I am currently wrapping Un4seen BASS audio library in .Net
BASS functions returning a bool value, require checking LastError to know the Error that occurred if false is returned.
So I implemented a Return<T> class to make it object-oriented:
using ManagedBass.Dynamics;
namespace ManagedBass
/// <summary>
/// Wraps a Bass Error in a function return value
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">The Type of the function return value</typeparam>
public class Return<T>
public Errors ErrorCode { get; }
Return(T Value)
ErrorCode = Bass.LastError;
this.Value = Value;
public T Value { get; }
public static implicit operator T(Return<T> e) => e.Value;
public static implicit operator Return<T>(T e) => new Return<T>(e);
public bool Success => ErrorCode == Errors.OK;
Now for methods like:
[DllImport(DllName, EntryPoint = "BASS_StreamFree")]
public static extern bool StreamFree(int Handle);
I would instead want to return a Return<bool> so that the user can easily check the ErrorCode in object-oriented way.
Now, you may say that I create another method like:
// bool implicitly converts to Return<bool>
public static Return<bool> StreamFree2(int Handle) => StreamFree(Handle)
But, the problem is that there are already thousands of DllImports and doing this for all of them would be a nightmare.
So, I tried:
[DllImport(DllName, EntryPoint = "BASS_StreamFree")]
[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]
public static extern Return<bool> StreamFree(int Handle);
It compiled, but didn't work at all.
Can anyone please point me out where I am wrong or is something like this even possible.
Thanks in Advance.
There is no way to do this without writing wrapper functions. You cannot simply change the function's return type. The marshaller isn't going to be able to create a new Return<T> object automatically. Your final attempt at a declaration tells the marshaller that the function returns a BOOL, but the function is not declared as returning a BOOL. Obviously that's not going to work; it fails at runtime when the mismatch is detected.
There is likely another problem. I don't know what type the BASS library functions actually return, but if it is bool, then UnmanagedType.Bool is the wrong type. You actually want UnmanagedType.U1. UnmanagedType.Bool refers to the 4-byte BOOL type, which is actually an integer. UnmanagedType.U1 refers to C++'s 1-byte bool type.
More generally, I don't think your "object-oriented" approach would offer any real advantage. Sure, you'd be returning an object, but the client code you write wouldn't look any different because you'd still have to check the error code each time.
An elegant, .NET-conforming design would throw an exception when the library function returned an error. That exception (BassException or whatever) would then wrap the error code. Of course, this will require writing wrapper functions for each of the library functions, but at least there will be some payoff once you get done. Consider automating the generation of such functions with a tool.
I'm trying to implement some P/Invoke code using the new LibraryImport attribute, as opposed to the old DllImport. Specifically, I am trying to marshal a WNDCLASSEXW struct for use in RegisterClassEx.
Here is a simplified, shortened version of my managed implementation of WNDCLASSEXW:
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
public struct WindowClass
private uint StructSize;
public WindowClassStyle Style;
public Win32API.WindowProcedure? WindowProcedure;
private int ClassAdditionalBytes;
private int WindowAdditionalBytes;
public IntPtr Instance;
public IntPtr Icon;
public IntPtr Cursor;
public IntPtr BackgroundBrush;
public string? ClassMenuResourceName;
public string? ClassName;
public IntPtr SmallIcon;
And my definition of Win32API.WindowProcedure:
public delegate nint WindowProcedure(IntPtr windowHandle, MessageID messageID, nuint wParam, nint lParam);
And finally my definition of RegisterClassEx:
[LibraryImport("user32.dll", SetLastError = true, EntryPoint = "RegisterClassExW")]
public static partial ushort RegisterClassEx(in WindowClass classDefinition);
However, this results in the error:
Error SYSLIB1051: The type 'xxx.WindowClass' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. The generated source will not handle marshalling of parameter 'classDefinition'.
Therefore I believe I require custom marshalling for the WindowClass struct.
However, with this system being relatively new, I'm having difficulty finding good guidance on how to do this correctly and optimally. Previously, DllImport would magically marshal most types with little guidance, but LibraryImport appears to require more information, and be a bit stricter.
