C# Tile class NullException - c#

I'm working on a tile game, but I ran into a big problem.
The idea is that if a tile is selected it turns red and a few tiles surounded turn blue. if you click one of the blue ones the unit of the slected one is transported to that one , but every time a do this my selected tile has a NullException . I can use the Tile itself, but non of the values or voids it contains which always return null. I'd be very thankfull if someone could pinpoint the problem
Code in order of likelyhood of problem
Part of Update():
while (j < baseLayer.MapDimensions.Y)
while (i < baseLayer.MapDimensions.X)
if (moveToMap[i, j] && standardCheck.Click(new Rectangle(i * 100, j * 100, 100, 100), mouseState, prevMouseState))
tileArray[i, j].changeColor = Color.Gold;
tileArray[i, j].MoveTo(tileArray[(int)selectedTile.X, (int)selectedTile.Y].Position,
tileArray[(int)selectedTile.X, (int)selectedTile.Y].getUnit);// problem occors here
//problem occurres here
tileArray[i, j].Checkclick(mouseState, prevMouseState, relativeMousePosition);
if (tileArray[i, j].ReturnIfSelected)
selectedTile = new Vector2(i, j);
else if (selectedTile == new Vector2(i, j))
selectedTile = new Vector2(200, 200);
i = 0;
j = 0;
Tile class
public Unit unit = new Unit();
public Unit Building = new Unit();
public Unit getUnit
get { return unit; }
public Color tileColor = Color.White;
public Vector2 position;
public Vector2 drawPosition;
public int[] map { set; get; } = new int[4];
public bool selected = false;
public void LoadContent(Vector2 _position ,int[,,] _map)
public void Checkclick(MouseState mS, MouseState prevMS,Vector2 matrixPosition)
public bool checkifselectable()
public void Update(int[,,] _map)
public void MoveTo(Vector2 oldTile,Unit _unit)
int change = 0;
if (oldTile.X - position.X != 0)
change = (int)(oldTile.X - position.X);
if (oldTile.Y - position.Y !=0)
change = (int)(oldTile.Y - position.Y);
unit = _unit;
map[2] = _unit.ID;
if (change>= 0)
unit.RemainingMoveSpeed = change;
if (change < 0)
unit.RemainingMoveSpeed = -change;
Thanks already for your time
The Young Programmer

Maybe you have NullReferenceException. In this case, this exception is thrown when there is an attempt to dereference a null object reference. This might help you https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.nullreferenceexception%28v=vs.110%29.aspx.


How to stop tile animation in Unity TileSystem?

I'm trying to understand tileSystem build in Unity, and i don't know how to stop animation in AnimatedTiles.
Once animation is started, there is no way i can think of to stop this. I'm working on Unity 2018.3.2f1, but i think that TileSystem is similar in next versions.
Only code in AnimatedTile handling animation is:
public override void GetTileData(Vector3Int location, ITilemap tileMap, ref TileData tileData)
tileData.transform = Matrix4x4.identity;
tileData.color = Color.white;
if (m_AnimatedSprites != null && m_AnimatedSprites.Length > 0)
tileData.sprite = m_AnimatedSprites[0];
tileData.colliderType = m_TileColliderType;
public override bool GetTileAnimationData(Vector3Int location, ITilemap tileMap, ref TileAnimationData tileAnimationData)
if (m_AnimatedSprites.Length > 0)
tileAnimationData.animatedSprites = m_AnimatedSprites;
tileAnimationData.animationSpeed = Random.Range(m_MinSpeed, m_MaxSpeed);
tileAnimationData.animationStartTime = m_AnimationStartTime;
return true;
return false;
I want to stop animation after some time (like 3 seconds) or after last frame. Any help would be appritiated!
So after some time a got workaround and it looks like this :
public class TileBump : MonoBehaviour
public Transform m_GridParent;
public GameObject m_TileMap_Prefab;
public AnimatedTile m_tilePrefabAnimated;
public Tile m_tilePrefabStatic;
private Tilemap map;
void Start()
public IEnumerator EStart()
GameObject t = Instantiate(m_TileMap_Prefab, m_GridParent);
map = t.GetComponent<Tilemap>();
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++)
map.SetTile(new Vector3Int(i, j, 0), m_tilePrefabAnimated);
StartCoroutine(Operation(new Vector3Int(i, j, 0)));
yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.3f);
public IEnumerator Operation(Vector3Int x)
yield return new WaitForSeconds(m_tilePrefabAnimated.m_AnimatedSprites.Length / m_tilePrefabAnimated.m_AnimationSpeed);
map.SetTile(x, m_tilePrefabStatic);
BUT. What i understood here is that tiles are not for that. Every tile in TileMap refer to ScriptableObject, so every animation will be same in every frame.
However if someone need this kind of effect, its one way to do it.

