I'm following this SO answer to convert lambda expressions to partial SQL syntax.
However, I have problems parsing the expression for Contains. I added a method:
private bool ParseContainsExpression(MethodCallExpression expression)
MemberExpression member = (MemberExpression)expression.Arguments[0];
var methodInfo = typeof(List<int>).GetMethod("Contains", new Type[] { typeof(int) });
//TODO check if list contains value
return false;
As I'm totally new to expressions, I don't know from where get the property name and value, and the list that contains the values I want to check against. Where are these properties and values stored within the expression?
Your implementation is quite different from the example answer. You really need to inherit from ExpressionVisitor so that you can properly parse the tree.
Let's take this expression for an example:
var myList = new List<string> { "A" };
Expression<Func<string, bool>> a = (s) => myList.Contains(s);
ParseContainsExpression(a.Body as MethodCallExpression);
private bool ParseContainsExpression(MethodCallExpression expression)
expression.Object; //myList
expression.Arguments[0]; //s
return false;
Note however, these are still Expressions, they are not actual values yet. You need to invoke the expression to get the values.
However, in our case - myList is actually a ConstantExpression. So we can do this:
((expression.Object as MemberExpression).Expression as ConstantExpression).Value; //myList
Which returns us the original list. Note that it's a field access, because the expression is compiled into a closure, which puts myList as a field in the closure class. As you can see, we have to make a lot of assumptions as to the type of Expression we're handling (that it's a field access and then a constant expression). You really need a fully-fledged visitor implementation to do this properly (which the linked answer describes)
Basically you need to process the Method, Object(expression that represents the instance for instance method calls or null for static method calls) and Arguments(a collection of expressions that represent arguments of the called method) properties of the MethodCallExpression class.
Specifically for Contains, you need to avoid (or process differently if needed) the string.Contains method, and also handle static methods like Enumerable.Contains as well as instance methods like ICollection<T>.Contains, List<T>.Contains etc. In order to get the list values (when possible), you have to find some sort of a constant expression.
Here is a sample:
private bool ParseContainsExpression(MethodCallExpression expression)
// The method must be called Contains and must return bool
if (expression.Method.Name != "Contains" || expression.Method.ReturnType != typeof(bool)) return false;
var list = expression.Object;
Expression operand;
if (list == null)
// Static method
// Must be Enumerable.Contains(source, item)
if (expression.Method.DeclaringType != typeof(Enumerable) || expression.Arguments.Count != 2) return false;
list = expression.Arguments[0];
operand = expression.Arguments[1];
// Instance method
// Exclude string.Contains
if (list.Type == typeof(string)) return false;
// Must have a single argument
if (expression.Arguments.Count != 1) return false;
operand = expression.Arguments[0];
// The list must be IEnumerable<operand.Type>
if (!typeof(IEnumerable<>).MakeGenericType(operand.Type).IsAssignableFrom(list.Type)) return false;
// Try getting the list items
object listValue;
if (list.NodeType == ExpressionType.Constant)
// from constant value
listValue = ((ConstantExpression)list).Value;
// from constant value property/field
var listMember = list as MemberExpression;
if (listMember == null) return false;
var listOwner = listMember.Expression as ConstantExpression;
if (listOwner == null) return false;
var listProperty = listMember.Member as PropertyInfo;
listValue = listProperty != null ? listProperty.GetValue(listOwner.Value) : ((FieldInfo)listMember.Member).GetValue(listOwner.Value);
var listItems = listValue as System.Collections.IEnumerable;
if (listItems == null) return false;
// Do whatever you like with listItems
return true;
I would like to know if it is possible to create an instance of a type known only at runtime and assign values to the properties of this instance by using compiled expressions and if so how it is to be done.
I have a generic class with a method which accepts an instance of T and returns a copy. T is only known at runtime or rather is user/consumer defined. I know how to do so with reflection (assuming it has an empty constructor in this example and without exception handling or null checks for simplification).
public class MyClass<T>
public T CreateCopy(T source)
var type = typeof(T);
var copy = type.GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes).Invoke(null);
foreach(var pi in type.GetProperties())
pi.SetValue(copy, pi.GetValue(source));
return copy;
Reflection is quite expensive and after some digging i found an option to at least create an instance of T with compiled expressions.
var type = typeof(T);
?? throw new InvalidOperationException(
$"Type has to have an empty public constructor. {type.Name}")))
After some benchmarking i have found out that it performs around 6 times faster than the CreateCopy(...) method. The thing is that i do not know which type will be passed in as a generic and how many properties it will have.
Is there a way to do all of the operations from CreateCopy(...) method with compiled expressions?
Ihave looked into Expression.Asign, Expression.MemberInit but i am not able to find anything appropriate. The problem with Expression.MemberInit ist that it expects to have an Expresssion.Bind and Expression.Constant but i cant get the values of the properties from the passed instance of T into it. Is there a way?
