I'm still learning Unity and right now I'm trying to make my player able to jump. Of course I don't want my player to be able to jump on forever, so my idea was to only enable jumping when the player is in contact with a floor object. This is the code I have so far:
public class PlayerController : NetworkBehaviour
public float speed; // Player movement speed
private bool grounded = true; // Contact with floor
private Rigidbody rb;
void Start()
rb = GetComponent<Rigidbody>();
// Show a different color for local player to recognise its character
public override void OnStartLocalPlayer()
GetComponent<MeshRenderer>().material.color = Color.red;
// Detect collision with floor
void OnCollisionEnter(Collision hit)
if (hit.gameObject.tag == "Ground")
grounded = true;
// Detect collision exit with floor
void OnCollisionExit(Collision hit)
if (hit.gameObject.tag == "Ground")
grounded = false;
void FixedUpdate()
// Make sure only local player can control the character
if (!isLocalPlayer)
float moveHorizontal = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");
float moveVertical = Input.GetAxis("Vertical");
Vector3 movement = new Vector3(moveHorizontal, 0.0f, moveVertical);
rb.AddForce(movement * speed);
// Detect space key press and allow jump if collision with ground is true
if (Input.GetKey("space") && grounded == true)
rb.AddForce(new Vector3(0, 1.0f, 0), ForceMode.Impulse);
But it seems OnCollisionEnter and OnCollisionExit never trigger. So the player is still able to jump whenever he wants. Am I doing something wrong?
Edit: It seems OnCollisionEnter and OnCollisionExit are triggered perfectly fine. It's just the if statements returning false. I have no idea why though.
if (GameObject.Find("Ground") != null) returned true.
Edit 2: Strangely enough both of these return Untagged:
Please give us more information
Please tell me which version of unity you are using?
Have you updated the project to some other latest version of unity?
Also give a screen shot of your 'tag' array.
I have a physics enabled sphere in my scene and a character that i can move around using WASD. now what i want is that as soon as player hits the ball it should not be physics enabled anymore and move along with player as like the player is holding it in the hands.
What i have tried so far:
i was able to do it but not at all perfect how i want it to be. i tried OnCollisionEnter to detect the collision, i made the sphere a child of the player, i used isKinematic = true as soon as collision is detected and i used Vector3.MoveTowards for the object to follow the position as the player.
I have attached two reference videos below
Reference Clip(The style i am aiming for):https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fi-GB0RwLr0
MyVersion(This is what i am able to do):https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JtV11KHY4pU
overall, if you watch the clips you can see how my version is very rigid, stucky, buggy, not so light weight feeling at all. Cut me a slack as well if i did anything way wrong, i started unity like just in the previous month.
This is my Player script through which i am controlling it all
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
public class Player : MonoBehaviour
public float MoveSpeed;
[SerializeField]private Rigidbody playerRig;
[SerializeField] private Rigidbody ballRig;
[SerializeField] private GameObject Ball;
[SerializeField] private GameObject heldObj;
private bool isTouching = false;
private Vector3 offset = new Vector3(0, 1, 3);
private Vector3 force;
public float jump;
private bool isGrounded = true;
private void Start()
Ball = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Ball");
void Update()
float x = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");
float z = Input.GetAxis("Vertical");
playerRig.velocity = new Vector3(x*MoveSpeed, playerRig.velocity.y,z*MoveSpeed);
Vector3 vel = playerRig.velocity;
vel.y = 0;
if (vel.x != 0 || vel.z != 0)
transform.forward = vel;
if(transform.position.y < -10)
if (isTouching == true)
ballRig.transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards(ballRig.transform.position, playerRig.transform.position, 5f);
void Jump()
force = new Vector3(0, jump, 0);
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space) && isGrounded == true)
isGrounded = false;
playerRig.AddForce(force, ForceMode.Impulse);
private void OnCollisionEnter(Collision collision)
if(collision.gameObject.tag == "Ball" && heldObj == null)
ballRig.isKinematic = true;
// ballRig.constraints = RigidbodyConstraints.FreezeRotation;
ballRig.transform.parent = playerRig.transform;
isTouching = true;
heldObj = Ball;
public void ReleaseTheBall()
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space) && heldObj != null)
isTouching = false;
heldObj = null;
ballRig.transform.parent = null;
//ballRig.constraints = RigidbodyConstraints.None;
ballRig.isKinematic = false;
//Vector3 forceDirection = new Vector3(playerRig.transform.position.x, 0, playerRig.transform.position.z);
Vector3 rotationDirection = new Vector3(playerRig.transform.rotation.x, playerRig.transform.rotation.y, playerRig.transform.rotation.z);
ballRig.AddForce(new Vector3(transform.position.x,0,transform.position.z) * 5, ForceMode.Impulse);
ballRig.AddTorque(rotationDirection * 1);
public void GameOver()
i know there could be some very inefficient lines of code here, feel free to call out those lines as well.
