SQLCLR custom aggregate with datetime parameter - c#

I have post a question about CLR User-Defined Aggregates few month ago on this post.
This works great with int. But now I would like to do the same functions with a datetime parameter.
But I can't get work.
Like this, the code won't work... The problem is on the read function who generate this error on sql server :
System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Les graduations doivent être comprises entre DateTime.MinValue.Ticks et DateTime.MaxValue.Ticks.
Nom du paramètre : ticks
à System.DateTime..ctor(Int64 ticks)
à sMaxDatetime.Read(BinaryReader reader)
So I tried to convert my sql Datetime into ticks, with this, but it'not working eather. I have a OverflowException on the conversion to datetime.
I have found this post, and it's appear that I can't map my datetime to the BinaryReader...
So I running out of ideas to do my aggregate...
Have you a idea to do this ?
Here is the actual code :
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Data.SqlTypes;
using System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader;
using System.Globalization;
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Server;
using System.Text;
using System.Collections;
using System.IO;
IsInvariantToOrder = true,
IsInvariantToNulls = true,
IsInvariantToDuplicates = true,
MaxByteSize = -1)]
public struct sMaxDatetime : IBinarySerialize
#region Helpers
private struct MyData
public string Data { get; set; }
public DateTime? Group { get; set; }
public int CompareTo(MyData other)
if (Group == null)
return other.Group == null ? 0 : -1;
if (other.Group == null)
return 1;
return Group.Value.CompareTo(other.Group.Value);
public static bool operator < (MyData left, MyData right)
return left.CompareTo(right) == -1;
public static bool operator > (MyData left, MyData right)
return left.CompareTo(right) == 1;
private MyData _maxItem;
public void Init()
_maxItem = default(MyData);
public void Accumulate(SqlString data, SqlDateTime group)
if (!data.IsNull && !group.IsNull)
var current = new MyData
Data = data.Value,
Group = group.Value,
if (current > _maxItem)
_maxItem = current;
public void Merge(sMaxDatetime other)
if (other._maxItem > _maxItem)
_maxItem = other._maxItem;
public SqlString Terminate()
return _maxItem.Data;
public void Read(BinaryReader reader)
//if (reader.ReadBoolean())
_maxItem.Data = reader.ReadString();
_maxItem.Group = new DateTime(reader.ReadInt64());
// _maxItem = default(MyData);
public void Write(BinaryWriter writer)
if (_maxItem.Group.HasValue)
PS : I have this related post with sql_variant unclosed who could do the tricks but I can't get to work eather.

I think you're working too hard with a custom struct to hold the datetime and name. Here's what I came up with:
using System;
using System.Data.SqlTypes;
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Server;
using System.IO;
[SqlUserDefinedAggregate(Format.UserDefined, Name = "sMaxDatetime", MaxByteSize = -1)]
public struct SO33215409 : IBinarySerialize
private SqlString _data;
private SqlDateTime _latest;
public void Init()
_data = SqlString.Null;
_latest = SqlDateTime.MinValue;
public void Accumulate(SqlString data, SqlDateTime dt)
if (dt > _latest)
_data = data;
_latest = dt;
public void Merge (SO33215409 Group)
if (Group._latest > _latest)
_data = Group._data;
_latest = Group._latest;
public SqlString Terminate ()
return _data;
public void Write (BinaryWriter w)
if (_data.IsNull == false)
if (_latest.IsNull == false)
public void Read(BinaryReader r)
bool dataIsNull = r.ReadBoolean();
bool latestIsNull = r.ReadBoolean();
if (dataIsNull)
_data = SqlString.Null;
_data = r.ReadString();
if (latestIsNull)
_latest = SqlDateTime.Null;
DateTime d = new DateTime(r.ReadInt64());
_latest = new SqlDateTime( d );
And the SQL to exercise it:
WITH cte AS (
('Manager' , 'emp 1' , dateadd(year, -35, getdate())),
('Manager' , 'emp 2' , dateadd(year, -42, getdate())),
('Developer' , 'emp 3' , dateadd(year, -36, getdate())),
('Developer' , 'emp 4' , dateadd(year, -45, getdate())),
('Developer' , 'emp 5' , dateadd(year, -22, getdate()))
) AS x([Type], [Name], [DOB])
SELECT [Type], dbo.[sMaxDatetime]([Name], [DOB])
FROM cte


C# System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array. But when I check it manualy it is within bounds of the array

My problem is probably stupid, but I can't figure out the solution by myself, so I hope someone here can help me.
