I need to extract images from PDF.
I know that some images are rotated 90 degrees (I checked with online tools).
I'm using this code:
public class PdfRenderListener : IExtRenderListener
// other methods ...
public void RenderImage(ImageRenderInfo renderInfo)
var mtx = renderInfo.GetImageCTM();
var image = renderInfo.GetImage();
var fillColor = renderInfo.GetCurrentFillColor();
var color = Color.FromArgb(fillColor?.RGB ?? Color.Empty.ToArgb());
var fileType = image.GetFileType();
var extension = "." + fileType;
var bytes = image.GetImageAsBytes();
var height = mtx[Matrix.I22];
var width = mtx[Matrix.I11];
// rotated image
if (height == 0 && width == 0)
var h = Math.Abs(mtx[Matrix.I12]);
var w = Math.Abs(mtx[Matrix.I21]);
// save image
catch (Exception e)
When I save images with this code the rotated images are saved with distortion.
I have read this post iText 7 ImageRenderInfo Matrix contains negative height on Even number Pages and mkl answer.
In current transfromation matrix (mtx) I have these values:
I know image rotated 90 degrees. How can I transform an image to get a normal image?
As #mkl mentioned, the true reason was not in the rotation of the image, but with the applied filter.
I analyzed the pdf file with iText RUPS and found that the image was encoded with a CCITTFaxDecode filter:
RUPS screen
Next, I looked for ways to decode this filter and found these questions
Extracting image from PDF with /CCITTFaxDecode filter.
How to use Bit Miracle LibTiff.Net to write the image to a MemoryStream
I used the BitMiracle.LibTiff.NET library
I wrote this method:
private byte[] DecodeInternal(byte[] rawBytes, int width, int height, int k, int bitsPerComponent)
var compression = GetCompression(k);
using var ms = new MemoryStream();
var tms = new TiffStream();
using var tiff = Tiff.ClientOpen("in-memory", "w", ms, tms);
tiff.SetField(TiffTag.IMAGEWIDTH, width);
tiff.SetField(TiffTag.IMAGELENGTH, height);
tiff.SetField(TiffTag.COMPRESSION, compression);
tiff.SetField(TiffTag.BITSPERSAMPLE, bitsPerComponent);
tiff.SetField(TiffTag.SAMPLESPERPIXEL, 1);
var writeResult = tiff.WriteRawStrip(0, rawBytes, rawBytes.Length);
if (writeResult == -1)
Console.WriteLine("Decoding error");
var decodedBytes = ms.ToArray();
return decodedBytes;
private Compression GetCompression(int k)
return k switch
< 0 => Compression.CCITTFAX4,
0 => Compression.CCITTFAX3,
_ => throw new NotImplementedException("K > 0"),
After decoding and rotating the image, I was able to save a normal image. Thanks everyone for the help.
You can try this. I'm using Itext 7 for java. Here you still need to write your own listener:
public class MyImageRenderListener implements IEventListener {
protected String path;
protected String extension;
public MyImageRenderListener (String path) {
this.path = path;
public void eventOccurred(IEventData data, EventType type) {
switch (type) {
try {
String filename;
FileOutputStream os;
ImageRenderInfo renderInfo = (ImageRenderInfo) data;
PdfImageXObject image = renderInfo.getImage();
if (image == null) {
byte[] imageByte = image.getImageBytes(true);
extension = image.identifyImageFileExtension();
filename = String.format(path, image.getPdfObject().getIndirectReference().getObjNumber(), extension);
os = new FileOutputStream(filename);
} catch (com.itextpdf.io.exceptions.IOException | IOException e) {
public Set<EventType> getSupportedEvents() {
return null;
I checked for a pdf with a random rotation angle, and 90 degrees, the resulting picture was obtained without distortion
public void manipulatePdf() throws IOException, SQLException, ParserConfigurationException, SAXException {
PdfDocument pdfDoc = new PdfDocument(new PdfReader("path to pdf"), new PdfWriter(new ByteArrayOutputStream()));
MyImageRenderListener listener = new MyImageRenderListener("path to resulting image");
PdfCanvasProcessor parser = new PdfCanvasProcessor(listener);
for (int i = 1; i <= pdfDoc.getNumberOfPages(); i++) {
I have several PDF files, using a Windows application (C#), I need to find out whether the PDF files has overlapping text or not. How can I do it, is there any free third party DLLs to achieve this?
