Dynamic cast vs reflection invoke: which poison to pick? - c#

I'm facing a little dilemma.
I need to repetitively call a given method on many instances of a type, that may or may not exist. Because the method's result will never change for any given instance, I'm caching its return value for future use so as to reduce the overhead and return early on subsequent calls, but still the part that actually does the work needs to call that method-that-may-not-exist:
var method = Context.Parent.GetType().GetMethod("typeHint");
if (method == null)
token = null;
_hasTypeHint = false;
return false;
var hint = ((dynamic)Context.Parent).typeHint() as VBAParser.TypeHintContext;
token = hint == null ? null : hint.GetText();
return hint != null;
Catching/handling a RuntimeBinderException was a major performance bottleneck, so I decided to reflect on the type in question to go and discover whether the method exists or not before calling it.
The specific type of Context.Parent is unknown at compile-time, and the possible runtime types don't share a common interface that would have the typeHint() method I'm looking for: I need to either invoke the reflected member, or cast to dynamic and invoke it directly.
My commit message goes like this:
removed the possibility for RuntimeBinderException by reflecting on the context type to locate the method to use. Kept (dynamic) cast because deemed less expensive than reflection invoke.. could be wrong though.
Which one incurs the least overhead, and more importantly, why?

Well, I was curious so I wrote a little program to test:
var sw = new Stopwatch();
int loopLimit = 10000000;
object hint1;
for( var i = 0; i < loopLimit; i++ )
hint1 = ( ( dynamic )theObject ).ToString();
Console.WriteLine( "dynamic time: {0}", sw.ElapsedMilliseconds );
for( var i = 0; i < loopLimit; i++ )
hint1 = method.Invoke( theObject, null );
Console.WriteLine( "invoke time: {0}", sw.ElapsedMilliseconds );
Playing with different values of loopLimit you'll see that for a relatively low number of calls Invoke is faster. As you increase loopLimit the dynamic call catches up and then it becomes much faster. Why? Because a dynamic call caches the Expression tree required to do the operation. And in this case, there is only one Expression tree created as I didn't change theObject (at a call site there will be only one Expression tree per object type).
So, long story short, if you are only calling a few thousand times or if you have a large variety of object types to test and call, then the Expression tree creation is going to kill your performance and Invoke will be better. If objects can be one of a few types and your method is called millions of times, then you may be better off with dynamic calls.
Play with the numbers for your particular situation. My guess is that you'll pick Invoke.

Not sure if this would work for you....
public async Task<tokenclass> Process(Button Context){
var x = await Task.Run(() =>
tokenclass tc = new tokenclass();
var method = Context.Parent.GetType().GetMethod("typeHint");
if (method == null)
tc.token = null;
tc.hasTypeHing = false;
tc.result = false;
return tc;
return x;
public class tokenclass
public string token { get; set; }
public bool hasTypeHing { get; set; }
public bool result { get; set; }


While updating a value in concurrent dictionary is better to lock dictionary or value

I am performing two updates on a value I get from TryGet I would like to know that which of these is better?
Option 1: Locking only out value?
if (HubMemory.AppUsers.TryGetValue(ConID, out OnlineInfo onlineinfo))
lock (onlineinfo)
onlineinfo.SessionRequestId = 0;
onlineinfo.AudioSessionRequestId = 0;
onlineinfo.VideoSessionRequestId = 0;
Option 2: Locking whole dictionary?
if (HubMemory.AppUsers.TryGetValue(ConID, out OnlineInfo onlineinfo))
lock (HubMemory.AppUsers)
onlineinfo.SessionRequestId = 0;
onlineinfo.AudioSessionRequestId = 0;
onlineinfo.VideoSessionRequestId = 0;
I'm going to suggest something different.
Firstly, you should be storing immutable types in the dictionary to avoid a lot of threading issues. As it is, any code could modify the contents of any items in the dictionary just by retrieving an item from it and changing its properties.
Secondly, ConcurrentDictionary provides the TryUpdate() method to allow you to update values in the dictionary without having to implement explicit locking.
TryUpdate() requires three parameters: The key of the item to update, the updated item and the original item that you got from the dictionary and then updated.
TryUpdate() then checks that the original has NOT been updated by comparing the value currently in the dictionary with the original that you pass to it. Only if it is the SAME does it actually update it with the new value and return true. Otherwise it returns false without updating it.
