Starting with the use case.
Let's consider the base for this questions is a big framework and implementations of business objects of some software.
This software hast to be customized quite regularly, so it would be preferred that most of the C# objects are extendable and logic can be overriden. Even "model data".
The goal would be to be able to write code, create objects with input parameters - that may create more objects etc - and you don't have to think about whether those objects have derived implementations in any way. The derived classes will be used automatically.
For ease of uses a typesafe way to create the objects would be preferred as well.
A quick example:
public class OrderModel
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Status { get; set; }
public class CustomOrderModel : OrderModel
public string AdditionalData { get; set; }
public class StockFinder
public Article Article { get; }
public StockFinder(Article article)
Article = article;
public virtual double GetInternalStock() { /*...*/ }
public virtual double GetFreeStock() { /*...*/ }
public class CustomStockFinder : StockFinder
public bool UsePremiumAvailability { get; }
public CustomStockFinder(Article article, bool usePremiumAvailability)
: base(article)
UsePremiumAvailability = usePremiumAvailability;
protected CustomStockFinder(Article article) : this(article, false) { } // For compatibility (?)
public override double GetFreeStock() { /*...*/ }
In both cases I wanna do stuff like this
var resp = Factory.Create<OrderModel>(); // Creates a CustomOrderModel internally
// Generic
var finderGeneric = Factory.Create<StockFinder>(someArticle);
// Typesafe?
var finderTypesafe1 = Factory.StockFinder.Create(someArticle); // GetFreeStock() uses the new implementation
var finderTypesafe2 = Factory.StockFinder.Create(someArticle, true); // Returns the custom class already
Automatically generating and compiling C# code on build is not a big issue and could be done.
Usage of Reflection to call constructors is okay, if need be.
It's less about how complicating some code generation logic, written code analyzers, internal factories, builders etc are, and more about how "easy" and understandable the framework solution will be on a daily basis, to write classes and create those objects.
I thought about tagging the relevant classes with Attributes and then generating a typesafe factory class automatically on build step. Not so sure about naming conflicts, or references that might be needed to compile, as the constructor parameters could be anything.
Also, custom classes could have different constructors, so they should be compatible at each place in default code where they might be constructed already, but still create the custom object. In the custom code then you should be able to use the full custom constructor.
I am currently considering several different cases and possibilities, and can't seem to find a good solution. Maybe I am missing some kind of design pattern, or am not able to look outside of my bubble.
What would be the best design pattern or coding be to implement use cases like this?
I have a set of interfaces using each others like this:
public interface IModel
string Name { get; }
IModelParameters Parameters { get; }
public interface IModelParameter
int Value { get; }
public interface IModelParameters: IList<IModelParameter>
void DoSomething();
And to implement those interfaces, I have defined those classes:
public class Model: IModel
string Name { get; internal set; }
public ModelParameters Parameters { get; private set; }
IModelParameters IModel.Parameters { get { return Factors; } }
public class ModelParameter: IModelParameter
int Value { get; internal set; }
public class ModelParameters: List<ModelParameter>, IModelParameters
void DoSomething()
// actual code
This does not compile because List<ModelParameter> implements IList<ModelParameter> and not IList<IModelParameter> as required by IModelParameters
Changing ModelParameters to be List<IModelParameter> fixes the compilation but it breaks Entity Framework migration generation because it no longer recognizes the list as a navigation property because the type parameter is an interface, not a regular class.
I could also have ModelParameters not implement IModelParameters and declare a second class that gets instantiated and filled directly in the IModelParameters.Factors getter inside Model
But this feels inefficient as it effectively creates two instances of the same list, one for Entity framework and a temporary one for use by the rest of the application. And because this temporary is filled at runtime, it introduces another potential point of failure.
This is why I'm trying to find a way to express the fact List<ModelParameter> implements IList<IModelParameter> just fine because ModelParameter implements IModelParameter itself.
I have a feeling that covariance/contravariance might be of help here, but I'm not sure how to use that.
You cannot do this. It it was possible to cast a List<ModelParameter> to IList<IModelParameter> you could try adding a object of another type to the list, i.e. class MyOtherModelParam : IModelParameter. And that is a contradiction since the type system guarantees that the list only contains ModelParameter objects.
You could replace it with IReadOnlyList<T>, since this interface do not expose any add or set methods it is safe to cast a List<ModelParameter> to IReadOnlyList<IModelParameter>.
Another possible solution would be to just remove the interface. If you intend to have only one implementation of IModelParameter, the interface serves little purpose, and you might as well just remove it.
I have a set of DataContracts that are serialzed through WCF.
Please note this is a very simplified example.
public class MyData
public List<int> MyList
I would like to use object oriented design so that the server and client aren't creating any unnecessary dependencies. For example, I would like to encapsulate a list so that the user can't directly modify it.