All I have got now is third party DLLs which can get the text/images from a PDF.
My PDFs are full of texts and images. Here, one line of text is printed on top of another line or few texts are printed on top of some images. These kind of overlapping needs to found.
As you can see in the image, those overlapping might have occurred because of bounding boxes overlap and as well as glyphs contours overlap. So these two occurrences in the PDF needs to be found. My PDF doesn't contain any annotations. So overlapping occurs only in the content of pdf. We don't use poor-man's-bold technique for fatter glyph and if that occurs then it shoul be consider as overlapping.
There is not going to be any transparent images in the PDF, only image we might have is the logo or the digital signature at the bottom of the page, any text overlaps this should be considered as overlapping.
PDFs are not created from image(scan). From some text editor it has been created.
The OP clarified in comments:
those overlapping might have occurred because of bounding boxes overlap and as well as glyphs contours overlap. So these two occurrences in the PDF needs to be found.
Whenever the glyph contours themselves overlap, their bounding boxes also overlap.
Thus, it suffices to check for overlapping bounding boxes.
only image we might have is the logo or the digital signature at the bottom of the page, any text overlaps this should be considered as overlapping.
Thus, for text overlapping images we do not need to check whether a blank area in the image is overlapped.
My PDF files doesnt have any annotations.
Thus, we only need to check the page contents (including contents of form xobjects referenced from the page content, allowing recursion).
Furthermore the OP only mentioned text and images. Thus, we can ignore vector graphics.
An approach using iText 7
As I'm more into Java, I first created a prove-of-concept in Java and ported it to .Net later.
Both for Java and .Net the line of action is the same:
We create a event listener for the iText 7 parsing framework which (while processing a page) collects the bounding boxes of text and image elements and eventually can be asked to check whether there are any occurrences of text overlapping text or image.
We parse the content of the page in question using an instance of that event listener class and query it for overlaps. If more pages are to be checked, this can be done over and over again with a new event listener instance for each page.
iText 7 for .Net
The event listener might look like this:
class OverlappingTextSearchingStrategy : IEventListener
static List<Vector> UNIT_SQUARE_CORNERS = new List<Vector> { new Vector(0, 0, 1), new Vector(1, 0, 1), new Vector(1, 1, 1), new Vector(0, 1, 1) };
ICollection<Rectangle> imageRectangles = new HashSet<Rectangle>();
ICollection<Rectangle> textRectangles = new HashSet<Rectangle>();
public void EventOccurred(IEventData data, EventType type)
if (data is ImageRenderInfo) {
ImageRenderInfo imageData = (ImageRenderInfo)data;
Matrix ctm = imageData.GetImageCtm();
List<Rectangle> cornerRectangles = new List<Rectangle>(UNIT_SQUARE_CORNERS.Count);
foreach (Vector unitCorner in UNIT_SQUARE_CORNERS)
Vector corner = unitCorner.Cross(ctm);
cornerRectangles.Add(new Rectangle(corner.Get(Vector.I1), corner.Get(Vector.I2), 0, 0));
Rectangle boundingBox = Rectangle.GetCommonRectangle(cornerRectangles.ToArray());
Console.WriteLine("Adding image bounding rectangle {0}.", boundingBox);
} else if (data is TextRenderInfo) {
TextRenderInfo textData = (TextRenderInfo)data;
Rectangle ascentRectangle = textData.GetAscentLine().GetBoundingRectangle();
Rectangle descentRectangle = textData.GetDescentLine().GetBoundingRectangle();
Rectangle boundingBox = Rectangle.GetCommonRectangle(ascentRectangle, descentRectangle);
if (boundingBox.GetHeight() == 0 || boundingBox.GetWidth() == 0)
