Cached values returned after TransactionScope.Dispose() - c#

I'm a newbie in integration tests and I'm looking for some explanation and advice about workaround of my issue:
I'm using TransactionScope in my tests to keep database clean and creating new TransactionScope before each test and dispose it after each test:
public void Init()
this.scope = new TransactionScope(
new TransactionOptions() { IsolationLevel = IsolationLevel.ReadUncommitted },
this.context = new SportsPerformanceDbContext();
this.questRepo = new QuestionRepository(this.context);
public void CleanAll()
Everything works ok when I run one test class. But when I run at least two test classes, I'm facing a problem: in this test (see below) lasrQuestionId equals the last question id from database - that's ok, but actualResultId equals the Id_of_the_last_added_question_in_tests_with_transaction_scope + 1:
public async void AddAsyncTest()
// Arrange
var questionModel = new QuestionModel
//some properties
Question lastQuestion = this.GetLastQuestion();
var lastQuestionId = lastQuestion?.Id ?? 0;
// Act
var addResult = await this.questRepo.AddAsync(questionModel);
var actualResult = addResult.Value;
// Assert
Assert.AreEqual(lastQuestionId + 1, actualResult.Id);
// some other assertions
So I have the following, e.g., lastQuestionId is 5 (5 questions in Database), but actualResult Id is 16 (because I've previously added some questions in other tests)... I assume that there is a problem with my context or scope.dispose(). I don't know where is a problem, could you explain what am I doing wrong here? Thanks in advance!
this.GetLastQuestion() code is below:
private Question GetLastQuestion()
using (var ctx = new SportsPerformanceDbContext())
return ctx.Question
.OrderByDescending(q => q.Id)

This is how SQL Server engine works:
For a given identity property with specific seed/increment, the identity values are not reused by the engine. If a particular insert statement fails or if the insert statement is rolled back then the consumed identity values are lost and will not be generated again. This can result in gaps when the subsequent identity values are generated.


Unittesting method which uses EF.Functions

I have a method that should return all projects with a modified date older than 5 years.
var projekte = await this.db.Projects.Include(x => x.ProjectStatus)
.Where(x =>
&& EF.Functions.DateDiffYear(
this.dateTimeProvider.Today) >= 5)
.ToListAsync(cancellationToken: cancellationToken);
and my unit test to cover this method:
public async Task Handle_WhenCalled_ThenReturnProjekteWithGLKenntnisnameOlderThan5Years()
var today = new DateTime(2022, 8, 1);
var projekt1 = new ProjektBuilder()
.WithProjektId(new Guid("5a38062d-1992-4110-a49f-04cdf1eb21f0"))
var projekt2 = new ProjektBuilder()
.WithProjektId(new Guid("b5deaec7-17dd-4f2e-83fe-1badd7deeadb"))
var projekt3 = new ProjektBuilder()
.WithProjektId(new Guid("a7ca47ec-e5b0-4268-8df1-da562af1acd7"))
this.AddToInMemoryContext(new[] { projekt1, projekt2, projekt3 });
this.dateTimeProviderFake.Setup(x => x.Today).Returns(today);
var result = await this.testee.Handle(new GetProjekteToArchiveQuery(), CancellationToken.None);
result.Should().BeEquivalentTo(new[] { projekt1, projekt2 });
The InMemoryDb is setup like this:
protected void InitializeInMemoryContext()
var randomAuditDatabaseName = $"{nameof(IAuditingContext)}_{Guid.NewGuid()}";
var auditOptions = new DbContextOptionsBuilder<AuditDbContext>().UseInMemoryDatabase(randomAuditDatabaseName).Options;
var auditContext = new AuditDbContext(auditOptions);
var randomDatabaseName = $"{nameof(TContextInterface)}_{Guid.NewGuid()}";
var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder<TContext>().UseInMemoryDatabase(randomDatabaseName, b => b.EnableNullChecks(false)).EnableSensitiveDataLogging().Options;
this.InMemoryContext = (TContext)Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(TContext), options);
protected int AddToInMemoryContext<TEntity>(ICollection<TEntity> entities)
foreach (var entity in entities)
return this.InMemoryContext.SaveChangesAsync().Result;
When running the unit test I get the following error:
System.InvalidOperationException: The 'DateDiffYear' method is not supported because the query has switched to client-evaluation. This usually happens when the arguments to the method cannot be translated to server. Rewrite the query to avoid client evaluation of arguments so that method can be translated to server.
at Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServerDbFunctionsExtensions.DateDiffYear(DbFunctions _, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate)
I guess it's because the DateDiffYear is specifically for the SQLServer but how can I unit test this method if this is the case?
Thanks in advance
For this case, the best approach for really testing your code is to have a docker image with an SQL Server instance. The downside of this approach is that your unit tests would have a dependency, so in your CI/CD pipelines you will also need an SQL Server instance.
When you do not depend on any specific DB function, you can use InMemory or SQLite in memory, otherwise you need to test against the real technology. This is also the recommended approach by Microsoft:
Testing EF Core Applications
Testing against your production database system

