I have two lists and would like to create a dictionary of key value pair type
Key = string of each unique reference (of type string)
Value = sub list of list2 where list2 uniquereference are equal to Key (the value is of type List)
I want to do it in essense like this
var dictionary = listA.ToDictionary(x => x.StringProperty, y => List2.Where(x => x.Reference == x.StringProperty)
How can I do this in a expression declaration? As I currently have a method to create this dictionary?
I had to create this method to generate what I wanted. Is there an expression that will do the same thing:
private Dictionary<string, IEnumerable<JobEntity>> Dictionary(IEnumerable<JobLinkedBag> jobLinkedBags, IEnumerable<JobEntity> jobs)
if (jobLinkedBags == null || jobs == null || jobLinkedBags.Count() == 0 || jobs.Count() == 0)
return null;
var dictionary = new Dictionary<string, IEnumerable<JobEntity>>();
for (int i = 0; i < jobLinkedBags.Count(); i++)
var thisBag = jobLinkedBags.ElementAt(i).LuggageCode;
var jobsForThisBag = jobs.Where(x => x.LuggageCode == thisBag);
dictionary.Add(thisBag, jobsForThisBag);
return dictionary;
The 1:1 translation of your method into an expression would look like this:
Expression<Func<IEnumerable<JobLinkedBag>, IEnumerable<JobEntity>, Dictionary<string, IEnumerable<JobEntity>>>> expression =
(jobLinkedBags, jobs) => (jobLinkedBags == null || jobs == null || jobLinkedBags.Count() == 0 || jobs.Count() == 0)
? null
: jobLinkedBags.ToDictionary(
jlb => jlb.LuggageCode,
jlb => jobs.Where(job => job.LuggageCode == jlb.LuggageCode));
Note that there are some dangerous parts in this code:
this codes enumerates the arguments jobLinkedBags and jobs several times (to determine the count and then to filter them), this may cause problems depending on what specific IEnumerable implementation they are
you build a dictionary that has IEnumerable as value. This enumeration is also executed defered. So you should make sure that the sources of this enumeration are still valid when you eventually will iterate through it.
Or in general how to filter some elements from collection based on different and complex conditions in single pass
Let's say we have collection of elements
var cats = new List<Cat>{ new Cat("Fluffy"), new Cat("Meowista"), new Cat("Scratchy")};
And somewhere we use this collection
public CatFightResult MarchBoxing(List<Cat> cats, string redCatName, string blueCatName)
var redCat = cats.First(cat => cat.Name == redCatName);
var blueCat = cats.First(cat => cat.Name == blueCatName);
var redValue = redCat.FightValue();
var blueValue = blueCat.FightValue();
if (Cat.FightValuesEqualWithEpsilon(redValue, blueValue))
return new CatFightResult{IsDraw: true};
return new CatFightResult{Winner: redValue > blueValue ? redCat : blueCat};
Question: Is there a nice way to obtain multiple variables from collection based on some condition(s)?
The question probably requires some sort of uniqueness in collection, let's first assume there is some (i.e. HashSet/Dictionary)
AND preferably:
SINGLE pass/cycle on collection (the most important reason of question, as you can see there are 2 filter operations in above method)
oneliner or like that, with readability, and the shorter the better
generic way (IEnumerable<T> I think, or ICollection<T>)
typos error-prone and changes/additions safe (minimal use of actual conditions in code, preferably checked
null/exception check, because my intention that null is valid result for obtained variable
Would be also cool to have ability to provide custom conditions, which probably could be done via Func parameters, but I didn't tested yet.