I could circumvent the problem by changing the type to IntPtr and requiring conversion of the delegate to IntPtr elsewhere in the program, but I would much prefer to do it as close to the managed/unmanaged boundary as possible and keep the structs and exposed native functions usable with more descriptive types.
Some of the resources I have found while searching:
The old P/Invoke documentation regarding delegates/function pointers
The new information regarding CustomMarshaller
The design documentation for the new source generator-based system
Primary Question: How do I correctly implement custom marshalling for my WNDPROC and the LP(C)WSTRs?
Question 2:
I would prefer to use a readonly struct, and turn all of the members into { get; init; } properties instead of fields, due to the nicer semantics. However I've noticed that the MarshalAs attribute cannot be applied to properties. Is there a good way to both use readonly structs with properties, while also providing the necessary information to ensure everything gets marshalled in/out correctly? Specifically for more complex types such as string? <-> LPCWSTR, delegate? <-> void*, and other such types I may encounter.
Bonus Question:
It appears that LibraryImport de-emphasizes the importance of specifying the correct calling convention. It's no longer part of the main attribute like DllImport, instead using a secondary attribute that looks like this: [UnmanagedCallConv(CallConvs = new[] { typeof(CallConvStdcall) })] which frankly looks terrible. Is specifying calling convention necessary or beneficial now?
I was able to get it working with custom marshaling. While Simon's advice of changing the struct to contain the native types makes sense in the general case, in my case it doesn't, as these will be exposed for others to use.
The answer might be different for faster, more frequently called methods, but in this case registering a class and creating a window is inherently quite an expensive operation, so the added overhead of copying data to/from a different struct isn't worth any concern.
The marshaler was implemented like this:
[CustomMarshaller(typeof(WindowClass), MarshalMode.UnmanagedToManagedIn, typeof(WindowClassMarshaler))]
[CustomMarshaller(typeof(WindowClass), MarshalMode.ManagedToUnmanagedIn, typeof(ManagedToUnmanagedIn))]
internal static unsafe class WindowClassMarshaler
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
internal unsafe struct WindowClassUnmanaged
public uint StructSize;
public uint Style;
public IntPtr WindowProcedure;
public int ClassAdditionalBytes;
public int WindowAdditionalBytes;
public IntPtr Instance;
public IntPtr Icon;
public IntPtr Cursor;
public IntPtr BackgroundBrush;
public char* ClassMenuResourceName;
public char* ClassName;
public IntPtr SmallIcon;
internal static unsafe WindowClass ConvertToManaged(WindowClassUnmanaged unmanaged)
return new()
WindowProcedure = Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer<Win32API.WindowProcedure>(unmanaged.WindowProcedure),
ClassMenuResourceName = MarshalHelpers.Win32WideCharArrToString(unmanaged.ClassMenuResourceName),
ClassName = MarshalHelpers.Win32WideCharArrToString(unmanaged.ClassName),
// (remainder omitted, just simple copies)
internal unsafe ref struct ManagedToUnmanagedIn
public static int BufferSize => sizeof(WindowClassUnmanaged);
private byte* UnmanagedBufferStruct;
private char* UnmanagedStrResourceName, UnmanagedStrClassName;
public void FromManaged(WindowClass managed, Span<byte> buffer)
IntPtr WindowProcedure = (managed.WindowProcedure == null) ? IntPtr.Zero : Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate(managed.WindowProcedure);
this.UnmanagedStrResourceName = (managed.ClassMenuResourceName == null) ? null : (char*)Marshal.StringToHGlobalUni(managed.ClassMenuResourceName);
this.UnmanagedStrClassName = (managed.ClassName == null) ? null : (char*)Marshal.StringToHGlobalUni(managed.ClassName);
WindowClassUnmanaged Result = new()
WindowProcedure = WindowProcedure,
ClassMenuResourceName = this.UnmanagedStrResourceName,
ClassName = this.UnmanagedStrClassName,
// (remainder omitted, just simple copies)
Span<byte> ResultByteView = MemoryMarshal.Cast<WindowClassUnmanaged, byte>(MemoryMarshal.CreateSpan(ref Result, 1));
