Expanding on my previous post, I am still writing Towers of Hanoi. After having a wonderful solution explained of how to draw the rings on the pegs, I still have one question that I have been fiddling with for quite awhile now.
Here is my PegClass:
namespace Towers_Of_Hanoi
class PegClass
private int pegheight;
private int y = 3;
int[] rings = new int[0];
public PegClass()
//this is the default constructor
public PegClass(int height)
pegheight = height;
// other user defined functions
public void AddRing(int size)
Array.Resize (ref rings, rings.Length + 2);
rings[rings.Length - 1] = size;
public void DrawPeg(int x, int numberOfRings = 0)
for (int i = pegheight; i >= 1; i--)
string halfRing = new string (' ', i);
if (numberOfRings > 0)
if (i <= numberOfRings)
halfRing = new string ('-', numberOfRings - i + 1);
Console.SetCursorPosition(x - halfRing.Length * 2 + i + (halfRing.Contains("-") ? (-i + halfRing.Length) : 0), y);
Console.WriteLine(halfRing + "|" + halfRing);
if (x < 7) {
x = 7;
Console.SetCursorPosition (x - 7, y); //print the base of the peg
And here is my main method.
namespace Tower_of_hanoi
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
PegClass myPeg = new PegClass(8);
PegClass myPeg2 = new PegClass(8);
PegClass myPeg3 = new PegClass(8);
DrawBoard(myPeg, myPeg2, myPeg3);
Console.WriteLine ("\t\t\nWelcome to kTowers!");
while (true)
string input = "\nWhat peg do you want to move to commander?";
Console.WriteLine (input);
if (input == "2")
myPeg.DrawPeg (2);
Console.ReadLine ();
public static void DrawBoard(PegClass peg1,PegClass peg2,PegClass peg3)
This is the current output:
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | -|-
| | --|--
| -|- ---|---
-|- --|-- ----|----
---------------- ---------------- ----------------
My question remains, how does one move the '-' characters from peg to peg when asked for a prompt. I've tried tweaking it for hours and still couldn't figure it out.
Thank you in advance, youmeoutside
You have manifested the rings as just "how many rings are on this peg" but that won't be enough.
For instance, if you have 8 rings you will represent one ring with width 1, one with width 2, one with 3, etc. up to one with 8.
In your image you have 3 rings with width of 1 (the top one on each peg), 2 with width 2 (the second ring on the two pegs that have multiple rings), and so on. This is incorrect and the reason for why your code does this is that it have no notion of "how wide should this particular ring be", instead it draws the top ring with width 1, the one below it with width 2, etc.
Instead here is a very simple set of objects to represent the rings and pegs and the operation to move from one to the other:
public void MoveRing(Peg fromPeg, Peg toPeg)
public class Peg : Stack<Ring>
public struct Ring
public int Width { get; }
public Ring(int width) { Width = width; }
To create 3 pegs and stack 8 rings on the first peg you could use this code:
const int pegCount = 3;
const int ringCount = 8;
var pegs = Enumerable.Range(1, pegCount).Select(_ => new Peg()).ToList();
foreach (var ring in Enumerable.Range(1, ringCount).Select(width => new Ring(ringCount + 1 - width)))
To draw them I took the liberty of fleshing out a LINQPad program that draws them to demonstrate but you could easily adapt this to the console code you have now:
void Main()
const int pegCount = 3;
const int ringCount = 8;
var pegs = Enumerable.Range(1, pegCount).Select(_ => new Peg()).ToList();
foreach (var ring in Enumerable.Range(1, ringCount).Select(width => new Ring(ringCount + 1 - width)))
MoveRing(pegs[0], pegs[1]);
public void MoveRing(Peg fromPeg, Peg toPeg)
public class Peg : Stack<Ring>
public struct Ring
public int Width { get; }
public Ring(int width) { Width = width; }
public void DrawPegs(IEnumerable<Peg> pegs)
var bitmaps = pegs.Select(peg => DrawPeg(peg));
Util.HorizontalRun(true, bitmaps).Dump();
public Bitmap DrawPeg(Peg peg)
const int width = 200;
const int height = 300;
const int pegWidth = 6;
const int ringHeight = 20;
const int ringWidthFactor = 10;
const int ringGapHeight = 3;
var result = new Bitmap(width, height);
using (var g = Graphics.FromImage(result))
g.FillRectangle(Brushes.Black, width / 2 - pegWidth/2, 0, pegWidth, height);
int y = height;
foreach (var ring in peg.Reverse())
y -= ringHeight;
g.FillRectangle(Brushes.Blue, width / 2 - ring.Width * ringWidthFactor, y, 2 * ring.Width * ringWidthFactor, ringHeight);
y -= ringGapHeight;
return result;
The output:
An stl file may contain 2 3D models. Is there any way I can detect if there are 2 or more models stored in one stl file?