Zoom on Canvas in WPF C#

I implemented Canvas and ToolBar (in WPF C#) and vector graphics editor like Paint almost. I have a problem with the implementation of the Zoom. As I understand the Zoom:
0) I choose the tool ZoomTool;
1) I choose a point on Canvas;
2) I click on it and all the necessary work happens here :
1. Moving (shifting) the selected point to the center of Canvas;
2. Zoom in 2 times (as an example) relative to the center
The problem is the implementation of this work (shift and zoom in), how to do it?
enter image description here
This is my code:
class RecZoomTool : Tool
public RecZoomTool()
public override void MouseDown(Point mousePosition)
Point pointDirection = new Point(Creator.CanvasWidth / 2, Creator.CanvasHeight /2);
Creator.ShearingZoom(Point.Subtract(pointDirection, mousePosition));
then --->
public static void Zooming(double delta)
foreach (var figure in Figures)
for (int j = 0; j < figure.coordinates.Count; j++)
figure.coordinates[j] = new Point(
figure.coordinates[j].X * scaleZoom,
figure.coordinates[j].Y * scaleZoom
// scaleZoom += delta;
public static void ShearingZoom(Point dPoint, Point mPoint)
foreach (var figure in Figures)
Vector delta = Point.Subtract(mPoint, dPoint);
for (int j = 0; j < figure.coordinates.Count; j++)
figure.coordinates[j] = new Point(dPoint.X, dPoint.Y);
//delta = Point.Subtract(figure.coordinates[j], dPoint);
figure.coordinates[j] = Point.Add(figure.coordinates[j], delta);
offsetPosition += delta;
Correct answer for every MouseClick:
public override void MouseDown(Point mousePosition)
double valueZoom = 2.0;
Point pointDirection = new Point(0.0, 0.0);
Creator.Shifting(Point.Subtract(pointDirection, mousePosition));
And there's in main class:
public static int scaleZoom = 2;
public static Vector offsetPosition = new Vector(0.0, 0.0);
public static int counterZoom = 0;
public static void Zooming(double scaleZoom)
foreach (var figure in Figures)
for (int j = 0; j < figure.coordinates.Count; j++)
figure.coordinates[j] = new Point(
figure.coordinates[j].X * scaleZoom,
figure.coordinates[j].Y * scaleZoom
public static void Shifting(Vector delta)
offsetPosition = delta / scaleZoom;
foreach (var figure in Figures)
for (int j = 0; j < figure.coordinates.Count; j++)
figure.coordinates[j] = Point.Add(figure.coordinates[j], offsetPosition);