I am trying to make a dll file for hosting a server on the localhost. I thought I did everything right, but I receive this error:
System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array.
at minihttpc.Requests.HttpRequest.ParseHeaders(String[] requestLine) in C:\Users\deqnb\OneDrive\minihttpc\minihttpc\Requests\HttpRequest.cs:line 87
at minihttpc.Requests.HttpRequest.ParseRequest(String requestString) in C:\Users\deqnb\OneDrive\minihttpc\minihttpc\Requests\HttpRequest.cs:line 44
at minihttpc.Requests.HttpRequest..ctor(String requestString) in C:\Users\deqnb\OneDrive\minihttpc\minihttpc\Requests\HttpRequest.cs:line 21
at MiniServerHTTP.WebServer.ConnectionHandler.ReadRequest() in C:\Users\deqnb\OneDrive\minihttpc\MiniServerHTTP.WebServer\ConnectionHandler.cs:line 80
at MiniServerHTTP.WebServer.ConnectionHandler.ProcessRequest() in C:\Users\deqnb\OneDrive\minihttpc\MiniServerHTTP.WebServer\ConnectionHandler.cs:line 28
Here is my code - HttpRequest.cs:
using minihttpc.Common.CoreValidator;
using minihttpc.Common.GlobalConstants;
using minihttpc.Headers;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace minihttpc.Requests
public class HttpRequest:IHttpRequest
public HttpRequest(string requestString)
CoreValidator.ThrowIfNullOrEmpty(requestString, nameof(requestString));
this.FormData = new Dictionary<string, object>();
this.QueryData = new Dictionary<string, object>();
this.Headers = new HttpHeaderCollection();
public string Path { get; private set; }
public string Url { get; private set; }
public Dictionary<string,object>FormData { get; }
public Dictionary<string, object> QueryData { get; }
public IHttpHeaderCollection Headers { get; private set; }
public HttpRequestMethod RequestMethod { get; private set; }
public void ParseRequest(string requestString)
string[] splitRequestContent = requestString.Split(new[] {
GlobalConstants.HttpNewLine }, StringSplitOptions.None);
string[] requestLine = splitRequestContent[0].Trim().Split(new[]
{ ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
if (!this.IsValidReqiestLine(requestLine))
throw new BadRequestException();
this.ParseRequestParameters(splitRequestContent[splitRequestContent.Length - 1]);
bool IsValidRequestLine(string[] requestLine)
if (requestLine.Count() != 3 && requestLine[2] != "HTTP/1.1")
return false;
return true;
void ParseRequestMethod(string[] requestLine)
switch (requestLine[0])
case "GET": RequestMethod = HttpRequestMethod.Get; break;
case "POST": RequestMethod = HttpRequestMethod.Post; break;
case "PUT": RequestMethod = HttpRequestMethod.Put; break;
case "DELETE": RequestMethod = HttpRequestMethod.Delete; break;
void ParseRequestUrl(string [] requestLine)
this.Url = requestLine[1];
void ParseRequestPath()
this.Path = this.Url.Split("?").Take(1).First().ToString();
void ParseHeaders(string [] requestLine)
foreach(var line in requestLine)
Console.WriteLine(line); //a lot of info about the req
if (line == GlobalConstants.HttpNewLine) break;
string[] header = line.Split(' ').ToArray();
Headers.AddHeader(new HttpHeader(header[0],
header[1]));//seems fine //line 87
if (Headers.ContainsHeader("host"))
throw new BadRequestException();
void ParseRequestQueryParameters()
if (!(this.Url.Split('?').Length > 1)) return;
this.Url.Split('?', '#')[1].Split('&').Select(plainQueryParameter =>
plainQueryParameter.Split());//not finished !!!!