So, basically what i want is that i want my player to pick up the ball as soon as it hits it and the ball should move exactly like player as if he is holding the ball in his hands and when i hit the spacebar i want the ball to be released into the direction i am looking(this part is also very tricky for me), what i am trying to do is i want to do exactly like in the refrence clip. Thanks a lot in advance.
one more thing, when i stop pressing any key to move(WASD), my player transform keeps changing values up and down and it slightly starts moving. i mean when i dont press any key, it still kinda moves.
First of all, you have indeed quite a lot of lines that aren't useful in here and that could be optimized.
Anyway, I hope this will do what you want it to do:
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
public class Player : MonoBehaviour {
[Header("Movement Setup")]
[Tooltip("Translation speed in m/s")]
[SerializeField] float _TranslationSpeed;
[Tooltip("Rotation speed in °/s")]
[SerializeField] float _RotationSpeed;
[Tooltip("Interpolation speed [0;1]")]
[SerializeField] float _InterpolationSpeed;
[Tooltip("Strength for jumps")]
[SerializeField] float _JumpingStrength;
[Tooltip("Strength for shoots")]
[SerializeField] float _ShootingStrength;
[Header("Other Settings")]
[Tooltip("Where the helded item will be placed")]
[SerializeField] Transform _ContactPoint;
[Tooltip("Which layers should be considered as ground")]
[SerializeField] LayerMask _GroundLayer;
// The player's rigid body
Rigidbody _Rigidbody;
// Is the player on the ground
bool _IsGrounded;
// Rigidbody of what's the player is helding. Null if the player isn't holding anything
Rigidbody _HeldedItemRigidbody;
// Getter to _IsGrounded, return true if the player is grounded
public bool IsGrounded { get { return _IsGrounded; } }
private void Start() {
_Rigidbody = GetComponent<Rigidbody>(); // The player's rigidbody could be serialized
void FixedUpdate() {
float horizontalInput, verticalInput;
// Getting axis
horizontalInput = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");
verticalInput = Input.GetAxis("Vertical");
// Moving toward the x
Vector3 moveVect = transform.forward * _TranslationSpeed * Time.fixedDeltaTime * verticalInput;
_Rigidbody.MovePosition(_Rigidbody.position + moveVect);
// Rotating the player based on the horizontal input
float rotAngle = horizontalInput * _RotationSpeed * Time.fixedDeltaTime;
Quaternion qRot = Quaternion.AngleAxis(rotAngle, transform.up);
Quaternion qRotUpRight = Quaternion.FromToRotation(transform.up, Vector3.up);
Quaternion qOrientationUpRightTarget = qRotUpRight * _Rigidbody.rotation;
Quaternion qNewUpRightOrientation = Quaternion.Slerp(_Rigidbody.rotation, qOrientationUpRightTarget, Time.fixedDeltaTime * _InterpolationSpeed); // We're using a slerp for a smooth movement
_Rigidbody.MoveRotation(qRot * qNewUpRightOrientation);
// This prevents the player from falling/keep moving if there is no input
if (_IsGrounded) _Rigidbody.velocity = Vector3.zero;
_Rigidbody.angularVelocity = Vector3.zero;
if (transform.position.y < -10) GameOver();
if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Mouse0) && _HeldedItemRigidbody != null) ShootTheBall();
if (!_IsGrounded) return; // What's below this won't be executed while jumping
if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Space)) Jump();
void Jump() {
_IsGrounded = false;
_Rigidbody.AddForce(_JumpingStrength * transform.up, ForceMode.Impulse);
private void OnCollisionEnter(Collision collision) {
// Checking if the player encountered a ground object
if ((_GroundLayer & (1 << collision.gameObject.layer)) > 0) _IsGrounded = true;
if (collision.gameObject.tag == "Ball") { // this can be improved as tags are error prone
// Setting the item position to contact point
collision.gameObject.transform.position = _ContactPoint.position;
// Getting the rigidbody
_HeldedItemRigidbody = collision.gameObject.GetComponent<Rigidbody>();
// Setting the parent
_HeldedItemRigidbody.transform.parent = transform;
// Setting the body to be kinematic
_HeldedItemRigidbody.isKinematic = true;
// Stopping any movement or rotation
_HeldedItemRigidbody.velocity = Vector3.zero;
_HeldedItemRigidbody.angularVelocity = Vector3.zero;
public void ShootTheBall() {
// Reverting what's done in OnCollisionEnter
_HeldedItemRigidbody.transform.parent = null;
_HeldedItemRigidbody.isKinematic = false;
// Adding force for the shoot
_HeldedItemRigidbody.AddForce(transform.forward * _ShootingStrength, ForceMode.Impulse);
// Resetting helding item to null
_HeldedItemRigidbody = null;
public void GameOver() {
You have to add a layer, and set the ground to this new layer.
