Constrain aspect ratio in WindowsForms DataVisualization Chart - c#

Using the charting control from System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting.Chart, I am making a scatter plot.
How can I constrain it so that the scale of the X axis is the same as the scale of the Y axis?
Simply setting the control itself to be square is insufficient, because it has internal margins for drawing and labeling the axes which are not equal.
I could pick a specific size and tweak it to be square, but it needs to be both square and resizable.
I've searched high and low in the documentation and in the property browser, but I can't find anything or think of any ways to do it in the resize event.

This is a good question but unfortunately there is no simple solution like locking the two Axes or setting one value..
Let's start by looking at the relevant players:
The Chart control has an inner Size called ClientSize, which is the Chart.Size minus the borders. Both sizes are measured in pixels.
Inside there may be one or more ChartAreas. Each has a Position which is of type ElementPosition.
Inside each ChartArea the is an area which is used for the actual drawing of the points; it is called InnerPlotPosition.
The InnerPlotPosition property defines the rectangle within a chart
area element that is used for plotting data; it excludes tick marks,
axis labels, and so forth.
The coordinates used for this property (0,0 to 100,100) are related to
the ChartArea object, and not to the entire Chart.
The InnerPlotPosition property can be used to align multiple chart
areas. However, if one chart area has tick marks and axis labels and
another one does not, their axis lines cannot be aligned.
Both ChartArea.Position and ChartArea.InnerPlotPosition contain not just the location but also the size of the areas; all values are in percent of the outer area, ie ChartArea.InnerPlotPosition is relative to the ChartArea.Position and ChartArea.Position is relative to the Chart.ClientSize. All percentages go from 0-100.
So the ChartArea includes Labels and Legends as well as Axes and TickMarks..
What we want is to find a way to make the InnerPlotArea square, i.e. have the same width and height in pixels. The percentages won't do!
Let's start with a few simple calculations; if these are the data we have..:
// we'll work with one ChartArea only..:
ChartArea ca = chart1.ChartAreas[0];
ElementPosition cap = ca.Position;
ElementPosition ipp = ca.InnerPlotPosition;
.. then these are the pixel sizes of the two areas:
// chartarea pixel size:
Size CaSize = new Size( (int)( cap.Width * chart1.ClientSize.Width / 100f),
(int)( cap.Height * chart1.ClientSize.Height / 100f));
// InnerPlotArea pixel size:
Size IppSize = new Size((int)(ipp.Width * CaSize.Width / 100f),
(int)(ipp.Height * CaSize.Height / 100f));
Ideally we would like the InnerPlotArea to be square; since can't very well let the smaller side grow (or else the chart would overdraw,) we need to shrink the larger one. So the new pixel size of the InnerPlotArea is
int ippNewSide = Math.Min(IppSize.Width, IppSize.Height);
What next? Since the Chart.Size has just been set, we don't want to mess with it. Nor should we mess with the ChartArea: It still needs space to hold the Legend etc..
So we change the size of the InnerPlotArea..:
First create a class level variable to store the original values of the InnerPlotPosition :
ElementPosition ipp0 = null;
We will need it to keep the original percentages, i.e. the margins in order to use them when calculating the new ones. When we adapt the chart the then current ones will already have been changed/distorted..
Then we create a function to make the InnerPlotArea square, which wraps it all up:
void makeSquare(Chart chart)
ChartArea ca = chart.ChartAreas[0];
// store the original value:
if (ipp0 == null) ipp0 = ca.InnerPlotPosition;
// get the current chart area :
ElementPosition cap = ca.Position;
// get both area sizes in pixels:
Size CaSize = new Size( (int)( cap.Width * chart1.ClientSize.Width / 100f),
(int)( cap.Height * chart1.ClientSize.Height / 100f));
Size IppSize = new Size((int)(ipp0.Width * CaSize.Width / 100f),
(int)(ipp0.Height * CaSize.Height / 100f));
// we need to use the smaller side:
int ippNewSide = Math.Min(IppSize.Width, IppSize.Height);
// calculate the scaling factors
float px = ipp0.Width / IppSize.Width * ippNewSide;
float py = ipp0.Height / IppSize.Height * ippNewSide;
// use one or the other:
if (IppSize.Width < IppSize.Height)
ca.InnerPlotPosition = new ElementPosition(ipp0.X, ipp0.Y, ipp0.Width, py);
ca.InnerPlotPosition = new ElementPosition(ipp0.X, ipp0.Y, px, ipp0.Height);
You would call the function after or during resizing.
private void chart1_Resize(object sender, EventArgs e)
Here the function is at work:
The original size:
Squeezed a little:
And made square again:
Note how the green ChartArea reserves enough space for the Labels and the Legend and how the automatic scaling for the axes still works.. But the X-Axis labels now don't fit in one row. Also note how the ChartArea.BackColor actually is the color of the InnerPlotArea only!
Note that you may have to refresh the variable ipp0 to reflect the changed percentages, after making modification to the ChartArea layout like enlarging or moving or removing Legends or changing the size or angle of Labels etc..
Of course you can modify the function to pass in any other ratio to keep instead of keeping the plot area a square..