There are my attempts, which I've posted in my repo https://github.com/phomm/TreeBalancer/blob/master/TreeTraverse/Program.cs
Here is the adaptation to example with Cats:
public CatFightResult MarchBoxing(List<Cat> cats, string redCatName, string blueCatName)
var redCat = null;
var blueCat = null;
//1 kinda oneliner, but hard to read and not errorprone
foreach (var c in cats) _ = c.Name == redCatName ? redCat = n : n.Name == blueCatName ? blueCat = n : null;
//2 very good try, because errorprone and easy to read (and find mistake in assignment), but not oneliner and not elegant (but fast) redundant fetching and not single pass at all, up to O(N*N) with FirstOrDefault
var filter = new [] { redCatName, blueCatName }.ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => cats.FirstOrDefault(n => n.Name == x.Key));
redCat = filter[redCatName];
blueCat = filter[blueCatName];
//3 with readability and ckecks for mistakenly written searching keys (dictionary internal dupe key check) , but not oneliner and not actualy single pass
var dic = new Dictionary<int, Func<Cat, Cat>> { { redCatName, n => redCat = n }, { blueCatName, n => blueCat = n } };
cats.All(n => dic.TryGetValue(n.Name, out var func) ? func(n) is null : true);
//4 best approach, BUT not generic (ofc one can write simple generic IEnumerable<T> ForEach extension method, and it would be strong candidate to win)
cats.ForEach(n => _ = n.Name == redCatName ? redCat = n : n.Name == blueCatName ? blueCat = n : null);
//5 nice approach, but not single pass, enumerating collection twice
cats.Zip(cats, (n, s) => n.Name == redCatName ? redCat = n : n.Name == blueCatName ? blueCat = n : null);
//6 the one I prefer best, however it's arguable due to breaking functional approach of Linq, causing side effects
cats.All(n => (n.Name == redCatName ? redCat = n : n.Name == blueCatName ? blueCat = n : null) is null);
All the options with ternary op are not extensible easily and relatively error-prone, but are quite short and Linq-ish, they also rely (some trade-off with confusion) on not returning/using actual results of ternary (with discard "_" or "is null" as bool). I think the approach with Dictionary of Funcs is a good candidate to implement custom conditions, just bake-in them with variables.
Thank you, looking forward your solutions ! :)
I'm not sure if it's possible with Linq out of the box but if writing a custom extension once is an option for you, retrieving some values from a collection with arbitrary number of conditions may later be put in pretty concise manner.
For example, you may write something like
var (redCat, blueCat) = cats.FindFirsts(
x => x.Name == redCatName,
x => x.Name == blueCatName);
If you introduce the FindFirsts() extension as follows:
public static class FindExtensions
public static T[] FindFirsts<T>(this IEnumerable<T> collection,
params Func<T, bool>[] conditions)
if (conditions.Length == 0)
return new T[] { };
var unmatchedConditions = conditions.Length;
var lookupWork = conditions
.Select(c => (
value: default(T),
found: false,
cond: c
foreach (var item in collection)
for (var i = 0; i < lookupWork.Length; i++)
if (!lookupWork[i].found && lookupWork[i].cond(item))
lookupWork[i].found = true;
lookupWork[i].value = item;
if (unmatchedConditions <= 0)
return lookupWork.Select(x => x.value).ToArray();
The full demo can be hound here: https://dotnetfiddle.net/QdVJUd
Note: In order to deconstruct the result array (i.e. use var (redCat, blueCat) = ...), you have to define a deconstruction extension. I borrowed some code from this thread to do so.
Previously, I had great help on my previous question, thank you vyrp
How do I create and populate a dynamic object using a dynamically built lambda expression
I'm now looking to search the dynamic object, and as before, I don't know the objects properties, and therefore what I'm searching until runtime.
Here's the code that builds the dynamic object:
// Get list of optional fields
var optFieldList = await _tbList_FieldRepository.GetAsync(lf => lf.ListID == listId && lf.DisplayInList == true);
// order list of optional fields
optFieldList.OrderBy(lf => lf.DisplayOrder);
// Get base Data excluding Inactive if applicable
IEnumerable<tbList_Data> primaryData = await _tbList_DataRepository.GetAsync(ld => ld.ListID == listId && (ld.IsActive == includeInactive ? ld.IsActive : true));
// Build IEnumerable<dynamic> from base results plus any optional fields to be displayed in table
var results = primaryData.Select(pd => {
dynamic result = new System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject();
result.Id = pd.ID;
result.PrimaryData = pd.PrimaryData;
result.DisplayOrder = pd.DisplayOrder;
result.IsActive = pd.IsActive;
foreach (var optField in optFieldList)
switch (optField.FieldType.ToLower()) {
case "text":
((IDictionary<string, object>)result).Add(optField.FieldName, pd.tbList_DataText.Where(ld => ld.DataRowID == pd.ID && ld.ListColumnID == optField.ID).Select(ld => ld.DataField).DefaultIfEmpty("").First());
return result;
For the purpose of testing, I have 2 dynamic fields, "PhoneNumber" and "FuelType"
I can search the known field(s) i.e. PrimaryData, no problem, as below.