Set up the variable as you like, don't hesitate to mess up with it a little bit to find what suits you (and don't forget to set up the player's mass (in rigidbody) as well!!)
Exemple of setup for the player script
Last things, you have to add an empty game object to your player which will be where the ball will be placed. I know it's a little bit dirty but place it a bit far from the player (more than the ball's radius) or it will bug. We could do something programatically to fix the ball at a spot and adapt this spot to the ball's radius.
This is an example of player
As you can see, I have the empty "player" gameobject which has the rigidbody, the collider and the player script.
The GFX item which is just the capsule.
If you don't know about this: the player game object is actually on the floor (at the player's feet) so it's better for movements. If you do this, don't forget to adjust the player's capsule collider to fit the GFX.
I also have the contact point.
Forget about the nose stuff, it's just a way to see where the player is facing when you just have a capsule.
If you have any question, feel free to ask.
To start off I'm a beginner just trying to learn Unity, I'm just trying to create a Pong game.
Trying to access the velocity of a moving player object when the ball collides with the player. Tried to pass in the actual player object as a RigidBody2D and as it's BoxCollider but keep getting just empty velocities with the player movement being as below:
void Update()
if(Input.GetKey(MoveUp)) {
var move = new Vector2(0, 1) * Speed;
rb.velocity = move;
else if (Input.GetKey(MoveDown))
var move = new Vector2(0, -1) * Speed;
rb.velocity = move;
var move = new Vector2(0, -1) * 0;
rb.velocity = move;
And the collision being handled as below:
void OnCollisionEnter2D(Collision2D collision)
rb = GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>();
if (collision.collider.tag == "Player")
var playerVel = collision.rigidbody.velocity;
var playerColVel = collision.collider.attachedRigidbody.velocity;
Both these velocity variables return (0,0) along with their magnitude also being (0,0).
I am trying to follow a tutorial, but the tutorial is years old and I'm wondering has something changed to how to setup velocity or am I missing something?
The way of collision detection has changed a little in the latest version of unity. Here is the code that I use -
public PlayerMovement movement;
public GAME_MANAGER GameManager;
private void OnCollisionEnter(Collision collisionInfo)
if (collisionInfo.collider.tag == "Obstalce")
// you need to make the ball bounce like velocity += 2f;
if (collisionInfo.collider.tag == "Side Obstacles")
// here also you have to write what will be the action after the ball hit the paddle
If you want more in-depth information, you can follow this tutorial - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gAB64vfbrhI
Managed to fix this via removing the stop and separating out the code for when the button is released. This causes the player to have it's y velocity properly.
So Im having this problem where when I jump and land on my spikes/enemy my player will play my death animation but it will cut out when its almost finished, this is caused by me telling it to play my jump animation when isGoruded is false and Im really not sure on how to fix it. I told my game to play the jump animation when its not on the ground ands that's why its interfering with it but I want my game to stop playing the jump animation when it collides with the spike while jumping. I have making my jump animation false when the death animation is true, I have also tried making the jump animation true in other places.
My code
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
using UnityStandardAssets.CrossPlatformInput;
public class PM : MonoBehaviour
public float moveSpeed;
public float jumpHeight;
Rigidbody2D rb;
BoxCollider2D boxColliderPlayer;
int layerMaskGround;
float heightTestPlayer;
public Animator animator;
public Joystick joystick;
float horizontalMove = 0f;
void Start()
rb = GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>();
// Get the player's collider so we can calculate the height of the character.
boxColliderPlayer = GetComponent<BoxCollider2D>();
// We do the height test from the center of the player, so we should only check
// halft the height of the player + some extra to ignore rounding off errors.
heightTestPlayer = boxColliderPlayer.bounds.extents.y + 0.05f;
// We are only interested to get colliders on the ground layer. If we would
// like to jump ontop of enemies we should add their layer too (which then of
// course can't be on the same layer as the player).
layerMaskGround = LayerMask.GetMask("Ground");
//audioSource = GetComponent<AudioSource>();
void Update()
/// Player movement and playing the animtion
if (joystick.Horizontal >= .2f)
horizontalMove = moveSpeed;
}else if (joystick.Horizontal <= -.2f)
horizontalMove = -moveSpeed;
horizontalMove = 0f;
rb.velocity = new Vector2(horizontalMove, rb.velocity.y);
// Your jump code:
if (CrossPlatformInputManager.GetButtonDown("Jump") && IsGrounded() )
rb.velocity = new Vector2(rb.velocity.x, jumpHeight);
if (IsGrounded() == true)
animator.SetBool("isJump", false);
###### SAying if it is not colliding with the grounnd to play my jump animtion
if (IsGrounded()== false)
animator.SetBool("isJump", true);
// End of update
private void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D other)
if (other.gameObject.CompareTag("Coins"))
