Outlook drag-and-drop: how to get 'Internet Headers' from message - c#

Frequently undesirable messages are received even after any good spam/virus filter.
As a secondary wall, we suggest our user to check the suspicious message properties ('internet headers') to verify the real origin. This action, for the non-tech guys is not easy.
I wrote a simple application to drag the message into it and analyze the headers locating IP addresses and origin: obviously, if the message is from your mother, you know she is not in China...
How can we get the 'internet headers' from the message? Is there any hidden property there?
Private Sub MainForm_DragDrop(sender As Object, e As DragEventArgs) Handles Me.DragDrop
Dim myOlApp As New Outlook.Application
Dim myExp As Outlook.Explorer = myOlApp.ActiveExplorer
Dim myMailItem As Outlook.MailItem = DirectCast(myExp.Selection.Item(1), Outlook.MailItem)
Dim x = myMailItem.Body
myExp = Nothing
myMailItem = Nothing
myOlApp = Nothing
End Sub
This works fine to get the body and other data like To, From etc, however no property expose 'Internet Headers'.

You need to read the PR_TRANSPORT_MESSAGE_HEADERS MAPI property:
Dim headers As String = myMailItem.PropertyAccessor.GetProperty("http://schemas.microsoft.com/mapi/proptag/0x007D001F")


How to auto respond to email in outlook C# Code

I am using visual studio 2017 installed office development pack,want to create a plugin which responds based on incoming email.
Basically I am tying to monitor an Infra support mailbox ,which forwards the email to concerned team based on the incoming message content.
Any suggestion on how this can be done
There are several ways for implementing the required functionality:
Use rules for setting up forward rules. You can do that manually in Outlook and programmatically as well. The Outlook object model provides all the required classes for that, see How to: Create a Rule to Assign Categories to Mail Items Based on Multiple Words in the Subject for more information.
Use the NewMailEx event for handling incoming emails. The NewMailEx event fires when a new message arrives in the Inbox and before client rule processing occurs. You can use the Entry ID represented by the EntryIDCollection parameter passed to call the NameSpace.GetItemFromID method and process the item. In the event handler, you may check the email received and forward the email programmatically. The Forward method of the MailItem class executes the Forward action for an item and returns the resulting copy as a MailItem object.
Sub RemoveAttachmentBeforeForwarding()
Dim myinspector As Outlook.Inspector
Dim myItem As Outlook.MailItem
Dim myattachments As Outlook.Attachments
Set myinspector = Application.ActiveInspector
If Not TypeName(myinspector) = "Nothing" Then
Set myItem = myinspector.CurrentItem.Forward
Set myattachments = myItem.Attachments
While myattachments.Count > 0
myattachments.Remove 1
myItem.Recipients.Add "Dan Wilson"
MsgBox "There is no active inspector."
End If
End Sub
You may find the How To: Respond to an Outlook email programmatically article helpful.
This code using a event to incoming mails to the default inbox
using Outlook = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook;
public partial class ThisAddIn
Outlook.NameSpace outlookNameSpace;
Outlook.MAPIFolder inbox;
Outlook.Items items;
private void ThisAddIn_Startup(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
outlookNameSpace = this.Application.GetNamespace("MAPI");
inbox = outlookNameSpace.GetDefaultFolder(
items = inbox.Items;
items.ItemAdd +=
new Outlook.ItemsEvents_ItemAddEventHandler(items_ItemAdd);
void items_ItemAdd(object Item)
Outlook.MailItem mail = (Outlook.MailItem)Item;
if (Item != null)
Outlook.MailItem replyMail = mail.Reply();
//Do your response

How can I move mailItem from 1 store to another

I'm trying to move a mail item form 1 store to another, using Outlook 2010 and C#
I'm gotten quite far, but not sure how I perform the 'move'. I'm assuming it's saveas and then delete
My attempt (code greatly reduced)
foreach (var mail in folder.Items)
//I am in the correct folder, and all I want to do is move all items to the 'inbox' of the store. I have already gotten the destination store and saved it as a variable called store
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.MailItem mailItem = (Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.MailItem)mail; //got the item
mailItem.SaveAs(store.FilePath, Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.OlSaveAsType.olMSG); // throws exception
I'm not sure if this is the best approach, but the line mailItem.SaveAs(store.FilePath, Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.OlSaveAsType.olMSG); throws an exception:
The operation failed
I see no more detail other than that
The SaveAs method saves the Microsoft Outlook item to the specified path and in the format of the specified file type. If the file type is not specified, the MSG format (.msg) is used. So, the method is used to save items on the disk, not another store in Outlook.
You can use the Move method of the MailItem class to move a Microsoft Outlook item to a new folder. For example:
Sub MoveItems()
Dim myNameSpace As Outlook.NameSpace
Dim myInbox As Outlook.Folder
Dim myDestFolder As Outlook.Folder
Dim myItems As Outlook.Items
Dim myItem As Object
Set myNameSpace = Application.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set myInbox = myNameSpace.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox)
Set myItems = myInbox.Items
Set myDestFolder = myInbox.Folders("Personal Mail")
Set myItem = myItems.Find("[SenderName] = 'Eugene'")
While TypeName(myItem) <> "Nothing"
myItem.Move myDestFolder
Set myItem = myItems.FindNext
End Sub