In my current code, it can detect that there are 2 models in the example, but there are instances that it detects a lot of model even though it only has one.
The Triangle class structure has Vertices that contains 3 points (x, y, z)..
Sample STL File:
EDIT: Using #Gebb's answer this is how I implemented it:
private int GetNumberOfModels(List<TopoVertex> vertices)
Vertex[][] triangles = new Vertex[vertices.Count() / 3][];
int vertIdx = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < vertices.Count() / 3; i++)
Vertex v1 = new Vertex(vertices[vertIdx].pos.x, vertices[vertIdx].pos.y, vertices[vertIdx].pos.z);
Vertex v2 = new Vertex(vertices[vertIdx + 1].pos.x, vertices[vertIdx + 1].pos.y, vertices[vertIdx + 1].pos.z);
Vertex v3 = new Vertex(vertices[vertIdx + 2].pos.x, vertices[vertIdx + 2].pos.y, vertices[vertIdx + 2].pos.z);
triangles[i] = new Vertex[] { v1, v2, v3 };
vertIdx += 3;
var uniqueVertices = new HashSet<Vertex>(triangles.SelectMany(t => t));
int vertexCount = uniqueVertices.Count;
// The DisjointUnionSets class works with integers, so we need a map from vertex
// to integer (its id).
Dictionary<Vertex, int> indexedVertices = uniqueVertices
Enumerable.Range(0, vertexCount),
(v, i) => new { v, i })
.ToDictionary(vi => vi.v, vi => vi.i);
int[][] indexedTriangles =
.Select(t => t.Select(v => indexedVertices[v]).ToArray())
var du = new XYZ.view.wpf.DisjointUnionSets(vertexCount);
// Iterate over the "triangles" consisting of vertex ids.
foreach (int[] triangle in indexedTriangles)
int vertex0 = triangle[0];
// Mark 0-th vertexes connected component as connected to those of all other vertices.
foreach (int v in triangle.Skip(1))
du.Union(vertex0, v);
var connectedComponents =
new HashSet<int>(Enumerable.Range(0, vertexCount).Select(x => du.Find(x)));
return connectedComponents.Count;
In some cases, it produces the correct output, but for the example image above, it outputs 3 instead of 2. I am now trying to optimize the snippet #Gebb gave to use float values since I believe that the floating points are necessary to the comparisons. Does anyone have a way to do that as well? Maybe I need another perspective.
You could do this by representing vertices and connections between them as a graph and finding the number of connected components of the graph with the help of the Disjoint-set data structure.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using Vertex = System.ValueTuple<double,double,double>;
namespace UnionFindSample
internal class DisjointUnionSets
private readonly int _n;
private readonly int[] _rank;
private readonly int[] _parent;
public DisjointUnionSets(int n)
_rank = new int[n];
_parent = new int[n];
_n = n;
// Creates n sets with single item in each
public void MakeSet()
for (var i = 0; i < _n; i++)
// Initially, all elements are in
// their own set.
_parent[i] = i;
// Finds the representative of the set
// that x is an element of.
public int Find(int x)
if (_parent[x] != x)
// if x is not the parent of itself, then x is not the representative of
// his set.
// We do the path compression by moving x’s node directly under the representative
// of this set.
_parent[x] = Find(_parent[x]);
return _parent[x];
// Unites the set that includes x and
// the set that includes x
public void Union(int x, int y)
// Find representatives of two sets.
int xRoot = Find(x), yRoot = Find(y);
// Elements are in the same set, no need to unite anything.
if (xRoot == yRoot)
if (_rank[xRoot] < _rank[yRoot])
// Then move x under y so that depth of tree remains equal to _rank[yRoot].