Ideally, I would like the class to look like this if it wasn't a DTO.
public class MyData
private List<int> _list = new List<int>();
public IEnumerable<int> MyList
return _list;
public void AddItem( int value )
_list.Add( value );
I am using the same C# assembly from both the service and the client. So I can add non-DataMember methods, but I'm not sure if that is a good approach. It doesn't smell quite right to me.
Does anybody have a clever way of treating DTO classes more like objects instead of simple serializable structures?
How about having DTO versions of your logic class which are used solely for the purpose of message passing?
That way, you can put all the methods and properties on your logic class as necessary without having to worry about what the user has access to when it's passed over the wire. There are many ways you can go about this, for instance:
you can implement some method on your logic class to return the DTO
public class Player
// methods that do interesting things here
public string Name { get; set; }
public PlayerDTO ToTransport()
return new PlayerDTO { Name = Name, ... };
public class PlayerDTO
public string Name { get; set; }
Or you can implement an explicit/implicit conversion
public class Player
// methods that do interesting things here
public string Name { get; set; }
public class PlayerDTO
public string Name { get; set; }
public static explicit operator PlayerDTO(Player player)
return new PlayerDTO { Name = player.Name, ... };
this lets you cast a Player object to PlayerDTO:
var player = new Player { Name = .... };
var dto = (PlayerDTO) player;
Personally, I do think having DataContract on objects which are for more than service operations is a bit of a smell, just as it would be for ORM column mappings. One somewhat limited way to make these DTOs more like true OO is to have your methods be extension methods of the DTO. You might need to do something creative if the OO version has state that needs to be captured between calls that is not inherent in the DTO object itself, though.
I do not think having methods unadorned by attributes in your DataContract's class necessarily smells. You have your service-oriented concerns on one hand (the operation and data contracts) and your object-oriented concerns on the other. What the client does with the provided data is of no concern to the service. The object-oriented issue you describe really only exists for the client.
If a client obtained Ball data from your service and it wants to Draw() it to the screen, whether or not the Ball class has a Draw() method has nothing to do with the contract between service and client. It is a contract between the api your assembly provides and those that use it. So I say, why not have a method in the assembly that is not an operation/data contract?
If i have the following code example:
public class ClassBase
public int ID { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public class ClassA : ClassBase
public int JustNumber { get; set; }
public ClassA()
this.ID = 0;
this.Name = string.Empty;
this.JustNumber = string.Empty;
What should I do to hide the property Name (Don't shown as a member of ClassA members) without modifying ClassBase ?
I smell a code smell here. It is my opinion that you should only inherit a base class if you're implementing all of the functionality of that base class. What you're doing doesn't really represent object oriented principles properly. Thus, if you want to inherit from your base, you should be implementing Name, otherwise you've got your inheritance the wrong way around. Your class A should be your base class and your current base class should inherit from A if that's what you want, not the other way around.
However, not to stray too far from the direct question. If you did want to flout "the rules" and want to continue on the path you've chosen - here's how you can go about it:
The convention is to implement the property but throw a NotImplementedException when that property is called - although, I don't like that either. But that's my personal opinion and it doesn't change the fact that this convention still stands.
If you're attempting to obsolete the property (and it's declared in the base class as virtual), then you could either use the Obsolete attribute on it:
[Obsolete("This property has been deprecated and should no longer be used.", true)]
public override string Name
return base.Name;
base.Name = value;
(Edit: As Brian pointed out in the comments, the second parameter of the attribute will cause a compiler error if someone references the Name property, thus they won't be able to use it even though you've implemented it in derived class.)
Or as I mentioned use NotImplementedException:
public override string Name
throw new NotImplementedException();
throw new NotImplementedException();
However, if the property isn't declared as virtual, then you can use the new keyword to replace it:
public new string Name
throw new NotImplementedException();
throw new NotImplementedException();
You can still use the Obsolete attribute in the same manner as if the method was overridden, or you can throw the NotImplementedException, whichever you choose. I would probably use:
[Obsolete("Don't use this", true)]
public override string Name { get; set; }
[Obsolete("Don't use this", true)]
public new string Name { get; set; }
Depending on whether or not it was declared as virtual in the base class.
While technically the property won't be hidden, one way to strongly discourage its use is to put attributes on it like these:
This is what System.Windows.Forms does for controls that have properties that don't fit. The Text property, for instance, is on Control, but it doesn't make sense on every class that inherits from Control. So in MonthCalendar, for instance, the Text property appears like this (per the online reference source):
public override string Text {
get { return base.Text; }
set { base.Text = value; }
Browsable - whether the member shows up in the Properties window
EditorBrowsable - whether the member shows up in the Intellisense dropdown
EditorBrowsable(false) won't prevent you from typing the property, and if you use the property, your project will still compile. But since the property doesn't appear in Intellisense, it won't be as obvious that you can use it.
