Show expand/collapse arrow always on dynamic filling - c#

I have a simple custom tree view component:
public partial class ThemesTreeView: UserControl, IThemesTreeView {
public delegate void ThemeSelected(ThemeModel theme);
public event ThemeSelected OnThemeSelection;
public delegate void ThemeDoubleClick(ThemeModel theme);
public event ThemeDoubleClick OnThemeDoubleClick;
public ThemesTreeView() {
private void UserControl_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) {
var caseCovers = GetTreeViewItem((Int32) ThemeType.CaseCover, "1", "Case Covers", "album_cover.png");
var musics = GetTreeViewItem((Int32) ThemeType.Music, "1", "Music", "music_run.png");
var movies = GetTreeViewItem((Int32) ThemeType.Video, "1", "Scenic Video Inserts", "video.png");
private ThemesTreeViewItem GetTreeViewItem(Int32 tag, String uid, String text, String imagePath) {
ThemesTreeViewItem item = new ThemesTreeViewItem();
item.Uid = uid;
item.Tag = tag;
item.IsExpanded = false;
// create stack panel
StackPanel stack = new StackPanel();
stack.Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal;
// create Image
Image image = new Image();
image.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri("pack://application:,,/images/" + imagePath));
image.Width = 16;
image.Height = 16;
// Label
Label lbl = new Label();
lbl.Content = text;
// Add into stack
// assign stack to header
item.Header = stack;
return item;
I have skipped some code for downloading and filling subnodes. When user clicks on a node then subnodes are downloaded and addded to treeview. But the problem is there is no arrow for expand/collapse until nodes will be added. How to show arrow always?

Make a copy of the treeviewitem Style. Find Part of the treenode and correct the Style of the Node similar to the state of treenode with subnodes.
here description of styling for treeviewite-controltemplate


How to check if dynamic checkbox are checked

I've an application to import some pictures from a folder into another. I use picturebox to show my pictures and have a checkbox next to it. If it's unchecked i dont wanna import them.
So here is my code for creating a checkbox :
public void CreateCheckBox(Form formInstance,int yLocation, int xLocation, int iNumber)
CheckBox box = new CheckBox();
box.Name = "cbxName" + iNumber.ToString();
box.Location = new Point(xLocation+40,yLocation+90);
box.Visible = true;
box.Enabled = true;
box.Checked = true;
box.CheckedChanged += new EventHandler(cbx_CheckedChange);
And my pictureBox :
public void CreatePictureBox(Form formInstance,int iNumber)
string[] tNomImage = RecupererNomImage();
PictureBox pbxImage = new PictureBox();
pbxImage.Name = "pbxName" + iNumber.ToString();
pbxImage.Image = Image.FromFile(tNomImage[iNumber]);
pbxImage.Width = 90;
pbxImage.Height = 90;
pbxImage.Location = new Point(iXLocation, iYLocation);
pbxImage.Visible = true;
pbxImage.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle;
pbxImage.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.Zoom;
pbxImage.Enabled = false;
CreateCheckBox(this, iYLocation, iXLocation, iNumber);
if (iXLocation+iXSpacing*2 > this.Width)
iXLocation = XLOCATION;
iYLocation += iXSpacing;
iXLocation += iXSpacing;
And I wanna know which checkbox is checked so I can export the picture next to it.
I presume a picturebox will have a name like:
And its matching checkbox will have a name like:
You can ask the form for all the checked boxes:
var cbs = formInstance.Controls.OfType<CheckBox>().Where(cb => cb.Checked);
You can convert the checkbox name into the related picturebox name and look up the picturebox by name:
foreach(var cb in cbs){
var pbName = "p" + cb.Name.Substring(1);
var pb = formInstance.Controls[pbName];
So many ways to skin this cat..
Change your methods so that they RETURN the control that was created:
public CheckBox CreateCheckBox(Form formInstance,int yLocation, int xLocation, int iNumber)
// ... existing code ...
return box;
Now you can store a reference to that CheckBox in the Tag() property of the PictureBox:
public PictureBox CreatePictureBox(Form formInstance,int iNumber)
// ... existing code ...
CheckBox cb = CreateCheckBox(this, iYLocation, iXLocation, iNumber);
pbxImage.Tag = cb;
// ... existing code ...
return pbxImage;
Finally, add all of those returned PictureBoxes to a List<PictureBox> so you can easily reference and iterate over them. Simply cast the control stored in the Tag() property back to a CheckBox and you can determine if each PictureBox should be imported or not.
List<CheckBox> c = Controls.OfType<CheckBox>().Cast<CheckBox>().ToList();
forech(CheckBox item in c){

How can I add gaps between groupBox controls?

