I originally asked a question regarding a WCF web service that I was trying to write and then found that the ASP.net web API was more appropriate to my needs, due to some feedback on here.
I've now found a good tutorial that tells me how to create a simple REST service using Web API which works well pretty much out of the box.
My question
I have a POST method in my REST service server:
// POST api/values/5
public string Post([FromBody]string value)
return "Putting value: " + value;
I can POST to this using POSTER and also my C# client code.
However the bit I don't understand is why I have to prepend an '=' sign to the POST data so that it reads: "=Here is my data which is actually a JSON string"; rather than just sending: "Here is my data which is actually a JSON string";
My C# Client that talks to the REST service is written as follows:
public string SendPOSTRequest(string sFunction, string sData)
string sResponse = string.Empty;
// Create the request string using the data provided
Uri uriRequest = GetFormRequest(m_sWebServiceURL, sFunction, string.Empty);
// Data to post
string sPostData = "=" + sData;
// The Http Request obj
HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(uriRequest);
request.Method = m_VERB_POST;
System.Text.UTF8Encoding encoding = new System.Text.UTF8Encoding();
Byte[] byteArray = encoding.GetBytes(sPostData);
request.ContentLength = byteArray.Length;
using (Stream dataStream = request.GetRequestStream())
dataStream.Write(byteArray, 0, byteArray.Length);
using (HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse())
using (Stream stream = response.GetResponseStream())
StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(stream, Encoding.UTF8);
sResponse = reader.ReadToEnd();
catch (WebException ex)
//Log exception
return sResponse;
private static Uri GetFormRequest(string sURL, string sFunction, string sParam)
StringBuilder sbRequest = new StringBuilder();
if ((!sURL.EndsWith("/") &&
if ((!sFunction.EndsWith("/") &&
return new Uri(sbRequest.ToString());
Is anybody able to explain why I have to prepend the '=' sign as in the above code (string sPostData = "=" + sData;)?
Many thanks in advance!
The content type x-www-form-urlencoded is a key-value format. With form bodies you are only able to read a single simple type from a request body. As a name is expected, but in this case not allowed, you have to prefix the equal sign to indicate that there is no name with the followed value.
However, you should lean away from accepting simple types within the body of your web-api controller actions.
You are limited to only a single simple type if you attempt to pass data in the body of an HttpPost/HttpPut without directly implementing your own MediaTypeFormatter, which is unlikely to be reliable. Creating a light-weight complex type is generally much more preferable, and will make interoperating with other content-types, like application/json, much easier.
I am working on a c# console application where I am making a Http Post request to a web api by using xml file and I'm kind of new to XML and web services but I figured out the following code for the request but failed to pass xml data to the method
static void Main(string[] args)
string desturl=#"https://xyz.abcgroup.com/abcapi/";
Program p = new Program();
System.Console.WriteLine(p.WebRequestPostData(desturl, #"C:\Applications\TestService\FixmlSub.xml"));
public string WebRequestPostData(string url, string postData)
System.Net.WebRequest req = System.Net.WebRequest.Create(url);
req.ContentType = "text/xml";
req.Method = "POST";
byte[] bytes = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(postData);
req.ContentLength = bytes.Length;
using (Stream os = req.GetRequestStream())
os.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
using (System.Net.WebResponse resp = req.GetResponse())
if (resp == null) return null;
using (System.IO.StreamReader sr = new System.IO.StreamReader(resp.GetResponseStream()))
return sr.ReadToEnd().Trim();
For obvious reasons the above code throws 404 error as I think I am not passing the xml data properly
May I know how I can fix this?
You're not posting xml, your posting the string C:\Applications\TestService\FixmlSub.xml
Change your method call from:
System.Console.WriteLine(p.WebRequestPostData(desturl, #"C:\Applications\TestService\FixmlSub.xml"));
var xml = XElement.Load(#"C:\Applications\TestService\FixmlSub.xml");
System.Console.WriteLine(p.WebRequestPostData(desturl, xml.ToString(SaveOptions.DisableFormatting));
If you are trying to learn post / receive, go for it. But there are open source libraries that are already well tested to use if you want to use them.
The non-free version of Servicestack.
And their older free-version. I think the older free version is great. I've never tried the newer one. You deal with objects, like say an Employee and pass that to the library and it does the translation to xml or whatever the web-service wants.
You can post whole strings if you want. They have great extension methods to help you with that too.
