Windows UWP connect to BLE device after discovery - c#

I'm using BluetoothLEAdvertisementWatcher to find nearby BLE devices and it's working well. After finding them I want to connect and read/write data via GATT. But I can't figure out how to use the API after getting the BluetoothLEAdvertisement (
public class Adapter
private readonly BluetoothLEAdvertisementWatcher _bleWatcher = new BluetoothLEAdvertisementWatcher();
public Adapter()
_bleWatcher.Received += BleWatcherOnReceived;
private void BleWatcherOnReceived(BluetoothLEAdvertisementWatcher sender, BluetoothLEAdvertisementReceivedEventArgs args)
// how to connect?
// I know, it's the wrong place to to this, but this is just an example
public void StartScanningForDevices(Guid[] serviceUuids)
foreach (var uuid in serviceuuids)
I've found Samples that are using DeviceInformation.FindAllAsync instead of BluetoothLEAdvertisementWatcher but these are not working / finding any device.
After digging around some time, I found the following way. But unfortunately, the pairing fails. The device is just an Arduino with a BLE shield. I can definitely connect with Android and iOS. So it must be possible with UWP somehow. :/
private void BleWatcherOnReceived(BluetoothLEAdvertisementWatcher sender, BluetoothLEAdvertisementReceivedEventArgs args)
var dev = await BluetoothLEDevice.FromBluetoothAddressAsync(args.BluetoothAddress);
// dev.DeviceInformation.Pairing.CanPair is true
// dpr.Status is Failed
DevicePairingResult dpr = await dev.DeviceInformation.Pairing.PairAsync(DevicePairingProtectionLevel.None);
var service = await GattDeviceService.FromIdAsync(dev.DeviceInformation.Id);
I'm now able to discover and pair (unstable, but ok for now), but
var service = await GattDeviceService.FromIdAsync(args.Id);
throws the following Exception
The system cannot find the file specified. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070002)
I have no clue why.

Microsoft have just updated their Bluetooth APIs. We now have unpaired BLE device communication!
They have very little documentation up at the moment but here is the much simplified new structure:
BleWatcher = new BluetoothLEAdvertisementWatcher
ScanningMode = BluetoothLEScanningMode.Active
BleWatcher.Received += async (w, btAdv) => {
var device = await BluetoothLEDevice.FromBluetoothAddressAsync(btAdv.BluetoothAddress);
Debug.WriteLine($"BLEWATCHER Found: {}");
var gatt = await device.GetGattServicesAsync();
Debug.WriteLine($"{device.Name} Services: {gatt.Services.Count}, {gatt.Status}, {gatt.ProtocolError}");
var characs = await gatt.Services.Single(s => s.Uuid == SAMPLESERVICEUUID).GetCharacteristicsAsync();
var charac = characs.Single(c => c.Uuid == SAMPLECHARACUUID);
await charac.WriteValueAsync(SOMEDATA);
Much better now. As I said there is next to no documentation at the moment, I have a weird issue where my ValueChanged callback stops being called after 30 seconds or so, though that seems to be a separate scoping issue.
After some more playing around with the new creators update there are a few more things to consider when building BLE apps.
You no longer need to run the Bluetooth stuff on the UI thread. There doesn't seem to be any permissions windows for BLE without pairing so no longer necessary to run on UI thread.
You may find that your application stops receiving updates from the device after a period of time. This is a scoping issue where objects are being disposed of that shouldn't. In the code above if you were listening to ValueChanged on the charac you may hit this issue. This is because the GattCharacteristic is disposed of before it should be, set the characteristic as a global rather than relying on it being copied in.
Disconnecting seems to be a bit broken. Quitting an app does not terminate connections. As such make sure you use the App.xml.cs OnSuspended callback to terminate your connections. Otherwise you get in a bit of a weird state where Windows seems to maintain (and keep reading!!) the BLE connection.
Well it has its quirks but it works!
Following on from Jason's correct answer about devices needing to be paired to have their services be discovered, here is some sample code to address this:
private void SetupBluetooth()
Watcher = new BluetoothLEAdvertisementWatcher { ScanningMode = BluetoothLEScanningMode.Active };
Watcher.Received += DeviceFound;
DeviceWatcher = DeviceInformation.CreateWatcher();
DeviceWatcher.Added += DeviceAdded;
DeviceWatcher.Updated += DeviceUpdated;
private void StartScanning()
private void StopScanning()
private async void DeviceFound(BluetoothLEAdvertisementWatcher watcher, BluetoothLEAdvertisementReceivedEventArgs btAdv)
if (_devices.Contains(btAdv.Advertisement.LocalName))
await Dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Low, async () =>
Debug.WriteLine($"---------------------- {btAdv.Advertisement.LocalName} ----------------------");
Debug.WriteLine($"Advertisement Data: {btAdv.Advertisement.ServiceUuids.Count}");
var device = await BluetoothLEDevice.FromBluetoothAddressAsync(btAdv.BluetoothAddress);
var result = await device.DeviceInformation.Pairing.PairAsync(DevicePairingProtectionLevel.None);
Debug.WriteLine($"Pairing Result: {result.Status}");
Debug.WriteLine($"Connected Data: {device.GattServices.Count}");
private async void DeviceAdded(DeviceWatcher watcher, DeviceInformation device)
if (_devices.Contains(device.Name))
var service = await GattDeviceService.FromIdAsync(device.Id);
Debug.WriteLine("Opened Service!!");
Debug.WriteLine("Failed to open service.");
private void DeviceUpdated(DeviceWatcher watcher, DeviceInformationUpdate update)
Debug.WriteLine($"Device updated: {update.Id}");
The key things to note here are:
DeviceWatcher needs both Added and Updated properties set to work.
You need to catch the exception FileNotFound which occurs when attempting to interrogate a service which is not paired, or not yet ready.

