Im trying to make simple 3rd person character controller using unitys character controller component instead of rigidbody. I have problem when making my character sliding down the slope, the motion is jerky, just as if the character was going down stairs.
I move my character using normal to the ground by reversing its y axis, then i apply some additional gravity and put this vector to charactercontroller.move() function.
Here is some of the code where i apply slide and gravity:
void ProcessMotion(){
MoveVector = transform.TransformDirection (MoveVector);
if (MoveVector.magnitude > 1)
MoveVector = Vector3.Normalize (MoveVector);
ApplySlide ();
MoveVector *= MoveSpeed;
MoveVector = new Vector3 (MoveVector.x, VerticalVel, MoveVector.z);
ApplyGravity ();
TP_Controller.CharacterController.Move (MoveVector*Time.deltaTime);
public void Jump(){
if (TP_Controller.CharacterController.isGrounded) {
void SnapAlignCharacterWithCamera(){
if (MoveVector.x != 0 || MoveVector.z != 0) {
transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(transform.eulerAngles.x, Camera.main.transform.eulerAngles.y, transform.eulerAngles.z);
void ApplyGravity(){
if (MoveVector.y > -TermVel) {
MoveVector = new Vector3 (MoveVector.x, MoveVector.y - Gravity * Time.deltaTime, MoveVector.z);
if (TP_Controller.CharacterController.isGrounded && MoveVector.y < - 1) {
MoveVector = new Vector3 (MoveVector.x, -1, MoveVector.z);
void ApplySlide(){
if (!TP_Controller.CharacterController.isGrounded) {
SlideDirection =;
RaycastHit hitInfo;
if (Physics.Raycast (transform.position , Vector3.down, out hitInfo)) {
if(hitInfo.normal.y < SlideTreshold){
SlideDirection = new Vector3(hitInfo.normal.x, -hitInfo.normal.y, hitInfo.normal.z)*10;
if (SlideDirection.magnitude < MaxMagnitude) {
MoveVector += SlideDirection;
//Debug.DrawLine (transform.position,transform.position + new Vector3(hitInfo.normal.x*0.5f,-hitInfo.normal.y,hitInfo.normal.z*0.5f),,1.0f);
}else {
MoveVector = SlideDirection;
And here are screens with gizmos that show path of the object:
Sliding slowly
Sliding 10xfaster
In advance thanks for your help!
I'm not sure the scale of your objects, but it looks like your raycast is coming from inside of your capsule, and possibly colliding with the bottom. The resulting RaycastHit would report that information, which is a normal that points downward, so when you reverse it, you are heading upwards, creating the sawtooth effect.
So, Hey guys I am new to unity. I have a small doubt. I have a player who is a child of the topcube in a 3 stackcube placed upon eachother.
These cubes have a target position to move once the user clicks on them.
Like imagine there are 3 points in my world. POINT A with location coordinates as(0,0,1),POINT B with (0,0,2),POINT C with (0,0,3) and the 3 stack cube is place on (0,0,0) with the player attached as a child to topcube in that 3stackcube.
All these points(A,B,C) has a script called targetpoint with a variable bool isFilled(default as false) in them which becomes true when one of the cube reaches to its target position.
Further im checking whenever the cubes reaches their target position make isFilled true and check to see if there is a child attached if yes get the animator of the child and trigger jump animation. The jump animation is an inplace animation.
So I want to programmatically move my character +1 towards the direction he is facing (if he is facing z move + 1 in z, if x move +1 in x like this)when the cube he is attached reached its target position while also playing jump animation.
I did a code. it doesnt seem to be working. And sorry for huge paragraphs. Im totally new to coding and asking doubts. Any help will be helpful thanks.
