Can the same application be both publisher/subscriber with NServiceBus? - c#

I am new at messaging architectures, so I might be going at this the wrong way. But I wanted to introduce NServiceBus slowly in my team by solving a tiny problem.
Appointments in Agenda's have states. Two users could be looking at the same appointment in the same agenda, in the same application. They start this application via a Remote session on a central server. So if user 1 updates the state of the appointment, I'd like user 2 to see the new state 'real time'.
To simulate this or make a proof of concept if you will, I made a new console application. Via NuGet I got both NServiceBus and NServiceBus.Host, because as I understood from the documentation I need both. And I know in production code it is not recommended to put everything in the same assembly, but the publisher and subscriber will most likely end up in the same assembly though...
In class Program method Main I wrote the following code:
BusConfiguration configuration = new BusConfiguration();
configuration.TimeToWaitBeforeTriggeringCriticalErrorOnTimeoutOutages(new TimeSpan(1, 0, 0));
ConventionsBuilder conventions = configuration.Conventions();
conventions.DefiningEventsAs(t => t.Namespace != null
&& t.Namespace.Contains("Events"));
using (IStartableBus bus = Bus.Create(configuration))
Console.WriteLine("Press key");
bus.Publish<Events.AppointmentStateChanged>(a =>
a.AppointmentID = 1;
a.NewState = "New state";
Console.WriteLine("Event published.");
In class EndPointConfig method Customize I added:
ConventionsBuilder conventions = configuration.Conventions();
conventions.DefiningEventsAs(t => t.Namespace != null
&& t.Namespace.Contains("Events"));
AppointmentStateChanged is a simple class in the Events folder like so:
public class AppointmentStateChanged: IEvent {
public int AppointmentID { get; set; }
public string NewState { get; set; }
AppointmentStateChangedHandler is the event handler:
public class AppointmentStateChangedHandler : IHandleMessages<Events.AppointmentStateChanged> {
public void Handle(Events.AppointmentStateChanged message) {
Console.WriteLine("AppointmentID: {0}, changed to state: {1}",
If I start up one console app everything works fine. I see the handler handle the event. But if I try to start up a second console app it crashes with: System.Messaging.MessageQueueException (Timeout for the requested operation has expired). So i must be doing something wrong and makes me second guess that I don't understand something on a higher level. Could anyone point me in the right direction please?
Everthing is in the namespace AgendaUpdates, except for the event class which is in the AgendaUpdates.Events namespace.
Update 2
Steps taken:
Copied AgendaUpdates solution (to AgendaUpdates2 folder)
In the copy I changed MessageEndpointMappings in App.Config the EndPoint attribute to "AgendaUpdates2"
I got MSMQ exception: "the queue does not exist or you do not have sufficient permissions to perform the operation"
In the copy I added this line of code to EndPointConfig: configuration.EndpointName("AgendaUpdates2");
I got MSMQ exception: "the queue does not exist or you do not have sufficient permissions to perform the operation"
In the copy I added this line of code to the Main methodin the Program class:
Got original exception again after pressing key.
--> I tested it by starting 2 visual studio's with the original and the copied solution. And then start both console apps in the IDE.

I'm not exactly sure why you are getting that specific exception, but I can explain why what you are trying to do fails. The problem is not having publisher and subscriber in the same application (this is possible and can be useful); the problem is that you are running two instances of the same application on the same machine.
NServiceBus relies on queuing technology (MSMQ in your case), and for everything to work properly each application needs to have its own unique queue. When you fire up two identical instances, both are trying to share the same queue.
There are a few things you can tinker with to get your scenario to work and to better understand how the queuing works:
Change the EndPointName of your second instance
Run the second instance on a separate machine
Separate the publisher and subscriber into separate processes
Regardless of which way you go, you will need to adjust your MessageEndpointMappings (on the consumer/subscriber) to reflect where the host/publisher queue lives (the "owner" of the message type):
Edit based on your updates
I know this is a test setup/proof of concept, but it's still useful to think of these two deployments (of the same code) as publisher/host and subscriber/client. So let's call the original the host and the copy the client. I assume you don't want to have each subscribe to the other (at least for this basic test).
Also, make sure you are running both IDEs as Administrator on your machine. I'm not sure if this is interfering or not.
In the copy I changed MessageEndpointMappings in App.Config the EndPoint attribute to "AgendaUpdates2" I got MSMQ exception: "the queue does not exist or you do not have sufficient permissions to perform the operation"
Since the copy is the client, you want to point its mapping to the host. So this should be "AgendaUpdates" (omit the "2").
In the copy I added this line of code to EndPointConfig: configuration.EndpointName("AgendaUpdates2"); I got MSMQ exception: "the queue does not exist or you do not have sufficient permissions to perform the operation"
In the copy I added this line of code to the Main methodin the Program class: configuration.EndpointName("AgendaUpdates2"); Got original exception again after pressing key
I did not originally notice this, but you don't need to configure the endpoint twice. I believe your EndPointConfig is not getting called, as it is only used when hosting via the NSB host executable. You can likely just delete this class.
This otherwise sounds reasonable, but remember that your copy should not be publishing if its the subscriber, so don't press any keys after it starts (only press keys in the original).

