Controller is returning blank View in my website - c#

public async Task<IActionResult> Contact1()
if (Convert.ToBoolean(HttpContext.Session.GetString("login")))
var pass = new ContactViewModel();
var username = HttpContext.Session.GetString("username");
var names = HttpContext.Session.GetString("studentnames");
var obj1 = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Program.Data>(names);
if (Program.datecheck(username, DateTime.Today.Date))
var handler = new HttpClientHandler { Credentials = new NetworkCredential(user, password) };
using (var client = Program.CreateHttpClient(handler, user, database3))
string check = username + Convert.ToString(DateTime.Today.Date);
var readresponse = client.GetStringAsync(check).Result;
var obj2 = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Program.Data>(readresponse);
catch(Exception ee)
{ ViewBag.m6 = ee.Message; ViewBag.attendance = "Attendace is not take yet";}
pass.studentattend = obj2.studentattend1;
else { ViewBag.attendance = "Attendace is not take yet"; }
pass.studentname = obj1.studentname1;
pass.studentrollno = obj1.studentrollno1; = DateTime.Today.Date;
HttpContext.Session.SetInt32("classselect", 1);
ViewData["Message"] = "Student Attendance of Class: " + HttpContext.Session.GetString("classname1");
ViewBag.Login = HttpContext.Session.GetString("login"); = HttpContext.Session.GetString("name");
ViewBag.classname1 = HttpContext.Session.GetString("classname1");
ViewBag.classname2 = HttpContext.Session.GetString("classname2");
ViewBag.classname3 = HttpContext.Session.GetString("classname3");
ViewBag.classname4 = HttpContext.Session.GetString("classname4");
return View("/Views/Home/Contact.cshtml", pass);
ViewData["Message"] = "Please Login First!!";
return View("/Views/Home/Login.cshtml");
The above code is runnig well in my local ISS server but when i run this on bluemix then i am getting blank page. I tried to find out the problem and get to the conclusion that if the control does not enter in the if part of that code:
if (Program.datecheck(username, DateTime.Today.Date))
var handler = new HttpClientHandler { Credentials = new NetworkCredential(user, password) };
using (var client = Program.CreateHttpClient(handler, user, database3))
string check = username + Convert.ToString(DateTime.Today.Date);
var readresponse = client.GetStringAsync(check).Result;
var obj2 = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Program.Data>(readresponse);
pass.studentattend = obj2.studentattend1;
else { ViewBag.attendance = "Attendace is not take yet"; }
then it will run fine.I am unable to find what is wrong in that query.


