How can I change at runtime the caption in the right-click context menu for the taskbar button for my program? I mean the text circled in red here.
The caption appears to be taken from the assembly title. I need to alter the caption dynamically at runtime from code. I have one EXE which the users "see" as a number of different apps - it reads data files at runtime and then customizes its appearance massively, including the window caption. I need to also customize the caption in this right-click menu. There's no single caption that covers everything. I'm willing to consider P/Invoke calls to the Windows API if necessary.
This is a WinForms .Net 4.5.2 program, screenshot is Windows 7.
I have a solution for you, but not sure it will work for you
I will make some assumptions to drive home my solution
It is a winforms project built using visual studio
You haven't modified your original Program.cs file
All your assembly attributes are in AssembyInfo.cs
Program.cs typically looks like this
using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;
static class Program {
static void Main() {
Application.Run(new Form1());
One way to deal with it is to build your app as a Class Library sans the Program.cs, let's call it App.dll. Then merge your code from Program.cs and AssemblyInfo.cs (only relevant portions) into a single file and let's call it App.cs. You should auto-generate App.cs either with a separate script or via App.cs itself
Now build App.cs referencing App.dll generating App.exe. This App.exe should work exactly like your current executable.
Once all this is established, you can already see where we are going with this.
Now, when your App.exe start's up and reads the config to make changes, you should auto-generate App.cs with a different AssemblyTitle like below
[assembly: AssemblyTitle("MyAssembly")]
and generate App-Flavor1.exe, and spawn that process and exit out of App.exe
Long time ago but...
You can modify it in the "Registry Editor".
Open the "Registry Editor" (in windows 10, click on START > type reg and you will have it on the search results).
Click on the "Edit" menu > "Find". A dialog box will be opened.
Type the name of the executable file of your program (e.g. "MyAppName.exe") > "Find Next".
Now you should see property which name ends with "FriendlyAppName" and the value is the current caption name. Right click on it and then click on "Modify".
Type your desired caption name in the "Value" textbox. > OK.
If you have several copies of this app in your PC then go over all of them using the "Edit > Find Next" menu item and modify them all.
Be careful not to modify any other values in the Registry Editor, it may harm your PC well being.
The monitor on the first pc was 1280 x 1024. I used WindowState Fullscreen.
Now i tried on another computer, another monitor(less Resolution)
and it's fullscreen, but i can see only a little part of my window.
Please provide your XAML code and if you changed any window settings in your normal code, share this one as well. Furthermore go to the designer where you can change the layout of our application, click on the window and normally in your bottom right corner is a properties window, go and search through it if you set anywhere a max/min size for the window or any settings referring to the size and its resizing ability. Show me which of these you have set.
It should be enough to set it in XAML as:
Create your Release Build in Visual Studio this way:
On the Toolbar is the MenuItem "Create" (the 5th from the left side) click on it. Then from the bottom the second one "Create Batch" click it. Then a table opens. There should already be your programm in the version debug. Create a new one, now in release state. Click 'create it'.
Now go open your explorer. Go to the path where Visual Studio saves your projects. Open your current project, then there is a folder with the name of your project, open it as well. Now there is a bunch of files and folder, you are supposed to open the "bin" Folder, then "Release" Folder and in there is an *.exe with the Name of your project. Use this one instead.
My company has a branding mechanism that sets the icon for a Windows Application, like so:
if (AppBranding.Is("FOO"))
Icon = MyProject.Properties.Resources.Icon_FOO;
Icon = MyProject.Properties.Resources.Icon_BAR;
Icon_FOO and Icon_BAR are resources that point to their respective .ico files.
Also, Icon and manifest in Project > MyProject Properties > Resources is set in Visual Studio.
When users launch the application, the correct icon appears based on branding. However, if they pin the program to the taskbar, the icon reverts to Icon_FOO.ico, regardless of branding. When they unpin it, the icon toggles back.
I believe that programs pinned to the taskbar use the icon of the .exe, while the icon for the Window is whatever I set Form.Icon to be. I only know how to set the .exe icon by going to Project Properties > Resources and making a selection from the drop down list, as I have in the picture above. How can the icon for the .exe be set dynamically?
The icon in the taskbar is (usually) the first icon resource available in the assembly, and cannot be modified from within the application (unless you create a custom shortcut programmatically).
Instead of trying to manipulate this, you can create a simple starter application (*.exe) with the correct icon and version attributes for each branded version? The .exe than only needs to load the application from an assembly that contains the actual application content.
so you have
with their own custom icons. Both application will create a common application from
to start the application.
You may use Reflection.Emit to create the Launcher_xxx.exe on the fly:
see google search
see msdn
I had been developing a console application, until our project needed a fancy UI to go with it, so we decided to change the project type to windows form application. We tried putting the code below in our entry point:
Application.Run(new UI());
It kind of works, but the original console window is still there.