This allows you to detect and respond appropriately to cases where some other thread has changed the value of the item you're updating while you were updating it. You can either ignore this (in which case, first change gets priority) or try again until you succeed (in which case, last change gets priority). What you do depend on your situation.
Note that this requires that your type implements IEquatable<T>, since that is used by the ConcurrentDictionary to compare values.
Here's a sample console app that demonstrates this:
using System;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace Demo
sealed class Test: IEquatable<Test>
public Test(int value1, int value2, int value3)
Value1 = value1;
Value2 = value2;
Value3 = value3;
public Test(Test other) // Copy ctor.
Value1 = other.Value1;
Value2 = other.Value2;
Value3 = other.Value3;
public int Value1 { get; }
public int Value2 { get; }
public int Value3 { get; }
#region IEquatable<Test> implementation (generated using Resharper)
public bool Equals(Test other)
if (other is null)
return false;
if (ReferenceEquals(this, other))
return true;
return Value1 == other.Value1 && Value2 == other.Value2 && Value2 == other.Value3;
public override bool Equals(object obj)
return ReferenceEquals(this, obj) || obj is Test other && Equals(other);
public override int GetHashCode()
return (Value1 * 397) ^ Value2;
public static bool operator ==(Test left, Test right)
return Equals(left, right);
public static bool operator !=(Test left, Test right)
return !Equals(left, right);
static class Program
static void Main()
var dict = new ConcurrentDictionary<int, Test>();
dict.TryAdd(0, new Test(1000, 2000, 3000));
dict.TryAdd(1, new Test(4000, 5000, 6000));
dict.TryAdd(2, new Test(7000, 8000, 9000));
Parallel.Invoke(() => update(dict), () => update(dict));
static void update(ConcurrentDictionary<int, Test> dict)
for (int i = 0; i < 100000; ++i)
for (int attempt = 0 ;; ++attempt)
var original = dict[0];
var modified = new Test(original.Value1 + 1, original.Value2 + 1, original.Value3 + 1);
var updatedOk = dict.TryUpdate(1, modified, original);
if (updatedOk) // Updated OK so don't try again.
break; // In some cases you might not care, so you would never try again.
Console.WriteLine($"dict.TryUpdate() returned false in iteration {i} attempt {attempt} on thread {Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId}");
There's a lot of boilerplate code there to support the IEquatable<T> implementation and also to support the immutability.
Fortunately, C# 9 has introduced the record type which makes immutable types much easier to implement. Here's the same sample console app that uses a record instead. Note that record types are immutable and also implement IEquality<T> for you:
using System;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace System.Runtime.CompilerServices // Remove this if compiling with .Net 5
{ // This is to allow earlier versions of .Net to use records.
class IsExternalInit {}
namespace Demo
record Test(int Value1, int Value2, int Value3);
static class Program
static void Main()
var dict = new ConcurrentDictionary<int, Test>();
dict.TryAdd(0, new Test(1000, 2000, 3000));
dict.TryAdd(1, new Test(4000, 5000, 6000));
dict.TryAdd(2, new Test(7000, 8000, 9000));
Parallel.Invoke(() => update(dict), () => update(dict));
static void update(ConcurrentDictionary<int, Test> dict)
for (int i = 0; i < 100000; ++i)
for (int attempt = 0 ;; ++attempt)
var original = dict[0];
var modified = original with
Value1 = original.Value1 + 1,
Value2 = original.Value2 + 1,
Value3 = original.Value3 + 1
var updatedOk = dict.TryUpdate(1, modified, original);
if (updatedOk) // Updated OK so don't try again.
break; // In some cases you might not care, so you would never try again.
Console.WriteLine($"dict.TryUpdate() returned false in iteration {i} attempt {attempt} on thread {Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId}");
Note how much shorter record Test is compared to class Test, even though it provides the same functionality. (Also note that I added class IsExternalInit to allow records to be used with .Net versions prior to .Net 5. If you're using .Net 5, you don't need that.)
Finally, note that you don't need to make your class immutable. The code I posted for the first example will work perfectly well if your class is mutable; it just won't stop other code from breaking things.
