Unable to calculate number of combinations due to very large factorial - c#

I am trying to calculate the number of combinations of the number of elements in a certain array. I need the exact number of combinations to use it as number of threads to be executed in the GPU.
But the data is very big and the factorial can't be calculated for that big a number with any data type.
Is there a way to calculate the number of combinations without having to find the factorial? Or a more efficient way to do so?
It summarizes the problem:
int no_of_combinations = combination(500,2);
public static int factorial(int m)
int x = 1;
for (int i = m; i > 0; i--)
x = x * i;
return x;
public static int combination(int m, int n)
int x = 0;
x = factorial(m) / (factorial(n) * factorial(m - n));
return x;

In this case I would start to simplify the equation. In your example you're looking for 500 choose 2, which is 500!/498!/2!. This can be easily changed to 500*499/2, which can be calculated.
In general terms if you have n choose k, you only need to calculate a "partial factorial" from n to max(k, n-k) and then divide by min(k, n-k)! due to the results being mirrored. This makes the calculation much easier.
Also in certain cases you could start dividing with the min(k, n-k)! while multiplying, but that will lead to remainders etc.

Use the Pascal's triangle property:
C(n,k) = C(n - 1, k) + C(n - 1, k - 1) and dynamic programming. No factorials involved.
The triangle of Pascal being:
1 1
1 2 1
1 3 3 1
1 4 6 4 1

You don't need to use factorials. If k>n/2, then use C(n,k)=C(n,n-k). Then use that C(n,0)=1 and for k>0, C(n,k) = C(n,k-1) * (n-k+1)/k. This lets you compute almost as many binomial coefficients as the dynamic programming method but it takes linear time (Theta(min(n-k,k))) and constant space instead of quadratic time and linear space.
See this past question: How to efficiently calculate a row in pascal's triangle?
public static long combination(int n, int k)
if (n-k < k)
return combination(n,n-k);
if (k < 0)
return 0;
long result = 1;
for (int i=1; i<=k; i++)
result *= n-i+1;
result /=i;
return result;
This may overflow if the answer times n exceeds the maximum long. So, if you expect the answer to fit in a 32 bit int and you have 64 bit longs, then this should not overflow. To avoid overflowing, use BigIntegers instead of longs.

You need to write a new function, lets call it FactorialMoverN
int FactorialMOverN(int m, int n)
int x = 1;
for (int i = m; i > n; i--)
x = x * i;
return x;
Then change your combination function to
x = FactorialMOverN(m,n) * factorial(m - n));
This should help. If it doesn't help, then you need to use a different variable type, or rethink your problem.
Thanks to Sami, I can see that the above function is in error. The 500 choose 2 needs to be calculated via
int MChooseN(int m, int n)
int x = 1;
for (int i = m; i > (m-n); i--)
x = x * i;
return x;
The above will take 500, 2 and return 500*499, the previous would have taken 500,2 and returned 500*499*498...5*4*3 which is not what you wanted.
Anyway, the above is the best you can get.