I have the following MVC method.
public ActionResult Listen(string status)
CFStatusMessage statusMessage = new CFStatusMessage();
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(status))
statusMessage = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<CFStatusMessage>(status);
return Content(Server.HtmlEncode(status));// View(statusMessage);
I am trying to call the above method from Other application .. (Console). I am using HttpWebRequest to make a call to the MVC Method. Using the below code its able to call the method but the Parameter is always coming as empty string.
string content = "{\"status\":\"success\",\"payload\":\"some information\"}";
string url = "http://myrl.com";
var httpWRequest = (HttpWebRequest) WebRequest.Create(url);
httpWRequest.Method = "POST";
httpWRequest.ContentType = "text/json";
var encoding = new ASCIIEncoding();
byte[] data = encoding.GetBytes(string.Format("status={0}", Uri.EscapeDataString(content)));
httpWRequest.ContentLength = data.Length;
Stream stream = httpWRequest.GetRequestStream();
stream.Write(data, 0, data.Length);
var response = (HttpWebResponse)httpWRequest.GetResponse();
With this its making a call to Listen method but status parameter is always coming blank. whereas I want the json string {status:"success",payload:"some information"} as parameter.
What am I doing wrong?
P.S.: I tried the below statement as well, while sending the actual content.
byte[] data = encoding.GetBytes(content);
If do you need to provide any kind of service from MVC tryout WebApi instead. You can use HTTP REST to do this easily.
Read more here ASP.NET WebApi
You appear to be saying the request is json, but sending it using wwwencoding.
Remove the status={0} line bit & just send the json as is.
You can try something like this
using (var sw = new StreamWriter(httpWRequest.GetRequestStream()))
I am new to C# so I was wondering if someone can help me out on this. I am trying to send HttpPost from Windows Phone 8 to the server. I found two examples that I would like to combine.
The first one is an example of sending Http Post (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.net.httpwebrequest.begingetrequeststream.aspx). The problem with this one is that it is not support by Windows Phone 8.
The second example is using the BeginGetResponse (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windowsphone/develop/system.net.httpwebrequest(v=vs.105).aspx). This supports windows phone 8.
I need to convert the second example into a BeginGetRequestStream() like the first example. I will try to figure out this myself, but I am posting online if someone already knows how to do this. I am sure this will be helpful for other WP8 developers.
I am now trying to get response from the server. I have started a new question. Please follow this link (Http Post Get Response Error for Windows Phone 8)
I am also currently working on a Windows Phone 8 project and here is how I am posting to a server. Windows Phone 8 sort of has limited access to the full .NET capabilities and most guide I read say you need to be using the async versions of all the functions.
// server to POST to
string url = "myserver.com/path/to/my/post";
// HTTP web request
var httpWebRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
httpWebRequest.ContentType = "text/plain; charset=utf-8";
httpWebRequest.Method = "POST";
// Write the request Asynchronously
using (var stream = await Task.Factory.FromAsync<Stream>(httpWebRequest.BeginGetRequestStream,
httpWebRequest.EndGetRequestStream, null))
//create some json string
string json = "{ \"my\" : \"json\" }";
// convert json to byte array
byte[] jsonAsBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(json);
// Write the bytes to the stream
await stream.WriteAsync(jsonAsBytes, 0, jsonAsBytes.Length);
I propose a more generic asynchronous approach supporting success and error callbacks here:
//Our generic success callback accepts a stream - to read whatever got sent back from server
public delegate void RESTSuccessCallback(Stream stream);
//the generic fail callback accepts a string - possible dynamic /hardcoded error/exception message from client side
public delegate void RESTErrorCallback(String reason);
public void post(Uri uri, Dictionary<String, String> post_params, Dictionary<String, String> extra_headers, RESTSuccessCallback success_callback, RESTErrorCallback error_callback)
HttpWebRequest request = WebRequest.CreateHttp(uri);
//we could move the content-type into a function argument too.
request.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
request.Method = "POST";
//this might be helpful for APIs that require setting custom headers...
if (extra_headers != null)
foreach (String header in extra_headers.Keys)
request.Headers[header] = extra_headers[header];
catch (Exception) { }
//we first obtain an input stream to which to write the body of the HTTP POST
request.BeginGetRequestStream((IAsyncResult result) =>
HttpWebRequest preq = result.AsyncState as HttpWebRequest;
if (preq != null)
Stream postStream = preq.EndGetRequestStream(result);
//allow for dynamic spec of post body
StringBuilder postParamBuilder = new StringBuilder();
if (post_params != null)
foreach (String key in post_params.Keys)
postParamBuilder.Append(String.Format("{0}={1}&", key, post_params[key]));
Byte[] byteArray = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(postParamBuilder.ToString());
//guess one could just accept a byte[] [via function argument] for arbitrary data types - images, audio,...
postStream.Write(byteArray, 0, byteArray.Length);
//we can then finalize the request...
preq.BeginGetResponse((IAsyncResult final_result) =>
HttpWebRequest req = final_result.AsyncState as HttpWebRequest;
if (req != null)
//we call the success callback as long as we get a response stream
WebResponse response = req.EndGetResponse(final_result);
catch (WebException e)
//otherwise call the error/failure callback
}, preq);
}, request);
I am hosting a web service in ASP.Net MVC3 which returns a Json string. What is the best way to call the webservice from a c# console application, and parse the return into a .NET object?