_parent[xRoot] = yRoot;
else if (_rank[yRoot] < _rank[xRoot])
// Then move y under x so that depth of tree remains equal to _rank[xRoot].
_parent[yRoot] = xRoot;
// if ranks are the same
// then move y under x (doesn't matter which one goes where).
_parent[yRoot] = xRoot;
// And increment the result tree's
// rank by 1
_rank[xRoot] = _rank[xRoot] + 1;
internal class Program
private static void Main(string[] args)
string file = args[0];
Vertex[][] triangles = ParseStl(file);
var uniqueVertices = new HashSet<Vertex>(triangles.SelectMany(t => t));
int vertexCount = uniqueVertices.Count;
// The DisjointUnionSets class works with integers, so we need a map from vertex
// to integer (its id).
Dictionary<Vertex, int> indexedVertices = uniqueVertices
Enumerable.Range(0, vertexCount),
(v, i) => new {v, i})
.ToDictionary(vi => vi.v, vi => vi.i);
int[][] indexedTriangles =
.Select(t => t.Select(v => indexedVertices[v]).ToArray())
var du = new DisjointUnionSets(vertexCount);
// Iterate over the "triangles" consisting of vertex ids.
foreach (int[] triangle in indexedTriangles)
int vertex0 = triangle[0];
// Mark 0-th vertexes connected component as connected to those of all other vertices.
foreach (int v in triangle.Skip(1))
du.Union(vertex0, v);
var connectedComponents =
new HashSet<int>(Enumerable.Range(0, vertexCount).Select(x => du.Find(x)));
int count = connectedComponents.Count;
Console.WriteLine($"Number of connected components: {count}.");
var groups = triangles.GroupBy(t => du.Find(indexedVertices[t[0]]));
foreach (IGrouping<int, Vertex[]> g in groups)
Console.WriteLine($"Group id={g.Key}:");
foreach (Vertex[] triangle in g)
string tr = string.Join(' ', triangle);
private static Regex _triangleStart = new Regex(#"^\s+outer loop");
private static Regex _triangleEnd = new Regex(#"^\s+endloop");
private static Regex _vertex = new Regex(#"^\s+vertex\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)");
private static Vertex[][] ParseStl(string file)
double ParseCoordinate(GroupCollection gs, int i) =>
double.Parse(gs[i].Captures[0].Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
var triangles = new List<Vertex[]>();
bool isInsideTriangle = false;
List<Vertex> triangle = new List<Vertex>();
foreach (string line in File.ReadAllLines(file))
if (isInsideTriangle)
if (_triangleEnd.IsMatch(line))
isInsideTriangle = false;
triangle = new List<Vertex>();
Match vMatch = _vertex.Match(line);
if (vMatch.Success)
double x1 = ParseCoordinate(vMatch.Groups, 1);
double x2 = ParseCoordinate(vMatch.Groups, 2);
double x3 = ParseCoordinate(vMatch.Groups, 3);
triangle.Add((x1, x2, x3));
if (_triangleStart.IsMatch(line))
isInsideTriangle = true;
return triangles.ToArray();
I'm also using the fact that System.ValueTuple implements Equals and GetHashCode in an appropriate way, so we can easily compare vertices (this is used implicitly by HashSet) and use them as keys in a dictionary.
to start with I made a simple code that checks if 2 lines collide based on 4 points that are given by their x and y coordinates. It checks if the angle (variable k in my code) of both lines is the same, in that case they are parallel, otherwise they collide. The angle (k) was calculated based on the math equasion Click here [k = (y2-y1)/(x2-x1)]. Now I am not sure how to get the point they are colliding in. I would appreciate it very much if you could help me. Thank you in advance.