results = results.Where(r => r.PrimaryData.Contains(searchString));
And the following will work if I know the field PhoneNumber at design time
results = results.Where(r => r.PhoneNumber.Contains(searchString));
but what I want to do, is something like:
results = results.Where(r => r.PrimaryData.Contains(searchString)
|| foreach(var optField in optFieldList)
ending up with
results = results.Where(r =>
|| r.PhoneNumber.Contains(searchString) ||
but obviously that code doesn't work. I've tried a bunch of different attempts, none successful, so I'm looking for suggestions. Thanks
Since you know that the dynamic element of your query is actually ExpandoObject, hence IDictionary<string, object>>, you can safely cast it to dictionary interface and use it to access the property values by name, while Enumerable.Any method can be used to simulate dynamic || condition:
results = results.Where(r => r.PrimaryData.Contains(searchString)
|| optFieldList.Any(f =>
object value;
return ((IDictionary<string, object>)r).TryGetValue(f.FieldName, out value)
&& value is string && ((string)value).Contains(searchString);
I need the column value(FundSpreadDurationContribution) of a data table(residing in dataset) through LINQ which fetches the above error (heading)
Elaborated: when a row cell has value Spread Duration--IR Swap, need the corresponding column cell FundSpreadDurationContribution value.
double testvalue = Convert.ToDouble(raptorDS.Tables[RaptorTable.DurationContribBySector].AsEnumerable().Where(r =>
r.Field<string>(RaptorColumns.FundCode) == fundDescriptionColumn &&
r.Field<string>(RaptorColumns.Component) == Component.B8_DURATION_CONTRIBUTION_BY_SECTOR &&
r.Field<string>(RaptorColumns.Sector) == "Spread Duration--IR Swap").Select(s => s.Field<string>(RaptorColumns.FundSpreadDurationContribution)))
I am learner of LINQ.
// First check if this query will return any results
var records =
raptorDS.Tables[RaptorTable.DurationContribBySector].AsEnumerable().Where(r =>
r.Field<string>(RaptorColumns.FundCode) == fundDescriptionColumn &&
r.Field<string>(RaptorColumns.Component) == Component.B8_DURATION_CONTRIBUTION_BY_SECTOR &&
r.Field<string>(RaptorColumns.Sector) == "Spread Duration--IR Swap");
// CHeck if any result
if (records.Any())
// We have results so let's go through each record and try to get that value
// converted to a double
List<double> values = new List<double>();
List<string> badValues = new List<string>();
foreach (var thisRecord in records)
var fsdc = thisRecord.Field<string>(RaptorColumns.FundSpreadDurationContribution);
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fsdc))
double val = 0;
if (double.TryParse(fsdc, val))
// Do whatever you need to do with values here
// and bad values here
Where returns a collection, which cannot be converted to a double. Use one of these Linq methods to get one answer to convert:
This is just playing around with Datatypes which fixed the type casting issue
var sumFundSpreadDuration = raptorDS.Tables[RaptorTable.DurationContribBySector].AsEnumerable().Where(r =>
r.Field<string>(RaptorColumns.FundCode) == fundDescriptionColumn &&
r.Field<string>(RaptorColumns.Component) == Component.B8_DURATION_CONTRIBUTION_BY_SECTOR &&
r.Field<string>(RaptorColumns.Sector) == "Spread Duration--IR Swap")
.Select(s => s.Field<double?>(RaptorColumns.FundSpreadDurationContribution)).FirstOrDefault();
If you see the datatype of variable is changed to Variant from double. Also, the datatype of column FundSpreadDurationContribution is changed to double. Thanks to CodingYoshi for providing insights of datatypes in linq
I'm trying to find a way to build a where clause and pass it to repository Get() method. It is supposed to filter items which name starts with a specific letter. I was able to construct part of this Where Clause Body, but can't find a way how to handle the scenario where the item name does not start with letter. For example: _ItemName or 97_SomeName.