At the top :
private int gap = 0;
Then in a button click event :
private void btnADD_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
var fsd = new FolderSelectDialog();
fsd.Title = "What to select";
fsd.InitialDirectory = #"c:\";
if (fsd.ShowDialog(IntPtr.Zero))
And the AddGroupBox method :
private void AddGroupBox(string Name)
gap = gap + 83;
GroupBox gb = new GroupBox();
gb.Location = new Point(3, gap);
gb.Size = new Size(1311, 100);
gb.BackColor = SystemColors.Window;
gb.Text = Name;
First time the location on y is 83 next time the location is on y 166 but the new groupBox on 1660 is still some of it touch or inside the first groupBox.
I dont wan't a space between them I want that the borders of the first and the next one will touch each other like one common border at the top ofthe new and the bottom of the first. and the same when adding a new groupBox each time.
So many ways to do this...
How about just storing the last GroupBox placed and using its Bounds.Bottom property? If that variable is null, then place at the initial position of 83.
Something like:
private int startingY = 83;
private GroupBox lastGB = null;
private void AddGroupBox(string Name)
GroupBox gb = new GroupBox();
gb.Location = new Point(3, (lastGB==null ? startingY : lastGB.Bounds.Bottom));
gb.Size = new Size(1311, 100);
gb.BackColor = SystemColors.Window;
gb.Text = Name;
lastGB = gb;