My Code: (method I call to calculate angle)
static void MetodaTrazenjaPresjeka(Duzina d1, Duzina d2)
int k11 = d1.Krajy - d1.Pocy; //y2-y1 - first line
int k12 = d1.Krajx - d1.Pocx; //x2-x1 - first line
double k1 = (double)k11 / k12; //angle of the first line
int k21 = d2.Krajy - d2.Pocy; //y2-y1 - second line
int k22 = d2.Krajx - d2.Pocx; //x2-x1 - second line
double k2 = (double)k21 / k22; //angle of the second line
if (k1 == k2)
//they are parallel
Console.WriteLine("MOJA METODA:");
Console.Write("Pravci zadani tockama su paralelni!");
//lines are colliding
Console.WriteLine("MOJA METODA:");
Console.Write("Pravci zadani tockama se sijeku!");
Code in class Duzina:
class Duzina
private int pocx, pocy, krajx, krajy;
//read/write attribute for the x coordinate of the first point
public int Pocx
get { return pocx; }
set { pocx = value; }
//read/write attribute for the y coordinate of the first point
public int Pocy
get { return pocy; }
set { pocy = value; }
//read/write attribute for the x coordinate of the second point
public int Krajx
get { return krajx; }
set { krajx = value; }
//read/write attribute for the y coordinate of the second point
public int Krajy
get { return krajy; }
set { krajy = value; }
//method that will print out coordinates of the given points
public void Ispis()
Console.Write("Pocetna tocka: ({0},{1})",Pocx,Pocy);
Console.Write("Krajnja tocka: ({0},{1})", Krajx, Krajy);
line equation: y = m * x + b
1) m_d1 = (d1.y2 - d1.y1) / (d1.x2 - d1.x1)
b_d1 = d1.y1 - m_d1 * d1.x1
(same for m_d2 and b_d2)
2) intersect.y = m_d1 * intersect.x + b_d1
intersect.y = m_d2 * intersect.x + b_d2
3) m_d1 * intersect.x + b_d1 = m_d2 * intersect.x + b_d2
4) intersect.x = (b_d2 - b_d1) / (m_d1 - m_d2)
now plug intersect.x that was obtained from 4) back into either equation in 2) to get intersection.y
I've started playing around with an attempt to create the following:
public static IEnumerable<List<T>> OptimizedBatches<T>(this IEnumerable<T> items)
Then the client of this extension method would use it like this:
foreach (var list in extracter.EnumerateAll().OptimizedBatches())
// at some unknown batch size, process time starts to
// increase at an exponential rate
Here's an example:
batch length time
1 100ms
2 102ms
4 110ms
8 111ms
16 118ms
32 119ms
64 134ms
128 500ms <-- doubled length but time it took more than doubled
256 1100ms <-- oh no!!
From the above, the best batch length is 64 because 64/134 is the best ratio of length/time.
So the question is what algorithm to use to automatically pick the optimal batch length based on the successive times between iterator steps?
Here's what I have so far - it's not done yet...
class LengthOptimizer
private Stopwatch sw;
private int length = 1;
private List<RateRecord> rateRecords = new List<RateRecord>();
public int Length
if (sw == null)
length = 1;
sw = new Stopwatch();
rateRecords.Add(new RateRecord { Length = length, ElapsedMilliseconds = sw.ElapsedMilliseconds });
length = rateRecords.OrderByDescending(c => c.Rate).First().Length;
return length;
struct RateRecord
public int Length { get; set; }
public long ElapsedMilliseconds { get; set; }
public float Rate { get { return ((float)Length) / ElapsedMilliseconds; } }
The main problem I see here is creating the "optimity scale", that is, why do you consider that 32 -> 119ms is acceptable and 256 -> 1100ms is not; or why certain configuration is better than other one.
Once this is done, the algorithm will be straightforward: just returning the ranking values for each input conditions and making decisions based on "which one gets a higher value".
The first step for creating this scale is finding out the variable which better describes the ideal behaviour you are looking for. A simple first approach: length/time. That is, from your inputs:
batch length time ratio1
1 100ms 0.01
2 102ms 0.019
4 110ms 0.036
8 111ms 0.072
16 118ms 0.136
32 119ms 0.269
64 134ms 0.478
128 500ms 0.256
256 1100ms 0.233
The bigger is ratio1, the better. Logically, it is not the same having 0.269 with 32 length than 0.256 with 128 and thus more information has to be accounted for.
You might create a more complex ranking ratio weighting the two involved variables better (e.g., trying different exponents). But I think that the best approach for this problem is creating a system of "zones" and calculating a generic ranking from it. Example:
Zone 1 -> length from 1 to 8; ideal ratio for this zone = 0.1
Zone 2 -> length from 9 to 32; ideal ratio for this zone = 0.3
Zone 3 -> length from 33 to 64; ideal ratio for this zone = 0.45
Zone 4 -> length from 65 to 256; ideal ratio for this zone = 0.35
The ranking associated to each configuration will be the result of putting the given ratio1 with respect to the ideal value for the given zone.
