I have an empty RC2 WebAPI created using Yeoman and I can restore, build and run it both using command line (dotnet) and using Visual Studio. Unfortunately I cannot publish my project. When I right click and choose "Publish.." nothing happens.
So, I tried to open the "Web Publish Activity" window and create publish from there, but then I receive an error saying that Microsoft.VisualStudio.Web.Publish.Core.Contracts.IProfileCreator cannot be loaded. I have the most recent version of the Azure SDK (2.9.1) and to my knowledge the latest VS update (Visual Studio Professional 2015, Version 14.0.25123.00 Update 2).
I have tried to install/update/repair this extension as described here but I cannot seem to find it, unsure if this is replaced by the "Microsoft ASP.NET and Web Tools" which I have installed and updated. Thinking that it might be related to this, I also tried devenv /updateconfig and devenv /setup as administrator. No success.
Any ideas?
I have a problem with publishing an app in VS 2017 with the Publishing Wizard. I found a stackoverflow post:
Compile a .NET Core application as an EXE file using Visual Studio 2017
But when I want to go to this menu it only opens an old Publishing Wizard that doesnt have the options I need.
I tried to update my VS 2017 to the newest Version, but it didnt help...
After that I tried to use the first approach of the stackoverflow post above, but I didnt have dotnet(???) so installed .NET 7 SDK. Tried the command in the project directory (where the .csproject lays), but I got the error: MSB4062. So Im back trying to get the new publisher, because I really dont know how to fix MSB4062.
Picture of my Publishing wizard:
Picture of the one I want:
The Publish Wizard is usually the first time you publish a project and will guide you to publish the project to the specified location.
After completing the Publish Wizard, you will find Publish Settings in the Publish view and configure it. Hope it can help you
I needed a .NET Core / .NET console app, but I had a .NET FRAMEWORK console app.
And to create a .NET Core / .NET console app I needed Visual Studio 2022 (maybe 2019 is enough), but I had Visual Studio 2017.
This fixed everything for me.
This is my first time of using Visual Studio 2015 Community with Xamarin, and in using them to create Tizen apps.
In Visual Studio 2015, I chose File - New Project - Blank Tizen App (Tizen Xamarin.Forms Single). The files were generated, but virtually every keyword was not recognized i.e. red underline on them.
What configuration is wrong is my system, and how to fix them?
OK, so I did the following and it fixed this problem (somehow):
1. Uninstalled VS2015.
2. Reinstalled VS2015. I encountered installation failure on Roslyn and NDK-R11C.
3. I Ran VS2015 installer again in elevated mode (Run as Admin) and chose Repair. Roslyn was successfully installed but NDK-R11C was still failed, with the same error as before: Cannot extract the zip file to the target location.
4. Manually I ran the extraction of NDK using windows' default unzipper. I got unclear error message stating that NDK cannot be expanded.
5. Using Norton Commander, Extracted the zip file to the same target location. Success.
6. Ran VS2015, created the blank project. Now NuGet could get the updates, and after that the keywords were properly recognized.
I don't know, though, what was the connection between NDK and Tizen Extension. Maybe the act of reinstalling VS2015 just fixed the problem. At least now I got it now. Thanks all!.
I think it's bug of VS plugin. (it's preview version.)
Project - Unload project and Project - Reload project
I think this should solve your problem.
When I add new WebForm to my project, I get the following error:
Could not load file or assembly
'Microsoft.VisualStudio.JSLS,Version= , Culture=neutral ,
PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a' or one of its dependencies.the system
can not find the file specified.
I tried to create new website project and I tried to reinstall VS 2015 but this did not help.
This is a known bug with Visual Studio 2015. The officially-endorsed solution from Microsoft has been posted on MSDN:
If the “Tools for Universal Windows Apps Development” are still installed:
Go to Programs and Features, select Visual Studio 2105, click Change.
In Visual Studio setup, click Modify.
Deselect the feature “Tools for Universal Windows App Development”
Select “Tools for Universal Windows App Development” again, and click Update.