Download outlook emails from specific Folders

I have written code for outllok addon such that when ever email arrives in inbox it should download , but the curret code is such that if it arrives into specific folder also it not getting get downloaded. Can some one guide me on this?
private void ThisApplication_NewMail()
const string destinationDirectory = #"C:\TestFileSave";
if (!Directory.Exists(destinationDirectory))
MAPIFolder sentMail = Application.ActiveExplorer().Session.GetDefaultFolder(OlDefaultFolders.olFolderSentMail);
Items sentMailItems = sentMail.Items;
foreach (object collectionItem in sentMailItems)
MailItem newEmail = collectionItem as MailItem;
if (newEmail == null) continue;
if (newEmail.Attachments.Count > 0)
for (int i = 1; i <= newEmail.Attachments.Count; i++)
if (newEmail.Attachments[i].FileName.Contains("Logic"))
string filePath = Path.Combine(destinationDirectory, newEmail.Attachments[i].FileName);
catch (System.Exception ex)
You can handle the NewMailEx event to get notified when a new mail arrives. Then you can get an instace of the just arrived item using the EntryID value passed to the NewMailEx event handler. The GetItemFromID method of the Namespace class returns a Microsoft Outlook item identified by the specified entry ID (if valid).
Also you may consider handling the ItemAdd event of the Items class. It is fired when one or more items are added to the specified collection. Be aware, this event does not run when a large number of items are added to the folder at once.
You can read more about that in the series of articles:
Outlook NewMail event unleashed: the challenge (NewMail, NewMailEx, ItemAdd)
Outlook NewMail event: solution options
Outlook NewMail event and Extended MAPI: C# example
Outlook NewMail unleashed: writing a working solution (C# example)
The MarkForDownload property of Outlook items returns an OlRemoteStatus constant that determines the status of an item once it is received by a remote user. For example, the following example searches through the user's Inbox for items that have not yet been fully downloaded. If any items are found that are not fully downloaded, a message is displayed and the item is marked for download.
Sub DownloadItems()
Dim mpfInbox As Outlook.Folder
Dim obj As Object
Dim i As Integer
Set mpfInbox = Application.GetNamespace("MAPI").GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox)
'Loop all items in the Inbox folder
For i = 1 To mpfInbox.Items.Count
Set obj = mpfInbox.Items.Item(i)
'Verify if the state of the item is olHeaderOnly
If obj.DownloadState = olHeaderOnly Then
MsgBox ("This item has not been fully downloaded.")
'Mark the item to be downloaded.
obj.MarkForDownload = olMarkedForDownload
End If
End Sub
Finally, you can use the Start method of the SyncObject class to begin synchronizing a user's folders using the specified Send\Receive group.
Public Sub Sync()
Dim nsp As Outlook.NameSpace
Dim sycs As Outlook.SyncObjects
Dim syc As Outlook.SyncObject
Dim i As Integer
Dim strPrompt As Integer
Set nsp = Application.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set sycs = nsp.SyncObjects
For i = 1 To sycs.Count
Set syc = sycs.Item(i)
strPrompt = MsgBox( _
"Do you wish to synchronize " & syc.Name &"?", vbYesNo)
If strPrompt = vbYes Then
End If
End Sub