My algorithm for choosing k element subset to handle huge number in C#

I am writing the algorithm which is choosing a subset (of k elements) from a set (of n elements).
I have accomplished the task with a success. It works fine for small numbers.
I have tested it for n=6, k=3 and n=10, k=5.
The problem is starting now, when I need to use it for huge numbers.
Sometimes I would need to use it for let's say n = 96000000 and k = 3000.
To simply testing a bit, lets focus on example for n = 786432 and k = 1000. Then there is 461946653375201 such a possibilities. As the third parameters to my function there is rank number, so the number for particular unique subset. Let's try few random, for example 3264832 works fine (gave me subset of different numbers), but for 4619466533201 the one number (in subset) is repeated several times, what is wrong. It must be set as well subset based on unique numbers !
Question is to make it works correct and what is the problem ? The numbers are too big even for ulong ?
If you have any question feel free to ask.
Here is my code:
public static ulong BinomialCoefficient(ulong N, ulong K)
ulong result = 1;
for (ulong i = 1; i <= K; i++)
result *= N - (K - i);
result /= i;
return result;
public static ulong[] ChooseSubsetByRank(ulong sizeOfSet, ulong sizeOfSubset, ulong rank)
ulong[] resultingSubset = new ulong[sizeOfSubset];
ulong x = sizeOfSet;
for (ulong i = sizeOfSubset; i > 0; i--)
while (BinomialCoefficient(x, i) > rank)
resultingSubset[i - 1] = x + 1;
rank = BinomialCoefficient(x + 1, i) - rank - 1;
return resultingSubset;
And below is the run code. To test it you may change the third argument at the line below.
ulong[] arrayTest = Logic.ChooseSubsetByRank(786432, 1000, 4619466533201);
string test = "";
for (int i = 0; i < arrayTest.Length; i++)
test = test + arrayTest[i].ToString() + " ";
System.Windows.MessageBox.Show(" " + test);
No hope. You can not.
As says spender: use BigInteger.
Your calculation is false (probably if you calculate with ulong which is very very limited for this).
C786432,1000 is in reality :

How to make this small C# program which calculates prime numbers using the Sieve of Eratosthenes as efficient and economical as possible?

I've made a small C# program which calculates prime numbers using the Sieve of Eratosthenes.
long n = 100000;
bool[] p = new bool[n+1];
for(long i=2; i<=n; i++)
for(long i=2; i<=X; i++)
for(long j=Y; j<=Z; j++)
for(long i=0; i<=n; i++)
Console.Write(" "+i);
My question is: which X, Y and Z should I choose to make my program as efficient and economical as possible?
Of course we can just take:
X = n
Y = 2
Z = n
But then the program won't be very efficient.
It seems we can take:
X = Math.Sqrt(n)
Y = i
Z = n/i
And apparently the first 100 primes that the program gives are all correct.
There are several optimisations that can be applied without making the program overly complicated.
you can start the crossing out at j = i (effectively i * i instead of 2 * i) since all lower multiples of i have already been crossed out
you can save some work by leaving all even numbers out of the array (remembering to produce the prime 2 out of thin air when needed); hence array cell k represents the odd integer 2 * k + 1
you can make things faster by turning repeated multiplication (i * j) into iterated addition (k += i); instead of looping over j in the inner loop you loop (k = i * i; k <= N; k += i)
in some cases it can be advantageous to initialise the array with 0 (false) and set cells to 1 (true) for composites; its meaning is thus 'is_composite' instead of 'is_prime'
Harvesting all the low-hanging fruit, the loops thus become (in C++, but C# should be sort of similar):
uint32_t max_factor_bit = uint32_t(sqrt(double(n))) >> 1;
uint32_t max_bit = n >> 1;
for (uint32_t i = 3 >> 1; i <= max_factor_bit; ++i)
if (composite[i]) continue;
uint32_t n = (i << 1) + 1;
uint32_t k = (n * n) >> 1;
for ( ; k <= max_bit; k += n)
composite[k] = true;