NullReferenceException When Using VerifyHashedPassword in core

Here's what happen i am working on login controller where i need to verify user input password with password hash that is in the database. When i'm trying to verify the correct password it is returning NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. But when i debug it, the line with this code :
var verified = hasher.VerifyHashedPassword(inputModel, resultData.passwordhash, password);
is skipped and does not executed but when i return the value of verified.toString() directly after calling above line of code, it is printing a "Success" string. But when it is failed to verify, the code just work properly. Here's the full code :
public dbSearchResponse dbSearch(string username, string password, ADResponse ldapResult)
LoginResponse finalResult = new LoginResponse();
TableSystemUser resultData = new TableSystemUser();
PasswordHasher<OldLoginParamModel> hasher = new PasswordHasher<OldLoginParamModel>(
new OptionsWrapper<PasswordHasherOptions>(
new PasswordHasherOptions()
CompatibilityMode = PasswordHasherCompatibilityMode.IdentityV2
OldLoginParamModel inputModel = new OldLoginParamModel();
inputModel.grant_type = "password";
inputModel.password = password;
inputModel.username = username;
string hashedPassword = hasher.HashPassword(inputModel, inputModel.password);
using (var connection = new NpgsqlConnection(configuration.GetValue<string>("dbServer:connectionData")))
var value = connection.Query<TableSystemUser>(
"SELECT id, email, emailconfirmed, passwordhash, phonenumber, username, fullname, dateofbirth, gender, COALESCE(usercredit.saldo, 0) as saldo, pricing.psc, pricing.psm, pricing.plc, pricing.plm,, pricing.csm, pricing.clc, pricing.clm, pricing.ssc, pricing.ssm, pricing.slc, pricing.slm FROM systemuser LEFT OUTER JOIN usercredit ON = usercredit.systemuserid INNER JOIN userpricing ON UUID( = userpricing.systemuserid INNER JOIN pricing ON userpricing.pricingid = pricing.pricingid WHERE '" + username + "' and systemuser.emailconfirmed = true;"
resultData = value.First();
catch (Exception e)
//Failed response
dbSearchResponse dbRespNRErr = new dbSearchResponse();
dbRespNRErr.loginResponse = null;
dbRespNRErr.userid = null;
dbRespNRErr.response = "Email not registered.";
return dbRespNRErr;
var verified = hasher.VerifyHashedPassword(inputModel, resultData.passwordhash, password);
/*But when return the verified.toString() value here, it is returning "Success"
dbSearchResponse dbRespErr = new dbSearchResponse();
dbRespErr.loginResponse = null;
dbRespErr.userid = null;
dbRespErr.response = verified.toString();
return dbRespErr; */
if (verified.toString() == "Success")
finalResult.FullName = resultData.fullname;
finalResult.Gender = resultData.gender;
//11/26/1998 12:00:00 AM
finalResult.DateOfBirth = resultData.dateofbirth.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss tt");
finalResult.Phone = resultData.phonenumber;
finalResult.Email =;
finalResult.UserName = resultData.username;
finalResult.PLC = resultData.plc.ToString();
finalResult.PLM = resultData.plm.ToString();
finalResult.PSC = resultData.psc.ToString();
finalResult.PSM = resultData.psm.ToString();
finalResult.SLC = resultData.slc.ToString();
finalResult.SLM = resultData.slm.ToString();
finalResult.SSC = resultData.ssc.ToString();
finalResult.SSM = resultData.ssm.ToString();
finalResult.CLC = resultData.clc.ToString();
finalResult.CLM = resultData.clm.ToString();
finalResult.CSC =;
finalResult.CSM = resultData.csm.ToString();
finalResult.PayLater = ldapResult.memberof;
finalResult.Credit = resultData.saldo.ToString();
dbSearchResponse dbResp = new dbSearchResponse();
dbResp.loginResponse = finalResult;
dbResp.userid =;
dbResp.response = "success";
return dbResp;
//Failed response
dbSearchResponse dbRespErr = new dbSearchResponse();
dbRespErr.loginResponse = null;
dbRespErr.userid = null;
dbRespErr.response = "The user name or password is incorrect.";
return dbRespErr;
Anyone know what happen and how to solve it? Thanks
After i do some detailed run check, i notice that the null part of the code is,
finalResult.PayLater = ldapResult.memberof;
But i don't understand why is the error response given suggest that the null was this line of code
var verified = hasher.VerifyHashedPassword(inputModel, resultData.passwordhash, password);
so in that case, i thanks to everyone who have responded to my question.