void ParseFormDataParameters(string formData)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(formData))
formData.Split('&').Select(plainQueryParameter =>
plainQueryParameter.Split('=')).ToList().ForEach(queryParameterKeyValue =>
void ParseRequestParameters(string formData)//not being called
using minihttpc.Common.CoreValidator;
using minihttpc.Requests;
using MiniServerHTTP.WebServer.Results;
using MiniServerHTTP.WebServer.Routing;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace MiniServerHTTP.WebServer
public class ConnectionHandler
private readonly Socket client;
private readonly IServerRoutingTable table;
public ConnectionHandler(Socket client, IServerRoutingTable table)
CoreValidator.ThrowIfNull(client, nameof(client));
CoreValidator.ThrowIfNull(client, nameof(client));
this.client = client;
this.table = table;
public async Task ProcessRequest()
var httpRequest = await this.ReadRequest();
if (httpRequest != null)
Console.WriteLine($"Processing: {httpRequest.RequestMethod} {httpRequest.Path}...");
var httpResponse = this.HandleRequest((IHttpRequest)httpRequest);
catch (BadRequestException e)//400
this.ProcessResponse(new TextResult(e.ToString(),
catch (Exception e)//500
this.ProcessResponse(new TextResult(e.ToString(),
private async Task ProcessResponse(IHttpResponse httpResponse)
byte[] byteSegments = httpResponse.GetBytes();
await this.client.SendAsync(byteSegments, SocketFlags.None);
private IHttpResponse HandleRequest(IHttpRequest httpRequest)
return new TextResult($"Route with method {httpRequest.RequestMethod} and path \"{httpRequest.Path}\"not found.",
return this.table.Get(httpRequest.RequestMethod,
private async Task<HttpRequest> ReadRequest()
var result = new StringBuilder();
var data = new ArraySegment<byte>(new byte[1024]);
while (true)
int numberOfBytes = await this.client.ReceiveAsync(data.Array, SocketFlags.None);
if (numberOfBytes == 0) break;
var bytesAsString = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(data.Array, 0,
if (numberOfBytes < 1023) break;
if (result.Length == 0)
return null;
return new HttpRequest(result.ToString());
When I check the parameters manually and variables in minihttpc.Requests.HttpRequest.ParseHeaders(), everything seems fine. I can't get where the problem is.
string[] header = line.Split(' ').ToArray();
Headers.AddHeader(new HttpHeader(header[0], header[1]));
I can pretty much guarantee you're running into a line that doesn't have a space in it. Maybe there's a line that's empty, for example. That wouldn't be obvious from the Console.WriteLine() that you're doing, because empty lines are kind of invisible.

LINQ query for DateTime ranges overlapping in collection items

In the following case, the method CanUnloadAll checks if there are no overlap in the unloading times, considering all trucks.
The current scenario, should returns TRUE but it is returning FALSE.
What's wrong with the logic in the LINQ query?
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
public class UnloadingTime
public DateTime Start { get; private set; }
public DateTime End { get; private set; }
public UnloadingTime(DateTime start, DateTime end)
this.Start = start;
this.End = end;
public static class UnloadingTrucks
public static bool CanUnloadAll(IEnumerable<UnloadingTime> unloadingTimes)
return unloadingTimes.Any(
TruckA => unloadingTimes.Any(
TruckB => TruckB != TruckA &&
TruckA.Start.Date >= TruckB.End.Date ||
TruckB.Start.Date >= TruckA.End.Date
public static void Main(string[] args)
var format = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.DateTimeFormat;
UnloadingTime[] unloadingTimes = new UnloadingTime[]
new UnloadingTime(DateTime.Parse("3/4/2019 19:00", format), DateTime.Parse("3/4/2019 20:30", format)),
new UnloadingTime(DateTime.Parse("3/4/2019 22:10", format), DateTime.Parse("3/4/2019 22:30", format)),
new UnloadingTime(DateTime.Parse("3/4/2019 22:40", format), DateTime.Parse("3/4/2019 23:00", format))
To make it easier, I am using .NET Fiddle.
