I have a html page which is attached to the email as word document.
string body = String.Empty;
body = new StreamReader("execlude.html").ReadToEnd();
byte[] data = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(body);
MemoryStream ms = new new MemoryStream(data);
var message = new System.Net.Mail.MailMessage(email.From, email.To);
message.Attachments.Add(new Attachment(ms, "excluded.doc", "application/msword"));
Here the attachment becomes word format, but the margin are too big. Let me know a solution to remove margins.
Thanks in advance.
Brother try these links....
Changing the margins of a Word Document
Setting word document table cell margin programmatically using c#
I'm trying to generate a PDF that contains some emojis but with no success.
To make it simple and reproduce-able here is the code:
Document document = new Document();
Section section = document.AddSection();
Paragraph paragraph = section.AddParagraph();
paragraph.AddFormattedText("👀 😀 💨 ♡", new Font("Segoe UI Emoji"));
PdfDocumentRenderer pdfRenderer = new PdfDocumentRenderer(true);
pdfRenderer.Document = document;
var memoryStream = new MemoryStream();
var path = Path.GetTempFileName() + ".pdf";
But unfortunately empty rectangles appear instead:
This is a known limitation of PDFsharp. Surrogate pairs do not work yet and Unicode chars that require two 16-bit values (above 0xffff) will not show correctly.
See also:
I convert the file to PDF using iTextSharp
Creating a new Document and inserting an image into it. How can I transfer width and height of a image to a new pdf? (because the image is compressed)
In the new Document, you can pass the title, keywords, etc. But if you need somewhere to store the old width and height (since the image is compressed), and when reading the PDF to the size of the old pictures. Each page has its own data.
This solution helped. Info contains metadata.
using (var writer = PdfWriter.GetInstance(doc, fs))
PdfDictionary info = writer.Info;
PdfName newData = new PdfName($"NewData");
info.Put(newData, new PdfString("any string data"));
I have a checkbox list for the products to selected, with another text entry for quantity. Upon clicking Submit, I need two actions to be performed:
1) I would like to get the customers selection and entry into an email (with a given email address) and emailed as a (create) PDF attachment with date-time stamp.
2) The next page after hitting submit button, should produce next/another page with email confirmation message and a print button of the PDF attachment with date-time stamp.
There are many other things that go into this webform, but this is the area that I am needing some guidance and any link or code example to help me find a proper solution you can reply me here would be much appreciated.
For PDF creation, there are several tools- I've used iTextSharp. You can download the nuget package on VS and example code can be found here. You will probably want to use tables to make it look nice, but to get used to it, maybe just throw some info in to get an idea of how it works.
The method may look something like this:
public byte[] CreateOrderPdf(OrderDetails details)
byte[] fileBytes;
using (MemoryStream PdfStream = new MemoryStream())
iTextSharp.text.Document doc = new iTextSharp.text.Document();
PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.GetInstance(doc, PdfStream);
doc.Add(new Paragraph(OrderDetails.Name));
doc.Add(new Paragraph(OrderDetails.Address));
//Add More Tables and Content Here (See Documentation for more)
fileBytes = PdfStream.ToArray();
return fileBytes
For Email, .Net has the System.Net.Mail.MailMessage class. You can attach the pdf as a stream. You will need to define the to, from, subject, body, etc. That would look something like this:
string fileName = string.Format("OrderConfirmation-{0}.pdf", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-dd-M--HH-mm-ss"));
MailMessage message = new MailMessage(from, to);
message.Subject = subject;
message.Body = body;
MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(fileBytes);
stream.Position = 0;
Attachment attachment = new Attachment(stream, fileName, MediaTypeNames.Application.Octet);
SmtpClient mailServer = new SmtpClient(example.stmphost.com);
Hopefully this is a good starting point for you.