How to inject a variable into every class or method in c#

I have the following code.
public async Task<List<TenantManagementWebApi.Entities.SiteCollection>> Get()
var tenant = await TenantHelper.GetActiveTenant();
var siteCollectionStore = CosmosStoreFactory.CreateForEntity<TenantManagementWebApi.Entities.SiteCollection>();
await siteCollectionStore.RemoveAsync(x => x.Title != string.Empty); // Removes all the entities that match the criteria
string domainUrl = tenant.TestSiteCollectionUrl;
string tenantName = domainUrl.Split('.')[0];
string tenantAdminUrl = tenantName + "";
KeyVaultHelper keyVaultHelper = new KeyVaultHelper();
await keyVaultHelper.OnGetAsync(tenant.SecretIdentifier);
using (var context = new OfficeDevPnP.Core.AuthenticationManager().GetSharePointOnlineAuthenticatedContextTenant(tenantAdminUrl, tenant.Email, keyVaultHelper.SecretValue))
Tenant tenantOnline = new Tenant(context);
SPOSitePropertiesEnumerable siteProps = tenantOnline.GetSitePropertiesFromSharePoint("0", true);
List<TenantManagementWebApi.Entities.SiteCollection> sites = new List<TenantManagementWebApi.Entities.SiteCollection>();
foreach (var site in siteProps)
if(site.Template.Contains("SITEPAGEPUBLISHING#0") || site.Template.Contains("GROUP#0"))
string strTemplate= default(string);
strTemplate = "CommunicationSite";
if (site.Template.Contains("GROUP#0"))
strTemplate = "Modern Team Site";
Guid id = Guid.NewGuid();
Entities.SiteCollection sc = new Entities.SiteCollection()
Id = id.ToString(),
Owner = site.Owner,
Template = strTemplate,
Title = site.Title,
Active = false,
Url = site.Url
var added = await siteCollectionStore.AddAsync(sc);
catch (System.Exception ex)
throw ex;
return sites;
However the following lines, I am repeating them on every method:
var tenant = await TenantHelper.GetActiveTenant();
var siteCollectionStore = CosmosStoreFactory.CreateForEntity<TenantManagementWebApi.Entities.SiteCollection>();
await siteCollectionStore.RemoveAsync(x => x.Title != string.Empty); // Removes all the entities that match the criteria
string domainUrl = tenant.TestSiteCollectionUrl;
string tenantName = domainUrl.Split('.')[0];
string tenantAdminUrl = tenantName + "";
KeyVaultHelper keyVaultHelper = new KeyVaultHelper();
await keyVaultHelper.OnGetAsync(tenant.SecretIdentifier);
I will have lots of API controllers on my project
Is there an easy way (not refactor as a method), to make my code cleaner and inject the variables I need without copying and pasting every single time?