public static bool CanUnloadAll(IEnumerable<UnloadingTime> unloadingTimes)
bool hasOverlap = unloadingTimes.Any(
TruckA => unloadingTimes.Any(
TruckB => TruckB != TruckA &&
TruckA.Start >= TruckB.End ||
TruckB.Start >= TruckA.End
return !hasOverlap;
You are using the DateTime.Date property, which is the date component without the time part. You must use the DateTime:
bool flag = TruckA.Start >= TruckB.End || TruckB.Start >= TruckA.End

How could I get the List Value which contains KeyValuePair in C#?

I want to find and element in List which is KeyValuePair and can't figure out how to get through the "
Cannot apply operator == to operands of type
" error. When I change the method to _adjacencyMatrix.FindIndex(from.GetNumer()) then I get "
Argument int is not assignable to parameter type 'System
" Then when I change the method to _adjacencyMatrix.IndexOf(MakePair(from,to)) then I get the "
Argument type'System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair' is not
assignable to parameter type 'System.Collections.Generic.List
" error. I don't know what I can do about it. Do you guys have any ideas? I'm new to C# although I've worked in C++. I attach the code below. There probably should be number instead of numer but I don't want to change it in my code.
using System.Windows.Documents;
namespace GPS
public class Vertex
private int _numer;
public Vertex(int numer)
this._numer = numer;
public void Deconstruct()
public int GetNumer()
return this._numer;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using GPS;
namespace GPS
public class Edge
private float _distance;
private KeyValuePair<Vertex, Vertex> _fromTo;
public Edge(float distance, KeyValuePair<Vertex, Vertex> fromTo)
this._distance = distance;
this._fromTo = fromTo;
public KeyValuePair<Vertex, Vertex> GetFromTo()
return _fromTo;
public float GetDistance()
return _distance;
public void SetDistance(float distance)
this._distance = distance;
public void Deconstruct()
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net.Configuration;
using System.Windows.Documents;
using GPS;
namespace GPS
public class Graph
private int _vertexNumber;
private List _egdesMatrix;
private List<List<Vertex>> _adjacencyMatrix;
public Graf(int vertexNumber)
this._vertexNumber = vertexNumber;
this._egdesMatrix = new List();
this._adjacencyMatrix = new List<List<Vertex>>();
public void Deconstruct()
public List GetEgdesMatrix()
return _egdesMatrix;
public bool IsOutOfRange(Vertex from, Vertex to)
return from.GetNumer() < 0 || to.GetNumer() < 0 ||
from.GetNumer() >= _vertexNumber || to.GetNumer() >= _iloscWierzcholkow;
private KeyValuePair<Vertex, Vertex> MakePair(Vertex from, Vertex to)
return new KeyValuePair<Vertex, Vertex>(from, to);
public bool IsThereAnEdge(Vertex from, Vertex to)
if (IsOutOfRange(from, to) != false) return false;
for (var i = 0; i < _vertexNumber; i++)
if (_adjacencyMatrix[from.GetNumer()]==to) ;
return true;
return false;
//list.Find(item => item > 20);
public void DodajKrawedz(Vertex from, Vertex to, float odleglosc)
if (IsOutOfRange(from, to) == false && IsThereAnEdge(from, to) == false)
_egdesMatrix.Add(MakePair(from, to));
That's because _adjacencyMatrix is of type List<List<Vertex>>.
So when accessing _adjacencyMatrix[from.GetNumer()] you get List<Vertex> and it can not be compared to Vertex.