[SerializeField] public List<targetpoint> waypoints;
[SerializeField] float moveSpeed = 2f;
[SerializeField] AudioClip[] surferSounds;
[SerializeField] GameObject particleToPlay;
int waypointIndex = 0;
float t;
//Cached Reference
AudioSource audioSource;
public bool move = false;
void Start()
transform.position = this.transform.position;
t = 0f;
void FixedUpdate()
if (move == true)
void MoveTarget()
//Time.timeScale = 0.1f;
if (waypointIndex <= waypoints.Count - 1)
var targetPosition = waypoints[waypointIndex].transform.position;
transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards(transform.position, targetPosition, moveSpeed * Time.deltaTime);
if (transform.position == targetPosition)
if (waypoints[waypointIndex].isFilled == false)
waypoints[waypointIndex].isFilled = true;
AudioClip clip = surferSounds[UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, surferSounds.Length)];
var storeToDestroy = Instantiate(particleToPlay, targetPosition, Quaternion.identity);
Destroy(storeToDestroy , 5f);
move = false;
else if(waypoints[waypointIndex].isFilled == true)
targetPosition = waypoints[waypointIndex].transform.position;
transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards(transform.position, targetPosition, moveSpeed * Time.deltaTime);
if (this.gameObject.transform.childCount > 0)
var storeChild = gameObject.transform.GetChild(1).gameObject;
IEnumerator GravityAndJump(GameObject child, Vector3 newPosition , float time)
var elapsedTime = 0f;
var startingPosition = child.transform.position;
while(elapsedTime < time)
child.transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(startingPosition, newPosition, (elapsedTime / time));
elapsedTime += Time.deltaTime;
yield return null;
//storeChild.GetComponent<Animator>().SetFloat("JumpSpeed", 1f);
//yield return new WaitForSeconds(1f);
//gameObject.GetComponentInChildren<Rigidbody>().useGravity = true;
So I want to programmatically move my character +1 towards the direction he is facing (if he is facing z move + 1 in z, if x move +1 in x like this)
You can get the forward direction for a GameObject using with transform.forward you can use this to calculate target position in front of the GameObject.
Set target position some distance in front of the transform
targetPosition = transform.position + (transform.forward * distance);
Move towards target position at some speed.
transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(transform.position, targetPosition, Time.deltaTime * followSpeed);
Determining arrival to targetPosition
When it comes to determining if transform has arrive to target destination you should measure the distance instead of comparing that the vectors are the same.
So replace this:
if (transform.position == targetPosition){}
With something like this:
if(Vector3.Distance(transform.position, targetPosition) < .001f){
transform.position = targetPosition;
Unless you strictly set two vectors to same values it's likely that they will never be considered equal due to how floating point numbers work.
I'm working on a small experimental project in Unity. I have a 2d sprite that moves forward with a velocity but I want it to turn left or right in a wide arc and keep moving in that direction on keypress.
I've tried to tweak its angular velocity to get the desired affect. Looks unnatural and it won't stop rotating.
Tried Lerping. Looks unnatural as well.
Code Snippet 1:
bool forward = true;
Vector3 movement;
void FixedUpdate()
if (forward)
//Moves forward
movement = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.1f, 0.0f);
rb.velocity = movement * speed;
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.LeftArrow))
forward = false;
movement = new Vector3(-0.05f, 0.05f, 0.0f);
rb.velocity = movement * speed;
rb.angularVelocity = 30;
if (transform.rotation.z == 90)
movement = new Vector3(-0.1f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
rb.velocity = movement * speed;
rb.angularVelocity = 0;
Code Snippet 2:
void Update(){
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.LeftArrow))
Vector3 target = transform.position + new Vector3(-0.5f, 0.5f, 0);
transform.eulerAngles = Vector3.Lerp(transform.rotation.eulerAngles,
new Vector3(0, 0, 90), Time.deltaTime);
Can anyone point me in the right direction of what is the actual correct way to implement this?
Not entirely sure if this is what youre trying to accomplish but here's some pseudo code of what I came up with to get you started...
Essentially, when a direction is pressed, you want to increase the velocity in that direction until all of the velocity is pointed that way. At the same time you want to decrease the velocity in the direction you were previously going until it is zero.
This is a simplified formula however - if you truly wanted the velocity to be constant throughout the entirety of the arc you would have to use some geometry, knowing that V=(velX^2 + velY^2)^.5 but this would get you pretty close...
float yvel = 1f, xvel;
float t;
void Update()
GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>().velocity = new Vector2(xvel, yvel);
t += Time.deltaTime;
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.D))
t = 0;
private IEnumerator Move()
while (t < 2) // at time t, yvel will be zero and xvel will be 1
yvel = 1 - .5f * t; // decrease velocity in old direction
xvel = .5f * t; // increase velocity in new direction
yield return null;
What I need is that an NPC that is moving in a path by script, stops in front of the player if the player is in the way.
