Proper way to resolving assemblies from subfolders - c#

Here is how my application folders looks like:
+ App.exe
+ App.exe.config
+ Plugin1 (folder)
+ Plugin1.dll
+ SomeDll.dll
So main application App.exe looking for plugins folder and load {PluginName}.dll into memory to run it. This plugin usually uses it's own dependant assemblies which must be loaded (like SomeDll.dll). It appears that it make serious troubles sometimes. I receive exception that for example dependant assembly of dependant assembly cannot be found and I don't know why.
For example, My plugin must load lots of additional dlls becouse plugin runs OwinSelfHost service.
So it must load for example:
and when load Microsoft.Owin.Hosting then throw exception that cannot load Microsoft.Owin
Exception looks like:
Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.Owin, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35' or one of it's dependencies. File not found.

I wrote this method to resolve assemblies. It is tweaked to fit my needs.
It basically hooks a AssemblyResolve event to the current application domain to retrieve an requested assembly from a list of directories.
There is no easy way to find where the assembly file that match the namespace to resolve, except by loading an assembly file and check to which namespace it belongs to.
Plus, it discards some unwanted assemblies (like serializers, resources...) and detects dlls or exes that are not .NET assemblies.
A better approach would consist in using the Global Assembly Cache, but we want our plugins to be fully moveable. So here it is.
public static class AssemblyResolver
internal static void Hook(params string[] folders)
AppDomain.CurrentDomain.AssemblyResolve += (sender, args) =>
// Check if the requested assembly is part of the loaded assemblies
var loadedAssembly = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies().FirstOrDefault(a => a.FullName == args.Name);
if (loadedAssembly != null)
return loadedAssembly;
// This resolver is called when an loaded control tries to load a generated XmlSerializer - We need to discard it.
var n = new AssemblyName(args.Name);
if (n.Name.EndsWith(".xmlserializers", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
return null;
if (n.Name.EndsWith(".resources", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
return null;
string assy = null;
// Find the corresponding assembly file
foreach (var dir in folders)
assy = new[] { "*.dll", "*.exe" }.SelectMany(g => Directory.EnumerateFiles(dir, g)).FirstOrDefault(f =>
try { return n.Name.Equals(AssemblyName.GetAssemblyName(f).Name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase); }
catch (BadImageFormatException) { return false; /* Bypass assembly is not a .net exe */ }
catch (Exception ex) { throw new ApplicationException("Error loading assembly " + f, ex); }
if (assy != null)
return Assembly.LoadFrom(assy);
throw new ApplicationException("Assembly " + args.Name + " not found");
Here is how it works:
AssemblyResolver.Hook("\Plugins", "\CommonReferences");
Everytime some assemblies needs to be resolved, it will get the one that is loaded in memory, otherwise it will search in any given folders.

You can use "AssemblyResolve Event" (Method 3):