Thank you.
P.S. So i am looking for something like:
var type = typeof(T);
var propertyInfos = type.GetProperties();
var ctor = Expression.New(type.GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes));
var e = Expression.Lambda<Func<T, T>>(Expression
.MemberInit(ctor, propertyInfos.Select(pi =>
Expression.Bind(pi, Expression.Constant(pi.GetValue(source)))))).Compile();
You are almost there. What you need is to define a parameter and then assign the properties with property access expression like below :
public static T Express<T>(T source)
var parameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T), "source");
var type = typeof(T);
var ctor = Expression
var propertyInfos = type.GetProperties();
var e = Expression
.Lambda<Func<T, T>>(
.MemberInit(ctor, propertyInfos.Select(pi =>
Expression.Bind(pi, CanBeAssigned(pi.PropertyType)
? (Expression)Expression.Property(parameter, pi.Name)
: Expression.Call(typeof(Program).GetMethod(nameof(Express))
Expression.Property(parameter, pi.Name)
var x = e.Compile();
var z = x(source);
return z;
public static bool CanBeAssigned(Type t)
return t.IsValueType || t.Name == "String"; // this might need some improvements
I'm creating a simple way to get the Name and Value of Expressions in C#. However, I found a case I cannot figure out. See the code below:
public void GetValue_Object_TIn_Property_Test()
string val = "value";
var tuple = Tuple.Create(new object(), val);
Expression<Func<object, string>> expression = x => tuple.Item2;
Assert.AreEqual(val, expression.GetValue());
The .GetValue() method is my extension method.
Basically this expression-tree consists of a LambdaExpression, two MemberExpressions and a ConstantExpression, in that order.
When I try to get the name of tuple.Item2 I get memberExpression.Member.Name from the last MemberExpression. This gives me "tuple" instead of "Item2". How can I get "Item2" instead?
Also, when I try to get the value of the expression, I get the entire tuple instead of Item2. I'm using the following method to get the value:
public override bool TryGetValue(
MemberExpression memberExpression,
out T value
) {
value = default(T);
bool success = false;
var fieldInfo = memberExpression.Member as FieldInfo;
if (success = (fieldInfo != null))
var valueObj = fieldInfo.GetValue(expression.Value);
if (success = (valueObj is T || valueObj == null))
value = (T)valueObj;
return success;
Where the MemberExpression again is the last MemberExpression. What am I doing wrong here? What is the exact case I am missing?
Thank you in advance
Actually, the tree is a LambdaExpression whose Body is a PropertyExpression that has a Member field with a Name of "Item2" and an Expression that is aFieldExpression for getting the value of tuple. Note that PropertyExpression and FieldExpression are internal types that inherit from MemberExpression.
So you need to get the (Body as MemberExpression).Member.Name instead of the Body.Expression.Member.Name.
Think of the tree as MemberExpression(get Member:Item2 from Expression:MemberExpression(get Member:tuple from Expression:[surrounding class])).
Have you used LINQPad? It's Dump() command can show you this and more.
I want to cast any object from ParameterExpression class.
This is sample code (and pseudo what i want to say) :
public void Execute(Expression<Action<TService>> operation)
var param = operation.Parameters[0]; //myparameter to cast
var obj = param as AnyCastObject; // I want to cast
DoSomething(obj); // and do something this object without losing any assigned propery.
This is my method body:
Execute(x => x.UserAuthentication(requestDto));
I want to manipulate requestDto.
Here it is... With this you should be able to extract your requestDto.
Note that you don't need the Invoke() when you call compiled expressions.
is enough.
Now, to extract the requestDto:
// Works for Execute(x => x.UserAuthentication(something))
// where something must be a constant value, a variable,
// a field, a property
var param = operation.Parameters[0]; //myparameter to cast
var body = operation.Body as MethodCallExpression;
if (body == null || body.Object != param || body.Method.Name != "UserAuthentication")
throw new NotSupportedException();
// If you have a type for the parameter, replace it here:
// object -> yourtype
object requestValue;
var constantExpression = body.Arguments[0] as ConstantExpression;
if (constantExpression == null)
// For nearly all the types of expression, the only way
// to extract the final value is to compile them and then
// execute them (the execution is the last "()" )
// If you have a type for the parameter, replace it here:
// Func<object> -> Func<yourtype>
requestValue = Expression.Lambda<Func<object>>(body.Arguments[0]).Compile()();
// Constant expression values can be directly extracted
// If you have a type for the parameter, replace it here:
// (yourtype)constantExpression.Value
requestValue = constantExpression.Value;
I have something like this:
public Expression<Func<Message, bool>> FilterData()
switch (this.operatorEnum)
case FilterParameterOperatorEnum.EqualTo:
return message => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(message.Body) &&
.Equals(this.value, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);
case FilterParameterOperatorEnum.NotEqualTo:
return message => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(message.Body) &&
.Equals(this.value, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);
case FilterParameterOperatorEnum.Contains:
return message =>
!string.IsNullOrEmpty(message.Body) &&
StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) >= 0;
case FilterParameterOperatorEnum.DoesNotContain:
return message =>
!string.IsNullOrEmpty(message.Body) &&
StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) == -1;
As you can see this is done on Message.Body
I now what to do the same thing on other string properties on the Message class and I don't want to duplicate all that code.