C# Create Profile Issue

The following code is charging the card, however it is not creating the profile....any tips? I'm assuming I'm missing something, or using the wrong Type...
var opaqueData = new opaqueDataType { dataDescriptor = "COMMON.ACCEPT.INAPP.PAYMENT", dataValue = paymentNonce };
//standard api call to retrieve response
var paymentType = new paymentType { Item = opaqueData };
var transactionRequest = new transactionRequestType
transactionType = transactionTypeEnum.authCaptureTransaction.ToString(), // authorize and capture transaction
amount = paymentAmount,
payment = paymentType,
customer = new customerDataType()
type = customerTypeEnum.individual,
id = userID.ToString()
profile = new customerProfilePaymentType()
createProfile = true
var request = new createTransactionRequest { transactionRequest = transactionRequest };
// instantiate the contoller that will call the service
var controller = new createTransactionController(request);
const SslProtocols _Tls12 = (SslProtocols)0x00000C00;
const SecurityProtocolType Tls12 = (SecurityProtocolType)_Tls12;
ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = Tls12;
// get the response from the service (errors contained if any)
var response = controller.GetApiResponse();
Since apparently OpaqueData is not allowed, I changed it to make the profile manually. I am getting the following Error: "Error: I00001 Successful."
// Add Payment method to Customer.
customerPaymentProfileType opaquePaymentProfile = new customerPaymentProfileType();
opaquePaymentProfile.payment = paymentType;
opaquePaymentProfile.customerType = customerTypeEnum.individual;
var request2 = new createCustomerPaymentProfileRequest
paymentProfile = opaquePaymentProfile,
validationMode = validationModeEnum.none,
customerProfileId = userID.ToString()
var controller2 = new createCustomerPaymentProfileController(request2);
//Send Request to EndPoint
createCustomerPaymentProfileResponse response2 = controller2.GetApiResponse();
if (response2 != null && response2.messages.resultCode == messageTypeEnum.Ok)
if (response2 != null && response2.messages.message != null)
//Console.WriteLine("Success, createCustomerPaymentProfileID : " + response.customerPaymentProfileId);
Utility.AppendTextToFile("Error: " + response.messages.message[0].code + " " + response.messages.message[0].text, Server.MapPath("/pub/auth.txt"));
Update #2
Very confused as documentation says this code means why don't I see the CIM payment method created??? RESPONSE CODE DOCS
Update #3
So I was printing out the main response message instead of the CIM request message, duh. The actual error was: "E00114 Invalid OTS Token."
Based on the the documentation, that error is usually from a used Key, so I am now generating 2 keys (One to process and One to store via CIM) but am now getting this error: "E00040 The record cannot be found."....Any ideas?
So the answer to this question is:
You can not auto create a payment profile using opaque card data, so the answer is to make it manually once you have a successful charge.
You can not use the same opaque card data to charge and store, as they are one time use, so for my web method I ended up passing 2 opaque data keys.
You have to make different calls for setting up a brand new customer and an existing customer just adding a new card. I have pasted an excerpt of my end solution below:
ApiOperationBase<ANetApiRequest, ANetApiResponse>.RunEnvironment = (System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Authorize-Live"].ToUpper() == "TRUE" ? AuthorizeNet.Environment.PRODUCTION : AuthorizeNet.Environment.SANDBOX);
// define the merchant information (authentication / transaction id)
ApiOperationBase<ANetApiRequest, ANetApiResponse>.MerchantAuthentication = new merchantAuthenticationType()
name = (System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Authorize-Live"].ToUpper() == "TRUE" ? System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Authorize-LoginID"] : System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Authorize-LoginID-SandBox"]),
ItemElementName = ItemChoiceType.transactionKey,
Item = (System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Authorize-Live"].ToUpper() == "TRUE" ? System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Authorize-TransactionKey"] : System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Authorize-TransactionKey-SandBox"])
if (paymentNonce.Trim() != "")
//set up data based on transaction
var opaqueData = new opaqueDataType { dataDescriptor = "COMMON.ACCEPT.INAPP.PAYMENT", dataValue = paymentNonce };
//standard api call to retrieve response
var paymentType = new paymentType { Item = opaqueData };
var transactionRequest = new transactionRequestType
transactionType = transactionTypeEnum.authCaptureTransaction.ToString(), // authorize and capture transaction
amount = paymentAmount,
payment = paymentType,
customer = new customerDataType()
type = customerTypeEnum.individual,
profile = new customerProfilePaymentType()
createProfile = false
var request = new createTransactionRequest { transactionRequest = transactionRequest };
