Compare compressed image against original - c#

I would like to know if there is a way that I can determine whether or not two images are the same (there are lots of posts on that topic, I know), but it's also possible that one picture is a compressed version of the other image...
This post also asks for a C# library that does image processing and comparing, but I'm not really sure what kind of functions a library would need to provide this specific match.. This post on the other hand is way to abstract.
I've read about OpenCV (or this .NET wrapper) but I have no experience with it, and I'm not sure if it will do what I want without applying the abstractions from the that post I didn't understand myself.. I mean, OpenCV is probably capable of doing the required computations, it seems like a very powerful tool, but it seems a bit complex for the seemingly simple requirement.. Or is this actually more complex and is something like OpenCV the way to go? (and if so, how?)
So, how would I go about achieving this?

One simple path you could try is AForge .NET library. It is fully .NET implementation so no worries about environment setup, and has following functionality, that might fit your case :
ExhaustiveTemplateMatching Class
"The class implements exhaustive template matching algorithm, which performs complete scan of source image, comparing each pixel with corresponding pixel of template. The class also can be used to get similarity level between two images of the same size, which can be useful to get information about how different/similar are images"
// create template matching algorithm's instance
// use zero similarity to make sure algorithm will provide anything
ExhaustiveTemplateMatching tm = new ExhaustiveTemplateMatching(0);
// compare two images
TemplateMatch[] matchings = tm.ProcessImage(image1, image2);
// check similarity level
if (matchings[0].Similarity > 0.95f)
// do something with quite similar images


C++ / Java / C# Image processing library

What would be the best library choice for finding similar parts in images and similarity matching?
Thank you.
It sounds like the Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) is probably the algorithm you're really looking for. Offhand, I don't know of any general-purpose image processing library that includes it, but there are definitely standalone implementations to be found (and knowing the name should make Googling for it relatively easy).
ImageJ fastest image processing library in Java.
OpenCV is certainly a solid choice as always.
That said, VLFeat is also very good. It includes many popular feature detectors (including SIFT, MSER, Harris, etc.) as well as clustering algorithms like (kd-trees and quickshift). You can piece together something like a bag of words classifier using that very quickly.
While SIFT is certainly a solid general purpose solution, it actually is a pipeline composed of a feature detector (which points are interesting in the image), a feature descriptor (for each interesting point in the image, what's a good representation), and a feature matcher (given a descriptor and a database of descriptors, how do I determine what is the best match).
Depending upon your application, you may want to break apart this pipeline and swap in different components. VLFeat's SIFT implementation is very modular and lets you experiment with doing so easily.
Never did image processing, but I've heard from friends OpenCV is quite good, they usually use C++

how to generate large image in compact framework

I need to generate large images (A4 image at 200 DPI, PNG format would be fine) in my compact framework application. This is impossible to do in standard way due to memory limitations (such big image will throw OOMException).
Is there any library which offers file-backed stream image generation?
Or I could generate many smaller stripes of images (each stripe representing a row of the large image) using standard Bitmap approach, but I need to merge them together afterwards - is there any method how to merge many smaller images into one large without having to instantiate large Bitmap instance (which would again cause OOM)?
I had a similar need myself, and I end writing my own library. PNGJ You may found it useful, it's Java but it should be easy to port to C# (completely independent of other libraries). It writes and reads PNG images (except paletted ones), line oriented, rather low level, optimized for handling huge images. There are some examples in the download.
Updated: I've made a C# available here: PNGCS
This is interesting... I did some googling for you, and the only useful thing I found is this OpenNETCF Smart Device Framework. The class library reference is here Suggest you to take a look at ImagingFactoryClass. CreateImageEncoderToStream method might be useful.
Merging approach would be cool if you had a library that would do it for you. I took a look at PNG specifications and its not very promising.
Good luck and I hope this helps.
I just made a quick basic implementation of PNG stream encoding class - it supports just 8bpp and grayscale at the moment though, but that's enough for my scenario. It should be quite easy to extend the class to support RGB and more color depths.