Regarding the computation of max_factor there are some caveats where the compiler can bite you, for larger values of n. There's a topic for that on Code Review.
A further, easy optimisation is to represent the bitmap as an array of bytes, with each byte standing for eight odd integers. For setting bit k in byte array a you would do a[k / CHAR_BIT] |= (1 << (k % CHAR_BIT)) where CHAR_BIT is the number of bits in a byte. However, such bit trickery is normally wrapped into an inline function to keep the code clean. E.g. in C++ I tell the compiler how to generate such functions using a template like this:
template<typename word_t>
void set_bit (word_t *p, uint32_t index)
enum { BITS_PER_WORD = sizeof(word_t) * CHAR_BIT };
// we can trust the compiler to use masking and shifting instead of division; we cannot do that
// ourselves without having the log2 which cannot easily be computed as a constexpr
p[index / BITS_PER_WORD] |= word_t(1) << (index % BITS_PER_WORD);
This allows me to say set_bit(a, k) for any type of array - byte, integer, whatever - without having to write special code or use invocations; it's basically a type-safe equivalent to the old C-style macros. I'm not certain whether something similar is possible in C#. There is, however, the C# type BitArray where all that stuff is already done for you under the hood.
On pastebin there's a small demo .cpp for the segmented Sieve of Eratosthenes, where two further optimisations are applied: presieving by small integers, and sieving in small, cache friendly blocks so that the full range of 32-bit integers can be sieved in 2 seconds flat. This could give you some inspiration...
When doing the Sieve of Eratosthenes, memory savings easily translate to speed gains because the algorithm is memory-intensive and it tends to stride all over the memory instead of accessing it locally. That's why space savings due to compact representation (only odd integers, packed bits - i.e. BitArray) and localisation of access (by sieving in small blocks instead of the whole array in one go) can speed up the code by one or more orders of magnitude, without making the code significantly more complicated.
It is possible to go far beyond the easy optimisations mentioned here, but that tends to make the code increasingly complicated. One word that often occurs in this context is the 'wheel', which can save a further 50% of memory space. The wiki has an explanation of wheels here, and in a sense the odds-only sieve is already using a 'modulo 2 wheel'. Conversely, a wheel is the extension of the odds-only idea to dropping further small primes from the array, like 3 and 5 in the famous 'mod 30' wheel with modulus 2 * 3 * 5. That wheel effectively stuffs 30 integers into one 8-bit byte.
Here's a runnable rendition of the above code in C#:
static uint max_factor32 (double n)
double r = System.Math.Sqrt(n);
if (r < uint.MaxValue)
uint r32 = (uint)r;
return r32 - ((ulong)r32 * r32 > n ? 1u : 0u);
return uint.MaxValue;
static void sieve32 (System.Collections.BitArray odd_composites)
uint max_bit = (uint)odd_composites.Length - 1;
uint max_factor_bit = max_factor32((max_bit << 1) + 1) >> 1;
for (uint i = 3 >> 1; i <= max_factor_bit; ++i)
if (odd_composites[(int)i]) continue;
uint p = (i << 1) + 1; // the prime represented by bit i
uint k = (p * p) >> 1; // starting point for striding through the array
for ( ; k <= max_bit; k += p)
odd_composites[(int)k] = true;
static int Main (string[] args)
int n = 100000000;
System.Console.WriteLine("Hello, Eratosthenes! Sieving up to {0}...", n);
System.Collections.BitArray odd_composites = new System.Collections.BitArray(n >> 1);
uint cnt = 1;
ulong sum = 2;
for (int i = 1; i < odd_composites.Length; ++i)
if (odd_composites[i]) continue;
uint prime = ((uint)i << 1) + 1;
cnt += 1;
sum += prime;
System.Console.WriteLine("\n{0} primes, sum {1}", cnt, sum);
return 0;
This does 10^8 in about a second, but for higher values of n it gets slow. If you want to do faster then you have to employ sieving in small, cache-sized blocks.