Console.WriteLine("Ignoring empty text bounding rectangle {0} for \"{1}\".", boundingBox, textData.GetText());
Console.WriteLine("Adding text bounding rectangle {0} for \"{1}\" with 0.5 margins.", boundingBox, textData.GetText());
textRectangles.Add(boundingBox.ApplyMargins<Rectangle>(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, false));
} else if (data is PathRenderInfo) {
} else if (data != null)
Console.WriteLine("Ignored {0} event, class {1}.", type, data.GetType().Name);
Console.WriteLine("Ignored {0} event with null data.", type);
public ICollection<EventType> GetSupportedEvents()
// Support all events
return null;
public bool foundOverlappingText()
bool result = false;
List<Rectangle> textRectangleList = new List<Rectangle>(textRectangles);
while (textRectangleList.Count > 0)
Rectangle testRectangle = textRectangleList[textRectangleList.Count - 1];
textRectangleList.RemoveAt(textRectangleList.Count - 1);
foreach (Rectangle rectangle in textRectangleList)
if (intersect(testRectangle, rectangle))
Console.WriteLine("Found text intersecting text with bounding boxes {0} at {1},{2} and {3} at {4},{5}.",
testRectangle, testRectangle.GetX(), testRectangle.GetY(), rectangle, rectangle.GetX(), rectangle.GetY());
result = true;// if only the fact counts, do instead: return true
foreach (Rectangle rectangle in imageRectangles)
if (intersect(testRectangle, rectangle))
Console.WriteLine("Found text intersecting image with bounding boxes {0} at {1},{2} and {3} at {4},{5}.",
testRectangle, testRectangle.GetX(), testRectangle.GetY(), rectangle, rectangle.GetX(), rectangle.GetY());
result = true;// if only the fact counts, do instead: return true
return result;
bool intersect(Rectangle a, Rectangle b)
return intersect(a.GetLeft(), a.GetRight(), b.GetLeft(), b.GetRight()) &&
intersect(a.GetBottom(), a.GetTop(), b.GetBottom(), b.GetTop());
bool intersect(float start1, float end1, float start2, float end2)
if (start1 < start2)
return start2 <= end1;
return start1 <= end2;
This event listener can be used like this:
PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(pdf);
PdfDocument document = new PdfDocument(reader);
PdfDocumentContentParser contentParser = new PdfDocumentContentParser(document);
OverlappingTextSearchingStrategy strategy = contentParser.ProcessContent(page, new OverlappingTextSearchingStrategy());
bool foundOverlaps = strategy.foundOverlappingText();
iText 7 for Java
The event listener might look like this:
public class OverlappingTextSearchingStrategy implements IEventListener {
static List<Vector> UNIT_SQUARE_CORNERS = Arrays.asList(new Vector(0,0,1), new Vector(1,0,1), new Vector(1,1,1), new Vector(0,1,1));
Set<Rectangle> imageRectangles = new HashSet<>();
Set<Rectangle> textRectangles = new HashSet<>();
public void eventOccurred(IEventData data, EventType type) {
if (data instanceof ImageRenderInfo) {
ImageRenderInfo imageData = (ImageRenderInfo) data;
Matrix ctm = imageData.getImageCtm();
List<Rectangle> cornerRectangles = new ArrayList<>(UNIT_SQUARE_CORNERS.size());
for (Vector unitCorner : UNIT_SQUARE_CORNERS) {
Vector corner = unitCorner.cross(ctm);
cornerRectangles.add(new Rectangle(corner.get(Vector.I1), corner.get(Vector.I2), 0, 0));
Rectangle boundingBox = Rectangle.getCommonRectangle(cornerRectangles.toArray(new Rectangle[cornerRectangles.size()]));
logger.info(String.format("Adding image bounding rectangle %s.", boundingBox));
} else if (data instanceof TextRenderInfo) {
TextRenderInfo textData = (TextRenderInfo) data;
Rectangle ascentRectangle = textData.getAscentLine().getBoundingRectangle();
Rectangle descentRectangle = textData.getDescentLine().getBoundingRectangle();
Rectangle boundingBox = Rectangle.getCommonRectangle(ascentRectangle, descentRectangle);
if (boundingBox.getHeight() == 0 || boundingBox.getWidth() == 0)