Debug.Assert(buffer.Length >= ResultByteView.Length, "Target buffer isn't large enough to hold the struct data.");
this.UnmanagedBufferStruct = (byte*)Unsafe.AsPointer(ref MemoryMarshal.GetReference(buffer));
public byte* ToUnmanaged() => this.UnmanagedBufferStruct;
public void Free()
if (this.UnmanagedStrResourceName != null)
this.UnmanagedStrResourceName = null;
if (this.UnmanagedStrClassName != null)
this.UnmanagedStrClassName = null;
With this helper function to convert a Win32 LP(C)WSTR into a regular .NET string:
public static unsafe string? Win32WideCharArrToString(char* unmanagedArr)
if (unmanagedArr == null) { return null; }
int Length = 0;
while (*(unmanagedArr + Length) != 0x0000) { Length++; }
return Encoding.Unicode.GetString((byte*)unmanagedArr, Length * sizeof(char));
The nicer WindowClass struct is pretty much the same as before, except readonly, and with all elements being { get; init; }. The MarshalAs attributes on members are no longer required, as the custom marshaling handles everything.
Finally, the actual extern function now looks like this:
[LibraryImport("user32.dll", SetLastError = true, EntryPoint = "RegisterClassExW")]
[UnmanagedCallConv(CallConvs = new[] { typeof(CallConvStdcall) })]
public static partial ushort RegisterClassEx([MarshalUsing(typeof(WindowClassMarshaler))] WindowClass classDefinition);
Note that this has been corrected. Previously I used the in keyword on the parameter, but this causes it to pass a pointer to the pointer to the struct data, which is an extra level of indirection that will cause the code to fail. Above is the updated version that works correctly.
I've tested and verified this works both in regular publish modes, as well as with AOT compilation, which was the reason for using LibraryImport in this case.
My bonus question still stands however, is there any benefit in specifying stdcall using UnmanagedCallConv?
We use a 3rd party COM object, one of which methods under certain conditions returns a VARIANT of VT_PTR type. That upsets the default .NET marshaler, which throws the following error:
Managed Debugging Assistant 'InvalidVariant' : 'An invalid VARIANT was
detected during a conversion from an unmanaged VARIANT to a managed
object. Passing invalid VARIANTs to the CLR can cause unexpected
exceptions, corruption or data loss.
Method signatures:
// (Unmanaged) IDL:
HRESULT getAttribute([in] BSTR strAttributeName, [retval, out] VARIANT* AttributeValue);
// C#:
[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Struct)]
object getAttribute([In, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)] string strAttributeName);
Is there an elegant way to bypass such marshaler's behavior and obtain the underlying unmanaged pointer on the managed side?
What I've considered/tried so far:
A custom marshaler:
[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.CustomMarshaler,
MarshalTypeRef = typeof(IntPtrMarshaler))]
object getAttribute([In, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)] string strAttributeName);
I did implement IntPtrMarshaler, just to find the interop layer crashing the process even before any of my ICustomMarshaler methods gets called. Perhaps, the VARIANT* argument type is not compatible with custom marshalers.
Rewrite (or clone) the C# interface definition with getAttribute method redefined (like below) and do all the marshaling for output VARIANT manually:
void getAttribute(
[In, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)],
string strAttributeName,
IntPtr result);
This doesn't seem nice (the interface itself has 30+ other methods). It'd also break existing, unrelated pieces of code which already make use of getAttribute without issues.
Obtain an unmanaged method address of getAttribute from vtable (using Marshal.GetComSlotForMethodInfo etc), then do the manual invocation and marshaling against my own custom delegate type (using Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer etc).
So far, I've taken this approach and it seem to work fine, but it feels as such an overkill for what should be a simple thing.
Am I missing some other feasible interop options for this scenario? Or, maybe there is a way to make CustomMarshaler work here?