"Could not load file or assembly" when the referenced dll file is in the loaded assemblies [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Could not load file or assembly error on GetTypes method
(1 answer)
Closed 1 year ago.
The structure of my solution is as follows:
I got 2 projects. Independent of each other at compile time (no cross references). The second one is a class library that is loaded at runtime from the first one.
That library has its own dll dependencies, which I guess is what causes the exception thrown when I'm trying to do execute code using these dlls. I supposed that these referenced dlls are probably not loaded at runtime, except from the class library dll. Therefore, I added some code to load the referenced assemblies before executing any code of the loaded assembly.
To my surprise the "problematic" dll is already included in the loaded assemblies when the following code is executed, its location is correct, but the error still occurs and I have no idea how to further troubleshoot the issue.
Any help is highly appreciated.
Assembly a = Assembly.LoadFile(Path.GetFullPath(filename));
//Try to find the type the derived plugin class
foreach (Type t in a.GetTypes())
if (t.IsSubclassOf(typeof(PluginBase)))
Console.WriteLine("Plugin class detected! {0}", t.Name);
//Get Referenced Assemblies
AssemblyName[] l = a.GetReferencedAssemblies()
//Get Loaded Assemblies
var loadedAssemblies = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies();
foreach (AssemblyName a2 in l)
var asm = loadedAssemblies.FirstOrDefault(a => a.FullName == a2.FullName);
if (asm == null)
Assembly test = null;
//First try to load using the assembly name just in case its a system dll
test = Assembly.Load(a2);
//Try to load the assemly from the plugin directory
if (test == null)
test = Assembly.LoadFrom(Path.Join(a.Location, a2.Name + ".dll"));
Callbacks.Log($"Unable to load assembly {a2.Name}", LogVerbosityLevel.WARNING);
if (test != null)
Callbacks.Log($"Loaded Assembly {a2.Name}", LogVerbosityLevel.WARNING);
object c = Activator.CreateInstance(t, new object[] { this });
Plugins[Path.GetFileName(filename)] = c as PluginBase;
//Call Dll initializers
t.GetMethod("OnLoad").Invoke(c, new object[] { });
catch (Exception ex)
Log("Error during loading of plugin " + filename, LogVerbosityLevel.INFO);
Log("Exception type " + ex.Data, LogVerbosityLevel.INFO);
Aight, I think I figured it out. So before the reason why I saw the referenced assemblies loaded was because I iteratively loaded them by browsing in a dll folder that contains the class library + its references. The main problem is that I am so stupid that I forgot to load them to the AppDomain calling AppDomain.CurrentDomain.Load(assemblyname). However when I did try to fix that I realized that trying to just fetch the related AssemblyName object does not work. I get the same FileNotFoundException.
What fixed the issue was to use Assembly.LoadFrom instead of Assembly.LoadFile. I read through the documentation that it states that LoadFile treats the loaded assemblies differently regardless if they are exactly the same dll file just in different location. In my case there is only a single path that I tried to load the assembly from, but I guess that LoadFile also differentiates the loaded assemblies in this case as well. However, I am still not sure why trying to use an AssemblyName coming from LoadFile crashes compared to what comes out of LoadFrom. I would expect that they would be identical...
I also added a failsafe mechanism to try and load only the desired dll files. I just expect that all dlls that will be loaded will be prepended with a text identifier. So at first the desired dll is loaded and before invoking any code, its references are loaded using the AssemblyName object or the actual path if the first fails.
Everything seems to be running nicely till now so hopefully this solves it.
foreach (string filename in Directory.GetFiles("Plugins"))
if (!filename.EndsWith(("dll")))
if (!Path.GetFileName(filename).StartsWith(("Test")))
var loadedAssemblies = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies();
//Load Assembly
Assembly a = Assembly.LoadFrom(Path.GetFullPath(filename));
//Try to find the type the derived plugin class
foreach (Type t in a.GetTypes())
if (t.IsSubclassOf(typeof(PluginBase)))
Console.WriteLine("Plugin class detected! {0}", t.Name);
//Load Referenced Assemblies
AssemblyName[] l = a.GetReferencedAssemblies();
loadedAssemblies = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies();
foreach (AssemblyName a2 in l)
var asm = loadedAssemblies.FirstOrDefault(a => a.FullName == a2.FullName);
if (asm == null)
Assembly test = null;
//First try to load using the assembly name just in case its a system dll
test = Assembly.Load(a2);
catch (FileNotFoundException ex)
Callbacks.Log($"Unable to load assembly {a2.Name}, Looking in plugin directory...", LogVerbosityLevel.WARNING);
test = Assembly.LoadFrom(Path.Join(Path.GetDirectoryName(a.Location), a2.Name + ".dll"));
} catch (Exception ex2)
Callbacks.Log($"Unable to load assembly {a2.Name}, Error: {ex2.Message}", LogVerbosityLevel.WARNING);
if (test != null)
Callbacks.Log($"Loaded Assembly {a2.Name}", LogVerbosityLevel.WARNING);
object c = Activator.CreateInstance(t, new object[] { this });
Plugins[Path.GetFileName(filename)] = c as PluginBase;
//Call Dll initializers
t.GetMethod("OnLoad").Invoke(c, new object[] { });
catch (Exception ex)
Log("Error during loading of plugin " + filename, LogVerbosityLevel.INFO);
Log("Exception type " + ex.Data, LogVerbosityLevel.INFO);

