I like to delete rows from multiple worksheet in Excel. Currently my code only delete rows from active worksheet. I am looking for a specific value on the cell then when I find this value then I am deleting all the rows up to that value that stored on that row.
private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application Excel = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application();
Workbook workBook = Excel.Workbooks.Open(FilePath);
Worksheet ws = (Worksheet)Excel.ActiveSheet;
for (int j = 1; j <= 10; j++)
for (int i = 1; i <= 20; i++)
if (Convert.ToString(((Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Range)ws.Cells[j, i]).Value2) == "Matter")
for (int r = 1; r <= j; r++)
workBook.SaveAs(#"C:\Users\Separate\New.xlsx", Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.XlFileFormat.xlWorkbookDefault, Type.Missing, Type.Missing,
false, false, Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.XlSaveAsAccessMode.xlNoChange,
Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing);
workBook.Close(Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing);
Excel = null;
I would highly suggest trying to use ClosedXML as it makes working with Excel so much easier. Specifically with ClosedXML you can have a line like this:
where ws is your initialized worksheet, and it handles the heavy lifting for deleting that row.
Getting or setting cell data is just as simple:
ws.Cell(2, 2).Value = "Initial Value";
or alternatively
ws.Cell("B2").Value = "Value;
They also have type specific value assignment like this:
The documentation is very thorough, and you can get the package through nuget (note it requires the DocumentFormat.OpenXML package installed as well)
I missed the part about multiple worksheets so here it is. The XLWorkbook type has a property Worksheets, which is an enumerable of all the worksheets in the workbook. Use this to get the worksheets you want to delete rows on
I have a UWP app that I am developing in Visual Studio. It successfully makes api calls and returns data. So far I have only bound this data to grid views for displaying. Now however I would like to add a "save" function that will export this data to an excel document.
Any thoughts on how I could go about this ?
Any help is greatly appreciated.
I would advise you NOT to use excel directly, but use a different approach; try to get a nuget package to do the work for you (handling excel etc). Excel itself (as interop library) is a pain in the proverbial but cheeks.
A good one : https://www.nuget.org/packages/EPPlus/
You can still use the same data you get for your grid, but export it to excel. There are numerous examples to be found for above mentioned EPPLus.
try this
private void button_SAVE(object sender, EventArgs e)
// creating Excel Application
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel._Application app = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application();
// creating new WorkBook within Excel application
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel._Workbook workbook = app.Workbooks.Add(Type.Missing);
// creating new Excelsheet in workbook
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel._Worksheet worksheet = null;
// see the excel sheet behind the program
app.Visible = true;
// get the reference of first sheet. By default its name is Sheet1.
// store its reference to worksheet
worksheet = workbook.Sheets["Sheet1"];
worksheet = workbook.ActiveSheet;
// changing the name of active sheet
worksheet.Name = "Exported from gridview";
// storing header part in Excel
for (int i = 1; i < dataGridView1.Columns.Count + 1; i++)
worksheet.Cells[1, i] = dataGridView1.Columns[i - 1].HeaderText;
// storing Each row and column value to excel sheet
for (int i = 0; i < dataGridView1.Rows.Count - 1; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < dataGridView1.Columns.Count; j++) {
worksheet.Cells[i + 2, j + 1] = dataGridView1.Rows[i].Cells[j].Value.ToString();
// save the application
workbook.SaveAs("c:\\output.xls", Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.XlSaveAsAccessMode.xlExclusive, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing);
// Exit from the application
See Sunteen's reply in this post. There are exist libraries which can do this.(Example doc)
If you want to create csv yourself, there is a blog about parsing CSV.
Good day to all.
I am trying to merge all the sheets of multiple excel files into one excel file. I have successfully did it using below code:
string folder = textBox1.Text;
string[] xlsxfiles = Directory.GetFiles(folder, "*.xlsx");
Excel.Application app = new Excel.Application();
app.Visible = true;
Excel.Workbook finalWB = app.Workbooks.Add("");
Excel.Workbook tempWB = app.Workbooks.Add(xlsxfiles);
for (int i = 2; i <= app.Workbooks.Count; i++)
for (int j = 1; j <= app.Workbooks[i].Worksheets.Count; j++)
Excel.Worksheet ws = app.Workbooks[i].Worksheets[j];
However, the workbooks "tempWB" are still open and some of them got their filenames "1" added at the end (e.g.Book1.xlsx becomes Book11.xlsx).