What I would do is define a simple VARIANT structure like this:
public struct VARIANT
public ushort vt;
public ushort r0;
public ushort r1;
public ushort r2;
public IntPtr ptr0;
public IntPtr ptr1;
And the interface like this;
[Guid("39c16a44-d28a-4153-a2f9-08d70daa0e22"), InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsDual)]
public interface MyInterface
VARIANT getAttributeAsVARIANT([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)] string strAttributeName);
Then, add an extension method somewhere in a static class like this, so the caller can have the same coding experience using MyInterface:
public static object getAttribute(this MyInterface o, string strAttributeName)
return VariantSanitize(o.getAttributeAsVARIANT(strAttributeName));
private static object VariantSanitize(VARIANT variant)
const int VT_PTR = 26;
const int VT_I8 = 20;
if (variant.vt == VT_PTR)
variant.vt = VT_I8;
var ptr = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(Marshal.SizeOf<VARIANT>());
Marshal.StructureToPtr(variant, ptr, false);
return Marshal.GetObjectForNativeVariant(ptr);
This will do nothing for normal variants, but will just patch it for VT_PTR cases.
Note this only works if the caller and the callee are in the same COM apartement.
If they are not, you will get the DISP_E_BADVARTYPE error back because marshaling must be done, and by default, it will be done by the COM universal marshaler (OLEAUT) which only support Automation compatible data types (just like .NET).
In this case, theoratically, you could replace this marshaler by another one (at COM level, not at NET level), but that would mean to add some code on C++ side and possibly in the registry (proxy/stub, IMarshal, etc.).
For my own future reference, here's how I ended up doing it, using the 3rd option mentioned in the question:
[ComImport, Guid("75A67021-058A-4E2A-8686-52181AAF600A"), InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown)]
public interface IInterface
[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Struct)]
object getAttribute([In, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)] string strAttributeName);
private delegate int IInterface_getAttribute(
IntPtr pInterface,
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)] string name,
IntPtr result);
public static object getAttribute(this IInterface obj, string name)
var ifaceType = typeof(IInterface);
var ifaceMethodInfo = ((Func<string, object>)obj.getAttribute).Method;
var slot = Marshal.GetComSlotForMethodInfo(ifaceMethodInfo);
var ifacePtr = Marshal.GetComInterfaceForObject(obj, ifaceType);
var vtablePtr = Marshal.ReadIntPtr(ifacePtr);
var methodPtr = Marshal.ReadIntPtr(vtablePtr, IntPtr.Size * slot);
var methodWrapper = Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer<IInterface_getAttribute>(methodPtr);
var resultVar = new VariantClass();
var resultHandle = GCHandle.Alloc(resultVar, GCHandleType.Pinned);
var pResultVar = resultHandle.AddrOfPinnedObject();
var hr = methodWrapper(ifacePtr, name, pResultVar);
if (hr < 0)
if (resultVar.vt == VT_PTR)
return resultVar.ptr;
return Marshal.GetObjectForNativeVariant(pResultVar);
I need to broaden my understanding of how structs are compiled when using generics.
I have the following code, which works
public struct TestStruct
public GenericStruct<SecondTestStruct> Header;
public int TestValue;
public struct GenericStruct<T>
public int MessageSize => System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(T));
public struct SecondTestStruct
public int TestValue;
static void Main(string[] args)
TestStruct test = new TestStruct();
Console.WriteLine($"Size of test is: {test.Header.MessageSize}");
This prints 'Size of test is: 4'
However, if I change TestStruct to attempt to provide its own size:
public struct TestStruct
public GenericStruct<TestStruct> Header;
public int TestValue;
I get a runtime error: System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'TestStructGenerics.TestStruct' from assembly.
I'm guessing it has to do with the compiler being unable to create the struct compile time. Or perhaps a problem with circular references when handling the generic resolution.