Handle SMTP events using C#

I need to trigger a routine, when a new email is received on a smtp server.
I foun information about plug-in develpment for outlook but i figure pugins have to be installed in client.
Well, the only way that should work for me is cacthing theNEW_MAIL envet on smtp server using a Service.
Is that possible? Thanks.
I have to catch de new email when it is received.
Validate If has an attached file.
Validate file name,
if file name is correct
get the attached file and download to a file server...
I created an script in the OutlookSession and applied as rule.
There is a tutorial: Apply rule.... has an attachment and run script
Public Sub Drc(emailItem As Outlook.MailItem)
Dim objAtt As Outlook.Attachment
Dim targetFolder As String
Dim fileName As String
Dim regxpr As String
Dim fileType As String
Dim iFrom As String
iFrom = "******"
Dim isubject As String
isubject = emailItem.Subject
If emailItem.Sender = iFrom And ValidateFileName(isubject) Then
For Each objAtt In emailItem.Attachments
fileType = Split(objAtt.DisplayName, ".")(1)
targetFolder = "C:\TestCsvDirectory\ToProcess"
If ValidateFileName(objAtt.DisplayName) And LCase(fileType) = "csv" Then
objAtt.SaveAsFile (targetFolder & "\" & objAtt.DisplayName)
End If
End If

How to dial phone from a .NET website? Very old solution works, need to upgrade to server control