Update #1
Ok, according to your comment, if you want to search matrix and find KeyValuePair that mathes two Vertexes, you can do it like this:
var edgesMatrix = new List<KeyValuePair<Vertex, Vertex>>();
var from = new Vertex(1);
var to = new Vertex(2);
var pairsFromMatrix = edgesMatrix
.Where(em => em.Key == from && em.Value == to);

Xceed.Words.NET DocX - Add document to Maindocument and reset Numbered lists to 1

Good day,
I try that when I connect two documents, the numbered lists are reset. As in the example below.
I use the Xceed.Words.NET DocX libary.
In this Sample, the Template is :
Test Header
1) <-This should be one
And the Result is:
Test Header
1) <-This should be one
Test Header
2) <-This should be one
Test Header
3) <-This should be one
With the following code I am able to create the lists with similar formatting, but the formatting does not match 100%. Does anyone have any idea which way to try otherwise?
Note the number of existing paragraphs and call the function to reset the list after inserting the document.
/// <summary>
/// Insert complete WordFile
/// </summary>
/// <param name="wordFile"></param>
public void InsertWordTemplate(IWordFile wordFile, bool InsertPageBreak)
if (wordFile != null && wordFile.IsFileOk)
int pargraphCount = Document.Paragraphs.Count - 1;
// NotNeeded for this Problem wordFile.RemoveStyles();
// NotNeeded for this Problem RemoveHeaderAndFooter(wordFile);
// NotNeeded for this Problem ReplaceSectionBreak(InsertPageBreak, pargraphCount);
logger.Info("Word file inserted: " + wordFile.File.FullName);
logger.Warn("Word file is not okay - will not be inserted: " + wordFile?.File?.FullName);
In the Word document, three different names are used in a list, only from the 4th level is worked with a level. For other Word templates they are called different.
private void ResetNumberedList(int pargraphCount)
string styleName1 = "ListNumbers";
string styleName2 = "PIgeordneteListe2Ebene";
string styleName3 = "PIgeordneteListe3Ebene";
NumberedListReset numberedListReset = new NumberedListReset(Document, styleName1, styleName2, styleName3);
bool OnlyFirstFoundList = true;
numberedListReset.Reset(pargraphCount, OnlyFirstFoundList);
Below is the helper class with which I try to reset the numbering. I do this by myself
I notice the formatting of the individual list items, create new lists, fill them with the old values, set the styles correctly again and then insert everything into old place.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Xml.Linq;
using Xceed.Document.NET;
using Xceed.Words.NET;
namespace PIB.Report.DataWriter.WordExport
public class NumberedListReset
private readonly DocX _Document;
private readonly string _StyleName1;
private readonly string _StyleName2;
private readonly string _StyleName3;
public NumberedListReset(DocX Document, string StyleName1, string StyleName2, string StyleName3)
_Document = Document;
_StyleName1 = StyleName1;
_StyleName2 = StyleName2;
_StyleName3 = StyleName3;
public void Reset(int StartParagraphNumber, bool OnlyFirstFinding)
for (int i = StartParagraphNumber; i < _Document.Paragraphs.Count; i++)
var paragraph = _Document.Paragraphs[i];
if (paragraph.IsListItem == true && paragraph.ListItemType == ListItemType.Numbered && paragraph.StyleName == _StyleName1)
//int? numId = GetNumId(paragraph);
//if (numId != -1)
ResetFoundList(ref i);
if (OnlyFirstFinding == true)
private void ResetFoundList(ref int ParagraphCounter)
List<ParagraphMemorize> ParagraphMemorizes = CreateMemorizeListItems(ParagraphCounter);
if (ParagraphMemorizes.Count != 0)
List numberedList = CreateNewDocumentList();
FillDocumentList(ParagraphMemorizes, numberedList);
List<Paragraph> actualListData = numberedList.Items;
ResetSyleNames(ParagraphMemorizes, actualListData);
InsertNewParagraphsToDocument(ParagraphCounter, actualListData);
ParagraphCounter += ParagraphMemorizes.Count;