How do I visualize a complex graph in .Net?

I need to visualize a graph. I don't know how to name it (by the way, if you know - I'll appreciate if you tell me). It would be ideal for graph elements to be clickable (so that when user clicks on a block, I can handle an event with the element id specified) but I can survive even without any interactivity. I may like to be able to focus on a particular node and layout all others to view from its perspective. Are there any components available good for this task? If no, what should I look for to help me to develop an algorithm for drawing such a graph with visually-comfortable layout?
Practical nature of this graph is pretty common: each block represents a derivation from 2 operands. Orange circles are references to 2 operands, green circles are connection points to consumers. It can be significant to distinguish an operand position (left or right), for example if a derivation represents a mathematical operation of difference or division (in this particular case a block can be triangular, but in other cases an operand itself can make use of being aware of for what blocks is it a left operand and for what blocks is it a right). Another common application is intersecting sets with complex relations.
You could take a look at Graph#, but I'm not sure how well it'll handle composite nodes like that. It could be a good starting point though.
I also would like to point you to graphviz. It is not a .NET solution but you can feed it files that are easy enough to write in order to create graphs. I don't think layouting is a very simple thing to do, especially with increasing node count, so it should be a good thing to find some tool for that.
As It seems Microsoft itself has done a really good job on graph visualization called automatic-graph-layout.
Here's the link
Well, you first need to represent it somehow in memory, there are many ways, like adjacency list. Then you need to draw it. While generally drawing a graph is simple, it's not that simple if you need to layout it. Looks like in your case, that's exactly what you need to do to come to that nice representation. It ain't going to be easy.
EDIT: Interesting, there seems to be a library made by Microsoft Research.
I don't know how useful it will be in this particular scenario, but you might want to take a look at
Graphviz4Net provides WPF component for graphs visualization. It depends on GraphViz (open source command line graph visualization tool).
I can not find this component and i decided writen my own control, line and head, and use them to visualization my graph's
If the needed your i can give it's component and program to demonstrate him/
I writen component and program's in visual studio 2008 language C#
This is a fairly new and maintained .NET wrapper for Graphviz:
(Disclaimer: I'm the author)
This wrapper works differently from other wrappers, since it makes direct function calls to the native Graphviz code. This means you can not only programatically construct your graph in C# code, but also read the layout attributes back out in C# code and render it any way you want. The latter sounds specifically like something you would be interested in.
A quite good looking one is the Diagram tool from Nevron. But it's not for free!
I'm currently using the charts and user interfaces from them and they work quite good.
Have used this commercial product with success: GoDiagram
It support the multiple ports on the nodes like you have shown.

Finding most proper standard for image [Image recognition]