Addendum 1:
You may look at the output and wonder why so many retry attempts are made when the TryUpdate() fails. You might expect it to only need to retry a few times (depending on how many threads are concurrently attempting to modify the data). The answer to this is simply that the Console.WriteLine() takes so long that it's much more likely that some other thread changed the value in the dictionary again while we were writing to the console.
We can change the code slightly to only print the number of attempts OUTSIDE the loop like so (modifying the second example):
static void update(ConcurrentDictionary<int, Test> dict)
for (int i = 0; i < 100000; ++i)
int attempt = 0;
while (true)
var original = dict[1];
var modified = original with
Value1 = original.Value1 + 1,
Value2 = original.Value2 + 1,
Value3 = original.Value3 + 1
var updatedOk = dict.TryUpdate(1, modified, original);
if (updatedOk) // Updated OK so don't try again.
break; // In some cases you might not care, so you would never try again.
if (attempt > 0)
Console.WriteLine($"dict.TryUpdate() took {attempt} retries in iteration {i} on thread {Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId}");
With this change, we see that the number of retry attempts drops significantly. This shows the importance of minimising the amount of time spent in code between TryUpdate() attempts.
Addendum 2:
As noted by Theodor Zoulias below, you could also use ConcurrentDictionary<TKey,TValue>.AddOrUpdate(), as the example below shows. This is probably a better approach, but it is slightly harder to understand:
static void update(ConcurrentDictionary<int, Test> dict)
for (int i = 0; i < 100000; ++i)
int attempt = 0;
1, // Key to update.
key => new Test(1, 2, 3), // Create new element; won't actually be called for this example.
(key, existing) => // Update existing element. Key not needed for this example.
return existing with
Value1 = existing.Value1 + 1,
Value2 = existing.Value2 + 1,
Value3 = existing.Value3 + 1
if (attempt > 1)
Console.WriteLine($"dict.TryUpdate() took {attempt-1} retries in iteration {i} on thread {Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId}");
If you just need to lock the dictionary value, for instance to make sure the 3 values are set at the same time. Then it doesn't really matter what reference type you lock over, just as long as it is a reference type, it's the same instance, and everything else that needs to read or modify those values are also locked on the same instance.
You can read more on how the Microsoft CLR implementation deals with locking and how and why locks work with a reference types here
Why Do Locks Require Instances In C#?
If you are trying to have internal consistency with the dictionary and the value, that's to say, if you are trying to protect not only the internal consistency of the dictionary and the setting and reading of object in the dictionary. Then the your lock is not appropriate at all.
You would need to place a lock around the entire statement (including the TryGetValue) and every other place where you add to the dictionary or read/modify the value. Once again, the object you lock over is not important, just as long as it's consistent.
Note 1 : it is normal to use a dedicated instance to lock over (i.e. some instantiated object) either statically or an instance member depending on your needs, as there is less chance of you shooting yourself in the foot.
Note 2 : there are a lot more ways that can implement thread safety here, depending on your needs, if you are happy with stale values, whether you need every ounce of performance, and if you have a degree in minimal lock coding and how much effort and innate safety you want to bake in. And that is entirely up to you and your solution.
The first option (locking on the entry of the dictionary) is more efficient because it is unlikely to create significant contention for the lock. For this to happen, two threads should try to update the same entry at the same time. The second option (locking on the entire dictionary) is quite possible to create contention under heavy usage, because two threads will be synchronized even if they try to update different entries concurrently.
The first option is also more in the spirit of using a ConcurrentDictionary<K,V> in the first place. If you are going to lock on the entire dictionary, you might as well use a normal Dictionary<K,V> instead. Regarding this dilemma, you may find this question interesting: When should I use ConcurrentDictionary and Dictionary?

Why is Delegate created with `Delegate.CreateDelegate` faster than lambda and method delegates?

All this time I've been reading about reflection, everybody is always saying: "reflection is slow", "reflection is slow".
Now I decided to test how slow, and for my surprise, a delegate created with reflection is actually about twice as fast as a delegate created with lambda, and, also surprisingly, about four times faster than delegates taking declared methods.