logger.info(String.format("Ignoring empty text bounding rectangle %s for '%s'.", boundingBox, textData.getText()));
else {
logger.info(String.format("Adding text bounding rectangle %s for '%s' with 0.5 margins.", boundingBox, textData.getText()));
textRectangles.add(boundingBox.applyMargins(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, false));
} else if (data instanceof PathRenderInfo) {
// TODO: vector graphics
} else if (data != null) {
logger.fine(String.format("Ignored %s event, class %s.", type, data.getClass().getSimpleName()));
} else {
logger.fine(String.format("Ignored %s event with null data.", type));
public Set<EventType> getSupportedEvents() {
// Support all events
return null;
public boolean foundOverlappingText() {
boolean result = false;
List<Rectangle> textRectangleList = new ArrayList<>(textRectangles);
while (!textRectangleList.isEmpty())
Rectangle testRectangle = textRectangleList.remove(textRectangleList.size() - 1);
for (Rectangle rectangle : textRectangleList) {
if (intersect(testRectangle, rectangle)) {
logger.info(String.format("Found text intersecting text with bounding boxes %s at %s,%s and %s at %s,%s.",
testRectangle, testRectangle.getX(), testRectangle.getY(), rectangle, rectangle.getX(), rectangle.getY()));
result = true;// if only the fact counts, do instead: return true
for (Rectangle rectangle : imageRectangles) {
if (intersect(testRectangle, rectangle)) {
logger.info(String.format("Found text intersecting image with bounding boxes %s at %s,%s and %s at %s,%s.",
testRectangle, testRectangle.getX(), testRectangle.getY(), rectangle, rectangle.getX(), rectangle.getY()));
result = true;// if only the fact counts, do instead: return true
return result;
boolean intersect(Rectangle a, Rectangle b) {
return intersect(a.getLeft(), a.getRight(), b.getLeft(), b.getRight()) &&
intersect(a.getBottom(), a.getTop(), b.getBottom(), b.getTop());
boolean intersect(float start1, float end1, float start2, float end2) {
if (start1 < start2)
return start2 <= end1;
return start1 <= end2;
Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(OverlappingTextSearchingStrategy.class.getName());
This event listener can be used like this:
PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(pdf);
PdfDocument document = new PdfDocument(reader);
PdfDocumentContentParser contentParser = new PdfDocumentContentParser(document);
OverlappingTextSearchingStrategy strategy = contentParser.processContent(pageNumber, new OverlappingTextSearchingStrategy());
boolean foundOverlaps = strategy.foundOverlappingText();
As you can see I don't store the text bounding boxes as they are but instead
boundingBox.applyMargins(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, false),
i.e. slightly smaller boxes. This is done to prevent false positives which otherwise might occur for tightly set text or text with kerning applied. You may have to fine tune the margin values here.
It may be as easy as the example above or you have to implement your own reader for this.
If you have not the full control over your PDF files, you have no chance to solve your problem. The defined boxes can be transformed later on. So you have to parse the whole file, too keep track of the box position and form. Additionally some boxes may be on top of other boxes, but render without any collision on the pixel level.
Than you will run into the next problem. Each PDF implementation has different errors. So your system may render the text perfectly but not the printer of your customer.
Welcome to hell ;)
Each support guy will tell you that they obey the standard. The others must have implemented their PDF library faulty. Because your customers data will be confident, you cannot proof them wrong. You may find some errors with your test data, but never ever the same errors of your customer documents.
Run and hide as long as you have not become the PDF expert of your company.