How to prevent automatic inclusion of navigation properties in unit tests

I am currently developing an app store style API which has the following entities (plus many others, but not relevant to the problem):
App (1 to many relationship to AppRevision - contains IEnumerable property)
I have come across an odd problem where the behaviour of EF differs in unit tests to when actually running the API, in that navigation properties are automatically being included when unit testing.
Take the following code snippet from my command handler:
App app = await this.context.Apps
.Include(a => a.Installations)
.FirstOrDefaultAsync(a => a.Id == command.AppId);
if (app != null) {
// Code omitted for brevity
When running the API, if I inspect app after this code has been run, the AppRevisions collection on the App entity is empty, as you would expect as I have not expliclity told EF to .Include(a => a.AppRevisions) - the API then throws an exception when trying to process code later on that needs this data to be there.
Now look at the following unit test for the same handler:
public async void Handle_ShouldAddInstallationRecord_WhenDataIsValid()
Guid testGuid = Guid.NewGuid();
CreateInstallationCommand command = new CreateInstallationCommand(testGuid, "ABC", "", null);
using (TestContext context = new TestContextFactory().CreateTestContext())
context.Apps.Add(new App() { Id = testGuid });
context.AppRevisions.Add(new AppRevision() { Id = Guid.NewGuid(), AppId = testGuid, Status = AppRevisionStatus.Approved, IsListed = true });
await context.SaveChangesAsync();
CreateInstallationCommandHandler handler = new CreateInstallationCommandHandler(context);
CommandResult result = await handler.Handle(command, new CancellationToken());
If I step through this test, when I get to the handler and inspect the app variable, the AppRevisions collection has automatically been populated. As a result, the test passes because the code that requires the AppRevisions collection to be populated can execute.
The expectation is that this test should actually fail, because I'm not telling EF to include those entities in the query.
I am using a Sqlite in memory database to create the database context for my unit tests and running .NET Core 2.2
I originally thought this was something to do with the changetracker. While disabling this does solve the immediate problem reported above, it creates a load of other problems so isn't a viable solution (and probably wouldn't be the correct one anyway)
Any suggestions gratefully received
For anyone who comes across this post in the future, the solution is as per the comments on the original question, to use separate contexts for seeding test data and getting the data later in the test:
public async void Handle_ShouldAddInstallationRecord_WhenDataIsValid()
Guid testGuid = Guid.NewGuid();
CreateInstallationCommand command = new CreateInstallationCommand(testGuid, "ABC", "", null);
using (TestContextFactory contextFactory = new TestContextFactory())
using (TestContext seedContext = contextFactory.CreateTestContext())
seedContext.Apps.Add(new App() { Id = testGuid });
seedContext.AppRevisions.Add(new AppRevision() { Id = Guid.NewGuid(), AppId = testGuid, Status = AppRevisionStatus.Approved, IsListed = true });
await seedContext.SaveChangesAsync();
using (TestContext getContext = contextFactory.CreateTestContext())
CreateInstallationCommandHandler handler = new CreateInstallationCommandHandler(getContext);
CommandResult result = await handler.Handle(command, new CancellationToken());

How do I write unit tests for ASP.NET Core controllers that actually use my Database Context?

There seems to be little information about how to write good unit tests for actual ASP.NET Core controller actions. Any guidance about how to make this work for real?
I've got a system that seems to be working pretty well right now, so I thought I'd share it and see if it doesn't help someone else out. There's a really useful article in the Entity Framework documentation that points the way. But here's how I incorporated it into an actual working application.
1. Create an ASP.NET Core Web App in your solution
There are tons of great articles out there to help you get started. The documentation for basic setup and scaffolding is very helpful. For this purpose, you'll want to create a web app with Individual User Accounts so that your ApplicationDbContext is setup to work with EntityFramework automatically.
1a. Scaffold a controller
Use the information included in the documentation to create a simple controller with basic CRUD actions.
2. Create a separate class library for your unit tests
In your solution, create a new .NET Core Library and reference your newly created web app. In my example, the model I'm using is called Company, and it uses the CompaniesController.
2a. Add the necessary packages to your test library
For this project, I use xUnit as my test runner, Moq for mocking objects, and FluentAssertions to make more meaningful assertions. Add those three libraries to your project using NuGet Package Manager and/or Console. You may need to search for them with the Show Prerelease checkbox selected.
You will also need a couple of packages to use EntityFramework's new Sqlite-InMemory database option. This is the secret sauce. Below are a list of the package names on NuGet:
Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.InMemory [emphasis added]
Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Sqlite [emphasis added]
3. Setup Your Test Fixture
Per the article I mentioned earlier, there is a simple, beautiful way to set up Sqlite to work as an in-memory, relational database which you can run your tests against.
You'll want to write your unit test methods so that each method has a new, clean copy of the database. The article above shows you how to do that on a one-off basis. Here's how I set up my fixture to be as DRY as possible.
3a. Synchronous Controller Actions
I've written the following method that allows me to write tests using the Arrange/Act/Assert model, with each stage acting as a parameter in my test. Below is the code for the method and the relevant class properties in the TestFixture that it references, and finally an example of what it looks like to call the code.
public class TestFixture {
public SqliteConnection ConnectionFactory() => new SqliteConnection("DataSource=:memory:");
public DbContextOptions<ApplicationDbContext> DbOptionsFactory(SqliteConnection connection) =>
new DbContextOptionsBuilder<ApplicationDbContext>()
public Company CompanyFactory() => new Company {Name = Guid.NewGuid().ToString()};
public void RunWithDatabase(
Action<ApplicationDbContext> arrange,
Func<ApplicationDbContext, IActionResult> act,
Action<IActionResult> assert)
var connection = ConnectionFactory();
var options = DbOptionsFactory(connection);
using (var context = new ApplicationDbContext(options))
// Arrange
using (var context = new ApplicationDbContext(options))
// Act (and pass result into assert)
var result = act.Invoke(context);
// Assert
Here's what it looks like to call the code to test the Create method on the CompaniesController (I use parameter names to help me keep my expressions straight, but you don't strictly need them):
public void Get_ReturnsAViewResult()
arrange: null,
act: context => new CompaniesController(context, _logger).Create(),
assert: result => result.Should().BeOfType<ViewResult>()
My CompaniesController class requires a logger, that I mock up with Moq and store as a variable in my TestFixture.
3b. Asynchronous Controller Actions
Of course, many of the built-in ASP.NET Core actions are asynchronous. To use this structure with those, I've written the method below:
public class TestFixture {
public async Task RunWithDatabaseAsync(
Func<ApplicationDbContext, Task> arrange,
Func<ApplicationDbContext, Task<IActionResult>> act,
Action<IActionResult> assert)
var connection = ConnectionFactory();
await connection.OpenAsync();
var options = DbOptionsFactory(connection);
using (var context = new ApplicationDbContext(options))
await context.Database.EnsureCreatedAsync();
if (arrange != null) await arrange.Invoke(context);
using (var context = new ApplicationDbContext(options))
var result = await act.Invoke(context);
It's almost exactly the same, just setup with async methods and awaiters. Below, an example of calling these methods:
public async Task Post_WhenViewModelDoesNotMatchId_ReturnsNotFound()
await _fixture.RunWithDatabaseAsync(
arrange: async context =>
await context.SaveChangesAsync();
act: async context => await new CompaniesController(context, _logger).Edit(1, CompanyFactory()),
assert: result => result.Should().BeOfType<NotFoundResult>()
3c. Async Actions with Data
Of course, sometimes you'll have to pass data back-and-forth between the stages of testing. Here's a method I wrote that allows you to do that:
public class TestFixture {
public async Task RunWithDatabaseAsync(
Func<ApplicationDbContext, Task<dynamic>> arrange,
Func<ApplicationDbContext, dynamic, Task<IActionResult>> act,
Action<IActionResult, dynamic> assert)
var connection = ConnectionFactory();
await connection.OpenAsync();
object data;
var options = DbOptionsFactory(connection);
using (var context = new ApplicationDbContext(options))
await context.Database.EnsureCreatedAsync();
data = arrange != null
? await arrange?.Invoke(context)
: null;
using (var context = new ApplicationDbContext(options))
var result = await act.Invoke(context, data);
assert.Invoke(result, data);
And, of course, an example of how I use this code:
public async Task Post_WithInvalidModel_ReturnsModelErrors()
await _fixture.RunWithDatabaseAsync(
arrange: async context =>
var data = new
Key = "Name",
Message = "Name cannot be null",
Company = CompanyFactory()
await context.SaveChangesAsync();
return data;
act: async (context, data) =>
var ctrl = new CompaniesController(context, _logger);
ctrl.ModelState.AddModelError(data.Key, data.Message);
return await ctrl.Edit(1, data.Company);
assert: (result, data) => result.As<ViewResult>()
.ViewData.ModelState.Keys.Should().Contain((string) data.Key)
I really hope this helps somebody getting on their feet with C# and the awesome new stuff in ASP.NET Core. If you have any questions, criticisms, or suggestions, please let me know! I'm still new at this, too, so any constructive feedback is invaluable to me!

Enumerator 'Update' class does not contain a definition, but only for the Unit Testing method and not when it use inside the DAL project

I'm trying to run a unit test for a Update method in a DAO (EmployeeDAO.cs) inside my DAL layer/project. Inside the EmployeeDAO.cs class, my Update method
public UpdateStatus Update(Employee emp)
UpdateStatus status = UpdateStatus.Failed;
HelpdeskRepository repo = new HelpdeskRepository(new DbContext());
DbContext ctx = new DbContext();
var builder = Builders<Employee>.Filter;
var filter = Builders<Employee>.Filter.Eq("Id", emp.Id) & Builders<Employee>.Filter.Eq("Version", emp.Version);
var update = Builders<Employee>.Update
.Set("DepartmentId", emp.DepartmentId)
.Set("Email", emp.Email)
.Set("Firstname", emp.Firstname)
.Set("Lastname", emp.Lastname)
.Set("Phoneno", emp.Phoneno)
.Set("Title", emp.Title)
.Inc("Version", 1);
var result = ctx.Employees.UpdateOne(filter, update);
status = repo.Update(emp.Id.ToString(), filter, update);
//ask how to get status to work in MatchedCount/Modified count so we don't need DbContext use
if (result.MatchedCount == 0) //if zero version didn't match
status = UpdateStatus.Stale;
else if (result.ModifiedCount == 1)
status = UpdateStatus.Ok;
status = UpdateStatus.Failed;
catch (Exception ex)
DALUtils.ErrorRoutine(ex, "EmployeeDAO", "UpdateWithRepo");
return status;
appears to work fine, with no bugs being detected by the compiler. However, when I try to do some unit testing on it in this method inside my EmployeeDAOTests.cs/UnitTestProject inside the same solution,
public void TestUpdateShouldReturnOK()
EmployeeDAO dao = new EmployeeDAO();
Employee emp = dao.GetById(eid);
emp.Phoneno = "(555)555-9999";
Assert.IsTrue(dao.Update(emp) == UpdateStatus.OK);
it tells me that
(CS0117)"'UpdateStatus' does not contain a definition for 'OK'"
, which can be seen here to quite obviously have a definition for OK that appears to be valid for use in my actual DAO:
public enum UpdateStatus
Ok = 1,
Failed = -1,
Stale = -2
And on another note, when I trade the order in which I define Ok, Failed, and Stale around, it stops causing Unit Testing errors but begins to cause DAO errors!
Very confusing, anybody have any input?
It was a small case mistake :) UpdateStatus.OK should be UpdateStatus.Ok :)

Mocking an attribute change on a parameter - using Moq

I am using Moq to mock my Repository layer so I can unit test.
My repository layer Insert methods update the Id property of my entities when a successful db insert occurs.
How do I configure moq to update the Id property of the entity when the Insert method is called?
Repository code:-
void IAccountRepository.InsertAccount(AccountEntity account);
Unit Test:-
public void MyTestInitialize()
accountRepository = new Mock<IAccountRepository>();
contactRepository = new Mock<IContactRepository>();
contractRepository = new Mock<IContractRepository>();
planRepository = new Mock<IPlanRepository>();
generator = new Mock<NumberGenerator>();
service = new ContractService(contractRepository.Object, accountRepository.Object,
planRepository.Object, contactRepository.Object, generator.Object);
public void SubmitNewContractTest()
// Setup Mock Objects
.Expect(p => p.GetPlan(1))
.Returns(new PlanEntity() { Id = 1 });
.Expect(p => p.GenerateAccountNumber())
// Not sure what to do here?
// How to mock updating the Id field for Inserts?
// Creates a correctly populated NewContractRequest instance
NewContractRequest request = CreateNewContractRequestFullyPopulated();
NewContractResponse response = service.SubmitNewContract(request);
implementation snippet from ContractService class (WCF service contract).
AccountEntity account = new AccountEntity()
AccountName = request.Contact.Name,
AccountNumber = accountNumber,
BillingMethod = BillingMethod.CreditCard,
IsInvoiceRoot = true,
BillingAddressType = BillingAddressType.Postal,
ContactId = request.Contact.Id.Value
if (account.Id == null)
I apologise if this information may be a little lacking. I only started learning moq and mocking frameworks today. ac
You can use the Callback method to mock side-effects. Something like:
.Expect(r => r.InsertAccount(account))
.Callback(() => account.ID = 1);
That's untested but it's along the right lines.
I'm not sure how that will work because account is created inside the method, so it's not the instance I'll be referring to when I set the value of ID to 1.
Perhaps there's a flaw in my design and I should be checking for ID > 0 inside the IAccountRepository.InsertAccount implementation and then returning a bool if it's ok. Though then I've a problem with inserting an account that has a related object that needs to be insterted (and an Id genereated).
I found this to be the answer to my problem
.Expect(p => p.InsertAccount(It.Is<AccountEntity>(x => x.Id == null)))
.Callback<AccountEntity>(a => a.Id = 1);