UPDATE (5/5/16): The "Element Not Found" error issue seems to only happen when the bluetooth settings screen isn't open/scanning. I don't remember that being the case before 10586.218 but I haven't checked. Obviously, not every issue is fixed in the update.
UPDATE (4/29/16): The 10586.218 windows update appears to have fixed the problem of pairing with a device that has never been paired to the machine (or phone) before. The process I've outlined here and Gerard Wilkinson's sample code in his answer should work more consistently now.
If you are lucky enough to get this to work, it requires waiting a considerable amount of time for the driver to install. I've done it by having both BluetoothLEAdvertisementWatcher and a DeviceWatcher running simultaneously.
Save the DeviceInformation from the BluetoothLEDevice that you get from FromBluetoothAddressAsync() then Dispose() the BluetoothLEDevice before initiating pairing. This is important. If you don't, it won't see the Gatt Services after pairing.
Then wait for the DeviceWatcher to see the paired device. It can take minutes but you'll usually get it before the progress bar for device installation (in the Bluetooth control panel) gets to 100%. If FromIdAsync still fails, it usually means there was a driver installation error. You can unpair and then do the pairing process over again. That usually works for me.
It's very unstable, though, and it seems to be dependent on which Bluetooth chipset and driver the machine has. I often get an Element Not Found error with FromBluetoothAddress but if it gets past there, pairing usually works on the first or second try.
PairAsync and UnpairAsync also need to be posted to the UI thread. If it isn't able to pop up a blue dialog asking for authorization, you'll get exceptions. You can use Post() from a saved UI SynchronizationContext or Windows.ApplicationModel.Core.CoreApplication.MainView.Dispatcher.RunAsync() with an async delegate to do this.
I've seen multiple posts from MS employees on the forums saying FromBluetoothAddressAsync() only works for paired devices. This isn't the case but it is buggy and seems to work best if the device has been paired manually at least once in the past.