#### The not touching the ground is interfering with this code.
private void OnCollisionEnter2D(Collision2D other)
if (other.gameObject.tag == "EnemyCollide")
animator.SetBool("Death", true);
moveSpeed = 0.0f;
jumpHeight = 0.0f;
//audioSource.PlayOneShot(impact, 0.7F)
/// <summary>
/// Simple check to see if our character is no the ground.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>Returns <c>true</c> if the character is grounded.</returns>
private bool IsGrounded()
// Note that we only check for colliders on the Ground layer (we don't want to hit ourself).
RaycastHit2D hit = Physics2D.Raycast(boxColliderPlayer.bounds.center, Vector2.down, heightTestPlayer, layerMaskGround);
bool isGrounded = hit.collider != null;
// It is soo easy to make misstakes so do a lot of Debug.DrawRay calls when working with colliders...
Debug.DrawRay(boxColliderPlayer.bounds.center, Vector2.down * heightTestPlayer, isGrounded ? Color.green : Color.red, 0.5f);
return isGrounded;
This is the code i have wrtten so far which makes the player controlled charcter be able to jump contanstantly i only want them to be able to jump when on the ground.
void Update()
this.transform.Translate(Input.GetAxis("Horizontal"), 0, 0);
xdirectionMovement = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal") * runspeed; //GetAxisRaw("Horizontal")
if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0) || Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space)) //makes player jump
GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>().AddForce(jumpdistance, ForceMode2D.Impulse);
Ensure you only allow jumping when the character is grounded. One approach to check for that is to use a downwards raycast and see if the hit is below a certain threshold:
void Update()
bool IsGrounded()
const float distanceToGround = 1f;
return Physics.Raycast(
transform.position, -Vector3.up, distanceToGround) != null;
Another is to use a CharacterController component and check its bool:
CharacterController controller = null;
void Start()
controller = GetComponent<CharacterController>();
void Update()
Another is to listen for a collision event and set a bool:
bool collides = false;
void FixedUpdate()
collides = false;
void OnCollisionStay(Collision collision)
collides = true;
Note that sometimes, it's good usability practice to allow a bit of leeway so the user can jump even if they miss the ground by a few pixels, or miss the timing by a few milliseconds. Good luck!
Add a bool to check if player is grounded, add Vectors and Colliders to determine where player is, relative to the ground.
private BoxCollider2D box;
Vector3 maxValue= box.bounds.max;
Vector3 minValue=box.bounds.minValue;
Vector2 x = new Vector2(max.x, minValue.y -0.1f);
Vector2 y = new Vector2(minValue.x, minValue.y - 0.1f);
Collider2D ground = Physics.OverlapArea(x,y);
bool jump = false;
if (ground != null)
jump = true;
Finally you can add the bool to your Input, for example,
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space) && jump == true)
//player jump
I want to do a game and I want my player to jump from an object to another and when it touches the ground to die. My player dies when he touch anything , how can I make him die just when it touches the ground? This is my code bellow
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class Move2d : MonoBehaviour
public float playerSpeed; //allows us to be able to change speed in Unity
public Vector2 jumpHeight;
public bool isDead = false;
private Rigidbody2D rb2d;
// Use this for initialization
void Start()
rb2d = GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>();
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
if (isDead) { return; }
transform.Translate(playerSpeed * Time.deltaTime, 0f, 0f); //makes player run
if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0) || Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space)) //makes player jump
GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>().AddForce(jumpHeight, ForceMode2D.Impulse);
private void OnCollisionEnter2D(Collision2D collision)
isDead = true;
rb2d.velocity = Vector2.zero;
You can set a tag to your ground gameobject.
Your new OnCollisionEnter2D would look like this.
private void OnCollisionEnter2D(Collision2D collision){
if (collision.gameObject.CompareTag("ground")) // this will return true if the collision gameobject has ground tag on it.
isDead = true;
rb2d.velocity = Vector2.zero;
So in the method OnCollisionEnter2D(), whatever code is inside there will be triggered every time, regardless of what hit it. However, you can retrieve data about the collision to determine if it hit your ground. The best way to do this is using Unity's layer system.
First, you will want to create a layer (going to Project Settings > Tags and Layers. Be sure to remember which number was to the left of your layer's name) for all of your ground pieces and then should assign them to that layer. The when you collide with something, you can check if it is on that layer by using an if statement, like this.
private void OnCollisionEnter2D(Collision2D collision)
// Foo represents the number of the layer that the ground is assigned to.
if (collision.collider.gameObject.layer == foo)
isDead = true;
rb2d.velocity = Vector2.zero;