I've googled out some useful infos like this one, but what all they do is essentially killing the window after it has been created, not tackling the root of the problem. So is there any more elegant way to do this?
Right click your project in the solution explorer and select properties.
Then, under the "Application" tab change the "Output type" of your project from “Console Application” to “Windows Application.”
The project type needs to be set to Winexe (depending on the IDE, also called Windows application) instead of Exe (depending on the IDE, also called Console application) in the project properties.
I have a small app with a setup project.
If I create a shortcut to my Primary Output, then this gets a standard Win7 icon and not the icon specified in my exe's Application Icon?
Whats the best way to make sure my desktop shortcut icon is the same icon as my exe?
e.g. If I change the exe's icon then I'd like the Setup icon to change as well.
If you set the icon for the shortcut you can set a primary output as source. In the file system editor of the setup project, click on the "(Icon)" combobox in the properties pane of the shortcut, then option "(Browse...)", button "Browse...". You'll see this:
Then add output and select the primary output of the exe.
You can add an icon from your target.exe file to the shortcut... in File System On Target Machine, browse to the shortcut in the folder you want to add the icon to (User's Desktop,etc). Right click the shortcut and select Properties Window. You'll see an Icon line... click it, select Browse, then browse to Application Folder/yourExe.exe (change from ICON to Exe files) and say OK. It will show you the icon from yourExe.exe that it has selected, say OK. You basically have to do the same thing for your Add/Remove Icon (appears in Control Panel/Uninstall)... properties page for your setup project. You have to do it for all shortcuts in different folders (User's Desktop, User's Startup, etc.) All icons good now!
To add to Gert's answer: make sure you build your project first. Otherwise the setup app will not see the icon.
Very simple way using IWshShortcut (works in .net 2 too):
WshRuntimeLibrary.IWshShortcut MyShortcut = (IWshRuntimeLibrary.IWshShortcut)WshShell.CreateShortcut(fullPathLnk);
string iconLoc = MyShortcut.IconLocation; // <- example: "c:\icon.ico,0"
I use to check if iconLoc still exists, fix if not, you can use to find and read icon file, etc etc
I changed my Application's icon for a new one, by going to: "Project/MyProject Properties/Icon and Manifiest", and load the new icon. Now, in my debug folder the icon of my .exe file appear with the new icon, which is ok, but when I execute the .exe, the application icon in the taskbar still showing the old one.
Please advice.
You have two place to change your icon.
First place
The first place is in the project.
Right click on the project
Select Property
Go in Application Tabs
Choose Icon and Manifest and select the icon you want
Second place
The second place is in the property of your Winform.
Open the Form
Click on the Form
Press F4 or go in the property of the Form
Go down in the property to find "Icon"
Select the icon you want.
The reason you have a different icon in the taskbar than your application (.exe) icon is that the taskbar use the current form icon to display in the taskbar.
After encountering the same problem, I resolved it by doing the following:
Just stop your explorer.exe from task manager and rerun the explorer.exe again.
As a commenter mentioned, you should set in the properties of the *.ico file: Copy to Output Dir: Copy if newer.
This property is not absolutely required. I developed a winform application and tested it without icon. Then I created and added the icon. The icon showed when running with the VS debugger. I copied the bin/debug directory to another pc and there it ran with showing the icon.
But the icon did not show on the development machine when the app started by clicking the *.exe file.
Logout/login windows did not cure this.
Change the Copy To Output Dir property on the icon file to Copy If Newer, and rebuild the application, did help. Now I can start the app by clicking the *.exe and the icon shows nicely.
It is not always required to build the app with the icon file copied to the output directory, but with this measure you will increase your chances.
Make sure that your *.ico file contains an icon of the proper size (like 16x16 for small task bars).
Copy your new icon in Project Properties --> resources --> icons
In your Main_Load function add:
this.Icon = Properties.Resources.newIcon;
Check this out for icon information and sizes it supports. Assuming this is just a simple error that you are getting check if your ico's are as per what is specified here
I had the same problem and none of the above solved it.
In my case, I had defined the icon different for two different langages (default language english and german). You can see this if there appear two resources files: FormX.resx and
With the accepted answer only default icon was changed. But when running the application on my pc the german icon was used.
So I had to change the icon for both resources. In Visual Studio you can change the current resource language by switching the language item (in the forms properties) from default to another language.
I had the same problem. The "first place" mentioned by Patrick is about the file icon, i.e. the .exe aspect. The "second place" is about the form (in the upper left corner).
Restarting windows file explorer seemed to be a satisfactory solution too. But all this didn't work today. I didn't restart the computer, by the way.
This is what really displayed the new icon in the task bar: I realized that there was an old shortcut of the .exe on the desktop. Deleting the shortcut did the job.