Gerard Wilkinson's answer is correct. To make life easier, I turned it into an awaitable method using Reactive Extensions (). Any comments are welcome.
So once you found the device using the BluetoothLEAdvertisementWatcher and paired with it, you can use this to enable GATTServices.
private async Task<GattDeviceService> GetGATTServiceAsync(string deviceName)
//devicewatcher is abused to trigger connection
var deviceWatcher = DeviceInformation.CreateWatcher(); //trick to enable GATT
var addedSource = Observable.FromEventPattern(deviceWatcher, nameof(deviceWatcher.Added))
.Select(pattern => ((DeviceInformation)pattern.EventArgs));
var updatedSource = Observable.FromEventPattern(deviceWatcher, nameof(deviceWatcher.Updated))
.Select(pattern =>
var update = ((DeviceInformationUpdate)pattern.EventArgs);
return Observable.FromAsync(() => DeviceInformation.CreateFromIdAsync(update.Id).AsTask());
var source = addedSource.Merge(updatedSource);
source.Publish().Connect(); //make sure the event handlers are attached before starting the device watcher
var result = await source.Where(di => di.Name == deviceName) //find the relevant device
.Select(di => Observable.FromAsync(() => GattDeviceService.FromIdAsync(di.Id).AsTask())) //get all services from the device
.Concat() //necessary because of the async method in the previous statement
.Where(service => service.Uuid == SERVICE_UUID) //get the service with the right UUID
.Retry() //GattDeviceService.FromIdAsync can throw exceptions
return result;

Basically you have the answer partly included in the questions. In essence you use the BluetoothLEAdvertisementWatcher for finding the devices only, basically they work just as beacons.
And you are not suppose to connect these devices by only using this API. To connect the devices you must use DeviceInformation.FindAllAsync(), and to get it to show you any devices, you do need to pair them first.
Anyway, if you are interested on getting data from some specific BLE characteristics, you could try using GattCharacteristicNotificationTrigger, for full example & a bit of additional explanations see my blog.


Firebase Xamarin.Forms - too many concurrent connections

currently I'm developing an App with a small team using Xamarin.Forms. We need to communicate with a database to get some locations , order details and so on. We are using Google's Firebase (Realtime DB) for this purpose. Everything is working fine when we are writing and reading data. However in the Firebase Console, in the usage tab, there are over 50 concurrent connections. This is weird since we are currently developing and didn't release any version of our app. There should be at most 5 concurrent connections (we are a team of 5).
We are using the NuGet-Package (4.0.4) to read and write to the database.
Multiple Listeners are used to be able to react to changes in the database (so far it seems that each listener is taking up one connection which doesn't seem to be correct).
The code below shows the initialization of the FirebaseClient which is called once in the constructor.
private FirebaseClient InitDbClient()
var dbClient = new FirebaseClient(Constants.Values.FIREBASE_DATABASE_URL, new FirebaseOptions()
AuthTokenAsyncFactory = () => Task.FromResult(_authToken)
return dbClient;
Each listener is implemented in a similar way to the following code:
public IDisposable SubscribeToChatMessages(string orderID)
var observer = _dbClient.Child($"orders/{orderID}/Chat/Messages").AsObservable<JObject>();
var subscribe = observer.Subscribe(t =>
if (t.EventType == Firebase.Database.Streaming.FirebaseEventType.Delete)
ChatMessage msg;
msg = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<ChatMessage>(t.Object.ToString());
}catch(Exception e)
msg = new ChatMessage() { C = null, T = new DateTime(), U = null };
// something with the chat message
return subscribe;
Since I'm not sure what the problem is I just put some of our code in here. It would be awesome if anyone has a solution for this problem or has any idea what we might try.
I found the answer myself. As I already suspected each listener uses one connection. The reason for that is simple: the package is built on top of the rest api of firebase. In some other question it was mentioned that each listener is basically a streaming web socket (or something like that). Each of these consume one of the concurrent connections.
As a workaround (to reduce the amount of concurrent connections) I replaced all listeners that are not actually necessary with a combination of a timer and a simple db request. To be able to query for new data I added timestamps to the data itself. This allows me to use a db query similar to

C# How to detect internet connection / disconnection (with an event)?