Unity Crashing on Play, most likely infinite While loop, but cannot locate issue

thanks for reading.
I'm currently building a small memory card game in Unity using C#. I have the main portion of code finished but when I press the play button on a certain scene Unity freezes.
I believe it is due to an infinite While loop, but I can not find the issue. I would really appreciate any help anyone can offer. I will leave my code below. Thanks in advance.
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
using UnityEngine;
public class Pairs : MonoBehaviour {
public Sprite[] face; //array of card faces
public Sprite back;
public GameObject[] deck; //array of deck
public Text pairsCount;
private bool deckSetUp = false;
private int pairsLeft = 13;
// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {
if (!deckSetUp)
if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0)) //detects left click
void SetUpDeck()
for (int ix = 0; ix < 2; ix++)
for(int i = 1; i < 14; i++)//sets up card value (2-10 JQKA)
bool test = false;
int val = 0;
while (!test)
val = Random.Range(0, deck.Length);
test = !(deck[val].GetComponent<Card>().SetUp);
//sets up cards
deck[val].GetComponent<Card>().Number = i;
deck[val].GetComponent<Card>().SetUp = true;
}//nested for
foreach (GameObject crd in deck)
if (!deckSetUp)
deckSetUp = true;
public Sprite getBack()
return back;
public Sprite getFace(int i)
return face[i - 1];
void CheckDeck()
List < int > crd = new List<int>();
for(int i = 0; i < deck.Length; i++)
if(deck[i].GetComponent<Card>().State == 1)
if(crd.Count == 2)
void CompareCards(List<int> crd)
Card.NO_TURN = true; //stops cards turning
int x = 0;
if(deck[crd[0]].GetComponent<Card>().Number ==
x = 2;
pairsCount.text = "PAIRS REMAINING: " + pairsLeft;
if(pairsLeft == 0) // goes to home screen when game has been won
for(int j = 0; j < crd.Count; j++)
deck[crd[j]].GetComponent<Card>().State = x;
I believe the issue lies in the while(!test) but i do not know why test never become true.
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using UnityEngine;
public class Card : MonoBehaviour {
public static bool NO_TURN = false;
private int cardState; //state of card
private int cardNumber; //Card value (1-13)
private bool _setUp = false;
private Sprite back; //card back (Green square)
private Sprite face; //card face (1-10 JQKA)
private GameObject pairsManager;
void Begin()
cardState = 1; //cards face down
pairsManager = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("PairsManager");
public void setUpArt()
back = pairsManager.GetComponent<Pairs>().getBack();
face = pairsManager.GetComponent<Pairs>().getFace(cardNumber);
turnCard();//turns the card
public void turnCard() //handles turning of card
if (cardState == 0)
cardState = 1;
else if(cardState == 1)
cardState = 0;
if (cardState == 0 && !NO_TURN)
GetComponent<Image>().sprite = back; // shows card back
else if (cardState == 1 && !NO_TURN)
GetComponent<Image>().sprite = face; // shows card front
//setters and getters
public int Number
get {return cardNumber;}
set { cardNumber = value;}
public int State
get { return cardState; }
set { cardState = value; }
public bool SetUp
get { return _setUp; }
set { _setUp = value; }
public void PairCheck()
StartCoroutine(pause ());
IEnumerator pause()
yield return new WaitForSeconds(1);
if (cardState == 0)
GetComponent<Image>().sprite = back;
else if (cardState == 1)
GetComponent<Image>().sprite = face;
Thank you for reading, I will post a link to the github repository if that helps.
github repository
Your deck array has at least one card in it that has _setUp set to true which would make it go in a infinite loop.
The reason it goes in a infinite loop is because it will have set all available _setUp to true and it would keep looking for _setUp that are set to false and it will never find any.
The reason you need at least 26 object that have _setUp to false is because in the nested for loop you loop 13 times and then you do that twice which gives a total of 26 loops. So you need at least 26 objects.
What you can do to make sure that they're all false is to set them all to false before entering the for loop
for(int i = 0; i < deck.Length; i++)
deck[i].GetComponent<Card>().SetUp = false;