It's a top-down 2d game rpg with grid movement.
The NPC is moving 4 cells down, 2 cells left, 4 cells up and 2 cells right all the time. I need that if the player is in the way, it stops in front and continue when the player leaves the grid.
I don't want to use a collider on the player because then I need a rigitbody2d and with that, my movement script is not working.
Here is the TileMovementController.cs:
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public abstract class TileMovementController : MonoBehaviour {
public enum Direction { Left, Right, Up, Down }; // Direction of movement
protected Vector3 newPosition; // For movement
protected virtual Vector3 move(Direction dir, int steps) {
if (dir == Direction.Left && transform.position == newPosition)
newPosition += new Vector3(steps * (-1), 0, 0);
else if (dir == Direction.Right && transform.position == newPosition)
newPosition += new Vector3(steps, 0, 0);
else if (dir == Direction.Up && transform.position == newPosition)
newPosition += new Vector3(0, steps, 0);
else if (dir == Direction.Down && transform.position == newPosition)
newPosition += new Vector3(0, steps * (-1), 0);
return newPosition;
The PlayerMovementController.cs:
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class PlayerMovementController : TileMovementController {
public float moveSpeed = 2.0f;
void Start () {
newPosition = transform.position; // Take the initial position
private void FixedUpdate() {
// RayCasts for collisions, ignoring layer 2 (Ignore Raycast)
if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.A) && Physics2D.Raycast(transform.position, Vector2.left, 1, ~(1 << 2)).collider == null) { // Left
newPosition = move(Direction.Left, 1);
if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.D) && Physics2D.Raycast(transform.position, Vector2.right, 1, ~(1 << 2)).collider == null) { // Right
newPosition = move(Direction.Right, 1);
if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.W) && Physics2D.Raycast(transform.position, Vector2.up, 1, ~(1 << 2)).collider == null) { // Up
newPosition = move(Direction.Up, 1);
if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.S) && Physics2D.Raycast(transform.position, Vector2.down, 1, ~(1 << 2)).collider == null) { // Down
newPosition = move(Direction.Down, 1);
transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards(transform.position, newPosition, Time.deltaTime * moveSpeed); // Move there
And the NpcMovementController.cs:
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class NpcMovementController : TileMovementController {
// Defines the direction and number of steps in that direction has to move
public struct MoveStep {
public Direction direction;
public int steps; // Each step is a grid square. 1 step = 1 unit in the grid position
public MoveStep(Direction direction, int steps) {
this.direction = direction;
this.steps = steps;
public List<MoveStep> path = new List<MoveStep>();
public float moveSpeed = 2.0f;
private int nextStepIndex = 0;
private bool waiting = false;
void Start () {
newPosition = transform.position; // Take the initial position
private void FixedUpdate() {
if (path.Count > 0) {
if (Vector3.Distance(transform.position, newPosition) < 0.05f && !waiting) {
transform.position = newPosition; // Adjust the position to be exactly what it should be
waiting = true;
StartCoroutine("wait", 2f);
} else {
if (Vector3.Distance(transform.position, newPosition) > 0.05f)
transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards(transform.position, newPosition, Time.deltaTime * moveSpeed);
IEnumerator wait(float seconds) {
yield return new WaitForSecondsRealtime(seconds);
newPosition = move(path[nextStepIndex].direction, path[nextStepIndex].steps);
if (nextStepIndex == path.Count - 1)
nextStepIndex = 0;
waiting = false;
In the NPCMovementController I tried to do a raycast to player, but without the collider/rigitbody it does not work obviously. If I attach the collider/rigitbody it detects the player but I cannot move.
I did once something similar and I solved by checking if the position of the player is inside the grid squares which represent the path of the npc. For example.
Let's imagine that the npc moves like this:
(0,0) -> (0,1) -> (0,2) -> (0,3) -> (1,3) -> (2,3) -> (2,2) -> (2,1) -> (2,0) -> (1,0) -> (0,0) loop
So for my understanding, if the npc is in (0,0), it will detect the player in (0,1), (0,2) and (0,3). So you can check this three positions in your grid and compare them with the current position of the player, if there is a match, the player is in the path.
Now besides that, it is possible to move your player using the rigidbody (so you can keep with your raycast approach). You can use the velocity of the rigidbody to move the npc in one direction or another.
