I am trying to build a Universal Windows App in C# that involves opening an image, re-sizing it, editing some of the pixels' RGB values and saving it again. After looking around the net for a while I found that most people seemed to be using the namespace "System.Drawing.Imaging" to do similar things, however when I tried to include "System.Drawing.Imaging", Visual Studio told me that the namespace didn't exist.
I believed this may just be that some namespaces that are available for .NET programs are not available for Universal Windows Apps, so I tried looking around some more and found a similar namespace that could be used, "Windows.UI.Xaml.Media.Imaging", however this one is much more limited than "System.Drawing.Imaging" and cannot read or edit pixels as far as I could tell.
Is there another namespace I could use, or a way to get "System.Drawing.Imaging" to in a Universal Windows App? If there isn't anyway of doing something like this with a Universal Windows App in C#, is there a way to do it in another language? Any tips or pointers would help.
For straight pixel manipulations you can use Windows.UI.Xaml.Media.ImagingWriteableBitmap and stream out of and back into its PixelBuffer property. There is a third party library WriteableBitmapEx which provides extension methods to perform higher level manipulations on the buffer.
Another alternate is the Win2D library which exposes the low level Direct2D and DirectWrite libraries to UWP apps.
I wrote an WPF app using all the 3D stuff of WPF which contains several Views displaying 3D data. IMHO WPF is not the platform for further development of the app so I am searching for some ways to port it to a Universal App/Windows Store App/UWP.
The way, Microsoft is promoting, is to use Unity meaning a complete redevelopment and complicated workflows because it should be a 2D-App with some 3D views.
The other way I was looking at way using Helix-Toolkit, because it does not just offer the WPF-way of displaying 3D but also the DirectX way using SharpDX. Unfortunately the progress concerning UWP is pretty low and not currently usable in the extend I need (like displaying custom geometries etc.).
Is anybody out there who got the same problem and found a workaround?
You may also like to consider Monogame. Like Helix-Toolkit it's based on SharpDX (when it's on Windows anyway). It's not quite as "componentised" as Helix-Toolkit but it's possible to make your app UWP-first and Monogame-second.
My goal is to mix 2 audio files that is one voice and one background music. For mixing I am using NAudio.
The problem is I am getting following exception while reading mp3 file using NAudio's Mp3FileReader.
DllImport cannot be used on user-defined methods
I am using NAudio in Windows Phone 8.1 Silverlight app project. I am not sure if NAudio is useable on WP Silverlight app if its useable then please help by providing a code example or suggest any other library or custom implementation to mix 2 audio files.
No, I'm afraid NAudio is not usable on Silverlight, as it makes lots of calls into Windows APIs which you can't do in Silverlight. You can take a look at the NAudio NLayer project which offers fully managed MP3 decoding. You could use that in conjunction with some of the more generic helper classes in NAudio like the MixingSampleProvider to perform the mixing you require. Of course the next issue would be what you want to do with that mixed audio. Silverlight does have a way of streaming user generated audio using the MediaElement but NAudio does not provide support for this directly.
[DllImport] requires a substantial chunk of code in the CLR, nothing very subtle about the pinvoke marshaller. That's a problem on a phone, it runs a special version of the CLR named .NETCore. Probably better known today as the codebase that spun-off the CoreCLR open source project. Keeping it small required unsubtle choices, pinvoke fell on the floor.
So no, you'll have no use at all for NAudio. You'll have to dip into the built-in support for audio. The relevant oversight MSDN page is this one. This blog post is relevant.
As you can tell, XAudio2 is your ticket with direct support for mixing. There is a learning curve of course, the language is probably the first obstacle given the question tags. Get started with this sample to get the basics.
Maybe you should consider taking the step to upgrade from WP8.1 Silverlight (WPS) project to WP8.1 (WinRT) one so that you have better access to audio APIs...