Here is a dirty "general" method: render your text without the text in bitmap. render the page with your text in another bitmap, compare the area with your text. But this will need a monochrome background. But the load will be really high. But this document looks like a form. Create a form and fill out the form boxes. So you will have no problems and you will even get correct results, fills the form with another program
Hello I have a code sample that uses not free library, but I think other libraries should have similar functionality, so you may use it as the idea:
Before use the following code sample please ensure that you use the latest version of the Apitron PDF Kit.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using Apitron.PDF.Kit.FixedLayout;
using Apitron.PDF.Kit.FixedLayout.Content;
using Apitron.PDF.Kit.FixedLayout.PageProperties;
using FixedLayout.Resources;
using FixedLayout.ContentElements;
/// <summary>
/// Gets all text boundaries.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="elements">The elements.</param>
/// <param name="boundaries">The boundaries.</param>
public void GetAllTextBoundaries(IContentElementsEnumerator elements, IList<Boundary> boundaries, Boundary offset)
// We dont count drawings and images here - only text;
if(elements == null)
foreach (IContentElement element in elements)
TextContentElement text = element as TextContentElement;
if (text != null)
foreach (TextSegment segment in text.Segments)
Boundary currentBoundary = segment.Boundary;
if (offset != null)
currentBoundary = new Boundary(currentBoundary.Left + offset.Left, currentBoundary.Bottom + offset.Bottom, currentBoundary.Right + offset.Left, currentBoundary.Top + offset.Bottom);
else if (element is FormContentElement)
Boundary currentBoundary = (element as FormContentElement).Boundary;
if (offset != null)
currentBoundary = new Boundary(currentBoundary.Left + offset.Left, currentBoundary.Bottom + offset.Bottom, currentBoundary.Right + offset.Left, currentBoundary.Top + offset.Bottom);
this.GetAllTextBoundaries((element as FormContentElement).FormXObject.Elements, boundaries, currentBoundary);
/// <summary>
/// Checks if text is overlapped.
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public bool CheckIfTextIsOverlapped(string fileName)
const double overlapMax = 5;
using (System.IO.Stream stream = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite))
using (FixedDocument document = new FixedDocument(stream))
foreach (Page page in document.Pages)
IList<Boundary> boundaries = new List<Boundary>();
foreach (Annotation annotation in page.Annotations)
// Actually we need only Normal state, but will check all - to be sure.
if(annotation.Appearance.Normal != null)
this.GetAllTextBoundaries(annotation.Appearance.Normal.Elements, boundaries, annotation.Boundary);
IContentElementsEnumerator elements = page.Elements;
this.GetAllTextBoundaries(elements, boundaries, null);
for (int i = 0; i < boundaries.Count; i++)
for (int j = i + 1; j < boundaries.Count; j++)
Boundary b1 = boundaries[i];
Boundary b2 = boundaries[j];
double x1 = Math.Max(b1.Left, b2.Left);
double y1 = Math.Max(b1.Bottom, b2.Bottom);
double x2 = Math.Min(b1.Right, b2.Right);
double y2 = Math.Min(b1.Top, b2.Top);
// So we have intersection
if (x1 < x2 && y1 < y2)
if (x1 - x2 >= overlapMax || y1 - y2 >= overlapMax)
return true;
return false;
i am trying to change the pictureBox.Image during Runtime. I have several Model classes with a picture stored, whenever i click on a MenuStripItem i call the method "ChangePictureBoxImages". Till then there is no error (the pB is invisible!) but once i call the method to make the pB visible i get an Error. The Error code: "An unhandled exception of type 'System.ArgumentException' occurred in System.Drawing.dll".
Research said i should dispose the picturebox and set it to "null", however this does NOT help.