How to display tool tip over a transparent image placed on a Winform button

I am displaying a transparent icon (32x32) of a red triangle in the upper right of a button control that signifies an error exists. Additionally, when the user hovers over the icon, a tool tip is displayed.
I have been able to display the icon and the associated tool tip. The problem is a transparent 32x32 icon with the red triangle being only 12x12. The tool tip should only trigger when hovering over the red triangle and not the transparent space.
Attempts have been made to display the triangle as a button as well as a picture box, however the tool tip still triggers in the transparent space. Additionally, the error provider was first used as a goal of what I am trying to accomplish.
UI items:
Button control: "btnAttachments"
Error Provider control: "errManager"
public class StackTest
private static Dictionary<string, Control> _errorMessages = new Dictionary<string, Control>();
public StackTest()
private void InitErrors()
AddErrorControl(btnAttachments, "Missing file attachment(s).");
//errManager.SetError(btnAttachments, "Missing file attachment(s)."); errManager.SetIconPadding(btnAttachments, -32);
private void AddErrorControl(Control control, string message = null, Enum selectedImage = null, EventHandler handler = null)
string name = "errFor" + control.Name;
if (_errorMessages.ContainsKey(name)) { return; }
Button errorIcon = CreateErrorControl(name, control);
errorIcon.BackgroundImage = Theme.GetImage(selectedImage ?? eImages_OtherIcons.Error_TopRight_Small);
//PictureBox errorIcon = CreateErrorControl2(name);
//errorIcon.Image = Theme.GetImage(selectedImage ?? eImages_OtherIcons.Error_TopRight_Small);
//errorIcon.Image = Bitmap.FromHicon((Theme.GetIcon(selectedImage ?? eImages_OtherIcons.Error_TopRight_Small)).Handle);
if (null != handler) { errorIcon.Click += handler; }
new ToolTip().SetToolTip(errorIcon, message);
errorIcon.Tag = message;
control.Controls[name].Location = new Point(control.Width - errorIcon.Width +20 , 0 );
_errorMessages.Add(name, errorIcon);
private Button CreateErrorControl(string name, Control control)
var errorIcon = new Button();
errorIcon.Name = name;
errorIcon.Size = new Size(32, 32);
//errorIcon.Location = new Point(control.Width - errorIcon.Width, 0);
errorIcon.Cursor = Cursors.Hand;
errorIcon.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.Flat;
errorIcon.BackColor = Color.Fuchsia;
errorIcon.FlatAppearance.MouseDownBackColor = Color.Transparent;
errorIcon.FlatAppearance.MouseOverBackColor = Color.Transparent;
errorIcon.FlatAppearance.BorderSize = 0;
errorIcon.Visible = false;
return errorIcon;
private PictureBox CreateErrorControl2(string name)
var errorIcon = new PictureBox();
errorIcon.Name = name;
errorIcon.Size = new Size(32, 32);
errorIcon.Cursor = Cursors.Hand;
errorIcon.BackColor = Color.Transparent;
errorIcon.Visible = false;
return errorIcon;
The built in Error Provider control achieves the desire results that I would like to replicate. Doing so will allow for a more robust application with more custom functionality then what the error provider offers.
Based on the GetPixel suggestion from #TaW, I did further R&D and now have something functional. The Tag of the picture box contains the tool tip message to be displayed. With the picture box being the "sender" of the mouse move, it was easy to extract the image back to a bitmap.
Thanks to all for the feedback.
First, I switched the testing to use CreateErrorControl2 with the PictureBox and added in a MouseMove.
private PictureBox CreateErrorControl2(string name) //, Control control)
var errorIcon = new PictureBox();
errorIcon.Name = name;
errorIcon.Size = new Size(32, 32);
errorIcon.Cursor = Cursors.Default;
errorIcon.BackColor = Color.Transparent;
errorIcon.Visible = false;
errorIcon.MouseMove += new MouseEventHandler(DisplayToolTip);
return errorIcon;
The following code was also added in support of the DisplayToolTip method.
private bool _toolTipShown = false;
private bool IsTransparent(PictureBox pb, MouseEventArgs e)
Color pixel = ((Bitmap)pb.Image).GetPixel(e.X, e.Y);
return (0 == pixel.A && 0 == pixel.R && 0 == pixel.G && 0 == pixel.B);
private void DisplayToolTip(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
Control control = (Control)sender;
IsTransparent((PictureBox)control, e);
if (IsTransparent((PictureBox)control, e))
_toolTipShown = false;
if (!_toolTipShown)
_toolTip.Show(control.Tag.ToString(), control);
_toolTipShown = true;

Create multiple textbox dynamically in single form using c#?