...or directly to a UWP/Win10 app (if you don't plan to release immediately to phones). If you choose that path, you could try maybe a free preview tool that converts WPS to UWP, just released from Microsoft and Mobilize.NET - https://blogs.windows.com/buildingapps/2015/09/17/initial-preview-of-silverlight-bridge-to-uwp/
I come from two distinct backgrounds: I have much experience with WPF/XAML/C# app development and equal experience with C++/DirectX development. I hear about the ability to use DirectX and XAML together and I get all excited, but now I have hit this wall.
I'm trying to use the SwapChainBackgroundPanel in a WPF application. But I'm trying to use C# as the underlying language. I keep running into issues where, regardless of the type of C# project I create (PCL, WPF, Windows Store) none of these types are defined [namely I've been looking for SwapChainBackgroundPanel and some other DX stuff like the device and etc.)
So my question is: how does this work in C#? I've seen the simple shooter example from the MSDN done in C++ and it makes sense; I get it. But I feel like I'm missing one of those "gotcha's" when trying to do it in C#.
Any advice, or maybe a link to an example, or at best a little tutorial on setting up a C#/XAML/DX app would be amazing. Thanks everyone.
There is no SwapChainBackgroundPanel available to a WPF app (that is in PresentationCore). The closest you are going to get is the D3DImage class, but it's not exactly the same. See this discussion.
I don't think you can fully utilize the DirectX capabilities of a Windows 8 Store app (SwapChainBackgroundPanel) from C#. You're going to have to do your DirectX work in C++ as in the example you described. You can certainly combine the three (Xaml, C#, C++) as in this example, but I don't think a 100% C# app is possible.
The answer is wrong. It is possible to fully utilize C# throught a wrapper.
I did this myself with SharpDx which is actually one of the microsoft recommendations to use DirectX in C#.
As for the choice of XAML Library, Universal Windows App 10 or Windows Store App 8 is the way to go. Use a SwapChainPanel instead of SwapChainBackgroundPanel.
Having searched high and low for native c# hook to webcam, I found 5 basic ways to interact with the camera.
Video for Windows (VFW)
3rd party tools
My requirement is to take a photo. The application will be used on some legacy windows XP and Vista machines, but going forward Windows 7 and greater will be required. So what might the best approach be with the broad install base? Just reading WIA looked like the way to go but looks like some changes were made so it works a little different now (I don't know for sure). I understand that some people have done combos.
Might need to crop photo, but that is really about it.
For school visitor monitoring.
I think the best thing is to use the WIA. I know a third party toolkit that could help you doing your requirements which is leadtools. You can check this Tutorial
I would always try to pick up something already on the web and tweak it to my own needs... some open source project or an example where the mainly portion of my app is already made.
on Codeplex you can find a nice library to work with webcams and it's simply called
WebCam Library for WinForm and WPF with C# and VB.NET
Give that a try, maybe you can even help the project, by contributing your own findings, and everyone is a winner... isn't Open Source a great idea?!
Background: I've decided to teach myself C# through WPF, and I'm writing a small application that needs to get a list of Start Menu shortcuts and their targets and store them. Basically, I'm trying to take all the shortcuts and put their target applications' paths into memory. However, I've run into a problem trying to read Windows Installer shortcuts (the ones that point to something like C:\Windows\Installer\{90120000-0030-0000-0000-0000000FF1CE}\wordicon.exe -- Microsoft Office is a good example of this). I did some research and it seems that Windows uses some behind-the-scenes magic involving the Registry to find the actual location of the file.
Question: How can I get the actual target of these Windows Installer shortcuts in C#? A lot of sources I've found point me to the IShellLink interface, but I don't know how to use it with C#. I'd prefer to use Windows API calls (or, even better, a .NET library) instead of manually looking through the Registry, but I'll take any guidance on the issue.
After doing more research, I found an easy answer here. It's basically using a combination of the MsiGetShortcutTarget and MsiGetComponentPath functions of msi.dll.
I'm afraid IShellLink IS the Windows API for using shell links! The Shell API is heavily COM-based.
But the good news is that COM interop works very well in .NET. This site is usually a very good resource: