I have the following json
"audit_date": "2020-05-13T11:27:10.3187798Z",
"client_uuid": "2fd77dd8-ed76-4bba-b0e1-5cda454c8d6e",
"audit_entry": {
"where_uri": "test.com/dataservice/apps/171f0841-825b-4964-8f8c-0869650f14a6",
"why_uri": "test.com/dataservice/reference/reasons_for_change/61acc173-7168-4ae5-9f04- afa228941f8b",
"who_uri": "test.com/securityservice/users/4977dae1-a307-425f-980c-53413fef1b0f",
"when_audited": "2018-11-13T20:20:39+00:00",
"what_uri": "test.com/dataservice/study_subjects/1bc67a71-8549-4ab8-9dd9-e44238198860",
"what_changed": [
"attribute_name": "birth_year",
"attribute_value": "1969",
"attribute_change": null
"attribute_name": "subject_reference",
"attribute_value": "TEST-WOO3444",
"attribute_change": null
But I want to empty the nest array "what_changed"
So I need the output to be
"audit_date": "2020-05-13T11:27:10.3187798Z",
"client_uuid": "2fd77dd8-ed76-4bba-b0e1-5cda454c8d6e",
"audit_entry": {
"where_uri": "test.com/dataservice/apps/171f0841-825b-4964-8f8c-0869650f14a6",
"why_uri": "test.com/dataservice/reference/reasons_for_change/61acc173-7168-4ae5-9f04-afa228941f8b",
"who_uri": "test.com/securityservice/users/4977dae1-a307-425f-980c-53413fef1b0f",
"when_audited": "2018-11-13T20:20:39+00:00",
"what_uri": "test.com/dataservice/study_subjects/1bc67a71-8549-4ab8-9dd9-e44238198860",
"what_changed": []
I have written the following code
JObject jObj = JObject.Parse(jsonText);
jObj["audit_entry"]["what_changed"] = null;
string json = jObj.ToString(Formatting.None);
but this makes the field null rather than empty array.
I have also tried
JObject jObj = JObject.Parse(jsonText);
jObj["audit_entry"]["what_changed"] = "";
string json = jObj.ToString(Formatting.None);
but that still doesn't give an empty array.
I also tried using the Array.Clear() method, but this is a JObject array rather than a normal array.
Arrays are represented by the JArray type, not JObject. Cast the value of "what_changed" to the proper type and use the methods you need. Eg:
JObject jObj = JObject.Parse(jsonText);
JArray changed=(JArray)(jObj["audit_entry"]["what_changed"]);
Working with JSON elements is rather unusual though. It's typically a lot easier to deserialize JSON strings into strongly typed objects, modify them as needed and then serialize them back to a string.
Generating the necessary DTOs can be done easily in Visual Studio by selecting Paste Special > Paste JSON as Classes from the Edit menu
I can see several possibilities...
1.- instead of clearing the array, create a new one, an empty one. This does not solve the problem but it is a work around.
2.- using newtonsoft (a nuget package that you can download), you may be able to find different utilities there.
2.1.- Instead of parsing with JObject, parse with JArray, and then use Clear:
2.2.- use Remove, for this you need the property name, so you need to iterate within the array (a foreach), getting the name of the property, and delete one by one.
You need to cast it to a JArray first, then you can use its Clear() method;
Alternatively, you could simply create a new JArray in place of the old one.
jObj["audit_entry"]["what_changed"] = new JArray();
Try this :
JObject jObj = JObject.Parse(jsonText);
JToken jToken = jObj["audit_entry"]["what_changed"];
string json = jObj.ToString(Formatting.None);
Normally I'm using Newtonsoft to deserialize like this
List<myObject> deserializeObj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<myObject>>(mysample);
But now, i'm facing a problem where the attribute of mysample can be dynamic which is user define themselves. Thus i cannot use myObject anymore as it is fixed class. So how can i deserialize object like that?
For example the mysample can be something like bellow and etc:
Target Framework is .NET Framework 3.5
you can use Dynamic Type
List<dynamic> deserializeObj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<dynamic>>(mysample);
.NET Framework 3.5 :
List<object> deserializeObj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<object>>(mysample);
well you can then use reflection to access value
System.Reflection.PropertyInfo pi = item.GetType().GetProperty("name");
String name = (String)(pi.GetValue(item, null));
dotnt forget to add using System.Reflection;
To avoid using dynamic, you can parse the json using JArray
JArray array = JArray.Parse(json);
Thus i cannot use myObject anymore as it is fixed class. So how can i deserialize object like that?
