Select a child node in XML with specific name using C# - c#

I am trying to find a child element with tag name Reason.
I have XML doc that is basically contains bunch of elements with Entity name.
Reason tag is somewhere inside of Entity(along with other elements).
void IParseResponse.ParseResponseData(XmlDocument responseDocument)
List<string> reasons = new List<string>();
var reasonValue = "";
var entityList = responseDocument.GetElementsByTagName("Entity");
if (entityList != null)
foreach (XmlNode reason in entityList)
reasonValue = //look into current Entity element, find Reason in it and get it's inner text.
This is location of Reason element.
<Match ID="1">
Does anybody have experience with this?

Here's how you can get all the Reason elements.
var xml = "<Entity> <WatchList><Match ID=\"1\"><MatchDetails><Reason>asdasd</Reason></MatchDetails></Match></WatchList></Entity>";
var x = XDocument.Parse(xml);
var reasons = x.Descendants("Reason").ToList();
foreach (var reason in reasons)
If you give us a more complete example of your XML I can improve the answer.
If you want to use XmlDocument instead you could do this:
XmlNodeList nodes = responseDocument.GetElementsByTagName("Reason");
for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Count; i++)


Unsuccessfully extracting InnerText from child nodes of XML document (C#)

The XML I'm working with is as follows:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><entry_list version="1.0"><entry
<artref id="commode" /><capt>commode 1</capt><dim>54,18</dim></art>
<pr>kə-ˈmōd</pr><fl>noun</fl><et>French, from <it>commode,</it> adjective,
suitable, convenient, from Latin <it>commodus,</it> from <it>com-</it> +
<it>modus</it> measure <ma>mete</ma></et><def><date>circa 1688</date>
<sn>1</sn><dt>:a woman's ornate cap popular in the late 17th and early 18th
centuries</dt><sn>2 a</sn><dt>:a low chest of drawers</dt><sn>b</sn><dt>:a
movable washstand with a cupboard underneath</dt><sn>c</sn><dt>:a boxlike
structure holding a chamber pot under an open seat</dt><sd>also</sd><dt>:
<sx>chamber pot</sx></dt><sn>d</sn><dt>:<sx>toilet <sxn>3b</sxn></sx></dt>
The code I'm using, which I cobbled together from various related questions:
System.Xml.XmlNodeList elemList = doc.GetElementsByTagName("dt");
List<string> defs = new List<string>();
for (int count = 0; count < elemList.Count; count++)
string contents = string.Empty;
foreach (System.Xml.XmlNode child in elemList[count])
if (child.NodeType == System.Xml.XmlNodeType.Element)
contents += child.InnerText;
defs.Insert(count, contents);
The resulting List of "defs" is empty for any number of reasons, all of which are unknown to me.
This is using LINQ. Pass "dt" for the elementName parameter.
static List<string> GetInnerText(XDocument xDoc, string elementName)
var children = from node in xDoc.Descendants(elementName).DescendantNodes()
where node.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Text
select ((XText)node).Value;
return children.ToList();
I'm not sure if above is exactly what you want, so here's an alternative solution.
static List<string> GetInnerText(XmlDocument xDoc, string elementName)
List<string> innerText = new List<string>();
var children = xDoc.GetElementsByTagName(elementName);
foreach (XmlNode child in children)
return innerText;
elemList = doc.GetElementsByTagName("dt"); returns an XmlNodeList. You can directly iterate this.
change this System.Xml.XmlNode child in elemList[count] to System.Xml.XmlNode child in elemList and look at the value of child in debugger.

C# HtmlDocument Extract Classes

I am writing some code to loop through every element in a HTML page and extract all ID and Classes.
My current code is able to extract the ID's but I can't see a way to get the classes, does anybody know where I can access these?
private void ParseElements()
// GET: Document from Browser
HtmlDocument ThisDocument = Browser.Document;
// DECLARE: List of IDs
List<string> ListIdentifiers = new List<string>();
// LOOP: Through Each Element
for (int LoopA = 0; LoopA < ThisDocument.All.Count; LoopA += 1)
// DETERMINE: Whether ID Exists in Element
if (ThisDocument.All[LoopA].Id != null)
// ADD: Identifier to List
You could get the inner HTML of each node and use a regular expression to get the class. Or you could try HTML Agility pack.
Something like...
HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument AgilePack = new HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument();
HtmlNodeCollection Nodes = AgilePack.DocumentNode.SelectNodes(#"//*");
foreach (HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNode Node in Nodes)
if (Node.Attributes["class"] != null)