If you want to publisher to also be the receiver of the message, you want to specify this in configuration.
This is clearly explained in this article, where the solution to your problem is completely at the end of the article.


MassTransit Activity Fault with parameters

I am currently using Masstransit in with the Courier pattern.
I´ve set up an Activity which may fail, and I want to be able to subscribe to this failure and act accordingly.
My problem is, even though I can subscribe to the failure, and even see the exception that caused the failure, I am unable to pass any arguments to it.
For testing purposes, supose I have the following activity:
public class MyActivity : ExecuteActivity<MyMessage>
public Task<ExecutionResult> Execute(ExecuteContext<MyMessage> context)
// .... some code
throw new FaultException<RegistrationRefusedData>(
new RegistrationRefusedData(RegistrationRefusedReason.ItemUnavailable));
// .... some code
catch (Exception ex)
return Task.FromResult(context.Faulted(ex));
The problem is in the reason (RegistrationRefusedReason) I am passing as a argument of the exception. If I subscribe a RoutingSlipActivityFaulted consumer, I can almost get all the information I need:
public class ActivityFaultedConsumer : IMessageConsumer<RoutingSlipActivityFaulted>
public void Consume(RoutingSlipActivityFaulted message)
string exceptionMessage = message.ExceptionInfo.Message; // OK
string messageType = message.ExceptionInfo.ExceptionType; // OK
RegistrationRefusedReason reason = ??????;
I feel like I am missing something important here, (maybe misusing the pattern?).
Is there any other way to get parameters from a faulted activity ?
So, the case you're describing isn't a Fault. It's a failure to meet a business condition. In this case, you wouldn't want to retry the transaction, you'd want to terminate it. To notify the initiator of the routing slip, you'd Publish a business event signifying that the transaction was not completed due to the business condition.
For instance, in your case, you may do something like:
context.Publish<RegistrationRefused>(new {
CustomerId = xxx,
ItemId = xxxx,
Reason = "Item was unavailable"
This would terminate the routing slip (the subsequent activities would not be executed), and produce a RoutingSlipTerminated event.
That's the proper way to end a routing slip due to a business condition or rule. Exceptions are for exceptional behavior only, since you'll likely want to retry them to handle the failure.
Kinda raising this from the dead, but I really haven't found a neat solution to this.
Here is my scenario:
I want to implement a request/response, but I want to wait for the execution of a routing slip.
As Fabio, I want to compensate for any previous activities and I want to pass data back to the request client in case of a fault.
Conveniently, Chris provided a RoutingSlipRequestProxy/RoutingSlipResponseProxy which does just that. I've found 2 approaches, but both of them seem very hacky to me.
Approach 1:
The request client waits for ISimpleResponse or ISimpleFailResponse.
RoutingSlipRequestProxy sets the ResponseAddress in the variables.
The activity sends ISimpleFailResponse to the ResponseAddress.
The client waits for either response
The RoutingSlipResponseProxy sends back Fault<ISimpleResponse> to the ResponseAddress.
From what I see the hackiness comes from step 4/5 and their order. I am pretty sure it works, but it could easily stop working in case messages are consumed out-of-order.
Sample code:
Approach 2:
The request client waits for ISimpleResponse or ISimpleFailResponse.
The activity calls ReviseItirery with the variables and adds a faulty activity.*
The faulty activity faults
The RoutingSlipResponseProxy2 get the ValidationErrors and sends back ISimpleFailResponse to the ResponseAddress.
* The activity needs to be Activity and not ExecuteActivity because there is no overload of ReviseItinerary with variables but with no activity log.
This approach seems hacky because an additional fault activity is added to the itinerary, just to be able to add a variable to the routing slip.
Sample code:
Looking at MassTransit code, it doesn't seem like a problem to add a FaultedWithVariables overload. However, I think Chris' point is that there should be a better way to design the workflow, but I am not sure about that.