// instantiate the contoller that will call the service
var controller = new createTransactionController(request);
const SslProtocols _Tls12 = (SslProtocols)0x00000C00;
const SecurityProtocolType Tls12 = (SecurityProtocolType)_Tls12;
ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = Tls12;
// get the response from the service (errors contained if any)
var response = controller.GetApiResponse();
if (response != null)
if (response.messages.resultCode == messageTypeEnum.Ok)
if (response.transactionResponse.messages != null)
responseData.Success = true;
transactionID = response.transactionResponse.transId;
string merchID = "STORED AUTHORIZE.NET CUSTOMERID, return blank string if none!";
var opaqueData2 = new opaqueDataType { dataDescriptor = "COMMON.ACCEPT.INAPP.PAYMENT", dataValue = paymentNonce2 };
//standard api call to retrieve response
var paymentType2 = new paymentType { Item = opaqueData2 };
customerPaymentProfileType opaquePaymentProfile = new customerPaymentProfileType();
opaquePaymentProfile.payment = paymentType2;
opaquePaymentProfile.customerType = customerTypeEnum.individual;
if (merchID == "")
List<customerPaymentProfileType> paymentProfileList = new List<customerPaymentProfileType>();
customerProfileType customerProfile = new customerProfileType();
customerProfile.merchantCustomerId = "YOUR_DB_USERID";
customerProfile.paymentProfiles = paymentProfileList.ToArray();
var cimRequest = new createCustomerProfileRequest { profile = customerProfile, validationMode = validationModeEnum.none };
var cimController = new createCustomerProfileController(cimRequest); // instantiate the contoller that will call the service
createCustomerProfileResponse cimResponse = cimController.GetApiResponse();
if (cimResponse != null && cimResponse.messages.resultCode == messageTypeEnum.Ok)
if (cimResponse != null && cimResponse.messages.message != null)
// STORE cimResponse.customerProfileId IN DATABASE FOR USER
for (int i = 0; i < cimResponse.messages.message.Length; i++)
Utility.AppendTextToFile("New Error (" + merchID + ") #" + i.ToString() + ": " + cimResponse.messages.message[i].code + " " + cimResponse.messages.message[i].text, Server.MapPath("/pub/auth.txt"));
var cimRequest = new createCustomerPaymentProfileRequest
paymentProfile = opaquePaymentProfile,
validationMode = validationModeEnum.none,
customerProfileId = merchID.Trim()
var cimController = new createCustomerPaymentProfileController(cimRequest);
//Send Request to EndPoint
createCustomerPaymentProfileResponse cimResponse = cimController.GetApiResponse();
if (cimResponse != null && cimResponse.messages.resultCode == messageTypeEnum.Ok)
if (cimResponse != null && cimResponse.messages.message != null)
//Console.WriteLine("Success, createCustomerPaymentProfileID : " + response.customerPaymentProfileId);
for (int i = 0; i < cimResponse.messages.message.Length; i++)
Utility.AppendTextToFile("Add Error (" + merchID + ") #" + i.ToString() + ": " + cimResponse.messages.message[i].code + " " + cimResponse.messages.message[i].text, Server.MapPath("/pub/auth.txt"));
responseData.Message = "Card Declined";
responseData.Success = false;
if (response.transactionResponse.errors != null)
responseData.Message = response.transactionResponse.errors[0].errorText;
responseData.Message = "Failed Transaction";
responseData.Success = false;
if (response.transactionResponse != null && response.transactionResponse.errors != null)
responseData.Message = response.transactionResponse.errors[0].errorText;
responseData.Message = response.messages.message[0].text;
responseData.Message = "Failed Transaction, Try Again!";
responseData.Success = false;
customerProfilePaymentType profileToCharge = new customerProfilePaymentType();
profileToCharge.customerProfileId = CustomerID;
profileToCharge.paymentProfile = new paymentProfile { paymentProfileId = PaymentID };
var transactionRequest = new transactionRequestType
transactionType = transactionTypeEnum.authCaptureTransaction.ToString(),
amount = paymentAmount,
profile = profileToCharge
var request = new createTransactionRequest { transactionRequest = transactionRequest };
// instantiate the collector that will call the service
var controller = new createTransactionController(request);
// get the response from the service (errors contained if any)
var response = controller.GetApiResponse();
if (response != null)
if (response.messages.resultCode == messageTypeEnum.Ok)
if (response.transactionResponse.messages != null)
responseData.Success = true;
transactionID = response.transactionResponse.transId;
responseData.Message = "Card Declined";
responseData.Success = false;
if (response.transactionResponse.errors != null)
responseData.Message = response.transactionResponse.errors[0].errorText;
responseData.Message = "Failed Transaction";
responseData.Success = false;
if (response.transactionResponse != null && response.transactionResponse.errors != null)
responseData.Message = response.transactionResponse.errors[0].errorText;
responseData.Message = response.messages.message[0].text;
responseData.Message = "Failed Transaction, Try Again!";
responseData.Success = false;