My Code:
using (Image current = BitmapManipulator.EvaluateMesurement(CSV_Name1, max_Rows, max_Col, var.TopImage, var.BitmapToManipulate, pB_ColourScale_Evaluation.Image, var.BitmapToManipulate, var.Filepath, var.FoldID))
var.LastEvaluationImage = current;
BitmapManipulator.CombineImagesAndSaveThem_Evaluation(var.TopImage, var.BitmapToManipulate, pB_ColourScale_Evaluation.Image, var.Filepath, var.FoldID); //saves the Files as jpg
if (var.CurrentlyShownToUser) //checks if the MenuStripItem is the active one
if (var.LastEvaluationImage == null) { MessageBox.Show("the image is null");} //only for debugging purpose -> does never call
and the ChangePictureBoxImages():
public void ChangePictureBoxImages()
foreach (Fold fold in FoldExisting)
if (fold.FoldID == LastSelectedMenuStripItem_Name) //the clicked item is the last Selected MenuStripItem
if (fold.LastEvaluationImage != null)
Debug.WriteLine(pB_Evaluation_Bottom.Image.ToString() + " " + fold.LastEvaluationImage.ToString());
pB_Evaluation_Bottom.Image = fold.LastEvaluationImage;
pB_Evaluation_Top.Image = fold.TopImage;
There is no error till then, the error appears once i call "pB_Evaluation_Bottom.visible = true". (or if i called the visible method first first the error appears upon changing the Image!) The error also appears upon clicking 2 times on the MenuStripItem. I load the picture from the Class Fold as following:
This will set an image in the fold class, this image will then be manipulated and stored in LastEvaluationImage
private void setTheImages(string PictureToManipulate, string PathToTopImage)
this.BitmapToManipulate_intern = (Image)Image.FromFile(#PictureToManipulate, true);
this.TopImage_intern = (Image)Image.FromFile(#PathToTopImage, true);
catch (ArgumentNullException ex)
Debug.WriteLine("The BitMap for the manipulation process and the top image is not created.");
and the LastEvaluationImage where the last picture is stored -> this will be called to be the new pb.Image
private Image LastEvaluationImage_intern;
public Image LastEvaluationImage
return this.LastEvaluationImage_intern;
if (LastEvaluationImage_intern != null) { LastEvaluationImage_intern.Dispose(); LastEvaluationImage_intern = null; }
this.LastEvaluationImage_intern = value;
this.LastEvaluationTime_intern = DateTime.Now;
I know this is a little complex, but i hope someone can help me.
UPDATE: The Error must be in the following Code:
The BitmapManipulator.EvaluateMeasurement Code :
public Image EvaluateMesurement(double[][] MeasuredValues, int max_Rows, int max_Col, Image pB_Evaluation_Top, Image pB_Evaluation_Bottom, Image pB_EvaluationColourScale, Image ManipulatedBitmap, string PathMeasurementFiles, string Foldname)
using (Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(ManipulatedBitmap))
// the data array sizes:
int number_nio = 0;
int number_total = 0;
List<FileInfo> LastFiles;
int got_number_for_trends = Properties.Settings.Default.TrendNumber;
SolidBrush myBrush = new SolidBrush(red);
using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap))
Random rnd = new Random(8);
int[,] data = new int[max_Col, max_Rows];
// scale the tile size:
float sx = 1f * bitmap.Width / data.GetLength(0);
float sy = 1f * bitmap.Height / data.GetLength(1);
LastFiles = FM.GetLastFiles_Trend(ref got_number_for_trends, PathMeasurementFiles);
double[][] CSV_Statistiken = FM.LastFilesToCSV(got_number_for_trends, true, LastFiles, PathMeasurementFiles);
for (int x = 0; x < max_Col; x++)
for (int y = max_Rows - 1; y >= 0; y--)
RectangleF r = new RectangleF(x * sx, y * sy, sx, sy);
if (MeasuredValues[y][x] < Properties.Settings.Default.Threshhold)
if (CSV_Statistiken[y][x] == Properties.Settings.Default.TrendNumber)
myBrush.Color = Color.FromArgb(150, black);
g.FillRectangle(myBrush, r);
myBrush.Color = Color.FromArgb(150, red);
g.FillRectangle(myBrush, r);
myBrush.Color = Color.FromArgb(150, green);
g.FillRectangle(myBrush, r);
return bitmap;
This returned bitmap will be stored in fold.LastEvaluationImage as following:
using (Image current = BitmapManipulator.EvaluateMesurement(CSV_Name1, max_Rows, max_Col, var.TopImage, var.BitmapToManipulate, pB_ColourScale_Evaluation.Image, var.BitmapToManipulate, var.Filepath, var.FoldID))
var.LastEvaluationImage = current;
You're returning a disposed bitmap. It shouldn't be surprising you can't draw something that no longer exists :)
The using (bitmap) is the last thing you want in this case. The bitmap must survive longer than the scope of the using. And the using (current) in the caller has the same problem - you're again disposing the image way too early. You can only dispose it when it's clear that it isn't going to be used ever again - e.g. when you replace it with a new image.
