I have a Class that Name's is Tag . each Tag has Some News , Article and `Poll'. I want Get All Related Post which have Tag .
to do this I use this Query :
public Tag Get(string tagName, int page, int recordsPerPage = 10)
int skip = page * recordsPerPage;
_tags.Where(tag => tag.Title.ToLower() == tagName.ToLower()).Include(row => row.Articles
.OrderByDescending(n => n.Code).Skip(skip).Take(recordsPerPage).ToList())
.Include(row => row.News.AsQueryable()).OrderBy(news => news.Code).Skip(skip).Take(recordsPerPage)
.Include(row => row.Polls).OrderByDescending(poll => poll.Code).Skip(skip).Take(recordsPerPage).FirstOrDefault();
but when I run Project I getting this error :
The Include path expression must refer to a navigation property defined on the type. Use dotted paths for reference navigation properties and the Select operator for collection navigation properties.
You cannot pass an expression to Include method that isn't a Property Expression, look your code
.Include(row => row.Articles.OrderByDescending(n => n.Code).Skip(skip).Take(recordsPerPage).ToList())
.Include(row => row.News.AsQueryable())
As you can see, inside include, you are calling many methods, and it is not allowed.
You must change this for that:
.Include(row => row.Articles)
.Include(row => row.News)
Let me try to improve your code, you current code is this:
_tags.Where(tag => tag.Title.ToLower() == tagName.ToLower()).Include(row => row.Articles
.OrderByDescending(n => n.Code).Skip(skip).Take(recordsPerPage).ToList())
.Include(row => row.News.AsQueryable()).OrderBy(news => news.Code).Skip(skip).Take(recordsPerPage)
.Include(row => row.Polls).OrderByDescending(poll => poll.Code).Skip(skip).Take(recordsPerPage).FirstOrDefault();
Lets break-it in newlines
_tags.Where(tag => tag.Title.ToLower() == tagName.ToLower())
.Include(row => row.Articles.OrderByDescending(n => n.Code).Skip(skip).Take(recordsPerPage).ToList())
.Include(row => row.News.AsQueryable())
.OrderBy(news => news.Code)
.Include(row => row.Polls)
.OrderByDescending(poll => poll.Code)
If you need just one Tag, you don't need to make this big method chaining, you can simplify that using this:
public Tag Get(string tagName, int page, int recordsPerPage = 10)
return _tags.Include(tag => row.Articles).Include(tag => row.News).Include(tag => row.Polls)
.OrderBy(tag => news.Code)
.FirstOrDefault(tag => tag.Title.ToLower() == tagName.ToLower());
I am trying to optimize this part of code:
Mapper.CreateMap<Document, DocumentViewModel>()
.ForMember(g => g.Id, map => map.MapFrom(d => d.documentVersion.Where(v => v.version == d.documentVersion.Select(s => s.version).Max()).OrderByDescending(s => s.subVersion).First().Id))
.ForMember(g => g.IdRootDocument, map => map.MapFrom(d => d.Id))
.ForMember(g => g.certyficateType, map => map.MapFrom(d => d.documentVersion.Where(v => v.version == d.documentVersion.Select(s => s.version).Max()).OrderByDescending(s => s.subVersion).First().certyficateType))
I'm Using automapper, and I'm trying to optimize this part of code
In this part I'm trying mapping object from document to documentViewModel, in this complex model, source data always will be latest document version:
d => d.documentVersion.Where(v => v.version == d.documentVersion.Select(s => s.version).Max()).OrderByDescending(s => s.subVersion).First().myProportyX
Could anyone offer an example or suggestion as to how to approach optimization in this situation?
d => d.documentVersion.Where(v => v.version == d.documentVersion.Select(s => s.version).Max()).OrderByDescending(s => s.subVersion).First().myProporty
You are iterating quite a few times here, you may consider doing something like:
d.documentVersion.OrderByDescending(v => v.version).ThenByDescending(v => v.subVersion).First().myProperty
to reduce the number of iterations and only get the top version/subversion.