How to force stop a different Android service from my app?

First of all, let me say that I know that is is bad practice, not good, probably not allowed (technically) etc, etc, etc... to force stop another service from my app.
However, there ARE some use cases to warrant this need. In my case, for example, there is a 3rd party service that is installed by my app because of my reference to it ("it" is a barcode scanning SDK). The SDK states that I must call method to something called
I have observed that this call will either start the service or grab the instance to it if it is already running.
Furthermore, there are some calls that have to be done during onStop and onDestroy of my app which effectively will stop this third party service.
All that said, I have seen cases where this service gets stuck in a weird state. I have no control over the code (and bugs) in this package. Yes, I have reached out to them but have been unsuccessful so far to get them to fix the root cause. When it is stuck in this state, I can see it in the list of running services (and sometimes it is listed in the cached ones) but when my app calls to GetScannerService, it throws an exception that basically states the service cannot be started...but it already is.
So, when this happens, if I manually to the running services list and find it (again, sometimes it is in cached) and click force stop, this will fix things and my app works as expected again...until it happens again that is.
So, I want and need to have my app control this service. The thought is on startup, when I do the first call to GetScannerService, if it returns the exception, I will basically force stop it so that I can then call again and have it started. In other words, I want to automate the force stop function.
I know technically this is not allowed but I have also read that there are ways to do it, even if you don't have root.
So far, I can get the list of all running services and I can see the service in question in my list. Which means I also have access to a lot of information about the running service. But, what I have tried does not work. I have tried to KillBackgroundProcesses but it did not work, the service is still in the list.
Here is what I have tried so far:
private void Button_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
var am = (ActivityManager)this.Application.ApplicationContext.GetSystemService(Context.ActivityService);
var taskList = am.GetRunningServices(serviceListLimit);
List<string> serviceNames = new List<string>();
foreach(var t in taskList)
var adapter = new ArrayAdapter<string>(this, Android.Resource.Layout.SimpleListItem1, serviceNames);
services.Adapter = adapter;
if (serviceNames.Contains(emdkServiceName))
testKillService(am, emdkClass);
private void testKillService(ActivityManager am, Class emdkClass)
So, I can list them and see it in the list as well as grab details about the item in the list. Anybody know how I can force stop it?
You can use the Process class:
void killProcess (int pid)
You can get the "pid" from the ActivityManager.RunningAppProcessInfo.