Program 'for loop' is changing multiple values in the array in one instance

I was working line by line in the debugger option (red dot) in express 2010 visual c#.
This loop was assiging creatures[2].sprite.position and creatures[3].sprite.position to the same vector (100,320) at the same instance, when i equaled 2.
Further testing showed that when i = 3 the same would happen, then on i = 4, all 2,3, and 4 were changed at the same time to the same vector.
any suggestions on whats causing this, it feels like a bug, thinking about it now, I should try a different variable than i, maybe its being used some where else.
public class GameImages
//Image Diminsions
public Texture2D texture;
//Images position on the Viewport
public Vector2 position = new Vector2(0,0);
public Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color color = Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color.White;
public class CreaturesAttributes
public GameImages sprite;
public double Level;
CreaturesAttributes[] creatures = new CreaturesAttributes[100];
public void LoadTeam()
int j = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < creatures.Length; i++)
if (creatures[i].Color1 != null)
creatures[i].sprite.position = new Vector2(j, 320);
j += 100;
i = creatures.Length;
protected override void Initialize()
for (int i = 0; i < creatures.Length; i++)
creatures[i] = new CreaturesAttributes();
creatures[i].sprite = new GameImages();
This happens because you probably initialized all your array elements to point to a single instance:
var newCreature = new Creature(/* ... */);
for (int i = 0; i < creatures.Length; i++) {
creatures[i] = newCreature;
Or perhaps you created multiple creatures, but with the same "sprite":
var defaultSprite = new Sprite(/* ... */);
for (int i = 0; i < creatures.Length; i++) {
creatures[i] = new Creature();
creatures[i].sprite = defaultSprite;
or maybe sprite or position are static fields:
static Sprite sprite;
static Vector2 position;
All the above will cause all your mutations and accesses to happen to the same instance, so it looks like changing one is changing all of them (while there in reality is just a single creature/sprite/position that you're referencing from multiple places).
The solution is to ensure that the fields are not static, and make sure to create a new creature and creature.sprite for each:
// No static fields, and new instances for each index
for (int i = 0; i < creatures.Length; i++) {
creatures[i] = new Creature();
creatures[i].sprite = new Sprite();

Why do I get the error "NullReferenceException was unhandled"?