To elaborate, using does nothing but call Dispose when you leave its scope. In the case of Bitmap (which is just a "thin" wrapper around a GDI bitmap), this releases the memory where the actual image data is stored. There isn't anything interesting left, so there's nothing to draw (and you'd basically be calling DrawBitmap(NULL) as far as GDI is concerned).
I inherited an app that needs to print an array of images which are stored in a database. I have written the code to retrieve the images via a web service, and have put the images into an array of BitmapImage.
However when I add the BitmapImage to the source of the Image, the image is then empty. No exceptions are thrown, but it appears that no images are added to the list, and the code appears to simply halt as soon as I add the image to the array.
Any hints would be appreciated.
In header of class:
\\BitmapImage is System.Windows.Media.Imaging.BitmapImage
public List<BitmapImage> prtImages;
Event handler for web service on completion of getting images asynchronously:
void client_GetImagesCompleted(object sender, OrderImageWebService.GetOrderImagesCompletedEventArgs e)
if (e.Error != null)
System.Windows.Browser.HtmlPage.Window.Eval("alert('Error occurred loading images.');");
throw new Exception(string.Format("Error loading image edits: {0}", e.Error));
else if ((!e.Cancelled) && (e.Result != null))
for (int i = 0; i <= imgs; i++)
byte[] bImage = loi[i].Content;
using (System.IO.MemoryStream sioms =
new System.IO.MemoryStream(bImage, 0, bImage.Length))
int ph = bi.PixelHeight; //Alert shows 3296
int pw = bi.PixelWidth; //Alert shows 2560
string.Format("alert('BI image is {0} by {1}.');",
ph.ToString(), pw.ToString()));
//This alert never shows
string.Format("alert('prtImages has size {1} after add.');",
catch(Exception ex)
//This exception is never caught
System.Windows.Browser.HtmlPage.Window.Eval(string.Format("alert('{0}');", ex.Message));
System.Windows.Browser.HtmlPage.Window.Eval("alert('Oops. Error.');");
System.Windows.Browser.HtmlPage.Window.Eval("alert('Clearing wait.');");
bPrtImageLoaded = true;
In GetPrintImage:
public Image GetPrintImage(int iPageID)
if (bPrtImageLoaded)
Image img = new Image();
img.Source = prtImages[iPageID];
double ah = img.ActualHeight;
double aw = img.ActualWidth;
string.Format("alert('Image is {0} by {1}.');",
ah.ToString(), aw.ToString()));
if (null != img)
return (img);
Called from button click
private void p_printMultiplePages(object sender, System.Windows.Printing.PrintPageEventArgs e)
Image img = GetPrintImage(iCurPrintPage);
if (null != img)
if (e.PrintableArea.Height < img.ActualHeight)
scale = e.PrintableArea.Height / img.ActualHeight;
if ((e.PrintableArea.Width < img.ActualWidth) && ((e.PrintableArea.Width / img.ActualWidth) < scale))
scale = e.PrintableArea.Width / img.ActualWidth;
if (scale < 1)
scaleTransform.ScaleX = scale;
scaleTransform.ScaleY = scale;
img.RenderTransform = scaleTransform;
e.PageVisual = img;
if (iCurPrintPage < SessionState.PageCount)
e.HasMorePages = true;
e.HasMorePages = false;
string.Format("alert('Image {0} of order {1} is null.');",
iCurPrintPage.ToString(), SessionState.OrderID.ToString()));
e.HasMorePages = false;
Thanks for any hints you might have,
I would suggest getting images from web service as binary data (byte[] ) encoded each image as base64 and publish array of base64 strings. On the client you will decode each element of array with base64 stings back to byte[]. Read it with MemoryStream and pass that object to your Image reader (read this one reading image from bytes)
But before you do anything of that, make sure that your p_printMultiplePages method can display local images
I'm trying to get an array of PictureBox to display a list of pictures (in png file format).