See the code
This is a custom class whose property get method will be used in the delegates:
#class to test
class SomeClass
public SomeClass A { get; set; } //property to be gotten
public static SomeClass GetA(SomeClass c) { return c.A; } //declared getter method
These are the three delegates I tested:
PropertyInfo AProp = typeof(SomeClass).GetProperty("A");
//1 - Created with reflection
Func<SomeClass, SomeClass> Getter = (Func<SomeClass, SomeClass>)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(Func<SomeClass, SomeClass>), null, AProp.GetGetMethod());
//2 - Created with a lambda expression
Func<SomeClass, SomeClass> Getter2 = c => c.A;
//3 - Created from a declared method
Func<SomeClass, SomeClass> Getter3 = SomeClass.GetA;
These are the tests:
SomeClass C = new SomeClass();
C.A = new SomeClass(); //test doesn't change whether A is set or null
Stopwatch w;
//reflection delegate
w = Stopwatch.StartNew();
for (int i = 0; i < 10000000; i++) { SomeClass b = Getter(C); }
w.Stop(); Console.WriteLine(w.Elapsed);
//lambda delegate
w = Stopwatch.StartNew();
for (int i = 0; i < 10000000; i++) { SomeClass b = Getter2(C); }
w.Stop(); Console.WriteLine(w.Elapsed);
//method delegate
w = Stopwatch.StartNew();
for (int i = 0; i < 10000000; i++) { SomeClass b = Getter3(C); }
w.Stop(); Console.WriteLine(w.Elapsed);
//no delegate
w = Stopwatch.StartNew();
for (int i = 0; i < 10000000; i++) { SomeClass b = C.A; }
w.Stop(); Console.WriteLine(w.Elapsed);
And the results:
I also tried inverting the test order, to see if there was an influence, or if the watches were tricking me somehow, but no, tests are consistent.
EDIT: considering the "release" compilation, as suggested:
Now... I would have expected lambda to be slower
Here's the decompile of that:
Func<SomeClass, SomeClass> Getter = (Func<SomeClass, SomeClass>)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(Func<SomeClass, SomeClass>), null, AProp.GetGetMethod());
Func<SomeClass, SomeClass> arg_51_0;
if ((arg_51_0 = Program.<>c.<>9__12_0) == null)
arg_51_0 = (Program.<>c.<>9__12_0 = new Func<SomeClass, SomeClass>(Program.<>c.<>9.<Main>b__12_0));
Func<SomeClass, SomeClass> Getter2 = arg_51_0;
Func<SomeClass, SomeClass> Getter3 = new Func<SomeClass, SomeClass>(SomeClass.GetA);
Notice the first survives the compiler almost unchanged, while the second the third are pretty heavily modified.
If I had to hazard a guess:
The first call is taking advance of some kind of sneaky memory management C++/COM tricks used in the Delegate library.
The second is creating a new method and adding a null check before calling it's new method.
While the third is doing something similar to the second but is saving that until runtime, which is my guess as to why still a property call within a new inline method (which I would have expected to get put out into its own compiler created method, similar to the second version, so I'm guessing that part is going to happen at compile time, which would explain why it's time is so ridiculously higher than the first two).
I think the comments around reflection being slow are more targeted to large libraries; and I'd guess you're not seeing it here because the reflected on class, is extremely small, so there's not a lot to reflect over.
EDIT: As I was typing up that last bit I decided to try and slow down the first call by expanding the SomeClass object. I added about 30 new properties and 20 or so new methods. Didn't seem to make a difference. I've heard all the warnings on reflection too, so this is a bit surprising. This post points out there's a cache involved with all this that is probably helping a lot to. If all the method meta data is cached then reflections should be faster than going through the extra methods and checks added by the compiler. Maybe it comes in when you're reflecting over an external class, that's not already loaded/cached. That's a significantly more involved experiment though.

Do references to collections cause any trouble with threads?

I have something like the following code:
public class MainAppClass : BaseClass
public IList<Token> TokenList
// This is execute before any thread is created
public override void OnStart()
MyDataBaseContext dbcontext = new MyDataBaseContext();
this.TokenList = dbcontext.GetTokenList();
// After this the application will create a list of many items to be iterated
// and will create as many threads as are defined in the configuration (5 at the momment),
// then it will distribute those items among the threads for parallel processing.
