar
_snackBar = new TTGSnackbar("ex.Message", TTGSnackbarDuration.Forever, "Retry", (obj) => {
// **Retry all tasks**
Parallel.ForEach(_taskList, task => task.Start());
I know that it's not possible to retry completed tasks, and I can't call my web service outside a task (to not block the UI thread), so what's the alternative?
Update with a solution
If you want to handle exceptions and retry in one place, here is my solution (not the best cause it reload everything)
// BaseViewClass
public abstract class BaseViewController:UIViewController
// Function to override in child controllers
protected abstract void ReloadData(TTGSnackbar obj);
public void HandleExceptions(Exception e)
// On commence par cacher la ProgressBar
if (e is ConnectionLostException)
Console.WriteLine("ConnectionLostException: " + e.ToString());
InvokeOnMainThread(() =>
_snackBar = new TTGSnackbar("Connection lost !", TTGSnackbarDuration.Forever, "retry", ReloadData);
else if (e is TimeoutException)
Console.WriteLine("TimeoutException: "+ e.ToString());
InvokeOnMainThread(() =>
_snackBar = new TTGSnackbar("TimeoutException", TTGSnackbarDuration.Forever, "Retry", ReloadData);
// Other ViewController
public partial class HomeController : BaseViewController
public override void ViewDidLoad()
public void LoadData(){
Task.Run(async () =>
// Web calls
Task<UtilisateurDTO> getUserTask = AccueilFactory.GetUser();
UtilisateurDTO utilisateur = await getUserTask;
// Set UI result
catch(Exception ex) {
protected override void ReloadData(TTGSnackbar obj)
You have to call your function again on exception, not only rerun last task.
Your code will be like this:
private void Login()
LoginInner(); // here you call service and update UI
catch (Exception ex)
InvokeOnMainThread(() =>
// Add action button "Retry" to snackBar
_snackBar = new TTGSnackbar("ex.Message", TTGSnackbarDuration.Forever, "Retry", (obj) => {
// **Retry all tasks**
Parallel.ForEach(_taskList, LoginInner); // ** call again loginInner **
WPF, Excel AddIn, C#,
I have multiple asychronous calls to get data from web service on main thread, then in call back,
I will plot the data in Excel. I tracked call back and they run on main thread, too.
but I still get COMException 0x800AC472, googled and it seems this is a multi-thread issue.
but I am confused why this happened.
I think there is only one main thread and since all callback are run on main thread and there is no reason to have the exception?
On main UI thread, ribbon/button is clicked, it will call web service BuildMetaData,
once it is returned back, in its callback MetaDataCompleteCallback, another web service call is sent
Once it is returned back, in its callback DataRequestJobFinished, it will call plot to plot data on Excel. see below
On Main UI class:
on Class to GenerateReport
public void GenerateReport()
Request.MetacompleteCallBack = MetaDataCompleteCallback;
public void MetaDataCompleteCallback(int id)
if (Request.IsRequestCancelled)
ErrorMessage = Request.ErrorMessage;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.ErrorMessage))
_queryJob = new DataQueryJob(UnityContainer, Request.BuildQueryString(), DataRequestJobFinished, Request);
catch (Exception ex)
ErrorMessage = ex.Message;
Request.MetacompleteCallBack = null;
public void DataRequestJobFinished(DataRequestResponse response)
Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action<DataRequestResponse>(DataRequestJobFinishedUI), response);
public void DataRequestJobFinished(DataRequestResponse response)
if (Request.IsRequestCancelled)
if (response.status != Status.COMPLETE)
ErrorMessage = ManipulateStatusMsg(response);
else // COMPLETE
// TODO: Convert this into factory pattern
var tmpReq = Request as DataRequest;
if (tmpReq == null) return;
new VerticalTemplate(tmpReq, response, IsOffice2003).Plot();
catch (Exception e)
ErrorMessage = e.Message;
//if (token != null)
// this.UnityContainer.Resolve<IEventAggregator>().GetEvent<DataQueryJobComplete>().Unsubscribe(token);
on plot class
public void Plot()
attributeRange.Value2 = headerArray;
DataRange.Value2 = ....
DataRange.NumberFormat = ...
I saw this stackoverflow.com/questions/5246288/errormessage-in-excel, social.msdn.microsoft.com/forums/en-US/vsto/thread/… It seems there is no solution to the issue except wait/retry.