2 102ms 0.019 -> (zone 1) 0.019/0.1 = 0.19 (or 1.9 in a 0-10 scale)
16 118ms 0.136 -> (zone 2) 0.136/0.3 = 0.45 (or 4.5 in a 0-10 scale)
These values might be compared and thus you would automatically know that the second case is much better than the first one.
This is just a simple example but I guess that provides a good enough insight into what is the real problem here: setting up an accurate ranking allowing to perfectly identify which configuration is better.
I would go with a ranking approach like varocarbas suggested.
Here is an initial implementation to get you started:
public sealed class DataFlowOptimizer<T>
private readonly IEnumerable<T> _collection;
private RateRecord bestRate = RateRecord.Default;
private uint batchLength = 1;
private struct RateRecord
public static RateRecord Default = new RateRecord { Length = 1, ElapsedTicks = 0 };
private float _rate;
public int Length { get; set; }
public long ElapsedTicks { get; set; }
public float Rate
if(_rate == default(float) && ElapsedTicks > 0)
_rate = ((float)Length) / ElapsedTicks;
return _rate;
public DataFlowOptimizer(IEnumerable<T> collection)
_collection = collection;
public int BatchLength { get { return (int)batchLength; } }
public float Rate { get { return bestRate.Rate; } }
public IEnumerable<IList<T>> GetBatch()
var stopwatch = new Stopwatch();
var batch = new List<T>();
var benchmarks = new List<RateRecord>(5);
IEnumerator<T> enumerator = null;
enumerator = _collection.GetEnumerator();
uint count = 0;
if(count == batchLength)
benchmarks.Add(new RateRecord { Length = BatchLength, ElapsedTicks = stopwatch.ElapsedTicks });
var currentBatch = batch.ToList();
if(benchmarks.Count == 10)
var currentRate = benchmarks.Average(x => x.Rate);
if(currentRate > bestRate.Rate)
bestRate = new RateRecord { Length = BatchLength, ElapsedTicks = (long)benchmarks.Average(x => x.ElapsedTicks) };
batchLength = NextPowerOf2(batchLength);
// Set margin of error at 10%
else if((bestRate.Rate * .9) > currentRate)
// Shift the current length and make sure it's >= 1
var currentPowOf2 = ((batchLength >> 1) | 1);
batchLength = PreviousPowerOf2(currentPowOf2);
count = 0;
yield return currentBatch;
if(enumerator != null)
uint PreviousPowerOf2(uint x)
x |= (x >> 1);
x |= (x >> 2);
x |= (x >> 4);
x |= (x >> 8);
x |= (x >> 16);
return x - (x >> 1);
uint NextPowerOf2(uint x)
x |= (x >> 1);
x |= (x >> 2);
x |= (x >> 4);
x |= (x >> 8);
x |= (x >> 16);
return (x+1);
Sample program in LinqPad:
public IEnumerable<int> GetData()
return Enumerable.Range(0, 100000000);
void Main()
var optimizer = new DataFlowOptimizer<int>(GetData());
foreach(var batch in optimizer.GetBatch())
string.Format("Length: {0} Rate {1}", optimizer.BatchLength, optimizer.Rate).Dump();
Describe an objective function f that maps a batch size s and runtime t(s) to a score f(s,t(s))
Try lots of s values and evaluate f(s,t(s)) for each one
Choose the s value that maximizes f
I am writing an app that requires the calculation of the Gamma function.