private List<ParagraphMemorize> CreateMemorizeListItems(int ParagraphCounter)
List<ParagraphMemorize> ParagraphMemorizes = new List<ParagraphMemorize>();
for (int ii = ParagraphCounter; ii < _Document.Paragraphs.Count; ii++)
var paragraph = _Document.Paragraphs[ii];
if (!NameIsKnown(paragraph.StyleName))
ParagraphMemorize paragraphMemorize = new ParagraphMemorize(paragraph);
paragraphMemorize.ListLevel = GetListLevel(paragraph);
return ParagraphMemorizes;
private void RemoveOldParagraphsFromDocument(List<ParagraphMemorize> ParagraphMemorizes)
ParagraphMemorizes.ForEach(m => _Document.RemoveParagraph(m.Paragraph));
private List CreateNewDocumentList()
return _Document.AddList(startNumber: 1);
private void FillDocumentList(List<ParagraphMemorize> ParagraphMemorizes, List numberedList)
for (var ii = 0; ii < ParagraphMemorizes.Count; ii++)
//numberedList.AddItem(ParagraphMemorizes[ii].Paragraph); //Raised an Error
ParagraphMemorize paragraphMemorize = ParagraphMemorizes[ii];
int listLevel = GetListLevel(paragraphMemorize);
_Document.AddListItem(numberedList, paragraphMemorize.Text, listLevel);
private static void ResetSyleNames(List<ParagraphMemorize> ParagraphMemorizes, List<Paragraph> actualListData)
for (int ii = 0; ii < actualListData.Count; ii++)
actualListData[ii].StyleName = ParagraphMemorizes[ii].StyleName;
private void InsertNewParagraphsToDocument(int i, List<Paragraph> actualListData)
Paragraph paragraph = _Document.Paragraphs[i];
for (int ii = 0; ii < actualListData.Count; ii++)
private bool NameIsKnown(string Name)
return Name == _StyleName1 | Name == _StyleName2 | Name == _StyleName3;
private int GetListLevel(ParagraphMemorize paragraphMemorize)
if (paragraphMemorize.StyleName == _StyleName1)
return 0;
else if (paragraphMemorize.StyleName == _StyleName2)
return 1;
else if (paragraphMemorize.StyleName == _StyleName3)
return (int)paragraphMemorize.ListLevel;
return 0;
private int? GetNumId(Paragraph paragraph)
var numIds = paragraph.ParagraphNumberProperties.Descendants().Where(e => e.Name.LocalName.Equals("numId"));
foreach (var numId in numIds)
XNamespace nsW = Namespace.WordNamespace;
var values = numId.Attributes(XName.Get("val", nsW.ToString()));
foreach (var value in values)
int resultId = 0;
int.TryParse(value.Value, out resultId);
return resultId;
return null;
private int? GetListLevel(Paragraph paragraph)
var numIds = paragraph.ParagraphNumberProperties.Descendants().Where(e => e.Name.LocalName.Equals("ilvl"));
foreach (var numId in numIds)
XNamespace nsW = Namespace.WordNamespace;
var values = numId.Attributes(XName.Get("val", nsW.ToString()));
foreach (var value in values)
int resultId = 0;
int.TryParse(value.Value, out resultId);
return resultId;
return null;
private class ParagraphMemorize
public Paragraph Paragraph { get; set; }
public string Text { get; set; }
public string StyleName { get; set; }
public int? ListLevel { get; set; }
public ParagraphMemorize(Paragraph Paragraph)
this.Paragraph = Paragraph;
this.Text = Paragraph.Text;
this.StyleName = Paragraph.StyleName;

the binary expression cannot be converted to a predicate expression in LINQ

I want to get the week number of a certain given DateTime.
public static int WeekOf(DateTime? date)
if (date.HasValue)
GregorianCalendar gCalendar = new GregorianCalendar();
int WeekNumber = gCalendar.GetWeekOfYear(date.Value, CalendarWeekRule.FirstFourDayWeek, DayOfWeek.Monday);
return WeekNumber;
return 0;
And then I use the above method in:
public static List<ExpressionListDictionary> MyMethod(int weeknr)
using (DataAccessAdapter adapter = CreateAdapter())
LinqMetaData meta = new LinqMetaData(adapter);
var q = (from i in meta.Test
where WeekOf(i.StartDate) == weeknr
select new ExpressionListDictionary()
{"SomeId", i.Id}
return q.ToList();
And finally:
List<ExpressionListDictionary> someIDs = MyMethod(weeknr);
/* weeknr = 19 -> step by step debugging */
Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.