In my search of the solution and suggested starting point, I stumbled upon this and I will also MENTION this for anyone looking for the same answers to look into spire.pdf at www.e-iceblue.com/Introduce/pdf-for-net-introduce.html
When I export ARABIC data into pdf.Microsoft adobereader showing error.Adobe reader could not open file because it is either not a supported file.My code is following asp.net c#.Guide me
protected void btnExport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Response.ContentType = "application/pdf";
Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment;filename=TestPage.pdf");
Document doc = new Document(PageSize.LETTER);
//Sample HTML
StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
stringBuilder.Append(#"<p>This is a test: <strong>مسندم</strong></p>");
//Path to our font
string arialuniTff = Server.MapPath("~/tradbdo.TTF");
//Register the font with iTextSharp
//Create a new stylesheet
iTextSharp.text.html.simpleparser.StyleSheet ST = new iTextSharp.text.html.simpleparser.StyleSheet();
//Set the default body font to our registered font's internal name
ST.LoadTagStyle(HtmlTags.BODY, HtmlTags.FACE, "Traditional Arabic Bold");
//Set the default encoding to support Unicode characters
ST.LoadTagStyle(HtmlTags.BODY, HtmlTags.ENCODING, BaseFont.IDENTITY_H);
//Parse our HTML using the stylesheet created above
List<IElement> list = HTMLWorker.ParseToList(new StringReader(stringBuilder.ToString()), ST);
//Loop through each element, don't bother wrapping in P tags
foreach (var element in list)
I found the following article which shows how to correctly export and display Arabic content via the iTextSharp library: http://geekswithblogs.net/JaydPage/archive/2011/11/02/using-itextsharp-to-correctly-display-hebrew--arabic-text-right.aspx.
Here is the code sample that you can try:
using iTextSharp.text;
using iTextSharp.text.pdf;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.IO;
using System.Diagnostics;
public void WriteDocument()
//Declare a itextSharp document
Document document = new Document(PageSize.A4);
//Create our file stream and bind the writer to the document and the stream
PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.GetInstance(document, new FileStream(#"C:\Test.Pdf", FileMode.Create));
//Open the document for writing
//Add a new page
//Reference a Unicode font to be sure that the symbols are present.
BaseFont bfArialUniCode = BaseFont.CreateFont(#"C:\ARIALUNI.TTF", BaseFont.IDENTITY_H, BaseFont.EMBEDDED);
//Create a font from the base font
Font font = new Font(bfArialUniCode, 12);
//Use a table so that we can set the text direction
PdfPTable table = new PdfPTable(1);
//Ensure that wrapping is on, otherwise Right to Left text will not display
table.DefaultCell.NoWrap = false;
//Create a regex expression to detect hebrew or arabic code points
const string regex_match_arabic_hebrew = #"[\u0600-\u06FF,\u0590-\u05FF]+";
if (Regex.IsMatch("مسندم", regex_match_arabic_hebrew, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase))
table.RunDirection = PdfWriter.RUN_DIRECTION_RTL;
//Create a cell and add text to it
PdfPCell text = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("مسندم", font));
//Ensure that wrapping is on, otherwise Right to Left text will not display
text.NoWrap = false;
//Add the cell to the table
//Add the table to the document
//Close the document
//Launch the document if you have a file association set for PDF's
Process AcrobatReader = new Process();
AcrobatReader.StartInfo.FileName = #"C:\Test.Pdf";
The iTextSharp.text.Document is a class used to help bridge human concepts like Paragraph and Margin into PDF concepts. The bridge part is important. It is not a PDF file in any way so it should never be treated as a PDF. Doing so would be like treating System.Drawing.Graphics as if it were an image. This leads to one of your problems on the second to last line of code that tries to treat the Document as if it were a PDF by sending it directly to the output stream:
//This won't work
You will find many, many tutorials out there that do this and they are all wrong. Fortunately (or unfortunately), PDF is forgiving and allows junk data at the end so only a handful of PDF fail and people assume there was some other problem.
Your other problem is that you are missing a PdfWriter. If Document is the bridge, PdfWriter is the actual construction worker that puts that PDF together. It, however, is also not a PDF. Instead, it needs to be bound to a stream like a file, in-memory or the HttpResponse.OutputStream.
Below is some code that shows this off. I very strongly recommend separating your PDF logic from your ASPX logic. Do all of you PDF stuff first and get an actual "something" that represents a PDF, then do something with it.
At the beginning we declare a byte array that we'll fill in later. Next we create a System.IO.MemoryStream that will be used to write the PDF to. After creating the Document we then create a PdfWriter that's bound to the Document and our stream. Your internal code is the same and although I didn't test it it appears correct. Right before we're done with our MemoryStream we grab the active bytes into our byte array. Lastly we use the BinaryWrite() method to send our raw binary PDF to the requesting client.
//At the end of this bytes will hold a byte array representing an actual PDF file
Byte[] bytes;
//Create a simple in-memory stream
using (var ms = new MemoryStream()){
using (var doc = new Document()) {
//Create a new PdfWriter bound to our document and the stream
using (var writer = PdfWriter.GetInstance(doc, ms)) {
//This is unchanged from the OP's code
//Sample HTML
StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
stringBuilder.Append(#"<p>This is a test: <strong>مسندم</strong></p>");
//Path to our font
string arialuniTff = Server.MapPath("~/tradbdo.TTF");
//Register the font with iTextSharp
//Create a new stylesheet
iTextSharp.text.html.simpleparser.StyleSheet ST = new iTextSharp.text.html.simpleparser.StyleSheet();
//Set the default body font to our registered font's internal name
ST.LoadTagStyle(HtmlTags.BODY, HtmlTags.FACE, "Traditional Arabic Bold");
//Set the default encoding to support Unicode characters
ST.LoadTagStyle(HtmlTags.BODY, HtmlTags.ENCODING, BaseFont.IDENTITY_H);
//Parse our HTML using the stylesheet created above
List<IElement> list = HTMLWorker.ParseToList(new StringReader(stringBuilder.ToString()), ST);
//Loop through each element, don't bother wrapping in P tags
foreach (var element in list) {
//Right before closing the MemoryStream grab all of the active bytes
bytes = ms.ToArray();
//We now have a valid PDF and can do whatever we want with it
//In this case, use BinaryWrite to send it directly to the requesting client
Response.ContentType = "application/pdf";
Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment;filename=TestPage.pdf");
Can anybody show me how to apply Fontfamily/size to an AltChunk of Type
This is my Code, but I can´t figure out how to do this at all (even Google doesn´t help)
MainDocumentPart main = doc.MainDocumentPart;
string altChunkId = "AltChunkId" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-", "");
var chunk = main.AddAlternativeFormatImportPart
(AlternativeFormatImportPartType.TextPlain, altChunkId);
using (var mStream = new MemoryStream())
using (var writer = new StreamWriter(mStream))
mStream.Position = 0;
var altChunk = new AltChunk();
altChunk.Id = altChunkId;
OpenXmlElement afterThat = null;
foreach (var para in main.Document.Body.Descendants<Paragraph>())
if (para.InnerText.Equals("Notizen:"))
afterThat = para;
main.Document.Body.InsertAfter(altChunk, afterThat);
if I do it this way I get "Courier New" with a Size of "10,5"
This is the working Solution I came up with:
Convert Plaintext to RTF, change the Fontfamily/size and apply it to the WordProcessingDocument!
public static string PlainToRtf(string value)
using (var rtf = new System.Windows.Forms.RichTextBox())
rtf.Text = value;
rtf.SelectionFont = new System.Drawing.Font("Calibri", 10);
return rtf.Rtf;
var chunk = main.AddAlternativeFormatImportPart
(AlternativeFormatImportPartType.Rtf, altChunkId);
using (var mStream = new MemoryStream())
using (var writer = new StreamWriter(mStream))
var rtf = PlainToRtf(value);
mStream.Position = 0;
//proceed with creating AltChunk and inserting it to the Document...
How to apply FontFamily/Size to AltChunk of Type [TextPlain]
I am afraid this is NOT possible, in any case, not with OpenXml SDK.
altChunk (Anchor for Imported External Content) object is further designed for importing content in the document. They are 'temporary' objects: it is a just a reference to an external content, that is incorporated "as is" in the document, and then, when the document will be opened and saved with Word, Word converts this external content in valid OpenXml content.
So you can't, for a newly created document, loop into the paragraphs in order to retrieve it and apply a style.
If you import rtf content for example, the style must be applied to rtf before importing it.
In case of plain text TextPlain (= Text file .txt), there is no style conversion (there is no style attached to the text file, you can change the font in NotePad, it will apply to all documents, this is an Application Level property).
And I can confirm that Word creates by default a style with "Courier New 10,5" to display the content of the file. I just tested.
What can I do?
Apply style after the document has been open/saved with Word. Note you will have to retreive the paragrap(s), or you could try to retrieve the style created in the document and change the font here. This link could help to achieve this:
How to: Apply a style to a paragraph in a word processing document (Open XML SDK).
Or maybe it exists(?) a registry key something Like this that you can change to change Word's default behavior on your computer. And even if it is, it doesn't solve the problem for newly created document which is opened the first time on the client.
Note from the OP:
I think a possible Solution to the Problem could be, converting the PlainText to RTF apply StyleInformation and then append it to WordProcessingDocument as AltChunk.
I totally agreed. Just note when he says apply StyleInformation, it means at rtf level.