THis post talks about how to check if Excel is in edit. http://www.add-in-express.com/creating-addins-blog/2011/03/23/excel-check-user-edit-cell/
Here's the basic setup. We have an ASP.Net WebForms application with a page that has a Flash application that needs to access an external Web Service. Due to (security I presume) limitations in Flash (don't ask me, I'm not a Flash expert at all), we can't connect to the Web Service directly from Flash. The work around is to create a proxy in ASP.Net that the Flash application will call, which will in turn call the WebService and forward the results back to the Flash application.
The WebSite has very high traffic though, and the issue is, if the Web Service hangs at all, then the ASP.Net request threads will start backing up which could lead to serious thread starvation. In order to get around that, I've decided to use an IHttpAsyncHandler which was designed for this exact purpose. In it, I'll use a WebClient to asynchronously call the Web Service and the forward the response back. There are very few samples on the net on how to correctly use the IHttpAsyncHandler, so I just want to make sure I'm not doing it wrong. I'm basing my useage on the example show here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms227433.aspx
Here's my code:
internal class AsynchOperation : IAsyncResult
private bool _completed;
private Object _state;
private AsyncCallback _callback;
private readonly HttpContext _context;
bool IAsyncResult.IsCompleted { get { return _completed; } }
WaitHandle IAsyncResult.AsyncWaitHandle { get { return null; } }
Object IAsyncResult.AsyncState { get { return _state; } }
bool IAsyncResult.CompletedSynchronously { get { return false; } }
public AsynchOperation(AsyncCallback callback, HttpContext context, Object state)
_callback = callback;
_context = context;
_state = state;
_completed = false;
public void StartAsyncWork()
using (var client = new WebClient())
var url = "url_web_service_url";
client.DownloadDataCompleted += (o, e) =>
if (!e.Cancelled && e.Error == null)
_context.Response.ContentType = "text/xml";
_context.Response.OutputStream.Write(e.Result, 0, e.Result.Length);
_completed = true;
client.DownloadDataAsync(new Uri(url));
public class MyAsyncHandler : IHttpAsyncHandler
public IAsyncResult BeginProcessRequest(HttpContext context, AsyncCallback cb, object extraData)
var asynch = new AsynchOperation(cb, context, extraData);
return asynch;
public void EndProcessRequest(IAsyncResult result)
public bool IsReusable
get { return false; }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
Now this all works, and I THINK it should do the trick, but I'm not 100% sure. Also, creating my own IAsyncResult seems a bit overkill, I'm just wondering if there's a way I can leverage the IAsyncResult returned from Delegate.BeginInvoke, or maybe something else. Any feedback welcome. Thanks!!
Wow, yeah you can make this a lot easier/cleaner if you're on .NET 4.0 by leveraging the Task Parallel Library. Check it:
public class MyAsyncHandler : IHttpAsyncHandler
public IAsyncResult BeginProcessRequest(HttpContext context, AsyncCallback cb, object extraData)
// NOTE: the result of this operation is void, but TCS requires some data type so we just use bool
TaskCompletionSource<bool> webClientDownloadCompletionSource = new TaskCompletionSource<bool>();
WebClient webClient = new WebClient())
HttpContext currentHttpContext = HttpContext.Current;
// Setup the download completed event handler
client.DownloadDataCompleted += (o, e) =>
// If it was canceled, signal the TCS is cacnceled
// NOTE: probably don't need this since you have nothing canceling the operation anyway
else if(e.Error != null)
// If there was an exception, signal the TCS with the exception
// Success, write the response
currentHttpContext.Response.ContentType = "text/xml";
currentHttpContext.Response.OutputStream.Write(e.Result, 0, e.Result.Length);
// Signal the TCS that were done (we don't actually look at the bool result, but it's needed)
string url = "url_web_service_url";
// Kick off the download immediately
client.DownloadDataAsync(new Uri(url));
// Get the TCS's task so that we can append some continuations
Task webClientDownloadTask = webClientDownloadCompletionSource.Task;
// Always dispose of the client once the work is completed
_ =>
// If there was a callback passed in, we need to invoke it after the download work has completed
if(cb != null)
webClientDownloadAntecedent =>
// Return the TCS's Task as the IAsyncResult
return webClientDownloadTask;
public void EndProcessRequest(IAsyncResult result)
// Unwrap the task and wait on it which will propagate any exceptions that might have occurred
public bool IsReusable
return true; // why not return true here? you have no state, it's easily reusable!
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)