//moveHorizontal and moveVertical can have +1 or -1 values depending on the inputs of the player:
Vector3 movement = new Vector3 (moveHorizontal, 0.0f, moveVertical);
rigidbody.velocity = movement * speed;
I am working on a simple patrol script, and everything works but the characters are randomly rolling through the floor when they turn around. Here is a short clip of them...
Here is my script...
public class Patrol : MonoBehaviour
public float speed = 5;
public float directionChangeInterval = 1;
public float maxHeadingChange = 30;
public bool useRootMotion;
CharacterController controller;
float heading;
Vector3 targetRotation;
Vector3 forward
get { return transform.TransformDirection(Vector3.forward); }
void Awake()
controller = GetComponent<CharacterController>();
// Set random initial rotation
heading = Random.Range(0, 360);
transform.eulerAngles = new Vector3(0, heading, 0);
void Update()
transform.eulerAngles = Vector3.Slerp(transform.eulerAngles, targetRotation, Time.deltaTime * directionChangeInterval);
if (useRootMotion)
controller.SimpleMove(forward * speed);
void OnControllerColliderHit(ControllerColliderHit hit)
if (hit.gameObject.tag == "Player")
// Bounce off the obstacle and change direction
var newDirection = Vector3.Reflect(forward, hit.normal);
transform.rotation = Quaternion.FromToRotation(Vector3.forward, newDirection);
heading = transform.eulerAngles.y;
if (hit.gameObject.tag == "Boundary")
// Bounce off the obstacle and change direction
var newDirection = Vector3.Reflect(forward, hit.normal);
transform.rotation = Quaternion.FromToRotation(Vector3.forward, newDirection);
heading = transform.eulerAngles.y;
/// Finds a new direction to move towards.
void NewHeading()
var floor = transform.eulerAngles.y - maxHeadingChange;
var ceil = transform.eulerAngles.y + maxHeadingChange;
heading = Random.Range(floor, ceil);
targetRotation = new Vector3(0, heading, 0);
/// Repeatedly calculates a new direction to move towards.
IEnumerator NewHeadingRoutine()
while (true)
yield return new WaitForSeconds(directionChangeInterval);
I have tried adding a rigidbody to the characters and constraining rotation, but that doesnt work. Oddly enough, the character control isnt rotating at all. In the scene view I can see the character collider staying as it should, but the character flips through the mesh on its own.
It looks like it's because they are walking into a corner and being bounced between the two walls constantly which causes them to behave strangely. I would add a method of checking for a series of very quick collisions to detect that they are in a corner or stuck and then adapt accordingly, perhaps with a method to rotate 180 degrees and keep walking or the like.
You can do it like this:
float fTime = 0.1f
float fTimer = 0;
int iCollisionCounter;
if(fTimer > 0) iCollisionCounter++;
if(iCollisionCounter >= 5) //Character is stuck
fTimer = fTime;
Void Update(){
fTimer -= time.deltaTime;
That means that if there are multiple collisions within 0.1 seconds of each other you can handle it.
Hope this helps!
I have this problem which I have been trying to figure out for quite some time already. The code I have below is almost complete. I just need to add this additional feature it should work how I want it to work.
So what I want to implement into the code is the make alertedLock false when !withinRange.
But for some reason no matter how i do it. It doesnt work. Because the problem i have is that, when i implement some kind of code to do that, everything goes back to normal.
Thanks in advance.
The script should be doing this:
If player !withinRange && !withinAngle of enemy then,;
If player is not within Range for enemy to detect and player is not within certain Angle for enemy to detect. It means, player is not detected by enemy. So we use Color.Blue to represent that.
If player !withinRange && withinAngle of enemy then,;
If player is not within Range for enemy to detect and player is within Angle for enemy to detect. It means, player is still not detect by enemy. So we use Color.Blue to represent that.
If player withinRange && !withinAngle of enemy then,;
If player is within Range for enemy to detect and player is not within Angle for enemy to detect player. It means, enemy has detected something within Range but doesnt meet all the requirements, that is, withinAngle = true. So in this case we use Color.Red to represent that.
If player withinRange && withinAngle of enemy then,;
If player is within Range for enemy to detect and player is within Angle for enemy to detect player. It means, player has successfully killed the the enemy. Therefore, using Color.Green to represent that.