optimization mapping:
.CreateMap<Document, DocumentViewModel>()
.ConvertUsing(doc =>
DocumentViewModel result = new DocumentViewModel();
DocumentVersion lastVersion = doc.documentVersion.Where(v => v.version == doc.documentVersion.Select(s => s.version).Max()).OrderByDescending(s => s.subVersion).First();
Mapper.Map(lastVersion, result);
return result;
Let`s say we have the following query using Nhibernate:
var query = session.QueryOver<TenantOrder>(() => tenantOrderAlias)
.JoinAlias(() => tenantOrderAlias.Tenant, () => tenantAlias)
.JoinAlias(() => tenantAlias.Building, () => buildingAlias)
.WhereRestrictionOn(x => tenantOrderAlias.Id.OrderId).IsLike(order.Id);
Projections.Property(() => tenantAlias.Id).WithAlias(() => tenantDto.Id),
Projections.Property(() => tenantAlias.TenantNr).WithAlias(() => tenantDto.TenantNr),
Projections.Property(() => buildingAlias.BuildingNr).WithAlias(() => tenantDto.BuildingNr),
Projections.Property(() => tenantAlias.Floor).WithAlias(() => tenantDto.Floor),
Projections.Property(() => tenantOrderAlias.InstallationStatus).WithAlias(() => tenantDto.InstallationStatusName //? ));
We want to process InstallationStatus (type enum) from tenantOrderalias to InstallationStatusName (property of type string from tenantDto). The structure of the enum looks like below :
public enum TenantInstallationStatusEnum
We want to get the description of the enum and place it to tenantDto.InstallationStatusName. Is this possible using QueryOver or ICriteria ?
We cannot find any post about this issue.
In general, we can project only stuff which exists in a DB side or is passed as a "formula". So, we can convert the status into some conditional statement like this:
// this projection
.Property(() => tenantOrderAlias.InstallationStatus)
.WithAlias(() => tenantDto.InstallationStatusName //? ));
// could be converted into string values with this statement
Restrictions.Where<TenantOrder>(to =>
to.InstallationStatus == TenantInstallationStatusEnum.TS0),
).WithAlias(() => tenantOrderAlias.InstallationStatusName)
Conditional could be even nested... but at the end it could be a bit more challenging.
But, maybe more easier in fact, would be to process this conversion ex-post, in C#, on the app side...
Here's a piece of simple code:
var map = Mapper.CreateMap<Contact, ContactDtoGrid>().
ForMember("executive_account", x => x.MapFrom(y => y.executive_account.Id)).
ForMember("executive_account_Name", x => x.MapFrom(y => y.executive_account.Name));
foreach (Contact c in allContacts)
string accountNumber = accounts.Where(x=>x.Key==c.executive_account.Id).SingleOrDefault().Value;
string protocolDescription = (protocolDefinitions.Where(x => x.ProtocolOptionSetValue == c.executive_protocol).Any()) ? protocolDefinitions.Where(x => x.ProtocolOptionSetValue == c.executive_protocol).SingleOrDefault().PortalDescription : string.Empty;
if (protocolDescription != string.Empty)
Console.Write(protocolDescription); //I do get an output so it's not always empty
map.ForMember("executive_account_Number", x => x.MapFrom(y => accountNumber));
map.ForMember("executive_protocol_desc", x => x.MapFrom(y => protocolDescription));
var contactDto = Mapper.Map<Contact, ContactDtoGrid>(c);
So all properties map properly, except for executive_protocol_desc which is always an empty string. Like I mentionned in the comment above, this is the case regardless whether protocolDescription is an empty string or not.
Am I doing something obviously wrong ?
Inside the method, you're not really doing a MapFrom, but setting a value. Since automapper is using nested closures, it's just easier to use a direct assignment:
var contactDto = Mapper.Map<Contact, ContactDtoGrid>(c);
contactDto.executive_protocol_desc = protocolDescription;
If you need to keep it in the mapper, you should be able to just put the protocol magic as the expression. This would allow you to pull the protocol description out of the foreach loop. Note: I also simplified the linq expression.
map.ForMember("executive_protocol_desc", opt => opt.MapFrom(src =>
protocolDefinitions.Any(pdef => pdef.ProtocolOptionSetValue == src.executive_protocol))
? protocolDefinitions.SingleOrDefault(pdef => pdef.ProtocolOptionSetValue == src.executive_protocol).PortalDescription
: string.Empty)
I took those lines out of the loop:
map.ForMember("executive_account_Number", x => x.MapFrom(y => accountNumber));
map.ForMember("executive_protocol_desc", x => x.MapFrom(y => protocolDescription));
And before the loop kicks in, I changed it to this:
map.ForMember(dest => dest.executive_protocol_desc, opt => opt.MapFrom(x => protocolDefinitions.Where(y => y.ProtocolOptionSetValue == x.executive_protocol.Value).SingleOrDefault().PortalDescription));
map.ForMember(dest => dest.executive_account_Number, opt => opt.MapFrom(x => accounts.Where(y => y.Key == x.executive_account.Id).SingleOrDefault().Value));
Now this maps properly.
I have the following nHibernate query that select a course based on its course id and then return selected fields for the course object on the initial fetch, and the query executes with no issues.
MatchMode option = ...