Is there a way to do that by passing in the property somehow?
Eclude the expression that retrieves the property value into a separate lambda expression:
public Expression<Func<Message, bool>> FilterData(Func<Message, string> retrievePropValueFunc)
In your filter expressions, you can then call that new lambda expression (just showing one as an example):
return message => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(retrievePropValueFunc(message))
&& retrievePropValueFunc(message)
.Equals(this.value, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);
To get to the Body property, pass message => message.Body to the retrievePropValueFunc parameter; as you see, you can modify this to pass different lambda expressions for the retrieval of other properties just as well.
You can try composing the expression completely manually, which will give you the ability to specify the property name as a string. This isn't a complete solution and it's untested, but it may give you a starting point to see what I mean:
var parameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof(Message), "o");
var getname = Expression.Property(parameter, "Body");
var isnullorempty = Expression.Not(Expression.Call(typeof(string), "IsNullOrEmpty", null, getname));
var compare = Expression.Equal(getname, Expression.Constant("thisvalue"));
var combined = Expression.And(isnullorempty, compare);
var lambda = Expression.Lambda(combined, parameter);
So you would change your function to accept "Body" as a parameter, and then cast the lambda at the end to:
expression<func<Message, bool>>
I may not have got the syntax for creating the lambda exactly right though.
Just change your function to receive the property instead of the message.
Or the hard way pass one more parameter for the property name and select it using reflection.
Edit just for one option than change for all the options.
public Func<Message, string, bool> FilterData()
return (message, propName) =>
var prop = message.GetType().GetProperty(propName);
if(prop != null){
var propValue = (string)prop.GetValue(message,null);
return !string.IsNullOrEmpty(propValue) && ...;
return false;
A very quick and dirty approach could be an enum plus some kind of magic:
public enum FilterTarget { Body, AnyOtherProp };
public Expression<Func<Message, bool>> FilterData(FilterTarget filterTarget)
string toBeFiltered = string.Empty;
case FilterTarget.Body :
{ toBeFiltered = message.Body; } break;
case FilterTarget.AnyOtherProp :
{ toBeFiltered = message.AnyOtherProp; } break;
throw new ArgumentException(
string.Format("Unsupported property {0}", filterTarget.ToString()
switch (this.operatorEnum)
case FilterParameterOperatorEnum.EqualTo:
return message => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(toBeFiltered) &&
toBeFiltered.Equals(this.value, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);
/* CUT: other cases are similar */
You can make the FilterData method even more fancy letting it accept a params FilterTarget[] thus gaining multi-filtering capabilities (off the top of my head, code not included).
var aFilterDataResult = FilterData(FilterTarget.Body);
var anotherFilterDataResult = FilterData(FilterTarget.AnyOtherProp);
I need to programatically check whether a nested property/function result in a lambda expression is null or not. The problem is that the null could be in any of the nested subproperties.
Example. Function is:
public static bool HasNull<T, Y>(this T someType, Expression<Func<T, Y>> input)
//Determine if expression has a null property
In any of the examples addressdetails or street, or invoicelist or the product or the name could be null.The code will throw an exception if i try to invoke the function and some nested property is null.
Important: I don't want to use a try catch for this because that is desastrous for the debugging performance.
The reason for this approach is to quickly check for values while i don't want to forget any nulls and so cause exceptions. This is handy for reporting solutions and grids where a null on the report can just show empty and has no futher business rules.
related post: Don't stop debugger at THAT exception when it's thrown and caught
It is possible, but I'm not sure I would recommand it. Here is something that you may find usefull: it doesn't return a boolean, but instead, the leaf value of the expression if possible (no null reference).