I am trying to make a slider puzzle game and I keep getting the error "NullReferenceException was unhandled" when I call myBoard.paint(e.Graphics) in my form1. Please help me!!!
Here is my code for Form1 (Let me know if I need to post some of my other classes code):
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace SliderPuzzle
public partial class Form1 : Form
private int tileSize;
private int rowsCols;
private SlidePuzzle myBoard;
private Stopwatch timer;
private int moveCount;
public Form1()
pictureBox1.TabIndex = 3;
pictureBox1.Size = new Size(100, 50);
pictureBox1.Location = new Point(16, 71);
pictureBox1.BackColor = Color.PaleGreen;
pictureBox1.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.Fixed3D;
pictureBox1.TabStop = false;
tileSize = imageList1.ImageSize.Width;
rowsCols = 3;
pictureBox1.Width = rowsCols * tileSize;
pictureBox1.Height = rowsCols * tileSize;
public void initGame()
myBoard = new SlidePuzzle(rowsCols, tileSize, imageList1);
timer = new Stopwatch();
moveCount = 0;
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void pictureBox1_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
private void pictureBox1_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
if (myBoard.move(e.Y / tileSize, e.X / tileSize))
if (!myBoard.winner())
if (MessageBox.Show(string.Format("You won!!\nIt took you {0} moves and {1:F2} seconds.\nPlay again?", (object)moveCount, (object)timer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds), "Game Over", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation) == DialogResult.No)
Update #1: Okay, so I moved myBoard = new SlidePuzzle(rowsCols, tileSize, imageList1); to my constructor, but now none of the images are showing up on it. Here is what It looks like vs what it is supposed to look like:
Edit #2: Okay, I moved it back to where it was before and put
if (this.myBoard != null)
instead, and it works a little better and looks better as well. But the images not showing up is still a problem.
Edit #3: Here is the SliderPuzzle.Paint Code:
public void paint(Graphics g)
for (int r = 0; r < this.myGrid.getNumRows(); ++r)
for (int c = 0; c < this.myGrid.getNumCols(); ++c)
this.myGrid.get(new Location(r, c)).paint(g);
Edit #4: Here is the code for the SliderPuzzle Class:
using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace SliderPuzzle
internal class SlidePuzzle
private static Random rand = new Random();
private int myTileSize;
private BoundedGrid myGrid;
private ImageList myImages;
private Location myBlankLoc;
static SlidePuzzle()
public SlidePuzzle(int rowsCols, int tileSize, ImageList images)
this.myTileSize = tileSize;
this.myGrid = new BoundedGrid(rowsCols, rowsCols);
this.myImages = images;
this.myBlankLoc = new Location(rowsCols - 1, rowsCols - 1);
private void initBoard()
int index1 = 0;
for (int r = 0; r < this.myGrid.getNumRows(); ++r)
for (int c = 0; c < this.myGrid.getNumCols(); ++c)
this.myGrid.put(new Location(r, c), new Tile(index1, this.myTileSize, new Location(r, c), this.myImages.Images[index1]));
for (int index2 = 0; index2 < 1000; ++index2)
Location adjacentLocation = this.myBlankLoc.getAdjacentLocation(SlidePuzzle.rand.Next(4) * 90);
if (this.myGrid.isValid(adjacentLocation))
this.swap(this.myBlankLoc, adjacentLocation);
this.myBlankLoc = adjacentLocation;
public bool move(int row, int col)
Location loc1 = new Location(row, col);
if (Math.Abs(this.myBlankLoc.getRow() - row) + Math.Abs(this.myBlankLoc.getCol() - col) != 1)
return false;
this.swap(loc1, this.myBlankLoc);
this.myBlankLoc = loc1;
return true;
public bool winner()
int num = 0;
for (int r = 0; r < this.myGrid.getNumRows(); ++r)
for (int c = 0; c < this.myGrid.getNumCols(); ++c)
if (this.myGrid.get(new Location(r, c)).getValue() != num)
return false;
return true;
private void swap(Location loc1, Location loc2)
Tile tile1 = this.myGrid.put(loc2, this.myGrid.get(loc1));
Tile tile2 = this.myGrid.put(loc1, tile1);
public void paint(Graphics g)
for (int r = 0; r < this.myGrid.getNumRows(); ++r)
for (int c = 0; c < this.myGrid.getNumCols(); ++c)
this.myGrid.get(new Location(r, c)).paint(g);
Update #5: Here is the Tile Class:
using System.Drawing;
namespace SliderPuzzle
internal class Tile
private int myValue;
private int mySize;
private Location myLoc;
private Image myImage;
public Tile(int value, int tileSize, Location loc, Image img)
this.myValue = value;
this.mySize = tileSize;
this.myLoc = loc;
this.myImage = img;
public int getValue()
return this.myValue;
public void setLocation(Location newLoc)
this.myLoc = newLoc;
public void paint(Graphics g)
g.DrawImage(this.myImage, this.myLoc.getCol() * this.mySize, this.myLoc.getRow() * this.mySize);
Edit #6: Here is the Location Class:
namespace SliderPuzzle
internal class Location
public const int LEFT = -90;
public const int RIGHT = 90;
public const int HALF_LEFT = -45;
public const int HALF_RIGHT = 45;
public const int FULL_CIRCLE = 360;
public const int HALF_CIRCLE = 180;
public const int AHEAD = 0;
public const int NORTH = 0;
public const int NORTHEAST = 45;
public const int EAST = 90;
public const int SOUTHEAST = 135;
public const int SOUTH = 180;