Just hide it
public class ClassBase
public int ID { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public class ClassA : ClassBase
public int JustNumber { get; set; }
private new string Name { get { return base.Name; } set { base.Name = value; } }
public ClassA()
this.ID = 0;
this.Name = string.Empty;
this.JustNumber = 0;
Note: Name will still be a public member of ClassBase, given the constraint of not changing the base class there is no way to stop that.
Why force inheritance when it's not necessary?
I think the proper way of doing it is by doing has-a instead of a is-a.
public class ClassBase
public int ID { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public class ClassA
private ClassBase _base;
public int ID { get { return this._base.ID; } }
public string JustNumber { get; set; }
public ClassA()
this._base = new ClassBase();
this._base.ID = 0;
this._base.Name = string.Empty;
this.JustNumber = string.Empty;
I don’t think a lot of the people replying here understand inheritance at all. There is a need to inherit from a base class and hide its once public var’s and functions. Example, lets say you have a basic engine and you want to make a new engine that is supercharged. Well, 99% of the engine you will use but you will tweak a bit of its functionality to make it run much better and yet still there is some functionality that should only be shown to the modifications made, not the end user. Because we all know that every class MS puts out doesn’t really ever need any modifications.
Besides using the new to simply override the functionality it is one of the things that Microsoft in their infinite wis….. oh, I mean mistakes considered a tool not worthwhile anymore.
The best way to accomplish this now is multi-level inheritance.
public class classA
public class B : A
public class C : B
Class B does all your work and class C exposes what you need exposed.
You can't, that's the whole point of inheritance: the subclass must offer all methods and properties of the base class.
You could change the implementation to throw an exception when the property is called (if it were virtual)...
I completely agree that properties should not be removed from base classes, but sometimes a derived class might have a different more appropriate way to enter the values. In my case, for example, I am inheriting from ItemsControl. As we all know, ItemsControl has the ItemsSource property, but I want my control to merge data from 2 sources (for example, Person and Location). If I were to have the user enter the data using ItemsSource, I would need to separate and then recombine the values, so I created 2 properties to enter the data. But back to the original question, this leaves the ItemsSource, which I do not want the user to use because I am "replacing" it with my own properties. I like the Browsable and EditorBrowsable ideas, but it still does not prevent the user from using it. The basic point here is that inheritance should keep MOST of the properties, but when there is a large complex class (especially ones where you cannot modify the original code), rewriting everything would be very inefficient.
You can use Browsable(false)
[Browsable( false )]
public override string Name
get { return base.Name; }
set { base.Name= value; }
I think it is bad design if you have to do this, especially if you are able to design the code from the ground up.
Good design is to let the base-class share common properties that a certain concept has (virtual or real). Example: System.IO.Stream in C#.
Further down the lane bad design will increase the cost for maintenance and make implementation harder and harder. Avoid this as much as possible!
Basic rules which I use:
Minimize the number of properties and methods in the base-class. If you do not expect to use some properties or methods in a class that inherits the base class; do not put it in the baseclass then. If you are in the developmentstage of a project; always go back to the drawing-board now an then to check the design because things change! Redesign when needed. When your project is live the costs for changing things later in the design will go up!
If you are using a baseclass implemented by a 3:rd party, consider "go up" one level instead of "overriding" with "NotImplementedException" or such. If there is no other level, consider design the code from scratch.
Always consider to seal classes you do not want anyone to be able to inherit it. It forces coders to "go up one level" in the "inheritance- hierarchy" and thus "loose ends" like "NotImplementedException" can be avoided.
I know that the question is old, but what you can do is override the PostFilterProperties like this:
protected override void PostFilterProperties(System.Collections.IDictionary properties)
//properties.Remove("TabIndex"); // Don't remove this one or the designer will break
excuse what seems like a real noobie question but how can I implement the following
public interface IViewModel {
void Map<T>();
public class CarViewModel : IViewModel
public string Color { get; private set; }
public int Tyres { get; private set; }
public CarViewModel(Car _car)
//this is where the problem is - there can be many differnt kind of object but I want them all to implement a Map function. I want to be able to assign the properties to incoming object. I also need to cater for IList of cars coming in that need to be populated. I suspect I am not using Generics properly
public void Map<T>(Car _car){
Color = _car.Color;
Tyres = _car.Tyres;
Do you mean this?
public interface IViewModel<T>
void Map(T domainObject);
public class CarViewModel : IViewModel<Car>
public Map(Car domainObject) { ... }
You say:
I suspect I am not using Generics properly
and you are correct. Additionally, you are not using polymorphism properly.
If you want to polymorphically accept several different types that all have something in common, then you need to create an interface that is the parent type of all of the types you will be using. You can do this without using any Generics at all.
What Generics (aka parametric polymorphism) gives you is a way to create one type that is parameterized by another type (and thus behaves like many different types). For example, IList<T> is parameterized by a type variable T -- then IList<string> and IList<int> are two separate types (with many possible subtypes each), but you only have to write the code once.
What are your actual requirements for this design? What are your ViewModel classes trying to accomplish?