Project Euler: Problem 1 (Possible refactorings and run time optimizations)

I have been hearing a lot about Project Euler so I thought I solve one of the problems in C#. The problem as stated on the website is as follows:
If we list all the natural numbers
below 10 that are multiples of 3 or 5,
we get 3, 5, 6 and 9. The sum of these
multiples is 23.
Find the sum of all the multiples of 3
or 5 below 1000.
I wrote my code as follows:
class EulerProblem1
public static void Main()
var totalNum = 1000;
var counter = 1;
var sum = 0;
while (counter < totalNum)
if (DivisibleByThreeOrFive(counter))
sum += counter;
Console.WriteLine("Total Sum: {0}", sum);
private static bool DivisibleByThreeOrFive(int counter)
return ((counter % 3 == 0) || (counter % 5 == 0));
It will be great to get some ideas on alternate implementations with less verbosity/cleaner syntax and better optimizations. The ideas may vary from quick and dirty to bringing out the cannon to annihilate the mosquito. The purpose is to explore the depths of computer science while trying to improve this particularly trivial code snippet.
Updated to not double count numbers that are multiples of both 3 and 5:
int EulerProblem(int totalNum)
int a = (totalNum-1)/3;
int b = (totalNum-1)/5;
int c = (totalNum-1)/15;
int d = a*(a+1)/2;
int e = b*(b+1)/2;
int f = c*(c+1)/2;
return 3*d + 5*e - 15*f;
With LINQ (updated as suggested in comments)
static void Main(string[] args)
var total = Enumerable.Range(0,1000)
.Where(counter => (counter%3 == 0) || (counter%5 == 0))
Here's a transliteration of my original F# solution into C#. Edited: It's basically mbeckish's solution as a loop rather than a function (and I remove the double count). I like mbeckish's better.
static int Euler1 ()
int sum = 0;
for (int i=3; i<1000; i+=3) sum+=i;
for (int i=5; i<1000; i+=5) sum+=i;
for (int i=15; i<1000; i+=15) sum-=i;
return sum;
Here's the original:
let euler1 d0 d1 n =
(seq {d0..d0..n} |> Seq.sum) +
(seq {d1..d1..n} |> Seq.sum) -
(seq {d0*d1..d0*d1..n} |> Seq.sum)
let result = euler1 3 5 (1000-1)
I haven't written any Java in a while, but this should solve it in constant time with little overhead:
public class EulerProblem1
private static final int EULER1 = 233168;
// Equal to the sum of all natural numbers less than 1000
// which are multiples of 3 or 5, inclusive.
public static void main(String[] args)
EDIT: Here's a C implementation, if every instruction counts:
#define STDOUT 1
#define OUT_LENGTH 8
int main (int argc, char **argv)
const char out[OUT_LENGTH] = "233168\n";
write(STDOUT, out, OUT_LENGTH);
There's no error handling on the call to write. If true robustness is needed, a more sophisticated error handling strategy must be employed. Whether the added complexity is worth greater reliability depends on the needs of the user.
If you have memory constraints, you may be able to save a byte by using a straight char array rather than a string terminated by a superfluous null character. In practice, however, out would almost certainly be padded to 8 bytes anyway.
Although the declaration of the out variable could be avoided by placing the string inline in the write call, any real compiler willoptimize away the declaration.
The write syscall is used in preference to puts or similar to avoid the additional overhead. Theoretically, you could invoke the system call directly, perhaps saving a few cycles, but this would raise significant portability issues. Your mileage may vary regarding whether this is an acceptable tradeoff.
Refactoring #mbeckish's very clever solution:
public int eulerProblem(int max) {
int t1 = f(max, 3);
int t2 = f(max, 5);
int t3 = f(max, 3 * 5);
return t1 + t2 - t3;
private int f(int max, int n) {
int a = (max - 1) / n;
return n * a * (a + 1) / 2;
That's basically the same way I did that problem. I know there were other solutions (probably more efficient ones too) on the forums for project-euler.
Once you input your answer going back to the question gives you the option to go to the forum for that problem. You may want to look there!
The code in DivisibleByThreeOrFive would be slightly faster if you would state it as follows:
return ((counter % 3 == 0) || (counter % 5 == 0));
And if you do not want to rely on the compiler to inline the function call, you could do this yourself by putting this code into the Main routine.