// The OnProcessItem will be executed for every item and could be running on different threads
protected override void OnProcessItem(AppItem processingItem)
string expression = getExpressionFromItem();
expression = Utils.ReplaceTokens(processingItem, expression, this);
public class Utils
public static string ReplaceTokens(AppItem currentProcessingItem, string expression, MainAppClass mainAppClass)
Regex tokenMatchExpression = new Regex(#"\[[^+~][^$*]+?\]", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
Match tokenMatch = tokenMatchExpression.Match(expression)
if(tokenMatch.Success == false)
return expression;
string tokenName = tokenMatch.Value;
// This line is my principal suspect of messing in some way with the multiple threads
Token tokenDefinition = mainAppClass.TokenList.Where(x => x.Name == tokenName).First();
Regex tokenElementExpression = new Regex(tokenDefintion.Value);
MyRegexSearchResult evaluationResult = Utils.GetRegexMatches(currentProcessingItem, tokenElementExpression).FirstOrDefault();
string tokenValue = string.Empty;
if (evaluationResult != null && evaluationResult.match.Groups.Count > 1)
tokenValue = evaluationResult.match.Groups[1].Value;
else if (evaluationResult != null && evaluationResult.match.Groups.Count == 1)
tokenValue = evaluationResult.match.Groups[0].Value;
expression = expression.Replace("[" + tokenName + "]", tokenValue);
return expression;
The problem I have right now is that for some reason the value of the token replaced in the expression get confused with one from another thread, resulting in an incorrect replacement as it should be a different value, i.e:
Expression: Hello [Name]
Expected result for item 1: Hello Nick
Expected result for item 2: Hello Sally
Actual result for item 1: Hello Nick
Actual result for item 2: Hello Nick
The actual result is not always the same, sometimes is the expected one, sometimes both expressions are replaced with the value expected for the item 1, or sometimes both expressions are replaced with the value expected for the item 2.
I'm not able to find what's wrong with the code as I was expecting for all the variables within the static method to be in its own scope for every thread, but that doesn't seem to be the case.
Any help will be much appreciated!
Yeah, static objects only have one instance throughout the program - creating new threads doesn't create separate instances of those objects.
You've got a couple different ways of dealing with this.
Door #1. If the threads need to operate on different instances, you'll need to un-static the appropriate places. Give each thread its own instance of the object you need it to modify.
Door #2. Thread-safe objects (like mentioned by Fildor.) I'll admit, I'm a bit less familiar with this door, but it's probably the right approach if you can get it to work (less complexity in code is awesome)
Door #3. Lock on the object directly. One option is to, when modifying the global static, to put it inside a lock(myObject) { } . They're pretty simple and straight-foward (so much simpler than the old C/C++ days), and it'll make it so multiple modifications don't screw the object up.
Door #4. Padlock the encapsulated class. Don't allow outside callers to modify the static variable at all. Instead, they have to call global getters/setters. Then, have a private object inside the class that serves simply as a lockable object - and have the getters/setters lock that lockable object whenever they're reading/writing it.
The tokenValue that you're replacing the token with is coming from evaluationResult.
evaluationResult is based on Utils.GetRegexMatches(currentProcessingItem, tokenElementExpression).
You might want to check GetRegexMatches to see if it's using any static resources, but my best guess is that it's being passed the same currentProcessingItem value in multiple threads.
Look to the code looks like that splits up the AppItems. You may have an "access to modified closure" in there. For example:
for(int i = 0; i < appItems.Length; i++)
var thread = new Thread(() => {
// Since the variable `i` is shared across all of the
// iterations of this loop, `appItems[i]` is going to be
// based on the value of `i` at the time that this line
// of code is run, not at the time when the thread is created.
var appItem = appItems[i];

How does having a dynamic variable affect performance?

I have a question about the performance of dynamic in C#. I've read dynamic makes the compiler run again, but what does it do?
Does it have to recompile the whole method with the dynamic variable used as a parameter or just those lines with dynamic behavior/context?
I've noticed that using dynamic variables can slow down a simple for loop by 2 orders of magnitude.