CourseItem courseAlias = null;
TeacherItem teacherAlias = null;
var query = session.QueryOver<CourseItem>()
.JoinAlias(c => c.Teacher, () => teacherAlias)
.Where(c => c.CourseID.IsInsensitiveLike(strNumber, option))
.SelectList(list => list
.Select(c => c.CourseID).WithAlias(() => courseAlias.CourseID)
.Select(c => c.IsActive).WithAlias(() => courseAlias.IsActive)
.Select(c => c.CourseDesc).WithAlias(() => courseAlias.CourseDesc)
.Select(c => c.Teacher).WithAlias(() => courseAlias.Teacher))
I wanted to go a step further with the query to only return a partial teacher object, let's say i just wanted to return the ID and Name. So, I updated the projected list to as follows:
var query = session.QueryOver<CourseItem>()
.JoinAlias(c => c.Teacher, () => teacherAlias)
.Where(c => c.CourseID.IsInsensitiveLike(strNumber, option))
.SelectList(list => list
.Select(c => c.CourseID).WithAlias(() => courseAlias.CourseID)
.Select(c => c.IsActive).WithAlias(() => courseAlias.IsActive)
.Select(c => c.CourseDesc).WithAlias(() => courseAlias.CourseDesc)
.Select(c => c.Teacher.ID).WithAlias(() => courseAlias.Teacher.ID)
.Select(c => c.Teacher.Name).WithAlias(() => courseAlias.Teacher.Name))
The query doesn't work because nHibernate has no idea how to resovled based on Teacher.ID and Teacher.Name. Any thoughts on whether it's possible to NOT fetch the entire child object back to a parent object?
I've tried the following query and it works this is not my fully desired outcome
var query = session.QueryOver<CourseItem>(() => courseAlias)
.JoinAlias(() => courseAlias.Teacher, () => teacherAlias)
.Where(() => courseAlias.CourseID.IsInsensitiveLike(strNumber, option))
.SelectList(list => list
.Select(() => courseAlias.CourseID)
.Select(() => courseAlias.IsActive)
.Select(() => courseAlias.CourseDesc)
.Select(() => teacher.ID)
.Select(() => teacher.Name))
I can query the right values but unable to transform it back correctly to the Course / teacher data type.
Any thoughts?
We can indeed use custom transformer. There is one, which I am using for a really very very deep projections (inlcuding dynamic objects - 5.1.13. component, dynamic-component)
Take it (if needed adjust it) and your final query could be like this
// just the last lines are different
var query = session.QueryOver<CourseItem>()
.JoinAlias(c => c.Teacher, () => teacherAlias)
.Where(c => c.CourseID.IsInsensitiveLike(strNumber, option))
.SelectList(list => list
.Select(c => c.CourseID).WithAlias(() => courseAlias.CourseID)
.Select(c => c.IsActive).WithAlias(() => courseAlias.IsActive)
.Select(c => c.CourseDesc).WithAlias(() => courseAlias.CourseDesc)
// the native WitAlias would not work, it uses expression
// to extract just the last property
//.Select(c => c.Teacher.ID).WithAlias(() => courseAlias.Teacher.ID)
//.Select(c => c.Teacher.Name).WithAlias(() => courseAlias.Teacher.Name))
// so we can use this way to pass the deep alias
.Select(Projections.Property(() => teacherAlias.ID).As("Teacher.ID"))
.Select(Projections.Property(() => teacherAlias.Name).As("Teacher.Name"))
// instead of this
// .TransformUsing(Transformers.AliasToBean<CourseItem>())
// use this
.TransformUsing(new DeepTransformer<CourseItem>())
And in case, that your aliases do match to property names, that transformer will built the object tree...
How to ignore a list mapping when the list is empty but not null.
if source.Divisions (which is an IEnumerable) is null or empty then the des.Divisions shouldn't be mapped:
Mapper.CreateMap<Model.Event, DataContracts.Event>()
.ForMember(des => des.Divisions, e => e.MapFrom(source => source.Divisions))
I've found the below solution:
Mapper.CreateMap<Model.Event, DataContracts.Event>()
.ForMember(des => des.Divisions, e => {
e.Condition(source => !source.Divisions.IsNullOrEmpty()));
e.MapFrom(source => source.Divisions));
Is there anyway to simplify the above further?
e.g by creating an extension method.
Mapper.CreateMap<Model.Event, DataContracts.Event>()
.ForMember(des => des.Divisions, e => e.MapListIfNotEmpty(source => source.Divisions));
I wrote this extension, hope it helps!
public static void MapListIfNotEmpty<TSource, TMapFrom>(this IMemberConfigurationExpression<TSource> map,
Func<TSource, IEnumerable<TMapFrom>> mapFrom)
map.Condition(src => !mapFrom(src).IsNullOrEmpty());
and you can use it like this:
Mapper.CreateMap<Model.Event, DataContracts.Event>()
.ForMember(des => des.Divisions, e => e.MapListIfNotEmpty(source => source.Geographies));