If you have already uninstalled the “Tools for Universal Windows Apps Development”:
Reinstall “Tools for Universal Windows App Development”
Or take the following steps to reinstall the JavaScript project system and language service:
a. Download the installer for your edition of Visual Studio, e.g.,
b. Open a CMD window, and run the following command:
vs_community.exe /modify /installselectableitems JavaScript_Hidden
A temporary solution:
Shut down Visual Studio and reinstall the following package from the DVD or ISO:
A better solution, endorsed by Microsoft, has been posted.
Remove the update received for visual studio TypeScript on 11/08/2015. it seems to be buggy. After removing TypeScript update, my VS is working fine ;-)
and if you try to reinstall x:\packages\JavaScript_LanguageService\JavaScript_LanguageService.msi from the installation package, soon or later you will face one more problem that "Something went wrong.. may be because of a extension.."
Easiest way is to remove TypeScript update for now. TypeScript future update may fix the problem.
Run command prompt as administrator.
CD C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\Common7\IDE
devenv /updateconfiguration
devenv /clearcache
I've installed Visual Studio 2013 Premium (MSDN license) on my machine. Yet, the ASP.NET Web Application template is not there (except for Version2012, which offers me MVC 4, see screenshot below):
I have uninstalled and reinstalled VS2013 three times now. I've deleted the ItemTemplatesCache and ProjectTemplatesCache folders along with running the devenv /InstallVSTemplates and devenv /Setup to no avail. I've also checked to make sure web developer tools are installed. Under the \Common7\IDE\ProjectTemplatesCache\CSharp\Web folder, I only see MVC 4 template files. Am I missing something? An extension or additional program?
Below I added a screenshot of the frameworks I have installed. Any direction or advice would be appreciated. Thank you!
I think that "Re-install Visual Studio from scratch" is not a solution.
I have faced with the described problem and found much faster way to fix it:
First of all, try to repair Visual Studio installation (in "Control Panel\Programs\Programs and Features" find your Visual Studio, right-click and select "Repair"). Reboot after (!).
Check if template appeared in the Visual Studio. If not, then: in the "Control Panel\Programs\Programs and Features" make sure that you have "Microsoft Web Platform Installer 4.x" installed (I have 4.6 version). If not - install it from here: http://www.microsoft.com/web/downloads/platform.aspx
Run "Web Platform Installer" (it should be here: "%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft\Web Platform Installer\WebPlatformInstaller.exe")
On the "Products" tab find the line "Microsoft ASP.NET and Web Tools 2013.1 for Visual Studio 2013" (make sure that it is not for 2012!). If line has "Add" button on the right side enabled, then click it and install the tools. Reboot PC (!) and you should have your ASP.NET project template back.
If line says "Installed", then you should repair it via "Control Panel\Programs\Programs and Features", just find "Microsoft ASP.NET and Web Tools 2013.1 -Visual Studio 2013", right-click and select "Repair"). Reboot PC (!) and you should have your ASP.NET project template back!
After many hours of troubleshooting, these are the steps I took to fix the issue (on Windows 7 Ultimate). I assumed it was an issue with a corrupt installation and possible problems with registry keys, so I removed any and all Microsoft development tools using the following steps:
FULL VIRUS SCAN (just to make sure this was not related to a virus or malware). I used Microsoft Security Essentials
Downloaded Microsoft FixIt to help clean up registry keys as I deleted programs. After I deleted any program or program updates, I ran this tool to verify a clean uninstall had been done
Visual Studio 2010 - Ran the Visual Studio 2010 Uninstall Utility and removed the program. Went into Control Panel > Programs > Uninstall a program > View Installed Updates and searched for 'Visual Studio 2010', then removed any updates associated with VS2010 (and ran the FixIt program after every uninstall to verify the registry keys had been wiped)
Followed this MSDN post to remove Visual Studio 2012 (paying particular attention to the 'Optional Shared Packages' and removed any and all programs under this list, again running Microsoft FixIt to verify the registry keys were wiped)
Followed this blog post from Shawn Harrison to remove all SQL server; also referenced these two MSDN posts Uninstall an Existing Instance of SQL Server (Setup) and SQL Server Files Left After Uninstall
Uninstalled Visual Studio 2013, along with all references to 'Visual Studio 2013' in programs and installed updates; used FixIt to clean up registry keys after every install
Last but not least, I removed all MVC Visual Studio-related tools, references extensions including Web Tools and Web Platform Installer
This solved my problem with missing templates :)
(I'm soooooooo grateful this was all done on an SSD, however, I think it would have taken 5x longer with an old-spinning HD)
Cheers, everyone!