If player withinRange && touchRestrictedRaycast of enemy then, enemy.color.magenta (forever) unless !withinRange && !withinAnge
If player is within Range for enemy to detect and player is not within Angle for enemy to detect player. But however then hits the raycast, touchRestrictedRaycast. This will make a lock. So the player cant kill the enemy from a invalid position. So when this happens, the player can no longer kill the enemy. Unless the player is totally out of Range of the enemies detection.
The problem is 5. I dont know how to code 5.
When i tried to code it outside the forloop , that is,
if (alertedLock && !withinRange) {
alertedLock = false;
Does doesnt solve the problem. It returns the solution to where alertedLock is always false
Even when i try to apply it inside the for loop. Such like,
if(withinRange) {
// Inside
if(alertedLock) {
gameObject.renderer.material.color = Color.magenta;
if(!alertedLock) {
if(enemyAngleTLUP || enemyAngleTLLEFT) {
alertedLock = true;
if(withinAngle) {
gameObject.renderer.material.color =;
if(!withinAngle) {
gameObject.renderer.material.color =;
if (!withinRange){
if(alteredLock) {
alertedLock = false;
There is a problem when i do this, its because once it detects the first raycast detection. It ignores the rest, and so it has this color state problem.
I found out this problem on my earlier questions, here:
alertedLock is just a bool which determines when the player has touched the restricted raycast. Due to the fact the player can only kill the enemy from a certain range and angle (withinRange && withinAngle). This is why we have alertedLock.
However, when alertedLock is true. It can only be turned off when the player isnt within the kill range of the enemy (!withinRange)
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class Script_v2 : MonoBehaviour {
// Player Properties
private GameObject player;
public Vector3 playerSize;
private Vector3 playerTransform;
public Vector3 playerTransformTL;
public Vector3 playerTransformTR;
public Vector3 playerTransformBL;
public Vector3 playerTransformBR;
private Vector3 newPlayerTransformTL;
private Vector3 newPlayerTransformTR;
private Vector3[] playerRaycastPoints;
// Enemy Properties
private Vector3 enemyTransformTL;
private Vector3 enemyTransformTR;
private Vector3 enemyTransformBL;
private Vector3 enemyTransformBR;
public float distance;
public Vector3 enemySize;
// Detection Alerts
public bool outOfVision;
public bool alerted;
public bool alertedLock;
public bool withinRange;
public bool withinAngle;
public bool dead;
Ray ray;
RaycastHit hit;
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
playerRaycastPoints = new Vector3[4];
distance = 3f;
player = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("Player");
// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {
enemyTransformTL = new Vector3 (transform.position.x - 0.5f, transform.position.y + 0.5f, transform.position.z);
enemyTransformTR = new Vector3 (transform.position.x + 0.5f, transform.position.y + 0.5f, transform.position.z);
enemyTransform_TL_TR ();
Reference_Player_Transform_Points ();
Player_Transform_Points_Detection ();
Debug.Log (alerted + " " + alertedLock);
void OnDrawGizmos() {
Gizmos.color =;
Gizmos.DrawWireSphere (new Vector3(transform.position.x - 0.5f, transform.position.y + 0.5f, transform.position.z), distance);
//Gizmos.DrawWireSphere (new Vector3(transform.position.x + 0.5f, transform.position.y + 0.5f, transform.position.z), distance);
public void enemyTransform_TL_TR() {
if (alertedLock && !withinRange) {
alertedLock = false;
if (!alertedLock) {
gameObject.renderer.material.color =;
for (int i = 0; i < playerRaycastPoints.Length; i++) {
double enemyAngleTL = Mathf.Atan2(playerRaycastPoints[i].y - ( transform.position.y + 0.5f ),