Exception Details: SD.LLBLGen.Pro.ORMSupportClasses.ORMQueryConstructionException: The binary expression '(WeekOf(Convert(EntityField(LPLA_1.StartDate AS StartDate))) == 19)' can't be converted to a predicate expression.
I do get the title error at return q.ToList(); . How can I achieve this?
I haven't ever used the LLBLGen library/framework... But probably this is the same problem that happens with Entity Framework/LINQ-to-SQL: you can't put in a query C# methods: the query must be executed by your db server, not locally, and your db server doesn't know how to execute C# code. So the problem would be in the
**WeekOf(i.StartDate)** == weeknr part of code (that is the only BinaryExpression of your query)
The exception you have posted is quite clear that the point of the error is the one that I have suggested. Then the reason is probably the one I gave you.
Taken from https://www.llblgen.com/tinyforum/Messages.aspx?ThreadID=22861
If you are using SQL Server, that supports DATEPART(isowk, ...) (or if you have MySQL, that supports WEEK(...))
public class SQLFunctionMappings : FunctionMappingStore
public SQLFunctionMappings()
Add(new FunctionMapping(
"DATEPART(isowk, {0})") // For SQL Server
// "WEEK({0}, 1)") For MySQL
public class SQLFunctions
public static int? WeekOf(DateTime? date)
return null;
and then you would use it like:
Where there is the row with LinqMetaData meta = new LinqMetaData(adapter), add:
meta.CustomFunctionMappings = new SQLFunctionMappings();
and change the where:
where SQLFunctions.WeekOf(i.StartDate) == weeknr
Here there is the list of the functions already mapped by llblgen, and how to map other functions.
you can try to Make the method you have WeekOf takes string instead of Datetime?
public static int WeekOf(String dateAsString)
//if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dateAsString))
if (!dateAsString.equals(string.empty))
GregorianCalendar gCalendar = new GregorianCalendar();
int WeekNumber = gCalendar.GetWeekOfYear(date.Value, CalendarWeekRule.FirstFourDayWeek, DayOfWeek.Monday);
return WeekNumber;
return 0;
And then you use the above below in:
public static List<ExpressionListDictionary> MyMethod(int weeknr)
using (DataAccessAdapter adapter = CreateAdapter())
LinqMetaData meta = new LinqMetaData(adapter);
var q = (from i in meta.Test
where i.startDate != null && WeekOf(i.StartDate.tostring()) == weeknr
select new ExpressionListDictionary()
{"SomeId", i.Id}
return q.ToList();
Try something like this
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Globalization;
namespace ConsoleApplication1
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
public static int WeekOf(DateTime? date)
if (date.HasValue)
GregorianCalendar gCalendar = new GregorianCalendar();
int WeekNumber = gCalendar.GetWeekOfYear(date.Value, CalendarWeekRule.FirstFourDayWeek, DayOfWeek.Monday);
return WeekNumber;
return 0;
public static List<ExpressionListDictionary> MyMethod(int weeknr)
using (DataAccessAdapter adapter = CreateAdapter())
LinqMetaData meta = new LinqMetaData(adapter);
List<ExpressionListDictionary> q = (from i in meta.Test
where WeekOf(i.StartDate) == weeknr
select new ExpressionListDictionary()
Id = "SomeId"
return q;
public static DataAccessAdapter CreateAdapter()
return new DataAccessAdapter();
public class ExpressionListDictionary
public string Id { get; set; }
public class LinqMetaData
public List<LinqMetaData> Test {get;set;}
public DateTime StartDate {get;set;}
public int Id { get; set; }
public LinqMetaData(DataAccessAdapter adapter)
public class DataAccessAdapter : IDisposable
public void Dispose()

