How to write .jpeg into a specific cell in Excel - c#

At the moment I get data from an Excel File and generate a QrCode out of it. Then I save it as a file (.jpeg). But I need to write the QrCode into a specific cell of the same Excel file.
Is there any way to do that?

Check out this answer:
You'll need to use ClosedXML fork
Another option is to use OpenXML (low-level access to an excel file)


C# EPPlus cannot Read Excel Spreadsheet

I am trying to read the data in an .xlsx workbook.
EPPlus is successfully reading the Workbook without any errors. The problem is the Worksheets inside the workbook.
EPPlus seems to not read the worksheets. See screenshot below.
enter image description here
I opened the Workbook that I want to read and found out that all the Cell formats are in "Custom".
enter image description here
I tried to change the cell formats manually to "General" and EPPlus successfully reads the Worksheets.
enter image description here
The thing is that the excel file is coming from a downloaded file via Selenium UI automation. And since this is an automation, I do not want to have a manual intervention wherein I will have to change the cell format to "General" every time I run my auto scripts.
Do you guys know any workarounds / other libraries that can read excel worksheets with cell format as "Custom"?
BTW, I am using EPPlus version

How to retrieve the excel file data without Interop?

Can anyone suggest me an approach to retrieve the excel file details (Alternative of Interop)?
I want to track user working excel file details (like workbook name, sheet name, formula present in the sheet/workbook, Macro value.)
If the Excel file is an OpenXML file (XLSX or similar extensions), you could simply read it using Packaging in .NET. You have to extract all data yourself then, which is quite some work. You could use the DocumentFormat.OpenXml to make reading a little easier.
Another option is to use EPPlus, which effectively does the same, but saves you a lot of work.

How to copy selected columns from excel file to other excel file using c#

I want to copy a selected column from one excel file and paste that column to other excel file using c#
Use this free library. It's very simple to open and create xslx files! (not "free" but LGPL)

OPEN XML to Export 2007/2010

In my application I already have functionality to export into 2003 format. Where I am constructing a string out of the template and write using System.IO.File.WriteAllText.
But it does not work with excel 2007/2010, that's why I wanted to convert it to Openxml in order to support 2007 and 2010.
I have string ready with creation of cells and rows from template.
I want advice on how to achieve or any body has reference link.
Please let me know.
WriteAllText class will save you a text file. You are saving an html(text) based file with xls extension. This is not a real xls file (that is actually a binary file), but MS Excel recognize and interpret the html format.
An xlsx file is a binary file. You can use OpenXML Office library ( Excel.XlFileFormat.xlOpenXMLWorkbook ) or another .NET Excel library like EasyXLS. Check this sample of code for more details.

Datagridview export to Excel using XML format

I tried Excel 12.0 object library to export datagridview to excel. I don't want open the Excel instead I want to save the file.I don't have Excel installed where I am going to run this application. Is there anyway I can use XML format and save as Excel file? I saw the example using Dataset to XML. But I would like to export the data directly from Datagridview. Please let me know.
Thanks for any ideas..
Have you tried this Excel XML Writer library?

