Here, I want the list "User" as a response. But it contains Message also. I want the message to be printed only once. Currently it is printing user.count times.
for (int i = 0; i < user.Count; i++)
if (user[i].Message == "Success")
resp = new HttpResponseMessage { Content = new ObjectContent(typeof(List<GetUserList>), user, GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.Formatters.JsonFormatter) };
resp = new HttpResponseMessage { Content = new StringContent("[{\"Message\":\"" + user[i].Message + "\"}]", System.Text.Encoding.UTF8, "application/json") };
The result should be like this:
"message": " Successful",
"supervisorlist": [
" userID ": "654",
" forename ": "John"
" userID ": "655",
" forename ": "Jack"
example for Success
var responseObj = new { message = "Successful", supervisorlist = users };
resp = new HttpResponseMessage
Content = new StringContent(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(responseObj),
System.Text.Encoding.UTF8, "application/json")
bool includeMessage = users.Any(u => u.Message == "Success");
object content = null;
if(includeMessage) {
content = new { message = "Success", supervisorlist = users };
} else {
content = new { supervisorlist = users };
resp = new HttpResponseMessage {
Content = new StringContent(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(content), System.Text.Encoding.UTF8, "application/json")
I dont get any response using client.PostAsync.
I created button in xamarin forms. It should send to server some sentences(json) and return info about them(again in json).
Button code:
private async void button_Analyze_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
Request req = new Request()
UserId = this.UserId,
Language = Convert.ToString(picker_Language.SelectedItem) + ".",
Text = Convert.ToString(editor1.Text)
string jsonStr = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(req);
Dictionary<string, string> dict = new Dictionary<string, string>();
dict.Add("s", jsonStr);
FormUrlEncodedContent form = new FormUrlEncodedContent(dict);
HttpResponseMessage response = await client.PostAsync(markTextUrl, form).ConfigureAwait(false);
string result = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
Answer answ = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Answer>(result);
await DisplayAlert("", " ", "Ok");
Controller code:
public string MarkText(string s) //работа с запросом из приложения
Request req = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Request>(s);
if (req != null)
Models.Request request = new Models.Request()
Text = req.Text,
Lang = req.Language,
UserId = int.Parse(req.UserId)
Answer answ = new Answer()
Language = req.Language,
Text = req.Text,
Sentences = db.Histories.Last().Text,
Labels = db.Histories.Last().Label
return JsonConvert.SerializeObject(answ);
return null;
Problem is this code
HttpResponseMessage response = await client.PostAsync(markTextUrl, form).ConfigureAwait(false);
never return response and it doesnt reach controller function. If I wait for this code to complete Ill get System.OperationCanceledExeption:"The operation was canceled"
I've created a C# console application that calls a stored procedure from SQL Server, retrieves records from a database table where records have not been transmitted, and adds said records to a RestSharp request. When I run my application locally, OK Status is received with a Status Code reflecting missing information. The API's logging system shows empty values in the received request.
I've tried the RestSharp request as follows:
private static RestRequest CreateRestRequest(string resource, Method method)
var credentials = GetCredentials();
var restRequest = new RestRequest { Resource = resource, Method = method, RequestFormat = DataFormat.Json, };
restRequest.AddHeader("accept", "application/json");
restRequest.AddHeader("Authorization", credentials);
restRequest.OnBeforeDeserialization = resp => { resp.ContentType = "application/json"; };
restRequest.OnBeforeDeserialization = resp => { resp.ContentEncoding = "utf-8"; };
restRequest.OnBeforeDeserialization = resp =>
if (resp.RawBytes.Length >= 3 && resp.RawBytes[0] == 0xEF && resp.RawBytes[1] == 0xBB && resp.RawBytes[2] == 0xBF)
// Copy the data but with the UTF-8 BOM removed.