Not the solution in your case, but I had a similar issue where I could not find the MVC templates. Eventually I realized that I still had .NET Framework 3.5 selected, which of course does not provide MVC... switching to .NET Framework 4.5 let me find the MVC templates again.
You already had 4.5 selected in the screenshot, but I'm just posting this here for others who might make the same mistake as I did.
Don't forget to check that "Microsoft Web Developer Tool" was actually enabled during installation see this related stackoverflow question: How do I open a csproj with ProjectTypeGuids 349c5851-65df-11da-9384-00065b846f21?
"Microsoft Web Developer Tool" that was the problem for me
Have you tried updating the gallery
Tools>Extension and updates> Templates
To get up and running you could click Version 2012 under Web and get to the stock web applications templates which will provide you upto MVC 4
For MVC 5 you can either download Visual Studio 2013 Express Web, it roughly has the same ASP.NET features at Premium on MSDN License.
Update for Studio 2013:
Make sure you install express for Windows and not express for Windows Desktop. The Desktop version does not have the Web templates.
I had a similar issue with VS 2013 Web Express Update 3. After reinstalling stuff all week its fixed. I had to uninstall VS, delete the "Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0" directory, and reinstall VS. There are other workarounds that are more precise.
hey there. So, we have a VS2010 project and the VisualSVN server on one machine. We added a new machine with the client visual svn and the projected loaded in. except for the WCF service. i'm getting a...
" error : the project file c:/..../wcfProject.csproj cannot be opened.
The project type is not supported by this installation."
i've checked the directory, the files and file structure are there and the same as the main development machine. any tips/solutions?
David K.
I had a similar problem with some WCF solution which I downloaded from a blog.
The solutions of running deveng with the switches did not resolve my issues. After some more searching it turned out that the following clue in the answer of Ralph Willgoss lead to the solution of my problem:
I resolved it by installing the Visual Web Developer.
I also had to (manually) install the Web Platform Installer to (automatically) download the last requirements for the project to properly load.
I had a similar problem when trying to create a new project of the following types:
WCF Service Application
WCF Work Flow Service Application
Syndication Service Library
I was using Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit, with no other versions of Visual Studio installed.
I also had tried many other options, such as:
devenv /resetsettings
devenv /resetskippkgs
ensuring I had C++ option of VS2010 installed
VS2010 Service Pack 1
I resolved it by installing the Visual Web Developer.
There are a few things this could be so I can't give you one specific answer. However, here are a few things to try on your machine that is throwing the error:
First, verify which version of Visual Studio is set as the default for opening csproj files. It could be that you installed SQL or something else that uses an older version of Visual Studio. Sometimes that can give an error. Even if the default is the Visual Studio version selector I've seen it throw an error. Open up the correct version of Visual Studio (through the Programs menu) and then inside Visual Studio try to open the package. If that works, you know the issue is with which version is opening the file.
If that doesn't work, you could try resetting the Visual Studio settings. From the run menu type devenv /setup This should reset the Visual Studio environment and hopefully it will fix the issue. If this does not work, try running devenv /ResetSkipPkgs from the Run menu. This will try to load any packages that Visual Studio previously skipped.
If these steps don't work, let us know. Give us any further error messages that come up after attempting these steps.