I tried to use the .NET ImageList control but it insists in re-sizing my pictures. It also does not support transparent background of those png files.
I also tried to use the Assembly to retrieve my files like this:
_imageStream = _assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("MyNamespace.MyImage.png");
but the code does not return me any resource files nor does it throw any run-time error.
My question is, is there any other ways to do this? Or better yet, can I somehow make the ImageList control to NOT alter my picture? Thanks.
You can try something like this although I am not sure that this is the best one or not:-
Assembly ambly = Assembly.LoadFile(pathToDll);
BitMap bitMap;
// where "ns" is the default namespace of the resource project
using (Stream resourceStream = ambly.GetManifestResourceSream("ns.image.jpg"))
bitMap = BitMap.FromStream(resourceStream);
An example:-
interface IThemeResourceProvider
Stream LoadBigLogo();
Stream LoadSmallLogo();
Then implement that interface in your resource library
public class ThemeResourceProvider : IThemeResourceProvider
public Stream LoadBigLogo()
Assembly ambly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
return ambly.GetManifestResourceStream("namespace.image.jpg");
Finally, instead of loading the resource directly in your main application, you instantiate the IThemeResourceProvider found in the resource library
Assembly assembly = Assembly.LoadFile(pathToDll);
var results = from type in assembly.GetTypes()
where typeof(IThemeResourceProvider).IsAssignableFrom(type)
select type;
Now you have an IEnumerable in that list. Typically, you'd only have one, but using this approach you could also host multiple sets of resources, and implement multiple IThemeResourceProviders in the same resource dll. You could e.g. identify each IThemeResourceProvider with a name, either as a property, or using a custom [Attribute] decoration on your various implementations. I'll leave the rest up to you to figure out.
But here's how to instantiate the IThemeResourceProviders in your list
foreach (var providerType in results)
var constructorInfo = providerType.GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes);
IThemeResourceProvider provider = constructorInfo.Invoke(null);
And finally, using one of these providers to get a bitmap:
BitMap bitMap;
using (Stream resourceStream = provider.LoadBigLogo())
bitMap = BitMap.FromStream(resourceStream);
This is the code that I got from someone and it's worked well for me!
private void SetImage(PictureBox pb) {
try {
Image img = pb.Image;
Size imgSize = GenerateImageDimensions( img.Width, img.Height, pb.Width, pb.Height );
Bitmap finalImg = new Bitmap( img, imgSize.Width, imgSize.Height );
Graphics gfx = Graphics.FromImage( img );
gfx.InterpolationMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic;
pb.Image = null;
pb.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.AutoSize;
pb.Image = finalImg;
} catch(Exception ex) {
public Size GenerateImageDimensions(int currW, int currH, int destW, int destH) {
//double to hold the final multiplier to use when scaling the image
double multiplier = 0;
//string for holding layout
string layout;
//determine if it's Portrait or Landscape
if(currH > currW) layout = "portrait";
else layout = "landscape";
switch(layout.ToLower()) {
case "portrait":
//calculate multiplier on heights
if(destH > destW) {
multiplier = (double) destW / (double) currW;
} else {
multiplier = (double) destH / (double) currH;
case "landscape":
//calculate multiplier on widths
if(destH > destW) {
multiplier = (double) destW / (double) currW;
} else {
multiplier = (double) destH / (double) currH;
//return the new image dimensions
return new Size( (int) (currW * multiplier), (int) (currH * multiplier) );
EDIT: Full disclosure all my images are jpg so I have no clue how this will hand transparent backgrounds.
EDIT TWO: Also you will need to adjust the pb.SizeMode to fit your needs. The way I did it was to set a max size for the PictureBox and it's worked well.