var newData = new byte[resp.RawBytes.Length - 3];
Buffer.BlockCopy(resp.RawBytes, 3, newData, 0, newData.Length);
resp.RawBytes = newData;
// Force re-conversion to string on next access
resp.Content = null;
return restRequest;
The logic used for the request values is as follows:
private SignUpRequest BuildMerchantTestData()
var onboardingDAL = new OnboardingDAL(iconfiguration);
var onboardingList = onboardingDAL.GetOnboardingList(iconfiguration);
var ownerList = new List<OwnerList>();
if (onboardingList != null)
Debug.Assert(onboardingList != null, nameof(OnboardingList) + " != null");
foreach (Onboarding result in onboardingList)
Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}", result.Email, result.UserId);
List<Owner> owner1 = new List<Owner>{ new Owner
FirstName = result.OwnerFirstName,
LastName = result.OwnerLastName,
Address = result.OwnerAddress,
City = result.OwnerCity,
State = result.OwnerRegion,
Zip = result.OwnerZipCode,
Country =result.OwnerCountry,
DateOfBirth = result.OwnerDob,
SSN = result.OwnerSsn,
Email = result.Email,
Percentage = result.OwnerPercentage,
Title = result.OwnerTitle
var signupRequest = new SignUpRequest
PersonalData = new PersonalData
FirstName = result.FirstName,
MiddleInitial = result.MiddleInitial,
LastName = result.Lastname,
DateOfBirth = result.DateOfBirth,
SocialSecurityNumber = result.Ssn,
SourceEmail = result.Email,
PhoneInformation =
new PhoneInformation
{DayPhone = result.DayPhone, EveningPhone = result.EveningPhone},
InternationalSignUpData = null,
NotificationEmail = result.Email,
SignupAccountData = new SignupAccountData
CurrencyCode = "USD",
Tier = "Test"
BusinessData =
new BusinessData
BusinessLegalName = result.BusinessLegalName,
DoingBusinessAs = result.DoingBusinessAs,
EIN = result.Ein,
MerchantCategoryCode = result.MerchantCategoryCode,
WebsiteURL = result.BusinessUrl,
BusinessDescription = result.BusinessDescription,
MonthlyBankCardVolume = result.MonthlyBankCardVolume ?? 0,
AverageTicket = result.AverageTicket ?? 0,
HighestTicket = result.HighestTicket ?? 0
Address = new Address
ApartmentNumber = result.Address1ApartmentNumber,
Address1 = result.Address1Line1,
Address2 = result.Address1Line1,
City = result.Address1City,
State = result.Address1State,
Country = result.Address1Country,
Zip = result.Address1ZipCode
MailAddress = new Address
ApartmentNumber = result.OwnerApartmentNumber,
Address1 = result.OwnerAddress,
Address2 = result.OwnerAddress2,
City = result.OwnerCity,
State = result.OwnerRegion,
Country = result.OwnerCountry,
Zip = result.OwnerZipCode
BusinessAddress =
new Address
ApartmentNumber = result.BusinessApartmentNumber,
Address1 = result.BusinessAddressLine1,
Address2 = result.BusinessAddressLine2,
City = result.BusinessCity,
State = result.BusinessState,
Country = result.BusinessCountry,
Zip = result.BusinessZipCode
BankAccount =
new BankAccount
AccountCountryCode = result.BankAccount1CountryCode,
BankAccountNumber = result.BankAccount1Number,
RoutingNumber = result.BankAccount1RoutingNumber,
AccountOwnershipType = result.BankAccount1OwnershipType,
BankName = result.BankAccount1BankName,
AccountType = "Checking",
AccountName = result.BankAccount1Name,
Description = result.BankAccount1Description
BeneficialOwnerData = new BeneficialOwnerData
OwnerCount = "1",
Owners = owner1
}; Console.WriteLine(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(signupRequest));
return new SignUpRequest();
I'm executing the request as follows:
private static T Execute<T>(IRestRequest request, string baseUrl) where T : class, new()
var client = new RestClient(baseUrl);
var response = client.Execute<T>(request);
if (response.ErrorException != null)
"Error: Exception: {0}, Message: {1}, Headers: {2}, Content: {3}, Status Code: {4}",
Console.WriteLine("Status:" + response.StatusCode);
Console.WriteLine("Message: " + response.Content);
return response.Data;
public ProPayResponse MerchantSignUpForProPay()
var baseUrl = "";
var request = BuildMerchantTestData();
var restRequest = CreateRestRequest("SignUp", Method.PUT);
return Execute<ProPayResponse>(restRequest, baseUrl);
Why would the JSON string contain valid values in my console, but yet no values are received by the API? How would I rectify this issue?
So, after re-visiting this issue at a later time, I found that return signupRequest; was the appropriate way to return the request and request values.