Chart : displaying boolean flags in a time plot as filled rectangles (instead of as lines)

I use the C# Chart in WinForms to plot a variety of variables in real time using the "line" chart type. That works well for analog values, but it's less than ideal for on/off flags.
I'd like to plot multiple flags as horizontal bars that are filled when the value is '1" and clear when the value is '0'.
Before I start coding a solution from scratch, do you have any suggestion on how I could take advantage of any features of the "chart" object to implement this more effectively?
EDIT: I am playing with the Area type, and it seems to be promising.
EDIT 2: That didn't work, because the area in the Area type always starts at the bottom of the chart, hiding the other rows. I am now trying the Range Column type
There are several ways to tackle this.: StackedBars, AreaChart, Annotations but I think by far the simplest is using a LineChartType.
The first issue is: How to create the gaps? The simplest way is to draw them as lines but with Color.Transparent. So instead of using the flag value as our y-value we use it to set the color..
So we could use a function like this:
void AddFlagLine(Chart chart, int series, int flag, int x)
Series s = chart.Series[series];
int px = s.Points.AddXY(x, series);
s.Points[px].Color = s.Color;
if (px > 0) s.Points[px - 1].Color = flag == 1 ? s.Color : Color.Transparent;
It takes the index of your Series and uses the flag to determine the color; note that the color of a line segment is controlled by the color of the end point.
So if you want to have the line going out from the new point to have its flag color, you need to set it when adding the next one..
This is simple enough and for lines as thick as 1-10 it works fine. But if you want larger widths things get a bit ugly..:
The rounded caps start to get bigger and bigger until they actually touch, flling the gaps more or less.
Unfortunately there seems to be no way to controls the caps-style of the lines. There are many CustomAttributes including DashStyles but not this one. So we have to resort to owner-drawing. This is rather simple for line charts. Here is an example:
The xxxPaint event looks like this:
private void chart_PostPaint(object sender, ChartPaintEventArgs e)
Graphics g = e.ChartGraphics.Graphics;
Axis ax = chart.ChartAreas[0].AxisX;
Axis ay = chart.ChartAreas[0].AxisY;
for (int si = 0; si < chart.Series.Count; si++ )
Series s = chart.Series[si];
for (int pi = 1; pi < s.Points.Count - 1; pi++)
DataPoint dp = s.Points[pi];
int y = (int) ay.ValueToPixelPosition(dp.YValues[0]+1); ///*1*
int x0 = (int)ax.ValueToPixelPosition(ax.Minimum);
int x1 = (int)ax.ValueToPixelPosition(s.Points[pi-1].XValue); ///*2*
int x2 = (int)ax.ValueToPixelPosition(dp.XValue);
x1 = Math.Max(x1, x0);
x2 = Math.Max(x2, x0);
using (Pen pen = new Pen(dp.Color, 40) ///*3*
{ StartCap = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.LineCap.Flat,
EndCap = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.LineCap.Flat })
g.DrawLine(pen, x1, y, x2, y);
A few notes:
1 : I have decided to move the the series up by one; this is up to you just as using or turning off the y-axis labels or replacing them by custom labels..
2 : Here we use the previous point's x-position!
3 : Note that instead of hard coding a width of 40 pixels you really should decide on a calculated width. This is an example that almost fills up the area:
int width = (int)( ( ay.ValueToPixelPosition(ay.Minimum) -
ay.ValueToPixelPosition(ay.Maximum)) / (chart7.Series.Count + 2));
You can twist is to fill more or less by adding less or more than 2.
I have turned all BorderWidths to 0 so only the drawn lines show.
I got it:
It turned out to actually be pretty easy; I used the Range Column type.
A) Set-up (done once):
plotChart.Series[chanNo].ChartType = SeriesChartType.RangeColumn;
plotChart.Series[chanNo].CustomProperties = "PointWidth=" + noOfFlags;
PointWidth is required to set the relative width of each rectangle so that it fills the entire width of one data point (if too small, there are gaps in the horizontal bar; if too large, there is overlap). noOfFlags is the number of flags shown (in the example shown above, noOfFlags = 4). (By the way the MSDN documentation is wrong: PointWidth is not limited to 2.)
B) Plotting (done for each new data point):
int barHeight = flagHigh ? 1 : 0;
plotChart.Series[chanNo].Points.AddXY(pointX, baseLine, baseLine + barHeight);
flagHigh is a bool that is equal to the flag being monitored.
baseLine is decremented for each trace. In the example above, baseLine starts at 4, and is decremented down to 0.
Note that for each data point, RangeColumn requires 2 "Y" values: one for the bottom of the rectangle, one for the top; in the code, I set the bottom Y to the bottom of the row that I use for that particular flag, and the top to 1 above the bottom, to give me a height of 1.