I just realized that I can achieve what I want by changing the second case to:
public struct TestStruct
public GenericStruct<TestStruct> Header => new GenericStruct<TestStruct>();
public int TestValue;
According to Eric Lippert's comments in this Roslyn issue, it is unclear whether this problem is a CLR type loader limitation or whether programs of this sort are invalid, and, if they are invalid, whether the C# compiler should detect it and emit an error. Practically, it appears that, until the authorities decide, we have to avoid type loops between structs regardless of the mode that introduces dependence - instance field (that's never going to work because the struct would be infinite size), static field, implemented generic interface, or generic argument. One can break these struct type loops at compile time by changing some struct in the loop to a class, or at run time by going through object or interface and casting.
See also the corresponding CLR issue.
I'm using Visual Studio 2010 and coding in c#.
public partial class App : Application
public static extern IntPtr EwfMgrOpenProtected(string lpVolume);
public static extern bool EwfMgrCommit(IntPtr hDevice);
public static bool EWFcommit()
temp = true;
string strVolumeName = "C:";
hProVol = EwfMgrOpenProtected(strVolumeName);
temp = EwfMgrCommit(hProVol);
return temp;
The problem I'm having is that these commands do not work on the machine with the EWF enabled.
I've attempted to get the Volume Name from ewfmanager instead of hardcoding it to "C:". However, I'm still learning and I'm having trouble using the command "EwfMgrGetProtectedVolumeList". This api command will return the VolumeName I need to run the other ewfapi commands. However, this command returns "PEWF_VOLUME_NAME_ENTRY " variable which I need to define. This is where I get stuck.
In C++, the header file defines this variable, but in c# header files are non existent. Would I have to convert C++ code to c# code in order to use structures defined in the header file?
Currently, I'm using a work around by executing the commands via command prompt which works flawlessly. But, I'm curious and want to learn the "right"/best way to do this in c#.
Please let me know of any experience using api commands in C#. Thank you.
This is the code I'm trying to convert to C#. I'm unsure how to convert the Declarators in C++ to C#.
typedef struct _EWF_VOLUME_NAME_ENTRY
WCHAR Name[1];
This is the converted C# code without the declarators:
public System.IntPtr Next;
/// WCHAR[1]
public string Name;
Your attempt was actually really close, it just needed some attributes to help the compiler along (in fact it may have worked without them)
public System.IntPtr Next;
/// WCHAR[1]
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst=1)]
public string Name;
To use it, the P/Invoke signature of your method would be.
public static extern IntPtr EwfMgrGetProtectedVolumeList();
You also need a few more functions
public static extern void EwfMgrVolumeNameListDelete(IntPtr list);
public static extern bool EwfMgrVolumeNameListIsEmpty(IntPtr list);
public static extern void EwfMgrVolumeNameEntryPop(ref IntPtr list);
You could then get the list of protected volumes like so.
public IEnumerable<string> GetProtectedVolumeNames()
var listptr = EwfMgrGetProtectedVolumeList();
if(listptr == IntPtr.Zero)
throw new Win32Exception(); //the default constuctor calls Marshal.GetLastWin32Error() for you.
var currentStruct = Marshal.PtrToStructure<EWF_VOLUME_NAME_ENTRY>(listPtr);
// Pre .NET 4.5.1 version
// var currentStruct = (EWF_VOLUME_NAME_ENTRY)Marshal.PtrToStructure(listPtr, typeof(EWF_VOLUME_NAME_ENTRY));
yield return currentStruct.Name;
EwfMgrVolumeNameEntryPop(ref listPtr);
if(listptr != IntPtr.Zero)
Note this code was written in the browser and is untested, but I think it should work.
EDIT: Important note, if you use this function outside of a foreach and instead manually go through the IEnumerable be sure to dispose of it, otherwise the finally block will not execute and you will have a memory leak (a foreach automatically calls dispose for you when you leave the scope of the loop).
On a side note you may want to check out this old MSDN Magazine article: "Making PInvoke Easy". It includes a link to a program that you can give it the C/C++ signature and it will give you back a rough version of the .NET P/Invoke signature.
Minor tweak to Scotts answer. The name is a null terminated string, so increase the SizeConst to get the rest of the characters of the name:
public System.IntPtr Next;
/// WCHAR[1]
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst=300)]
public string Name;
My app uses several "handles" (all IntPtr's) of varying "type".