Code I have played with:
internal class Sum2
public int intSum;
internal class Sum
public dynamic DynSum;
public int intSum;
class Program
private const int ITERATIONS = 1000000;
static void Main(string[] args)
var stopwatch = new Stopwatch();
dynamic param = new Object();
SumInt(stopwatch, param);
SumInt(stopwatch, param);
private static void Sum(Stopwatch stopwatch)
var sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < ITERATIONS; i++)
sum += i;
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Elapsed {0}", stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds));
private static void SumInt(Stopwatch stopwatch)
var sum = new Sum();
for (int i = 0; i < ITERATIONS; i++)
sum.intSum += i;
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Class Sum int Elapsed {0}", stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds));
private static void SumInt(Stopwatch stopwatch, dynamic param)
var sum = new Sum2();
for (int i = 0; i < ITERATIONS; i++)
sum.intSum += i;
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Class Sum int Elapsed {0} {1}", stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds, param.GetType()));
private static void DynamicSum(Stopwatch stopwatch)
var sum = new Sum();
for (int i = 0; i < ITERATIONS; i++)
sum.DynSum += i;
Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Dynamic Sum Elapsed {0}", stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds));
I've read dynamic makes the compiler run again, but what it does. Does it have to recompile whole method with the dynamic used as a parameter or rather those lines with dynamic behavior/context(?)
Here's the deal.
For every expression in your program that is of dynamic type, the compiler emits code that generates a single "dynamic call site object" that represents the operation. So, for example, if you have:
class C
void M()
dynamic d1 = whatever;
dynamic d2 = d1.Foo();
then the compiler will generate code that is morally like this. (The actual code is quite a bit more complex; this is simplified for presentation purposes.)
class C
static DynamicCallSite FooCallSite;
void M()
object d1 = whatever;
object d2;
if (FooCallSite == null) FooCallSite = new DynamicCallSite();
d2 = FooCallSite.DoInvocation("Foo", d1);
See how this works so far? We generate the call site once, no matter how many times you call M. The call site lives forever after you generate it once. The call site is an object that represents "there's going to be a dynamic call to Foo here".
OK, so now that you've got the call site, how does the invocation work?
The call site is part of the Dynamic Language Runtime. The DLR says "hmm, someone is attempting to do a dynamic invocation of a method foo on this here object. Do I know anything about that? No. Then I'd better find out."
The DLR then interrogates the object in d1 to see if it is anything special. Maybe it is a legacy COM object, or an Iron Python object, or an Iron Ruby object, or an IE DOM object. If it is not any of those then it must be an ordinary C# object.
This is the point where the compiler starts up again. There's no need for a lexer or parser, so the DLR starts up a special version of the C# compiler that just has the metadata analyzer, the semantic analyzer for expressions, and an emitter that emits Expression Trees instead of IL.
The metadata analyzer uses Reflection to determine the type of the object in d1, and then passes that to the semantic analyzer to ask what happens when such an object is invoked on method Foo. The overload resolution analyzer figures that out, and then builds an Expression Tree -- just as if you'd called Foo in an expression tree lambda -- that represents that call.
The C# compiler then passes that expression tree back to the DLR along with a cache policy. The policy is usually "the second time you see an object of this type, you can re-use this expression tree rather than calling me back again". The DLR then calls Compile on the expression tree, which invokes the expression-tree-to-IL compiler and spits out a block of dynamically-generated IL in a delegate.
The DLR then caches this delegate in a cache associated with the call site object.
Then it invokes the delegate, and the Foo call happens.
The second time you call M, we already have a call site. The DLR interrogates the object again, and if the object is the same type as it was last time, it fetches the delegate out of the cache and invokes it. If the object is of a different type then the cache misses, and the whole process starts over again; we do semantic analysis of the call and store the result in the cache.
This happens for every expression that involves dynamic. So for example if you have:
int x = d1.Foo() + d2;
then there are three dynamic calls sites. One for the dynamic call to Foo, one for the dynamic addition, and one for the dynamic conversion from dynamic to int. Each one has its own runtime analysis and its own cache of analysis results.
Make sense?
Update: Added precompiled and lazy-compiled benchmarks
Update 2: Turns out, I'm wrong. See Eric Lippert's post for a complete and correct answer. I'm leaving this here for the sake of the benchmark numbers
*Update 3: Added IL-Emitted and Lazy IL-Emitted benchmarks, based on Mark Gravell's answer to this question.
To my knowledge, use of the dynamic keyword does not cause any extra compilation at runtime in and of itself (though I imagine it could do so under specific circumstances, depending on what type of objects are backing your dynamic variables).