MS Chart Rectangular Annotation width in percent and not pixel

why is it that the MS chart rectangular annotation width is in percent and not pixel like msdn says it is?
This is what msdn says
Gets or sets the width, in pixels, of an annotation.
I'd like to set my width to be pixels like it states. Am I missing something here?
Congratulations, you have found a bug in the documentation! Easy to spot simply by following the link to the Annotation.Height docs..
The dimensions of an Annotation, as many others in a Chart control, are indeed given in percentages. This has the advantage that they quite cleverly grow and shrink with the Chart control just like many other elements.
So if you double the width of the chart you basically double the space for the shown DataPoints and if your Annotation went over a 1/3 of the width before it will still do that after you have resized the chart..
Which is nice.
But not what you wanted..
So to set the size to a fixed size in pixels you need to do this:
Calculate the size you want in percentages and set it
Repeat whenever you resize the chart or its layout
The real problem is the calculation: If you look at the Chart.ClientSize you get the size in pixels and to get n pixels you need to do something like this:
float WidthInPercent = 100f * n / Chart.ClientSize.width;
This however does not take into account the various elements your Chart probably has : The Size of an Annotation is not really calculated as direct percentages of the Chart's size.
Instead it is calulated as percentages of the InnerPlotPosition of the ChartArea CA.
InnerPlotPosition by default is set to Auto so accessing its values, e.g. CA.InnerPlotPosition.Width will return 0f; but you can get at the (current!!) values by doing this:
RectangleF IPP = CA.InnerPlotPosition.ToRectangleF();
The same goes for the Size/Position of the ChartArea itself:
RectangleF CAP = CA.Position.ToRectangleF();
Now you can combine these percentages with the (current!) Chart.ClientSize to find out which percentage you need to achieve a certain pixel size..
Note that these values will change when resizing because the outer extras, like Legend and Axis and Labels etc. will not resize, so their relative sizes will grow or shink in relation to their containing elements..
So you need to recalculate upon each Resize event, or, better: write a function to do it for you which you can call wheneber needed..
The result is an Annotation that will (pretty much, due to rounding) maintain its size, no matter how you resize the Chart..
Here are some helpful functions:
This one returns the current ClientRectangle of a ChartArea in pixels
RectangleF ChartAreaClientRectangle(Chart chart, ChartArea CA)
RectangleF CAR = CA.Position.ToRectangleF();
float pw = chart.ClientSize.Width / 100f;
float ph = chart.ClientSize.Height / 100f;
return new RectangleF(pw * CAR.X, ph * CAR.Y, pw * CAR.Width, ph * CAR.Height);
This one is similar and returns the current ClientRectangle of a ChartArea's InnerplotPosition in pixels:
RectangleF InnerPlotPositionClientRectangle(Chart chart, ChartArea CA)
RectangleF IPP = CA.InnerPlotPosition.ToRectangleF();
RectangleF CArp = ChartAreaClientRectangle(chart, CA);
float pw = CArp.Width / 100f;
float ph = CArp.Height / 100f;
return new RectangleF(CArp.X + pw * IPP.X, CArp.Y + ph * IPP.Y,
pw * IPP.Width, ph * IPP.Height);
Finally one that converts a size in pixels to one in percentages, again valid only currently, i.e. until the next changes in size or layout..:
SizeF Pixels2Percent( ChartArea CA, int w, int h)
RectangleF IPPR = InnerPlotPositionClientRectangle(chart1, CA);
float pw = 100f * w / IPPR.Width ;
float ph = 100f * h / IPPR.Height ;
return new SizeF(pw, ph);
Lets have a look at the result before and after some resizing:
As you can see the size stay the same.
Also note the colored rectangles I draw in the Paint event to demostrate the new functions!
Here is the Paint event:
private void chart1_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
ChartArea CA = chart1.ChartAreas[0];
Rectangle.Round(ChartAreaClientRectangle(chart1, CA)));
Rectangle.Round(InnerPlotPositionClientRectangle(chart1, CA)));
Here is the Resize event:
private void chart1_Resize(object sender, EventArgs e)
sizeAnn(ra, new Size(24, 36));
And here the sizing function:
void sizeAnn(RectangleAnnotation ra, Size sz)
ChartArea CA = chart1.ChartAreas[0];
SizeF pixelPercent = Pixels2Percent(CA, sz.Width, sz.Height);
ra.Width = pixelPercent.Width;
ra.Height = pixelPercent.Height;
Yes, we cannot set it in % or px as the property value is set to double.
Secondly, pixle = H multiplied by W. but you are only setting the width of chart then how can you set it in pixle? It fundamentally not possible. I hope you will understand what I mean.
I know the OP wanted to set the width in pixels, but in case some people (like me) want to set the width neither in pixels nor in %, but according to the actual values, just set :
annotation.IsSizeAlwaysRelative = False
annotation.Width = whatEverValue