We have some examples of pictures.
And we have on input set of pictures. Every input picture is one of example after combination of next things
1) Rotating
2) Scaling
3) Cutting part of it
4) Adding noise
5) Using filter of some color
It is guarantee that human can recognize picture ease.
I need simple but effective algorithm to recognize from which one of base examples we get input picture.
I am writing in C# and Java
I don't think there is a single simple algorithm which will enable you to recognise images under all the conditions you mention.
One technique which might cover most is to Fourier transform the image, but this can't be described as simple by any stretch of the imagination, and will involve some pretty heavy mathematical concepts.
You might find it useful to search in the field of Digital Signal Processing which includes image processing since they're just two dimensional signals.
EDIT: Apparently the problem is limited to recognising MONEY (notes and coins) so the first problem of searching becomes avoiding websites which mention money as the result of using their image-recognition product, rather than as the source of the images.
Anyway, I found more useful hits by searching for 'Currency Image Recognition'. Including some which mention Hidden Markov Models (whatever that means). It may be the algorithm you're searching for.
The problem is simplified by having a small set of target images, but complicated by the need to detect counterfeits.
I still don't think there's a 'simple agorithm' for this job. Good luck in your searching.
There is some good research going on in the field of computer vision. One of the problem being solved is identification of an object irrespective of scale changes,noise additions and skews introduced because photo has been clicked from a different view. I have done little assignment on this two years back as a part of computer vision course. There is a transformation called as scale invariant feature transform by which you can extract various features for the corner point. Corner points are those which are different from all its neighboring pixels. As you can observe, If photo has been clicked from two different views, some edges may disappear and appear like some thing else but corners remain almost same. This transformations explains how feature vector of size 128 can be extracted for all the corner points and tells you how to use these feature vector to find out the similarity between two images. Here in you case
You can extract those features for one of all the currency notes you have and check for existence of these corner points in the test image you are supposed to test
As this transformation is robust to rotation,scaling,cropping,noise addition and color filtering, I guess this is the best I can suggest you. You can check this demo to have a better picture of what I explained.
OpenCV has lots of algorithms and features, I guess it should be suitable for your problem, however you'll have to play with PInvoke to consume it from c# (it's C library) - doable, but requires some work.
You would need to build a set of functions that compute the probability of a particular transform between two images f(A,B). A number of transforms have previously been suggested as answers, e.g. Fourier. You would probably not be able to compute the probability of multiple transforms in one go fgh(A,B) with any reliability. So, you would compute the probability that each transform was independently applied f(A,B) g(A,B) h(A,B) and those with P above a threshold are the solution.
If the order is important, i.e you need to know that f(A,B) then g(f,B) then h(g,B) was performed, then you would need to adopt a state based probability framework such as Hidden Markov Models or a Bayesian Network (well, this is a generalization of HMMs) to model the likelihood of moving between states. See the BNT toolbox for Matlab ( for more details on these or any good modern AI book.

How to subtract one bitmap from another in C#/.NET?

I have two bitmaps, produced by different variations of an algorithm. I'd like to create a third bitmap by subtracting one from the other to show the differences.
How can this be done in .NET? I've looked over the Graphics class and all its options, including the ImageAttributes class, and I have a hunch it involves the color matrix or remap tables functionality.
Does anyone have a link to some example code, or can point me in the right direction? A google search doesn't reveal much, unless my google-fu is failing me today.
The real question is, what differences do you want to show? If you just need to operate on RGB color values, the best bet in my opinion is to just scan through both bitmaps and compare the Color values using GetPixel, and use SetPixel to generate your 'difference' bitmap. Perhaps you simply want to subtract the values and use those as the new Color value for the third bitmap. Or perhaps you want to calculate out the luminosity and use that. Even better, if you have three metrics for comparison, assign each one to the R G and B components of the color. I've used this approach for fractal colorization before.
There are other approaches, but with this one you are limited only to your imagination. It may not be the fastest approach, but it does not sound like performance is necessary for this scenario.
Check out this project. It is a motion detector made by Andrew Kirillov. He implements a couple of filters to get the differences between two pictures and uses that to calculate movements. It is really nice done and its easy to modify and use in your own application.
This can be done by PInvoking the BitBlt API function. Here is some sample code:
The sample uses the SRCCOPY raster op code; to get the differences between two bitmaps, you'd instead want to use SRCPAINT or something (GOOGLE should give the list of codes).
GetPixel and SetPixel (on the Bitmap class) are unbelievably slow. Using LockBits will be much faster, but you'll still have to write your own code.
Update: this is a better link:
and includes all the possible ternary raster operations (SRCPAINT or SRCAND are probably what you're looking for.).
First, define subtract ;-p What do you want the answer to look like?
The most performance way to do this is probably LockBits - it should be much quicker than lots of GetPixel calls, but you'll need to decode the bytes yourself. Easy if it is just something like 32bpp ARGB, but tricky for some more complex cases.
I've read somewhere that the language used in Adobe Pixel Bender is inspired by something that Microsoft once did. Don't remember where I read it. My thinking is that maybe that Microsoft "something" is wrapped into something that a .Net project can use. Overkill for just subtracting two images, but anyway.