A code (part of a class) snippet is below:
namespace PB.Utilities.Math
// class definition
public class SpecialFunctions
// Private Fields
// Instance Constructor
public SpecialFunctions() {}
// Public Method for Gamma Function
// x = input value; x MUST BE > 0
// GammaLn = secondary output value equal to natural log of Gamma Function
public double Gamma(double x, out double GammaLn)
if (x <= 0) throw new System.ArgumentException("arg <= 0 in GammaFunction", "x");
System.Console.WriteLine("argument <= 0 in GammaFunction");
double gammaln;
double _gamma = gamma(x, out gammaln);
GammaLn = gammaln;
return _gamma;
// private method for Gamma Function
private double gamma(double xx, out double gammaln)
// private constants
int j;
double x,tmp,y,ser;
const double k1 = 5.24218750000000000;
const double k2 = 0.999999999999997092;
const double k3 = 2.5066282746310005;
double[] cof = new double[14]
57.1562356658629235, -59.5979603554754912, 14.1360979747417471,
-0.491913816097620199, 0.339946499848118887e-4, 0.465236289270485756e-4,
-0.983744753048795646e-4, 0.158088703224912494e-3, -0.210264441724104883e-3,
0.217439618115212643e-3, -0.164318106536763890e-3, 0.844182239838527433e-4,
-0.261908384015814087e-4, 0.368991826595316234e-5
y = x = xx;
tmp = x + k1;
tmp = (x + 0.5) * System.Math.Log(tmp) - tmp;
ser = k2;
for (j = 0; j < 14; j++) ser += cof[j]/++y;
gammaln = tmp + System.Math.Log(k3*ser/x);
return System.Math.Exp(gammaln);
public class BSA
static void Main()
// Create an object of type PB.Utilities.Math.SpecialFunctions
PB.Utilities.Math.SpecialFunctions Function = new PB.Utilities.Math.SpecialFunctions();
// Call the public method GammaFunction.
double GammaLn1;
double GammaLn2;
double GammaLn3;
double g1 = Function.Gamma(3.5, out GammaLn1);
double g2 = Function.Gamma(1.5, out GammaLn2);
double g3 = Function.Gamma(1/7, out GammaLn3);
System.Console.WriteLine("g(7/2) = "+g1);
System.Console.WriteLine("g(3/2) = "+g2);
System.Console.WriteLine("g(1/7) = "+g3);
The issue is that at compilation, the parameter x in Gamma (even though x is being assigned the value 3.5 in the calling component) is assigned a value of 0 which triggers the exception. Can anyone please suggest how I can get around this? Thank you.
Seems to be 3.5 in my test cases. Are you sure you haven't excluded some information that might be the issue?
using System;
namespace Doubletesting
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
double d = Doubletesting.TestDouble(3.5);
public static double TestDouble(double x)
double result;
result = x;
return result;
The Error is caused by your Function.Gamma(1 / 7, out GammaLn3). This is because both 1 and 7 are INT and dividing (int)1 by (int)7 is zero. Try Function.Gamma(1f / 7f, out GammaLn3).
In .NET Assembly mscorlib System.IO namespace, I am using ReadInt16() method to loop through audio data bytes and dumping signed integer values into a text file. How does one interpret the two values associated with one sample rate? That is if I have one second of mono data there will be 88200 bytes, hence using ReadInt16() returns 88200 discrete integers. This is too much information, I should only have 44100 integers. So do I need to use a different method or perhaps advance the loop by 1 per each iteration.
Many thanks..........Mickey
using System;
using System.IO;
public struct WaveFormat
private short m_FormatTag; // most often PCM = 1
private short m_nChannels; // number of channels
private int m_SamplesPerSecond; // samples per second eg 44100
private int m_AvgBytesPerSecond; // bytes per second eg 176000
private short m_BlockAlign; // blockalign (byte per sample) eg 4 bytes
private short m_BitsPerSample; // bits per sample, 8, 16, 24
public WaveFormat(byte BPS, int SPS, byte nChn)
m_FormatTag = 1; //PCM
m_nChannels = nChn;
m_SamplesPerSecond = SPS;
m_BitsPerSample = BPS;
m_BlockAlign = (short)(m_nChannels * m_BitsPerSample / 8);
m_AvgBytesPerSecond = (int)(m_BlockAlign * m_SamplesPerSecond);
public short FormatTag
get { return m_FormatTag; }
set { m_FormatTag = value; }
public short Channels
get { return m_nChannels; }
public int SamplesPerSecond
get { return m_SamplesPerSecond; }
public int AvgBytesPerSecond
get { return m_AvgBytesPerSecond; }
public short BlockAlign
get { return m_BlockAlign; }
public short BitsPerSample
get { return m_BitsPerSample; }
public void Read(BinaryReader br)
m_FormatTag = br.ReadInt16();
m_nChannels = br.ReadInt16();
m_SamplesPerSecond = br.ReadInt32();
m_AvgBytesPerSecond = br.ReadInt32();
m_BlockAlign = br.ReadInt16();
m_BitsPerSample = br.ReadInt16();
public void Write(BinaryWriter bw)
public override string ToString()
System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
sb.AppendLine("FormatTag: " + m_FormatTag.ToString());
sb.AppendLine("nChannels: " + m_nChannels.ToString());
sb.AppendLine("SamplesPerSecond: " + m_SamplesPerSecond.ToString());
sb.AppendLine("AvgBytesPerSecond: " + m_AvgBytesPerSecond.ToString());
sb.AppendLine("BlockAlign: " + m_BlockAlign.ToString());
sb.AppendLine("BitsPerSample: " + m_BitsPerSample.ToString());
return sb.ToString();
Generally when you read arrays of data your code should look like:
for(int i = 0; i < totalNumberOfEntries; i++)
// read all data for this entry
var component1 = reader.ReadXXX();
var component2 = reader.ReadXXX();
// deal with data for this entry
someEntryStroage.Add(new Entry(component1, component2);
Most likely (I don't know Wave file format) in your case you either need to read pairs of Int16 values (if samples are together) or read channels separately if data for one channel is after another.