I've already tried:
but it is not closing the ones with "1" added to their filenames.
Is there a code that I can use to close all open excel files except one (finalWB in my code)?
Thank you in advanced for the ususal help.
I think app.Workbooks.Close(); needs to be called at the end to close all the open workbooks is there are any.
I have successfully closed all excel sheets by Saving As first the active workbook then run
my code looks like below
finalWB.SaveAs(excelReportSaveas, Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.XlFileFormat.xlWorkbookDefault, Type.Missing, Type.Missing,
false, false, Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.XlSaveAsAccessMode.xlNoChange,
Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing);
Thank you Gowri for the reply.
I am reading an Excel sheet programmatically using Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel in C#.
I am able to read it row by row and converting each row to a string arrray. Then, I am adding these rows to a DataTable.
Every thing works fine except the one of the column in the Excel contains Date values, and when I fetch it from the Excel Range object and cast it to string array, the date values gets converted to some sort of decimal numbers.
For e.g.-
If the date value is '6/4/2016 8:14:39 PM', I get the value as '42522.5224305556'
If the date value is '5/27/2016 1:10:12 PM', I get the value as '42517.54875'
Below is my code-
private System.Data.DataTable GetTicketsFromExcel(string excelFilePath)
System.Data.DataTable dtblTickets = new System.Data.DataTable();
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application excelApp = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application();
Worksheet ws = new Worksheet();
Workbook wb = null;
wb = excelApp.Workbooks.Open(excelFilePath, Type.Missing, Type.Missing,
Type.Missing, Type.Missing,
Type.Missing, Type.Missing,
Type.Missing, Type.Missing,
Type.Missing, Type.Missing,
Type.Missing, Type.Missing,
Type.Missing, Type.Missing);
ws = (Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Worksheet)wb.Sheets.get_Item(1);
Range usedRange = ws.UsedRange;
Range rowRange;
string[] lsRow = null;
for (int i = 1; i <= usedRange.Columns.Count; i++)
dtblTickets.Columns.Add(usedRange.Cells[5, i].Value.ToString());
string sortColumn = "Reported On";
string sortDirection = "DESC";
dtblTickets.Columns[sortColumn].DataType = typeof(DateTime);
for (int row = 6; row <= usedRange.Rows.Count; row++)
rowRange = usedRange.Rows[row];
object[,] cellValues = (object[,])rowRange.Value2;
lsRow = cellValues.Cast<object>().Select(o => Convert.ToString(o)).ToArray<string>();
dtblTickets.DefaultView.Sort = sortColumn + " " + sortDirection;
dtblTickets = dtblTickets.DefaultView.ToTable();
catch (Exception ex)
ws = null;
wb = null;
excelApp = null;
return dtblTickets;
Please note-
I don't want to use OLEDB to read and export this
I want to able to read the Excel row by row (without extracting each cell value and converting them)
I don't want to convert/format the original Excel document data
Can someone please help me with this?
Not quite sure, if you want to solve the problem this way, but one way is to change the property of the Cells (or the whole row or column) in Excel.
Right click on a Cell
Format Cells
Under "Number" select Category "Text" for the Cells.
I've tested it and it worked.
I'm trying to compare a cell with a string to replace it if it is equal. But when I try to do the code below the 0x800A03EC error occurs.
int cont = 0;
string cell;
cell = rCol.ToUpper() + cont.ToString(); // = "D1"
string cellData = ((Excel.Range)sheet.Cells[cell]).Value2.ToString();
if (cellData == from)
sheet.Cells[cell] = to;
} while (sheet.Cells[cell] == null);
How can I do this?
If you know the cell you want to check, for example A1, you can do it like this:
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using Excel = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel;
namespace Test
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
// create app
var excelApp = new Excel.Application();
// open workbook
var workbook = excelApp.Workbooks.Open(
Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing,
Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing,
Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing,
Type.Missing, Type.Missing);
// open sheet
var sheet = (Excel.Worksheet)workbook.Sheets[1];
// create some variables
var from = "Pete";
var to = "Dave";
// compare cell A1 [1,1] with 'from'
if (string.Equals(sheet.Cells[1,1].Value, from))
sheet.Cells[1, 1].Value = to;
// save the workbook
// close the workbook and release resources
workbook.Close(true, workbook.Path);
workbook = null;
Try this to get at a simple range:
int row = 1;
string col = "D";
string text = sheet.get_Range(col + row.ToString()).Value;
The 0x800A03EC error is a value returned by Excel, which means NAME_NOT_FOUND (see this SA question). Looks like you were passing a parameter that Excel could not find, probably because you were passing a string ("D1"), rather than two integer parameters (4,1).