Azure Cloud Service role instances - auto-scaling - Changing event not firing

I got a Cloud Service deployment with 4 worker roles, one of which got auto-scaling enabled. As soon as auto-scaling occurs, all instances of all roles are recycling.
Ideally, I'd like to stop the roles from recycling or at least terminate the work of all other roles in a controlled way.
I found out, that you can react to the RoleEnvironment.Changing event and cancel it to request a graceful shutdown (i.e. make OnStop being called). However, by adding tracing output to the Changing event handler, I noticed that the Changing event was obviously not even fired, so the cancellation was not being registered either.
private void RoleEnvironmentChanging(object sender, RoleEnvironmentChangingEventArgs e)
// This tracing output does not show up in the logs table.
Trace.TraceInformation("RoleEnvironmentChanging event fired.");
if ((e.Changes.Any(change => change is RoleEnvironmentConfigurationSettingChange)))
// This one neither.
Trace.TraceInformation("One of the changes is a RoleEnvironmentConfigurationSettingChange. Cancelling..");
e.Cancel = true;
if ((e.Changes.Any(change => change is RoleEnvironmentTopologyChange)))
// This one neither.
Trace.TraceInformation("One of the changes is a RoleEnvironmentTopologyChange. Cancelling.");
e.Cancel = true;
public override bool OnStart()
// Hook up to the changing event to prevent roles from unnecessarily restarting.
RoleEnvironment.Changing += RoleEnvironmentChanging;
// Set the maximum number of concurrent connections
ServicePointManager.DefaultConnectionLimit = 12;
bool result = base.OnStart();
return result;
Also adding an internal endpoint to each role did not bring the change. Here the configuration from the .csdef:
<WorkerRole name="MyRole" vmsize="Medium">
<InternalEndpoint name="Endpoint1" protocol="http" />
Also changing the protocol to "any" wasn't successful.
How can I stop my role instances from recycling after a scaling operation?
» Included code snippets
» Fixed typos
Did you try one of the following?
Check whether the event is being fired in the instances of role which is auto-scaling (to make sure its not a problem with the internal endpoint)
Do a complete re-deployment (instead of update).
Add a short Thread.Sleep() after the Tracing output in the event handler (sometimes the role is being shut down before the trace output can be registered)
Do a change in one of the configs via the management portal (and check whether event is being triggered)
Check whether the other events (for instance RoleEnvironment.Changed) are being fired
Wow, over 2 years w/o a real answer here. Too bad.
My experience with the topic is:
set e.Cancel to false if your instance is able to work after and while scaling without needed to be reconfigured.
if (e.Changes.Any(change => change is RoleEnvironmentConfigurationSettingChange)){
Trace.WriteLine("with recycle");
e.Cancel = true;
else {
Trace.WriteLine("without recycle");
e.Cancel = false;
Maybe you want to set Trace.AutoFlush = true at OnStart.
Role Environment Methods and Events
There are five main places where you can write code to respond to environment changes. Two of these, OnStart and OnStop, are methods on the RoleEntryPoint class which you can override in your main role class (which is called WebRole or WorkerRole by default). The other three are events on the RoleEnvironment class which you can subscribe to: Changing, Changed and Stopping.
The purpose of these methods is pretty clear from their names:
OnStart gets called when the instance is first started.
Changing gets called when something about the role environment is about to change.
Changed gets called when something about the role environment has just been changed.
Stopping gets called when the instance is about to be stopped.
OnStop gets called when the instance is being stopped.
In all cases, there’s nothing your code can do to prevent the corresponding action from occurring, but you can respond to it in any way you wish. In the case of the Changing event, you can also choose whether the instance should be recycled to deal with the configuration change by setting e.Cancel = true.
Why aren’t Changing and Changed firing in my application?
When I first started exploring this topic, I observed the following unusual behaviour in both the Windows Azure Compute Emulator (previously known as the Development Fabric) and in the cloud:
The Changing and Changed events did not fire on any instance when I made configuration changes.
RoleEnvironment.CurrentRoleInstance.Role.Instances.Count always returned 1, even when there were many instances in the role.
It turns out that this is the expected behaviour when a role has in no internal endpoints defined, as documented in this MSDN article. So the solution is simply to define an internal endpoint in your ServiceDefinition.csdef file like this:
<InternalEndpoint name=”InternalEndpoint1″ protocol=”http” />
Which Events Fire Where and When?
Even though the names of the events seem pretty self-explanatory, the exact behaviour when scaling deployments up and down is not necessarily what you might expect. The following diagram shows which events fire in an example scenario containing a single role. 2 instances are deployed initially, the deployment is then scaled to 4 instances, then back down to 3, and finally the deployment is stopped.
taken from