public static class Dereferencer
private static readonly MethodInfo safeDereferenceMethodInfo
= typeof (Dereferencer).GetMethod("SafeDereferenceHelper", BindingFlags.NonPublic| BindingFlags.Static);
private static TMember SafeDereferenceHelper<TTarget, TMember>(TTarget target,
Func<TTarget, TMember> walker)
return target == null ? default(TMember) : walker(target);
public static TMember SafeDereference<TTarget, TMember>(this TTarget target, Expression<Func<TTarget, TMember>> expression)
var lambdaExpression = expression as LambdaExpression;
if (lambdaExpression == null)
return default(TMember);
var methodCalls = new Queue<MethodCallExpression>();
VisitExpression(expression.Body, methodCalls);
var callChain = methodCalls.Count == 0 ? expression.Body : CombineMethodCalls(methodCalls);
var exp = Expression.Lambda(typeof (Func<TTarget, TMember>), callChain, lambdaExpression.Parameters);
var safeEvaluator = (Func<TTarget, TMember>) exp.Compile();
return safeEvaluator(target);
private static Expression CombineMethodCalls(Queue<MethodCallExpression> methodCallExpressions)
var callChain = methodCallExpressions.Dequeue();
if (methodCallExpressions.Count == 0)
return callChain;
return Expression.Call(callChain.Method,
private static MethodCallExpression GenerateSafeDereferenceCall(Type targetType,
Type memberType,
Expression target,
Func<ParameterExpression, Expression> bodyBuilder)
var methodInfo = safeDereferenceMethodInfo.MakeGenericMethod(targetType, memberType);
var lambdaType = typeof (Func<,>).MakeGenericType(targetType, memberType);
var lambdaParameterName = targetType.Name.ToLower();
var lambdaParameter = Expression.Parameter(targetType, lambdaParameterName);
var lambda = Expression.Lambda(lambdaType, bodyBuilder(lambdaParameter), lambdaParameter);
return Expression.Call(methodInfo, target, lambda);
private static void VisitExpression(Expression expression,
Queue<MethodCallExpression> methodCallsQueue)
switch (expression.NodeType)
case ExpressionType.MemberAccess:
VisitMemberExpression((MemberExpression) expression, methodCallsQueue);
case ExpressionType.Call:
VisitMethodCallExpression((MethodCallExpression) expression, methodCallsQueue);
private static void VisitMemberExpression(MemberExpression expression,
Queue<MethodCallExpression> methodCallsQueue)
var call = GenerateSafeDereferenceCall(expression.Expression.Type,
p => Expression.PropertyOrField(p, expression.Member.Name));
VisitExpression(expression.Expression, methodCallsQueue);
private static void VisitMethodCallExpression(MethodCallExpression expression,
Queue<MethodCallExpression> methodCallsQueue)
var call = GenerateSafeDereferenceCall(expression.Object.Type,
p => Expression.Call(p, expression.Method, expression.Arguments));
VisitExpression(expression.Object, methodCallsQueue);
You can use it this way:
var street = person.SafeDereference(d=>d.addressdetails.Street);
street = person.SafeDereference(d=>d.addressdetails[1].Street);
street = person.SafeDereference(d=>d.addressdetails.FirstOrDefault().Street);
var name = person.SafeDereference(d=>d.InvoiceList.FirstOrDefault().Product.Name);
Warning : this is not fully tested, it should work with methods and properties, but probably not with extension methods inside the expression.
Edit : Ok, it can't handle extension methods for now (e.g. FirstOrDefault) but it's still possible to adjust the solution.
You would have to take the expression apart and evaluate each bit in turn, stopping when you got a null result. This wouldn't be impossible by any means, but it would be quite a lot of work.
Are you sure this is less work than just putting explicit null guards in the code?
We definately need a null-safe dereferencing operator in C#, but until then look at this question, which provides a slightly different but also neat solution to the same problem.
Any reason why you couldn't just do the following?
bool result;
result = addressdetails != null && addressdetails.Street != null;
result = addressdetails != null && addressdetails.Count > 1 && addressdetails[1].Street != null;
result = addressdetails != null && addressdetails.FirstOrDefault() != null && addressdetails.FirstOrDefault().Street != null;
result = addressdetails != null && addressdetails.FirstOrDefault() != null && addressdetails.FirstOrDefault().Product != null && addressdetails.FirstOrDefault().Product.Name != null;
I think these simple boolean expressions would be the best way to go, they work because of conditional evaluation... When anding (&&) terms together, the first false term will return false and stop the rest from being evaluated, so you wouldn't get any exceptions doing this.
Though it's not the answer on this exact question, the easiest way I know to achieve the same behaviour is to pass pathes to properties as enumerables of property names instead of call chains.
public static bool HasNull<T, Y>(this T someType, IEnumerable<string> propertyNames)
Then parse those enumerables in a circle or recursively using reflection. There are some disadvantages like loosing intelly sense and static name checking, but very easy to implement, which may overweigh them in some cases.
Instead of writing
you'll have to write
person.HasNull(new string[] { "addressdetails", "0", "Street" })
I blogged about, it works in VB.NET (I translated to C#, but I didn't test the C# version, check it out).
Checkout: How would you check car.Finish.Style.Year.Model.Vendor.Contacts.FirstOrDefault().FullName for null? :-)
Dim x = person.TryGetValue(
Function(p) p.addressdetail(1).FirstOrDefault().Product.Name)