.NET: Custom assembly resolution failing when loading resources

I have a project which needs to load extra assemblies dynamically at runtime for reflection purposes. I need custom code because the path to the DLLs is not known by the framework. This code works fine with normal DLLs, they load fine and I can reflect over them. However, when I attempt to load types which statically uses embedded resources (i.e. a resx) this code fails.
Without my custom assembly resolution code this works fine. Here is my assembly resolution code:
static Assembly CurrentDomain_AssemblyResolve(object sender, ResolveEventArgs args)
bool isName;
string path = GetAssemblyLoadInfo(args, out isName);
return isName ? Assembly.Load(path) : Assembly.LoadFrom(path);
static string GetAssemblyLoadInfo(ResolveEventArgs args, out bool isAssemblyName)
isAssemblyName = false;
var assemblyName = new AssemblyName(args.Name);
string path = String.Concat(new FileInfo(DllPath).Directory, "\\", assemblyName.Name, ".dll");
if (File.Exists(path))
return path;
if (path.EndsWith(".resources.dll"))
path = path.Replace(".resources.dll", ".dll");
if (File.Exists(path)) return path;
var assemblyLocation = AssemblyLocations.FirstOrDefault(al => al.Name.FullName == assemblyName.FullName);
if (null == assemblyLocation)
isAssemblyName = true;
return args.Name;
return assemblyLocation.Location;
Here is a link to a project which recreates the entire issue:
Once you download the project, you first need to build TestLibrary, and then run ConsoleApp4. It should work fine and write the string "This is the value of the resource" to the console, which comes from the resx file. However, uncomment line 23 in Program.cs and run it again and it will fail with an exception, which indicates that it failed to load the embedded resources.
The solution in this question solved my issue:
AppDomain.CurrentDomain.AssemblyResolve asking for a <AppName>.resources assembly?
Basically, add the following code to the assembly being loaded:
[assembly: NeutralResourcesLanguage("en-GB", UltimateResourceFallbackLocation.MainAssembly)]

Assembly Loading in .NET Core

Using VS2017 RC, .NET Core
I am trying to load an assembly from a file.
The dependencies of this assembly are in the same folder.
I am using AssemblyLoadContext.Default.LoadFromAssemblyPath.
I realize LoadFromAssemblyPath exclusively loads the requested assembly, ignoring its dependencies; any attempt to iterate through the assembly types fails with a System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException.
LoaderExceptions contains a list of System.IO.FileNotFoundException.
I'm curious as to why this is the case, since all the required files are in the same folder.
I also tried to load all *.dll files in a folder, but some surprisingly fail with a System.IO.FileLoadException.
What am I doing wrong?
Edit: I wouldn't want to rely on the .deps file (thus ruling out DependencyContext). Is it possible?
Well what works for me is to register a handle with the Resolving event and load required assemblies on demand when LoadFromAssemblyPath needs dependencies. Be aware that this my solution from hours of trial and error, so it might not be the most ideal way. It works for me by now though. Here's my code:
AssemblyLoadContext.Default.Resolving += (context, name) =>
// avoid loading *.resources dlls, because of:
if (name.Name.EndsWith("resources"))
return null;
var dependencies = DependencyContext.Default.RuntimeLibraries;
foreach (var library in dependencies)
if (IsCandidateLibrary(library, name))
return context.LoadFromAssemblyName(new AssemblyName(library.Name));
var foundDlls = Directory.GetFileSystemEntries(new FileInfo(<YOUR_PATH_HERE>).FullName, name.Name + ".dll", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
if (foundDlls.Any())
return context.LoadFromAssemblyPath(foundDlls[0]);
return context.LoadFromAssemblyName(name);
private static bool IsCandidateLibrary(RuntimeLibrary library, AssemblyName assemblyName)
return (library.Name == (assemblyName.Name))
|| (library.Dependencies.Any(d => d.Name.StartsWith(assemblyName.Name)));
The IsCandidateLibrary() bit originates from there:
I think you could omit this and the whole DependencyContext part, but it acts as a cache and avoids reloading the same assemblies over and over again. So i kept it.
There is a great enhancement in .Net Core 3.0+, wire AssemblyLoadContext.Default.Resolving event as given below and all dependencies will be resolved and loaded:
AssemblyLoadContext.Default.Resolving += (context, name) => {
string assemblyPath = $"{pluginFolder}\\{name.Name}.dll";
if (assemblyPath != null)
return context.LoadFromAssemblyPath(assemblyPath);
return null;
Remember to define the variabe pluginFolder
You can use the AssemblyDependencyResolver class and resolve dependendencies including ones in .deps.json:
var resolver = new AssemblyDependencyResolver(pluginPath);
AssemblyLoadContext.Default.Resolving += (context, name) => {
string assemblyPath = resolver.ResolveAssemblyToPath(name);
if (assemblyPath != null)
return context.LoadFromAssemblyPath(assemblyPath);
return null;