I want to help ensure that the correct handle type are passed to my various methods... if I used IntPtr for them all then there's no hint that the method takes handle type A or handle type B.
If L were in C++ land I could use typedefs:
typedef uint32 HdlA;
typedef uint32 HdlB;
and now I have two types, HdlA and HdlB, both of which are generic U32's under the hood.
In C++ I could also use a macro to declare the structs.
Additionally, for marshaling reasons, I need these to be value types... can't use a class (naturally, if I could use class that would solve everything).
All handles have essentially identical definitions:
public struct HdlA
private IntPtr _h;
public bool IsValid get { return (_h != IntPtr.Zero);} }
//public HdlA() { _h = IntPtr.Zero; } // C# disallows arg-less ctor on struct
public HdlA(IntPtr h) { _h = h; }
public void Invalidate() { _h = IntPtr.Zero; }
public static implicit operator IntPtr(HdlA hdl) { return hdl._h; }
public struct HdlB
private IntPtr _h;
public bool IsValid get { return (_h != IntPtr.Zero);} }
//public HdlB() { _h = IntPtr.Zero; } // C# disallows arg-less ctor on struct
public HdlB(IntPtr h) { _h = h; }
public void Invalidate() { _h = IntPtr.Zero; }
public static implicit operator IntPtr(HdlB hdl) { return hdl._h; }
... etc ...
I certainly can do this longhand - I can declare 5 or 6 identical blocks of code where only the struct names vary - but that's not very elegant.
I've considered using an Interface, but that disallows member fields, so no luck there.
What I'd love is to have a base struct then have HdlA, HdlB, etc simply derive off the base. But C# disallows base types in structs.
This seems like something that should have an easy and elegant solution, but it's escaping me :(
Any ideas?
One solution is to use only one struct with all common fields and add a field(int or Enum) that shows the type of the struct you want to use. Of course if you were able to use classes you would have used Inheritance but in this scenario adding a HandleType field may solve the problem.
You can then check that field in each method to see the right struct has been passed or not.
You don't provide a great deal of context in your question, so I'm stabbing wildly in the dark here.
It might be possible to use classes in your situation, after all. Declare the abstract base class, derive HndlA and HndlB from it, and provide a ToHandle() method on the base class that converts the class to a struct. The value from ToHandle() would be the object you marshal.
Again, just stabbing wildly in the dark.
In C++ I could also use a macro to declare the structs.
In C# you can use a T4 template.
Or strictly, it's not C# itself, though it can use C# as both the script language, and the output, and it can be part of the build in pretty much any build tool for C# (VisualStudio, MonoDevelop, SharpDevelop, Nant) other than just calling the compiler itself.
Create a file with a .tt or .t4 extension like:
<## template language="C#" #>
<## output extension=".generated.cs" #>
namespace SomeNamespace
foreach(string name in new string[]{"HdlA", "HdlB", /*… and so on… */})
public struct <#=name#>
private IntPtr _h;
public bool IsValid
get { return (_h != IntPtr.Zero); }
public <#=name#>(IntPtr h)
_h = h;
public void Invalidate()
_h = IntPtr.Zero;
public static implicit operator IntPtr(<#=name#> hdl)
return hdl._h;
It works pretty much as ASP.NET does, but produces a local file. Here we use it to produce a .cs file that will then be part of the compilation, rebuilding the .cs file first if necessary. Alas, while it's a generated file, it causes problems if you don't include it in your source control (must start a question on that irritation).
Here is a real example of mine that's a bit more realistic. Here rather than wanting similar classes with different names, I wanted different methods with different types, but it's the same basic principle.
By the way,
// C# disallows arg-less ctor on struct
Depending on how you look at it, you could also say that it insists that you must have a predefined arg-less zero-filling constructor, that you can't get rid of or replace (there's [usually] no such method, but we do use new blah() in the calling C#). While it's possible in .NET to do otherwise, the differences in the cases where it is called or where zero-filling happens cause enough confusion that insisting that the constructor match zero-filling does save some problems.