Regarding performance, dynamic does inherently introduce some overhead, but not nearly as much as you might think. For example, I just ran a benchmark that looks like this:
void Main()
Foo foo = new Foo();
var args = new object[0];
var method = typeof(Foo).GetMethod("DoSomething");
dynamic dfoo = foo;
var precompiled =
Expression.Call(Expression.Constant(foo), method))
var lazyCompiled = new Lazy<Action>(() =>
Expression.Call(Expression.Constant(foo), method))
.Compile(), false);
var wrapped = Wrap(method);
var lazyWrapped = new Lazy<Func<object, object[], object>>(() => Wrap(method), false);
var actions = new[]
new TimedAction("Direct", () =>
new TimedAction("Dynamic", () =>
new TimedAction("Reflection", () =>
method.Invoke(foo, args);
new TimedAction("Precompiled", () =>
new TimedAction("LazyCompiled", () =>
new TimedAction("ILEmitted", () =>
wrapped(foo, null);
new TimedAction("LazyILEmitted", () =>
lazyWrapped.Value(foo, null);
TimeActions(1000000, actions);
class Foo{
public void DoSomething(){}
static Func<object, object[], object> Wrap(MethodInfo method)
var dm = new DynamicMethod(method.Name, typeof(object), new Type[] {
typeof(object), typeof(object[])
}, method.DeclaringType, true);
var il = dm.GetILGenerator();
if (!method.IsStatic)
il.Emit(OpCodes.Unbox_Any, method.DeclaringType);
var parameters = method.GetParameters();
for (int i = 0; i < parameters.Length; i++)
il.Emit(OpCodes.Ldc_I4, i);
il.Emit(OpCodes.Unbox_Any, parameters[i].ParameterType);
il.EmitCall(method.IsStatic || method.DeclaringType.IsValueType ?
OpCodes.Call : OpCodes.Callvirt, method, null);
if (method.ReturnType == null || method.ReturnType == typeof(void))
else if (method.ReturnType.IsValueType)
il.Emit(OpCodes.Box, method.ReturnType);
return (Func<object, object[], object>)dm.CreateDelegate(typeof(Func<object, object[], object>));
As you can see from the code, I try to invoke a simple no-op method seven different ways:
Direct method call
Using dynamic
By reflection
Using an Action that got precompiled at runtime (thus excluding compilation time from the results).
Using an Action that gets compiled the first time it is needed, using a non-thread-safe Lazy variable (thus including compilation time)
Using a dynamically-generated method that gets created before the test.
Using a dynamically-generated method that gets lazily instantiated during the test.
Each gets called 1 million times in a simple loop. Here are the timing results:
Direct: 3.4248ms
Dynamic: 45.0728ms
Reflection: 888.4011ms
Precompiled: 21.9166ms
LazyCompiled: 30.2045ms
ILEmitted: 8.4918ms
LazyILEmitted: 14.3483ms
So while using the dynamic keyword takes an order of magnitude longer than calling the method directly, it still manages to complete the operation a million times in about 50 milliseconds, making it far faster than reflection. If the method we call were trying to do something intensive, like combining a few strings together or searching a collection for a value, those operations would likely far outweigh the difference between a direct call and a dynamic call.
Performance is just one of many good reasons not to use dynamic unnecessarily, but when you're dealing with truly dynamic data, it can provide advantages that far outweigh the disadvantages.
Update 4
Based on Johnbot's comment, I broke the Reflection area down into four separate tests:
new TimedAction("Reflection, find method", () =>
typeof(Foo).GetMethod("DoSomething").Invoke(foo, args);
new TimedAction("Reflection, predetermined method", () =>
method.Invoke(foo, args);
new TimedAction("Reflection, create a delegate", () =>
((Action)method.CreateDelegate(typeof(Action), foo)).Invoke();
new TimedAction("Reflection, cached delegate", () =>
... and here are the benchmark results:
So if you can predetermine a specific method that you'll need to call a lot, invoking a cached delegate referring to that method is about as fast as calling the method itself. However, if you need to determine which method to call just as you're about to invoke it, creating a delegate for it is very expensive.

What is the lifetime of a delegate created by a lambda in C#?

Lambdas are nice, as they offer brevity and locality and an extra form of encapsulation. Instead of having to write functions which are only used once you can use a lambda.