to refer .net dll from different folder than the exe directory

I have a structure:-
\bin\debug\abc.exe and
Now I need to refer xyz.dll so as to run my abc.exe. I tried with "probing" tag in app.config but in that case the possibility was only when I had 'Libs' folder in 'debug' folder i.e. where .exe is present. But I want to come 2 folders out from .exe and then go into \Libs\win32 to refer to .dll . Please suggest me what should I do.
One option is handling AssemblyResolve event, every time .NET couldn't find required assembly in current path, it will trigger AssemblyResolve event:
// Execute in startup
AppDomain.CurrentDomain.AssemblyResolve += CurrentDomainOnAssemblyResolve;
private Assembly CurrentDomainOnAssemblyResolve(object sender, ResolveEventArgs args)
string RESOURCES = ".resources";
/* Extract assembly name */
string[] sections = args.Name.Split(new char[] { ',' });
if (sections.Length == 0) return null;
string assemblyName = sections[0];
/* If assembly name contains ".resource", you don't need to load it*/
if (assemblyName.Length >= RESOURCES.Length &&
assemblyName.LastIndexOf(RESOURCES) == assemblyName.Length - RESOURCES.Length)
return null;
/* Load assembly to current domain (also you can use simple way to load) */
string assemblyFullPath = "..//..//Libs//" + assemblyName;
FileStream io = new FileStream(assemblyNameWithExtension, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
if (io == null) return null;
BinaryReader binaryReader = new BinaryReader(io);
Assembly assembly = Assembly.Load(binaryReader.ReadBytes((int)io.Length));
return assembly;
catch(Exception ex)
*Another option is loading all of your required assemblies to current domain at your project start-up.
You use ..\ in the file path to move up a directory.
So if you're in \bin\debug\abc.exe then your reference to \Libs\win32\xyz.dll would be
This should only be necessary when building your projects, when it's built if your executable is referencing the dll correctly it only needs to be put in the same folder as the dll.
Unless of course you're using dllimport or something where you need to know the exact path of the dll during runtime.