public const int SOUTHWEST = 225;
public const int WEST = 270;
public const int NORTHWEST = 315;
private int row;
private int col;
public Location(int r, int c)
this.row = r;
this.col = c;
public int getRow()
return this.row;
public int getCol()
return this.col;
public Location getAdjacentLocation(int direction)
int num1 = (direction + 22) % 360;
if (num1 < 0)
num1 += 360;
int num2 = num1 / 45 * 45;
int num3 = 0;
int num4 = 0;
if (num2 == 90)
num3 = 1;
else if (num2 == 135)
num3 = 1;
num4 = 1;
else if (num2 == 180)
num4 = 1;
else if (num2 == 225)
num3 = -1;
num4 = 1;
else if (num2 == 270)
num3 = -1;
else if (num2 == 315)
num3 = -1;
num4 = -1;
else if (num2 == 0)
num4 = -1;
else if (num2 == 45)
num3 = 1;
num4 = -1;
return new Location(this.getRow() + num4, this.getCol() + num3);
public bool equals(Location other)
if (this.getRow() == other.getRow())
return this.getCol() == other.getCol();
return false;
public int hashCode()
return this.getRow() * 3737 + this.getCol();
public int compareTo(Location otherLoc)
if (this.getRow() < otherLoc.getRow())
return -1;
if (this.getRow() > otherLoc.getRow())
return 1;
if (this.getCol() < otherLoc.getCol())
return -1;
return this.getCol() > otherLoc.getCol() ? 1 : 0;
public string toString()
return "(" + (object)this.getRow() + ", " + (string)(object)this.getCol() + ")";
Edit #7: Here is the last class, the BoundedGrid Class:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace SliderPuzzle
internal class BoundedGrid
private Tile[,] occupantArray;
public BoundedGrid(int rows, int cols)
this.occupantArray = new Tile[rows, cols];
public int getNumRows()
return this.occupantArray.GetLength(0);
public int getNumCols()
return this.occupantArray.GetLength(1);
public bool isValid(Location loc)
if (0 <= loc.getRow() && loc.getRow() < this.getNumRows() && 0 <= loc.getCol())
return loc.getCol() < this.getNumCols();
return false;
public List<Location> getOccupiedLocations()
List<Location> list = new List<Location>();
for (int r = 0; r < this.getNumRows(); ++r)
for (int c = 0; c < this.getNumCols(); ++c)
Location loc = new Location(r, c);
if (this.get(loc) != null)
return list;
public Tile get(Location loc)
if (!this.isValid(loc))
throw new Exception("Location " + (object)loc + " is not valid");
return this.occupantArray[loc.getRow(), loc.getCol()];
public Tile put(Location loc, Tile obj)
if (!this.isValid(loc))
throw new Exception("Location " + (object)loc + " is not valid");
if (obj == null)
throw new NullReferenceException("obj == null");
Tile tile = this.get(loc);
this.occupantArray[loc.getRow(), loc.getCol()] = obj;
return tile;
public Tile remove(Location loc)
if (!this.isValid(loc))
throw new Exception("Location " + (object)loc + " is not valid");
Tile tile = this.get(loc);
this.occupantArray[loc.getRow(), loc.getCol()] = (Tile)null;
return tile;
Edit #8: When I click on the picturebox, the program crashes and it says the the timer.Stop(); in form1 gives me a NullReferenceException!!!
Edit #9: Okay, THAT worked... I have found that the images still do not show up, but I think that they are never being placed on the grid. When I click on the grid ( still has no images) It says that I have won. This should only display after I move the tiles into the correct order. Any idea what is going on?
Edit #10: My program finally works now! It turns out I had something missplaced in the constructor of form1, now everything works! The images show up and everything! How cool is that!!!
This is one of those problems that will give you headaches. Trying to nail down the exact sequence of events is fine, when you can guarantee that the events are never going to be invoked out of sequence. Unfortunately the Paint event is one that gets fired at all sorts of odd times, any may be fired even before the Load event.
The only real answer is to never rely on events being fired in a particular sequence. Always check that your myBoard object is valid before trying to paint it:
private void pictureBox1_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
if (this.myBoard != null)
And yes, as others have noted, it is better to create all of your objects as soon as possible - in the constructor for instance, which is what a constructor is for after all. Even then, you can still get events being fired by actions in the constructor that will ruin your whole day. Your even handlers should be set as late as possible in the constructor code to account for this.
Rule(s) of thumb:
if you're creating custom objects that will be used in event handlers, always try to create and initialize them prior to calling InitializeComponent in the constructor.
Wire up your event handlers as late as possible, especially for things like Paint - it won't be useful before your constructor is done, so do it last in the constructor.
Your actual Form1_Load event never gets called (the one where you are initializing your board).
Add this code at the end of the Form1 constructor this.Load +=Form1_Load;
Your pictureBox1.Paint event is raised before your Form1.Load event. Move
myBoard = new SlidePuzzle(rowsCols, tileSize, imageList1);
to your constructor and you should be fine.