playerRaycastPoints[i].x - ( transform.position.x - 0.5f )) * 180f / 3.14159265f;
//Debug.Log (enemyAngleTL);
double enemyAngleTR = Mathf.Atan2 (playerRaycastPoints[i].y - (transform.position.y + 0.5f),
playerRaycastPoints[i].x - (transform.position.x + 0.5f)) * 180f / 3.14159265f;
Vector3 directionTL = (playerRaycastPoints[i] - enemyTransformTL).normalized;
Ray rayTL = new Ray(enemyTransformTL, directionTL);
RaycastHit hitTL;
Vector3 directionTR = (playerRaycastPoints[i] - enemyTransformTR).normalized;
Ray rayTR = new Ray (enemyTransformTR, directionTR);
RaycastHit hitTR;
withinRange = Physics.Raycast (rayTL, out hitTL, distance);
withinAngle = enemyAngleTL > 90 && enemyAngleTL < 180;
RaycastHit hitTPUP;
RaycastHit hitTPLEFT;
bool enemyAngleTLUP = Physics.Raycast(enemyTransformTL, Vector3.up, out hitTPUP, distance);
bool enemyAngleTLLEFT = Physics.Raycast(enemyTransformTL, Vector3.left, out hitTPLEFT, distance);
Debug.DrawRay(enemyTransformTL, Vector3.up * distance);
Debug.DrawRay(enemyTransformTL, Vector3.left * distance);
if(withinRange) {
// Inside
if(alertedLock) {
gameObject.renderer.material.color = Color.magenta;
if(!alertedLock) {
if(enemyAngleTLUP || enemyAngleTLLEFT) {
alertedLock = true;
if(withinAngle) {
gameObject.renderer.material.color =;
if(!withinAngle) {
gameObject.renderer.material.color =;
private void Reference_Player_Transform_Points() {
playerSize = player.transform.localScale;
playerTransformTL = new Vector3(player.transform.position.x - (playerSize.x / 2),
player.transform.position.y + playerSize.y / 2,
playerTransformTR = new Vector3(player.transform.position.x + (playerSize.x / 2),
player.transform.position.y + playerSize.y / 2,
playerTransformBL = new Vector3(player.transform.position.x - (playerSize.x / 2),
player.transform.position.y - playerSize.y / 2,
playerTransformBR = new Vector3(player.transform.position.x + (playerSize.x / 2),
player.transform.position.y - playerSize.y / 2,
playerRaycastPoints [0] = playerTransformTL;
playerRaycastPoints [1] = playerTransformTR;
playerRaycastPoints [2] = playerTransformBL;
playerRaycastPoints [3] = playerTransformBR;
Debug.Log (playerTransformTL);
Debug.Log (playerTransformTR);
Debug.Log (playerTransformBL);
Debug.Log (playerTransformBR);
private void Player_Transform_Points_Detection() {
float eTLpTL = Vector3.Distance (enemyTransformTL, playerTransformTL);
float eTLpTR = Vector3.Distance (enemyTransformTL, playerTransformTR);
float eTLpBL = Vector3.Distance (enemyTransformTL, playerTransformBL);
float eTLpBR = Vector3.Distance (enemyTransformTL, playerTransformBR);
float eTRpTL = Vector3.Distance (enemyTransformTR, playerTransformTL);
float eTRpTR = Vector3.Distance (enemyTransformTR, playerTransformTR);
float eTRpBL = Vector3.Distance (enemyTransformTR, playerTransformBL);
float eTRpBR = Vector3.Distance (enemyTransformTR, playerTransformBR);
float eTLMin = Mathf.Min (eTLpTL, eTLpTR, eTLpBL, eTLpBR);
if (eTLMin == eTLpTL) {
newPlayerTransformTL = playerTransformTL;
// Debug.Log("eTLpTL");
else if(eTLMin == eTLpTR) {
newPlayerTransformTL = playerTransformTR;
// Debug.Log("eTLpTR");
else if(eTLMin == eTLpBL) {
newPlayerTransformTL = playerTransformBL;
// Debug.Log("eTLpBL");
else if(eTLMin == eTLpBR) {
newPlayerTransformTL = playerTransformBR;
// Debug.Log("eTLpBR");
float eTRMin = Mathf.Min (eTRpTL, eTRpTR, eTRpBL, eTRpBR);
if(eTRMin == eTRpTL) {
newPlayerTransformTR = playerTransformTL;
// Debug.Log("eTRpTL");
else if(eTRMin == eTRpTR) {
newPlayerTransformTR = playerTransformTR;
// Debug.Log("eTRpTR");
else if(eTRMin == eTRpBL) {
newPlayerTransformTR = playerTransformBL;
// Debug.Log("eTRpBL");
else if(eTRMin == eTRpBR) {
newPlayerTransformTR = playerTransformBR;
// Debug.Log("eTRpBR");