Reflection not working on assembly that is loaded using Assembly.LoadFrom

I have a library that contains some reflection code which inspects an Asp.Net's primary assembly, any referenced assemblies and does cool stuff. I'm trying to get the same exact code to execute in a console application while still reflecting on an Asp.Net's assemblies and I'm seeing odd results. I've got everything wired up and the code executes, however the reflection code returns false when I know it should be returning true as I'm stepping through it in the debugger.. It's driving me nuts and I can't figure out why reflection is exhibiting different behavior when running from the console app.
Here's a perfect example of some reflection code that gets all of the types that are area registrations in an Asp.Net application (type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(System.Web.Mvc.AreaRegistration))). This returns true for several types when executing in the app domain of an Asp.Net application, however it returns false for those same types when executed under the console application, but still reflecting on those same Asp.Net types.
I've also tried using the Assembly.ReflectionOnlyLoadFrom method but even after writing all the code to manually resolve referenced assemblies the reflection code shown below returns false on types that it should be returning true for.
What can I try to make this work?
public static Assembly EntryAssembly { get; set; } // this is set during runtime if within the Asp.Net domain and set manually when called from the console application.
public CodeGenerator(string entryAssemblyPath = null)
if (entryAssemblyPath == null) // running under the Asp.Net domain
EntryAssembly = GetWebEntryAssembly(); // get the Asp.Net main assembly
// manually load the assembly into the domain via a file path
// e:\inetpub\wwwroot\myAspNetMVCApp\bin\myApp.dll
EntryAssembly = Assembly.LoadFrom(entryAssemblyPath);
var areas = GetAreaRegistrations(); // returns zero results under console app domain
... code ...
private static List<Type> GetAreaRegistrations()
return EntryAssembly.GetTypes().Where(type => type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(System.Web.Mvc.AreaRegistration)) && type.IsPublic).ToList();
This has to do with the assembly context in which LoadFrom loads assemblies. Dependencies loaded during LoadFrom will not be used when resolving "regular" assemblies in the Load context.
The same appies the ReflectionOnly overloads, which load into the ReflectionOnly context.
For detailed information see, and Avoid Assembly.LoadFrom; instead use Assembly.Load for an issue with LoadFrom similar to yours.
When I ran into this issue I switched to using Load and demanded "plugin" assemblies to be in the same path as the executable; I don't know if there are tricks to make things work if the assemblies are in different paths.
Ok, after a lot of debugging I've got this working! It turned out that my library project was compiling against Asp.Net MVC 4.0 even though Nuget and the properties window claimed 5.1. Nuget/MS fail again. The Asp.Net MVC application that my library is reflecting on is using MVC 5.1 so when the Assembly.LoadFrom and the AssemblyResolve event ran it was loading two versions of System.Web.Mvc.dll into the LoadFrom context (4.0 & 5.1) and this caused the IsSubclassOf() method to return false when the expected result should have been true.
The very odd error I mentioned in the comments above while debugging: The type 'System.Web.Mvc.AreaRegistration' exists in both 'System.Web.Mvc.dll' and 'System.Web.Mvc.dll' now makes sense, but only after the fact.
The way I finally tracked this down was by writing out all of the assemblies that AssemblyResolve was called upon to resolve and noticed that System.Web.Mvc.dll was not in the list. I fired up the Assembly Binding Log Viewer and was clearly able to see that System.Web.Mvc.dll was being loaded twice.
In retrospect, one should just skip all the custom logging and just use the Assembly Binding Log Viewer to verify only one of each assembly is being loaded and that it's the correct version your expecting.
Figuring out how to use AssemblyResolve properly was a nightmare so here is my unfinished, but working code for posterity.
public class CodeGenerator
public static string BaseDirectory { get; set; }
public static string BinDirectory { get; set; }
static CodeGenerator()
BinDirectory = "bin";
// setting this in a static constructor is best practice
AppDomain.CurrentDomain.AssemblyResolve += CurrentDomain_AssemblyResolve;
public CodeGenerator(string entryAssemblyPath = null, string baseDirectory = null, string binDirectory = null)
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(baseDirectory))
BaseDirectory = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory;
BaseDirectory = baseDirectory;
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(binDirectory) == false)
BinDirectory = binDirectory;
if (entryAssemblyPath == null) // running under the Asp.Net domain
EntryAssembly = GetWebEntryAssembly(); // get the Asp.Net main assembly
// manually load the assembly into the domain via a file path
// e:\inetpub\wwwroot\myAspNetMVCApp\bin\myApp.dll
EntryAssembly = Assembly.LoadFrom(entryAssemblyPath);
var areas = GetAreaRegistrations(); // reflect away!
... code ...
static Assembly CurrentDomain_AssemblyResolve(object sender, ResolveEventArgs args)
if (args == null || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(args.Name))
Logger.WriteLine("cannot determine assembly name!", Logger.LogType.Debug);
return null;
AssemblyName assemblyNameToLookFor = new AssemblyName(args.Name);
Logger.WriteLine("FullName is {0}", Logger.LogType.Debug, assemblyNameToLookFor.FullName);
// don't load the same assembly twice!
var domainAssemblies = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies();
var skipLoading = false;
foreach (var dAssembly in domainAssemblies)
if (dAssembly.FullName.Equals(assemblyNameToLookFor.FullName))
skipLoading = true;
Logger.WriteLine("skipping {0} because its already loaded into the domain", Logger.LogType.Error, assemblyNameToLookFor.FullName);
if (skipLoading == false)
var requestedFilePath = Path.Combine(Path.Combine(BaseDirectory, BinDirectory), assemblyNameToLookFor.Name + ".dll");
Logger.WriteLine("looking for {0}...", Logger.LogType.Warning, requestedFilePath);
if (File.Exists(requestedFilePath))
Assembly assembly = Assembly.LoadFrom(requestedFilePath);
if (assembly != null)
Logger.WriteLine("loaded {0} successfully!", Logger.LogType.Success, requestedFilePath);
// todo: write an else to handle load failure and search various probe paths in a loop
return assembly;
catch (FileNotFoundException)
Logger.WriteLine("failed to load {0}", Logger.LogType.Error, requestedFilePath);
// ugh, hard-coding, but I need to get on with the real programming for now
var refedAssembliesPath = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ProgramFilesX86), #"Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework\.NETFramework\v4.5.1");
requestedFilePath = Path.Combine(refedAssembliesPath, assemblyNameToLookFor.Name + ".dll");
Logger.WriteLine("looking for {0}...", Logger.LogType.Warning, requestedFilePath);
Assembly assembly = Assembly.LoadFrom(requestedFilePath);
if (assembly != null)
Logger.WriteLine("loaded {0} successfully!", Logger.LogType.Success, requestedFilePath);
// todo: write an else to handle load failure and search various probe paths in a loop
return assembly;
catch (FileNotFoundException)
Logger.WriteLine("failed to load {0}", Logger.LogType.Error, requestedFilePath);
catch (Exception e)
Logger.WriteLine("exception {0}", Logger.LogType.Error, e.Message);
return null;