My aim is to create a .dll file dynamically having TextBox,Button which can be used by anyone in a program using Visual C#.
It would get created in Class Library, No WFA tools would get used.
I need help in creating a form which can generate multiple TextBox according to the attributes provided by the user.
1)No of TextBox
3)Size etc
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.IO;
namespace Forms
public class TextForm : Form
public TextBox txtBox1;
public TextForm(int a, int b, int c, int d, string e)
Form f1 = new Form();
txtBox1 = new TextBox();
txtBox1.Visible = true;
f1.Visible = true;
txtBox1.Size = new Size(a, b);
txtBox1.Location = new Point(c, d);
txtBox1.Text = (e).ToString();
txtBox1.Visible = true;
static void Main()
using System;
using Forms;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace WindowsFormsApplication1
class Program
static void Main()
TextForm Box1 = (new TextForm(150, 14, 20, 32, "This is a TextBox 1"));
TextForm Box2 = (new TextForm(180, 34, 40, 52, "This is a TextBox 2"));
What should be the code?
The problem is that you are creating a Form for each TextBox. This is not what you want, provided that you plan to have forms with multiple text boxes.
I see two possibilities: you either want to create a) a textbox that you can easily add to your form, or b) a form with textboxes.
public class TextInput : Form
public TextBox TxtBox {
get; private set;
public Control Container {
get; private set;
public TextInput(Control c, int a, int b, int c, int d, string e)
this.Container = c;
this.TxtBox = new TextBox();
var txtBox1 = this.TxtBox;
txtBox1.Visible = true;
txtBox1.Size = new Size(a, b);
txtBox1.Location = new Point(c, d);
txtBox1.Text = (e).ToString();
txtBox1.Visible = true;
You'd use this as follows:
var f = new Form();
var txtBox1 = new TextInput( f, 100, 25, 10, 10, "Name" );
var txtBox1 = new TextInput( f, 100, 25, 10, 50, "Age" );
var txtBox1 = new TextInput( f, 100, 25, 10, 100, "Address" );
var txtBox1 = new TextInput( f, 100, 25, 10, 150, "Phone" );
The second possibility is much more interesting, in my opinion. You want to create a special Form that automatically adds text boxes as soon a you call a simple method. I'm going to simplify your code, though. It is not a good idea (at all), to use absolute positioning in your forms.
The following creates a form with text boxes and their labels. The textboxes occupy the whole width of the form. This is achieved by using a TableLayoutPanel in which a Panel subPanel is used for each row.
This subPanel holds a label and a text box.
public class InputForm: Form {
public InputForm()
this.Panel = new TableLayoutPanel{ Dock = DockStyle.Fill };
this.textBoxes = new List<TextBox>();
this.Controls.Add( this.Panel );
public TextBox AddTextBox(string label)
var subPanel = new Panel { Dock = DockStyle.Top };
var lblLabel = new Label { Text = label, Dock = DockStyle.Left };
var tbEdit = new TextBox{ Dock = DockStyle.Fill };
subPanel.Controls.Add( tbEdit );
subPanel.Controls.Add( lblLabel );
this.Panel.Controls.Add( subPanel );
return tbEdit;
public TableLayoutPanel Panel {
get; private set;
public TextBox[] TextBoxes {
get {
return this.textBoxes.ToArray();
private List<TextBox> textBoxes;
You can use this with the following simple code:
var form = new InputForm();
var tbName = form.AddTextBox( "Name" );
var tbAge = form.AddTextBox( "Age" );
var tbAddress = form.AddTextBox( "Address" );
Application.Run( form );
If you'd like to give a few attributes to the text boxes to be created (colors, font, bold...), then you have two ways. The first one is to add parameters to the AddTextBox() method, though that would not scalate well as long as the number of attributes grows. The alternative is to create a TextBoxAttributes class, which will hold the configuring attributes for a given TextBox.
public class InputForm: Form {
public class TextBoxAttributes {
public TextBoxAttributes() {
this.ForeColor = DefaultForeColor;
this.BackColor = DefaultBackColor;
this.Font = DefaultFont;
public Color ForeColor {
get; set;
public Color BackColor {
get; set;
public Font Font {
get; set;
public bool Bold {
get {
return this.Font.Bold;
set {
var style = FontStyle.Regular;
if ( value ) {
style = FontStyle.Bold;
this.Font = new Font( this.Font, style );
public bool Italic {
get {
return this.Font.Bold;
set {
var style = FontStyle.Regular;
if ( value ) {
style = FontStyle.Italic;
this.Font = new Font( this.Font, style );
public bool Underline {
get {
return this.Font.Bold;
set {
var style = FontStyle.Regular;
if ( value ) {
style = FontStyle.Underline;
this.Font = new Font( this.Font, style );
public float FontSize {
get {
return this.Font.Size;
set {
this.Font = new Font( this.Font.FontFamily, value );
// ... more things...
public TextBox AddTextBox(string label)
=> this.AddTextBox( label, new TextBoxAttributes() );
public TextBox AddTextBox(string label, TextBoxAttributes attr)
var subPanel = new Panel { Dock = DockStyle.Top };
var lblLabel = new Label { Text = label, Dock = DockStyle.Left };
var tbEdit = new TextBox{
Dock = DockStyle.Fill,
ForeColor = attr.ForeColor,
BackColor = attr.BackColor,
Font = attr.Font
subPanel.Controls.Add( tbEdit );
subPanel.Controls.Add( lblLabel );
this.Panel.Controls.Add( subPanel );
return tbEdit;
// ... more things...
The main code would be:
public static void Main()
var form = new InputForm();
var tbName = form.AddTextBox( "Name", new InputForm.TextBoxAttributes {
ForeColor = Color.Yellow,
BackColor = Color.Blue
var tbAge = form.AddTextBox( "Age", new InputForm.TextBoxAttributes {
ForeColor = Color.Green,
BackColor = Color.Black,