You can come up with a closed form solution for this. The trick is to look for patterns. Try listing out the terms in the sum up to say ten, or twenty and then using algebra to group them. By making appropriate substitutions you can generalize that to numbers other than ten. Just be careful about edge cases.
Try this, in C. It's constant time, and there's only one division (two if the compiler doesn't optimize the div/mod, which it should). I'm sure it's possible to make it a bit more obvious, but this should work.
It basically divides the sum into two parts. The greater part (for N >= 15) is a simple quadratic function that divides N into exact blocks of 15. The lesser part is the last bit that doesn't fit into a block. The latter bit is messier, but there are only a few possibilities, so a LUT will solve it in no time.
const unsigned long N = 1000 - 1;
const unsigned long q = N / 15;
const unsigned long r = N % 15;
const unsigned long rc = N - r;
unsigned long sum = ((q * 105 + 15) * q) >> 1;
switch (r) {
case 3 : sum += 3 + 1*rc ; break;
case 4 : sum += 3 + 1*rc ; break;
case 5 : sum += 8 + 2*rc ; break;
case 6 : sum += 14 + 3*rc ; break;
case 7 : sum += 14 + 3*rc ; break;
case 8 : sum += 14 + 3*rc ; break;
case 9 : sum += 23 + 4*rc ; break;
case 10 : sum += 33 + 5*rc ; break;
case 11 : sum += 33 + 5*rc ; break;
case 12 : sum += 45 + 6*rc ; break;
case 13 : sum += 45 + 6*rc ; break;
case 14 : sum += 45 + 6*rc ; break;
You can do something like this:
Func<int,int> Euler = total=>
new List<int>() {3,5}
.Select(m => ((int) (total-1) / m) * m * (((int) (total-1) / m) + 1) / 2)
.Aggregate( (T, m) => T+=m);
You still have the double counting problem. I'll think about this a little more.
Here is a working (if slightly inelegant) solution in LINQ:
var li = new List<int>() { 3, 5 };
Func<int, int, int> Summation = (total, m) =>
((int) (total-1) / m) * m * (((int) (total-1) / m) + 1) / 2;
Func<int,int> Euler = total=>
.Select(m => Summation(total, m))
.Aggregate((T, m) => T+=m)
- Summation(total, li.Aggregate((T, m) => T*=m));
Can any of you guys improve on this?
Remember the summation formula for a linear progression is n(n+1)/2. In the first case where you have multiples of 3,5 < 10, you want Sum(3+6+9,5). Setting total=10, you make a sequence of the integers 1 .. (int) (total-1)/3, and then sum the sequence and multiply by 3. You can easily see that we're just setting n=(int) (total-1)/3, then using the summation formula and multiplying by 3. A little algebra gives us the formula for the Summation functor.
I like technielogys idea, here's my idea of a modification
static int Euler1 ()
int sum = 0;
for (int i=3; i<1000; i+=3)
if (i % 5 == 0) continue;
for (int i=5; i<1000; i+=5) sum+=i;
return sum;
Though also comes to mind is maybe a minor heuristic, does this make any improvement?
static int Euler1 ()
int sum = 0;
for (int i=3; i<1000; i+=3)
if (i % 5 == 0) continue;
for (int i=5; i<250; i+=5)
for (int i=250; i<500; i+=5)
return sum;
Your approach is brute force apprach, The time complexity of the following approach is O(1), Here we
are dividing the given (number-1) by 3, 5 and 15, and store in countNumOf3,countNumOf5, countNumOf15.
Now we can say that 3 will make AP, within the range of given (number-1) with difference of 3.
suppose you are given number is 16, then
3=> 3, 6, 9, 12, 15= sum1=>45
5=> 5, 10, 15 sum2=> 30
15=> 15 => sum3=15
Add sum= sum1 and sum2
Here 15 is multiple of 3 and 5 so remove sum3 form sum, this will be your answer. **sum=sum-
sum3** please check link of my solution on http://ideone.com/beXsam]
import java.util.*;
class Multiplesof3And5 {
public static void main(String [] args){
Scanner scan=new Scanner(System.in);
int num=scan.nextInt();
public static long getSum(int n){
int countNumOf3=(n-1)/3;//
int countNumOf5=(n-1)/5;
int countNumOf15=(n-1)/15;
long sum=0;
return sum;
public static int sumOfAP(int a, int n, int d){
return (n*(2*a +(n -1)*d))/2;
new List<int>{3,5}.SelectMany(n =>Enumerable.Range(1,999/n).Select(i=>i*n))
[Update] (In response to the comment asking to explain this algorothm)
This builds a flattened list of multiples for each base value (3 and 5 in this case), then removes duplicates (e.g where a multiple is divisible, in this case, by 3*5 =15) and then sums the remaining values. (Also this is easily generalisable for having more than two base values IMHO compared to any of the other solutions I have seen here.)