The following code is charging the card, however it is not creating the profile....any tips? I'm assuming I'm missing something, or using the wrong Type...
var opaqueData = new opaqueDataType { dataDescriptor = "COMMON.ACCEPT.INAPP.PAYMENT", dataValue = paymentNonce };
//standard api call to retrieve response
var paymentType = new paymentType { Item = opaqueData };
var transactionRequest = new transactionRequestType
transactionType = transactionTypeEnum.authCaptureTransaction.ToString(), // authorize and capture transaction
amount = paymentAmount,
payment = paymentType,
customer = new customerDataType()
type = customerTypeEnum.individual,
id = userID.ToString()
profile = new customerProfilePaymentType()
createProfile = true
var request = new createTransactionRequest { transactionRequest = transactionRequest };
// instantiate the contoller that will call the service
var controller = new createTransactionController(request);
const SslProtocols _Tls12 = (SslProtocols)0x00000C00;
const SecurityProtocolType Tls12 = (SecurityProtocolType)_Tls12;
ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = Tls12;
// get the response from the service (errors contained if any)
var response = controller.GetApiResponse();
Since apparently OpaqueData is not allowed, I changed it to make the profile manually. I am getting the following Error: "Error: I00001 Successful."
// Add Payment method to Customer.
customerPaymentProfileType opaquePaymentProfile = new customerPaymentProfileType();
opaquePaymentProfile.payment = paymentType;
opaquePaymentProfile.customerType = customerTypeEnum.individual;
var request2 = new createCustomerPaymentProfileRequest
paymentProfile = opaquePaymentProfile,
validationMode = validationModeEnum.none,
customerProfileId = userID.ToString()
var controller2 = new createCustomerPaymentProfileController(request2);
//Send Request to EndPoint
createCustomerPaymentProfileResponse response2 = controller2.GetApiResponse();
if (response2 != null && response2.messages.resultCode == messageTypeEnum.Ok)
if (response2 != null && response2.messages.message != null)
//Console.WriteLine("Success, createCustomerPaymentProfileID : " + response.customerPaymentProfileId);
Utility.AppendTextToFile("Error: " + response.messages.message[0].code + " " + response.messages.message[0].text, Server.MapPath("/pub/auth.txt"));
Update #2
Very confused as documentation says this code means why don't I see the CIM payment method created??? RESPONSE CODE DOCS
Update #3
So I was printing out the main response message instead of the CIM request message, duh. The actual error was: "E00114 Invalid OTS Token."
Based on the the documentation, that error is usually from a used Key, so I am now generating 2 keys (One to process and One to store via CIM) but am now getting this error: "E00040 The record cannot be found."....Any ideas?
So the answer to this question is:
You can not auto create a payment profile using opaque card data, so the answer is to make it manually once you have a successful charge.
You can not use the same opaque card data to charge and store, as they are one time use, so for my web method I ended up passing 2 opaque data keys.
You have to make different calls for setting up a brand new customer and an existing customer just adding a new card. I have pasted an excerpt of my end solution below:
ApiOperationBase<ANetApiRequest, ANetApiResponse>.RunEnvironment = (System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Authorize-Live"].ToUpper() == "TRUE" ? AuthorizeNet.Environment.PRODUCTION : AuthorizeNet.Environment.SANDBOX);
// define the merchant information (authentication / transaction id)
ApiOperationBase<ANetApiRequest, ANetApiResponse>.MerchantAuthentication = new merchantAuthenticationType()
name = (System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Authorize-Live"].ToUpper() == "TRUE" ? System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Authorize-LoginID"] : System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Authorize-LoginID-SandBox"]),
ItemElementName = ItemChoiceType.transactionKey,
Item = (System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Authorize-Live"].ToUpper() == "TRUE" ? System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Authorize-TransactionKey"] : System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Authorize-TransactionKey-SandBox"])
if (paymentNonce.Trim() != "")
//set up data based on transaction
var opaqueData = new opaqueDataType { dataDescriptor = "COMMON.ACCEPT.INAPP.PAYMENT", dataValue = paymentNonce };