Get InnerXML / InnerText from ChildNodes with specific name. Best Practice

I have an XML that looks like this (shortned)
<Activity Sport="Running">
<Lap StartTime="2014-04-28T23:54:41.000Z">
And I'm extracting the information this way:
XmlNodeList lapList = doc.GetElementsByTagName("Lap");
activity = new Activity();
foreach (XmlNode lap in lapList)
var split = new Lap
StartTime = DateTime.Parse(lap.Attributes[0].Value),
LapDistance = ConvertToDouble(lap.ChildNodes.Item(1).InnerXml),
LapMaximunSpeed = ConvertToDouble(lap.ChildNodes.Item(2).InnerXml),
LapCalories = ConvertToInt(lap.ChildNodes.Item(3).InnerXml),
LapAverageHeartRate = ConvertToInt(lap.ChildNodes.Item(4).InnerText),
LapMaximumHeartRate = ConvertToInt(lap.ChildNodes.Item(5).InnerText),
My question is, Is there a way to make this less error prone? Like (referencing the element name?):
LapDistance = ConvertToDouble(lap.ChildNodes.Item["DistanceMeters"].InnerXml),
What is the best practice for this kind of scenario?
You can use SelectSingleNode() with proper XPath string as argument to select child node by the node name, for example :
LapDistance = ConvertToDouble(lap.SelectSingleNode("DistanceMeters").InnerXml)
Null checking required if you're not sure all <Lap> node has corresponding child element.

A better way to handle XML updation

I have a DataGridView control where some values are popluted.
And also I have an xml file. The user can change the value in the Warning Column of DataGridView.And that needs to be saved in the xml file.
The below program just does the job
XDocument xdoc = XDocument.Load(filePath);
//match the record
foreach (var rule in xdoc.Descendants("Rule"))
foreach (var row in dgRulesMaster.Rows.Cast<DataGridViewRow>())
if (rule.Attribute("id").Value == row.Cells[0].Value.ToString())
rule.Attribute("action").Value = row.Cells[3].Value.ToString();
//save the record
Matching the grid values with the XML document and for the matched values, updating the needed XML attribute.
Is there a better way to code this?
You could do something like this:
var rules = dgRulesMaster.Rows.Cast<DataGridViewRow>()
.Select(x => new {
RuleId = x.Cells[0].Value.ToString(),
IsWarning = x.Cells[3].Value.ToString() });
var tuples = from n in xdoc.Descendants("Rule")
from r in rules
where n.Attribute("id").Value == r.RuleId
select new { Node = n, Rule = r };
foreach(var tuple in tuples)
tuple.Node.Attribute("action").Value = tuple.Rule.IsWarning;
This is basically the same, just a bit more LINQ-y. Whether or not this is "better" is debatable. One thing I removed is the conversion of IsWarning first to string, then to int and finally back to string. It now is converted to string once and left that way.
XPath allows you to target nodes in the xml with alot of power. Microsoft's example of using the XPathNavigator to modify an XML file is as follows:
XmlDocument document = new XmlDocument();
XPathNavigator navigator = document.CreateNavigator();
XmlNamespaceManager manager = new XmlNamespaceManager(navigator.NameTable);
manager.AddNamespace("bk", "");
foreach (XPathNavigator nav in navigator.Select("//bk:price", manager))
if (nav.Value == "11.99")

How to compare two big XML files item by item efficiently?