Bold = true
var tbAddress = form.AddTextBox( "Address" );
Application.Run( form );
Hope this helps.
If you are willing to switch to WPF this will become a lot easier, since you can profit from Autolayout and Bindings.
You could easily switch the Wrappanel for a StackPanel or a DockPanel.
The class will create a View based on the public properties of the handed over object. You might have to add additional Types to the Types-Dictionary. In my case those two where sufficient.
Create a Property of the DynamicControl and Bind to it in XAML.
<ContentPresenter Content="{Binding Path=DynView}" />
public ViewModel
public UserControl DynView {get; private set};
private ModelType _model;
public ViewModel(ModelType model)
_model = model;
DynView = new DynamicControl<ModelType>(_model);
public class DynamicControl<T> : UserControl
static DynamicControl()
Types[typeof(bool)] = (binding) =>
CheckBox cb = new CheckBox();
return cb;
Types[typeof(String)] = (binding) =>
TextBox tb = new TextBox();
tb.SetBinding(TextBox.TextProperty, binding);
return tb;
// add additional Types if necessary
private T _model;
public DynamicControl(T model)
_model = model;
WrapPanel wp = new WrapPanel();
foreach (PropertyInfo pi in model.GetType().GetProperties())
Grid g = new Grid();
g.Margin = new Thickness(5, 5, 25, 5);
g.HorizontalAlignment = System.Windows.HorizontalAlignment.Left;
g.ColumnDefinitions.Add(new ColumnDefinition());
g.ColumnDefinitions.Add(new ColumnDefinition());
g.RowDefinitions.Add(new RowDefinition());
TextBlock tb = new TextBlock() { Text = pi.Name };
tb.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center;
Grid.SetColumn(tb, 0);
Grid.SetRow(tb, 0);
System.Windows.FrameworkElement uie = GetUiElement(pi);
uie.Margin = new Thickness(10, 0, 0, 0);
uie.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center;
Grid.SetColumn(uie, 1);
Grid.SetRow(uie, 0);
this.Content = wp;
private FrameworkElement GetUiElement(PropertyInfo pi)
System.Windows.Data.Binding binding = new System.Windows.Data.Binding(pi.Name);
binding.Source = _model;
Func<System.Windows.Data.Binding, FrameworkElement> func;
FrameworkElement uie = null;
if (Types.TryGetValue(pi.PropertyType, out func))
uie = func(binding);
uie = Types[typeof(String)](binding);
return uie;
private static Dictionary<Type, Func<System.Windows.Data.Binding, FrameworkElement>> Types = new Dictionary<Type, Func<System.Windows.Data.Binding, FrameworkElement>>();
I think you're going at this all wrong. Just define your dimensions and text in advance, put them in a data class, and then feed a list of those data classes to your form constructor so it can construct them all on the fly.
The data class:
public class TextboxInfo
public Int32 Width { get; set; }
public Int32 Height { get; set; }
public Int32 X { get; set; }
public Int32 Y { get; set; }
public String Text { get; set; }
public TextboxInfo(Int32 w, Int32 h, Int32 x, Int32 y, String text)
this.Width = w;
this.Height = h
this.X = x;
this.Y = y
this.Text = text;
The code to construct the form:
public class TextForm : Form
public TextBox[] TextBoxes
get { return _textBoxes.ToArray(); }
private List<TextBox> _textBoxes;
public TextForm(TextboxInfo[] textboxes, Int32 padX, Int32 padY)
_textBoxes = new List<TextBox>();
Int32 reqWidth = 0;
Int32 reqHeight = 0;
foreach (TextboxInfo tbi in textboxes)
reqWidth = Math.Max(reqWidth, tbi.X + tbi.Width);
reqHeight = Math.Max(reqHeight, tbi.Y + tbi.Height);
TextBox txtB = new TextBox();
txtB.Size = new Size(tbi.Width, tbi.Height);
txtB.Location = new Point(tbi.X, tbi.Y);
txtB.Text = tbi.Text;
// You may want to add some kind of OK button at the end here (based on reqHeight)
// and link that to a click listener that closes the form.
// Don't forget to adjust your reqHeight to the added height of that button!
// ...
// Set form to the minimum needed size according to its elements.
this.Size = new Size(reqWidth + padX, reqHeight + padY);
The calling code:
class Program
static void Main()
TextboxInfo[] info = new TextboxInfo[2];
info[0] = new TextboxInfo(150, 14, 20, 32, "This is a TextBox 1");
info[1] = new TextboxInfo(180, 34, 40, 52, "This is a TextBox 2");
TextForm frm = new TextForm(info, 20, 32);
// Now you can access the form's text box values through frm.TextBoxes[i].Text
Mind you, this whole system may seem useful at first, but consider that none of the text boxes have labels on them. Just starting values.
I've made systems for custom data before in a project I created, to generate a custom save options dialog depending on the chosen file type to save to, since each file type needed specific options.
Realistically, you'd create a form with some kind of description at the top and an OK and a Cancel button at the bottom, with a panel in between which has its vertical scrollbar set to enable-when-needed. Then you can dynamically put different custom controls in there to support different data types, like say, a checkbox, a text field, a numeric field, et cetera. They'll automatically be listed vertically in the list simply by keeping track of each control's height to get the next control's Y-offset, and if they'd exceed the form size the panel will make sure you can scroll down.
All you'd give to the form are objects of a data class like the one I showed, but without positioning data. They'd have a type, to figure out what kind of custom control to create, a description text, a default value to set the input control to, and possibly some kind of initialisation value, for example, to limit the range of a numeric value, or, as in the image I showed, values for a dropdown list.