Currently, we have a website that relies on a Microsoft TAPI interface to dial a phone from within a .NET web site. It uses VBScript and tags, and it is bound to a master page. What we are looking for is a server control that would encompass all of this code and only be ran when it is included on a webpage.
The old page does the following:
<object classid="clsid:21D6D48E-A88B-11D0-83DD-00AA003CCABD" id="TAPIOBJ"></object>
<object classid="clsid:E9225296-C759-11d1-A02B-00C04FB6809F" id="MAPPER"></object>
After these lines of code are tags that contains VBScript to initialize the Microsoft TAPI 3.0 library and a few functions to dial. A Dialer control creates a call to one of the functions to dial in an onclick event.
Essentially, we want to create the same type of control without having tags embedded into the HTML of a page directly. We also do not want VBScript in there. Ideally, we would like a server control that works with the TAPI 3.0 API and gains access to the client's phone. Is this possible? Since we are talking about a "server" control, I'm skeptical. I could just as easily create a user control within the project, but we'd like to have this in a controls framework for use elsewhere instead of copying it.
I've been looking at this article on how to create a server control for injection of Client ActiveX controls, but is this down the right path?
UPDATE: Here's the VBScript:
This is what sits in the tag:
<script type="text/vbscript" LANGUAGE="VbScript">
'Constants section
'These constants are copied from tapi3if.idl
Const TD_CAPTURE = 0
Const TD_RENDER = 1
Const QSL_NEEDED = 1
Const DC_NORMAL = 0
Const CS_IDLE = 0
Const CNE_OWNER = 0
'Interface IDs for casting
'Note: you can find the following IID-s in tapi3.h, tapi3if.idl or rend.idl
Const IID_String_ITMediaSupport = "{B1EFC384-9355-11D0-835C-00AA003CCABD}"
Const IID_String_ITTerminalSupport="{B1EFC385-9355-11D0-835C-00AA003CCABD}"
Const IID_String_ITBasicCallControl = "{B1EFC389-9355-11D0-835C-00AA003CCABD}"
'Const IID_String_ITCallInfo = "{B1EFC390-9355-11d0-835C-00AA003CCABD}"
'New interface
Const IID_String_ITCallInfo = "{350F85D1-1227-11D3-83D4-00C04FB6809F}"
Const IID_String_ITStreamControl= "{EE3BD604-3868-11D2-A045-00C04FB6809F}"
Const IID_String_ITDirectoryObjectConference= "{F1029E5D-CB5B-11D0-8D59-00C04FD91AC0}"
Const IID_String_ITCallStateEvent = "{62F47097-95C9-11d0-835D-00AA003CCABD}"
Const IID_String_ITCallNotificationEvent = "{895801DF-3DD6-11d1-8F30-00C04FB6809F}"
' IID of IVideoWindow
' Note: you can find this IID defined in control.h (from your sdk\inc directory),
' which contains the interface to type library QuartzTypeLib for quartz.dll;
' (search for the interface IVideoWindow)
Const IID_String_IVideoWindow = "{56A868B4-0AD4-11CE-B03A-0020AF0BA770}"
' The following CLSID is defined in tapi3.h
'(and it's used for creating a terminal of class "video window terminal")
Const CLSID_String_VideoWindowTerm = "{F7438990-D6EB-11d0-82A6-00AA00B5CA1B}"
'Global variable section
Dim CallStatus
Dim pICallState
pICallState = 0
'Set on True when we are unable to complete the connecting phase, to skip rest of processing
DIM sUnableToComplete
DIM sbNeedToExit
sUnableToComplete = False
sbNeedToExit = False
' If we want to receive incoming calls, we have to register on the corresponding addresses.
'We don't really use the values returned by registration (they are supposed to be used
'for unregistration), because Unregistration is performed automatically when we shutdown the TAPI object
'The variable pRegisteredCallNotification is an array that contains cookies returned by RegisterCallNotifications;
'these would normally be used to call UnregisterNotifications.
'The variable pRegisteredName holds correspondent AddressName
DIM pRegisteredCallNotification(50)
DIM pRegisteredName(50)
DIM iQtaRegistered
DIM callFrom
iQtaRegistered = 0
'Set by radio button "Select Address Type"
DIM sCurrentAddressType
'sCurrentAddressType = -1
sCurrentAddressType = 1
' This variable will hold a reference to the currently established call
DIM spITCall
spITCall = Empty
DIm pVideoWindow1
DIm pVideoWindow2
'Simplest error processing
Sub CheckError(strMsg)
if not Err.number = 0 Then
MsgBox strMsg & ":" & Err.number & ";"&Err.description
sbNeedToExit = True
End If
End Sub
Function IsComponentInstalled(ProgId)
Dim tmpObject
On Error Resume Next
Set tmpObject = Server.CreateObject(ProgId)
If Err.Number = 0 Then
IsComponentInstalled = True
IsComponentInstalled = False
End If
Set tmpObject = Nothing
End Function
Below the end body tag after the tags is:
<script type="text/vbscript" LANGUAGE="vbscript">
' Be sure that you call TAPIOBJ.Initialize before window_onload, otherwise you'll
' never receive events from tapi...
On Error Resume Next
call TAPIOBJ.Initialize
sUnableToComplete = False
TAPIOBJ.EventFilter = &H1FFFF&
if Not Err.number = 0 Then
MsgBox "TAPI software has not been installed on your workstation.",0,"Init"
sUnableToComplete = True
End If
For Each pITAddress in TAPIOBJ.Addresses
if left(pITAddress.AddressName,4) <> "Line" and left(pITAddress.AddressName,29) <> "Shoreline Multi-Line Monitor:" _
and pITAddress.MediaTypes = 8 then
callFrom = pITAddress.AddressName
end if
'This section shows how to override Application Priority:
'after the execution of the following lines, our app will always receive incoming calls
'even if there are other running tapi apps that had registered for receiving calls before our app.
' Check parameters of a call before connecting it
Sub PressConnect(pNumber,Status)
On Error Resume Next
'MsgBox (pNumber & "," & Status)
DIM iAddressType
DIM pConnectTo
DIM addressFrom
DIM selStr
'If not IsEmpty(spITCall) Then
' MsgBox "You are currently in call. Disconnect first",0,"connect"
'End If