//standard api call to retrieve response
var paymentType = new paymentType { Item = opaqueData };
var transactionRequest = new transactionRequestType
transactionType = transactionTypeEnum.authCaptureTransaction.ToString(), // authorize and capture transaction
amount = paymentAmount,
payment = paymentType,
customer = new customerDataType()
type = customerTypeEnum.individual,
profile = new customerProfilePaymentType()
createProfile = false
var request = new createTransactionRequest { transactionRequest = transactionRequest };
// instantiate the contoller that will call the service
var controller = new createTransactionController(request);
const SslProtocols _Tls12 = (SslProtocols)0x00000C00;
const SecurityProtocolType Tls12 = (SecurityProtocolType)_Tls12;
ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = Tls12;
// get the response from the service (errors contained if any)
var response = controller.GetApiResponse();
if (response != null)
if (response.messages.resultCode == messageTypeEnum.Ok)
if (response.transactionResponse.messages != null)
responseData.Success = true;
transactionID = response.transactionResponse.transId;
string merchID = "STORED AUTHORIZE.NET CUSTOMERID, return blank string if none!";
var opaqueData2 = new opaqueDataType { dataDescriptor = "COMMON.ACCEPT.INAPP.PAYMENT", dataValue = paymentNonce2 };
//standard api call to retrieve response
var paymentType2 = new paymentType { Item = opaqueData2 };
customerPaymentProfileType opaquePaymentProfile = new customerPaymentProfileType();
opaquePaymentProfile.payment = paymentType2;
opaquePaymentProfile.customerType = customerTypeEnum.individual;
if (merchID == "")
List<customerPaymentProfileType> paymentProfileList = new List<customerPaymentProfileType>();
customerProfileType customerProfile = new customerProfileType();
customerProfile.merchantCustomerId = "YOUR_DB_USERID";
customerProfile.paymentProfiles = paymentProfileList.ToArray();
var cimRequest = new createCustomerProfileRequest { profile = customerProfile, validationMode = validationModeEnum.none };
var cimController = new createCustomerProfileController(cimRequest); // instantiate the contoller that will call the service
createCustomerProfileResponse cimResponse = cimController.GetApiResponse();
if (cimResponse != null && cimResponse.messages.resultCode == messageTypeEnum.Ok)
if (cimResponse != null && cimResponse.messages.message != null)
// STORE cimResponse.customerProfileId IN DATABASE FOR USER
for (int i = 0; i < cimResponse.messages.message.Length; i++)
Utility.AppendTextToFile("New Error (" + merchID + ") #" + i.ToString() + ": " + cimResponse.messages.message[i].code + " " + cimResponse.messages.message[i].text, Server.MapPath("/pub/auth.txt"));
var cimRequest = new createCustomerPaymentProfileRequest
paymentProfile = opaquePaymentProfile,
validationMode = validationModeEnum.none,
customerProfileId = merchID.Trim()
var cimController = new createCustomerPaymentProfileController(cimRequest);
//Send Request to EndPoint
createCustomerPaymentProfileResponse cimResponse = cimController.GetApiResponse();
if (cimResponse != null && cimResponse.messages.resultCode == messageTypeEnum.Ok)
if (cimResponse != null && cimResponse.messages.message != null)
//Console.WriteLine("Success, createCustomerPaymentProfileID : " + response.customerPaymentProfileId);
for (int i = 0; i < cimResponse.messages.message.Length; i++)
Utility.AppendTextToFile("Add Error (" + merchID + ") #" + i.ToString() + ": " + cimResponse.messages.message[i].code + " " + cimResponse.messages.message[i].text, Server.MapPath("/pub/auth.txt"));
responseData.Message = "Card Declined";
responseData.Success = false;
if (response.transactionResponse.errors != null)
responseData.Message = response.transactionResponse.errors[0].errorText;
responseData.Message = "Failed Transaction";
responseData.Success = false;
if (response.transactionResponse != null && response.transactionResponse.errors != null)
responseData.Message = response.transactionResponse.errors[0].errorText;
responseData.Message = response.messages.message[0].text;
responseData.Message = "Failed Transaction, Try Again!";
responseData.Success = false;
customerProfilePaymentType profileToCharge = new customerProfilePaymentType();
profileToCharge.customerProfileId = CustomerID;
profileToCharge.paymentProfile = new paymentProfile { paymentProfileId = PaymentID };
var transactionRequest = new transactionRequestType
transactionType = transactionTypeEnum.authCaptureTransaction.ToString(),
amount = paymentAmount,
profile = profileToCharge