While wondering how they worked, I intuitively figured they are probably only created once. This inspired me to create a solution which allows to restrict the scope of a class member beyond private to one particular scope by using the lambda as an identifier of the scope it was created in.
This implementation works, although perhaps overkill (still researching it), proving my assumption to be correct.
A smaller example:
class SomeClass
public void Bleh()
Action action = () => {};
public void CallBleh()
Bleh(); // `action` == {Method = {Void <SomeClass>b__0()}}
Bleh(); // `action` still == {Method = {Void <SomeClass>b__0()}}
Would the lambda ever return a new instance, or is it guaranteed to always be the same?
It's not guaranteed either way.
From what I remember of the current MS implementation:
A lambda expression which doesn't capture any variables is cached statically
A lambda expression which only captures "this" could be captured on a per-instance basis, but isn't
A lambda expression which captures a local variable can't be cached
Two lambda expressions which have the exact same program text aren't aliased; in some cases they could be, but working out the situations in which they can be would be very complicated
EDIT: As Eric points out in the comments, you also need to consider type arguments being captured for generic methods.
EDIT: The relevant text of the C# 4 spec is in section 6.5.1:
Conversions of semantically identical anonymous functions with the same (possibly empty) set of captured outer variable instances to the same delegate types are permitted (but not required) to return the same delegate instance. The term semantically identical is used here to mean that execution of the anonymous functions will, in all cases, produce the same effects given the same arguments.
Based on your question here and your comment to Jon's answer I think you are confusing multiple things. To make sure it is clear:
The method that backs the delegate for a given lambda is always the same.
The method that backs the delegate for "the same" lambda that appears lexically twice is permitted to be the same, but in practice is not the same in our implementation.
The delegate instance that is created for a given lambda might or might not always be the same, depending on how smart the compiler is about caching it.
So if you have something like:
for(i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
M( ()=>{} )
then every time M is called, you get the same instance of the delegate because the compiler is smart and generates
static void MyAction() {}
static Action DelegateCache = null;
for(i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
if (C.DelegateCache == null) C.DelegateCache = new Action ( C.MyAction )
If you have
for(i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
M( ()=>{this.Bar();} )
then the compiler generates
void MyAction() { this.Bar(); }
for(i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
M(new Action(this.MyAction));
You get a new delegate every time, with the same method.
The compiler is permitted to (but in fact does not at this time) generate
void MyAction() { this.Bar(); }
Action DelegateCache = null;
for(i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
if (this.DelegateCache == null) this.DelegateCache = new Action ( this.MyAction )
In that case you would always get the same delegate instance if possible, and every delegate would be backed by the same method.
If you have
Action a1 = ()=>{};
Action a2 = ()=>{};
Then in practice the compiler generates this as
static void MyAction1() {}
static void MyAction2() {}
static Action ActionCache1 = null;
static Action ActionCache2 = null;
if (ActionCache1 == null) ActionCache1 = new Action(MyAction1);
Action a1 = ActionCache1;
if (ActionCache2 == null) ActionCache2 = new Action(MyAction2);
Action a2 = ActionCache2;
However the compiler is permitted to detect that the two lambdas are identical and generate
static void MyAction1() {}
static Action ActionCache1 = null;
if (ActionCache1 == null) ActionCache1 = new Action(MyAction1);
Action a1 = ActionCache1;
Action a2 = ActionCache1;
Is that now clear?
No guarantees.
A quick demo:
Action GetAction()
return () => Console.WriteLine("foo");
Call this twice, do a ReferenceEquals(a,b), and you'll get true
Action GetAction()
var foo = "foo";
return () => Console.WriteLine(foo);
Call this twice, do a ReferenceEquals(a,b), and you'll get false
I see Skeet jumped in while I was answering, so I won't belabor that point. One thing I would suggest, to better understand how you are using things, is to get familiar with reverse engineering tools and IL. Take the code sample(s) in question and reverse engineer to IL. It will give you a great amount of information on how the code is working.
Good question. I don't have an "academic answer," more of a practical answer: I could see a compiler optimizing the binary to use the same instance, but I wouldn't ever write code that assumes it's "guaranteed" to be the same instance.
I upvoted you at least, so hopefully someone can give you the academic answer you're looking for.