I plan to implement an method to compare two big XML files (but less than 10,000 element lines for each of other).
The method below works, but it doesn't well when the file more than 100 lines. It begin very slowly. How Can I find a more efficient solution. Maybe need High C# programming design or better Algorithm in C# & XML handling.
Thanks for your comments in advance.
//Remove the item which not in Event Xml and ConfAddition Xml files
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
bool isNewAlid_Event = false;
bool isNewAlid_ConfAddition = false;
int alid = 0;
XmlNodeList xnList = doc.SelectNodes("/Equipment/AlarmSettingUp/EnabledALIDs/ALID");
foreach (XmlNode xn in xnList)
XmlAttributeCollection attCol = xn.Attributes;
for (int i = 0; i < attCol.Count; ++i)
if (attCol[i].Name == "alid")
alid = int.Parse(attCol[i].Value.ToString());
//alid = int.Parse(attCol[1].Value.ToString());
XmlDocument docEvent_Alarm = new XmlDocument();
XmlNodeList xnListEvent_Alarm = docEvent_Alarm.SelectNodes("/Equipment/Alarms/ALID");
foreach (XmlNode xnEvent_Alarm in xnListEvent_Alarm)
XmlAttributeCollection attColEvent_Alarm = xnEvent_Alarm.Attributes;
int alidEvent_Alarm = int.Parse(attColEvent_Alarm[1].Value.ToString());
if (alid == alidEvent_Alarm)
isNewAlid_Event = false;
isNewAlid_Event = true;
XmlDocument docConfAddition_Alarm = new XmlDocument();
XmlNodeList xnListConfAddition_Alarm = docConfAddition_Alarm.SelectNodes("/Equipment/Alarms/ALID");
foreach (XmlNode xnConfAddition_Alarm in xnListConfAddition_Alarm)
XmlAttributeCollection attColConfAddition_Alarm = xnConfAddition_Alarm.Attributes;
int alidConfAddition_Alarm = int.Parse(attColConfAddition_Alarm[1].Value.ToString());
if (alid == alidConfAddition_Alarm)
isNewAlid_ConfAddition = false;
isNewAlid_ConfAddition = true;
if ( isNewAlid_Event && isNewAlid_ConfAddition )
// Store the root node of the destination document into an XmlNode
XmlNode rootDest = doc.SelectSingleNode("/Equipment/AlarmSettingUp/EnabledALIDs");
my XML file as this. The two XML files are same style. Except some time one of them may be modified by my app. That's why I need compare them if modified.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Equipment xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
<Licence LicenseId="" LicensePath="" />
<!--Alarm Setting Up XML File-->
<ALID logicalName="Misc_EV_RM_STATION_ALREADY_RESERVED" alid="536870915" alcd="7" altx="Misc_Station 1 UnitName 2 SlotId already reserved" ceon="Misc_AlarmOn_EV_RM_STATION_ALREADY_RESERVED" ceoff="Misc_AlarmOff_EV_RM_STATION_ALREADY_RESERVED" />
<ALID logicalName="Misc_EV_RM_SEQ_READ_ERROR" alid="536870916" alcd="7" altx="Misc_Sequence ID 1 d step 2 d read error for wafer in 3 UnitName 4 SlotId" ceon="Misc_AlarmOn_EV_RM_SEQ_READ_ERROR" ceoff="Misc_AlarmOff_EV_RM_SEQ_READ_ERROR" />
The "ALID/#alid" seems to be your key, so the first thing I would do (before foreach (XmlNode xn in xnList)) is build a dictionary (assuming this is unique) over the docEvent_Alarm.SelectNodes("/Equipment/Alarms/ALID") #alid values - then you can do most of the work without O(n*m) performance - it'll be more O(n+m) (which is a big difference).
var lookup = new Dictionary<string, XmlElement>();
foreach(XmlElement el in docEvent_Alarm.SelectNodes("/Equipment/Alarms/ALID")) {
lookup.Add(el.GetAttribute("alid"), el);
then you can use:
XmlElement other;
if(lookup.TryGetValue(otherKey, out other)) {
// exists; element now in "other"
} else {
// doesn't exist
XmlDocument and related classes (XmlNode, ...) are not pretty fast in xml processing. Try XmlTextReader instead.
Also you call docEvent_Alarm.Load(xmlFile_Event); and docConfAddition_Alarm.Load(xmlFile_ConfAddition); each iteration of the parental loop - it's not good. If your xmlFile_Event and xmlFile_ConfAddition are persistent during all processing - better to initialize it before the main loop.
Have you tried using Microsoft's XmlDiff class? See