Nicer AxisArrowStyle arrows for my Chart.Axes

I answered a question on how to set up a Chart to look like a regular mathematical graph, i.e. with the axes centered and with nice arrows to the top and to the right..
However I found the built-in AxisArrowStyle.Triangle to be rather big and found no way to make it smaller.
Lines - A line-shaped arrow is used for the relevant axis.
None - No arrow is used for the relevant axis.
SharpTriangle - A sharp triangular arrow is used for the relevant axis.
Triangle - A triangular arrow is used for the relevant axis.
Here is the original look of it:
So how can we fix this?
The Chart's axis.AxisArrowStyle enumeration doesn't let us pick a smaller arrow, only a slimmer one.
So we need to draw it ourselves:
Here is a simple but effective piece of code that achieves just that:
private void chart1_PrePaint(object sender, ChartPaintEventArgs e)
if (e.ChartElement.ToString().StartsWith("ChartArea-") )
// get the positions of the axes' ends:
ChartArea CA = chart1.ChartAreas[0];
float xx = (float)CA.AxisX.ValueToPixelPosition(CA.AxisX.Maximum);
float xy = (float)CA.AxisY.ValueToPixelPosition(CA.AxisY.Crossing);
float yx = (float)CA.AxisX.ValueToPixelPosition(CA.AxisX.Crossing);
float yy = (float)CA.AxisY.ValueToPixelPosition(CA.AxisY.Maximum);
// a simple arrowhead geometry:
int arrowSize = 18; // size in pixels
Point[] arrowPoints = new Point[3] { new Point(-arrowSize, -arrowSize / 2),
new Point(-arrowSize, arrowSize / 2), Point.Empty };
// draw the two arrows by moving and/or rotating the graphics object:
e.ChartGraphics.Graphics.TranslateTransform(xx + arrowSize, xy);
e.ChartGraphics.Graphics.FillPolygon(Brushes.Black, arrowPoints);
e.ChartGraphics.Graphics.TranslateTransform(yx -xx -arrowSize, yy -xy -arrowSize);
e.ChartGraphics.Graphics.FillPolygon(Brushes.Black, arrowPoints);

UWP: Calculate Transformation based on ScrollViewer

I have a windows universal app where I am rendering a scene with DirectX. I want to make use of the Scrollviewer and therefore I render my scene behind the Scrollviewer and want to calculate the scene transformation based on the Scrollviewer. It works fine so far, especially the translation and scrolling. But when I zoom in, the scene jumps around in two special situations:
The scene had enough space and was centered and now scrolling is required.
The opposite direction.
More or less I use the following code:
float zoom = scrollViewer.ZoomFactor;
float inverseZoom = 1f / scrollViewer.ZoomFactor;
float scaledContentW = Document.Size.X * scrollViewer.ZoomFactor;
float scaledContentH = Document.Size.Y * scrollViewer.ZoomFactor;
float translateX;
float translateY;
if (scaledContentW < scrollViewer.ViewportWidth)
translateX = ((float)scrollViewer.ViewportWidth * inverseZoom - Document.Size.X) * 0.5f;
translateX = -inverseZoom * (float)scrollViewer.HorizontalOffset;