How do you generate a user defined amount of prime numbers?

I'm trying to generate prime numbers based on user input. This is what I have so far but I just can't seem to figure it out:
Console.Write("Please enter the number of prime numbers you would like to see:");
int numberOfPrimes = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
for (int x = 0; x < numberOfPrimes; x++)
for (int a = 2; a <= x ; ++a)
bool prime = true;
for (int b = 2; b < a; ++b)
if (a % b == 0)
prime = false;
}//end if
}//end double nested for
if (prime == true)
}//end if
}//end nested for
}//end for
You should be able to see why your results are wrong quite easily if you look at your loop structures. Step through them by hand (it won't take long).
The reason that you are getting your current results is that not every iteration of the outer loop (x < numberOfPrimes) produces a result - it will skip quite a few iterations due to the way the inner loop is structured.
What you really need to do is restructure the inner loops. Your innermost loop works fine, and should detect any prime numbers. Your second loop, however, should only test numbers that haven't yet been tested. Also, it should stop looping once you find a prime number.
You should structure your code better, it's really messy the way you do it now. Have a method IsPrime(int x) which returns true if x is prime and false otherwise.
Then, to generate numberOfPrimes primes, you can do something like this:
for ( int primeCount = 0, currentPrime = 2; primeCount < numberOfPrimes; ++currentPrime )
if ( IsPrime(currentPrime) )
// do whatever you want with currentPrime, like print it
Or use the Sieve of Eratosthenes, which is a much faster method.
To figure out if a number x is prime or not, try all of its factors between 2 and Sqrt(x). Why only Sqrt(x)? Because if a*b = x, then x / b = a and x / a = b, So you would check everything twice, and also check things you shouldn't if you went up to x / 2 or even x.
So something like this if you want to use the IsPrime(x) function:
// i <= Sqrt(x) <=> i * i <= x
for ( int i = 2; i * i <= x; ++i )
if ( x % i == 0 )
return false;
return true;
But I suggest you use the sieve of Eratosthenes, as it's much faster. You can also optimize things so you don't check even numbers, since an even number is never prime, except for 2 (both in the sieve and the naive method). Treat x = 2 as an edge case and then start checking every other number (3, 5, 7, 9, 11 etc.)
What you are looking for is called "Sieve of Eratosthenes." As I'm not into doing people's homework, this is the only clue I'm going to give you. The algorithm is easily found on the internet.
The next prime number (x) - is the number which cant be devided by all primes s, that s<=sqrt(x).
So you can use function like
public bool CheckAndAddPrime(int number,List<int> primes)
var sqrt = Math.Sqrt(number);
foreach(var prime in primes)
if(prime>sqrt) break;
if(number % prime == 0) return false;
return true;
And than you can get primes like
var primes = new List<int>();
Enumerable.Range(2,int.MaxValue).Where(x => x.CheckAndAddPrime(x,primes)).Take(YouCountOfPrimes);
var primes = Enumerable.Range(1, numberOfPrimes )
.Where(x => x != 1 &&
!Enumerable.Range2, (int)Math.Sqrt(x)).Any(y => x != y && x % y == 0));
copied from codethinked.com
static void Main(string[] args)
foreach (int no in get_first_k_primes(10))
Console.Write(" "+no.ToString() );
public static List<int> get_first_k_primes(int k)
var primes = new List<int>();
int i = 3;
while(primes.Count < k)
i += 2;
return primes;
public static bool is_prime(int n)
if (n % 2 == 0 && n != 2) return false;
int m = (int)Math.Ceiling(Math.Sqrt(n));
for (int i = 3; i < m; i += 2)
if (n % i == 0) return false;
return true;
1. Rename your variables.
Firstly, if this is homework you will get bad marks (if your teacher is worth his salt) because you have meaningless variable names (yes, even numberOfPrimes is wrong and should be named requiredNumberOfPrimes. When I see this variable I am asking myself 'Is this how many he wants, or how many he has found?').
Secondly, it will help you understand where you are going wrong. Variables should be logically named according to what they represent. If you can't explain what your variables represent (e.g. a & b) then you probably can't explain what you are doing with them.
2. Look at your loops.
for (int x = 0; x < numberOfPrimes; x++)
The structure of a for loop is (initialise; 'should I continue?'; 'each loop do this'). Therefore in your loop
You are continuing until x is equal to or great than numberOfPrimes*.
Each time you go through the loop you are adding 1 to x.
Are you sure this is what you want to do? x appears to represent the number of primes you have found. So why not increment it when you find a prime, rather than when you start a loop?
for (int a = 2; a <= x ; ++a)
for (int b = 2; b < a; ++b)
You are looking at each integer between 2 and x, inclusive. And for each of those integers a, you are looking at every integer between a and 2 inclusive. What are you going to do with these integers?
Every time you loop through your top-level loop (the x loop), you are going to start your a loop from scratch, and every time you loop through your a loop you will start your b loop from scratch.
So if x is 10, you run through a once (a=2), then you run through a again (a=2, a=3), then you run through a again (a=2, a=3, a=4), then...
3. Collect your results rather than writing them to Console.
var primes = new List<int>();
It's so easy. When you find a prime, primes.Add(a);. Then you know how many primes you have found (primes.Count), you can use the list of primes to efficiently determine the next prime, and you can use the list later on if required.
Once you do get ithe loops sorted out, you only have to check for b < sqrt(a), any higher and you would have found the other factor first.