So, here is my method:
protected override Expression<Func<DataSetSettings, bool>> GetWhereClause()
//The user has selected FilterLetter, for example: "A"
// return all items which name starts with "A"
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(FilterLetter) && !FilterLetter.Equals("All"))
return (x => x.Name.StartsWith(FilterLetter) && x.Type == Type);
if (FilterLetter.Equals("Other"))
//Here i need to extract all items which name does not start with letter
//return All items of the current type
return x => x.Type == Type;
I would appreciate any help! Thanks!
Now that I understand what you need, I looked around and was not able to find a graceful solution to this. Seems complex string pattern matching is a weak point in EF.
The only way I can see to do this is to either compare against every letter, ie:
!x.Name.StartsWith("A") && !x.Name.StartsWith("B") && //on and on to Z
Or to make sure the entire list is loaded into memory and then use regular expressions to filter:
protected override Expression<Func<DataSetSettings, bool>> GetWhereClause()
var noletter = new Regex("^[^a-z].*", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
return (
x => x.Type == Type && (
string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(FilterLetter) ||
FilterLetter == "All" ||
(FilterType == "Other" && noletter.IsMatch(x.Name)) ||
If you do end up going with option of loading everything into memory, you can at least filter based on the x.Type first. That seems to be the common denominator in the filtering. At least that way you don't have to load the entire table into memory.
You can do equals false on your StartsWith
Like this:
return (x => x.Name.StartsWith(FilterLetter) == false && x.Type == Type);
My advice would be make 1 db call of all types into a list, then use linq to query that list. Your example would be making two db calls.
List<Type> allTypes = new List<Type>();
List<Type> typesWithA = new List<Type>();
List<Type> typesWOA = new List<Type>();
// make one db call
allTypes = entities.Types.ToList();
typesWithA = allTypes.Where(x => x.Name.StartsWith(FilterLetter)).ToList();
typesWOA = allTypes.Where(x => !x.Name.StartsWith(FilterLetter)).ToList();
List<DTOeduevent> newList = new List<DTOeduevent>();
foreach (DTOeduevent e in eduList.FindAll(s =>
&& s.LocationID.Equals(loc)
&& s.EducatorID.Equals(edu)))
cla, loc, edu can be (null or empty) or supplied with values--
basically how can I simply return the original list (eduList) if cla, loc, edu are all null
or search by loc, search by loc, edu, search by edu, cla -- etc........
my sample code only makes a new list if all 3 vars have values--
is there an elegant way to do this, without brute force if statements?
List<DTOeduevent> newList = eduList.FindAll(s =>
(cla == null || s.EventClassID.Equals(cla))
&& (loc == null || s.LocationID.Equals(loc))
&& (edu == null || s.EducatorID.Equals(edu)));
Assuming the values are Nullable value types or classes. If they're strings, you could replace cla == null with String.IsNullOrEmpty(cla).
IEnumerable<DTOeduevent> newList = eduList;
if (cla != null)
newList = newList.Where(s => s.EventClassID == cla);
if (loc != null)
newList = newList.Where(s => s.LocationID == loc);
if (edu != null)
newList = newList.Where(s => s.EducatorID == edu);
newList = newList.ToList();
Due to deferred execution, the Where statements should all execute at once, when you call ToList; it will only do one loop through the original list.
I would personally lean towards something that encapsulated the logic of what you seem to be doing here: checking that a found id is equal to some search id. The only wrinkle is how to get that check for null or empty in there first.
One way to do that is by using a static extension method:
public static class DtoFilterExtensions
public static bool IsIdEqual(this string searchId, string foundId) {
return !string.IsNullOrEmpty(searchId) && foundId.Equals(searchId);
I would also lean towards using LINQ and IEnumerable<> as Domenic does, even though you could make it work with List.FindAll just as easily. Here would be a sample usage:
public void Filter(string cla, string loc, string edu) {
var startList = new List<DTOeduevent>();
var filteredList = startList
.Where(x => x.classId.IsIdEqual(cla) && x.locationId.IsIdEqual(loc) && x.educatorId.IsIdEqual(edu));
In your own code of course you have got that start list either in a member variable or a parameter, and this assumes you have got some method like Show() where you want to do something with the filtered results. You trigger the deferred execution then, as Domenic explained with the ToList call (which is of course another extension method provided as part of LINQ).