you must read the chunkinfos. The data-chunk tells you how much bytes you have to read. the WaveFormat tells you ho much Averagebytespersecond you have, and much more. I have some VB-code...
have converted the VB-code with sharpdevelop to C# maybe it helps a little bit...
using System;
using System.IO;
public class ChunkInfo
private byte[] m_Header;
private long m_Length;
private long m_OffSet;
public ChunkInfo(string Header)
m_Header = new byte[Header.Length];
for (int i = 0; i <= m_Header.GetUpperBound(0); i++)
m_Header[i] = (byte)Header[i];
public ChunkInfo(byte[] Header)
m_Header = Header;
public void Read(BinaryReader br)
m_OffSet = SearchOffset(br);
if (m_OffSet >= 0)
br.BaseStream.Position = m_OffSet + m_Header.Length;
m_Length = br.ReadInt32();
public void Write(BinaryWriter bw)
public long Length
get { return m_Length; }
public long OffSet
get { return m_OffSet; }
private long SearchOffset(BinaryReader br)
byte[] haystack = null;
bool found = false;
long offset = 0;
long basepos = 0;
int hlength = 260;
long basepos_grow = hlength - m_Header.Length;
while (!(found || (basepos >= br.BaseStream.Length)))
br.BaseStream.Position = basepos;
haystack = br.ReadBytes(hlength);
offset = BoyerMooreHorspool.find(haystack, m_Header);
found = offset >= 0;
if (found)
offset += basepos;
basepos += basepos_grow;
return offset;
public static class BoyerMooreHorspool
//detects a needle in the haystack
const int UBYTE_MAX = 255;
static int[] bad_char_skip4 = new int[UBYTE_MAX + 3];
static int[] bad_char_skip8 = new int[UBYTE_MAX + 3];
static bool IsInitialized = false;
public static void init()
//little optimization for needles with length 4 or 8
for (int i = 0; i <= UBYTE_MAX + 2; i++)
bad_char_skip4[i] = 4;
bad_char_skip8[i] = 8;
IsInitialized = true;
public static int find(byte[] haystack, byte[] needle, int start = 0)
if (!IsInitialized) init();
int i_n = 0;
//needle index
int n_n = needle.Length;
int[] bad_char_skip = null;
switch (n_n)
case 4:
bad_char_skip = bad_char_skip4;
case 8:
bad_char_skip = bad_char_skip8;
bad_char_skip = new int[UBYTE_MAX + 3];
for (i_n = 0; i_n <= UBYTE_MAX + 2; i_n++)
bad_char_skip[i_n] = n_n;
int ifind = -1;
//if not found then return - 1
int i_h = start;
//haystack index
int n_h = haystack.Length;
if (n_n > n_h)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("needle", "needle is to long");
int last = n_n - 1;
for (i_n = 0; i_n <= last - 1; i_n++)
bad_char_skip[needle[i_n]] = last - i_n;
byte bcs = 0;
int bhs = 0;
while ((n_h - start) >= n_n)
i_n = last;
while (haystack[i_h + i_n] == needle[i_n])
i_n -= 1;
if (i_n == 0)
ifind = i_h;
bhs = haystack[i_h + last];
bcs = (byte)(bad_char_skip[bhs]);
n_h -= bcs;
i_h += bcs;
return ifind;