C# : set default payment method in stripe

I am new in stripe, how can we set default payment method in stripe.
And can we pass cardId/sourceId to charge customer along with customerId.
private static async Task<string> ChargeCustomer(string customerId)
return await System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Run(() =>
var myCharge = new StripeChargeCreateOptions
Amount = 50,
Currency = "gbp",
Description = "Charge for property sign and postage",
CustomerId = customerId
var chargeService = new StripeChargeService();
var stripeCharge = chargeService.Create(myCharge);
return stripeCharge.Id;
And 1 more question, how to get charge-list, I am using below code but getting exception(conversion error):-
private IEnumerable<StripeCharge> GetChargeList()
var chargeService = new StripeChargeService();
return chargeService.List();
This is what I ended up doing. Not sure why Stripe Checkout didn't set the card for the subscription setup as the default. Anyway, this fires triggered from the payment_intent.succeeded web hook. Sure there is a better way, but...
var customerService = new CustomerService(Configs.STRIPE_SECRET_KEY);
var c = customerService.Get(pi.CustomerId);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(c.InvoiceSettings.DefaultPaymentMethodId)) {
status = "already has default payment method, no action";
hsc = HttpStatusCode.OK;
var paymentMethodService = new PaymentMethodService(Configs.STRIPE_SECRET_KEY);
var lopm = paymentMethodService.ListAutoPaging(options: new PaymentMethodListOptions {
CustomerId = pi.CustomerId,
Type = "card"
if (!lopm.Any()) {
status = "customer has no payment methods";
hsc = HttpStatusCode.BadRequest;
var pm = lopm.FirstOrDefault();
customerService.Update(pi.CustomerId, options: new CustomerUpdateOptions {
InvoiceSettings = new CustomerInvoiceSettingsOptions {
DefaultPaymentMethodId = pm.Id
hsc = HttpStatusCode.OK;
We can pass cardId/BankAccountId/TokenId/SourceId in SourceTokenOrExistingSourceId property of StripeChargeCreateOptions,
private static async Task<string> ChargeCustomer(string customerId, string cardId)
return await System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Run(() =>
var myCharge = new StripeChargeCreateOptions
Amount = 50,
Currency = "gbp",
Description = "Charge for property sign and postage",
CustomerId = customerId,
SourceTokenOrExistingSourceId = cardId
var chargeService = new StripeChargeService();
var stripeCharge = chargeService.Create(myCharge);
return stripeCharge.Id;
catch(Exception ex)
return "";
To set/change default payment method:-
public void ChangeDefaultPayment(string customerId, string sourceId)
var myCustomer = new StripeCustomerUpdateOptions();
myCustomer.DefaultSource = sourceId;
var customerService = new StripeCustomerService();
StripeCustomer stripeCustomer = customerService.Update(customerId, myCustomer);
Still looking for how to get charge-list.

Getting password from mongodb c#

I am trying to create a login method and I need to get a password from the corresponding user. This is my database layer code:
public int loginUser(string userName, string pass)
int result = 0;
var credentials = MongoCredential.CreateMongoCRCredential("SearchForKnowledge", userName, pass);
var settings = new MongoClientSettings
Credentials = new[] { credentials }
var mongoClient = new MongoClient(settings);
var database = mongoClient.GetDatabase("SearchForKnowledge");
var coll = database.GetCollection<BsonDocument>("Users");
var filter = Builders<BsonDocument>.Filter.Eq("userName", userName);
var query = coll.Find(filter);
catch (Exception ex) {
result = 0;
return result;
as you can see if the login is success im trying to return 1 and if it fails, 0 (for redirecting purposes). I am struggling to check if the username matches password set to it. At the moment I just made a filter, passed it to the method Find and im dead stuck at this point. How do I return that user's password from mongodb and compare it to the one passed as a parameter?
Try something like this:
public int loginUser(string userName, string pass)
int result = 0;
//Here you use credentials for the connection, not the one passed
//to the method:
var credentials = MongoCredential.CreateMongoCRCredential("SearchForKnowledge", connectionUsername, connectionPass);
var settings = new MongoClientSettings
Credentials = new[] { credentials }
var mongoClient = new MongoClient(settings);
var database = mongoClient.GetDatabase("SearchForKnowledge");
var coll = database.GetCollection<BsonDocument>("Users");
var filter = Builders<BsonDocument>.Filter.Eq("userName", userName);
var result = await coll.Find(filter).ToListAsync().First();
if(result["Password"] == pass)
result = 1;
catch (Exception ex) {
result = 0;
return result;