I wrote this code that works perfectly, but I fear that ping every 2 seconds consumes too many resources or can create some problems with internet connection.
new Thread(() =>
if (CheckInternetConnection() == false)
Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(delegate
//internet access lost
Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(delegate
//internet access
private extern static bool InternetGetConnectedState(out int Description, int ReservedValue);
public static bool CheckInternetConnection()
int output = 0;
return InternetGetConnectedState(out output, 0);
These are two events that don't work in all occasions (only when IP or network card changes)
NetworkChange.NetworkAvailabilityChanged += NetworkChange_NetworkAvailabilityChanged
NetworkChange.NetworkAddressChanged += NetworkChange_NetworkAddressChanged;
Can someone help me ?
Note : In regaurds to your original solution
NetworkChange.NetworkAvailabilityChanged works fine, but
there are a couple of caveats: 1) it doesn't tell you if you have
Internet access, it just tells you whether there's at least one
non-loopback network adapter working, and 2) there are often extra
network adapters installed for various reasons that leave the system
in a "network is available" state, even when your main
Internet-connected adapter is disabled/unavailable - thanks to Peter Duniho
Since networking is more than just your routers or network card, and is really every hop to where ever it is you are trying to connect to at any time. The easiest and most reliable way is just ping a well known source like google, or use some sort of heart beat to one of your internet services.
The reasons this is the only reliable way is that any number of connectivity issues can occur in between you and the outside world. Even major service providers can go down.
So an IMCP ping to a known server like Google, or calling OpenRead on a WebClient are 2 valid approaches. These calls are not expensive comparatively and can be put into a light weight timer or continual task.
As for your comments you can probably signal a custom event to denote the loss of network after a certain amount of fails to be safe
To answer your question
But I fear that ping every 2 seconds consumes too many resources or
can create some problems with internet connection.
Both methods are very inexpensive in regards to CPU and network traffic, any resources used should be very minimal
Note : Just make sure you are pinging or connecting to a server with high availability, this will
allow such shenanigans and not just block you
Ping Example
using System.Net.NetworkInformation;
// Implementation
using (var ping = new Ping())
var reply = ping.Send("");
if (reply != null && reply.Status != IPStatus.Success)
// Raise an event
// you might want to check for consistent failures
// before signalling a the Internet is down
// Or if you wanted to get fancy ping multiple sources
private async Task<List<PingReply>> PingAsync(List<string> listOfIPs)
Ping pingSender = new Ping();
var tasks = listOfIPs.Select(ip => pingSender.SendPingAsync(ip, 2000));
var results = await Task.WhenAll(tasks);
return results.ToList();
Connection Example
using System.Net;
// Implementation
using (WebClient client = new WebClient())
using (client.OpenRead(""))
// success
// Raise an event
// you might want to check for consistent failures
// before signalling the Internet is down
Note : Both these methods have an async variant that will return a
Task and can be awaited for an Asynchronous programming pattern better suited for IO bound tasks
Ping.Send Method
Ping.SendAsync Method
WebClient.OpenRead Method
WebClient.OpenReadAsync Method
NetworkInterface.GetIsNetworkAvailable() is unreliable... since it would return true even if all the networks are not connected to internet. The best approach to check for connectivity, in my opinion, is to ping a well known and fast online resource. For example:
public static Boolean InternetAvailable()
using (WebClient client = new WebClient())
using (client.OpenRead(""))
return true;
return false;
Anyway, those two events you are subscribing don't work the way you think... actually they check for the hardware status of your network adapters... not whether they are connected to internet or not. They have the same drawback as NetworkInterface.GetIsNetworkAvailable(). Keep on checking for connectivity into a separate thread that pings a safe source and act accordingly. Your Interop solution is excellent too.
Doing ping to public resources brings extra calls to your app and adds a dependency on that website or whatever you would use in the loop.
What if you use this method: NetworkInterface.GetIsNetworkAvailable() ?
Would it be enough for your app's purposes?
I found it here

Error getting ble device services using FromBluetoothAddressAsync

it's A known problem with some microsoft security issue
adding registery CoInitializeSecurity values as mentioned fixed the problem!
i'm trying to read A BLE device services using An Advertisment watcher.
i've implemnted the service read inside the listenter, the Code:
private async void OnAdvertisementReceived(BluetoothLEAdvertisementWatcher watcher, BluetoothLEAdvertisementReceivedEventArgs args)
if (!gotSignal)
gotSignal = true;
device = await Windows.Devices.Bluetooth.BluetoothLEDevice.FromBluetoothAddressAsync(args.BluetoothAddress);
service = await GattDeviceService.FromIdAsync(device.DeviceId);
the problem is that I can't get the BluetoothLEDevice object, when I reach this line, it is not getting back any value and it skips the next lines inside the listener.
NOTE: I've installed windows creators update and before the installation, the function BluetoothLEDevice.FromBluetoothAddressAsync has worked.
it's A known problem with some microsoft security issue
adding registery CoInitializeSecurity values as mentioned fixed the problem!