Evenly divide in c#

In c# how do I evenly divide 100 into 7?
So the result would be
The code below is incorrect as all 7 values are set to 15 (totalling 105).
double [] vals = new double[7];
for (int i = 0; i < vals.Length; i++)
vals[i] = Math.Ceiling(100d / vals.Length);
Is there an easy way to do this in c#?
To get my suggested result of 15, 15, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14:
// This doesn't try to cope with negative numbers :)
public static IEnumerable<int> DivideEvenly(int numerator, int denominator)
int rem;
int div = Math.DivRem(numerator, denominator, out rem);
for (int i=0; i < denominator; i++)
yield return i < rem ? div+1 : div;
foreach (int i in DivideEvenly(100, 7))
Here you go:
Func<int, int, IEnumerable<int>> f = (a, b) =>
Enumerable.Range(0,a/b).Select((n) => a / b + ((a % b) <= n ? 0 : 1))
Good luck explaining it in class though :)
Since this seems to be homework, here is a hint and not the full code.
You are doing Math.Ceiling and it converts 14.28 into 15.
The algorithm is this
Divide 100 by 7, put the result in X
Get the highest even number below X and put this in Y.
Multiply Y by 7 and put the answer in Z.
Take Z away from 100.
The answer is then 6 lots of Y plus whatever the result of step 4 was.
This algorithm may only work for this specific instance.
I'm sure you can write that in C#
Not sure if this is exactly what you are after, but I would think that if you use Math.ceiling you will always end up with too big a total. Math.floor would underestimate and leave you with a difference that can be added to one of your pieces as you see fit.
For example by this method you might end up with 7 lots of 14 giving you a remainder of 2. You can then either put this 2 into one of your pieces giving you the answer you suggested, or you could split it out evenly and add get two pieces of 15 (as suggested in one of the comments)
Not sure why you are working with doubles but wanting integer division semantics.
double input = 100;
const int Buckets = 7;
double[] vals = new double[Buckets];
for (int i = 0; i < vals.Length; i++)
vals[i] = Math.Floor(input / Buckets);
double remainder = input % Buckets;
// give all of the remainder to the first value
vals[0] += remainder;
example for ints with more flexibility,
int input = 100;
const int Buckets = 7;
int [] vals = new int[Buckets];
for (int i = 0; i < vals.Length; i++)
vals[i] = input / Buckets;
int remainder = input % Buckets;
// give all of the remainder to the first value
vals[0] += remainder;
// If instead you wanted to distribute the remainder evenly,
// priority to first
for (int r = 0; r < remainder;r++)
vals[r % Buckets] += 1;
It is worth pointing out that the double example may not be numerically stable in that certain input values and bucket sizes could result in leaking fractional values.