Should I reference MVC3 in my console app?
Json.Net has some nice methods for serializing and deserializing .NET objects, but I don't see that it has ways for POSTing and GETing values from a webservice.
Or should I just create my own helper method for POSTing and GETing to the web service? How would I serialize my .net object to key value pairs?
I use HttpWebRequest to GET from the web service, which returns me a JSON string. It looks something like this for a GET:
// Returns JSON string
string GET(string url)
HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
try {
WebResponse response = request.GetResponse();
using (Stream responseStream = response.GetResponseStream()) {
StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(responseStream, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8);
return reader.ReadToEnd();
catch (WebException ex) {
WebResponse errorResponse = ex.Response;
using (Stream responseStream = errorResponse.GetResponseStream())
StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(responseStream, System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("utf-8"));
String errorText = reader.ReadToEnd();
// log errorText
I then use JSON.Net to dynamically parse the string.
Alternatively, you can generate the C# class statically from sample JSON output using this codeplex tool: http://jsonclassgenerator.codeplex.com/
POST looks like this:
// POST a JSON string
void POST(string url, string jsonContent)
HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
request.Method = "POST";
System.Text.UTF8Encoding encoding = new System.Text.UTF8Encoding();
Byte[] byteArray = encoding.GetBytes(jsonContent);
request.ContentLength = byteArray.Length;
request.ContentType = #"application/json";
using (Stream dataStream = request.GetRequestStream()) {
dataStream.Write(byteArray, 0, byteArray.Length);
long length = 0;
try {
using (HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse()) {
length = response.ContentLength;
catch (WebException ex) {
// Log exception and throw as for GET example above
I use code like this in automated tests of our web service.
WebClient to fetch the contents from the remote url and JavaScriptSerializer or Json.NET to deserialize the JSON into a .NET object. For example you define a model class which will reflect the JSON structure and then:
using (var client = new WebClient())
var json = client.DownloadString("http://example.com/json");
var serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();
SomeModel model = serializer.Deserialize<SomeModel>(json);
// TODO: do something with the model
There are also some REST client frameworks you may checkout such as RestSharp.
Although the existing answers are valid approaches , they are antiquated . HttpClient is a modern interface for working with RESTful web services . Check the examples section of the page in the link , it has a very straightforward use case for an asynchronous HTTP GET .
using (var client = new System.Net.Http.HttpClient())
return await client.GetStringAsync("https://reqres.in/api/users/3"); //uri
I am encountering an unusually strange behavior when POSTing a Json string to a PHP webserver. I use the JsonTextWriter object to create the Json string. I then send the Json string as a POST request. Please see comments. The HTML response in the code is returning the correct output, but when viewed in a browser, the web page displays either NULL or array(0) { }.
private void HttpPost(string uri, string parameters)
WebRequest webRequest = WebRequest.Create(uri);
webRequest.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; // <- Should this be "application/json" ?
webRequest.Method = "POST";
byte[] bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(parameters);
string byteString = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bytes);
Stream os = null;
{ // Send the Post Data
webRequest.ContentLength = bytes.Length;
os = webRequest.GetRequestStream();
os.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
Console.WriteLine(String.Format(#"{0}", byteString)); // <- This matches the Json object
catch (WebException ex)
{ //Handle Error }
{ // Get the response
WebResponse webResponse = webRequest.GetResponse();
if (webResponse == null) { return null; }
StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(webResponse.GetResponseStream());
Console.WriteLine(sr.ReadToEnd().Trim()); // <- Server returns string response (full HTML page)
catch (WebException ex)
{ //Handle Error }
Relevant PHP code on the server:
$json = json_encode($_POST); # Not 'standard way'
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Try using "application/json" as the content type. Also, check the request logs or maybe do a port 80 trace if you can to view what's being sent to the server in the request body.
You can also narrow the scope of the problem -- is it the C# code or the PHP code that's bad -- by writing a quick JQuery ajax function that sends some JSON to the PHP server. This isolation of the PHP code from the C# code will tell you if the PHP is at least working correctly. If it is, then the problem is in the C# code.