if (scaledContentH < scrollViewer.ViewportHeight)
translateY = ((float)scrollViewer.ViewportHeight * inverseZoom - Document.Size.Y) * 0.5f;
translateY = -inverseZoom * (float)scrollViewer.VerticalOffset;
float visibleX = inverseZoom * (float)scrollViewer.HorizontalOffset;
float visibleY = inverseZoom * (float)scrollViewer.VerticalOffset; ;
float visibleW = Math.Min(Document.Size.X, inverseZoom * (float)scrollViewer.ViewportWidth);
float visibleH = Math.Min(Document.Size.Y, inverseZoom * (float)scrollViewer.ViewportHeight);
Rect2 visibleRect = new Rect2(visibleX, visibleY, visibleW, visibleH);
transform =
translateY) *
You can get an example here:
To be sure that my eyes are not broken I was zooming around and have written the translation and zoom values to a file. You can see it here:
The meaning of the columns is the following:
Column 1: The computed zoom value of the transformation matrix (M11) = ScrollViewer.ZoomFactor
Column 2: The computed x offset of the matrix (See above)
Column 3: The x value of the result of matrix * vector (500, 500), here: Colum1 * 500 + Column2
You see, that the matrix values look good, but when applying the transformation you get this little jump to the right for some milliseconds. One theory was, that the viewport might change because the scrollbar becomes visible. But this is not the case. I also tried fixed values here, made the scrollbars visible and even created a custom template for the scrollviewer with no scrollbars at all.
Btw: This is a cross post, I also asked the question here:
You see this behavior because when you zoom bigger than the ScrollViewer's size, the zoom center point is moved. To fix this, you just need to subscribe to the ScrollViewer's LayoutUpdated event and inside the handler, manually keep its content in the center.
private void ScrollViewer_LayoutUpdated(object sender, object e)
this.ScrollViewer.ChangeView(this.ScrollViewer.ScrollableWidth / 2, this.ScrollViewer.ScrollableHeight / 2, this.ScrollViewer.ZoomFactor, true);
This should fix the jumpy movement on the two drawed Rectangles from Win2D.
Just to prove my point, the jumpy behavior is most likely due to unusual translate x and/or y value change when the content size goes over the size of the ScrollViewer. So I wrote some code to log these values on the screen as shown below -
this.Test1.Text += ((float)translateX).ToString() + " ";
this.Test2.Text += ((float)translateY).ToString() + " ";
session.Transform =
(float)translateY) *
Now look at the numbers on the image above. What I did was I tried zooming in until the jumpy scene occurred. See the highlighted translate y value? It is slightly greater than its previous value, which is against the declining trend.
So to fix this, you will need to be able to skip these unusual values caused by ScrollViewer.

Drawing a chart in which I manipulate the zoom in and out

I am drawing a chart which I populate with the data I obtain from different procedures. I want to make two buttons to zoom in and out. I saw that I can use different functions from AxisX.ScaleView and I am playing a bit with those. I am almost there but I have a problem at the moment of drawing the chart:If you see the image 1, this is the chart after executing the different procedures and drawing it for the first time. When I do a zoom in and a zoom out, the last bars (Week 22 from image 2) are cut in half and doesn't go to its original size.
Does anyone have any idea how can I manipulate the start and end position for the Axis X in order to make the zoom? Does anyone know how to get the initian values of start and end of the Chart Area? I place the code of my function to make the zoom of the chart:
private void setSize(int zoom)
int blockSize = (Convert.ToInt32(tbZoom.Text) + zoom) / 100;
// set view range to [0,max]
chartReport.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.Minimum = 0;
chartReport.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.Maximum = chartReport.Series[0].Points.Count;
// enable autoscroll
chartReport.ChartAreas[0].CursorX.AutoScroll = true;
chartReport.ChartAreas[0].CursorX.IsUserSelectionEnabled = true;
// let's zoom to [0,blockSize] (e.g. [0,100])
chartReport.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.ScaleView.Zoomable = true;
chartReport.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.ScaleView.SizeType = DateTimeIntervalType.Number;
int actualHeight = chartReport.Height;
int actualWidth = chartReport.Width;
int position = 0;
int size = blockSize;
chartReport.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.ScaleView.Zoom(position, size);
// disable zoom-reset button (only scrollbar's arrows are available)
chartReport.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.ScrollBar.ButtonStyle = ScrollBarButtonStyles.SmallScroll;
// set scrollbar small change to blockSize (e.g. 100)
chartReport.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.ScaleView.SmallScrollSize = blockSize;
tbZoom.Text = (blockSize * 100).ToString();
Your first line is setting the maximum of the axis wrong: chartReport.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.Maximum = chartReport.Series[0].Points.Count; sets it to 22, when it really should be 23 (based on the first image).
If your data will always look like this, simply add 1:
chartReport.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.Maximum = chartReport.Series[0].Points.Count + 1;
Unfortunately, using the automatic min/max values won't give you the actual values until the chart is actually drawn. If your chart has few DataPoints this isn't a problem, as you can just call chartReport.Refresh(); or something similar and then get the values from the axes. But, if you have a lot of points, the Refresh() will take a long time which is undesirable. In my extensive use of the charts, I wound up setting the axis ranges myself so I have full control, rather than using the automatic min/max values.