var request = new createTransactionRequest { transactionRequest = transactionRequest };
// instantiate the collector that will call the service
var controller = new createTransactionController(request);
// get the response from the service (errors contained if any)
var response = controller.GetApiResponse();
if (response != null)
if (response.messages.resultCode == messageTypeEnum.Ok)
if (response.transactionResponse.messages != null)
responseData.Success = true;
transactionID = response.transactionResponse.transId;
responseData.Message = "Card Declined";
responseData.Success = false;
if (response.transactionResponse.errors != null)
responseData.Message = response.transactionResponse.errors[0].errorText;
responseData.Message = "Failed Transaction";
responseData.Success = false;
if (response.transactionResponse != null && response.transactionResponse.errors != null)
responseData.Message = response.transactionResponse.errors[0].errorText;
responseData.Message = response.messages.message[0].text;
responseData.Message = "Failed Transaction, Try Again!";
responseData.Success = false;
Here is my Code snippet to send email using postmark
public async Task<bool> SendEmail(CustomMailMessage mailMessage)
HeaderCollection headers = new HeaderCollection();
if (mailMessage.Headers != null)
var items = mailMessage.Headers.AllKeys.SelectMany(mailMessage.Headers.GetValues, (k, v) => new { key = k, value = v });
foreach (var item in items)
headers.Add(item.key, item.value);
var message = new PostmarkDotNet.PostmarkMessage()
To = mailMessage.To,
Cc = mailMessage.Cc,
Bcc = mailMessage.Bcc,
From = mailMessage.FromName + "<" + mailMessage.From + ">",
TrackOpens = true,
Subject = mailMessage.Subject,
TextBody = mailMessage.Body,
HtmlBody = mailMessage.HtmlBody,
Headers = headers,
if (mailMessage.AttachmentsPath != null)
foreach (string file in mailMessage.AttachmentsPath)
var imageContent = File.ReadAllBytes(file);
message.AddAttachment(imageContent, Path.GetFileName(file), MimeMapping.GetMimeMapping(file), null);
var client = new PostmarkClient(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["postmarkServerToken"].ToString(), "", 30);
var sendResult = await client.SendMessageAsync(message);
if (sendResult.Status== PostmarkStatus.Success)
return true;
return false;
When I try to send email "var sendResult = await client.SendMessageAsync(message);" didn't get any response when hitting this line, and when send mail again got message "The transaction has aborted."
Please Help
I have an JSON object that looks like this:
But this is only a part of the JSON object because it is very big.
What I want to do is to access the h_phrase string values but when i try i get this error:
ERROR Unexpected character encountered while parsing value: {. Path '[0].h_phrases', line 64, position 7.
And this is my code:
public class PhrasesData
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "h_phrases")]
public string H_Phrases { get; set; }
public async void getPhrasesForSpecificProduct(string productId)
var baseUrl = "";
var specProductUrl = baseUrl + "/" + activeOrganisationId + "/" + "products/" + productId;
var baseAddress = new Uri(specProductUrl);
var cookieContainer = new CookieContainer();
using (var handler = new HttpClientHandler() { CookieContainer = cookieContainer })
using (var client = new HttpClient(handler) { BaseAddress = baseAddress })
validToken = System.Net.WebUtility.UrlEncode(validToken);
cookieContainer.Add(baseAddress, new Cookie("access_token", string.Format(validToken)));
var result = client.GetAsync(specProductUrl).Result;
if (result.IsSuccessStatusCode)
var content = await result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
var array = JArray.Parse(content);
PhrasesData[] myPhrasesData = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<PhrasesData[]>(array.ToString());
if (myPhrasesData == null)
throw new JsonException();
string[] H_PhrasesArr = new string[myPhrasesData.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < myPhrasesData.Length; i++)
H_PhrasesArr[i] = myPhrasesData[i].H_Phrases;
var H_PhrasesVar = H_PhrasesArr[i];
Debug.WriteLine("God Damn PHRASES: " + H_PhrasesVar);
}catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine(#" ERROR {0}", ex.Message); }
What's the problem with my code?
Your JSON string is invalid. You need to enclose it with { and }.
Use before coding with JSON objects.
"field2_body": null,
"field3_body": null,
"field4_body": null,
"h_phrases": [{
"h_phrase": "H222"
}, {
"h_phrase": "H411"
}, {
"h_phrase": "H361"
}, {
"h_phrase": "H315"