How to Change Content of Button if it is a child of a grid?

I want to change content of button1 on click event of button2 . But not able to get the object of grid's child Button class which is in List<> UiList.
Please Guide me in getting the right approach to look it and solve it . And also guide that if the object is build in runtime then how to access it ?
public partial class MainPage : PhoneApplicationPage
List<Grid> UIList = new List<Grid>();
Grid objGrid1 = null;
Button objButton1 = null;
Button objButton2 = null;
// Constructor
public MainPage()
public void createGrid1(string x)
objGrid1 = new Grid();
objGrid1.Height = 100;
objGrid1.Name = x;
objGrid1.Width = 200;
objGrid1.Margin = new Thickness(100, 100, 0, 0);
objGrid1.HorizontalAlignment = System.Windows.HorizontalAlignment.Left;
objGrid1.VerticalAlignment = System.Windows.VerticalAlignment.Top;
objGrid1.Background = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Orange);
public void createButton1(string _name)
objButton1 = new Button();
objButton1.Height = 90;
objButton1.Name = _name;
objButton1.FontSize = 20;
objButton1.Width = 190;
objButton1.HorizontalAlignment = System.Windows.HorizontalAlignment.Left;
objButton1.VerticalAlignment = System.Windows.VerticalAlignment.Top;
objButton1.Background = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Blue);
objButton1.Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.White);
public void createButton2(string _name)
objButton2 = new Button();
objButton2.Margin = new Thickness(240, 300, 0, 0);
objButton2.Name = _name;
objButton2.Height = 90;
objButton2.Content = "Button2";
objButton2.FontSize = 20;
objButton2.Width = 190;
objButton2.HorizontalAlignment = System.Windows.HorizontalAlignment.Left;
objButton2.VerticalAlignment = System.Windows.VerticalAlignment.Top;
objButton2.Background = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Blue);
objButton2.Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.White);
objButton2.Click += (s, e) =>
int c = UIList.ElementAt(0).Children.Count;
if (c == 1)
//logic to change content of Button1 on click of Button2
Assuming you cannot just keep a reference to the created control, such as in a class field, you can iterate through the Children property of the Grid and find the desired Button. If there are multiple buttons, you can differentiate them using the Tag property.
Once you find it, change the contents of the button using the Content property, as discussed in the contents above.