Can my soft be noticed of a change in the Windows Certificate Store ? (.NET)

As the title suggests, I want to know if there is some kind of event to catch to know when Certificate Store has changed.
The goal is to detect when a user entered a specific kind of USB smartcard / stick with a signing certificate/token in it. The certificate are registered in the Windows Cert Store, ("My", personnal certificates).
I don't like the idea of detecting USB events, because there is a variable delay between the moment when the key is plugged and the moment the certificate is actually registered (and usable).
Of course, I can always set a timer that checks the store every 10 sec or so, but I hope you'll agree that it is a not elegant solution. Of course if no other good option is available, that's what I'll end up doing I guess.
Thank you
How about a hybrid approach? Watch for USB events, then when a USB key is plugged in, start polling the store every couple of seconds until you see the new cert. Still not ideal, but much closer to it than a dumb poll every ten seconds, 24/7/365.
The trick will be knowing when the USB key is of the particular type that would end up registering a certificate. If you can know this in the USB event handler, then check for it, and if the user plugs in an ordinary flash drive, don't start polling. If you can't know this, then when you detect a new connection, you might only poll the certificate store for a minute before giving up.
I have the same problem.
I temporarily solved it by waiting until the smart card is no longer shared with another process (the Certificate Propagation Service). Not very nice and the robustness is also questionable, but it works for now.
In C#:
string selector = SmartCardReader.GetDeviceSelector();
DeviceInformationCollection devices = await DeviceInformation.FindAllAsync(selector);
foreach (DeviceInformation device in devices)
SmartCardReader reader = await SmartCardReader.FromIdAsync(device.Id);
reader.CardAdded += ReaderOnCardAdded;
private static void ReaderOnCardAdded(SmartCardReader sender, CardAddedEventArgs args)
Task t = ReaderOnCardAddedAsync(sender, args);
private static async Task ReaderOnCardAddedAsync(SmartCardReader sender, CardAddedEventArgs args)
SmartCardProvisioning provisioning = await SmartCardProvisioning.FromSmartCardAsync(args.SmartCard);
SmartCardStatus status;
status = await provisioning.SmartCard.GetStatusAsync();
} while (status == SmartCardStatus.Shared);
Anyone with a better solution?

How to react instantly to Internet Connectivity changes with Async operations?

In my C# Windows Forms application , I retrieve some data from WebServices over the Internet. Refresh every second
It works as asynchronous operations and works well but whenever application gets disconnected from Internet, it shows an exception, and when it reconnects to the Internet, program should work automatically and immediately.
Currently, the program takes more then one minute to start working again, and I would like the exception to be ignored when connection drops.
it refreshed every second , it mean there are plenty of threads running at same time and
when they all done , then it comes to connecting
What solution i can use so my programs runs ASAP when internet connects?
public void loadbalance()
try { //Get Data from Internet }
catch { }
delegate void loadbalancedelegate();
public void loadBalanceAsync()
loadbalancedelegate worker = new loadbalancedelegate(loadbalance);
AsyncCallback LoadbalnceCallBack = new AsyncCallback(loadbalanceCompleted);
AsyncOperation async = AsyncOperationManager.CreateOperation(null);
public void loadbalanceCompleted(IAsyncResult result)
loadbalancedelegate worker = (loadbalancedelegate) ((AsyncResult)result).AsyncDelegate;
AsyncOperation async = (AsyncOperation)result.AsyncState;
delegate void setControlsBalanceDelegate(BalanceOB ball);
void setControlsBalance(BalanceOB ball)
if (this.InvokeRequired)
this.Invoke(new setControlsBalanceDelegate(this.setControlsBalance), new
object[] { ball });
{ //Update Data on Form (Windows App)
I would probably do the following:
In your timer code which runs every second, I would check if the internet connectivity is available by P/Invoke (which is faster way than having the service throw an exception, and looks like it would suit your cause as well). For some reference look here
I would have the P/invoke code also set a flag temporarily somewhere (make sure it is thread safe) and before making any web service calls, i would check if the flag is in a valid state for the client to make that call.