To get rid from this problem Newtonsoft.Json have very well feature that we can use
If you don't know which json object or array comes from your resource. means you can't determine its c# respective object then newtonsoft have JObject and JArray can handle this problem like
1) Suppose your json string is object like
var json = #"{ 'Name':'a','Phone':'a','Ic':'a'}";
Then you can use JObject here
JObject jObject = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<JObject>(json);
2) Suppose your json string is array like
var json1 = #"[{ 'Name':'a','Phone':'a','Ic':'a'},{ 'Name':'b','Phone':'b','Ic':'b'}]";
Then you can use JArray here
JArray jArray = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<JArray>(json1);
After successfully getting JArray from your json string. you can also querying on your deserialized object to get particular object from it like
JObject jObject1 = jArray.Children<JObject>().FirstOrDefault();
JObject jObject2 = jArray.Children<JObject>().FirstOrDefault(x => x["Name"] != null && x["Name"].ToString() == "a");
int count = jArray.Children<JObject>().Count();
If you want to get certain key:value pair from your json then you can get it by below code
JProperty jProperty = jObject1.Properties().Where(x => x.Name == "Name").FirstOrDefault();
var value = (string)jProperty.Value;
Try once may it help you.
i am beginner to C#, i have a very long string and want to convert it to json, string is
[{"id":0,"level":0,"label":"Product Names","subitems":
any ideas?
You can do something like this:
var jobject = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<JObject>(yourVariable);
this is using Newtonsoft's json library that you can get from nuget.
Also JObject is the C# equivalent to a JSON object so that's probably something you'll want to use.
u an also use,
JObject is in Newtonsoft.Json.Linq namespace.
You need to Deserialize your string as follows :
// Your string here
string str = #"[{"categories":
[{"id":0,"level":0,"label":"Product Names","subitems":
{"id":0,"level":0,"label":"Product texts","subitems":
[{"id":0,"level":1,"label":""},{"id":0,"level":1,"label":"<p>Disney <strong>Princess<\/strong><\/p>\n"},{"id":0,"level":1,"label":"<p>Machines & Mechanisms - <strong>Middle<\/strong><\/p>\n"},{"id":0,"level":1,"label":"64738574"},{"id":0,"level":1,"label":"8765432"},{"id":0,"level":1,"label":"a"},{"id":0,"level":1,"label":"aa"},{"id":0,"level":1,"label":"ab"},{"id":0,"level":1,"label":"abe"},{"id":0,"level":1,"label":"aD!?"},{"id":0,"level":1,"label":"Bionicle"},{"id":0,"level":1,"label":"Disney Princess"},{"id":0,"level":1,"label":"er"},{"id":0,"level":1,"label":"foo foo"},{"id":0,"level":1,"label":"hej"},{"id":0,"level":1,"label":"igen"},{"id":0,"level":1,"label":"meta"},{"id":0,"level":1,"label":"metadata"},{"id":0,"level":1,"label":"metadata from kafka"},{"id":0,"level":1,"label":"Metatest"},{"id":0,"level":1,"label":"q"},{"id":0,"level":1,"label":"Simpsons"},{"id":0,"level":1,"label":"test"},{"id":0,"level":1,"label":"Test 123"},{"id":0,"level":1,"label":"Test Metadata 123"}]},{"id":0,"level":0,"label" :"Specialist Terms","subitems":[{"id":0,"level":1,"label":"meta"},{"id":0,"level":1,"label":"new category 1111"},{"id":0,"level":1,"label":"secret category"}]}]}]";
// DeSerialize your object
JavaScriptSerializer serializer1 = new JavaScriptSerializer();
object obje = serializer1.Deserialize(str, obj1.GetType());
I got a json Object that i want to deserialize to its .Net type without casting it.
I think i read somewhere in the doc that you can pass an attribute into the json to tells to the deserializer the .Net object type that it can try to cast.
I can't find the where i read this.
I want to avoid use of
var myNewObject = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<MyClass>(json);
To get something like this
MyClass myNewObject = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(json);
I got my json object from an HttpRequest and want to instantiate the appropriate class from this nested object.
Currently deserialization into an known item work good but need something more flexible without the need to manage all known Object from a parsing method.
You can save the object type in your json string like this.
The settings you have to hand over the converter
public static readonly JsonSerializerSettings Settings = new JsonSerializerSettings
TypeNameHandling = TypeNameHandling.Objects
How to serialize with the given settings:
var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(data, Settings);
This is what your json string looks like:
How to deserialize with the given settings:
var object = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(json, Settings);
Now your json string contains not only the serialized object, but also the type of your serialized object. So you don't have to worry about the right type when deserializing your json string.
You can do the following:
dynamic myNewObject = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(json);
which will return a dynamic object which you can work with.
Obviously, it will fail if your JSON doesn't contain data array having objects with description property.
You can do something like this:
var result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<dynamic>(json);
so you can deserialize any object. Cast dynamic says that you're deserializing an anynymous object with any type which will be known on runtime. It trully works!
I have a JSON string in this form:
string jsonStr = "[\"A\", [\"Martini\", \"alovell\"],[\"Martin\", \"lovell\"]]"
I am trying to deserialize the JSON using the C# .NET deserializer DataContractJsonSerializer with the following code snippet
MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(jsonStr));
DataContractJsonSerializer serializer = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof<X>);
X data = (X)serializer.ReadObject(ms);
Now since the JSON array is an array of variable types I do not know what type of object
X should be
If my String were
jsonStr = "[[\"Martini\", \"alovell\"],[\"Martin\", \"lovell\"]]"
I could use this:
X = List<List<String>>
and that would work for me. I was wondering if there is any way to deserialize variable type JSON array?
You could use Json.NET to do this.
JArray a = JArray.Parse(jsonStr);
The JArray would contain either strings or nested JArray's depending on the JSON.