Completed Event not triggering for web service on some systems

This is rather weird issue that I am facing with by WCF/Silverlight application. I am using a WCF to get data from a database for my Silverlight application and the completed event is not triggering for method in WCF on some systems. I have checked the called method executes properly has returns the values. I have checked via Fiddler and it clearly shows that response has the returned values as well. However the completed event is not getting triggered. Moreover in few of the systems, everything is fine and I am able to process the returned value in the completed method.
Any thoughts or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I have tried searching around the web but without any luck :(
Following is the code.. Calling the method..
void RFCDeploy_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
btnSelectFile.IsEnabled = true;
btnUploadFile.IsEnabled = false;
btnSelectFile.Click += new RoutedEventHandler(btnSelectFile_Click);
btnUploadFile.Click += new RoutedEventHandler(btnUploadFile_Click);
RFCChangeDataGrid.KeyDown += new KeyEventHandler(RFCChangeDataGrid_KeyDown);
btnAddRFCManually.Click += new RoutedEventHandler(btnAddRFCManually_Click);
ServiceReference1.DataService1Client ws = new BEVDashBoard.ServiceReference1.DataService1Client();
ws.GetRFCChangeCompleted += new EventHandler<BEVDashBoard.ServiceReference1.GetRFCChangeCompletedEventArgs>(ws_GetRFCChangeCompleted);
this.BusyIndicator1.IsBusy = true;
Completed Event....
void ws_GetRFCChangeCompleted(object sender, BEVDashBoard.ServiceReference1.GetRFCChangeCompletedEventArgs e)
PagedCollectionView view = new PagedCollectionView(e.Result);
view.GroupDescriptions.Add(new PropertyGroupDescription("RFC"));
RFCChangeDataGrid.ItemsSource = view;
foreach (CollectionViewGroup group in view.Groups)
RFCChangeDataGrid.CollapseRowGroup(group, true);
this.BusyIndicator1.IsBusy = false;
Please note that this WCF has lots of other method as well and all of them are working fine.... I have problem with only this method...
As others have noted, a look at some of your code would help. But some things to check:
(1) Turn off "Enable Just My Code" under Debug/Options/Debugging/General, and set some breakpoints in the Reference.cs file, to see whether any of the low-level callback methods there are getting hit.
(2) Confirm that you're setting the completed event handlers, and on the right instance of the proxy client. If you're setting the event handlers on one instance, and making the call on another, that could result in the behavior you're describing.
(3) Poke around with MS Service Trace Viewer, as described here, and see if there are any obvious errors (usually helpfully highlighted in red).
Likely there are other things you could check, but this will keep you busy for a day or so :-).
(Edits made after code posted)
(4) You might want to try defining your ws variable at the class level rather than the function. In theory, having an event-handler defined on it means that it won't get garbage collected, but it's still a little odd, in that once you're out of the function, you don't have a handle to it anymore, and hence can't do important things like, say, closing it.
(5) If you haven't already, try rebuilding your proxy class through the Add Service Reference dialog box in Visual Studio. I've seen the occasional odd problem pop up when the web service has changed subtly and the client wasn't updated to reflect the changes: some methods will get called successfully, others won't.
(6) If you're likely to have multiple instances of a proxy client open at the same time, consider merging them into one instance (and use the optional "object userState" parameter of the method call to pass the callback, so you don't run into the nasty possibility of multiple event handlers getting assigned). I've run into nasty problems in the past when multiple instances were stepping on each other, and my current best practice is to structure my code in such a way that there's only ever one client instance open at a time. I know that's not necessarily what MS says, but it's been my experience.
This issue is because of special characters in one of the fields returned from DB which browser was not able to render. After considerable debug n search over the web, was able to find this out. Used Regular expressions to remove these special characters in WCF, the new returned values from the method was successfully rendered in various browsers on different system. :)
Make sure you have checked 'Generate asynchronous operations' in your service reference. Right-click on the service reference and check the box. This solved it for me.

A question about making a C# class persistent during a file load

Apologies for the indescriptive title, however it's the best I could think of for the moment.
Basically, I've written a singleton class that loads files into a database. These files are typically large, and take hours to process. What I am looking for is to make a method where I can have this class running, and be able to call methods from within it, even if it's calling class is shut down.
The singleton class is simple. It starts a thread that loads the file into the database, while having methods to report on the current status. In a nutshell it's al little like this:
public sealed class BulkFileLoader {
static BulkFileLoader instance = null;
int currentCount = 0;
public static BulkFileLoader Instance
// Instanciate the instance class if necessary, and return it
public void Go() {
// kick of 'ProcessFile' thread
public void GetCurrentCount() {
return currentCount;
private void ProcessFile() {
while (more rows in the import file) {
// insert the row into the database
The idea is that you can get an instance of BulkFileLoader to execute, which will process a file to load, while at any time you can get realtime updates on the number of rows its done so far using the GetCurrentCount() method.
This works fine, except the calling class needs to stay open the whole time for the processing to continue. As soon as I stop the calling class, the BulkFileLoader instance is removed, and it stops processing the file. What I am after is a solution where it will continue to run independently, regardless of what happens to the calling class.
I then tried another approach. I created a simple console application that kicks off the BulkFileLoader, and then wrapped it around as a process. This fixes one problem, since now when I kick off the process, the file will continue to load even if I close the class that called the process. However, now the problem I have is that cannot get updates on the current count, since if I try and get the instance of BulkFileLoader (which, as mentioned before is a singleton), it creates a new instance, rather than returning the instance that is currently in the executing process. It would appear that singletons don't extend into the scope of other processes running on the machine.
In the end, I want to be able to kick off the BulkFileLoader, and at any time be able to find out how many rows it's processed. However, that is even if I close the application I used to start it.
Can anyone see a solution to my problem?
You could create a Windows Service which will expose, say, a WCF endpoint which will be its API. Through this API you'll be able to query services' status and add more files for processing.
You should make your "Bulk Uploader" a service, and have your other processes speak to it via IPC.
You need a service because your upload takes hours. And it sounds like you'd like it to run unattended if necessary,, and you'd like it to be detached from the calling thread. That's what services do well.
You need some form of Inter-Process Communication because you'd like to send information between processes.
For communicating with your service see NetNamedPipeBinding
You can then send "Job Start" and "Job Status" commands and queries whenever you feel like to your background service.