It's impossible to tell where you are getting the rCol.ToUpper() value, without seeing more of your code. However, if you are attempting to go through a series of columns and rows to check for an equality condition (that's what it looks like you are attempting), you will quickly run into the pesky problem of how to increment the column value using capital letters (just try it; not much fun!).
One solution I did in VB recently was to use the native Excel function index, which uses numeric values to get at a particular cell. You would need to cast an object of the type Excel.WorksheetFunction to use that function. But I have since discovered there are easier solutions than using an Excel function:
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel;
namespace exceltest
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application xl = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application();
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Workbook workbook = xl.Workbooks.Open(#"C:\test.xlsx");
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Worksheet sheet = workbook.Sheets[1];
xl.Visible = true;
//use this if you want to use native Excel functions (such as index)
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.WorksheetFunction wsFunc = xl.WorksheetFunction;
int maxNum = 100; // set maximum number of rows/columns to search
string from = "blah";
string to = "blum";
//this is pretty slow, since it has to interact with 10,000 cells in Excel
// just one example of how to access and set cell values
for (int col = 1; col <= maxNum; col++)
for (int row = 1; row <= maxNum; row ++)
Range cell = (Range)sheet.Cells[row, col];
if ((string)cell.Value == from) //cast to string to avoid null reference exceptions
cell.Value = to;
I have this code that export an excel file using c# from 1 listview. My problem now is if I have 2 listviews that will be generated in 1 excel file, my plan is listview1 is for sheet1 and listview2 is for sheet2.
this is my code generates listview1 to excel into sheet1:
string[] st = new string[listView1.Columns.Count];
DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables("%USERPROFILE%") + #"\Desktop\");
if (di.Exists == false)
fileName f = new fileName();
if (f.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables("%USERPROFILE%") + #"\Desktop\" + f.Filenam + ".xls", false);
sw.AutoFlush = true;
string header = "";
for (int col = 0; col < listView1.Columns.Count; col++)
header += listView1.Columns[col].Text.ToString() + "\t";
int rowIndex = 1;
int row = 0;
string st1 = "";
for (row = 0; row < listView1.Items.Count; row++)
if (rowIndex <= listView1.Items.Count)
st1 = "\n";
for (int col = 0; col < listView1.Columns.Count; col++)
st1 = st1 + listView1.Items[row].SubItems[col].Text.ToString() + "\t";
FileInfo fil = new FileInfo(Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables("%USERPROFILE%") + #"\Desktop\" + f.Filenam + ".xls");
if (fil.Exists == true)
MessageBox.Show("Process Completed", "Export to Excel", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
I have used EPPlus, its free, give performance benefits, and provides many Excel functions. Other option you can look for is Microsoft InterOp for Excel export, but it has performance problems.
As Irfan already mentioned, you could do that with Microsoft.Office.Interop
Excel.Application xlsApp = new Excel.Application();
Excel.Workbook workbook;
workbook = xlsApp.Workbooks.Open(configuration.XLSExportedFile, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing);
foreach (Excel.Worksheet sheet in workbook.Sheets)
That would help you to step through all your sheets in your Excel file.
Now in case you want to expand it with multiple sheets, you can read C# how to add Excel Worksheet programmatically Office XP / 2003 in order to find how to add additional sheets.
What you could do now, is put your text into a variable for example HTML or any kind of information from your listbox.
string html = Clipboard.GetText(TextDataFormat.Html);
Now you can play around with the Clipboard(alternative solution, but to avoid).
It actually enters information into your Clipboard, what you could do is pass all your listbox values into the Clipboard.
And now the final step would be to paste it at the position that you want.
Where cellmap is supposed to be for example A1. In case your text that you have in your listbox is too long you can adapt your rows/columns.
//Auto fits all columns and rows
Don't forget, if you work with COM processes, close every object and file.
I don't say that would be the best solution to do, but you could look up for OpenXML also.
I've used ClosedXML before, the syntax is really clean and simple and you can get this sort of task done in just a few lines
This block shows how to add a list to a new sheet and save it
List<string> list = new List<string>();
var workbook = new XLWorkbook();
var worksheet = workbook.Worksheets.Add("Sample Sheet");
worksheet.Cell(1, 1).Value = list;