pConnectTo = pNumber
set CallStatus=Status
addressFrom = callFrom
If addressFrom = "" Then
callStatus.innerHTML = "Feature Unavailable"
MsgBox "The TAPI Feature has not been setup on your phone line.",0,"COnnect"
sUnableToComplete = False
callStatus.innerHTML = "Connecting to " & pConnectTo & " ...."
'Create new internal call representation
For Each pITAddress in TAPIOBJ.Addresses
if pITAddress.AddressName = addressFrom Then
'Obtain ITMediaSupport
Set pITAddress_Connect = pITAddress
Exit For
End If
Set pITAddress = Nothing
'Create a Call
DIM MediaTypes
Set pCall = pITAddress_Connect.CreateCall(pConnectTo,1,MediaTypes)
Set spITCall = pCall
if sUnableToComplete Then
Call DisconnectCall(1)
callStatus.innerHTML = "Call to "& pConnectTo & " failed."
End If
Call pCall.Connect(false)
' Check for error "invalid address" (see in tapi3err.h TAPI_E_INVALADDRESS=(HRESULT)0x8004000C)
if Err.Number = &H8004000C Then
Call DisconnectCall(1)
callStatus.innerHTML = "Call to "& pConnectTo & " failed: Address is invalid"
Set pCall = Nothing
if not Err.Number = 0 Then
Call DisconnectCall(1)
callStatus.innerHTML = "Call to "& pConnectTo & " failed: error " & Hex(Err.number)
Set pCall = Nothing
Set spITCall = pCall
End if
End If
end if
Set pCall = Nothing
end sub
' Disconnect current call
Sub HangUp(callDisc)
'On Error resume Next
if not IsEmpty(spITCall) Then
if not callDisc = 8 and not callDisc = 0 Then
' We need some kind of message pump here. The following call to MsgBox does exactly this:
'MsgBox "A call is disconnected",0,"Disconnect"
End If
Set pVideoWindow1 = Nothing
Set pVideoWindow2 = Nothing
' ConnANN.innerHTML = "Disconnected"
if callDisc=0 Then
End If
Set spITCall = Nothing
spITCall = Empty
callStatus.innerHTML = "Disconnected"
'btnDisconnect.disabled = true
'source.visible = false
End If
End Sub
' Tapi events processing:
' - call state events ("connected", "disconnected")
' - and call notification events (these calls will be in "offering" state)
Sub TAPIOBJ_Event(event_type, tapi_event)
'On Error Resume Next
'Check For disconnected call
if event_type = TE_CALLSTATE Then
DIM pITCallStateEvent
Set pITCallStateEvent = MAPPER.QueryDispatchInterface(_
iCallState = pITCallStateEvent.State
if iCallState= CS_DISCONNECTED or iCallState= CS_IDLE Then
cause = pITCallStateEvent.Cause
strinnerHTML = ""
Select Case cause
Case 1 ' CEC_DISCONNECT_NORMAL - Normal disconnect
strinnerHTML = "Disconnected"
strinnerHTML = "Your Party is busy.Try Later."
strinnerHTML = "Address is invalid"
strinnerHTML = "No answer from your party."
case 0 'CEC_NONE
strinnerHTML = "No answer from your party."
Case Else
strinnerHTML = "Your call is cancelled, rejected or failed"
End Select
'Call DisconnectCall(1)
'btnDisconnect.disabled = true
End If 'Call is disconnected
if iCallState = CS_CONNECTED Then 'Call is connected
callStatus.innerHTML = "Call is connected."
'btnDisconnect.disabled = False
End If 'Call is connected
End If ' event: call state
'Check only for incoming calls
if event_type = TE_CALLNOTIFICATION Then ' We have an incoming call (an "offering" call)
DIM pITCallNotificationEvent
Set pITCallNotificationEvent = MAPPER.QueryDispatchInterface(_
Call CheckError("TAPIOBJ_Event:query for pITDirectoryObjectUser")
CallOwnership = pITCallNotificationEvent.Event
DIM pITCallInfo
Set pITCallInfo = pITCallNotificationEvent.Call
Call CheckError("TAPIOBJ_Event:get pITCallInfo")
if not blnShowOnlyOnce and pITCallInfo.CallState = CS_OFFERING and not ( CallOwnership = CNE_OWNER) Then
MsgBox "Unable to accept incoming calls: is other instance of this app running?",0,"Info"
blnShowOnlyOnce = True
Exit Sub
End IF
if CallOwnership = CNE_OWNER Then 'We are the owner!
if not IsEmpty(spITCall) Then
MsgBox "Already in call, disconnect first",0,"Incoming Call"
Exit Sub
End if
if pITCallInfo.CallState = CS_OFFERING Then 'Offering
'-- CIS_CALLERIDNAME Wasn't working so I switched to NUMBER
sCalleeName = pITCallInfo.CallInfoString(CIS_CALLERIDNAME)
if not Err.number = 0 then ' Caller ID name is not supported
sCalleeName = "Unknown Name"
End if
sCalleeNumber = pITCallInfo.CallInfoString(CIS_CALLERIDNUMBER)
if not Err.number = 0 then ' Caller ID name is not supported
sCalleeNumber = "Unknown Number"
End if
DIM pITCallOffer
Set pITCallOffer = MAPPER.QueryDispatchInterface( _
IID_String_ITBasicCallControl, pITCallInfo)
Call CheckError("TAPIOBJ_Event:query for pITCall")
response = MsgBox("A call from '" & sCalleeNumber & " " & sCalleeName & "' has arrived. Do you want to accept it?",4,"Incoming call")
if not response = 7 Then 'the did not press "NO", so he pressed "YES"
Call AcceptIncomingCall(pITCallOffer, pITCallInfo)
End If
End If 'Call is offering
End If 'We are owner
End If 'Call Notification has arrived
End Sub
Is it possible to use the ITAPI3 Managed Library to get rid of this and do this in the code-behind?
Hopefully, someone knows of a cleaner, more modern way of doing this, but here's what I did.
I embedded the VBScript into a script server-side, and registered it as a client script. Before I registered it, I added the tags into Literal controls and added them to the Page header. The server control itself was nothing but a link around a phone icon image.
Since I could call VBScript functions inside javascript, I created a GetPhoneNumber function that accepted the controlID of the control where I would get my phone number. This was set on the ControlID property of the Dialer control. In this instance, it was a textbox. The function parses the number for any bad data, then called PressConnect... done. It works, but I'm not really all that pleased with using VBScript in this manner.
If anyone has any idea how to interact with the client (local) TAPI of a user (Actual examples would be appreciated), post them here.

